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Contents of the fairy tale Finist clear falcon. A brief retelling of the fairy tale Finist the Clear Falcon

There lived a peasant, and soon he became a widower. He left behind three daughters. The man had a huge farm, and he decided to take on a worker as an assistant. However, Maryushka dissuaded him, saying that she would help him in everything. So she works from dawn to dusk, and her sisters just dress up and have fun.

So the father went to the city and asked his daughters what to bring them. The eldest and middle asked for different outfits and trinkets, only Maryushka needed a feather from Finist, the clear falcon.

On the way home, he met a strange old man who gave him the treasured feather.

The peasant brought gifts home, the girls rejoiced and made fun of their sister.

So everyone went to bed, and she took a feather and said magic words. Since then, the groom appeared to her at night, and in the morning he turned into a bird again. The envious sisters tracked her down and set a trap for the falcon. He injured himself on sharp knives, could not break through to the girl. Then he said that she would look for him for a long time, having worn out more than one pair of shoes.

Maryushka set off on her journey. She walked and walked and came across a hut in which Baba Yaga lived. She then told her that her fiancé had been bewitched by an evil sorceress, turned him into a bird and made him her husband by force. The old woman gave the girl a saucer and a golden egg and sent her to a distant kingdom. She also advised her that Maryushka should get hired to work for the queen, and when she finished all her work, she would begin to roll the egg on a saucer. And if she is asked to sell this miracle, she will not agree.

When the girl walked through the dense forest, all the forest animals helped her get there. And the gray wolf even carried her to the magnificent mansion. Here she went to work for the ruler.

For her things, which the old women gave her, she looked at her betrothed. But she had to do this at night, when he was fast asleep and it was impossible to wake him. And now she only had the bottom and the spindle, and she gave them for a meeting with the groom. Only Finist doesn’t wake up - clear falcon. The girl began to sob, and one tear fell on him. Her lover woke up. But the sorceress does not want to give up Finist, the clear falcon. Then he asked in front of all his subjects whether a real wife could lie? Then everyone realized that Maryushka was suitable for his wife.

They got married and began to live happily.

The work teaches us that each of us can make ourselves happy by working through perseverance and love for people.

Picture or drawing Finist - clear falcon

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There lived a rich peasant in a village. After the death of his wife, he was left with three daughters. The two older ones were ugly, and also lazy girls. They just need to try on outfits and show off in front of the mirror. The youngest daughter, Maryushka, was very different from her sisters. She was beautiful and hardworking. Whatever she takes on, everything comes to an end in her hands.

One day a peasant was going to the market and promised to bring gifts to his daughters. The older sisters ordered outfits, and Maryushka asked to get for her the feather of Finist, the clear falcon. The father brought the promised gifts to his older daughters, but did not find a feather for the youngest. Only when the peasant was returning from the market for the third time did he meet an old man on the road who gave him a falcon feather for his youngest daughter. The older sisters laughed at Maryushka, but she did not say anything to them in response. At night, she threw a feather on the floor and called Finist, the clear falcon. A kind young man, tall and handsome, appeared before her. He began to fly to Maryushka every night, and early in the morning he disappeared into the blue sky.

One day the sisters noticed how a falcon flew to Maryushka and turned into a young man. They planned an evil deed: they stuck sharp knives into the younger sister’s window. Maryushka was fast asleep and did not hear the falcon, wounded with knives, trying to fly into her window. In the morning the girl saw drops of blood on the window and guessed that something bad had happened to Finist. She said goodbye to her father and hit the road. She walked for a long time until she came across a hut on chicken legs. Baba Yaga lived in it. Yaga liked the girl and decided to help her. She told Maryushka about the evil and envious queen, who, with the help of witchcraft, became Finist’s wife. Baba Yaga handed the girl a silver saucer and a gold egg and warned her not to give them to anyone for money.

On the way, Maryushka came across a hut on chicken legs two more times. Baba Yaga's sisters met the girl and also did not refuse to help her. One gave Maryushka a gold embroidery needle and a hoop, and the other gave a spindle and a spinning wheel. Both taught her how to help Finist with these things. The gray wolf took the girl all the way to the palace of the evil queen. Maryushka hired herself as her maid, worked all day, did not raise her head.

In the evening she took out a saucer and an egg and said the words that the elder Baba Yaga taught her. The egg rolls along the saucer, and the image of a young man appears on its bottom. Maryushka recognized him as Finist, the clear falcon, and began to cry. At this time, the queen was spying on the girl. I saw such expensive things with her and decided to buy them at any cost. Maryushka agreed to give her the saucer with the egg, but in exchange she asked to see the young man.

The queen knew that Finist was fast asleep and would not be able to see the girl. That's why I agreed to this deal. When Maryushka was left alone with the young man, she tried to wake him up. But neither kisses nor hugs from her beloved could interrupt the magical dream. During the second night Maryushka gave the queen an embroidery hoop and a needle, and during the third night she gave the queen a spinning wheel and a spindle. The girl sat next to Finist until the morning and cried bitterly. One tear fell and burned the young man’s shoulder. He woke up and saw Maryushka nearby.

The happy lovers decided to return home. The evil queen tried to bring her husband back, but it didn’t work out - you can’t buy love with expensive things. So the most rightly decided important people kingdoms.

The fairy tale teaches you to believe in goodness and justice, achieve your goal and not be afraid of difficulties.

You can use this text for reader's diary

Finist is a clear falcon. Picture for the story

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One of the most interesting Russian folk tales is “Finist - Clear Falcon”. Summary will tell the reader about the plot, introduce the main actors, some clarifications will help to better understand the work.

Father and daughters

The story begins with readers meeting a widowed peasant who is survived by three daughters. So one day he told them that it would be nice to hire an assistant. To this, the youngest daughter Maryushka replied that there was no need, she would do all the housework herself.

