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Congratulations from the Juvenile Affairs Inspectorate. News agency PRESS*MEN

Happy Juvenile Inspection Day!

May 31, 2013 marks the 78th anniversary of the formation of the juvenile affairs unit in the system of internal affairs bodies. Inspectors of this service perform the most important task of preventing delinquency and crime among adolescents, and also conduct individual preventive work with parents and legal representatives of minors who do not fulfill the responsibilities of raising their children.

There are 6 inspectors working in the juvenile affairs department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Bratsk district, the unit is headed by police lieutenant colonel Selina Natalya Nikolaevna. The management and all personnel of the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Bratsk District congratulates the employees of the juvenile affairs unit of the Bratsk District Police Department on their professional holiday:

A team of colleagues wishes
Live in the world for a whole century,
May life be generous with you,
And I brought you a gift:
Spring winds, sweet dreams,
Love is not a joke, but seriously,
Successes that cannot be counted,
You have everything else!
We wish you happiness, health, success,
Tenderness, affection, joy, laughter!
We wish you and your family to live peacefully,
Go through life with a song, don’t bother!


On the night of May 13-14, 2013 in the city of Vikhorevka, Bratsky district, unknown persons, using firearms, fired repeated shots at the building of the Municipal Administration of the city of Vikhorevka, located on the street. Dzerzhinsky, 103. Persons who have any information about this incident, or who heard shots, are asked to contact the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Bratsk district (location of the city of Vikhorevka), located on the street. Oktyabrskaya, 13, or call: 40-55-41 (duty department), 49-89-56. Anonymity is guaranteed.


The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Bratsk district is looking for a minor Verbitsky Dmitry Andreevich, born 10/09/1995, who on May 22, 2013, at about 15:00, left the OGBUSO “Social - rehabilitation center for minors”, located in the village of Zyaba, Bratsky district, in an unknown direction and to this day its location is unknown.

Special signs:appears to be 16-17 years old, tall - 169 cm, light brown hair, straight, short-cropped, blue eyes, medium build, clear speech, muffled voice;

Was dressed:in a windbreaker gray, black jeans, gray jumper with large horizontal stripes.

Persons who have any information about the whereabouts of the minor Verbitsky D.A. please inform us at Department of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Bratsk district, at the address: Bratsk, st. Komsomolskaya, 65, or by phone: 41-11-56, 41-17-59.

Suspicious packages were seized from a taxi passenger in the Bratsk district

On May 26, 2013, at about 5:20 p.m., employees working through the traffic police in the Bratsk district received operational information from the duty officer of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Bratsk district (location Vikhorevka), that from the city of Bratsk to the city. Vikhorevka is driven by a taxi - a Renault Logan car, the passengers of which have narcotic substances. After receiving this information, officers of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Bratsk region, at 193 km of the Vilyuy highway, stopped this car. In the car there was a driver, born in 1990, as well as passengers - two seventeen-year-old teenagers. The driver and passengers, by traffic police officers in the presence of witnesses, were asked to voluntarily hand over illegally stored items and substances, but all three explained that they had nothing of the kind. As a result of a personal search of the driver and passengers, one of the teenagers had two small packages of white paper wrapped with tape in his pocket. According to the passenger from whom the suspicious packages were seized, it became known that he was transporting a narcotic substance, which he purchased in Bratsk. An investigative team was immediately called to the scene of the incident. The minors were handed over to PDN inspectors. Suspicious packages were seized and an examination was ordered. An investigation into this fact is underway.


Employees of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Bratsk district, together with others departments, in connection with the improvement of activities to decriminalize the forestry industry, since April 2013, they have been carrying out monthly inspection and preventive measures to prevent deforestation of the forest zone, monitoring vehicles in the area tons of illegal logging of forests, violations of cargo transportation rules and towing rules.

During the two months of the operation, traffic police officers prosecuted 96 people under Article 12.21, Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (violation of cargo transportation rules, towing rules), the commission of this offense entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one hundred rubles. 2 people were brought to justice under Art. 7 part 2 ZIO dated December 24, 2010, No. 136-OZ “On administrative responsibility in the area of ​​organizing the activities of wood reception and shipping points in the Irkutsk region”, liability under the article is provided for failure to comply with the requirements of the Regional Law on the availability of documents required for transportation wood, entails a fine: for citizens in the amount of 4 to 5 thousand rubles, for individual entrepreneurs and officials in the amount of 30 to 50 thousand rubles. Inspection and preventive measures to prevent illegal th Deforestation of the forest zone will take place monthly.

OGIBDD OMVD of Russia in Bratsk district

About posting information

Dear Sergei Ivanovich!

In accordance with Art. 10 Federal Law No. 3 “On the Police”, I am sending you an article for posting on the official website of the Administration of the Municipal Municipality “Vyselkovsky District” Congratulations to employees of juvenile affairs units on the day of establishment of the service»!

