home · Other · Make a beautiful piggy bank from a glass jar. How to make a piggy bank with your own hands at home from paper, a jar or a box. How to make a piggy bank from cardboard

Make a beautiful piggy bank from a glass jar. How to make a piggy bank with your own hands at home from paper, a jar or a box. How to make a piggy bank from cardboard

Many in childhood had a piggy bank in the shape of some animal, most often a pig. It was customary to throw coins of different denominations into it and dream that after filling the fragile body, the wealth would be used to fulfill the very cherished desire. The abundance of materials in stores for all kinds of crafts makes it possible to make such a necessary household item as a piggy bank with your own hands.

Cardboard paper chest

The product can also be used not for its intended purpose - to serve as an interior decoration, but to play the role of a box.

  • an unnecessary box of a suitable size;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • cardboard;
  • acrylic based paints – blue and gold;
  • brush;
  • napkins;
  • fasteners for connecting the cover to the base;
  • paper base or fabric.

Manufacturing stages:

The base of the bottom and walls of the future chest will be the box, but you need to make the lid yourself from cardboard, making a hole for the money.

Attach fasteners to secure the lid to the box and cover the chest with paper, fabric or wallpaper.

Decorate with napkins and glue, and do not smooth them out, but deliberately create unevenness and roughness. When dry, paint with blue paint.

Cut strips from the remaining cardboard, paint them with gold paint and decorate the chest as shown in the photo, attaching it with glue.

It is not forbidden to make a lock and attach handles.

Now it’s clear how to make a piggy bank out of paper. Any decor can be used and is limited by the imagination of the master.

It is better to cover the wedding box with white fabric, mask the joints with openwork white tape and glue a thin ribbon of a color matching the color of the celebration over the entire surface.

Ribbon flowers are used as decoration.

Piggy bank from a jar

A DIY piggy bank from a jar does not require any special skills or abilities. A glass quarter can be found in every home, just like metal cover for rolling, so that there is no temptation to stick your hand into the neck and take out the treasured bill.

For production you will need:

  • the bank itself;
  • metal cover;
  • thick paper or cardboard;
  • scotch;
  • napkins;
  • dye;
  • string;
  • stapler;
  • glue.

Manufacturing stages:

How to make a piggy bank with your own hands? Roll up the jar with a seaming machine and make a slot in the lid for coins and bills.

Make a frame out of cardboard, securing it with a stapler and tape if necessary.

Crumple the napkins and stick them on the container in several layers.

Wait for the structure to dry and paint.

Decorate the lid with string, gluing it with glue.

Don't forget to leave the slot free.

That's it, we managed to make a beautiful stylish thing easily and simply.

If desired, decorate with marine-themed accessories - shells, pebbles, glass elements, acorn caps, foliage, twigs, etc.

It is not forbidden to simply cover it with newspapers or hand-knitted napkins.

Piggy bank for storing money from a plastic bottle

How to make a piggy bank from a water container? It's simple.

You will need:

  • bottle and 4 caps;
  • spray paint of any color. When planning to make a pig, use pink;
  • toy eyes;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • cardboard.

Manufacturing stages:

Shorten the bottle so that the pig is not long, but plump.

Cut out the middle part of the container and place the two halves on top of each other.

Paint the future piggy bank, wait until it dries and attach the eyes.

Cut out the ears from the remaining plastic or cardboard and glue them, not forgetting to paint them too.

Do the same with the ponytail, first twisting it and sharply drawing the edge of the scissors.

On the lid that screws on the “nose”, draw two stripes with a marker - these are the nostrils.

Make a slot in the back for money.

Paint four bottle caps and glue them to the body like legs.

That's it, the piggy bank is ready! It's easy to make a bigger pig out of five liter bottle, and the legs are made not from the lids, but from the top part of one and a half liter containers.

For those who know how to knit, it’s easy to make a cover for a bottle or jar in the shape of any animal and, after dressing it, decorate it accordingly.

No restrictions on use plastic container from under any medicine and vitamins.

Paint with plain paint and apply superhero decor or the logo of your favorite TV series or cartoon character.

Some use their own photographs, the decoupage technique described above, etc.

Knowing how to make a birdhouse for birds, it is easy to build a piggy bank house by covering it with paper, painting it with paints and decorating it with flowers.

Another simple and unpretentious option can actually be implemented with a child. Take any soft toy, rip along the seam on the back. Remove the filler without touching the paws and head, and insert some kind of rigid frame inside, for example, a toilet paper roll.

Carefully sew it up, leaving a slot for money and use it for its intended purpose, assembling the baby for a new bike and other desires.

Everything is in the hands of the master, let alone ideas for such original crafts weight!

