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Scientists about the mythical Tatar-Mongol yoke. The myth of the “Tatar-Mongol horde”

When did the word “Tatars” appear?

Oh, I already mentioned the “inventor” of the word “Tatars” in the article “Is Peter the Great?” (http://cont.ws/post/148213).

(Download here, 34 MB: https://yadi.sk/d/GRBkDnQlSjVTq)

Miller, the son of a Catholic pastor, even after a quarter of a century does not speak, read or write Russian. Like his colleagues, he does not know the Russian language, but he “composes” Russian history at the Academic level. Without question.

Let's see who Miller is referring to?

Of course, most of all - for myself. Here are other links that deserve his trust:

Based on Himself and the “Jesuits” it is written Our history, and all other sources are mercilessly “corrected”.

Miller’s point of view is known about monuments and archaeological finds - any ancient antiquity found in Siberia is all looted in the “West” during the raids described by the Jesuit Gobil.

Let's check the accuracy of the information ourselves - this is the very beginning...

So, according to Miller, Siberia became known in Russia a little earlier than 1600, and in the “West” even later.

Although other information is available:

And also - it was Miller’s “expedition”, consisting of 3000 (three thousand!) “scientists” that collected and took ALL the ancient objects from Siberia archival documents, a huge amount.

Where are they? Why weren't they used in the "composition" of history? Miller doesn't read Russian, is there a problem with translators?

Then we look not in Russian (1608-Jodocus):

In the farthest corner of Siberia, Christianity since 1290, with the so-called “Invasion of the Mongol-Tatars”. Let me remind you right away that this is not the worship of a “gymnast on the horizontal bar” imposed on us by the West, but following the teachings of Jesus the Enlightened One - the Supreme Spirit and Teacher.

Now we have reached the Main Point of this Essay, emergence of the "Tatar people"!:

Instead of the Horde, the inhabitants of the Great Union of Countries and Peoples, the concept of “people” - a rapist, robber, invader, illiterate, savage - was introduced.

Then this newly created “people” will begin to localize themselves in places with new “works” military confrontation between Tsarist Colonization and Violent “Orthodox” Christianization.

And after the uprising of Emelyan Pugachev, the zones of residence of the “Tatars”, already known to us, will be finally determined. In the end, only those who remained true to their Faith and whose native language was not Russian will remain “Tatars”.

And the word Tataria(in Russian transcription) will begin to appear in use in the “West” - Tataria(1797-1799, Beautemps-Beaupr"e, Charles Francois).

How should we feel about this essay? And the same as for any fiction of the tabloid type. Low-grade writing from Miller and Company for "Russian cattle".

In short, what is offered to us?

300 years of Iga in bondage and lawlessness, during which there were endless raids, murders, robberies and rapes of “Russian” women. All “Russians” are descendants of these rapes, a mixture of Asians.

Will such a short formulation work? And now, just as briefly, “kill her.”

1. 300 yearsraids? We honor F.R.Graham "...The empires of Scythia: a history of Russia and Tartary..." 1860 :

900 years raids on Eastern Europe. Where did it go? 600 years? Did the Germans forget to consult the British? At the same time, let’s remember: “ Tartaria or Scythia".

2. Lack of rights and bondage? Something the Noble “Elite” of Muscovy did not know about this ( Noble books see original article):

Don't miss a line WHO were the kings in Egypt? So, just in case - in Memory.

And then let’s see how Muscovy (enslaved, suffering from the Yoke) seems to be smeared with honey. There are a bunch of Hordy people here who want to become the Russian “Elite”:

And not only from the Horde, from all over the world they go to Muscovy to become “Russians”.

From Podolia:

From Denmark:

From Polonia (there was no Poland then):

From Lithuania:

I should probably add that The Polish-Lithuanian territory was also part of Great Horde .

From the German states:

From Italy:

From Caesar's Land (Holy Roman Empire, Austria):

And how does all this agree with the concept of the Igo introduced into consciousness??? Service people from all parts of the world are pouring (there is no other word) into the “oppressed” Muscovy. Why? What is Muscovy?

3. A cross between “Russian” blood and Asians...

The American Journal of Human Genetics, January 2008, published the results of international genetic research. Even scientists from the University of Tartu tried to take an active part in them (they really wanted to find an admixture of Asians in the “Russian” blood, of course, the entire Estonian national policy is built on the “Asianness of Russians”). The result of the research is “Russian” blood is the “purest” and has no Asian admixture.”. (Full article: see original article)


We have a work of art. A dramatization called "The Mongol-Tatar Yoke". The main characters of which are:

1. "Tatars".

2. "Mongols".

3. "VelikoRossy".

Let's finish with the "Tatars" first...

Let's look at the end of the 14th century:

We see that there are some names of the sides that make up Great Horde:

(here I ask you to put “oh” in your memory),

and there is a late “Western” note:

Legatio Tartarica = Horde Embassy.

Since we have already looked here, we put it in our heads - office work is conducted in Russian and the dynasty Uyghur languages ​​(we put it in memory - “Uyghur”),

and in Russian it is more complete. There is nothing unusual here; in secondary languages ​​it is always shorter.

(Attention: Kipchaks alive and well - living where they lived!)

So, it looks like we can end with the term “Tatars”:

Over the course of three generations, certain groups of people who had lived for thousands of years in a single Eurasian space, intertwined by blood ties with all peoples, were assigned a fictitious Name, was inspired by a fictitious Story and, of course, changed Worldview. Now, after eight more generations, this Lie is perceived by them as Truth. With all the ensuing consequences - DIVIDE et EMPERA...

As for the Great Russians, I have already talked about their origin (as well as the origin of the Little Russians) in the article “Peter - is it “Great”?” (http://cont.ws/post/148213):

after the “Blitzkrieg” of the renewed Peter, everyone who accepted Orthodox Christianity (i.e. believed in the “gymnast on the horizontal bar”) were named, depending on the region, Great Russians or Little Russians.


Let's look (1680 - Gerard van Schagen):

Empire/Kingdom of the Great Mughals.

The richest country through which the southern Silk Roads pass. Broke away from the Great Horde in 1526, not long after Persia (1506). And she initiated the process of disintegration... (a little later).

Let's take a closer look (1696-Jacques de His):

Kabul, C "adahor (this is Kandahar) - which country is now clear to everyone.

Pearls, or even Diamonds of the Mughal Empire are Agra and Lahore. IN 1700 year(1700, again 1700...) these “Diamonds”, like the whole country, will go for plunder (and there was something to rob) " East India Company", And " Empire"will become" Colony"But Afghanistan is too tough for anyone, neither then nor now.

But let's get back to " MOGHAL".

Anyone who still remembers the Russian language knows the following expressions:

We can

Well, you could.

MogYol- a powerful person, physically powerful or strong in spirit, who is able to complete a task that is beyond the capabilities of others.

Now let’s take a look at Agra, the capital of the Empire, and look at those whose Empire it is - the “Mughals” (engraving Allain Manesson-Mallet).

Probably there is no need to comment on anything here, we just note that even today, in India, the presence of the haplogroup R1a1 reaches 47%, and in the Higher Castes - overwhelming

(R1a1 is the main haplogroup of Altai, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia...Norway...Kyrgyzstan...about a fifth in Uzbekistan, Persia, Germany, Iceland and Finland...).

Now from the Kingdom of the Great Mughals we move to the very North-East (1608-Jodocus):

We read: " Sumongul", it would be more correct:" Su-mongul".

Translated from the “Language of the Gods”, renamed by the British as “Sanskite”, into Russian, this means: “KIND/HAPPY Mongul”.

KIND!!! And this is the most unknown territory for the “West”; it is practically absent on many maps.

(By the way, in the lower left corner we see an inscription that the priest John went to live in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is part of Abyssinia. Archaeologists of Ethiopia claim that it had trade and economic connections with China long before 1080.) Please note, not with Chyna - see my article “China is not Chyna” (http://cont.ws/post/147255)

And then we see" Tartar River", from which the name supposedly came from Tartaria.

BUT. As always there is a "but". Numerous researchers claim that in fact there was no river with that name. The version with the river appeared only together with the stories about Genghis Khan (authors- Jesuits remember?).

Could the cartographers have cheated their souls in this place?

They could. And you don’t have to look far for evidence. Look here (1627-Speed ​​John):

"Sumongul - called MAGOG by Mercator".

Gog and Magog- biblical horror story about cruel and bloodthirsty peoples:

“When the thousand years are ended, Satan will be released from his prison and will come out to deceive the nations that are at the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, and to gather them together for battle; their number is like the sand of the sea” (Revelation of John the Theologian, 20:7).

