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Types of water fire extinguishers. Water fire extinguishers. Which fire extinguisher to choose

Water has been and remains the main means of fire extinguishing, although it is not suitable for situations where it is necessary to extinguish a fire in an electrical installation, in a place with expensive interiors and electronics, or in a warehouse with products that react poorly to moisture. In all these cases, using a water fire extinguisher, like just water, is unacceptable, however, these devices have found a wide range of uses.

Water fire extinguisher device

The design of a water fire extinguisher is quite simple, making this device affordable compared to other types of fire extinguishers.

Some manufacturers equip water fire extinguishers with removable compressed air cylinders that are screwed to the fire extinguisher in case of fire. This measure makes the design somewhat more expensive, but it also makes it possible to increase the volume of emulsion in the cylinder due to the absence air gap In addition, the fire extinguisher is not constantly under pressure and becomes absolutely safe. Such models can be disassembled without necessarily releasing the filler.

Scope of application - in what cases is use allowed?

Salts dissolved in water make it a good conductor of electricity, therefore it is prohibited to use water fire extinguishers in distribution areas. electrical devices ah with live parts under voltage.

The use of these fire extinguishing agents is limited to:

  • Combustible materials with a solid structure
  • Organic or inorganic structures that support not only combustion, but also smoldering, for example, cotton.
  • A fire extinguisher is also used in case of fire of flammable liquids classified as class B.
  • The positive aspects of a water fire extinguisher are its environmental friendliness, so it can be used in flower beds, greenhouses and other similar facilities.

The harmlessness of the emulsion to humans allows you to avoid the use of additional protective equipment.

The nature of the impact of water on surrounding materials does not allow the use of water fire extinguishers in those rooms where there are materials that could be damaged as a result:

  • Office premises with a large presence of paper and digital media and electronics,
  • Premises with decorative finishing afraid of water, museums, archives and the like.
  • It is contraindicated to use water fire extinguishers to extinguish melted or very hot materials, this will lead to sharp release large quantity pair, which can injure others and also reduces the radius of vision.

How does a water fire extinguisher work?

Simple use and design make a water fire extinguisher always trouble-free; the principle of operation is to push out a jet of water due to the expansion of compressed air, in the cylinder itself or additionally screwed into the seal.

The effectiveness of extinguishing the source of flame largely depends on the spraying of the jet Therefore, the main structural part in such fire extinguishers is the spray nozzle at the end of the hose.

It is very important that the sprayer forms a flat jet with a high droplet dispersion inside and a fine dispersion at the edges; only then the droplets located in the center will be delivered directly to the combustion zone.

Finely sprayed water not only extinguishes the source of the flame, but also absorbs heat and also precipitates combustion products, thereby reducing the risk of poisoning for people in the room. The fire extinguisher must be placed in accessible and visible places, away from heat devices and direct sun rays. Installation in places with temperatures above 50 degrees is not allowed. required annually, recertification of the cylinder is required every five years.

For my long history humanity has learned to fight fires and has developed measures fire safety, methods and methods of fighting fire, came up with fire extinguishing means. One of them is a fire extinguisher.

How to handle this fire extinguishing agent, what kind of fire extinguishing agent it has specifications What can and cannot be extinguished with fire extinguishers - our article answers all these questions.

What is a fire extinguisher

A fire extinguisher is a device designed to extinguish a fire. Extinguishing is carried out by substance contained in a fire extinguisher that can extinguish a flame. A fire extinguisher can be either portable or mobile.

Fire extinguisher first portable, can be used at the initial stage of fire until the flames spread over a large area. For larger fires, more powerful agents are used.

A fire extinguisher is a device that has a cylindrical shape, in other words, a cylinder. The capacity of the device can reach 100 cubic dm. It is equipped with a starting device and a nozzle that forms a stream of flame-extinguishing substance. It is released from the cylinder under high pressure. The pressure in the cylinder is created when the substance is pumped into the fire extinguisher or when the substance leaves the cylinder. In the second case, most often the fire extinguisher is equipped with additional device, which contains gas, which creates high pressure upon startup.


Fire extinguishers can be classified according to the method of operation:

  • Automatic, that is, devices that do not require human presence. They are usually placed in areas of high fire danger. They are triggered when the temperature exceeds a preset value.
  • Manual. They are launched by a person when a fire is detected.

Classification according to the operating principle of the device:

  • . For now, let’s just note that the device uses carbon dioxide.
  • Air foam. Used to extinguish liquids, combustible and flammable materials, as well as smoldering materials.
  • . Used to extinguish high voltage devices, gases, and solids.
  • Water. Used to extinguish fires of flammable liquids and solids.

