home · On a note · Are aerosol air fresheners harmful? How are air fresheners killing us? Safe alternatives. Phthalic acid ester

Are aerosol air fresheners harmful? How are air fresheners killing us? Safe alternatives. Phthalic acid ester

Most people don't know that by using air freshener or cleaning a toilet, they are actually poisoning the indoor environment of the room.

Experts at the University of Washington have found that many types of such hygiene products contain chemicals that are hazardous to health.
The researchers were surprised by the concentration and potential toxicity of the substances they found, which included acetone, the active ingredient in solvents and nail polish removers; limonene - a molecule with a citrus aroma; and acetaldehyde, chloromethane and 1,4-dioxane. In total, almost 100 variable organic compounds, but none of them were listed on product labels. Similar toxic carcinogens were also found in washing powders and household cleaning products.
When you spray a toilet with these types of cleaners or spray a room with a scented spray, small molecules are released into the air, potentially harming our health. Among asthmatics, the likelihood of deterioration in health due to such chemicals is twice as high.
The problem is, American epidemiologists say, that manufacturers are not required to indicate on the labels all the substances used in the manufacture of a particular cleaning product. Since we really can’t know for sure what’s in our home cleaning bottles, experts recommend buying unscented toilet cleaners and avoiding air fresheners altogether. No deodorants
In order for the air in your apartment to emit a subtle, pleasant aroma, it is not necessary to use industrial aerosols, which are far from harmless. Use what nature itself provides.

The smell of spruce and pine will be enhanced by potassium permanganate
To fill the room with coniferous freshness, place a small spruce or pine branch in a vase. The fragrance will last longer if potassium permanganate is added to the water (until it turns dark crimson). Choose an opaque vase: ceramic or porcelain to hide the color of the water.
Quince and orange - aroma cozy home
Quince fruits, cut into pieces and placed on saucers in different rooms, will fill the house with a pleasant tart aroma. Those who prefer the smell of citrus fruits can replace quince with orange or lemon. Cut the fruit into slices, and always with the peel.
Fans of citrus aroma can take a whole orange and prick its peel with a match over the entire surface. Then you can stick spicy clove flowers into each hole. Cloves soaked in juice smell stronger and last longer. Orange hanging on decorative tape, secured with a bow. The smells of cloves and orange have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
Spice sachet in the linen closet
Take 5-6 dry carnation flowers, soak them in water for 5-10 minutes, dry them and, wrapped in gauze, hang them in the closet with linen.
Small pads (15x15 cm) made of thin cotton fabric - sachets, filled with dried oregano - are a very effective fragrance for linen and clothes. The sachet needs to be replaced every 3-4 months. You can use dried lavender, mint and blackcurrant leaf.
Spices not just for soup
The aroma of lemon balm has a lemon note. Melissa is unpretentious and grows well in flower pots. You can rub its leaf with your fingers at any time, and a pleasant mint-lemon scent will spread throughout the apartment.
Another plant with an unusually strong aroma, unique in its shades, is basil. It is easy to grow on a windowsill. It is enough to lightly sprinkle the basil with water so that it begins to smell fragrant.

It's always nice when the room smells nice. Delicate floral aromas, bold citrus notes and the smell of freshness after rain are much preferable to stagnant indoor air. The arsenal of air freshener scents is impressive. Such products are especially popular. They are used at home, in shops, offices, gyms, car showrooms and even in coffee shops, creating a special alluring aroma of baked goods and freshly brewed coffee. But are all kinds of flavorings really that good? After reading this article, you will learn why air fresheners are harmful and how to achieve a pleasant aroma in the room without causing harm to your health.

Types of air fresheners

Modern industry produces a huge variety of air freshener options:

  • They come in the form of sprays, gels, flavored liquids, sachets and scented sticks. You can also fill the room with aroma using candles, oils, special wax, flavored granules and salt, special impregnated cardboard base.
  • There are fragrances that release aroma when heated, with automatic delivery or spraying, working by mechanical pressure and simply smelling until the smell disappears.
  • What can we say about the number of available scents. In this case, the chemical industry does not stand still. You can find a freshener with a scent to suit every taste, and this list is regularly updated and growing.

However, are modern air fresheners really that good? Special attention Let's focus on aerosol flavors. Such air fresheners are dangerous to human health, because during inhalation the sprayed chemical substances penetrate into the body. Small particles can even penetrate the body through the skin.

Composition of air fresheners

What does a modern air freshener consist of, what influences so much? human body? Paying attention to the composition, you will see many names that are not at all familiar to you. chemical elements. Each manufacturer creates a product according to its own special recipe, using unique components. Despite this, all air fresheners have basic common chemical elements.