The only thing is that some time ago, the name "Gog and Magog" was attributed to Dates and Urmans, the "evil" Vikings, but after their occupation by the "West" (now Denmark and Norway), the name became temporarily free until Mercator added it.

And after the collapse of the Great Horde, there was a piece of land left that no one conquered; there were too many natural barriers (modern Mongolia).

From “Sumongul” we remove “Kind”, what remains is “ Mongul".

That's all there is to the difference between "MOGOL" and "MONGOL" - ONE LETTER, no one will notice.

- “Mighty/Mighty” - into oblivion and distortion, and in History we change the Key Moments.

The unsuspecting, poor and illiterate people are called "Mongul/Mongol", and centuries later they are told that they were evil and bloodthirsty, and once conquered Half the World (And no one will remember that modern Mongols, Uighurs and Kalmyks - it's basically torn apart "Kalmyk" People).

And, finally, based on numerous requests from readers, I explain why I call our country so often Great Arda(or Horde).

The memories of the old people of Siberia have been preserved that our ancestors once lived in Arda the Great.

But any oral information must be checked to see if there are any distortions.

Let's look at the most famous map in the whole world, which any intelligent historian refers to - Al-Idrisi , 1154 (in the catalogue)

In the Far East:

In the center:

In the West:

In Africa (note Giza):

ARDA- almost everywhere. What is "Arda"?

In the “Language of the Gods” (the British colonialists called it “Sanskrit”) and in Arabic Arda is a Country/Land. And it is pronounced from “Arda” in Russian to “Orde/Ordu” in other languages.

What did we get?

Great Arda = Great Country(in the Russian language).

But in our country this word also has another stereotype of interpretation, mainly as “Order according to Unified Rules" or "Unity and Order", and this stereotype came from other languages.

In major European languages:

Orde - Latin, Galician;

Ordre - Catalan;

Ordine - Italian;

Order - English;

Orden - Spanish;

Ordu - Irish;

Ordem - Portuguese;

Ordnung - Germanic;

this word has a meaning - team, social system, charter, order, orderliness.

This means that there was some kind of force that was able to unite control over all countries, and this Control everyone remembers how Order. But such a Directorate can only be created on the basis strongest worldview, the strongest Spirit, and not military force.

If we find this Unifying Force, we will reach the World Outlook.

Maps taken from the catalog : http://chelovechnost.forum.co.ee/t10-topic

It is obvious that the invasion of Eastern Europe and Rus' in 1236-1240. it was from the East. This is evidenced by cities and fortresses taken by storm and destroyed, traces of battles and devastated settlements. However, the question is: who are the “Mongol-Tatars”? Mongoloid Mongols from Mongolia or someone else? Isn’t it a fake “Mongols from Mongolia”, launched by the Pope’s spy Plano Carpini and other agents of the Vatican (Rus’ worst enemy)? It is obvious that the West has been playing its game to destroy Russian civilization not since the 20th century, not even since the 18th-19th centuries, but since its inception, and the Vatican was the first “command post” of the Western project.

One of the main methods of the enemy is information warfare, distortion and rewriting of true history, the creation of the so-called. black myths: about the original “savagery of the Slavs”; that Russian statehood was created by the Viking Swedes; that writing, culture and the “light of true faith” were brought to the Russians by the developed Roman Greeks; about the “traitor” Alexander Nevsky; about the “bloody tyrants” Ivan the Terrible and Stalin; about the “Russian occupiers” who captured one sixth of the land and turned it into a “prison of nations”; that Russians adopted all the achievements of civilization from the West and East; about drunkenness and laziness of Russians, etc. In particular, at present in Ukraine-Little Russia the myth of “Ukraine-Rus” has been launched, that is, Russian history has been cut off for several more centuries. It is clear that in the West they will support this black myth with great pleasure.

One of these myths is the myth of the “Mongol-Tatar” invasion and yoke. According to historian Yu. D. Petukhov: “The myth of “Mongols from Mongolia in Rus'” is the most grandiose and monstrous provocation of the Vatican and the West in general against Russia.” Upon careful study of the issue, too many inconsistencies and facts emerge that contradict the “classical” version:

How were semi-wild shepherds (albeit warlike) able to crush such developed powers as China, Khorezm, the Tangut kingdom, fight through the Caucasus mountains, where warlike tribes lived, scatter and subjugate dozens of tribes, crush the rich Volga Bulgaria and Russian principalities and almost capture Europe , easily scattering the troops of the Hungarians, Poles and German knights. And this is after heavy battles with the Rus, Alans, Polovtsians and Bulgars!

After all, it is known from history that any conqueror relies on a developed economy. Rome was the foremost power in Europe. Alexander the Great relied on the economy created by his father Philip. With all his talents, he could not have accomplished even half of his accomplishments if his father had not created a powerful mining and metallurgical industry, strengthened finances, and carried out a number of military reforms. Napoleon and Hitler had under them the most powerful and developed states of Europe (France and Germany) and practically the resources of all of Europe, the most technologically developed part of the world. Before the creation of the British Empire, on which the sun never set, the Industrial Revolution took place, which ultimately turned England into the “workshop of the world.” The current “world gendarme” - the United States - has the most powerful economy on the planet, and the ability to buy “brains” and resources for paper.

And the real Mongols at that time were poor nomads, primitive cattle breeders and hunters, standing at a low level of primitive communal development, who did not even create a pre-state formation, let alone a Eurasian empire. They simply could not crush, and even relatively easily, the development of the power of that time. This required a production, military base, and cultural traditions that are created by many generations of people.

The Mongols of that time did not have the necessary demographic potential to create a large and strong army. Even now, Mongolia is a desert, sparsely populated country with minimal military potential. It is obvious that almost a thousand years ago it was even poorer, with small families of shepherds and hunters. There was simply no place where tens of thousands of well-armed and organized fighters who went to conquer almost the entire continent could come from there.

Thus, wild nomads and hunters had no opportunity to instantly become an invincible people-army, which in the shortest possible time (by historical standards) crushed the advanced powers of Asia and Europe. There was no corresponding cultural, economic, military, or demographic potential. There was also no military revolution (such as the invention of the phalanx, the legion, the taming of the horse, the creation of iron weapons, etc.) that could give an advantage to any nationality.

A myth was created about the “invincible” warriors of the Mongols. They were described in the wonderful historical novels of V. Jan. However, from the point of view of historical reality, this is a myth. There were no “invincible” Mongol warriors. In terms of armament, the “Mongols” were no different from Russian soldiers. Numerous archers and the tradition of archery are an ancient Scythian and Russian tradition. A clear and uniform organization: cavalry troops were divided into tens, hundreds, thousands and tumens-darkness (10-thousand corps), headed by foremen, centurions, thousanders and temniks. This is not an invention of the “Mongols”. For thousands of years, Russian troops were divided in a similar way, according to the decimal system. There was iron discipline not only among the “Mongols,” but also in the Russian squads. The “Mongols” preferred to conduct offensive actions; Russian squads also acted. The Russians knew siege technology long before the “Mongol” invasion. The same Russian prince Svyatoslav stormed enemy strongholds with the help of rams, battering rams and throwing machines, assault ladders, etc. The “Mongols” could make long campaigns without convoys, without replenishing food supplies. However, Svyatoslav’s warriors and then later Cossacks also acted. It is reported that among the “Mongols” even “women are warlike, like themselves: they shoot arrows, ride horses like men.” We remember the Amazons of the Scythian times, the Russian Polyanians, that is, this is one tradition.

The wild nomadic Mongols did not have such a military tradition. This tradition has been created for more than one generation, for example, the legions of Rome, the phalanx of Sparta and Alexander the Great, the indestructible army of Svyatoslav, the iron tread of the Wehrmacht. Only the descendants of Great Scythia - the Rus of the Scythian-Siberian world - had such a tradition. And therefore, all the countless works of fiction, novels and films about “Mongol warriors” destroying everything in their path are a myth.

We are told about “Tatar-Mongols,” but from biology courses we know that the genes of Negroids and Mongoloids are dominant. And if hundreds of thousands of “Mongol” warriors, destroying enemy troops, passed through Rus' and half of Europe, then the current population of Russia and Eastern and Central Europe would be very similar to modern Mongols. Let me remind you that during all wars, women were prey and subjected to massive violence. Mongoloid characteristics include: short stature, dark eyes, coarse black hair, dark, yellowish skin, high cheekbones, epicanthus, flat face, poorly developed tertiary hair (the beard and mustache practically do not grow, or are very thin), etc. What is described is similar on modern Russians, Poles, Hungarians, Germans?

