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Head work. Receiving the information. How to Improve Perception of Productivity with Multiple Background Images

Watch my finger... And what do you see now?" The student came closer to the finger and began to look carefully. "Yes," he said, "finally, I see. The Master's finger is dirty."

What we are pointing to...

This is where we point...

This is what we indicate.

By expanding our perceptual positions we can create transformative vantage points. Sometimes I use the following symbol to represent this process: a dot inside a circle that expands into a ring of circles. The visual image is a moving image, an expanding image, an endless process, just like the wave that is created when a drop of rain falls on the surface of a pond. The symbol of a small circle within a large circle represents the ability of a person to change the position of perception and literally expand.

By adopting a perceptual position that broadens our view of any problem, any issue, or any goal, we increase our ability to respond effectively. This allows us to further construct the next effective estimate and selection point.

Looking through the eyes of a wider perspective

Let's look at some of our perceptual abilities. Thinking in terms of perceptual positions is a valuable resource for developing one's field of awareness. Notice that in this case the first position of perception, looking at the world from our own eyes, which is our in the usual way interaction with the world, is only one of large number opportunities. The second position, creating your own internal "as if" visualizations from the eyes of another person (the other one with you) is another such possibility. We have already begun and can now continue to expand our visual “container of viewpoints,” moving outward to another viewpoint, from which the perception becomes even larger, more encompassing, and more abstract.

Increasing the container of viewpoints suggests that we will eventually be able to adopt a perceptual position that contains all possible perceptual positions. Indeed, the idea of ​​“all of us embracing everything in all possible ways and at all times” gives us the valuable idea of ​​a universal perceptual position. For many people, this is an amazing idea that greatly enriches their access to information. Allow yourself to explore this idea of ​​"embracing everything" first simply as a set of perceptual positions. What does it take to do this? You invite your unconscious mind on a journey of expansion.

With some practice, we can quickly learn to accept different perceptual positions and move easily from one to another. When we learn to move into different perceptual positions, we gain flexibility in developing our creative mind. We can now examine individual aspects of transitions between perceptual positions. For example, we can increase the auditory area by moving toward global or even universal “listening positions.” We can do the same thing kinesthetically, moving towards a global or universal position of "sensing and feeling."

Try exploring this using vision as an example. Suppose you could expand your vision to the planet and then go even further to include the entire solar system, our galaxy and even more. Explore how it will feel in your body. Imagine how you will feel when your body becomes gigantic, when it becomes larger than a hundred thousand suns - so large that it will contain stars like microscopic cells. Such a huge body will have vast space around and between all the cells. What does this sensation feel like? This perception of a giant body is a well-known Tibetan Buddhist practice, a perceptual position for meditation.

Thinking in terms of perceptual positions as a transformation process

To learn how to easily expand perception, let's first try to practice these five positions separately - noticing how each of them organizes our attention. The first three are well known to people who study consciousness. And they can simply be called first, second and third positions.

Let's begin exploring the expansion of perceptual positions by taking the first position, sensing your current view of the world "from the inside." This is familiar territory. At any moment I can look from the inside at another person sitting opposite me at the table. We are all our home when we have to “look out” from our own eyes.

The first position easily extends to the ability to move into the second position: I can jump into the shoes of another in my imagination and imagine how I look at myself from there. Notice how with each developmental study the abilities of our minds expand, how they become deeper and more coherent. You may notice how the second position helps build rapport, especially when you quickly move from one vantage point to another; for example, from your position to mine and vice versa. Having you as a partner in the joint venture, I can envision some space of "dual unity." We both explore and try on each other's perceptual positions. The capacity of the mind expands when we consider the perceptions that are constantly happening within us and those that may arise between us.