The main components of most air fresheners are:

  • Formaldehyde. It is a colorless gas that has a pungent odor. It is added to air fresheners as an effective deodorizing substance; it is able to absorb unpleasant odors. Is toxic.
  • Sodium nitrite. Is a reducing agent. Also used as a preservative. Is fire hazardous and toxic. One of the most dangerous components of aerosols.
  • Ethanol. Represents monohydric alcohol, serves as a solvent for many chemicals. Very flammable.
  • Phthalates. These are esters and salts of phthalic acid. They are used as odor fixatives and solvents. They cause enormous harm to human health, can accumulate in the kidneys and liver, and have an effect on the human hormonal system.
  • Benzene. A colorless liquid with specific smell. It is a carcinogen, plus it is quite toxic. Serves as a solvent and synthesizes other substances.

You can also find petroleum distillates. pinene, limonene, which is used as a fragrance.

This is just a small part of the air freshener components. It’s hard to even imagine the harm air fresheners cause to the human body. Even from the main list it is clear what a considerable amount of carcinogenic and toxic substances are present in the composition.

Important! If you're looking to ditch the abundance of chemicals in your home, as an alternative, try these easy ideas for making your own air freshener:

Effect on the human body

The most dangerous air freshener is an aerosol fragrance. When sprayed, fine particles enter the air and are capable of penetrating into respiratory system during inhalation and into the blood through the skin:

  • Regular inhalation of such quantities of harmful and toxic substances can cause various allergic reactions, irritation of the skin, mucous membranes and respiratory organs.

Important! There are studies that show a connection between regular use air fresheners and the development of asthma.

  • Systematic inhalation of formaldehyde can negatively affect the central nervous system, causing nausea and nervous disorders.
  • Some chemicals in the aerosol can affect the reproductive system and cause DNA mutations.
  • Phthalates in the composition can accumulate in the liver and kidneys, negatively affect the functioning of these organs, and they become intoxicated.
  • When harmful vapors are inhaled, the composition of the blood is affected, a decrease in hemoglobin is observed and the development of anemia.

Important! You should use aerosol air fresheners with extreme caution, and it is best to avoid them altogether, especially if there are children in the house.

Why are air fresheners dangerous? Doctors recommend familiarizing yourself with the symptoms of intoxication of the body with chemicals in order to seek treatment in time. medical care. The harm of air fresheners in the form of intoxication is manifested as follows:

  • Disorders from the outside nervous system. This may include lethargy, drowsiness, apathy, weakness and fatigue. In case of severe intoxication there is headache, hand tremors, decreased vision and irritability.
  • Manifestations from the respiratory system. May be expressed in a feeling of lack of air, burning in the nasopharynx. With severe intoxication, bronchospasm and even pulmonary edema may occur. All this is often accompanied by irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Important! These symptoms are present at the initial stage of intoxication, immediately after inhalation of harmful fumes.

  • Allergic reactions on the skin. With frequent use of air fresheners, small particles after spraying can settle on the skin and cause itching and irritation. Dry skin may be present. In rare cases, eczema develops.
  • From the digestive system, symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, and a burning sensation in the stomach may be present.
  • Once inside the body, toxins accumulate in the liver and kidneys, causing intoxication of the body. At this stage, problems with urination may occur.
  • Increased body temperature for no apparent reason and increased sweating.

Important! In addition to air fresheners, you can replace them with safe ones, but effective means and other means to maintain order in the house. If you are interested in this offer, read our other publications:

Using an aerosol air freshener for a long time can cause severe intoxication of the body. Often a person is not even aware of the causes of these symptoms. Intoxication can have a cumulative effect. If the listed symptoms are present, it is necessary to completely eliminate exposure to these substances, ensure an influx of fresh air and seek medical help immediately.

You have become familiar with the harm air fresheners cause to the human body and the most the right decision After reading this, you will completely abandon chemical air aromatization. Is there an alternative? - Certainly!

Safe DIY air fresheners

In order to enjoy pleasant aromas in the room without harming your health, doctors advise using natural flavors. If desired, you can make them yourself.

Important! Do not forget about individual intolerance to the components used, because natural essential oils are allergens. Use only those components to which you are not allergic.