Archaeologists, for example, see the data of S. Alekseev, excavating places of fierce battles, find mainly the skeletons of Caucasians, representatives of the white race. There were no Mongols in Rus'. Archaeologists find traces of battles, pogroms, burned and destroyed settlements, but there was no “anthropological Mongoloid material” in Rus'. There really was a war, but it was not a war between the Rus and the Mongols. In the burial grounds of the Golden Horde, only the skeletons of Caucasians are found. This is confirmed by written sources, as well as drawings: they describe “Mongol” warriors of European appearance - blond hair, light eyes (gray, blue), tall stature. Sources depict Genghis Khan as tall, with a luxurious long beard, and “lynx-like” green-yellow eyes. The Persian historian of the Golden Horde, Rashid ad Din, writes that in the family of Genghis Khan, children “were mostly born with gray eyes and blond hair.” In the miniatures of Russian chronicles there are no racial differences, and there are no serious differences in clothing and weapons between the “Mongols” and the Russians. In Western Europe, in engravings, “Mongols” are depicted as Russian boyars, archers and Cossacks.

In reality, the Mongoloid element in Rus' will appear in small quantities only in the 16th-17th centuries, together with the serving Tatars, who, being Caucasians themselves, will begin to acquire Mongoloid characteristics on the eastern borders of Rus'.

There were no “Tatars” in the invasion. It is known that until the beginning of the 12th century, the powerful Mughals and the Turkic Tatars were at enmity. The “Secret Legend” reports that the warriors of Temujin (Genghis Khan) hated the Tatars. For some time, Temujin subdued the Tatars, but then they were completely destroyed. Much later, the Bulgars began to be called “Tatars” - the inhabitants of the state of Volga Bulgaria in the Middle Volga, which became part of the Golden Horde. In addition, there is a version that Tatar, translated from Old Russian (Sanskrit), is just a distorted “tatarokh” - “royal horseman”.

Thus, the “Mongols” who came to Rus' were typical representatives Caucasian, white race. There were no anthropological differences between the Cumans, “Mongols” and Russians of Kyiv and Ryazan.

The notorious “Mongols” did not leave a single (!) Mongolian word in Rus'. The words “Horde”, familiar from historical novels, are the Russian word Rod, Rada (Golden Horde - Golden Rod, i.e. royal, of divine origin); "tumen" - Russian word for "darkness" (10000); “khan-kagan”, the Russian word “kokhan, kohany” - beloved, respected, this word has been known since the times Ancient Rus', this is how the first Rurikovichs were sometimes called (for example, Kagan Vladimir). The word “Bytyy” is “father”, a respectful name for the leader, which is how the president is still called in Belarus.

During the Golden Horde, the population of this empire - mainly Cumans and descendants of the "Mongols", was no less than the population of the Russian principalities. Where did the population of the Horde go? After all, the former lands of the Horde became part of the Russian state, that is, at least half of the population of Russia must have had Turkic and Mongolian roots. However, there are no traces of the Turkic and Mongoloid population of the Horde! Kazan Tatars are considered descendants of the Volgar Bulgars, that is, Caucasians. Crimean Tatars are not related to the core population of the Horde; they are a mixture of the indigenous population of Crimea and many external migration waves. It is obvious that the Polovtsy and Horde simply disappeared into the related Russian people, leaving neither anthropological nor linguistic traces. How the Pechenegs dissolved before, etc. Everyone became Russian. If these were “Mongols”, then traces would remain. Such a huge population cannot simply dissolve.

The term “Tatar-Mongols” is not in Russian chronicles. The Mongolian peoples themselves called themselves “Khalkha”, “Oirats”. This is a completely artificial term, which was introduced by P. Naumov in 1823 in the article “On the attitude of Russian princes to the Mongol and Tatar khans from 1224 to 1480.” The word "Mongols", in the original version "Moguls" comes from the root word "mog, mozh" - "husband, mighty, mighty, mighty." From this root comes the word “Mughals” - “great, powerful”. It was a nickname, not the self-name of the people.

From school history you can recall the phrase “Great Mughals”. This is a tautology. Mughal is already translated as great; he became a Mongol later, as knowledge was lost and distorted. It is obvious that the Mongols cannot be called “great, powerful” then, and even now. Anthropological Mongoloids "Khalhu" never reached Rus' and Europe. The Mongols in Mongolia only learned from Europeans in the 20th century that they had captured half the world and they had a “shaker of the Universe” - “Genghis Khan” and from that time they started doing business on this name.

Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky acted very much in concert with Batu’s “Horde-Rod”. Batu struck Central and Southern Europe, almost repeating the campaign of the “scourge of God” Attila. Alexander crushed the Western troops on the northern flank - he defeated the Swedish and German knights. The West got swipe, and temporarily abandoned the onslaught on the East. Rus' got time to restore unity.

It is not surprising that many, including Russian (!), historians accused Alexander of “betrayal”, that he betrayed Rus' under the yoke of the “yoke” and entered into an alliance with the “filthy”, instead of taking the crown from his hands Pope and enter into an alliance with the West in the fight against the Horde.

However, taking into account new data about the Horde, Alexander’s actions become completely logical. Alexander Nevsky entered into an alliance with the Golden Horde not out of despair - choosing the lesser of two evils. Having become the adopted son of Khan Batu and the spiritual brother of Sartak, Nevsky strengthened the Russian state, which included the Horde and the unity of the superethnos of the Rus. The Russians and the Horde were two active nuclei of a single ethno-linguistic community, the heirs of ancient Scythia and the country of the Aryans, the descendants of the Hyperboreans. Alexander closed the “window to Europe” for several centuries, stopping the cultural (information) and military-political expansion of the West. Giving Rus' the opportunity to grow stronger and preserve its identity.

There are many other inconsistencies that destroy the overall picture of the “Mongol-Tatar” invasion. Thus, in “The Legend and the Massacre of Mamayev,” a Moscow literary monument of the 15th century, the gods who were worshiped by the so-called. “Tatars”: Perun, Salavat, Rekliy, Khors, Mohammed. That is, even at the end of the 14th century, Islam was not the dominant religion in the Horde. Ordinary “Tatar-Mongols” continued to worship Perun and Khors (Russian deities).

The “Mongolian” names Bayan (conqueror of Southern China), Temuchin-Chemuchin, Batu, Berke, Sebedai, Ogedey-Ugadai, Mamai, Chagatai-Chagadai, Borodai-Borondai, etc. are not “Mongolian” names. They clearly belong to the Scythian tradition. For a long time, Russia was designated on European maps as Great Tartaria, and Russian people were called White Tatars. In the eyes of Western Europe, the concepts of "Russia" and "Tartaria" ("Tataria") for a long time were united. Moreover, the territory of Tartaria coincides with the territory of the Russian Empire and the USSR - from the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea to the Pacific Ocean and to the borders of China and India.

When we study the events of the past, it is natural to turn to documents left over from that past.

Let's try to see what the “Tatar-Mongols” looked like.

Find 10 differences!

Personally, I cannot determine who stands where on the Ugra, where are the Tatars and where are the Muscovites. People look the same everywhere.

Let's see again.

And again it’s unclear. If I had not known that the painting depicts the capture of Moscow by Khan Tokhtamysh, I would never have guessed who was where.

Now let's listen to the opinion of a well-informed person:

Let us forgive Vladimir Vladimirovich for not telling the whole truth. Still, there is clear progress in the right direction.

So we found out that some mysterious “Tatar-Mongols” fought both in the Muscovite troops and in the Horde troops.

Let's look at the work “Ethnogenesis of the Volga Tatars in the light of anthropological data,” Trofimova T. A., 1949.

Among the studied Tatars:

dark Caucasian (Pontic) type (33.5%)

light Caucasian (27.5%),

sublaponoid 24.5%)

Mongoloid (14.5%)

No ethnic homogeneity.

Well then! Let's go back centuries in search of documents.

To begin with, let's look at the "Alphabetical list of peoples living in Russian Empire, 1895" (

A mess of concepts, right?

But, on pages 66-71, oh, what wonderful formulations, let’s take a closer look at them...

Let's consider information about other nations.

Tatars- the people of the Turkic tribe... It seems that everything is clear and no questions arise. And it would not have arisen if the continuation had not begun.

Kipchak Horde...

And immediately it logically emerges - the Kipchak Horde - the administrative unit of the Kipchak people. They are Polovtsians. They lived side by side with “Russian-speaking” peoples for centuries. Not even “side by side”, but “among”. From the Irtysh to Germany. And they were just like us, “Caucasians”, not “Asians”.

Maybe the Kipchaks had nothing to do with it, what if they had already self-destructed by this time? We look at “Historia TARTARORVM Ecclesiastica“:

Here they are, in place.

If the Kipchaks created the Kipchak Horde, then where did they go?

“Cheboksary, Cheburek, Suitcase..., but no Cheburashka.”