Fire extinguishers are also classified by body volume:

  • Manual with weight up to 20 kg. Can be carried by hand. There are also small-capacity fire extinguishers with a volume of up to 4 liters.
  • Mobile and stationary - over 20 and up to 400 kg. Typically, mobile fire extinguishers are transported on a trolley.

If you had to use a fire extinguisher, then pictures or pictograms will help you quickly understand the procedure. They must be applied to the body of the fire extinguisher.

Fire extinguishers can be divided into for downloads, that is, the pressure in the cylinder is set at the time of injection fire extinguishing agent, and devices with additional equipment , a can of gas or substance that contains chemical reaction. With the help of this can, the necessary pressure is created at the time of startup.

And the last way to classify fire extinguishers: by starting devices.

In this case, they are divided into the following types:

  • with valve type shutter;
  • pistol type;
  • start-up, which depends on pressure;
  • squib.

Fire extinguishers subject to mandatory standardization. GOST, which a fire extinguisher must comply with, is R51057-2001. Commissioned in 2001. This GOST defines the scope of application of the device, its configuration, storage conditions, both safety and technical requirements, and labeling.

Device marking

The marking is applied to the body of the fire extinguisher. The text must be written in Russian. The address of the manufacturer, its trademark, the name of the fire extinguisher, and its designation must be indicated. TU, GOST are indicated, which fires can be extinguished, what substance this fire extinguisher is charged with, its type, as well as brand and approvals, The method of preparation and actuation is shown by a set of pictograms. The pictograms also show the class of fire that is not recommended to be extinguished with this device, the conditions for using the fire extinguisher, the temperature range, etc. The mass of the substance and the mass of the entire device are also indicated.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers


Used in museums, archives, chemical laboratories, enterprises, offices, cars, electrical installations. You can extinguish substances and materials that burn in the presence of air.

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The device consists of a cylinder, usually steel, a locking device and a trigger. The cylinder is equipped with a handle for carrying. Must be sealed and filled with carbon dioxide.

After starting, the dioxide turns into a snow-like substance, cools the fire area, causing combustion to stop.

What is prohibited from stewing

Categorically It is prohibited to extinguish a burning person with such fire extinguishers. It is also not recommended to extinguish alloys of magnesium and aluminum, sodium and potassium, as well as the above substances themselves.

Air foam


Fire extinguishers of this type intended for extinguishing hard materials, flammable liquids.

Device and principle of operation

Fire extinguishers of this type consist of a cylinder with a foaming agent, a working cartridge that contains gas to create excess pressure, and a nozzle. The foaming agent from the main cylinder, under the influence of excess pressure created using gas from an additional cylinder, is pushed into the nozzle, where it is mixed with air. As a result, foam is formed, which extinguishes the fire.

What is prohibited from stewing

You cannot extinguish substances that burn without air., alkali metals, objects under voltage.



Fire extinguishers of this type are designed to extinguish solid substances, liquid substances, gases, electrical installations whose voltage does not exceed 1000V.

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Device and principle of operation

Depending on the type of powder, the design of the fire extinguisher, in addition to the cylinder itself, can also be equipped with a pressure gauge, gas canister, pressure indicator. The principle of operation is that the powder is ejected from the cylinder under pressure.

What is prohibited from stewing

Fire extinguishers of this type not used for extinguishing materials that burn without air.


Maintenance is as follows:

  • periodic inspections of fire extinguishers;
  • examinations;
  • repair;
  • device testing;
  • recharging fire extinguishers.

At the end of the article, we present to your attention a video about the production of fire extinguishers! Look. It's interesting.

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Greetings, dear friends! This short note is about which fire extinguishers to buy: carbon dioxide, powder, water, air-foam, chemical foam, air-emulsion, freon. There was also a bonus 😉 See the end of the note.

The packaging (if there is one) and the label of the fire extinguisher contain a lot of information that is incomprehensible to the consumer - abbreviations, pictograms, diagrams. Manufacturers of fire extinguishers mark their products with letters characterizing the type of fire extinguisher (OP, OU, OV, ORP, etc.), indicating the class of fires (A, B, C, B, D and E) and numbers indicating the mass of the fire extinguishing agent (FME).

Depending on the mass of fire extinguishers, fire extinguishers are divided into:

- portable (hand-held)
— mobile, weighing more than 20 kg.

Mobile fire extinguishers are designed to protect large objects: Gas stations, warehouses, shops. They can only be purchased in specialized stores or from manufacturers.

When choosing a fire extinguisher, you need to pay attention to what types of fires the fire extinguisher is designed to extinguish.