Appendix: according to the text, 1 sheet. in 1 copy.

Acting Head of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

in Vyselkovsky district

Police Lieutenant Colonel A.Yu. Chernikov

Spanish Mostovaya P.V.

Congratulations to the employees of the juvenile affairs departments on the day of establishment of the service!

May 31, 2017 marks the 82nd anniversary of the establishment of the juvenile affairs service in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Over the years, the names of the unit changed, veterans retired and new employees entered service, but remained unchanged the main objective PDN – providing assistance to teenagers in difficult situations life situation.

Employees of juvenile affairs units have always been distinguished by professionalism, cohesion, dedication and efficiency, patience and concern for the fate of others.

The work of this unit is to identify the causes and conditions that contribute to the antisocial behavior of adolescents, to identify dysfunctional families where the child does not receive proper upbringing and care.

In the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Vyselkovsky district, 8 police officers work in the juvenile affairs department, who take part in preventive raids, visit families at home who find themselves in difficult life situations, help teenagers decide on summer vacations and employment, future profession, conduct preventive conversations with students. The inspectors became family for many teenagers: they helped some with good advice, and stopped others literally on the edge of the abyss. In total, in the Vyselkovsky district there are 22 teenagers and 20 parents registered who have a negative influence on children.

Congratulations to all veterans and department employees on their professional holiday. We wish you success in your service, personal happiness and prosperity to your families, good health to you and your loved ones!

On this holiday The head of the juvenile affairs department, police major Elena Korobka, congratulates the veterans and personnel of the unit:

- “Every day, through the efforts of service employees, vital decisions are made important issues, to protect children's rights, protect their health, and restore them in society. The service employs qualified inspectors who confirm their professionalism with daily and hard work. Thanks to their efforts, lost peaceful and trusting relationships are being restored in many families. I want to wish you good health, family well-being, inexhaustible energy and optimism, success in difficult and noble work.”

Press service of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Vyselkovsky district

Happy Police Day today
At least our service is not sugar,
Never be discouraged.

The title is worthy
According to fate, always carry.
There will be no respite,
Don't ask heaven.

May you always have enough strength
And in the soul the fire burns.
Let your nerves be stronger,
Willpower is like granite.

You are a real policeman
You look quite like a guard,
Girls often look after
You don't even care about them!

You are all at work, in tension,
You have enough patience
So as not to scream and break down,
Always stay calm.

May the Lord protect you
Take care of yourself too
Be healthy, still beautiful,
And definitely happy!

Congratulations to the Russian police officer on his professional holiday! I wish you advancement, development, achievements and great plans for the future. Let work in progress calm and fills life with interesting events, creative solutions and a worthy reward!

The police are the key to honest protection,
I wish you an easy and successful service,
Always let there be only luck in everything,
May your health never fail
Worthy achievements, good everyday life,
And know that people really need you!

We celebrate our holiday today,
We congratulate our employees on Police Day!
Everyone knows that our service is not easy,
You have to be there from morning until late.

There is no free time left at all,
To relax and be with family.
But orders will have to be followed,
And you have to forget about the personal.

We want to wish you from the bottom of our hearts,
So that your loved ones understand you,
Treated you with care and warmth,
And what else was cherished and respected!

I congratulate you on Police Day,
I wish you happiness, health and good luck.
You defend our country,
You will quickly catch any criminal.

I wish you a good and fast career,
Good friends, bright and pure love.
May your wishes come true
Thank you for your service and your efforts!

Serve in the police
Not everyone can do it.
We wish you good health,
This holiday is important.

Let the work bring
Joy, pleasure.
We wish you love - the sea,
Good luck and good luck.

You are a police officer, because
I want to congratulate you on the holiday
And wish you love and prosperity,
May everyone's wishes come true.

Let everything be successful in your work,
The boss definitely respects me.
I wish to catch all the criminals,
So that everything in life is perfect.

Our service is both dangerous and difficult -
Everyone knows this all the time.
But it’s also honorable and necessary
She is for everyone without exception.

After all, without us chaos would begin,
Lawlessness reigned everywhere.
If we didn't cope seriously
And they would not help in trouble.

Let the bosses sometimes shout,
And crime is getting stronger without end.
But you know: there is no reason to be sad -
We will catch every scoundrel.

Be proud of your profession.
You are a brave Russian policeman.
Don’t regret a small salary,
After all, Superman saves the world for free!

Happy Police Day
I want you, colleague.
Your mission is sacred
Don't interrupt your run.

May there always be desire
Stand for people's peace.
I wish you strength, happiness,
It's everyone's business to win.

You are definitely a hero
The policeman is just awesome.
Completely shameless
You take care of us all.

As a law enforcement officer,
We wish you a lot of strength.
If there are problems,
To resolve them immediately.