Third position of perception

The third perceptual position is often called the camera position, or meta-position. We may assume a camera position in some physical space as we step outside the action, perhaps into a fly-on-the-wall position where we can see everyone assembled. In a meeting, we can imagine that we are sitting on a chandelier and looking down at the group of people below and at ourselves among them. Try it! What does your head look like from above? Can you see the shape of your head and your hairstyle? Stay in this position for some time. This visual gymnastics allows us to liberate our imagination and practice “going meta” (meaning “one step outside”), into a richer realm of visual, auditory and kinesthetic abstraction, to a broader perception of what can be seen, heard and feel.

With practice, you will notice that this third position is multidimensional and multifunctional. You can easily see the whole group and can watch them from different angles. The third position of perception, when adopted in a group, is also interesting for other reasons. The third position allows you to abstract from the broader and deeper values ​​that permeate your visual perception. Can you imagine thinking through the "mind" of an entire group? From this idea comes a fundamental understanding of what happens when we generalize. Can we accept the position of the General? I think that practicing the third position will quickly increase your ability to take an effective coaching position with a group. You will notice that this is the purpose of perception, which can give us a lot creative ideas when exploring the direction of the group and its goals.

Fourth position of perception

This position leads us to a useful category that includes "view over time." This is easily achieved when working with time lines and spatial markers in the "ritual space" exercises, which require about six square meters space on the floor. Once you have defined and "set" a frame for the "whole", you can explore any part within that frame.

Through ritual space exercises we can learn to quickly expand our perceptual position. For example, we can form a coach's position and from there observe our life on a timeline. By using the perception of the timeline in front of us, we can ask our unconscious mind to consider and integrate the perception of multiple events from the past, present and future. After this, we can ask our unconscious mind to add our creativity, taking it from different life events, and then strengthen it. In this way we can make available to our unconscious mind multiple directions and multiple choices. This new pattern of "review" can be used to make our creative development in any area more holistic - both end-to-end and across time.

We can learn to use the tools of the fourth position - time lines and state lines - to develop the ability to take actions aimed at achieving goals. I call the following exercise the "line coach position" development technique. We can use the position of a line coach to integrate the experience of observing the whole of life with the ability to effectively organize our specific actions. Our goal may be to create appropriate concrete actions now. We can use the fourth position to develop the awareness of seeing, seeing, and acting immediately, all at the same time. This is a very important and useful ability because it gives us advanced capabilities of all kinds. With visualization like this, we use our brain and our mind in a completely different way. Each of these levels is a connecting, integrative system of ordering and can give higher order to thinking about setting goals and ranking them.

Fifth position of perception

The fifth order of ideas about perceptual positions is the idea I mentioned earlier: "the embrace of everything by all of us in all possible ways and at all times." This is a very exciting job and it requires some effort. Here we develop a new "muscle" in our brain - the simultaneous ability to both expand analogies and expand abstractions. In doing so, we use all the inferential structures at our disposal, and we need to learn to use them all together. When we play the piano with both hands, beautiful music arises.

Remember - perception does not mean just visual perception. It also includes the auditory canal and kinesthetics. Just ask your unconscious to connect these channels.

Exercise "Expanding attention and developing creativity"

Developing expanded attention gives us multiple observation positions that enhance our creativity. All of this is enhanced even more when we direct our gesture of perception, our “point” of focus, to become a “value repository” for broader understanding and deeper wisdom. We ask our unconscious to expand the frame to include more elements and to increase the level of abstraction to include more values ​​and choices. We increase both the scale of the frame and the level of abstraction at the same time.

Can you imagine that in a container of observation points that you hold in your hands, the most wise and creative moments and ideas in the lives of all people are highlighted and collected together? Your unconscious mind can easily imagine such a possibility. For example, on a scale of one to ten, ask your unconscious mind to give you a number that determines your current ability to “hold certain important values ​​and ideas in consciousness.” Then ask your unconscious to increase this number by one each time so that you can consider and explore possibilities for integration. Using the scale you can easily enhance this ability.

You can also create your own abstract symbolic representation to represent this process. Then this symbol will become your anchor for using this approach, in a way that makes it even more deep work imagination.