There are no Kipchaks or Polovtsians, but the “Tatars” nationality has appeared, which no one had ever heard of before January 1, 1700.

And not only did a significant number of people appear, descendants of the inhabitants of the Administrative Unit, living in the same place where the Kipchaks lived for centuries. “Tatars” appeared, speaking... who could have imagined... the Kipchak Turkic language. How so?

Maybe here they are?

No, these are Kachins who became Russified and converted to Christianity.

Or maybe all the inhabitants of the “Great TartAria” were renamed “Tatars” after the “blitzkrieg” carried out by the renewed Peter the Great?

We'll have to look more closely... Here we see - Cossacks of the Tartars:

Here they are on the map of the Russian Empire in 1745:

And here they are now (Kasakki Stan):

For some reason they did not become “Tatars”.

And for some reason these people did not become “Tatars” (although this may also be the case long story about a people divided into parts):

This means that not everyone was renamed.

Is there anything common in the languages ​​of the peoples of Tartaria?

Probably, for example, Saule in Lithuanian and Latvian means the Sun, and in Kazakh it means a sunbeam, light.

But this may also be due to a single Proto-Language.

The Great Tartaria is a single customs and economic space, a military union (in today's language). There is no need to have a single language.

There was the USSR and the CMEA countries. Each region uses its own language, but the Russian language, as the most preserved Proto-Language, has a slight dominance.

“Federal” authorities use Russian-Turkic duplication when necessary.

I will list only the most interesting - some full names of Military Commanders:

— Dmitry Donskoy Khan Toktamysh

— Ivan Velyaminov temnik Mamai

— Alexander Nevsky Khan Batu

Of course, no one will show us the manuscripts where it is written that Prince Yaroslav Khan is Genghis, and Alexander Yaroslavovich “Nevsky” Khan Batu.

We can only compare information indirectly.

According to Alexander Nevsky, we look at all the military campaigns of 1236-1245. With the option, Alexander and Batu are different people, a lot of contradictions arise. With the option Alexander with the nickname Batu, this is one person - there are NO contradictions. All military campaigns were led by ONE man, with the same army. He restored the order that existed before the arrival of the Templars, the corruption of the Princes and the creation of Muscovy.

According to Yaroslav/Chingiz - the description is purely Siberian/Vladimir/Suzdalets.

The most important factors. The location of the Great Khan is Velikaya Tyumen. All weapons (high quality steel, technologies inaccessible to modern specialists in the military-industrial complex) were produced at factories beyond the Urals, which were destroyed under Peter the Great, and only then all sorts of “Demidovs” appeared.

There are also such facts - 1572-1575, in Muscovy, the Head of the Borrowing was a prince with Astrakhan Horde Mikhail Kaibulovich.

Grand Duke of All Rus' 1575-1576 - Sain-Bulat Khan, aka Simeon Bekbulatovich, then Grand Duke of Tver (until his death 1606).

Let's see again “Alphabetical list of peoples living in the Russian Empire, 1895

Here too - “not sufficiently clarified”, apparently, almost Finns.

2,439,619 people representing the concept of “Tatars,” 90% of whom, immediately, without any research, fall out of this concept.

General characteristics:

- descendants of the population of Administrative Units, which around January 1, 1700 had the word Horde or Tartaria in their name.

- almost all varieties of “Tatars” are Mohammedans who speak a Turkic language.

And this associative image emerged:

- a resident of any former Administrative Unit of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, who positions (in word or deed) that he does not accept the collapse of the Great Country, was called a single term, a distorted derivative of the name of the Country - “SOVOK“.

Don't we have a similar case? Well, let's look at the origin of the term “Tatar”. And at the same time, where did the “VelikoRossy” and “MaloRossy” come from, which disappeared after the October Revolution of 1917?

Let's look at the maps “1676-Tartaria-Speed-John” and “1707-Overton-John”, what did the inhabitants of Great Tartaria, primarily warriors, look like?

Are they different from OURS?

Now let’s try to look at the turning point, the reign of Peter the Great before and after January 1, 1700.

First, let's look at the map of Muscovy 1692-Jaillot-Mortier “...Grand Duc de Moscovie...”. Map of the period - before the departure of Peter the Great “to the West”.

Let's try to localize all the varieties of “Tatars” from the “Alphabetical List of Peoples Living in the Russian Empire, 1895.”

Somehow, Tartaria Mordva remained completely unnoticed by historians:

And here are those listed in the “List”:

1. Kazan kingdom.

The Kingdom of Kazan and the Principality of Bulgaria, and even the Cheremis from the edge - practically coincide with the modern “Tatar” Stan.

2. Crimean Horde.

The Crimean Horde had many names - Crimean TartAria, Perekop TartAria - just a few of them. What nationality lives here? Self-name - Nagai people.

Here we see it already cut down, but not yet conquered by Muscovy (to the north is the Wild Outskirts - the territory that Muscovy considers its own, but it is not for nothing that it is Wild).

Let's look at the inhabitants of this Tartaria?

In the center is an obvious Zaporozhye Cossack.

3. Astrakhan/Golden Horde.

Astrakhan TartAriya, also known as the Nagai Horde. Again, the Nagais are a centuries-old mixture of Kipchaks, Southern Siberians and peoples around the Caspian and Black (Red) Seas.

But Astrakhan in 1659, still the Horde, not yet conquered by Muscovy.

Normal World Trade Center.

4. “Caucasian” Horde.

The correct name is Circassian TartAria. Circassians are the united name for the peoples of the North Caucasus, and not only “highlanders”. Sometimes Kabardians and Pyatigorsk were distinguished from this name.

5. Siberian Kingdom.

Siberian Kingdom... Siberia was the name given to a small territory from Pechora and the Perm region to the Ob River.

Some of the residents are Ostyaks.

If you look only at the two left figures and imagine that the Caucasus is behind?

The unity of culture is obvious.

...What happens is that the “Alphabetical List of Peoples Living in the Russian Empire, 1895” assigned the term “Tatars” to some nationalities, but before 1700 such people did not live there.

Maybe they exist on the territory of the Great TartAriya of this period? This is still a huge Country:

Let's look at the latest known TartarAria (surely there must be "Tatars" in it).

TartAria 1845, remnants of the Independent TartAria:

What is this now?

The Kazak Camp is already known to us, and also the Uzbek Camp, the Turkmenov Camp, the Kyrgyz Camp. There are no "Tatars".

Now let's go over the 18th century.

Before this Atlas, there are no official maps in Russian! Not a single document.

For the first time “Great Tartary” is designated - a small piece Western Siberia. This is at a time when western maps and historical documents, Grand Tartaria is the largest state in the World. What do they know in Muscovy that is still unknown in the world?

The fact that the Jesuits have already agreed with all the “national Elites” of the Horde to secede from the USSR..., excuse me, ... from the Great Horde? “Sovereignty” and “independence” have already been distributed, but the Heart and Spirit of the Great Country is left with severed limbs, and can no longer defend itself?

Remember? In my last article we already looked at the map for cutting Grand Tartaria into ethnic patches:

with the help of Christian preachers:

So, in Remezov we see, for the first time, a complete repetition of the Anglo-Saxon transcription - “Tartaria/Tartaria“. At the same time, the modern “Kazakstan” still has a mention that it is the Horde - the Cossack Horde, and the Golden Horde - the Horde.

What name of the people have modern “Kazakhs” lost?

(A Cossack is not a nationality - it is a peasant + a warrior + a horseman; an equestrian resident + a border guard; a professional warrior + a peasant + on a horse: Don Cossack, Zaporozhye Cossack, Kalmyk/Yaitsky Cossack, Kyrgyz Cossack...

…"Kazakh?" Cossack, “walled” Cossack - this is already in Walled China, in the area of ​​Kambalu/Beijing...)

Now let’s look at the region of modern “TatarStan”.

Nothing new. Around Kazan live Cheremis, Ostyaks, Mordovians, Bulgarians and Bolymers. There is no smell of any “Tatars” here.

Now let’s take a look at Kirilov’s “Atlas of the All-Russian Empire”, 1722-1737:

Transcription changes begin (after all, Tartaria is pronounced too clumsily in Russian):

But the writing is not yet stable, here with two “Ts”, albeit on the same card:

There is nothing unusual - there are no “Tatars”.

When did they “appear” there? Now…

When did the word “Tatars” appear?

Oh, I already mentioned the “inventor” of the word “Tatars” in the article “Is Peter the Great?” ():

Miller, the son of a Catholic pastor, even after a quarter of a century does not speak, read or write Russian. Like his colleagues, he does not know the Russian language, but he “composes” Russian history at the Academic level. Without question.

Let's see who Miller is referring to?