The class and rank of the model fire is indicated on the fire extinguisher label.

Fire classes:

Class A - Combustion of solids
Class B - Combustion of liquid substances
Class C - Combustion gaseous substances
Class D – Combustion of metals and metal-containing substances
Class E - fires caused by electrical equipment malfunctions (short circuits, arcs, overloads), as well as violations of rules technical operation electrical installations.

So that the fire extinguisher you choose does not let you down and fails in severe frost, in an unheated room or car, when choosing a fire extinguisher, you must consider climatic conditions operation and ensure compliance temperature range using a fire extinguisher.

Depending on the type of fire extinguishing agent used, fire extinguishers are divided into:

— aquatic (AW);
— air-foam (AFP);
— powder (OP);
— carbon dioxide (CO);
— chemical foams (OCF);
— refrigerant (CH);
— air emulsion (AVE).

Depending on the principle of creating the gas pressure necessary to release the fire extinguishing agent, fire extinguishers are divided into: injection fire extinguishing agents (Type Z); a cylinder is used to store liquefied or compressed gas high pressure(Type B); product with a gas-generating device (Type G).

Example symbols fire extinguishers: OVE-6 (z) -AVE - air-emulsion fire extinguisher. Then the volume of waste water is indicated, in this case it is 6 liters. (h) - The principle of creating gas pressure - injection, is indicated by the letter "z" (this is not a number). Suitable for extinguishing fires class A, B, E.

Which fire extinguishers are best?

Let's figure out how they differ. When choosing fire extinguishers, you need to take into account the features of their design and the class of the expected fire. There are several types of fire extinguishers, differing in the principle of impact on the source of fire, the extinguishing agent, efficiency, versatility of use, and, of course, price.

Powder fire extinguishers (OP)

Powder fire extinguishers are the most common and versatile type of fire extinguishers. Thanks not high cost their market share reaches 80% of the total. Depending on the purpose, powder formulations are divided into powders general purpose(ABSE, ALL) and powders special purpose, which are used to extinguish class D fires, and can be used to extinguish fires of other classes.

Despite their versatility and prevalence, powder fire extinguishers have significant disadvantages:

1. High smoke content and a significant decrease in the visibility of the source and exit routes due to the powder cloud formed during application;
2. The need to use funds personal protection V indoors;
3. Difficult to remove powder contamination of the protected object;
4. Fire extinguishing powders are prone to clumping and caking during storage;
5. Lack of a cooling effect during extinguishing; high probability of re-ignition of an already extinguished fire from a heated object;
6. High smoke content of the extinguishing object occurs due to a powder cloud.

Gas fire extinguishers: carbon dioxide (CO) and freon (FC)

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers (CO)

Liquefied carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide) is used as a fire extinguishing agent in OS fire extinguishers. The effectiveness of flame extinguishing is achieved by cooling the combustion zone and displacing oxygen with non-flammable carbon dioxide.

The main advantages of such fire extinguishers are:

1. Efficiency of extinguishing liquid and gaseous substances (class B, C) and electrical installations up to 1000 V (class E);
2. Complete absence of traces of extinguishing, since carbon dioxide completely evaporates after use, leaving no traces.


1. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is liquefied in a high-strength steel case under high pressure, so all carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are heavier than other types of fire extinguishers.
2. Due to high pressure, carbon dioxide fire extinguishers should not be stored near heat sources or exposed to direct sunlight.
3. When using a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, it is strictly forbidden to touch the fire extinguisher socket, because carbon dioxide during transition from liquid state into gaseous form, instantly cools the fire extinguisher nozzle to -70 °C. (possibility of frostbite on hands due to sudden cooling of the fire extinguisher pipe and cylinder);
4. Use in a confined space leads to a sharp increase in CO2 concentration, which can cause the phenomenon of oxygen deficiency and suffocation;
5. Reduced effectiveness of the fire extinguisher at subzero temperatures.
6. Not used for extinguishing wood and substances that burn without air access (cotton, pyroxylin)

Halon fire extinguishers (OH)

Fire extinguishers based on freons are highly effective and are used where damage to protected equipment or objects is not allowed: server and communication equipment, electronic equipment, museum exhibits, archives, etc.).

Advantages of freon fire extinguishers:

1. High efficiency of refrigerant, 2 times higher than the efficiency of carbon dioxide;
2. No destructive effect on extinguishing objects;

Disadvantages of freon fire extinguishers:

1. Toxic effect of freon and its pyrolysis products in a fire on the human body;
2. Increased corrosiveness of freon;
3. Negative Impact on the environment, the possibility of destruction of the ozone layer;

Water fire extinguishers(OB)

Water fire extinguishers are well suited for extinguishing the fire of solid flammable substances, materials of organic origin, the combustion of which is accompanied by smoldering, for example, paper, wood, rags (class A).