The higher the level of abstraction, the greater the leverage. We easily access the underlying meaning of such symbolic "conscious abstractions" because we naturally readily accept the idea of ​​expansion in itself. Abstraction is the home of the unconscious, and it allows one to add "many more than seven" components to the developing dream. Let's look at some of the implications of this.

Firstly, from the very early childhood We are familiar with the meaning of counting and scales. Small child who is learning to count to one hundred, stops at the number 101 and thinks when he sees that the numbers continue further to infinity. Numerical infinity easily becomes a model for the endless expansion of perception and easily leads the child to the very idea of ​​abstraction. Later in life, this idea of ​​abstraction becomes the central idea of ​​our thinking. We do this despite the fact that we rarely consider the realm of the abstract as a singular quality, as a pure idea in itself. With the idea of ​​expanding perception as it applies to other people's values, experiences, and knowledge, we can begin to expand endlessly beyond ourselves. We can do this both from our perceptual position and without it, from our “frame of understanding.” Start training from the second position. When we act as if we can see the world through the other's eyes, and think about their inner feelings and comments, we may be able to truly help each other from within the action, even if it is only metaphorically. Now compare this ability with the ability of an ever-expanding frame and shifting positions, and you can develop through such explorations. In this way, we can gradually, step by step, learn to perceive something integratively and separately at the same time.

Developing team thinking

When individuals think about a team or a group, their ability to think in terms of the whole begins to develop. Sometimes people think this way about a nation. Now, on the threshold of the 21st century, everything large quantity people think about problems as if they were thinking on behalf of the entire planet and all its inhabitants.

By using perceptual shifts, we can become a more effective coach for the group. With the idea of ​​perceptual expansion applied to the values, experiences and knowledge of others, we can begin to expand endlessly beyond our own limits. We can do this both from our perceptual position and without it, from our “frame of understanding.” Start training from the second position. When we act as if we can see the world through the other's eyes, and think about their inner feelings and comments, we may be able to truly help each other from within the action, even if it is only metaphorically. Now compare this ability with the ability of an ever-expanding frame and shifting positions, and you can develop through such explorations. In this way, we can gradually, step by step, learn to perceive something integratively and separately at the same time.

When people get used to looking very carefully from the first position and at the same time learn to think creatively on behalf of the whole, their development is unusually enriched. On the other hand, people who are accustomed to accepting the perceptual position of others and excluding themselves will greatly benefit from learning to expand the ability to take on their own position; here the fourth position is used to determine your goals and values. This includes finding useful steps for your own creative development and expanding the internal skills needed to carry out their own projects.

I have found that developing the ability to be in different perceptual positions quickly increases the flexibility of the mind in all areas - and, in particular, the ability of cognitive abstract mapping. This is the key ability that connects the emotional and mental functions of our brain. If people fail to develop these abilities early in life, they often become stuck and stop developing later.

It takes about three weeks of daily practice to develop a new habit. Practice this skill different ways at least three different types situations; To do this, you can post notes reminding yourself on mirrors, doors, or other places around your home or work. Practice this skill every day for three weeks. Try practicing in slightly stressful situations, such as important business meetings or family gatherings - so that your ability to use this skill in different contexts gradually expands. You will quickly find that your mental flexibility has greatly increased.

Exercise to expand the "field of view"

This is an exercise in combining peripheral and focused vision into one field of consciousness. It can be done with both peripheral vision and peripheral sounds.

For a moment, wherever you are right now, expand your peripheral vision to both sides beyond your normal 180-degree field of vision. Try to expand your visual receiver to the point where it maintains 190-200 degrees of view. You can practice this by stretching your arms out to the sides and moving your fingers until you can barely see them, while keeping your focused vision on something in front of you. Now that your visual perception has expanded to both sides, try expanding your vision outward in all directions to take in the entire room while keeping your focused vision in front of you. Continue to expand your visual field outward in circles. Imagine how your peripheral vision expands beyond the boundaries of the visible space available to you, into streets, buildings, gardens, etc. Allow the container of your imagination to continue to expand. Go even further - ten kilometers in all directions, twenty, fifty, a hundred... Continue to expand your field of view receiver until it covers the entire Earth, the entire planetary system, the galaxy... Pay attention to the “sense of space” that arises in you.

