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Foam sup. DIY surfboard - instructions for making your dreams come true. Boards are different

This year, a fairly young sport with a board has spread to the resort coasts of Russia - SUP boarding. In this material we look in detail at what it is, when it appeared and how to start doing it if you really want to.

Supboarding is a relatively young sports discipline, but its history goes back to the distant past. The abbreviation “SUP” stands for Stand Up Paddle (from English “standing rowing”), and SUP boarding is a type of surfing. Modern “stand-up surfing” is developing at a very fast pace, and this is happening for several reasons. Even a child can usually cope with the task of mastering a surfboard with a paddle. Thanks to the versatility of SUP boarding, you don't have to have a bungalow in Hawaii or fly to the Californian coast every week to practice regularly. All you need is any body of water, a SUP board and desire.

Historians involved in the study of surfing claim that SUP as a discipline originated, like surfing itself, in the Hawaiian Islands. SUP boarding is given the status of a Native Hawaiian sport. The origins of the discipline are rooted in ancient history local peoples. A probable prototype of a paddle board is a canoe, on which representatives of many South American peoples have traveled since ancient times. By steering a light boat while standing with one oar, guiding it with the current and without causing unnecessary noise, it was possible to quietly penetrate enemy territory. In addition, the oar can be immediately used as a spear. Historians consider canoeing not only a prototype of SUP boarding, but surfing in general.

Due to its specificity, the board for this type of surfing is usually longer and wider than the board of a regular surfer, and therefore it is difficult to go out into the open sea and catch a wave on it simply by raking with your hands. This is what the paddle is used for. The Hawaiians built SUP boards from wood, and some boards were up to six meters long. As a rule, the largest and most impressive boards belonged to members of the royal family, who did not miss the opportunity to show off their technique for controlling such a giant on the waves.

The Kahanamoku board is a classic for boards of this time - it is made of wood and differs from a regular surfboard only in size. Duke Kahanamoku inspired many wave surfers to take up SUP boarding. Mostly local athletes rode the board while sitting, entering the wave with an oar, but many, following the example of Duke, piloted while standing.

Paddle boarding is reaching a new level of popularity at the beginning of the 21st century, and Rick Thomas is considered the popularizer of modern stand-up paddle boarding in the United States. Hawaiian surfers Brian Keaulana, Archie Kalepa, Rick Thomas, as well as world surfing legend Laird Hamilton, used SUP boarding to solve the problem of training on the water in complete calm. Alternative way The fight against windlessness was taken up by local surfers, many even decided not to part with the paddle at all. Surfing enthusiast Deborah Thomas is considered the first woman to stand on a paddle board and take up stand-up paddleboarding seriously.

In 2005, the first company producing SUP boards appeared. In 2007, the discipline was represented by its own publication. In the summer of 2007, enthusiasts came up with a name - Standup Journal - and decided to take it seriously, and in March next year their first issue came out.

The first major competition took place on August 8, 2007 on the shores of Lake Tahoe in California. It was a seven-mile race between 34 competitors that marked the beginning of the Ta-Ho-Nalu Paddle Festival. This is how SUP boarding gained its modern popularity.

There is a 1939 video of legendary Hawaiian-American surfer Duke Kahanamoku hitting the waves with a paddle in his hand. Australian historian Nick Carroll confirms that in this video we are watching Duke Kahanamoku, who controls the “grandfather” of the modern SUP board.

How to choose a supboard

The width of the board for “standing surfing” starts from 65 centimeters and can reach 1 meter. Thanks to the surface of the SUP board, which is wider than the surface of a regular surfboard, even beginners can stand on the board. The length of the board varies from 3.2 to 4 meters. The production of equipment for SUP boarding is mainly carried out by the same companies that supply boards and surfing equipment to the market. However, the boards and equipment for surfing and stand-up boarding are different.

The main materials for the production of SUP boards are the lightest possible materials: epoxy resin, fiberglass, wood, carbon and others. The latter makes the lightest SUP boards, but they are also the most expensive on the market. There are even inflatable boards that are very compact and thus save their owner from transportation problems.

SUP boards come in two main categories, each of which can be divided into subcategories: surfboards and rowing boards. SUPboards of the first category are compact (if this word is even suitable for three-meter giants), have a length of about 2.9 meters, they are more maneuverable and fast. Paddle boards are slower, but easier to stand on. As a rule, there are two length standards for such SUP boards - 3.8 meters and 4.3 meters.