Of course, most of all - for myself. Here are other links that deserve his trust:

OUR History is written on the basis of Himself and the “Jesuits”, and all other sources are mercilessly “corrected”.

Miller’s point of view is known about monuments and archaeological finds - any ancient antiquity found in Siberia is all looted in the “West” during the raids described by the Jesuit Gobil.

Official historical science and the Orthodox Orthodox Church taught and teach us that the Tatars are supposedly nomadic hordes of Asians, Mongoloids, who allegedly enslaved Rus' for 300 years. However, the Arab historian of the 13th century. Rashid al-Din (referring to " Full description Mongol-Tatars" 1221, the original of which mysteriously disappeared in the 14th century) wrote that all representatives of the Borzhigin family, to which Batu and his grandfather Genghis Khan belonged, were tall, long-bearded, fair-haired and blue-eyed. It turns out that Genghis Khan was not a Mongoloid?

Genetics was able to explain all these contradictions because if the data of biographies, surnames, historical documents, chronicles, historians, archaeological finds can be disputed and refuted, then no one can refute genetics.

In 2011, Tatarstan scientists compared the genotype of modern Tatars with Tatars from the time of Genghis Khan, who were buried in mounds. Imagine their surprise when: “ DNA analyzes of the Tatar-Mongols taken from most of the burials of Genghis Khan’s warriors showed that they were all Caucasians, i.e. It is impossible for the Slavs to refute this scientific fact"- said Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of Biochemistry at Kazan State University Farida Alimova

This means that the ancient Tatars were Rusichs, Slavs.

Modern Tatars, 95% of whom have the DNA of Semitic groups, are not the descendants of the ancient Tatars, are not the indigenous inhabitants of Tatarstan, but are invaders who, taking advantage of the disasters of the Slavs, occupied the ancestral lands of the Slavs, appropriating their name and heroic past.
It turns out that there was never any TATAR-MONGOL Yoke!!!
More precisely, the ancient Tatar-Mongols were Slavs! This means there were no mixing of Slavs with Asians, and was Civil War between Christianized Russia and Vedic Russia.
The word “Tatars” itself comes from “Tata” + “Aryans”, i.e. the ancestors of the Aryans. This is what the “pagan” Slavs of Siberia were called. In the drawings of Marco Polo made during his visit to China, all Tatars have Slavic facial features! Tamerlane himself was depicted not as a narrow-eyed Asian, but as a Slav.

Mamai and Batu are also depicted as Slavs in all ancient engravings. And only in later drawings they are depicted as Asians. On the tomb of Henry II the inscription reads: “The figure of a Tatar under the feet of Henry II, placed on the grave in Breslau of this prince, killed in the battle with the Tatars at Liegnitz on April 9, 1241.”

But this “Tatar” has a completely Slavic appearance and clothes.

In order to finally establish whether foreigners and other “races” participated in the formation of the Russian people or not, the world’s largest international studies of the genetics of the Russian people were carried out, in which 8 research institutes from
1. Great Britain(University of Cambridge Leverhulme Center for Human Evolutionary Studies),
2. Estonia(Estonian Biocentre, University of Tartu)
3. Russia(Academy Medical Sciences) and etc.
For the research, they took Russian people whose four generations on the paternal and maternal lines, up to their great-great-grandfathers, were all Russian. At the same time, DNA tests were taken from people rural areas, in order to exclude late mixing in urban areas. The research results, published in the American Journal of Human Genetics (January 10, 2008), once and for all refuted the myths that there are no more pure Slavs.

Scientists have found that THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE ARE HOMOGENEOUS (not mixed), THERE ARE NO IMPURITIES IN THEM Finn-Ugrians, Mongoloids, and Semites. DNA tests showed that Russians, most of Ukrainians and Belarusians are one people, with a single, clearly defined, special genotype. Such purity of the nation is explained by the fact that the pagan faith and traditions of the ancient Slavs excluded any mixing with foreigners. Women who were subjected to violence during attacks by foreigners were not taken as wives, and the same applied to their children born after such violence.


Today, they are trying to plant another lie on us, that we supposedly have common Aryan ancestors with Hindus or Tajiks because they have the same haplogroup R1a. For example, the presence of R1a among the Poles is 56.4%, and among the Kyrgyz it is as much as 63.5%. And they want to convince us that the Kyrgyz are more Slavs, more Aryans than the Poles? Lie.
The fact is that the sections of the Y chromosome that serve as markers for identifying haplogroups do not themselves code for anything and have no biological meaning. These are markers in their purest form. The Y chromosome does not determine the gene pool. It is not a carrier of some “ethnically specific” information in the genome.
Of the more than 20,000 genes in the human genome, only about 100 are included in the Y chromosome. They encode mainly the structure and functioning of the male genital organs. There is no other information there. Facial features, skin color, mental and thinking characteristics are not registered in any chromosomes!!!

See also. "Tatar-Mongol yoke. Hypotheses and facts."

RUSSIAN LANGUAGE IS THE MOST ANCIENT LANGUAGE ON EARTH. From him came all the languages ​​and writings on earth.

It is believed that the oldest pictographs found in the Syria-Palestine region are 9 thousand years old. The first writing belongs to the Vinсa culture writing of the 6th thousand years, found in Serbia.

But the final point in these disputes was put by Archaeological discoveries, which confirmed that the most ancient language in the world was Russian and not Sumerian or any other language.
I. At the village Kostenki (Voronezh), dozens of ancient Rus sites with already developed writing, mathematics, astronomy, metallurgy and other crafts have been found. Among them is the famous Slavic Goddess Makosh. “On the back of the Paleolithic figurine of the Slavic goddess Mokosha, Russian runes and completely modern Russian letters are inscribed!” The research results were published in National Geographic, May 2009.

American scientists led by researcher J.F. Hoffecker, who studied the Kostenki sites in 2008, thanks to the latest technologies, were able to date the age of these finds to 45 thousand years.
Thus, world science has recognized that the territory of Rus' is the ancestral home of Europeans and the owner of the most ancient writing on earth. The inscriptions were published in Slavic Encyclopedia 2007 Academician A. Tyunyaev and Boris Rybakov - a major archaeologist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

II. On Roseau Stone in North America, runic and alphabetic writing was found. American scientists dated the writing on the Roseau Stones to 200 thousand years. And the fact that this is RUSSIAN, and not Türkic and other writing, is evidenced by the inscriptions themselves: “Makoshi’s Rus'”, “Tule’s Rus'”, “Russian people”. The same stones were found on the Kola Peninsula and in Norway.

III. In 1995, in the village of Chadar, scientists from the Bashkir University, led by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor A. Chuvyrov and colleagues from China, discovered a stone slab with a three-dimensional image of the Ural region.

On the slab there are the same runes as on the finds in Kostenki, as on the Roseau Stone. Card age 120 million years. Materials about the Bashkir find have already been studied at the Center for Historical Cartography in the US state of Wisconsin. American scientists have come to the conclusion that such a three-dimensional map has a navigation purpose and can be compiled exclusively by aerospace photo and video recording.
Science has proven that astronomy as part of astrology originated in the Paleolithic in Rus'. In the Vladimir region, “...objects of art combined with iconic records of calendar and astronomical content were discovered. They appear 35 thousand years ago - the Syi and Malta cultures of Siberia; settlement of Sungir, Vladimirov region.

TO 35 thousand BC. astronomical knowledge of the Rus reached the highest level and allowed them to form Veda" Written by the French scientist Laplace and Daniil Avdusin, archaeologist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor of the Department of Archeology at Moscow State University. It is obvious that the Vinca culture writing of the 6th thousand years BC, found in Serbia, is a copy of the Russian runic writing found in Kostenki.

IV. Aryan language. Previously, it was believed that the Rig-Veda and Avesta were Indian and Iranian works. However, the leading Indian Sanskrit scholar in India, the Brahmin P. Shastri, stated: “ Sanskrit is the Russian language. The two languages ​​of the world are most similar to each other - these are Russian and Sanskrit, and ancient Sanskrit has been miraculously preserved with all the smallest subtleties in Russia».

That is, ancient Sanskrit is one of the forms of the Russian language. Doctor of Sciences, Indologist N. Guseva and Sanskrit scholar T. Elizarenkova, awarded the highest award in India for translating the Rig-Veda, also talk about “ almost complete similarity of ancient Sanskrit with Russian, like no other language in the world».


Proof is the fact that official documents, for example, “Funeral speech...” at the funeral of the Swedish king Charles XI in 1697. in Stockholm, was read by the Swedish master of ceremonies J. Gabriel, in the presence of the entire Swedish court, written in modern Russian in Latin letters. The document is preserved in a codex from the Uppsala University Library, Palmkiold Collection 15 p.833. Another copy is kept in the Royal Library of Stockholm.