Maria was a hardworking girl, and all her affairs went well. She was not only a needlewoman, but also a beauty, unlike her sisters. They were ugly, and also greedy. From morning to evening they sat in front of the mirror, whitened their faces, and applied blush. Having become familiar with this part of the work, the young reader may think about why to whiten the face, as the folk authors of the work “Finist - Clear Falcon” describe it. A brief summary will shed light on this issue.

The fact is that in those days, tanning was considered the lot of poor peasant women who worked from morning to night under the scorching sun, and therefore their face and hands were tanned. The young ladies wore wide-brimmed hats and lacy umbrellas so that their faces had a White color. Was fashionable wax color faces, and a light tan was removed with whitewash. The cheeks were generously smeared with blush; this was also a trend in the old days.

Peasant's trips to the market

Once the priest went to the market and asked his daughters what they could bring from there. The elders, who loved to dress up, replied that they wanted scarves with large flowers. Maryushka's father asked the same question, and she asked, as the fairy tale says, for Finist's feather - Yasna Falcon.

The father was able to fulfill the request of only his eldest daughters - he brought them beautiful shawls. He did not find such a feather as Marya asked for.

Here the priest goes to the market for the second time. The older daughters asked for beautiful boots, so he bought them new clothes. The youngest again wanted her father to bring her a feather, but he walked around all day looking for it, but never found it.

The father went to the market for the third time, the fairy tale “Finist - Clear Falcon” also tells about this. The summary will also tell you about this incident.

The older daughters, as usual, will ask to buy them new clothes, this time a coat. Marya is true to herself, she only wants a feather. Again the priest managed to quickly fulfill the requests of his older daughters, but not the younger ones.

Meeting with an old man

A peasant was returning from the market. I met him completely old grandfather. They talked, and the grandfather asked the father of his daughters where he was going. He replied that he was sad because he could not fulfill the request of his beloved daughter.

The old man listened to the story of his fellow traveler and made him happy, saying that he had such a thing. And he took out nothing more than that very feather. The peasant looked - the feather was like a feather, there was nothing unusual in it. He also thought: what did Mary find in this little thing that she wanted to have it so much?

The father arrived home with gifts. The older children put on new clothes and couldn’t stop looking at themselves, but they started laughing at the younger one, telling her that she was a fool and still is. They suggested she put a feather in her hair and show off. An attentive reader will understand what the story called “Finist - Clear Falcon” resembles: this fairy tale is very similar to “The Scarlet Flower”. It is not for nothing that the famous collector of Russian folk tales Afanasyev wrote down two interpretations of this story. The first is called “Finist’s Feather - Yasna Sokola”, and its plot is similar to this one. The second one features: When he is placed in the water, Finist, the Clear Falcon, flies in. This tale is listed in Afanasyev’s collection as number 235.

The phenomenon of Finist

Maryushka did not answer anything to the grins of her older sisters, and when everyone went to bed, she threw the feather on the ground and uttered the magic words. In them, she called on the kind Finist, her fiancé, to appear to her. And he didn’t have to wait long. A very handsome young man came to the girl. In the morning he hit the floor and turned into a falcon. Then he flew out the window, which the girl opened slightly for him.

This went on for three days. During the day the young man was a falcon. In the evening he flew to Marya, hit the floor and turned into a handsome man. Finist, the Clear Falcon, was already standing in front of her. The summary will tell you about the following very soon interesting moment. In the morning he flew away again, and returned in the evening.

What did the sisters' anger lead to?

But the idyll of the young man and the girl did not last long; the sisters found out about the night guest and told their father about it. But he didn’t believe them and told them to take better care of themselves.

However, the envious people did not stop there. They attached sharp knives to the frame and began to see what would happen next.

As usual, the falcon tried to fly into Masha’s room, but could not, only hurt himself on the knives. Then Finist said that if anyone needs him, he will find him. He warned that it would be difficult. You can find it only when three pairs of iron shoes are worn out, the same number of staves are broken and 3 iron caps become unusable.

Before this, Maryushka was sleeping, but when she heard these words, she woke up. However, it was already late, and when the girl approached the window, there was already no trace of the bird. Finist - the Clear Falcon - flew away, the pictures in the book will help you clearly see this dramatic moment.

Marya hits the road

The girl began to cry, but there was nothing to do - she needed to look for her loved one. She told the priest everything, announced that she was leaving, and if fate wanted it, she would come back unharmed.

The girl ordered herself 3 iron staffs, 3 caps and three pairs of shoes, and set off on a difficult journey.

She walked through fields, forests, mountains, but no one touched her. On the contrary, the birds made me happy with their songs, and the streams washed my face. When the staff broke, the shoes were worn out, the cap was torn, and I saw a hut on chicken legs in the clearing. She asked her to turn around. A girl entered the house and saw Baba Yaga. The old lady asked the girl what brought her here.

Huts on chicken legs and their inhabitants

Marya told why she came to such a distance. Baba Yaga told where Finist - Clear Falcon is now, the pictures will again help to vividly imagine this moment. It turns out that the girl’s fiancé was drugged by a magical queen and married to herself.

The grandmother gave the beauty a magic saucer and a golden egg and told her what to do with them. She advised me to hire myself as a worker for that queen.

Marya set off again, and after some time she saw the hut again, in it there was already another Baba Yaga - her sister. The old woman gave the girl a silver hoop and a golden needle, which she embroiders herself, and told her not to sell it to anyone, but to give it in exchange for being allowed to see her loved one.

By this time, Marya had worn out the next pair of shoes, the second cap and staff had become unusable. She went further, and when the third iron set broke, she again saw the hut. To the question of the third Baba Yaga, she answered that she needed Finist - the Clear Falcon. The heroes of this scene behaved diplomatically. Marya spoke to the old woman with respect, for which she gave her a golden spindle and a silver bottom and taught her what to do with them.

