home · Lighting · Let's find out how to start a gasoline generator. How to start a gasoline generator Filling engine oil

Let's find out how to start a gasoline generator. How to start a gasoline generator Filling engine oil

A generator with a remote start is turned on by a remote control, which basically has the form of a key fob with an antenna, which makes it possible to control the device at a certain distance. The principle is almost identical to car alarm. The motor starts after pressing the button located on the key fob. Disabling occurs in the same way.

Of the advantages remote start generator can be noted:

Ease and simplicity of device control(the remote control range is several tens of meters, you don’t need to get up or leave the house in bad weather to start your generator).
Multifunctional remote control has several buttons, when pressed, it is possible to configure the operation of the generator, depending on changes in air temperature, as well as the operation of the power plant according to a preliminary schedule.

There are not so many disadvantages of remotely starting a generator, but they also occur:

The key fob (remote control) works at a distance of only a few tens of meters, and this is not always enough for users.

The characteristics of possible types of generator starting are listed, and the choice, of course, is yours. When choosing, take into account the physical capabilities of your roommates, because you may not always be in right time V in the right place. If you are planning to buy a generator for business, then carefully calculate: is it not better to pay more and know for sure that production will not be idle, and freezers and refrigerators will not leak, since when the electricity in the network is turned off, they will instantly receive high-quality current from the generator with automation.

The process of using gasoline generators differs in its main characteristics. Working with such equipment requires compliance certain rules, thanks to which you can extend the life of the device.

Now you can even buy a gasoline generator on the Internet, since the range of stores is quite wide. But what needs to be done to start it?

Start up gasoline generator stands very carefully. Follow these tips:

  • When starting the generator, do not forget to follow safety precautions. You cannot smoke near the equipment, and you can only work with it in a well-ventilated area;
  • Before starting the gas generator, ground it. If there is not enough fuel, add it while the equipment is turned off;
  • If you will not use the generator for a long time, be sure to drain all the fuel and lubricate its main parts. When you decide to turn on the device again, replace the fuel in the tank;
  • Do not forget that the engine oil level must be monitored. It must be replaced every 50 hours of operation;
  • If you are making the first start, then turn off the engine after a few seconds, and only then turn it on again. The load on the device can be increased only if the motor has warmed up evenly;
  • make sure that there are no devices connected to the equipment that consume electricity;
  • If you notice problems with the generator, immediately seek help from professionals.

These are the basic tips that will help you start a gasoline generator. If you follow them, you are unlikely to encounter problems.

Advantages of gasoline generators

You have figured out the operating features of such equipment. And now it’s worth mentioning the advantages of gasoline generators:

  • the equipment is compact in size and light in weight;
  • the process of using a gasoline generator does not require certain knowledge from people;
  • servicing the device will not take too much of your time and effort;
  • Such generators operate almost silently;
  • You can use the device both indoors and outdoors.

Due to these advantages, gasoline generators have gained popularity among modern people. Such equipment makes it possible to achieve the most efficient and high-quality work results.

You can clearly see the process of starting a gasoline generator in this video:

A gasoline generator is a device that is capable of generating electrical energy obtained as a result of the process of converting it from mechanical energy.

According to their application, these units are a reliable source of backup power, both for private residential buildings and for industrial buildings any affiliation and industry.

Objects such as construction sites, vital hospital departments, banking institutions, boiler houses and, of course, private cottages today are equipped with gasoline generators according to project documentation, based on the category of power supply of these facilities.

And just among the population rural areas where are the interruptions electrical energy is commonplace, these units have gained widespread use in their households.

Before the purchase gasoline power plant Many people are in a stupor, they don’t know how to approach the question of choice itself and what they need to pay attention to. And therefore, when choosing a gasoline generator, you need to learn simple rules.

Rule 1. When purchasing such a power plant, it is necessary to take into account its manufacturer and quality, and not just the price. Here you need to use folk wisdom- “Cheap fish and bad fish.”

Rule 2. Many sellers of such equipment confidently convince of the profitability of purchasing a 3-phase power plant. In some ways they are right.

But you should not rush, but stop and think about whether there is a need for such a purchase if there are no 3-phase consumers. Undoubtedly, such gasoline generators are better, but only where they work electrical devices, which are powered by a 3-phase network.

Rule 3. Choosing power is the most important step when purchasing. But there is nothing complicated in the calculations of the ratios of load power and gasoline generator.

If the load is electric lighting, a TV, a computer, then the power of the power plant should be equal to the total power of these electrical appliances. And in the presence of loads such as electric motors, then in this case it is worth taking into account the reactive component of the power of these devices.

As an example, let's take an electric drill whose power is 500W. When choosing a gasoline generator to operate such a tool, you need to take into account its cosϕ, which is indicated in the passport.

As a result, we have - 500:0.8 = 625W of power required to operate this drill. But the power plant itself also has its own cosϕ, which is indicated in its passport.

And therefore it turns out -625: 0.8 = 781 W, and this number is the final value of the power of a gasoline generator to operate an electric drill.