Fierce debates among fans of this unusual sports discipline arise when the question arises: which SUP board is better - hard or inflatable? By hard we mean all types of boards that cannot be deflated and placed in a bag or in the trunk of a car. There is an opinion that hard SUP boards are usually chosen by masters, for the same reason hard fiberglass boards are an order of magnitude more expensive than any inflatable board premium. However, a counter-argument can be made that a true professional should be able to handle any board. Still, inflatable SUP boards are easier to store, they are unpretentious in terms of maintenance and care compared to hard ones, and, of course, they are cheaper. In general, there are a huge number of SUP boards on the market for every taste and budget. In our country, a new sap can be purchased for 20–30 thousand rubles. Some advanced models cost 100–150 thousand rubles. SUP board can also be brought from abroad, if, of course, you are not afraid of difficulties with transporting or sending the board.

Masters of SUP boarding and simply experienced surfers recommend not to rush to part with your money, but to start by renting a SUP board and doing a few swims. It is quite possible that someone will immediately dislike the new idea and buying a SUP board will not bring much joy.

There are no particularly strict requirements for SUP paddles. As a rule, the best paddle length is the athlete’s height plus 20 centimeters. Thanks to the ease of making oars, you can buy sports equipment for yourself in almost any sports store. As a rule, their cost varies from 3 to 20–25 thousand rubles. The most expensive oars are made of carbon, the most budget options- made of aluminum.

The leash (a safety leash that is attached to the athlete’s ankle on one side and to the board on the other) should be approximately 30 cm longer than the SUP board. Its purchase is everyone’s decision, but it is worth remembering that if it falls, the excess will not allow the board to go free floating. The fin of a SUP board, according to established standards, should be 13-15 inches for paddling and 7-10 inches for surfing.

If you don't take into account additional accessories(suits, bags, car fasteners, etc.), which are joyfully and large quantities are presented on the market, then the issue of equipment can be considered closed.

“To swim for the first time, a beginner must simply stand on the board, undergo instructions, and after five minutes he can set off on his own. The board can be rented or purchased. If we talk about St. Petersburg, the easiest way to do this is on the Lakhtinsky Razliv, and then go anywhere on your own. Many beginners simply take a board, listen in words to what to do and how to do it, and go to their dacha or to the beach on the bay, no one has any problems.”

Evgeniy Rezontov, supboarder, multiple champion of supboarding competitions, founder of the website SUPsurf.ru

Where to begin

Supboarding is also wonderful because to practice “stand-up surfing” you don’t need to rush to the Hawaiian coast and catch a big wave. The SUP boarder will be happy even with a calm sea bay, a quiet river backwater, a leisurely river flow, or absolutely smooth surface lakes. You can just stand and row, contemplating the surface of the water and admiring the landscape. And most SUP boarders learned to stand on the board more or less confidently on the first day of training. That is why this discipline is so popular among ordinary amateurs. aquatic species sports

Ideally, it is best to learn a new sport with an instructor or friend who already has experience in SUP boarding. If there are none, then your faithful friend the Internet will come to the rescue. Go to specialized forums, thematic sites and watch videos. As a rule, this is enough to learn the basics of board control. You need to choose a calm place for your first experiment; the best option would be a quiet river or lake. You shouldn’t try to ride a big wave on the first day of training. Perhaps it won't be amiss. It's even better if you have a life jacket.

First you need to put the board on the water, lie down on it and swim a little away from the shore. After which you need to kneel. Once you feel confident and balanced, you can try to get back on your feet. The hands rest on the front of the board, then the first leg stands, followed by the second. Standing on all fours, you can try to rise to your feet. The first time you need to stand strictly in the middle of the board. Once you get used to it a little, you can try to move around the board, again maintaining balance and trying not to fall into the water. Now you can start swimming.

There are three basic stances on a SUP board: right foot forward, left foot forward, and both feet in line. To avoid getting tired while standing in one position, you can change poses. Take a pose, pick up the oar (which should have been lying on the surface of the board all this time) and try to row. The arms should be bent at the elbows at an angle of 90 degrees, when the oar is immersed in the water, you need to swing the oar under water. It is recommended to change your position and hands, and take turns rowing from different sides. As you know, the shortest path is straight, so try not to make unnecessary turns.

Important. When you fall off the board, which will happen with enviable consistency, especially at first, the main thing is not to panic. The first thing you need to do is climb on the board, and only then, in a lying position, swim for the oar.