Knowing the harm caused by store-bought air fresheners, you can begin to self-production air flavoring agent. Popular among housewives following methods manufacturing safe air fresheners air:

  • The most in a simple way You can use essential oils to aromatize the air in a room. A few drops of it can be applied to cotton wool and placed in a suitable place.
  • A few drops of natural essential oil can be added to a humidifier. Some housewives place oil-soaked cotton wool in a vacuum cleaner.
  • The aroma of the oil spreads well when exposed to heat. Cotton wool soaked in essential oil can be placed on the radiator. There are special stone aroma lamps, in which a candle is placed at the bottom, and a couple of drops of your favorite oil are dripped into the upper bowl. When burned, the candle heats the bowl and the aroma spreads throughout the room.
  • If you want to make a fragrance in the form of a spray, then just take a suitable container with a spray bottle, pour water into it and add a few drops of essential oil.
  • To make a gel flavor, you need to take a glass of water and dissolve it in it. required amount gelatin, following the manufacturer's recommendations on the package. After the gelatin is completely dissolved, add a tablespoon of glycerin to the water to gel flavor did not dry out for as long as possible. The last step is to add a few drops of aromatic essential oil to this mixture. The liquid is poured into small glasses or molds and placed in the desired places. Some people add food coloring to the mixture before it hardens.

Important! This flavor is very similar to the store-bought counterpart, but is not comparable in its benefits. Natural essential oil can have a beneficial effect on a person, ranging from improved emotional well-being to good physical well-being and vigor, and improved immunity.

  • Various coniferous branches are an excellent scent - you can put them in a vase and enjoy the aroma.
  • Simple and original way To fill the room with pleasant aromas is to place several oranges in the room, into which you first need to stick 15-20 pieces of clove spice over the entire surface. This fragrance will emit an incredible aroma for up to several weeks.
  • If you want to make a toilet freshener, then add one tablespoon of baking soda and vinegar to a container with a spray bottle. This solution perfectly neutralizes odors and is an excellent disinfectant. If you want to use a fragrant freshener, just add a few drops of essential oil to the water and spray this solution.

In pursuit of cleanliness and order in the house, you resort to various means. Some use “grandmother’s” recipes, and some buy various cleaning and cleaning products in the store. detergents. Today you cannot imagine life without all these “helpers”. Do they really help you? After all, at first glance, even harmless air freshener can cause serious damage to your health.

You use an air freshener without any thoughts when you need to get rid of an unpleasant odor not only in personal areas, but also in the apartment in order to “kill” the smell of cigarettes, pets, burnt food and other things. But have you ever wondered how air freshener poisons your life?

And indeed, air fresheners not only destroy all these unpleasant odors, but gradually they also destroy you.

Today, the choice of air fresheners is very diverse: manual, automatic, micro-sprays, electric and newfangled aromatic crystals.

All air fresheners are harmful to the human body to varying degrees. Gradually and slowly, the air freshener poisons life.

Air fresheners contain many volatile substances that can cause allergies in any person: the mucous membrane of the nose, throat and eyes swells, and a rash may appear.

Sprays can most seriously affect human health by inhaling all toxic components, both through the mouth and through the skin. They contain components such as sodium benzoate, which can cause mutation at the DNA level. This can further lead to Parkinson's disease or cirrhosis of the liver. The air fresheners also contain sodium nitrite. This is a strong poison. It can cause anemia (anemia).

Fresheners in the form of gels are no less harmful.

after all, they contain polymer gel, fragrances and dyes of artificial origin, which can cause severe allergies. People who frequently use such air fresheners have an increased risk of cancer. Aerosol and gel air fresheners can also cause asthma, which is very difficult to treat.

Electric air fresheners are less harmful, aromocrystals, because a person has no direct contact with them. But this does not mean that they are generally safe. They can also cause an allergic reaction, but this may not happen, depending on how often you use them in your household.

Use store-bought air fresheners less. Before you buy it, read the ingredients on the label. Never buy air fresheners that contain sodium benzoate and sodium nitrite.

Try to avoid contact of your skin with the freshly sprayed air freshener. Limit the area of ​​the room where the air freshener is used. For example, use it only in the toilet. Do not spray air freshener in the bedroom or nursery!

Try using natural air fresheners, such as those you make yourself

This is quite easy to do. Pour boiled warm water into a spray bottle and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil or mix several scents. Shake and spray in the right places. You can also add a few drops of essential oil to the dust collector of your vacuum cleaner, or to the water for washing tables.

Today, air fresheners are produced by the most various forms, sizes and smells. You can plug them into an electrical outlet, spray them around the room, or simply hang them on the wall of your closet or in your car. However, despite the differences in types or scents, almost all air fresheners have one general characteristics- they are filled with various kinds of chemicals. And these chemicals can be harmful to your health, some more than others, depending on the dosage and how long you use them. Here is a list of some of the most dangerous chemicals found in air fresheners.

Glycol ethers based on ethylene. These water-soluble chemicals are found in many household cleaners and paints. Protection Agency environment The EPA classifies them as toxic.

Phthalates. They are used in the form of diethyl phthalates and dibutyl phthalates. Phthalates can cause birth defects, disrupt the endocrine system, and cause reproductive disorders.

P-dichlorobenzene. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration lists these chemicals as potential carcinogens. The EPA also classifies them as toxins because their fumes can cause breathing problems.