How to start a gasoline generator

The starting system for a gasoline generator largely depends on its power and purpose and has the following circuits:

  • · manual start - performed using a cord and used in power plants low power;
  • · electric start – performed using a battery, starter and used in power plants of medium and high power;
  • · automatic start - performed using an ATS device and used in high-power power plants.

Before starting a gasoline generator, you must perform the following steps:

  • · check the oil level in the power plant engine;
  • · check the grounding of the gasoline generator;
  • · before starting the power plant, it is imperative to make sure that there are no loads connected to it;
  • · it is necessary to perform a short-term start of the gasoline generator, after which it is necessary to turn it off and restart it after a few minutes, with the load off, which can only be turned on after the engine has sufficiently warmed up.

When connecting a gasoline generator to electrical network At home, it is necessary to use a protective input circuit breaker as its disconnecting device.

There should also be outgoing circuit breakers, which are divided into groups of loads necessary for connecting.

A gasoline generator driven by an internal combustion engine (ICE) is a complex device. This equipment requires careful handling and regular maintenance. But what to do if you find that the gasoline generator does not start? In this article we will talk about identifying equipment malfunctions and their possible causes.

Gasoline generator malfunctions

Often malfunctions occur after a long break in the operation of the generator. The engine may be stuck, making it difficult to start. Test run the power plant monthly. This will prevent the engine from stalling and will help start the equipment when needed. Another one possible reason- violation of the operating instructions. To prevent this from happening:

  • Please read the instruction manual carefully before starting;
  • Check the equipment for external (visible) damage before each use;
  • Conduct technical inspection and maintenance of the generator after the service interval has been completed (usually it is 250 engine hours) or regularly every 3-6 months, depending on the operating time;
  • Trust the maintenance and repair of your gas generator only to professionals.

Certified center guarantees quality repair work and maintenance, which means it restores production characteristics generator and extends its service life. It also saves money and nerves.

How to start a gasoline generator

There are quite a few reasons why a power plant fails. Below we provide a list of the main ones that are easy to identify without the help of specialists. For example:

  • Insufficient or missing fuel: there may be a leak or you forgot to fill the tank. Check before starting.
  • Low quality gasoline: this will be indicated to you by such symptoms as tar formations, condensation, clogged fuel filter and carburetor. In this case, you need to remove the fuel from the tank and replace it with quality fuel.
  • Air filter dirty: you need to replace it and try to start the generator.
  • The starting battery is discharged (starter cranking).
  • Incorrect position of the throttle lever: it should be in the “closed” position;
  • The fuel valve is open;
  • The spark plug is dirty;
  • The switches are in the “off” position: put them in the “on” position;
  • Consumers are connected: disconnect them from the station - switching on is possible only after starting the generator;
  • Loose connection of the terminals: in this case, they need to be tightened.

Has its own characteristics. When working with them, you must follow certain rules that guarantee their long-term and, most importantly, safe operation.

Depending on the power and purpose, the gas generator can be equipped with several types of starting:

  • Manual with cord- used in low-power models. For example, HYUNDAI HHY960A. In order for the unit to start working, pull the cord handle all the way and then sharply pull it to the side. The starter handle must be held until the cord returns to its original position.
  • Electric start is carried out from the battery in medium and high power devices. For example, HYUNDAI HY3100LE. The unit operates after turning on the button on the control panel or turning the ignition key.
  • Autorun - additional option(not intended for devices with manual start). It monitors the state of the supply network in the event of a power failure in the main network and stops when it is restored.
  • Allowed start from remote control (remote control). For example, HYUNDAI HY7000LER. It allows you to control the basic parameters of the network, as well as remotely control the station’s operating modes, start and stop the device.

What should you do before starting the gas generator?

* First of all, by implementing starting the gas generator, remember about safety precautions. You should not smoke near the unit and do not start work if you spill gasoline, etc. on the unit while refueling. You can start a gasoline generator only in a well-ventilated area. During prolonged operation, any unit becomes hot, and to avoid burns, do not touch the heated parts.

* You should check the grounding of the gas generator before starting it. Make sure there is enough fuel in the tank; if not, add it. This is strictly prohibited when the engine is running.

*If you do not use technology long time, it is necessary to drain the fuel from the tank, clean the unit body and lubricate the main working components. When resuming operation, replace the fuel in the tank. Also clean the spark plug, carburetor and fuel valve, and remove grease from the body.

* It is necessary to constantly monitor the engine oil level. By detecting its decline in a timely manner, you can prevent rapid wear and premature engine failure. It is recommended to change the oil every 50-70 hours of operation. You should not mix synthetic and mineral grades; this will have a bad effect on the internal condition of engine parts.

* After making the first start, turn off the engine after a few seconds and only then restart the gas generator. The motor must be allowed to warm up, only after this can the load on the device itself be gradually increased. To avoid damage, monitor the current consumption. It should not exceed what is produced.

* Before starting the device, make sure that there are no electrical consumers connected to it.

* If any problems occur during operation, we recommend that you immediately contact specialists who specialize in this profile.

If you want to get more detailed information For information on how to start a gasoline generator, please contact qualified specialists our online store. They will tell you in detail about all the operating features of a particular model.