SUP boarding in Russia

As already noted, for a real SUP boarder, even small ripples are not a reason to cancel training. But it is obvious that all SUP lovers, like surfers, dream of getting into M surfing ekku - to Hawaii, where every native has his own board. Also great options there will be the Californian coast and the island of Bali. In Russia, SUP boarding has so far received the greatest recognition in St. Petersburg and Krasnodar region, where the most famous domestic lovers of the discipline live, here you can comfortably rent a SUP board. For example, one of the SUP board rentals operates on the shore of Lake Lakhtinskoye, where, by the way, you can try it out right away.

The city on the Neva hosts the main Russian competitions among SUP boarders. In general, the first SUP boarding competition in Russia was supported by Russian Federation surfing took place in 2011. The Baltic SUP Cup is held annually in June, the “Autumn Marathon” is held in September near Vybor.

Thanks to the SUPsurf.ru website team for their help in preparing the material.

My friends started this hobby a few years ago with rope and old door from the wardrobe. They've come a long way since then. At first there was only a rope attached to the bridge and a handle on the board.

This allowed for nothing more than to stand on a board that scours from side to side along the river.

The next step was to use two ropes - one for the board and one to hold on to, which allowed for turns.

But it was dangerous, the rope could get tangled around your feet and if you fell into the water, it would be better if someone ended up with a knife on the bridge.

Once I almost drowned, I realized that something needed to change, and I decided that a leash attached to my ankle was the best option. Because when you fall into the water, you simply let go of the handle and swim to the shore.

This is my third DIY surfboard, the first one was too small, the second one worked great, but didn’t last long without reinforcing fibers.

This is the pinnacle of DIY surfboard technology, and you'll see it for yourself!

Step 1: What you need

Related materials:

3 sheets 175cm x 70cm, 3mm plywood, in my case poplar
6 pads 180cm for longitudinal clamping
more pads or something similar to perpendicular clamps
about 1.5 kg epoxy resin(you probably don't need it all, but in case of waste, spills, etc., it's better to have more)
woven fiberglass - about 5m2 (one sheet at the top, one or two at the bottom, and many around the edges)
small piece plastic pipe 8 mm in diameter (to reinforce the hole for the leader)
paint (optional)


Workbench (at least 60cm x 170cm, this is the same as mine)
clamps, lots of clamps
simple grinding equipment
more clamps
Tools for mixing and applying resin
drill (8 mm)
Did I mention to make sure you have enough clamps?

For the practical part of surfing:

Surfing leash
water tow rope (I've made these myself before, but the ones you can buy are nicer to hold)
river with bridge

Step 2: Laminating the Surfboard into a Curved Shape

On the outer end edges of the workbench, we place risers, pieces of wood about 7-8 cm in height, which will give us a deflection of the plywood sheet when clamped with clamps (the height of the sheet rises from the middle) of about 5 cm when the resin dries.

In addition to them, we place slats to support the edges and the middle (it wouldn’t hurt to add more, but it will be more difficult to push through)

Now we mix the resin, apply it to everyone internal surfaces sheets and begin to clamp.

Add clamps and extra weight wherever you can, especially around the edges where we will later cut out the shape of the surfboard.

Step 3: Shaping your own surfboard

After waiting for the resin to polymerize, you can begin marking the mold.

A string tied to a pencil will allow you to outline acceptable radii.

I used photos of wakeskates and wakeboards as a reference, but in the end the exact shape doesn't really matter of great importance. One time we used the cabinet doors for surfing, wow!

Cut out the shape with a jigsaw set angle 45° and sand until smooth.

Step 4: Add Strength to the Board with Fiberglass

I built a jig to hold the board, but you can do without one (just place suitable scraps of wood under the board).

Now apply a layer of resin to the board, apply a layer of fiberglass and start smoothing it with a brush soaked in resin. Try to completely saturate the fabric with resin and roll it tightly to the surface of the board. Then cuts are made at the corners and the edges are turned in. Repeat the same on the other side.

Now add strips of fiberglass around the edges. The bigger, the better.

Always use protective equipment when working with epoxy compounds and fiberglass!

Step 5: Finishing Touches

Time to get creative!

You'll probably want to give your DIY surfboard a coat of paint with one or two coats of epoxy.

Now is also the time to drill a hole at one end of the board to attach the leash. I glued a small piece of plastic pipe into the hole for strength.

When applying the final coat of epoxy to the top of the board, be sure to spread a layer of sugar over the entire surface while it is still sticky. This will give good grip between your feet and board in the water.

Step 6: It's time to surf!