Suitable for the final points of the summary.

Finist - Yasny Sokol and Maryushka met

Marya went further, she met a wolf, who gave the girl a lift straight to the place. Marya saw the palace, and the queen in it. Marya hired herself as a servant. The queen took it, Maryushka worked during the day, and at night she put the egg in a saucer and looked, and the saucer showed it to her.

The queen heard this and asked to sell the magical things, but Marya said that she would give it away for free if she showed her Finist. But he was sleeping soundly, the girl couldn’t wake him up, just like on next night, when she gave the queen a magic hoop and a needle for a date.

On the third night, having given the spindle and the silver bottom to the queen, the girl again tried in vain to wake up her beloved, he only woke up from her hot tears. He woke up, was glad that his beloved had found him, and they returned home and had a great feast. This is how the fairy tale “Finist - Clear Falcon” ended. The heroes - Maryushka and Finist - found each other, and good won.


"Finist - clear falcon" - summary:

There lived a father with three daughters, the mother died. The youngest was called Maryushka and she was a needlewoman and did all the housework. Among all the daughters, she was the most beautiful and hardworking. The father often went to the market and asked his daughters what gifts to bring them. The eldest and middle daughters always ordered things - boots, dresses, and the youngest always asked her father to bring a feather from Finist - the clear falcon.

2 times the father could not find the feather, but on the third time he met an old man who gave him a feather from Finist, the clear falcon. Maryushka was very happy and admired the feather for a long time, but in the evening she dropped it and Finist, a clear falcon, immediately appeared, hit the floor and turned into a good fellow. They talked with Maryushka all night. And the next three nights too - Finist flew in in the evening and flew away in the morning.

The sisters heard that their younger sister was talking to someone at night and told their father, but he did nothing. Then the sisters stuck needles and knives into the window, and when Finist, the clear falcon, flew in in the evening, he began to beat on the window and injured himself, and Maryushka fell asleep from fatigue and did not hear it. Then Finist shouted that he was flying away and if Maryushka wanted to find him, she would need to take down three pairs of cast-iron boots, wear 3 cast-iron staffs on the grass and devour 3 stone loaves.

The next morning Maryushka saw Finist’s blood and remembered everything. The blacksmith made cast iron shoes and staves for her, she took three stone loaves and went in search of Finist, the clear falcon. When she had worn out the first pair of shoes and staff and eaten the first bread, she found a hut in which an old woman lived. There she spent the night, and the next morning the old woman gave her a magical gift - a silver bottom, a golden spindle and advised her to go to her middle sister, maybe she knows where to look for Finist - the clear falcon.

When Maryushka wore out the second pair of cast-iron shoes and the second staff, and devoured the second stone bread, she found the hut of the old woman’s middle sister. Maryushka spent the night with her and in the morning received a magical gift - a silver plate with a golden egg and advice to go to the elder sister of the old women, who certainly knew where Finist, the clear falcon, was.

The third pair of cast-iron shoes was worn out, the third staff was worn out, and Maryushka gnawed away the third stone bread. Soon she saw her older sister’s hut, where she spent the night and in the morning received a magic golden hoop and a needle as a gift.

Maryushka went back barefoot and soon saw a courtyard in which stood a beautiful tower. A mistress lived in it with her daughter and servants, and her daughter was married to Finist, the clear falcon. Maryushka asked her landlady to work and the landlady took her. She was happy about such a skillful and unpretentious worker. And soon my daughter saw her at Maryushka’s magical gifts and exchanged them for a meeting with Finist, the clear falcon. But he did not recognize Maryushka - she had become so thin on the long hike. For two nights, Maryushka drove flies away from Finist, the clear falcon, while he was sleeping, but she could not wake him up - her daughter gave him a sleeping potion at night.

But on the third night Maryushka cried over Finist and her tears fell on his face and chest and burned him. He immediately woke up, recognized Maryushka and turned into a falcon, and Maryushka turned into a dove. And they flew to Maryushka’s home. The father and sisters were very happy with them, and soon they had a wedding and lived happily until the end of their days.

Russian folk tale"Finist - Clear Falcon" arranged by A.P. Platonova is included in .


The fairy tale "Finist - the clear falcon" - read:

A peasant and his wife lived in a village; they had three daughters.

The daughters grew up, and the parents grew old, and now the time has come, the turn has come - the peasant’s wife died. The peasant began to raise his daughters alone. All three of his daughters were beautiful, equal in beauty, but different in character.

The old peasant lived in abundance and felt sorry for his daughters. He wanted to take some old lady into the yard so that she could take care of the housework. And the youngest daughter, Maryushka, says to her father: “There’s no need to take the little one, father, I’ll take care of the house myself.” Marya was caring. But the older daughters didn’t say anything.

Maryushka began to take care of the house instead of her mother. And she knows how to do everything, everything goes well with her, and what she doesn’t know how to do, she gets used to it, and once she gets used to it, she also gets along with things. Father looks and is glad that Maryushka is so smart, hard-working, and meek in character. And Maryushka was a pretty person - a real beauty, and her kindness added to her beauty.

Her older sisters were also beauties, only they didn’t think their beauty was enough, and they tried to add it with blush and whitewash. It used to be that the two older sisters sat and showered themselves all day, and by the evening they were all the same as they were in the morning. They will notice that the day has passed, how much rouge and whitewash they have used, but they have not become better, and they sit angry. And Maryushka will be tired in the evening, but she knows that the cattle are fed, the hut is clean, she prepared dinner, kneaded bread for tomorrow and the priest will be pleased with her.