Advantages of water fire extinguishers:

1. Effective cooling of the combustion area;
2. Ecological cleanliness and safety for people;
3. Minor secondary damage from spilled water

Disadvantages of water fire extinguishers:

1. Water fire extinguishers cannot be used to extinguish flammable liquids (class B); water conducts electricity well; they are not used to extinguish fires of electrical equipment (class E);
2. Narrow operating temperature range in which use is possible (from +5°C to +50°C)
3. High corrosive activity of the charge;
4. Requires annual recharging.

Air-foam fire extinguishers (AFP)

In air-foam fire extinguishers, the extinguishing agent is foam. It consists almost entirely of air (the proportion of air contained in the foam reaches 90%).

They are used to extinguish the initial stages of fire of solid or liquid substances, such as wood, oils, etc.

Disadvantages of air-foam fire extinguishers:

1. Cannot be used to extinguish flammable liquids in an area larger than 1 m² (class B);
2. Not used to extinguish electrical fires (class E);
3. Narrow operating temperature range in which use is possible (from +5°C to +50°C);
4. Possibility of damage to the extinguishing object;
5. High corrosive activity of the charge;
6. Requires annual recharging.

Chemical foam fire extinguishers (CFF)

Despite the improvements that have been made, they are obsolete and have low fire extinguishing ability and are gradually being taken out of service and replaced with more effective fire extinguishers. Used for extinguishing solid flammable substances (class A).

The only advantage is their low cost.

Air emulsion fire extinguishers (AFE)

Air emulsion fire extinguishers (AFE) incorporate the advantages inherent in water and air-foam fire extinguishers, but lack their main disadvantages.


1. Safe for humans and environment, which is confirmed by sanitary and epidemiological conclusions.
2. Allows you to immediately begin extinguishing a fire in enclosed spaces before the evacuation of people without the use of personal respiratory and visual protection.
3. Does not reduce visibility in the fire zone.
4. No secondary damage from spillage or contamination of the object with a fire extinguishing agent, due to minimum flow OTV.
5. They are universal and are used to extinguish fires in premises, transport, outdoors including with negative temperature air to minus 40 °C.
6. Due to the high stability of the fire extinguishing agent solution, the service life of air-emulsion fire extinguishers is 10 years without recharging and re-examination.
7. High efficiency of extinguishing solid flammable substances, materials of organic origin, the combustion of which is accompanied by smoldering, and flammable liquids (class A, B);
8. Possibility of extinguishing live electrical installations and electrical equipment up to 10,000 V (class E);
9. Effective cooling of the combustion area;
10. No secondary damage from exposure to the fire extinguishing agent;
11. Operation of the fire extinguisher at negative temperatures down to minus 40 ° C;

The only disadvantage of air-emulsion fire extinguishers is their relatively high cost.

As a rule, air-emulsion fire extinguishers, due to their combination of high efficiency characteristics, become the choice of professionals, reputable organizations and departments, as well as ordinary citizens who highly value their safety, the safety of their loved ones and the safety of their property.

After using a fire extinguisher, it must be recharged. Up to 40 recharges are allowed during the service life.

That's all I have! I hope this article will help you decide which fire extinguishers to buy.

Burning electrical wiring poses a serious danger. To extinguish it, you need to use special fire-fighting agents that guarantee efficiency and safety in extinguishing the fire. It is necessary to clearly know which fire extinguisher can and cannot be used when extinguishing live wiring.

Causes of electrical fires

Electrical networks in a home or business are a source of danger to humans. Neglecting safety precautions can lead to severe electric shock and fire.

Main causes of fire:

  • Technical fault in electrical wiring. The condition of all nodes should be taken into account utility network. This is a distribution panel to which the main supply cable, branches are connected and protection devices are installed. All devices must function. It is necessary to provide backup protection in case of failure of one of the devices. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the quality of the connections of the conductor contacts. For reliability and safety of electrical wiring operation (especially during wet areas) you will need residual current devices.
  • Unsafe operation of electrical appliances. When connecting any devices, it is worth considering the possibilities ultimate load network and the presence of a grounding contact in the socket. One of the reasons for electrical wiring fires is a large load on one of the outlets, to which several units are connected through splitters and extension cords. In addition, damaged cords and plugs of devices pose a danger.

After plugging in the electrical appliance for some time, you need to unplug it and check the plug for overheating. If the plug is hot, it means there is damage to the contact fastenings.