Leaving funds for a rainy day is good habit. Everyone needs a little money sooner or later Money. It is convenient to use a piggy bank to accumulate funds. There is no need to buy it, because such a thing can be made with your own hands from scrap materials.

How to make a piggy bank from a tin can

Take a used one tin can(for example, from coffee or baby formula). Cut a hole for coins in top cover. Decorate your piggy bank by covering it with colored paper or bright stickers.

How to make a piggy bank from a plastic bottle

Cut off the front and back of the plastic bottle. You won't need the middle; you can throw it away. Bottom part put it on the top one and secure it with tape. Spray paint the bottle the color you like. Wait for the bottle to dry. Using a knife, carefully make a hole at the top. You can turn a bottle into a funny pig by gluing toy eyes to the base of the bottle. From plastic caps glue the legs, and the ears can be made from cardboard.

How to make a piggy bank from a cardboard box

The simplest option for making a piggy bank. Find a small cardboard box. Cover it with colored fabric. Make a neat hole on top for small items.

How to make a piggy bank from a glass jar

Roll up the lid on a jar of any capacity. Cut a hole in the lid for change and bills. Decorate as desired. You can glue funny inscriptions, wrap them in fabric or cover them with bright ribbons. Attach paper butterflies or bright bows.

How to make a piggy bank from matchboxes

To create such a piggy bank you need a large number of empty matchboxes. They need to be glued to each other in several tiers. You will get a retractable piggy bank for small change. Changes of various denominations can be placed in different boxes. The owner of such a piggy bank must be a person with iron willpower, since it is not difficult to take out change from there.

Using the simplest items you can make a convenient piggy bank. Now the accumulated funds will be with you, and you can use your money at any moment. Save longer and more!

Everyone knows that money is like water, today it is there, but tomorrow it is gone, that is, you also need to be able to save your money. Therefore, many people try to save at least a little in order to buy something planned or just to have funds for the future. The most common means of small savings that immediately comes to mind is the piggy bank. A piggy bank made with your own hands will become much more valuable and closer to your heart.

In childhood, every person probably had such a treasured jar or figurine with a slot in which we put our savings, and then fingered it with trepidation to hear the jingle of money, dreaming of spending it on making our cherished wishes come true. Today we’ll talk about how piggy banks can still be useful, consider common manufacturing ideas, and also, with the help of a master class, we’ll learn how to make a piggy bank with your own hands.

How else can a piggy bank be useful?

A piggy bank is primarily a place for storing funds, but in addition to its main purpose, it can become a wonderful gift for a birthday or any other holiday. Making your own money box can be a way to bring a parent and child closer together during the process of making it. This is also an excellent gift for a wedding, which will come in handy directly at the celebration: guests will put their monetary gifts in it.

Main plus handmade- this is that you can make a piggy bank the way you want, from improvised or specially purchased means, large or small, bright or inconspicuous, fragile or durable, etc.

When making a piggy bank with your own hands, it is important to remember the main points:

  • entrails;
  • external design;
  • the level of difficulty of subsequent extraction of money from it.

Before you begin the main process, you need to think through all the above factors yourself, design, prepare necessary materials and tools, and also learn how you can turn your idea into a real, useful item. Most simple options is a piggy bank made with your own hands from bottles, cans, cardboard and a plastic ball. All this can be transformed beyond recognition.

Common piggy bank ideas

How to make a piggy bank with your own hands? Today there are a lot interesting offers various levels of difficulty. Let's look at the most popular of them.

For those who don’t have time for creativity, you can use the so-called express option: roll up any bottle of your choice with a machine or close it with a plastic cap with a slot, depending on the long-term goals of yours.

It will, of course, look more aesthetically pleasing plastic bottle. This option can easily be called the most popular, since the manufacturing means are very affordable and the process itself is simple. There is a whole field for imagination here, both in the process itself and in subsequent decoration.

The birdhouse piggy bank will also become very original version storage, and very durable. By using wooden materials can be easily created a real masterpiece art, coloring it to match the interior of the room, adding any decorations at your discretion.

For those for whom the moment of extracting money with noise and fragments is important, we can offer a piggy bank made of plaster. This option cannot be called quite simple, since it will require some skill.

Master class on making a piggy bank from a jar

To make a piggy bank in the form of a bag of gold, you will need the following materials:

  • 0.5 liter jar, preferably of a non-standard shape;
  • lightning;
  • "gold" coins;
  • a piece of fabric;
  • paper napkins;
  • glue;
  • spray can with gold paint.

We take the jar and turn it upside down on the table, after which we smear it with PVA glue. Without allowing the glue to dry, cover the surface more than half with a napkin. It shouldn't be exactly like that. Using superglue, glue the unzipped zipper horizontally, or with a slant to the side. Using the same product, we glue gold-colored coins, but in such a way that it gives the impression that they are spilling out of the jar. After everything has dried well, wrap the jar in a cloth, having previously greased it a little more, except for the zipper with coins, with PVA glue. We process the lid in the same way, but not forgetting about the edges, which must be clean so that the lid can then be twisted/unscrewed freely.