She will look at her sisters with her tender eyes and will not say anything to them. And then the older sisters get even angrier. It seems to them that Marya was not like that in the morning, but by the evening she became prettier - why, they don’t know.

The need came for my father to go to the market. He asks his daughters:

What should I buy for you, kids, to make you happy?

The eldest daughter says to her father:

Buy me, father, a half shawl, so that the flowers on it are large and painted in gold.

And for me, father,” the middle one says, “also buy half shawls with flowers, painted in gold, and in the middle of the flowers there should be red.” And also buy me boots with soft tops, high heels, so that they stomp on the ground.

The eldest daughter was offended by the middle one, she had a greedy heart, and said to her father:

And for me, father, buy me boots with soft tops and heels, so that they stomp on the ground! And also buy me a ring with kash for my finger - after all, you have one eldest daughter.

The father promised to buy the gifts that the two older ones had ordered, and asks the younger one:

Why are you silent, Maryushka?

And I, father, don’t need anything. I don’t go anywhere from the yard, I don’t need outfits.

Your lie, Maryushka! How can I leave you without a gift? I'll buy you a treat.

And there’s no need for a gift, father,” says the youngest daughter.

And buy me, dear father, a feather from Finist - the juice is clear, if it is cheap.

The father went to the market, he bought parkas for his eldest daughters, which they punished him, and Finist’s feather - the clear falcon is not ours. I asked all the merchants.

“There is no such product,” said the merchants; “There is no demand,” they say, “for it.” I didn't want to offend my father youngest daughter, his hard-working, clever girl, but he returned to the court, and did not buy Finist’s feather, the clear falcon. But Maryushka was not offended.

That’s okay, father,” said Maryushka, “you’ll go some other time, then you’ll buy it, my feather.”

Time passed, and again my father needed to go to the market. He asks his daughters what to buy them as a gift: he was kind. Big daughter says:

You bought me boots last time, father, so let the blacksmiths now forge the heels on those boots with silver shoes.

And the middle one hears the older one and says:

And me too, father, otherwise the heels are knocking and not ringing - let them ring. And so that the nails from the horseshoes don’t get lost, buy me another silver hammer: I’ll use it to knock out the nails.

What should I buy for you, Maryushka?

And look, father, a feather from Finist - the falcon knows whether it will happen or not.

The old man went to the market, soon handed over his affairs and bought gifts for his older daughters, and for the youngest until the evening he was looking for a feather, but that feather is not there, no one gives it to buy. The father returned again without a gift for his youngest daughter. He felt sorry for Maryushka, and Maryushka smiled at her father: she was glad that she saw her parent again.

The time has come, father went to the market again.

What should you, dear daughters, buy as a gift?

The eldest thought and didn’t immediately come up with what she wanted.

Buy me something, father.

And the middle one says:

And for me, father, buy something, and add something else to something else.

What about you, Maryushka?

And buy me, father, one feather from Finist - the clear falcon.

The old man went to the market. He did his chores, bought gifts for his older daughters, but didn’t buy anything for his younger daughter: there wasn’t that feather in the market. The father is driving home and sees: an old man walking along the road, older than him, completely decrepit.

Hello, grandpa!

Hello Darling. What are you upset about?

How could she not be, grandfather! My daughter asked me to buy her one feather from Finist - the clear falcon. I was looking for that feather for her, but it wasn’t there. And she’s my youngest daughter, and I feel sorry for her more than anyone else.

The old man thought for a moment, and then said:

So be it! He untied his shoulder bag and took out a box from it.

“Hide,” he says, “the box, in it is a feather from Finist, the clear falcon.” Yes, remember: I have one son; You feel sorry for your daughter, but I feel sorry for my son. My son doesn’t want to get married, but his time has come. If he doesn’t want to, he can’t force him. And he says to me: whoever asks you for this feather, give it back, this is what my bride is asking for.

The old man said his words - and suddenly he was no longer there, disappeared to God knows where. Was he or wasn't he? Maryushka's father was left with a feather in his hands. He sees that feather, but it is gray and simple. And it was impossible to buy it anywhere. The father remembered what the old man had told him and thought:

“Apparently, this is the fate of my Maryushka - without knowing, without seeing, to marry someone unknown.”

The father came home, gave gifts to his older daughters, and gave the youngest a box with a gray feather. The older sisters dressed up and laughed at the younger one:

And you stick your sparrow feather in your hair and show off.

Maryushka remained silent, and when everyone in the hut went to bed, she put in front of her a simple gray feather of Finist the clear falcon and began to admire it. And then Maryushka took the feather in her hands, held it with her, stroked it and accidentally dropped it on the floor. Immediately someone hit the window. The window opened, and Finist, a clear falcon, flew into the hut. He kissed the floor and turned into a fine young man.

Maryushka closed the window and began talking to the young man. And in the morning Maryushka opened the window, the fellow bowed to the floor, turned into a clear falcon, and the falcon left behind a simple gray feather and flew away. blue sky. For three evenings Maryushka welcomed the falcon. During the day he flew across the sky, over fields, over forests, over mountains, over seas, and in the evening he flew to Maryushka and became a good fellow.

On the fourth evening, the older sisters heard Maryushka’s quiet conversation, they also heard the strange voice of the kind young man, and the next morning they asked the younger sister:

Who are you, sister, talking to at night?

“And I speak the words to myself,” answered Maryushka.

I don’t have any friends, I’m at work during the day, I have no time to talk, and in the evening I talk to myself.

The older sisters listened to the younger sister, but did not believe her. They said to the father:

Father, our Marya has a betrothed, she sees him at night and talks to him. We heard it ourselves.

And the priest answered them:

“But you wouldn’t listen,” he says.

Why shouldn't our Maryushka have a betrothed? There is no bad thing here, she is a pretty girl and came out at her time; your turn will come.