Perceptual position and awareness of unity

Our ability to explore perceptual positions leads to the ability to realize unity. It gives us the strength to really consider the ability to develop the next level of our human "being". We can make alive everything for which we have discernments.

Exploring the world through shifts in perceptual position allows us to direct our assessments toward “truth,” self-consistency, and “deep beliefs,” while simultaneously expanding and developing our perceptions toward wholeness. This allows us to effectively evaluate and simultaneously integrate the richness of what we perceive “at another level of abstraction.” Our conscious mind can "set the frame of attention" and can "think about its representation", while the unconscious mind simply does it.

If we can shift positions of perception, then we can appreciate our growing ability to express the wholeness of the moment. Through the conscious use of attention, we can make metaphorical connections to a larger sense of our overall wholeness. And, as we gain practical experience, we gradually begin to feel very deeply who we are. The unconscious understands abstractions very well. In order for the Universe to exist, observers are needed.

Thinking in terms of the whole: perceptual position and memory

So, the assumption when working with the third, fourth and fifth positions of perception requires careful practical work and research. This proposal concerns the integration of the idea of ​​multiple perceptual positions with the idea of ​​the development of “multiple tenses.” Within the assumption that we can take a perceptual position of the "whole" is the idea that we can also have access to the memory of the "whole." After all, examining a single moment in time from a timeless perspective suggests (merely by abstract analogy) that we can accept the existence of a position where we have access to the entire memory of “all times.” Allow yourself to occupy this idea-space for a moment. Remember, perception does not mean just visual perception. It includes auditory and kinesthetic awareness, as well as the perception of development and evolution. Our brain is multifaceted. It is very useful to perceive the structure of ideas from different angles. Ask your unconscious to simply turn it on.

People are often surprised that it is so easy for the unconscious to accept the idea of ​​being connected to myriads of memories. Thus, using the "as if you could" idea magnification powers, it connects us through our questions to the vast mind system that is ours. natural environment. Through the door of our consciousness we can further expand our classification abilities to a variety of abstract systems, from mathematics to music; I like to call it the "library of life." Suppose we can create a unified field of awareness and, with practice, do this on an unconscious level. As before, consciousness must only establish a framework where we ask our unconscious to expand and become our receiver.

Expansion of consciousness of this kind has already been used in spiritual practices for many centuries. This is the kind of meditation that can become a habit. It has been used by many generations of mystics and can now serve as an important addition to our imaginative powers.

I believe that this practice of expansion also gives us a way to strengthen our "abstract mind" and the developmental system of the human mind. Can you begin to see yourself as an Internet of Mind designer? Can you develop the ability to accept multiple perceptual positions as a foundation for understanding who you are? This habit, like all habits, from driving a car to buttoning a shirt, requires only three weeks of daily practice to become your normal ability. Then we can combine the abilities of leadership and the wisdom that accompanies such a position of observation. Then we can also ask the question, “How can I relive this experience?” Namely: “Where and when can I apply this in my life?” What if all those systems for which we have now created distinctions could begin to live... right now?

All phenomena are illusions. Our task as humanity is to explore and understand how to recognize and work with the cards in the "expanded system of illusions." In order to do this, we must first come to compassion and the ability to move beyond personal suffering. This leads us to actively discover how we create minds as something greater than our individual concept of who we are. When we connect our creativity with intelligence, the choices available to us expand and wisdom comes to us. The wisdom of the whole is the awareness of what we can do alive...if we practice.

When the disciples asked the Buddha, “Who are you?”, he simply replied, “I am awakened.” Can we learn this simple tool to help ourselves awaken to our greater Self?