And I wish I had more health,
To be able to do everything in the world.
Live life as long as possible,
Help people all around.

May 31, 2015 marks the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the juvenile affairs service in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. I would like to wholeheartedly congratulate the entire team on their Professional Holiday and, above all, emphasize the importance and responsibility of your profession. Dealing with troubled teenagers is never easy. This is a busy work schedule, without days off or rest, and constant exposure to negative phenomena. But you are irreplaceable and your work is extremely important to children, families and society.

On this day, we sincerely thank PDN employees for their work, boundless patience and dedication. We wish you success, joy of life, health, respect from colleagues and prosperity in the family!

Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Pavlovsky"

TODAY we met with an honored veteran, head of the juvenile affairs unit (from 1993 to 2000), retired lieutenant colonel A.A. KIRSHANOVA.

— ANNA Alekseevna, tell us about your professional and life path.

— I dreamed of working in the internal affairs bodies since school. Higher legal educational institutions It wasn’t there then, so after graduating from school, I entered the Pavlovsk Technical School. Having defended herself with excellent marks, she entered the All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute, branch in Gorky (VYUZI). After graduating in 1980, she came to work at the Department of Internal Affairs in the juvenile affairs unit. After 3 years, I moved to the investigative department of the police department, where I was involved in solving robberies and thefts. Very often I had to work with repeat offenders. I worked in this service for 10 years and, ironically, in 1993 I again found myself in the PDN, but already in the position of a manager, with ten (???) people subordinate to me. In the first year of my work in the assigned position, our friendly team managed to correct the rather difficult situation with child crime that had developed at that time. At the end of the year and for many years to come, we held leading positions for solving crimes and received Thanksgiving letters not only from the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the city of Gorky, but also from the Moscow department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Working as the head of the PDN made me a purposeful, collected and self-confident person. These qualities helped me not only in the service, but also in life. Now I can say with confidence that this service is like a talent forge. Working with juvenile offenders is much more difficult than working with experienced criminals: children are often more inventive and cunning than adults, and much more restraint and “non-standard” is required from an employee working with juvenile offenders.

thinking, it’s not without reason that they say: “In order to catch a criminal, you need to think like a criminal.”

— What incident during your service, in the then police force, do you remember most?

— In 1987, when I worked in the investigative department, I had a rather interesting criminal case.

In Pavlov there was an art school of Union significance, where people from all republics came to study. Among the huge number of students there was a girl from Riga, who, upon arriving, immediately formed a company of young men and women around her. She became especially close to a fairly well-known representative of creative youth at that time. As it turned out later, they were far from connected love feelings, — young people were engaged in the manufacture of narcotic drugs. They bought poppy bushes from unsuspecting residents at the local market, which they subsequently crushed and cooked the drug (at the end of the case, an investigative experiment was conducted where they showed the entire production process from start to finish). Subsequently, their activities acquired such proportions that they needed the help of six more friends studying at the same university, who began to distribute the deadly potion. All eight criminals were from fairly wealthy and well-known families in the city. No one around them could even think about what the creative youth of the city were doing. For very short term The “drug web” engulfed almost the entire city, but the gang members were never identified.

The investigation into this case lasted six months. Enormous efforts were made to solve this large-scale crime. Fortunately, we received information that led to the identification of drug distributors. By that time, all the participants had already left, some to study, some to the army, and probably had already forgotten about what happened when they were charged: four were given a prison term, three were given a suspended sentence and two were placed in a medical institution. At that time, that same girl from Riga had Small child, and again being in a position, she could not be detained, so she was sent to her homeland, where she nevertheless continued to engage in her activities. Subsequently, her children were taken away from her and they were also placed in a medical institution.

— What qualities, in your opinion, should a PDN employee have?

- First of all, this may be trivial, human - the ability to sympathize and the desire to help. It is important that the inspector does not ignore human misfortune, shows sympathy and helps in every possible way.

Any police officer who has direct contact with people as part of his duty, in addition to legal knowledge, must be able to find mutual language with any person, to be a very good psychologist, and for this, in anyone, even the most malicious and inveterate criminal, it is necessary to see, first of all, a person, and only then an asocial element.

— During your well-deserved rest, you have a lot of free time. What do you fill it with?

— I can say that many people cannot find themselves after retirement. This happened to me too. For a very long time I felt undemanding, “empty” inside myself. My grandchildren helped me cope with this. I began to devote more time to them, as grandmothers should.

— What would you like to wish your colleagues on the eve of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the juvenile affairs service?

— A PDN employee is not just a civil servant who strictly follows the letter of the law, but, above all, a person with a living heart, looking at the very root of problems and the very intertwining of complex human destinies. On this day I would like to wish you good health, for long years life, happiness and strong family– our reliable rear.

Interviewed by Anastasia STERTS.