So Marya recognized her betrothed out of turn,” said the eldest daughter.

I would have gotten married before she did.

It’s really yours,” the priest reasoned.

So fate doesn't count. Some brides sit among the girls of old age, and others are dear to all people from their youth. The father said this to his eldest daughters, and he himself thought:

“Or will the old man’s word come true when he gave me the feather? There is no trouble, but is he a good person?
will he be Maryushka’s betrothed?”

And the older daughters had their own desire. When evening came, Maryushka’s sisters took the knives out of their handles, and stuck the knives into the window frame and around it, and in addition to the knives, they also stuck sharp needles and fragments of old glass there. Maryushka was cleaning the cow in the barn at that time and did not see anything.

And so, as it got dark, Finist, a clear falcon, flies to Maryushka’s window. He flew to the window, hit sharp knives and needles and glass,She wounded her whole chest, and Maryushka was exhausted from the day's work, she dozed off, waiting for Finist - the clear falcon, and did not hear her falcon beating at the window.

Then Finist said loudly:

Farewell, my red maiden! If you need me, you will find me, even if I’m far away! And first of all, when you come to me, you will wear out three pairs of iron shoes, you will wipe three cast-iron staves on the grass of the road, and you will devour three stone loaves.

And Maryushka heard Finist’s words through her slumber, but could not get up or wake up. In the morning she woke up, her heart was burning. I looked out the window, and in the window there was the blood of a finist - clear as a falcon. Then Maryushka began to cry. She opened the window and pressed her face to the place where Finist’s blood was. The tears washed away the falcon’s blood, and Maryushka herself seemed to have washed herself with the blood of her betrothed and became even more beautiful.

Maryushka went to her father and told him:

Don’t scold me, father, let me go on a long journey. If I’m alive, we’ll see each other, but if I die, I’ll know, it was written to me.

It was a pity for the father to let his beloved youngest daughter go to God knows where. But it is impossible to force her to live at home. Father knew: loving heart girls are stronger than the power of their father and mother. He said goodbye to his beloved daughter and let her go.

The blacksmith made Maryushka three pairs of iron shoes and three cast iron staffs, Maryushka also took three stone loaves, she bowed to her father and sisters, visited her mother’s grave and set off on the road to look for Finist, the clear falcon.

Maryushka is walking along the road. She goes not a day, not two, not three, she goes for a long time. She walked through open fields and dark forests, and through high mountains. In the fields the birds sang songs to her, the dark forests welcomed her, with high mountains she admired the whole world.

Maryushka walked so much that she wore out one pair of iron shoes, wore out a cast-iron staff on the road and gnawed away stone bread, but her path still does not end and Finist, the clear falcon, is nowhere to be found. Then Maryushka sighed, sat down on the ground, began to put on other iron shoes - and saw a hut in the forest. And the night has come.

Maryushka thought: “I’ll go to the people’s hut and ask if they have seen my Finist - the clear falcon?” Maryushka knocked on the hut. There lived in that hut one old woman - good or evil, Maryushka did not know about that. The old woman opened the canopy - standing in front of her was a red-haired maiden.

Let me spend the night, grandma!

Come in, my dear, you will be a guest. How far are you going, young one?

Whether it’s far or close, I don’t know, grandma. And I'm looking for Finist - the clear falcon. Haven't you heard about him, grandma?

How can you not hear! I’m old, I’ve been in the world for a long time, I’ve heard about everyone! You have a long way to go, my dear.

The next morning the old woman woke up Maryushka and said to her:

Go, dear, now to my middle sister. She is older than me and knows more. Maybe she will teach you good things and tell you where your Finist lives. And so that you don’t forget old me, take this silver bottom - a golden spindle, you will start spinning a tow, the golden thread will stretch. Take care of my gift until it is dear to you, and if it doesn’t become dear, give it yourself.

Maryushka took the gift, admired it and said to the hostess:

Thank you, grandma. Where should I go, in which direction?

And I'll give you a ball of scooter. Wherever the ball rolls, and you follow it. And if you think about taking a break, you sit on the grass - and the ball will stop, waiting for you.

Maryushka bowed to the old woman and followed the ball. Whether Maryushka walked for a long time or for a short time, she didn’t count the path, she didn’t feel sorry for herself, but she saw that the forests were dark and terrible, in the fields the grass was growing ungrainful, prickly, the mountains were bare and stone, and the birds did not sing above the ground.

Maryushka walked further and further, she was in a hurry. Lo and behold, she needs to change her shoes again: the other pair of iron shoes has worn out, and the cast-iron staff has worn out on the ground, and she has eaten up the stone bread. Maryushka sat down to change her shoes. She sees that the black forest is close, and night is falling, and in the forest, in one of the huts, there is a light in the window. The ball rolled towards that hut.

Maryushka followed him and knocked on the window:

Kind hosts, let me spend the night!

An old woman, older than the one who had previously greeted Maryushka, came out onto the porch of the hut.

Where are you going, red maiden? Who are you looking for in the world?

I am looking, grandmother, for Finista, the clear falcon. I was with an old woman in the forest, spent the night with her, she had heard about Finist, but did not know him. Maybe she said her middle sister knows. The old woman let Maryushka into the hut. And the next morning she woke up the guest and told her:

It’s a long way for you to look for Finist, I knew about him, but apparently I haven’t seen him. Now go to our older sister, she should know about him. And so that you remember about me, take a gift from me. Out of joy, he will be your memory, and out of need, he will provide help. And the old lady hostess gave her guest a golden egg on a silver dish. Maryushka asked the old mistress for forgiveness, bowed to her and followed the ball.