The displacement of the Slavs from Europe began with the arrival of the Jewish religion from Israel - Judeo Christianity and the seizure of power by the Jews, who began to systematically displace the Russian language. Instead of the previous initial letter, they began to introduce the invented Latin alphabet. As a result, the words began to become distorted. So the Swedes never called themselves Swedes, but called themselves “Svens”, and their language is Svenskmol. In ancient times, the Swedish language was called Svenskmol, (rumor of the Svens), in which purely Russian suffixes like -SK were preserved, for example, RUSSISK, SVENSK, NORSK .


The grammar of the Russian language was created by the Germans during the Jewish Romanov dynasty, and they deliberately distorted the Russian language. For example, we are taught to write “birth” with the letter “o”. But the Russian language is “acute” and in the vocalization of the language, at the genetic level, it is inherent in us to pronounce RA - RAZhdenie, from the original Russian word RAZHDATI, RAZHATI. Now the words come to life: ra/f/give this is RA F(belly) Dati. “RA” is not an Egyptian word, but an exclusively Russian word. RA has its own meaning as Light, Sun and God, only in Russian. For example Russian words
RA arc - solar arc,
RA light (sun light),
RA give (the sun gives),
Ve RA(in charge of Ra), RA zoom (bright mind) in Ukrainian Move RA was replaced by RO. For example, “rozum”, that is, they turn off the light (RA), leaving only the mind. Jewish Christians specifically distorted our words, where the hated word RA, symbolizing the Slavic God - RA, is replaced with RO.
This is how our state was called before Judeo-Christianity. RAsia is RA shining(preserved in the English pronunciation Rasha, sha-shine), Christian rulers replaced it with Russia. In ancient times, the Rus called the Sun RA, KOLO (hence the wheel, well), KHORS (hence the choir, round dance, mansions) and SURYA. When reading backwards, it turns out I am RUS. Hence the Blonde hair i.e. light.

Therefore, the word RUSSIAN means LIGHT.

How to correctly write the word Russian or Russian?
Before the occupation by the Jewish Bolsheviks in 1917, the word Russian and Russia was written with the letter “i” and with one “C”. In the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” by V.I. Dahl writes:
« It is incorrect to write Russian with a double “s”. It was Poland who nicknamed us Russia, Russians, according to Latin spelling. In Latin spelling, if there is one S, then it is pronounced as [z], and if there are two, then [s] ».
With the arrival of the Jewish Bolsheviks, the Russian language was again deliberately curtailed and distorted.


1. The Peresopnytsia Gospel is considered evidence of the folk language spoken by the common people of Rus' in the 16th century. About the text of the Gospel itself, in the postscript to the manuscript it is said that it is “laid out from the Bulgarian language into Russian language.” Even the only monument of supposedly Ukrainian writing was called my Russian, not Ukrainian.

2. Dictionary by M. Smotritsky from Kamenets-Podolsk, beginning of the 17th century, it is written: “Keep your tongue from evil and do not speak falsely with your lips;

3. "Lexicon" 1627 by Pamva Berinda from Transcarpathia. “There was Jacob’s well there (in Russian jelly or krinitsya)”; “and he said: I will make, I will mark out my granary (in Russian klunya or stodolu)”...

4. Preserved, First Seal of the “Glorious Zaporozian Grassroots Army” of 1592 for Georgiy Loboda. Written in Russian, not Ukrainian - Viyska Zaporizkiy. And although in different regions of Rus' the language had its own dialects and local characteristics, everywhere they wrote “Russian language”, and not Ukrainian language.


According to the official political history of Ukraine, written by the Jews Grushevsky, Ukrainians as ethnic group originated in the 9th century! But here’s the thing: in none of the historical documents, either in the West or in Russia, will you find the words “Ukrainian people, Ukrainian state...”. And then they say that all the documents have been rewritten. However, this is a lie. Let's turn to European documents.

1. Plano Carpini of the 13th century writes about Kyiv: - “Kiovia quae est Metropolis Russiae.” There is no word Ukraine.

2. Pope Innocent IV crowned Daniel with the title “duces totius terrae Russiae, Galicie et
Ladimirie” - it is written the prince of the entire land of Russia, and not “Ukrainian”. That the “damned Muscovites” also climbed into the Vatican and rewrote documents?

3. French cartographer G. Boplan in the description “ Description d'Ukranie, qui sont plusieurs provinces du Royaume de Pologne..."1660, which Jewish-Ukrainians like to refer to, directly says that the inhabitants of Ukranie - Zaporozhye Cossacks, townspeople, villagers, monks, princes, called themselves Russians, not Ukrainians . The Zaporozhye Cossacks spoke Russian, not Ukrainian.
The rulers of Ukranie were called the rulers of Rus', RAsia (in English pronunciation), and not Ukranie, Ukraine. And nowhere did the people who lived on the territory that the French Mr. Beauplan calls in his work - Ukranie, call themselves Ukrainians, did not call their language Ukrainian and did not call their state Ukranie. Probably the people, the Zaporozhye Cossacks, had no idea that some foreigners called their lands in their own way - d’Ukrani.
So about the Zaporozhye Cossacks, Boplan writes that - Ils sont Grecs de Religion appeliez en leurs langues Rus - The rulers or princes buried in the Church of St. Sophia in Kiev were called - Princes de Russie - and not Ukrainians.
Their nobility was called - La Noblesse Russe - Rus', not Ukraine
The monks of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra - de Moines Russiens - are called Russian, not Ukrainian
Their history is Histoires des Rus - Russian, not Ukrainian, etc. http://litopys.org.ua/boplan/bop07.htm

First mentions of the word “Ukraine”

The Ipatiev Chronicle of 1187 mentions the Pereyaslav "ukraine", but already in 1189. - Galician "ukraina" is written. That is, with the expansion of borders, the concept of Ukraine also shifted geographically. For example, already in the Pskov Chronicle of 1271. - it is said about the villages of “Pskov Ukraine”. But Pskov is RASIA.
1. Also known in history: ZAOSKA UKRAINE (i.e. Ukraine beyond the Oka),
2. "Siberian UKRAINES"
3. "Kazan UKRAINE"
4. "German UKRAINE", etc. That Siberia, Kazan, Germany are all Ukraine? No. Famous folk song: “In the Siberian, in the Ukraine, in the Daurian side.” Is Ukraine in Siberia possible? No. This proves that “Ukrainians”, “Ukrains” from the 12th to the 17th centuries. called border lands.
5. So in the Ipatiev Chronicle of 1268 and in Russian-Lithuanian treaties and ambassadorial documents of the 15th - 16th centuries. residents of Smolensk, Lyubutsk, Mtsensk are called “Ukrainian people”, “Our Ukrainian people”, “Ukrainian servants”, “Ukrainians”. But these are residents of cities in Poland and Russia. That is, “Ukrainians” originally called military people (border guards) and the population of the border area.
6. On the establishment of Ukrainian cities", XVII century. it says “On the State service in Siberia and Astrakhan and other distant Ukrainian cities.” But Siberia is not Ukraine.



What was the SCYTHIAN LANGUAGE and who were the SCYTHIANS, Alans, Sarmatians and Huns?

Eratosthenes, Greek scholar, head of the Library of Alexandria 276 BC. e: - “according to ancient geography, the country and people of Ros, located along the Araks, were called Scythians from other peoples.”
Chronicle Mtatsmindeli called “The Siege of Constantinople by the Scythians, who are Russians...who besieged Constantinople in 626.” Their sovereign was called Khakan.
Ptolemy (2nd century) And Pliny (1st century) indicate that “the Greeks themselves adopted the alphabet from the Pelasgians, a Slavic or Scythian people.” Ptolemy back in the 2nd century AD. said that Scythoalans live in northern Europe between the Baltic and the Urals.
In the Scandinavian Sagas, the beginning of AD. it is said that from the Baltic to the Urals, throughout the north of Europe, Alans live, who are called Rus-Alans or Scythian-Alans.
Even in the early Middle Ages, the Greeks called them Scythians-Rus. The first Sarmatians or Sarmatians of Herodotus (5th century BC) spoke the Scythian language.
Anna Komnena (XI century), Leo Deacon (X century) and Kinnam (XII century) indicate in their chronicles that the Scythians speak Russian. The Tauro-Scythians of Constantine Porphyrogenitus spoke Russian. The Sarmatians of Chalcocondyl spoke Russian. Alana in Georgian history - they spoke Russian. Alan in northern France - Slavic, etc.
Those. all the Scythians, Sarmatians and Alans cited here spoke Slavic languages. There are more than enough direct indications from the chroniclers that the Scythians spoke Russian, but there is not a single one that the Scythians spoke Turkic.
According to Herodotus(5th century BC) The Scythians of Ancient Iran called themselves Skolots.