We often ask ourselves: how not to miss something important while quickly moving “from point A to point B”?

By focusing on our goals, we focus on one point and become hostage to tunnel vision. We don’t see, we don’t hear, we don’t feel, we don’t understand, we don’t realize. We don't live.

Have you tried to further develop your ability to obtain information? Master not only speed reading, but also “speed vision”, “speed hearing”, “speed reading”? Then even that's enough short contact to experience the environment.
Still from the film “Lyyusi”, source Kinopoisk.ru

In such a situation, many decide to slow down in order to “take off their blinders.” The surrounding space begins to “move” more slowly, we have the opportunity to see, hear, understand, and realize.

However, choosing to slow down is not the only way to experience life. There is a way to learn to move quickly and still get the same amount of sensation as at low speed.

Speed ​​reading led me to the idea that the speed of perception can be increased. By developing this skill, you can see and understand much more in a unit of time than usual. You read the same text, the same time, but you absorb much more. It seems that time is slowing down, but in fact, the speed of entering information into my biological computer has sharply increased.

I have long been convinced that in our information world we need to learn how to manage information. The faster we can work with it, the higher our efficiency.

Important for me:

  • Entering information (speed reading).
  • Information processing (memorization techniques).
  • Output of information (touch typing and scribing).

What happens if you develop your “information input” abilities more strongly? Master not only speed reading, but also “speed vision”, “speed hearing”, “speed reading”? Then even a short contact is enough to feel the environment.

Essentially, you need to learn to quickly pay attention to objects, words, events and remember them. Of course, from the outside this may seem like a very superficial contact. Someone looking at me might say: “How can you feel something in such a short time?!” This is superstition!” Yes, superficiality - if you approach it with ordinary skills.

For example, remember your first driving experience. In the first days behind the wheel, we don’t even understand how we can simultaneously see signs, markings, pedestrians, other cars, traffic lights, sensors dashboards. And all this at a speed of only forty kilometers per hour. However, after some time, we no longer realize that even at a speed of “under 90” we easily notice everything that once remained outside our attention.

If you don't drive, try listening to audiobooks to experience the change in speed of perception. The brain quickly adapts to any reading pace, we just never gave it such a task.

Do a simple test. Most audiobook players have a fast-listening feature. You can choose speed 1.2 or 1.5 or 2. At first it seems that the reader is speaking too fast. Then you don't even notice that you're listening to fast-forward playback, as your brain adapts to the reader speaking at that pace. In the same way, you can improve your speed perception skills for other senses.

You can live without slowing down. Or speed up without limiting your sensations. You don't have to double the speed. Even if you increase your speed by 20-25 percent, this will already give you a serious head start.
Photo source: Pixabay

Game "Name It"

Sometimes we do not fix certain objects in memory because we cannot quickly name them. We always use “those things”, “some nonsense”, “those things” in our speech. It is worth learning to instantly describe objects in order to record them in memory.

This will help simple game, which we played on long trips when we needed to have fun without the Internet and gadgets. In this game you, alone or in turns, name objects in your field of vision. Describe using the “adjective + noun” rule.

For example, now I see: an ergonomic keyboard, an LCD monitor, electronic document, wired mouse, wooden table, flat wall, hanging shelf, mobile camera, black keys, green LEDs, own hands, trimmed nails...

At first it’s easy to name objects, then you have to look closely at the details, pay attention to non-obvious signs, use unusual epithets, finding them in your memory. The more often you play such a game, the faster you create a detailed picture in your head.

Game "Count It"

Another exercise that develops the same skill, only at the number level. You need to glance to the side and quickly name the number of objects: lamps on the ceiling, spokes in a car wheel, windows on the wall of a house, women on the other side of the street, red cars in the parking lot. The more often you do this, the better.

Two-channel (multi-channel) thinking

Sometimes we fail to pay attention to several objects at once because we use one channel of thinking. “Are there other channels of thinking?” you ask.