Maryushka is walking, and the land around her has become completely alien. She looks - only a forest is growing on the ground, but there is no clean field. And the trees, the further the ball rolls, grow higher and higher. It became completely dark: the sun and sky were not visible. And Maryushka walked and walked through the darkness until her iron shoes were completely worn out, and her staff was worn out on the ground, and until she had eaten up the last stone bread to the last crust.

Maryushka looked around - what should she do? She sees her little ball: it lies under the window of a forest hut. Maryushka knocked on the window of the hut:

Good hosts, shelter me from the dark night!

An ancient old woman, the eldest sister of all old women, came out onto the porch.

“Go to the hut, my dear,” he says. - Look, where did you come from? Further, no one lives on earth, I am the extreme one. You need to take the path in a different direction tomorrow morning. Whose will you be and where are you going?

Maryushka answered her:

I'm not from here, grandma. And I'm looking for Finist - the clear falcon.

The eldest old woman looked at Maryushka and said to her:

Are you looking for Finist the Falcon? I know, I know him. I’ve lived in this world for a long time, so long ago that I recognized everyone, remembered everyone.

The old woman put Maryushka to bed and woke her up the next morning.

“It’s been a long time,” he says, “I haven’t done anyone any good.” I live alone in the forest, everyone has forgotten about me, I am the only one who remembers everyone. I will do good to you: I will tell you where your Finist, the clear falcon, lives. And even if you find him, it will be difficult for you: Finist - The falcon is now married, he lives with his mistress. It will be difficult for you, but you have a heart, and it will come to your heart and mind, and from your mind even difficult things will become easy.

Maryushka said in response:

“I thank you, grandmother,” and bowed to the ground.

You will thank me later. And here’s a gift for you - take from me a golden hoop and a needle: you hold the hoop, and the needle will embroider itself. Go now, and you’ll go and find out for yourself what you need to do.

The ball did not roll any further. The eldest old woman came out onto the porch and showed Maryushka which way she should go. Maryushka walked off as she was, barefoot. I thought:

“How will I get there? The ground here is hard, alien, you need to get used to it...”

She didn't last long. And he sees a rich courtyard standing in a clearing. And in the courtyard there is a tower: a carved porch, patterned windows.

A rich, noble housewife sits at one window and looks at Maryushka: what, they say, does she want. Maryushka remembered: now she has nothing to put on shoes and she devoured the last stone bread on the road.

She said to the hostess:

Hello, hostess! Don't you need a female worker for bread and clothes?

“It’s necessary,” answers the noble housewife. - Do you know how to light stoves, carry water, and cook dinner?

I lived with my father without my mother - I can do everything.

Do you know how to spin, weave and embroider?

Maryushka remembered the gifts from her old grandmothers.

“I can,” he says.

Go then,” the hostess says, “to the people’s kitchen.”

Maryushka began to work and serve in someone else's rich yard. Maryushka’s hands are honest and diligent; every business goes well with her. The hostess looks at Maryushka and rejoices: she has never had such a helpful, kind, and intelligent worker; and Maryushka eats plain bread, washes it down with kvass, and doesn’t ask for tea.

The owner boasted about her daughter.

“Look,” he says, “what a worker we have in our yard: submissive, skillful, and with a gentle face!”

The landlady's daughter looked at Maryushka.

Ugh! - speaks. - She may be affectionate, but I am more beautiful than her, and I have a whiter body!

In the evening, after she had completed her household chores, Maryushka sat down to spin. She sat down on a bench, took out a silver bottom - a golden spindle and spun. She spins, a thread stretches from the tow - not a simple thread, but a golden thread. She spins, and looks into the silver bottom, and it seems to her that she sees Finist there - a clear falcon: he looks at her as if alive in the world. Maryushka looks at him and talks to him:

My Finist, Finist is a clear falcon, why did you leave me alone, bitter, to cry for you? These are my sisters, homewreckers, who shed your blood.

And at that time the owner’s daughter entered the people’s hut, stood at a distance, looked and listened.

Who are you grieving for, girl? - she asks. - And what kind of fun do you have in your hands?

Maryushka tells her:

I grieve for Finist, the clear falcon. And I’ll spin the thread, I’ll embroider a towel for Finist - he’d have something to wipe his white face with in the morning.

“Sell me your fun,” says the owner’s daughter. “The finist is my husband, I’ll spin the thread for him myself.”

Maryushka looked at the owner’s daughter, stood up her golden spindle and said:

But I have no fun, I have work in my hands. But the silver bottom - the golden spindle - is not for sale: my kind grandmother gave it to me.

The owner's daughter was offended: she did not want to let go of the golden spindle from her hands.

If it’s not for sale, he says, then let’s make a menu, I’ll give you something too.

Give it to me,” said Maryushka. - Allow me to look at Finist - the clear falcon at least once with one eye!

The owner's daughter thought about it and agreed.

If you please, girl, she says. - Give me your fun...

She took the silver bottom - the golden spindle - from Maryushka, and she thought: “I’ll show her Finist for a while, nothing will happen to him. I’ll give him a sleeping potion, and through this golden spindle my mother and I will get rich!”

By nightfall, Finist, the clear falcon, returned from the sky, he turned into a good young man and sat down to dinner with his family: his mother-in-law and Finist with his wife. The owner's daughter ordered to call Maryushka: let her serve at the table and look at Finist, as was the agreement.

Maryushka appeared; She serves at the table, serves food and does not take her eyes off Finist. And Finist sits as if he were not there - he did not recognize Maryushka: she was tired of the journey, going to him, and her face changed from sadness for him.

The hosts had dinner, Finist got up and went to bed in his room. Maryushka then says to the young hostess:

There are a lot of flies in the yard. I’ll go to Finist’s room, I’ll drive the flies away from him so that they don’t disturb his sleep.

Let him go! - said the old mistress.