So this is best board DIY surfboard is lightweight (for its size) and still stiff, but there's still plenty of room for improvement.


Another tip: Dress up in swim trunks before you try surfing :)

Based on materials from www.instructables.com

Windsurfing is one of the most exciting and... Windsurfing is a hybrid of surfing and sailing. To ride the waves, athletes use a windsurf (sometimes called a windsurfer, just like the athlete himself). This is a floating board to which a mast with a sail is attached.

You can make your own windsurfing board

This board does not have a steering wheel. The athlete learns to control the projectile by adjusting the direction of the sail and the positions of his own body.

No less exciting than surfing, but less expensive than sailing boats. Moreover, you can make a windsurf for this type of active sport with your own hands at home. True, for this you must be able to handle wood well and it is advisable to know at least in theory the basics of elementary shipbuilding.

Before describing the process of producing a floating product, you need to decide what materials you will need.


Stock up on everything in advance necessary materials and tools to be less fussy and more integral. Try to be careful when purchasing material. The process of creating a surf sail is already quite labor-intensive. And buying missing products will only add to the hassle.

So, before you start making the board, buy the following consumables:

  • two large sheets of plywood. It is necessary that the thickness of each of them reaches 4 millimeters;
  • a sheet of plywood 1 centimeter thick;
  • slats 20 by 20 millimeters. You will need about seven pieces;
  • seven meters of thin slats;
  • slats 2.5 meters long, 10 by 30 mm. You need to purchase six pieces;
  • a small piece of plywood up to two millimeters thick;
  • epoxy waterproof glue;
  • nails;
  • construction foam;
  • fiberglass;
  • waterproof dyes;
  • metal strips;
  • a small piece of brass;
  • duralumin strip 4–5 mm thick.

After purchasing all these goods, you can begin the process of creating a sailing shell.


The first step is to make a board - the body of the product. You can see the dimensions of its parts and the principle of their relationship below in Figure 1.


When making a surf with your own hands, we take plywood and cut two keelsons. They can be made using a regular saw. For convenience, first draw the outlines of one keelson and cut it out, and make the second board in the image and likeness of the first.

The keelsons need to be connected along the contour. This is done using slats. Don't forget that the product will have a mast. Leave room for her. The future level of controllability of the surf depends on how you secure the mast and centerboard.

When creating the board, be sure to cut small holes in the keelsons. This will help the device ventilate in the future.

Most likely, the sheets of plywood you purchased will not be long enough to create a solid structure. But the board can be glued together. Use a rasp to process the parts to be glued. The gluing areas need to be processed so that they become rough (this will increase the level of adhesion). After this, grease the board around the edges. epoxy glue and connect the plywood sheets. A rod can be inserted between them to determine the internal height of the projectile. Overlapping areas plywood construction needs to be nailed down. When the workpiece dries, the sharp tips of the nails will need to be bitten off. The lath is also removed when dry.

Deck and bottom

They can also be made. This is done according to the drawings. These cut parts must first be glued to the keelson and then secured with nails. Please ensure that the fastenings are located from each other at a distance not exceeding thirty centimeters.

The sides need to be filled with construction foam. In the worst case, you can use the packaging form of this material.

Lubricate the foam with epoxy to secure it. Glue must be applied to each piece. After this, the material should “look” behind the board by half a centimeter.

When the glue dries, you will need to give the foam an oval shape. This is easy to do with sandpaper.

The resulting structure must be “packed” in fiberglass. You can use a wood stapler for this.


After upholstery, it is necessary to prepare holes in the places to which the fin, steps and centerboard will be attached.


Now you can give the device the desired appearance by painting the board with waterproof paint. If you saturate the plywood with drying oil after painting, it will last longer.


The mast created can be made from long slats. In principle, they can be replaced with a duralumin tube.

When creating a mast from slats, they need to be glued together according to the drawings presented in Figure 1 and processed.

After manufacturing, the mast must be tested for strength. If the device turns out to be too flexible, coat it with epoxy glue and cover it with one layer of fiberglass. This should increase the elasticity of the product.

The mast must be coated with water-repellent varnish.

Make flats on its thick ends. Each will have a hinge attached. You can see its device in Figure 2.

The hinge cube is made of brass, and the metal parts are made of metal strips, the thickness of which is 2–4 millimeters.


10 by 30 millimeter slats are also useful for it. They need to be laid on the tsulaga and precisely adjusted to one another. After this, the surface of the slats must be sanded with sandpaper and coated with glue. Now they can be clamped with tsulaga.