Terpenes. Terpenes themselves are not toxic, but when mixed with ozone, which is emitted by some printers, copiers and air purifiers, they can turn into formaldehyde (formaldehyde). Terpenes are found in three out of every four air fresheners.

All of the substances listed above (as well as some others used in air purifiers) can cause breathing problems.

These chemicals, called volatiles organic compounds(LOC), can reduce the vital capacity of the lungs and contribute to the occurrence of various diseases respiratory tract.

VOCs also have negative effects on people with asthma. They are especially dangerous for children, in whom they can cause this dangerous disease. VOCs can also cause headaches, dizziness and eye irritation.

In some people, air fresheners cause an allergic reaction, symptoms of which include headache, nasal and laryngeal congestion, watery discharge from the nose, pain in the sinuses.


Below are some ways to make your room smell nice without using chemicals.

Make your own air freshener. Fill a spray bottle with water, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil and spray where you see fit.

Prepare organic sachets (dry scented pads). Fill small bags with fresh lavender, flower petals or cinnamon sticks and place them in your closet, pantry or cupboard. They can also be placed in a gym locker room drawer.

Light a soy candle. Make sure the candle is made from natural ingredients and smells aromatic (or spritz it with a scented oil diffuser).

Use coffee. Before using the trash bag, put coffee in it, which acts as an odor absorber.

Use flowers. Instead of spraying artificial scents around your apartment, place vases with natural flowers in your apartment.

And remember that to maintain the freshness of the air in your apartment, it must be properly ventilated - open windows more often, try not to keep sources of unpleasant odors such as garbage bins in the room. Giving preference natural remedies As an alternative to artificial air fresheners, you will soon notice positive changes in the health of your family members.

Air fresheners are very popular in residential and commercial environments, as well as in cars. Manufacturers of these household products are increasing their production all over the world. Modern chemical laboratories are able to isolate any necessary odor.

Certain chemical knowledge made it possible to obtain the odors of flowers, plants and fruits under artificial conditions. Most medical specialists in the field of allergology and toxicology are inclined to believe that these popular products have Negative influence on the human body.

Composition of fresheners

Most aromatic mixtures include components such as sodium nitrite, ethanol, formaldehyde, phthalic acid esters, petroleum distillates, benzene and pinene. The most harmful compounds of these are:

  • Esters and salts of phthalic acid. This component is the connecting link in household air fresheners. These substances tend to accumulate in the human body, causing toxic damage to the liver and kidneys, as well as hormonal disorders. A compound such as diethylhexyl behaves aggressively towards the human body, promoting the accumulation of harmful lipids in the body;
  • Sodium nitrite. This substance is a chemical reducing agent. IN Food Industry this compound is used as a preservative. In addition to food, sodium nitrate is widely used in the paint and varnish industry, in photography, and also in medicine. When entering the human body it causes general intoxication.

The dangers of air fresheners

Creating a favorable atmosphere in a room often results in negative consequences for the human body. Regular inhalation of vapors from household aerosols and air fresheners leads to the development of the following consequences:

  • Dizziness, headache and loss of coordination;
  • Allergic reactions associated with the ingress of toxic substances onto the surface of the skin and into Airways. Such reactions include redness of the skin, skin rash, irritation and itching, cough, shortness of breath and bronchospasm;
  • Decrease in hemoglobin levels;
  • Toxic damage to the liver and kidneys.

Most dangerous looking household air fresheners are aerosols. The maximum negative effect of these products is achieved by spraying fine toxic compounds into the air.

When using these substances in household premises all family members are at risk of developing severe diseases of an allergic and non-allergic nature.

A potential complication in this case is bronchial asthma. Another toxic element is formaldehyde, which has a toxic effect on the central nervous system.

Once in the human body, this substance depresses the respiratory and reproductive systems, causing allergic reactions of a local and systemic nature.

The benefits of air fresheners remain questionable. Inhaling pleasant aromas helps improve mood and relieve psycho-emotional stress. A similar effect can be achieved without using household air fresheners containing toxic components. The following tips will help you create a favorable atmosphere in your living space:

  • If the room feels bad smell, then during daily hygienic cleaning, pay attention to carpets, furniture, curtains and carpeting. These items tend to accumulate unpleasant odors. Will help fight this phenomenon baking soda. To do this to the surface upholstered furniture or carpet, apply baking soda powder, leaving it for half an hour, then vacuum;
  • If you want to get rid of the smell of nicotine, you can use table vinegar. To combat tobacco odor, you need to moisten several cloth napkins in an aqueous solution of table vinegar and place them in different corners of the room;
  • To prepare a gel air freshener, dissolve 1 sachet of gelatin in water and add lavender or citrus essential oil. The resulting mixture must be mixed and poured into a container with a lid that has a hole in it.