If you think that the main content of the question is actually the accumulation of money, you are deeply mistaken! Experts say that a piggy bank is needed to attract positive energy and visualize desires. It is for this reason that it is recommended to create “target” piggy banks with your own hands - this box, for example, can be used as a container for the desire to buy a new camera, this one, with a picture of a beautiful car - as an accumulator of funds for purchasing a new four-wheeled friend for the whole family, and this a jar, more simply - so that the children could collect their own pocket money for a new outdoor swimming pool. In general, if you are thinking about it, think immediately with a specific goal and a completely distinguishable, obvious picture. Are you dreaming of a home? Picture it in your head. Want to new furniture? Print a specific picture from the Internet. Think it's time to buy a couple new ones? kitchen gadgets for personal use? Decide on specific models. And at the same time, watch a few master classes - what if one of them becomes the starting point for realizing your dream?

How to make a piggy bank with your own hands - 5 interesting projects:

1. Piggy bank house made from popsicle sticks

Mega beautiful project! Such a homemade piggy bank may well serve as the foundation for building the new home your family dreams of. The main thing is to find time and collect the piggy bank all together, with the participation of all family members, and then your dream home will appear much faster than you think now.

2. DIY textile piggy bank

Felt plus a durable cardboard base equals a wonderful DIY piggy bank. The formula is simple, all you have to do is choose necessary materials, and you can get to work. Don't forget to make a slot for money - the project can captivate you so much that you forget about everything in the world.

3. Simple cardboard piggy bank with your own hands

A material that you definitely have in your home is durable cardboard. If you take a stationery knife, be patient, and be creative, you can make a wonderful piggy bank with your own hands that will lift your spirits. Decorate it at your own discretion, and your beautiful dream will beautifully become a beautiful reality!

4. Piggy bank made from a plastic bottle

Charming! Sweet, funny, touching - it’s impossible not to donate money to such a pig! Find a place for it in your home - and then all your guests, friends, and relatives will certainly take part in raising funds to make your dream come true. The project is implemented in a couple of tens of minutes, the master class is simple and accessible.

Many people have piggy banks in their homes, but not everyone knows what they should be like in order to really attract money.

The first piggy banks appeared a long time ago. Orange clay pigs made in medieval England have survived to this day.

Piggy banks in the shape of animals are very common to this day. If you like these products, keep the following in mind:

  • the pig is a symbol of ever-growing wealth;
  • the dog not only stores money, but also protects it from thieves;
  • an owl will help you manage your finances wisely;
  • squirrel symbolizes quick enrichment;
  • the cat will give you cunning and influential friends who will help increase your income.

DIY piggy bank for attracting money

You can make a piggy bank with your own hands, for example, make a money bag. A ready-made box or jar can also play the role of a piggy bank.

Most best color for a piggy bank:

  • gold;
  • green;
  • violet.

For the ritual, take 7 coins of the same denomination and a small piece of paper. Write on it the amount you want to collect. Place a piece of paper in the piggy bank and then throw one coin at a time, while reading the plot:

“The coins are ringing, they promise me profit.

My income will grow by leaps and bounds.

Which will give me the opportunity to make all my dreams come true!”

After this, close the piggy bank tightly and do not open it until you fill it. Throw at least one coin of any denomination into it every day.

You need to buy or make a piggy bank on the new moon. Along with the moon, your wealth will grow. It is important to believe that the piggy bank is actually magical and then everything will work out!

Before you start filling your piggy bank with money, read the conspiracy from thieves:

"How merciful God doesn't let the sun go backwards. So the thief will not take mine. Now, forever and ever. Amen".

Then read the plot to attract money three times:

“Whenever I remember God, I will take out a ruble. Let the Lord be remembered and my savings are multiplying . In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen ».

When the time comes to open the piggy bank, hold the coins and bills in your hands for a few minutes, saying to yourself:

“Money, money, you are free, fly, run, and bring your friends to me

Coins for good luck

If you want good luck in all your endeavors, perform this ritual.

On the waxing moon, at dawn, bury under a fruit-bearing tree, preferably under an apple tree, three equal coins with the coat of arms facing up at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other with the words:

"Money in the ground will hide the matter will be contentious.”

You need to dig a hole for coins using a short branch found nearby. You need to fill it up with your hands, while reading the above plot. Throwing the last handful of earth, say: “Paid!”

Turning over your left shoulder, go home, without talking to anyone or turning around on the way back. Wash your hands with soap under running water and dry over the flame of a red candle, which you leave to burn out completely in central room of your home.