The young housewife was thinking again.

But no, he says, let him wait.

And she followed her husband, gave him a sleeping potion to drink at night, and returned. “Perhaps,” the manager’s daughter reasoned, “the worker has some other fun for such an exchange!”

Go now,” she said to Maryushka. - Go, drive away the flies from Finist!

Maryushka came to Finist in the upper room and forgot about the flies. She sees: her dear friend is sleeping soundly. Maryushka looks at him and can’t see enough. She leaned close to him, shared the same breath with him, whispered to him:

Wake up, my Finist - a clear falcon, it was I who came to you. I have trampled three pairs of iron shoes, worn out three cast iron staffs on the road, and eaten three stone loaves! And Finist sleeps soundly, does not open his eyes and does not say a word in response.

Finist’s wife, the owner’s daughter, comes to the upper room and asks:

Did you drive away the flies?

“I drove them away,” Maryushka says, “they flew out the window.”

Well, go sleep in a human hut.

The next day, when Maryushka had done all the housework, she took a silver saucer and rolled a golden egg on it: she rolled it around - and a new golden egg rolled off the saucer; rolls it around another time - and again a new golden egg rolls off the saucer.

The owner's daughter saw it.

“Is it really possible,” he says, “that you have such fun?” Sell ​​it to me, or I’ll give you whatever barter you want for it.

Maryushka says to her in response:

I can’t sell it, my kind grandmother gave it to me as a gift. I'll give you a saucer with an egg for free. Here, take it!

The owner’s daughter took the gift and was delighted:

Or maybe that’s what you need, Maryushka? Ask for what you want.

Maryushka asks in response:

And I need the least. Let me drive the flies away from Finist again when you put him to bed.

If you please, says the young housewife.

And she herself thinks: “What will happen to my husband from the look of someone else’s girl! And he’ll sleep from the potion and won’t open his eyes, but the worker may have something else to do!”

By nightfall again, as it had been, Finist, the clear falcon from the sky, returned, turned into a good young man and sat down at the table to have dinner with his family. Finist's wife called Maryushka to wait on the table and serve food. Maryushka serves the food, puts down the cups, puts out the spoons, but she doesn’t take her eyes off Finist. And Finist looks and does not see her - his heart does not recognize her. Again, as it happened, the owner’s daughter gave her husband a drink with a sleeping potion and put him to bed, and sent the worker Maryushka to him and told her to drive away the flies.

Maryushka came to Finist, began calling him and crying over him, thinking that today he would wake up, look at her and recognize Maryushka. Maryushka called him for a long time and wiped the tears from her face so that they would not fall on Finist’s white face and wet it.

But Finist was sleeping, he did not wake up and did not open his eyes in response. On the third day, Maryushka completed all the housework by evening, sat down on a bench in the people's hut, took out a golden hoop and a needle. She holds a golden hoop in her hands, and the needle itself embroiders on the canvas. Maryushka embroiders and says:

Embroider, embroider, my red pattern, embroider for Finist - the falcon is clear, it would be something for him to admire!

The young housewife was walking nearby. She came to the people's hut and saw in Maryushka's hands a golden hoop and a needle that she embroidered herself. Her heart was filled with envy and greed, and she said:

Maryushka, darling, beautiful maiden! Give me this kind of fun or take whatever you want in exchange! I have a golden spindle, I can spin yarn, weave canvas, but I don’t have a golden hoop with a needle - I have nothing to embroider with. If you don’t want to give it in exchange, then sell it! I'll give you the price!

It is forbidden! - says Maryushka. - You cannot sell a golden hoop with a needle or give it in exchange. The kindest, oldest grandmother gave them to me for free. And I will give them to you for free. The young housewife took a hoop with a needle, but Maryushka had nothing to give her, so she said:

Come, if you want, to drive away the flies from my husband, Finist. Before, you asked for it yourself.

“I’ll come, so be it,” said Maryushka.

After dinner, the young housewife at first did not want to give Finist a sleeping potion, but then she changed her mind and added the potion to his drink: “Why should he look at the girl, let him sleep!”

Maryushka went to the room to the sleeping Finist. Her heart couldn't stand it anymore. She fell to his white chest and wailed:

Wake up, wake up, my Finist, my clear falcon! I walked the whole earth on foot, coming to you! Three cast-iron staffs were too tired to walk with me and were worn out on the ground, three pairs of iron shoes were worn out by my feet, three stone loaves I devoured. Get up, wake up, my Finist, falcon! Have pity on me! But Finist is sleeping, doesn’t smell anything, and doesn’t hear Maryushka’s voice.

Maryushka woke up Finist for a long time, cried over him for a long time, but Finist didn’t wake up - his wife’s potion was strong. Yes, one hot tear of Maryushka fell on Finist’s chest, and another tear fell on his face. One tear burned Finist’s heart, and another opened his eyes, and he woke up at that very moment.

“Oh,” he says, “what burned me?”

My finist, clear falcon! - Maryushka answers him. - Wake up, it’s me who came! For a long, long time I searched for you, I ground iron and cast iron on the ground. They couldn’t stand the road to you, but I did! The third night I call you, but you sleep, you don’t wake up, you don’t answer my voice!

And then Finist, the clear falcon, recognized his Maryushka, the red maiden. And he was so happy about her that at first he could not say a word from joy. He pressed Maryushka to his white chest and kissed her. And when he woke up, having gotten used to Maryushka being with him, he told her:

Be my blue dove, my faithful red maiden!

And at that very moment he turned into a falcon, and Maryushka into a dove. They flew away into the night sky and flew side by side all night, until dawn. And when they were flying, Maryushka asked:

Falcon, falcon, where are you flying, because your wife will miss you!