She simply doesn't exist. As Turkic scholars admit, “until now this term has not found an explanation in any of the languages. Perhaps it is identical to the Karachay-Balkar term “yskhylty”, or “skhylty”, meaning the highest nobility,” summarizes Miziev Ismail Musaevich. The Turks have to distort the word “chipped off” in order to fit it into similar Turkic words.
“CHIPPED” is an original Russian word, even in its modern spelling it is the word “to knock together, to put together.” But before the revolution it was written in Old Slavonic as “skoloti”. "Ъ" meant a reduced "O". Thus, the word was read as “falcons”, Old Russian. - "children of the falcon." (falcons). The falcon is a symbol of the ancient Skolots, and only in Russian culture and the Russian language does this name make sense.
The falcon occupies a central place in Russian fairy tales and epics (Fenist - clear falcon, "my clear falcon"). The family coat of arms of the ruler of Rus', Rurik - a Falcon falling down, was also depicted as a trident. Falconry was traditional among the Rus. Therefore, only the Rus have such a huge number of surnames (falcons), names (falconers) associated with the word falcon. Falcon is a light bird flying towards the sun. And even the name Sokol itself comes from ancient Russian. the names of the Sun are “kolo”, So-kolo, i.e. “with the sun”. Hence the Russian God Kolyada, well, bell, wheel, about, knee, wheel and ring.


We were told that many words in the Russian language supposedly came from the Turkic language. But
1) the Turkic language appeared only 2 thousand years ago, and the Russian language has existed for at least 200 thousand years.
2) Turkic runes are from the 8th century. AD, and Russian runes, for example, on the Russian Goddess Mokosh is 45 thousand years BC.

It follows from this that Turkic writing and language come from the Russian language, and not vice versa. Only in the Russian language do words indicate their true meaning.
For example, the word “Turk” in other Tatar means strong, mighty. But this is only an interpretation of the word, and not an indication of the origin of the word itself. Türk is a distortion of the ancient Russian word TUR (bull). Many languages ​​do not have the letter U, so they began to pronounce it through U, as is the case with Ukraine in English. pronounced with "yu"crain.

Or the word “Stan” is the same supposedly Turkic word that means country. For example, “DagiStan”. But what about the great many Russian words that come from the word stan and which are not in the Turkic language: stanitsa, stank, station. What does this have to do with the country? And “stan” comes from the Russian verb “sta” (stay).


Indisputable evidence that the Scythians are Slavs are their own images of the Scythians on the famous Scythian golden pectoral of the 4th century BC. e. found in the Tolstaya Mogila mound. Ukraine. On Scythian vases from the Kul-Oba mound, Crimea, 4th century BC, from the Gaimanova Grave mound near the village of Balki, Zaporozhye region (4th century BC), the Scythians look like Slavs, not modern Iranians and Asians.

crests still cut their hair like this (with a bowler hat)

And here is another Scythian bowl (4th century BC)

Yes and nomadic the Turkic tribes did not have the technology for smelting precious metals.

Egyptian monuments brought to us the appearance of the “peoples of the sea” - the Scytho-Cimmerin warriors who fought with Pharaoh Ramesses. They are depicted “with shaved beards and heads, with long mustaches sticking out apart and a forelock, which our Cossacks wore in the 16th-17th centuries; stern facial features, with a straight forehead, a long straight nose... On their feet are trousers and large boots with tops to the knees and narrow socks, such as ordinary Cossacks still wear today.

Egyptian sources called the “peoples of the sea” Gits (getae), and this name has been one of the most common in the Scythian environment since ancient times; Thus, in the time of Herodotus, the “getae” lived on the Danube, the “fissa-getae” on the Volga and the “massa-getae” in Central Asia... Judging by the images, these ancient Scythian-getae were surprisingly similar to the Cossacks. Is this why the Cossack leaders bore the title “Hetman”?
The Russian Nikanorov Chronicle reports about the wars of the Scythians in Egypt, mentioning the campaigns of the Russian brothers “Scythian and Zardan” against Egypt. Some of the "sea peoples" who attacked Egypt were direct descendants of Zardan and were called "Shardans"; these “shardans”, some time after the campaign against Egypt, invaded the island. Sardinia and gave it its name - Shardania, which later transformed into Sardinia.


On the map of Christopher Cellarius of 1703, copied from ancient maps, the Scythian Ocean is located in the place of the Arctic Ocean, and Scythia itself is in the North of Russia!

As it turned out, the Polovtsy were also white and blue-eyed in the descriptions. Polovtsians - from the words “polovy”, which means “red-haired”, and modern Turks could not be fair-haired by nature. In any case, the local population still calls the Polovtsian burial mounds in the Black Sea region “Swedish graves.” And the Swedes (Sveds) are one of the Slavic tribes. Up to 17th century The Swedes spoke Russian, see below. The famous Polovtsian Khan Sharukan is mentioned by medieval historians as the leader of the Goths (Swedes)..


At the beginning of the 1st millennium AD, an empire of a mysterious people arose on the territory of Russia, which contemporaries called the Huns. Official history teaches us that they were supposedly a wild tribe of Asian nomads.
Just how did they appear out of nowhere 1500 years ago, passing through Eurasia in a swift whirlwind, and just as mysteriously disappear into nowhere?
In what incredible way did the wild Huns create one of the most powerful empires in human history from China to Europe, and the Roman Empire paid them tribute?

The official story doesn't explain .. . But modern finds have completely refuted the myth that the Huns are the ancestors of modern Turkic tribes and Mongols.
The decorations and tools of the Huns found in Lipetsk and Kursk speak of a highly developed culture, a technology for processing precious metals that was not possessed either in Europe or by nomads.

This is what they wrote Byzantine chroniclers about the Huns (Unns in Greek). The Byzantine ambassador Priisk Panisky in 449 went to the Unna king Attila to negotiate the size of the Roman tribute. The diplomat was sure that he would see tents made of horsehide and unwashed horsemen. But the city was built of wood. The royal palace with carved towers rose on the mountain. Guests were greeted with bread and salt, honey and kvass. Girls in long dresses danced in circles, which corresponds to the traditions of the Slavs.

Greek Chronicles they say that the Goths-Unns lived in the north of Russia. In the Arkhangelsk region, there are still traces of their stay here: two Unna rivers, Lake Unno, Unskaya Bay, Unskaya Bay... Attila was from the Volga. His country was called Bulyar (Buyan).

Ancient Bulgarian chronicles“Gazi-Baraj Tarikhs” directly call Attila’s real name - Mstislav. The chronicles clearly indicate that the basis of Attila’s invincible army was the Slavs. Chroniclers testify that Attila's people were mostly with blond hair and blue eyes. The Hun Empire extended from Hungary to China.

Scandinavian Chronicles, talk about the wars of the Scandinavians with the Unns and Rus, who constantly act in the north as allies. Modern scientists have been able to reveal the true meaning of the word Huns. It is of Slavic origin.
In the Tale of Bygone Years there is an expression unnyi i.e. young. This is exactly what the squad of young warriors was called! Those. Unny is another of the common nouns of the Rus, like the word “Slavs”, i.e. glorious.

The Tatar-Mongol Yoke is a concept that is truly the most grandiose falsification of our past and, moreover, this concept is so ignorant in relation to the entire Slavic-Aryan people as a whole that having understood all the aspects and nuances of this nonsense, I would like to say ENOUGH! Stop feeding us these stupid and delusional stories, which in unison tell us how wild and uneducated our ancestors were.

So, let's start in order. First, let's refresh our memory about what the official history tells us about the Tatar-Mongol yoke and those times. Around the beginning of the 13th century A.D. In the Mongolian steppes, one very extraordinary character emerged, nicknamed Genghis Khan, who stirred up almost all the wild Mongolian nomads and created from them the most powerful army of that time. After which they set off, meaning they conquered the Whole World, destroying and smashing everything in their path. To begin with, they conquered and conquered all of China, and then, having gained strength and courage, they moved west. Having traveled about 5,000 kilometers, the Mongols defeated the state of Khorezm, then in Georgia in 1223 they reached the southern borders of Rus', where they defeated the army of the Russian princes in the battle on the Kalka River. And already in 1237, having gathered their courage, they simply fell with an avalanche of horses, arrows and spears on the defenseless cities and villages of the wild Slavs, burning and conquering them one by one, more and more oppressing the already backward Russians, and besides, without even encountering serious resistance along the way. After which, in 1241, they invaded Poland and the Czech Republic - truly a Great Army. But afraid to leave devastated Rus' in their rear, their entire large horde turns back and imposes tribute on all the captured territories. It is from this moment that the Tatar-Mongol yoke and the peak of the greatness of the Golden Horde begin.