Yes, we have them, and you use them, albeit unconsciously. Cooking and talking to your child? Are you walking down the street, talking on the phone, and wondering where to turn? Do you dance and sing along at the same time? This means that you are using at least two thought channels.

Now it remains to improve this skill in order to move from “reading by syllables” to normal human reading. How it's done? Very simple. Take two books and start reading one paragraph at a time from both books. The task is to keep in consciousness storyline each of them. It turns out? Take the third, fourth book.

For example, during the day I read three books at once: different business books in the morning and lunch, and fiction in the evening.

Viewing angle

We have a very limited viewing angle - we can only focus on small area. The rest is completed by the brain “as it turns out.” Of course, we cannot remember what we did not pay attention to. We only notice objects/things/people, etc. that come into our focus. It turns out to be a vicious circle.

Another speed reading exercise will help you get out of it - a visual expander. It is as follows: you look at the center of the line in the book, trying to clearly see the maximum number of letters and words. At first you only see a couple of words, but every day your viewing angle expands, you begin to see more. Eventually you get to the point where you see the entire line, then two lines, then a paragraph, and then the entire page.

This is how speed reading turns into photo reading (I haven’t gotten to that level yet).

The same can be done with the vision of the surrounding space. Find Schulte tables and exercises for developing peripheral vision. Take every opportunity to improve this skill.

Are you waiting for someone or something? Don't waste time: look at one point and describe in words what you see around it. Say words to commit them to memory. The more often you do this, the faster you will learn to perceive and understand the holistic picture of the surrounding space. The more likely you will be to notice something interesting and entertaining that is worthy of your attention.

Divided attention

We are accustomed to “sorting through” the objects on which we focus our attention. Keep focus on multiple objects? They say it's impossible. Our brain can only think about one thing (although two- or more-channel thinking) suggests the opposite.

Well, if you can’t keep your attention on several objects, then why not combine these several objects into one? Should I watch different fish in the aquarium one at a time or watch the whole aquarium at once? The question is what will you consider the object, and how wide of a viewing angle do you have.

To check the level of distributed attention and then improve it, try the Train of Thought game in the Lumosity application (there is a web resource). It requires you to simultaneously concentrate on several trains. different color, which need to be brought to the appropriate depot. It trains very well the ability to keep attention on several objects at once. Try it, I recommend it!

Another problem is the constant displacement of events by others. Before we have time to pay attention to one thing, we are immediately distracted by another stimulus. We fail to remember because we do not have time to switch the focus of attention from the “wide-angle view.”

The following selection of activities allows you to learn to focus on what is important to you.

Video recording

For the first exercise, you only need a phone camera. We usually use it to demonstrate a special event to someone else. It's time to demonstrate your life to yourself.

Write down everything that catches your attention. You don’t need to try to shoot beautifully, you should capture moments in a series of everyday life. Challenge yourself to make at least one video every day. And your brain will begin to think more actively: what to pay attention to.

If you regularly shoot such videos, you will be surprised how many interesting things surround you. Moreover, it will be much easier for you to recreate in your memory small events that decorate everyday life.

I post my one-second videos on Youtube And

Moments of joy

Another app that helps make memories stick is LifeCharge. This is a more advanced solution than filming video every day. You need to not only record what you see, but also use your abilities by describing what happened.

What's the point? In the application, you can put pluses - events that charge you with good emotions. If you set yourself up to fill out the application every day, then, willy-nilly, your consciousness begins to work to look for them in your daily routine or in a state of an emergency project.

Regular use of the application fosters the habit of asking yourself the question first thing in the morning: “What good will happen today?”

Decide to fill out the marks within a week without interruption. Then a month, a year. This way you will tell yourself how much good is happening around you, how easy it is to notice it, even in an emergency, even in routine.

I don't re-read these entries. But the very fact that I made an effort to record the event cements it in my memory much more strongly than if I had not done so.