  • Problems with the lighting. Lighting often cause electrical fires. In rooms with high humidity It is necessary to provide protection for lamps from splashes and switches from moisture.

The main requirement for any problems with electrical wiring is to completely turn it off. To prevent a fire, at the first sign of a short circuit, it is necessary to turn off the power to the network, and only then begin repairs. Work with a live network can only be carried out by professional electricians in a special protective suit that eliminates the risk of electric shock.

Short circuit - cause of wiring fire

The occurrence of a powerful and destructive current pulse in the network is called short circuit. It occurs at the moment when the wires of the circuit are connected, but the current does not flow to the electrical appliance. The wiring heats up and starts a fire.

If sparking or open flame appears, turn off the electricity immediately.

If access to the plugs is impossible, the wires must be cut off with any electrically insulating tool.

The first signs of an impending short circuit may be interruptions in the operation of lighting and electrical appliances. They should be checked for integrity of wires and contacts.

There is current in the burning live wiring, so if it is not possible to turn off the panel or cut the wiring, you must call the fire department.

Extinguishing electrical fires

Extinguishing live electrical wiring with water is prohibited. Water is an ideal conductor of current and a person who pours water on the wiring is guaranteed to receive an electric shock. If the network is de-energized, then you can use water, sand or any fire extinguisher at hand.

If it is not possible to turn off the power, you can only use a fire extinguisher, on the body of which it is noted that it can be used in class E fires. This classification corresponds to fires in electrical installations.

To extinguish fires in electrical installations, some powder and aerosol, carbon dioxide extinguishing agents are used. They are designed for extinguishing wiring and electrical installations under voltage of no more than 1000 volts (optimally about 300 volts). If there are more than high voltage it is necessary to look for ways to de-energize the network.

It is impossible to use foam-air and foam-chemical compositions under voltage.

burning external electrical wiring In winter you can try to put it out with snowballs. They will cause a short circuit and trigger the network's protective mechanism.

Rules for extinguishing wiring with fire extinguishers

  • Powder-filled fire extinguishers can extinguish burning electrical appliances with voltages up to 1000 volts;
  • The carbon dioxide composition is suitable for extinguishing electrical installations with voltage up to 10 kilovolts;
  • If the length of the carbon dioxide jet is less than three meters, only equipment with a voltage of 1 kilovolt can be extinguished.

Types of fire extinguishers and their scope

Water and foam formulations

Fire extinguishing devices such as OVP, OV, OHP can be used to extinguish a de-energized network. They can be used to eliminate visible fire in the event of a break. cable line, which powers burning equipment.

Powder formulations

A burning electrical panel with voltage up to a thousand volts can be extinguished powder fire extinguisher. The powder knocks down the fire and creates a dense layer that blocks the access of oxygen to the fire site.

Marked high efficiency devices of the "OP" series. They can be used at voltages up to 1 kilowatt.

Carbon dioxide compounds

They are considered the most effective in extinguishing fires in electrical installations. The OU series knocks down the flame and lowers the temperature of heated areas. When working with this fire extinguisher, it is worth considering that carbon dioxide emits harmful fumes and should not be used in enclosed spaces. At the same time, it has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • It leaves no traces after complete evaporation. This is important for complex electronics.
  • Extinguishes electrical units with voltage up to 10 kilowatts.

If you don’t have a fire extinguisher suitable for extinguishing electrical wiring at hand, you can use sand.

Safe distance from which to extinguish electrical wiring:

  • For voltages up to 10 kW - at least 1 meter with a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher;
  • For voltages up to 1 kW - at least 1 meter with a powder fire extinguisher;
  • For voltages up to 0.4 kW - at least 1 meter with a halon fire extinguisher.

Basics of fire brigade work when extinguishing live electrical installations:

  1. When working with foam compositions, the foam generators, barrels and pumps of fire engines are grounded.
  2. Complied with safe distances for stewing.
  3. Foam fire extinguishers are not used.
  4. Extinguishing is carried out in specialized clothing.


If it is necessary to eliminate an electrical fire at home, it is necessary to use all possibilities to de-energize the network. Typically, the voltage of the consumer network does not exceed 380 Volts. If de-energizing is impossible for some reason, a powder or carbon dioxide fire extinguisher should be used.

It must be remembered that if the insulation is damaged, an electric arc can form, which is dangerous for humans.

You can extinguish live electrical wiring using the following fire extinguishing devices:

  • Up to 400 Volts – with powder, freon and carbon dioxide compounds;
  • Up to 1000 Volts – powder and carbon dioxide;
  • Up to 10,000 Volts - carbon dioxide.

It is prohibited to extinguish live electrical wiring with foam and water compounds, including sea water.