The outer frame must be made from prepared duralumin.

Fin and centerboard

The centerboard of your surfboard should be movable. The athlete must be able to slide it in and out. It can be made from plywood 1 centimeter thick. You will need to cut out two identical shapes and then glue them together.

The centerboard feather needs to be shaped like a drop. After this, saturate the centerboard with drying oil.

Glue the fin from three- or four-millimeter plywood.


The sail is the engine of your surf. Therefore, it is advisable not to save on it. Don't skimp and buy this part in the store.

However, if you decide to create this part of the projectile with your own hands, do it carefully and carefully.


Choose a synthetic material with minimal ventilation. It will not gain much weight when wet and will cope well with the role of a “tractor”.

Dacron is ideal. You can also use a thin tarp.

For loyal riding conditions, you can choose jacket and raincoat fabrics, as well as cotton materials. But when using them, remember the need for additional reinforcement. False seams will help you with this.


The sail should be cut after the mast is installed on board. This way you will know the exact required dimensions and even calculate the deflection.

To cut the fabric, lay it on the floor. Determine the luff lengths, sail angles and draw on the material. Roulette will help you with this. Hammer a nail at the tops of the corners. Tie a thread to each nail. Pull it towards each corner to form a triangle.

The length of the thread on each side of the triangle should match the length of the luff.

Transfer the dimensions of the sickles from the drawing. Using a regular felt-tip pen, you can outline the maximum sail dimensions for yourself. Don't forget about hem allowances. On average, one allowance can reach half a meter.

After installing the sail, the product is considered ready.

If you know a little more about how to create a windsurf yourself, please share your experience in the comments.

Fair wind to you!

In this article we will talk about all types of surfs and how to make them yourself. In addition, we will tell experimenters and extreme sports enthusiasts about creating a board equipped with its own engine.

Boards are different

Surfs are divided into several types according to stability, maneuverability, and functionality:

  1. Longboards. In appearance, they resemble a small boat and are the most stable, so they are well suited for beginners, helping to maintain balance.
  2. Minimalibu. They are even more suitable for developing surfer skills - on a voluminous and moderately long board it is easy to feel the wave.
  3. Evolutiv. Suitable for surfers making progress. They perfectly combine stability and maneuverability.
  4. Ghana. Their element is big waves. The most functional of the entire range.
  5. Shortboards. Short and narrow surf for real pros. It is distinguished by its technicality and maneuverability.

How to make it yourself

The most convenient in self-production- fiberglass and epoxy surfacing.

To do this, you will need a polyurethane foam mold, polyurethane resin and fiberglass (first option) or EPS resin and a polystyrene foam blank (second option). In both cases you will need a long wooden plank- the future stringer, thanks to which the surfboard gains rigidity.

We make them with our own hands like this:

  1. Cut the workpiece in half and insert the stringer strip.
  2. Give the board a shape - the shape you need, which will influence the “character” of your board. At this stage, the length, width, thickness of the board, its type, the shape of its deck and bottom, rails, tail and nose are determined. A DIY surfboard is made according to the contours of wooden patterns. It is shaped with a saw, sandpaper and a plane.
  3. Write the size on the already formed board and leave your signature - this is the tradition.
  4. Mark the spots for the fins and paint your creation.
  5. Place fiberglass over the design and begin the final stage - lamination. This is a uniform application of resin with a spatula over the entire surface of the board. After it dries, drill holes for the fins and fins.
  6. Polish the surfboard with sandpaper, removing any remaining resin, cover it with a glossy resin coating and leave it to dry for a day.

All! DIY surfboard made.

Motor surfboard

A do-it-yourself surfboard with a motor is made from simple, one might say, improvised materials:

  • graphite foam;
  • plywood (3-4 mm);
  • polyurethane foam with adhesive effect;
  • and, in fact, the engine.

Instructions for use:

  1. The “fish” shape is most suitable for this design. Shape the foam into the outline of a “fish”.
  2. Make a recess in it the size of a sealed box, where the engine and the PowerBank feeding it will be placed.
  3. It should come from the box and the motor (from a drill, for example), to which it needs to be attached. You can also build a steering wheel.
  4. We recommend using a pump motor of at least 200 watts and 2800 rpm. As already mentioned, it will be powered by a PowerBank (you can use one or a pair of batteries).
  5. The engine must be connected to the batteries through a waterproof switch.

This is a simple way to make a surfboard with your own hands. We hope this article gives you some inspiration to create the surf of your dreams.