Perhaps you think that an oral description or recording of events in video or audio format will be unnecessary. You think that unnecessary words will only interfere with real emotions. What to feel is not something to describe. Okay, then the exercise for you to develop a three-dimensional sensation is meditation.

I don’t have sufficient skills to talk about this process, because meditation appeared in my life only this year. But this was enough for me to include them in my mandatory morning daily ritual.

What am I doing? For ten minutes I concentrate on my feelings “here and now.” I try to drive away all thoughts, plans, memories. There is no past or future, only the present.

The longer I practice this, the easier it is for me to immerse myself in the feeling throughout the day. current moment, to realize what is happening to my body in space, how consciousness reacts to what is happening.

A “high-speed gearbox” is formed in me, allowing me to switch from outside world to inner sensations. I don't slow down: this can be done in a few seconds, in any emptiness of the day.

There is another nice bonus to the meditation skill. You can learn to fall asleep during the day, like Stirlitz - for ten to fifteen minutes. If you find a place and opportunity, take a nap, even while sitting. This is worth practicing, because after such a quick “blackout” you get the feeling that you slept for a normal hour and a half.


At the end of the day or the end of the week, we are too exhausted to go through our day again. Sometimes a day or an entire week is so disgusting that you simply don’t want to live through it again. But it would be necessary. Because reflection helps you record the sensations you have experienced. How to carry it out so that it doesn’t take up a lot of time?

Prepare a list of questions you need to answer.

For example, on Sunday morning in twenty to thirty minutes I answer my list of questions:

  • How are you? What mistakes did I make and what important things did I learn from them?
  • What have I done for my health?
  • What have I learned or mastered?
  • How much time did I spend with my family and friends?
  • What do I want to remember forever?
  • What is your time wasted on? Where did you slow down?
  • What do I have that is holding me back?
  • What am I afraid of? What important thing am I avoiding?
  • Which of the deferred items should be put into the plan?
  • What personal conflict needs to be resolved?
  • Who should I help? Who can help me?
  • What skill can help me? What new things should I learn?
  • What am I looking forward to?

At the end of the day, you can ask yourself: “What happened to me today? What important did I do? Ask and write it down in Evernote or speak into a voice recorder.

When there are ready-made questions, answering them does not require much time, and important points days and weeks are recorded.


The vast majority of people I meet have no plans for the day. They don't prepare themselves to get things done. Therefore, they have to constantly think about what needs to be done now. It is not surprising that in the end nothing remains in memory except the results of completed tasks, because ordinary person there is no two-channel thinking, and its focus of attention is focused on only one object.

Planning helps me eliminate the need to think about tasks throughout the day because I have thought about them in advance. Moreover, planning is decision that I will start some business at some time. So I don't have to waste time trying to force myself to start doing something.

Freed up mindfulness resources can be used to focus on pleasant events.

These are not all the exercises that I practice to develop speed perception abilities. There is no need to talk about everything, because you won’t be able to do even these ten exercises right away. First, try to regularly perform at least two or three to feel how quickly you can “read” the surrounding space and internal states.

How to Strengthen Perception

1. Switch the Perception of the physical body from the technogenic world to natural energies. This will allow you to disassociate Perception with personality.

2. Develop emotional sphere, increasing its high-frequency component due to creativity. Write poetry, draw, dance, sing, etc.

3. Master the energies orderliness. Get yourself and all your affairs in order.

4. Tune in to the Divine Forces. This attunement will ensure an influx of energy and positive changes.

5. Get things done in the mood to create, dedicating them to God.

6. Dissolve your egoism in a stream of golden Divine transformative light.

7. More ask questions about development. Questions will increase and strengthen the Divine-perception-awareness-physical body channel, which promotes manifestation visions.

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Head work. Speed ​​of receiving and processing information

Another wonderful property, which can be attributed to the head area - this is ability to perceive information. And not every person pays attention to how and with what quality he perceives this information, and this also plays a significant role in general work body.