After some time, Rus' grew stronger (interestingly, under the yoke of the Golden Horde) and began to defy the Tatar-Mongol representatives; some principalities even stopped paying tribute. Khan Mamai could not forgive them for this and in 1380 he went to war in Rus', where he was defeated by the army of Dmitry Donskoy. After which, a century later, the Horde Khan Akhmat decided to take revenge, but after the so-called “Standing on the Ugra” Khan Akhmat was afraid of Ivan III’s superior army and turned back, ordering a retreat to the Volga. This event is considered the decline of the Tatar-Mongol yoke and the decline of the Golden Horde as a whole.

Today, this crazy theory about the Tatar-Mongol yoke does not stand up to criticism, since a huge amount of evidence of this falsification has accumulated in our history. The main misconception of our official historians is that they consider the Tatar-Mongols to be exclusively representatives of the Mongoloid race, which is fundamentally wrong. After all, a lot of evidence indicates that the Golden Horde, or as it is more correctly called Tartaria, consisted mainly of Slavic-Aryan peoples and there was no smell of any Mongoloids there. After all, until the 17th century, no one could even imagine such a thing, that everything would turn upside down and the time would come when greatest empire that existed during our era will be called Tatar-Mongol. Moreover, this theory will become official and taught in schools and universities as truth. Yes, we must pay tribute to Peter I and his Western historians, it was necessary to distort and spoil our past so much - simply trample the memory of our ancestors and everything connected with them into the mud.

By the way, if you still doubt that the “Tatar-Mongols” were precisely representatives of the Slavic-Aryan people, then we have prepared quite a bit of evidence for you. So, let's go...


Appearance of the representatives of the Golden Horde

You can even dedicate a separate article to this topic, since there is a great deal of evidence that some “Tatar-Mongols” had a Slavic appearance. Take, for example, the appearance of Genghis Khan himself, whose portrait is kept in Taiwan. He is presented as tall, long-bearded with green-yellow eyes and brown hair. Moreover, this is not a purely individual opinion of the artist. This fact is also mentioned by the historian Rashidad-Did, who saw the “Golden Horde” in his lifetime. So, he claims that in the family of Genghis Khan, all children were born white-skinned with light brown hair. And that’s not all, G.E. Grumm-Grzhimailo saved one ancient legend O Mongolian people, in which there is a mention that the ancestor of Genghis Khan in the ninth tribe Boduanchar was fair-haired and blue-eyed. Another quite important character of that time also looked like this: Batu Khan, who was a descendant of Genghis Khan.

And the Tatar-Mongol army itself, outwardly, was no different from the troops of Ancient Rus' and Europe; paintings and icons painted by contemporaries of those events serve as proof of this:

A strange picture emerges: the leaders of the Tatar-Mongols throughout the entire existence of the Golden Horde were the Slavs. And the Tatar-Mongol army consisted exclusively of the Slavic-Aryan people. No, what are you talking about, they were wild barbarians back then! Where are they going, they have crushed half the world under them? No, this can't happen. Sadly, this is exactly how modern historians argue.


The concept of "Tatar-Mongols"

Let's start with the fact that the very concept of “Tatar-Mongols” is NOT found in more than one Russian chronicle, and everything that was found about the “suffering” of the Rus from the Mongols is described in just one entry from a collection of all Russian chronicles:

“Oh, bright and beautifully decorated Russian land! You are famous for many beauties: you are famous for many lakes, locally revered rivers and springs, mountains, steep hills, high oak groves, clean fields, wondrous animals, various birds, countless great cities, glorious villages, gardens monasteries, temples of God and formidable princes, honest boyars and many nobles. You are filled with everything, Russian land, oh Orthodox faith Christian! From here to the Ugrians and to the Poles, to the Czechs, from the Czechs to the Yatvingians, from the Yatvingians to the Lithuanians, to the Germans, from the Germans to the Karelians, from the Karelians to Ustyug, where the filthy Toymichi live, and beyond the Breathing Sea; from the sea to the Bulgarians, from the Bulgarians to the Burtases, from the Burtases to the Cheremises, from the Cheremises to the Mordtsy - everything was conquered by the Christian people with the help of God, these filthy countries obeyed the Grand Duke Vsevolod, his father Yuri, the Prince of Kiev, his grandfather Vladimir Monomakh, by whom The Polovtsians frightened their small children. But the Lithuanians did not emerge from their swamps, and the Hungarians strengthened stone walls their cities iron gates to make them great Vladimir did not conquer, but the Germans were glad that they were far away - across the blue sea. The Burtases, Cheremises, Vyadas and Mordovians fought against Grand Duke Vladimir. And the Emperor Manuel of Constantinople, out of fear, sent great gifts to him, so that the Grand Duke Vladimir would not take Constantinople from him.”

There is one more mention, but it is not very significant, because... contains a very meager passage that does not mention any invasion, and it is very difficult to judge any events from it. This text was called “The Word about the Destruction of the Russian Land”:

"...And in those days - from the great Yaroslav, and to Vladimir, and to the present Yaroslav, and to his brother Yuri, Prince of Vladimir, misfortune befell Christians and the Pechersky Monastery of the Most Holy Theotokos was set on fire by the filthy."


The number of troops of the Golden Horde

All official historical sources of the 19th century claimed that the number of troops invading our territory at that time was about 500,000 people. Can you imagine HALF A MILLION PEOPLE who came to conquer us, but they didn’t come on foot?! Apparently it was an incredible number of carts and horses. Because feeding such a number of people and animals required simply titanic efforts. But this theory, and indeed a THEORY, and not a historical fact, does not stand up to any criticism, since not a single horse would reach Europe from Mongolia, and it was not possible to feed such a number of horses.

If you look at this situation sensibly, the following picture emerges:

For each Tatar-Mongol war there were approximately 2-3 horses, plus you need to count the horses (mules, bulls, donkeys) that were in the carts. So, no amount of grass would be enough to feed the Tatar-Mongol cavalry stretching for tens of kilometers, since the animals that were in the vanguard of this horde had to eat all the fields and leave nothing for those who followed behind. Since it was not possible to stretch too far or take different routes, because... this would result in a loss of numerical advantage and it is unlikely that the nomads would even reach that same Georgia, not to mention Kievan Rus and Europe.


Invasion of the Golden Horde troops into Europe

According to modern historians who adhere to official version events, in March 1241 A.D. "Tatar-Mongols" invade Europe and seize part of Poland, namely the cities of Krakow, Sandomierz and Wroclaw, bringing with them destruction, robberies and murders.

I would also like to note a very interesting aspect of this event. Around April of the same year, Henry II blocked the way for the “Tatar-Mongol” army with his ten-thousandth army, for which he paid with a crushing defeat. The Tatars used strange military tricks for that time against the troops of Henry II, thanks to which they won victory, namely some kind of smoke and fire - “Greek fire”:

“And when they saw a Tatar running out with a banner - and this banner looked like an “X”, and on top of it was a head with a long shaking beard, filthy and stinking smoke from his mouth blowing towards the Poles - everyone was amazed and horrified, and rushed to run in all directions could, and so they were defeated..."

After which, the “Tatar-Mongols” sharply turn their offensive to the SOUTH and invade the Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia, Dalmatia and finally break through to the Adriatic Sea. But in none of these countries are the “Tatar-Mongols” trying to resort to subjugation and taxation of the population. Somehow it makes no sense - why was it necessary to capture it then?! And the answer is very simple, because. What we have before us is pure deception, or rather falsification of events. Oddly enough, these events coincide with the military campaign of Frederick II, Emperor of the Roman Empire. So the absurdity does not end there; then a much more interesting turn occurs. As it turns out further, the “Tatar-Mongols” were also allies with Frederick II when he fought with Pope Gregory X, and Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary, defeated by wild nomads, were on the side of Pope Gregory X in that conflict. on the departure of the “Tatar-Mongols” from Europe in 1242 AD. for some reason, the crusader troops went to war against Rus', as well as against Frederick II, whom they successfully defeated and stormed the capital of Aachen in order to crown their emperor there. Coincidence? Don't think.

This version of events is far from believable. But if instead of the “Tatar-Mongols” the Rus invaded Europe, then everything falls into place...

And such evidence, as we presented to you above, is far from four - there are many more of them, it’s just that if you mention each one, it will turn out not to be an article, but a whole book.

The result is that no Tatar-Mongols from Central Asia ever captured or enslaved us, and the Golden Horde - Tartary, was a huge Slavic-Aryan Empire of that time. In fact, we are the very TATARS who kept the whole of Europe in fear and horror.