The falcon finist listened to her and answered:

I'm flying to you, red maiden. And whoever exchanges her husband on a spindle, for a saucer and for a needle, that wife does not need a husband and that wife will not get bored.

Why did you marry such a wife? - Maryushka asked. - Wasn’t there your will?

There was my will, but there was no fate or love.

And they flew further next to each other. At dawn they landed on the ground. Maryushka looked around, and she saw that her parent’s house stood as it had before. Maryushka wanted to see her father-parent, and she immediately turned into a red maiden. And Finist, the clear falcon, hit the damp ground and became a feather. Maryushka took the feather, hid it on her chest, in her bosom, and came to her father.

Hello, my youngest, beloved daughter! I thought that you weren’t even in the world. Thank you for not forgetting my father, I returned home. Where were you for so long, why weren’t you in a hurry to get home?

Forgive me, father. That's what I needed.

Well, it's necessary. Thank you that the need has passed. It happened that a large fair opened in the city for the holiday. The next morning the father got ready to go to the fair, and his older daughters were going with him to buy gifts for themselves. The father also called the youngest, Maryushka. And Maryushka:

Father,” he says, “I’m tired from the road, and I have nothing to wear.” At the fair, tea, everyone will be dressed up.

“I’ll dress you up there, Maryushka,” the father answers. - At the fair, there is tea, there is a lot of bargaining.

And the older sisters say to the younger ones:

Put on our clothes, we have extra ones.

Ah, sisters, thank you! - says Maryushka.

I don't like your dresses! Yes, I feel good at home.

Well, have it your way,” her father tells her. - What should I bring you from the fair, what gift? Tell me, don’t hurt your father!

Oh, father, I don’t need anything, I have everything! No wonder I walked far and got tired on the road.

The father and older sisters went to the fair. At the same time, Maryushka took out her feather. It hit the floor and became a beautiful, kind fellow, Finist, only even more beautiful than he was before. Maryushka was surprised, but out of happiness she didn’t say anything.

Then Finist said to her:

Don't be surprised at me, Maryushka. It is because of your love that I became this way.

“Even though I’m surprised,” said Maryushka, “for me you’re always the same, I love you all.”

Where is your parent - father?

He went to the fair, and his older sisters were with him.

Why didn’t you, my Maryushka, go with them?

I have Finist, a clear falcon. I don't need anything at the fair.

“And I don’t need anything,” said Finist, “but because of your love I became rich.”

Finist turned around from Maryushka, whistled through the window - now dresses, headdresses and a golden carriage appeared.
They dressed up, got into the carriage, and the horses rushed them off like a whirlwind. They arrived in the city for a fair, and the fair had just opened, all the rich goods and food were lying in a heap, and buyers were on the road. Finist bought all the goods at the fair, all the food that was there, and ordered them to be taken by carts to the village to Maryushka’s parent. He did not buy the wheel ointment alone, but left it at the fair. He wanted all the peasants who came to the fair to become guests at his wedding and to come to him as soon as possible. And for a quick ride they will need ointment.

Finist and Maryushka went home. They ride fast, the horses do not have enough air from the wind. Halfway along the road, Maryushka saw her father and older sisters. They were still on their way to the fair and didn’t get there. Maryushka told them to rush to the courtyard for her wedding with Finist, the clear falcon. And three days later all the people who lived a hundred miles in the area gathered to visit. Then Finist got married to Maryushka, and the wedding was rich.

Our grandparents were at that wedding, they feasted for a long time, they celebrated the bride and groom, they would not have separated from summer to winter, but the time had come to harvest the harvest, the bread began to crumble; That’s why the wedding ended and there were no guests left at the feast. The wedding was over, and the guests forgot the wedding feast, but Maryushka’s faithful, loving heart was forever remembered in the Russian land.

“The Feather of Finist the Clear Falcon”- Russian folk tale about a young man who can turn into a feather or a falcon, and about a girl who loves him.

Finist's Feather - clear falcon summary

The old man had three daughters. The father is going to the city, the eldest and middle daughter ask to buy them fabrics for a dress, and the youngest - a feather from Finist - the clear falcon. Having returned, the father gives his eldest daughters some new clothes, but he could not find the feather. The next time, the older sisters each receive a scarf, but the promised feather for the younger sister is again missing. For the third time, the old man finally buys a feather for a thousand rubles.

In the youngest daughter’s room, the feather turns into the prince Finista The prince and the girl are having a conversation. The sisters hear voices. Then the prince turns into a falcon, and the girl lets him fly. The older sisters stick knives and needles into the window frame. Returning, Finist wounds his wings on the knives and flies away, ordering the girl to look for him in far away kingdom. She hears it through her sleep.

The girl stocks up with three pairs of iron shoes, three cast-iron staves, three stone potions and goes to look for Finist. On the way, she spends the night with three old women. One gives her a golden spindle, another a silver dish with a golden egg, the third a golden hoop with a needle.

The bread has already been devoured, the staffs have been broken, the shoes have been trampled. The girl learns that Finist in such and such a city married his mallow daughter. Having found out about this, the girl got a job as a housekeeper at a bakery, and began to barter with her and her husband for one wonderful item each in one night. But the malt milk gave Finist sleeping pills, so that he slept soundly for three nights. But on the last, third night, a girl’s tear accidentally fell on the sleeping Finist’s cheek, causing him to wake up and recognize his ex-lover, and ran away with her to her native land.

Finist turns into a feather again, and the girl comes home with him. She says she was on a pilgrimage. The father and eldest daughters leave for matins. The youngest stays at home and, after waiting a little, goes to church with Tsarevich Finist, in a golden carriage and precious attire. In church, the relatives do not recognize the girl, and she does not open up to them. The next day the same thing happens. On the third day, the father guesses everything, forces his daughter to confess, and the red maiden marries Prince Finist.