IN modern world the amount of information is constantly increasing. If, for example, we bring a person from the 18th century into our time, then most likely he will not last long. He simply cannot cope with the huge information flow pouring in from all sides. He just nothing processing such a quantity was not formed; in those days it was not necessary.

What's going on with you and me? Behind last years, information flows have increased several times, and this value is not going to stop, but on the contrary, there is more and more information.

Remember the sixties. When you watch films of that time, it seems that people are so naive and events are so slow. One of the reasons is that people did not have as much information, and life in those days was more measured and calm.

And since we started talking about age, one of the reasons a person falls out of real life, is his inability increase the speed of information perception. If you do not pay attention to this issue, then gradually, it becomes more and more difficult to perceive new information. Before you have time to figure one out, you need to urgently deal with other issues. These unmastered questions keep growing, and there is simply nothing to process them; this skill has simply degraded.

Pay attention to older people. It’s so difficult to explain something new to them, and when it comes to mastering new technology, it’s really difficult. And all this did not form out of nowhere.

We definitely need to address the issue speed of information perception. If you don’t do this, then automatically this speed will tend to zero, and here are all the age-related changes.

Today, in school we are taught how to learn to read. Explain letters, syllables, sentences, and so on. But no one explains how read faster. Quite the contrary, they force you to do it slowly, reading every word.

Naturally, when the initial process of developing reading skills is underway, this is how it should be. This must be done slowly, without rushing, with placement. But then why read slowly? The skill has been acquired, we need to develop it further. But no one is doing this. But in vain.

Once again, the number of years required to obtain secondary education has been increased. Now, our children will study for twelve years, instead of ten. And why? Simply, the amount of information you should know modern man ten years no longer fits. And even these twelve years, our children plow through seven lessons, barely having time to do everything.

But doesn’t this suggest a logical conclusion? If we can't place quantity, which means we need to change quality. We simply need to teach our children how to control their reading speed. If it is increased at least five times, then significantly less time will be spent on mastering the material, and, accordingly, the number of years of study will decrease.

The same goes for an adult. Nowadays, it has become vital to process huge amounts of information. And first of all, by my profession. Something new constantly appears, not always the right thing, but in order to draw a conclusion, you need to familiarize yourself with this information, at least. How can you do this if the speed of perception is traditional?

This, by the way, is one of the reasons why they vegetate a large number of talented authors and inventors. The people on whom decisions depend simply do not have time for them. There is no time to read, understand, understand. So great ideas and works are stored in archives of hard drives and desk drawers.

How to increase the speed of information perception?

But how can we change this very way of perceiving information?

For a long time there have been the most different techniques to increase reading speed and thinking speed. I myself, about fifteen years ago, took one such course and was very pleased, and I still use the skills acquired at this school.

Please understand correctly, this is not an advertisement for Oleg Andreev’s school; there are many others. But, it is in this place that it is proposed A complex approach , i.e., what we are talking about on this site. And all training does not come down to simply accelerating your reading speed; first of all, you will understand how you can perceive information differently, faster and with better quality. And, secondly, you will understand how the state of your body affects the speed of perception.

By the way, one interesting detail. When I went through my initial training myself, it was so strange to interact with the people around me. They seemed to speak so slowly, think so slowly. And this is all due to the fact that my speed of perception of information has simply increased.

I’ll answer the traditional question right away. This is asked by many people to whom you voice this information. But what about reading classics and poetry? Is it possible to do it quickly?

Not at all necessary. You can easily adjust your reading speed. When necessary, you can read slowly, thoughtfully, and when necessary, you can speed up. So, everything is in your hands.

For those who would like to go to practical classes on the development of head function, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with. The exercise is simple, understandable and quite effective.

And, in conclusion, let's summarize results on the age issue.

If you do a great job vision, hearing if you learn quickly and perceive new information qualitatively, then the word age will have its own meaning for you true meaningtime of maturity, wisdom. And not a time of decrepitude and weakness. But for this you need to work a little.