home · electrical safety · The spell to make a wish come true is harmless but powerful. To the waxing moon. Other spell options

The spell to make a wish come true is harmless but powerful. To the waxing moon. Other spell options

Good parents They teach children that to get results you need to put in effort. They say the same thing about dreams: to get what you want, you first need to give something else.

This information can be perceived as a kind of presentation physical law energy conservation.

The situation is similar in magic, if you have any desire, you need to work hard, even on a mental level, to get something in return. The magic of desires closely borders on the young science called Neuro-Linguistic Programming. It is believed that thought is a powerful tool capable of influencing the material world.

A strong intention allows you to focus on your goals, points you in the right direction, and allows you to achieve what you want.

Constant repetition of spells, mantras, conspiracies can program the human brain to achieve success. The magic of desire is not an invention of wizards, but a completely working technique that even a beginner can master, especially since it is 100% white magic.

Features, rules, conditions

A conspiracy, a spell, a spell, a slander are any actions aimed at a person’s energy biofield. These can be magic words, phrases aimed at realizing what you want. A specific word form that must be read with caution. A spell to grant a wish is a command; remember, incorrectly pronouncing words creates a number of problems. However, the forces of light will always help you if your intentions are pure.

Often, the magic of desires suggests using conspiracies to achieve goals. Essentially, these are phrases, by reading which a person will connect to a certain type of energy. You, as a caster, will be a conductor of energies from the other world to the world of people. When working, it is important to relax, concentrate and visualize exactly the Power that can help you. There are three types of conspiracies: phantom, binding, acquisition conspiracy.

Since a conspiracy is witchcraft that can have serious consequences, it is prohibited to read it for interest or entertainment.

To make your wish come true, you need to concentrate and calm your thoughts. This can be achieved different ways, for example, using meditation, a candle, a watch. The magic words of the spell cannot be changed, otherwise expect problems. If there are no other instructions, the spell should be cast exclusively in a whisper.

The most effective wish spells

The fire ritual is performed only for a single cherished desire. Draw a triangle on the floor with its apex pointing South. Place a transparent one in the center of the figure glass bowl, or a large transparent crystal.

On paper, write down a desire, the implementation of which requires an appeal to higher powers.

Afterwards, to consolidate the effect, read the spell:
“The Father of uncreated things, rushing in a fiery chariot through the revolving worlds. Lord of the boundless ether, where your throne stands. Direct your offspring to fulfill my desire (voice it). So be it.” Afterwards, burn the leaf on the fire.

You can perform a ritual with the power of trees. Pick a branch from three different trees, add to them a rod of three different brooms, collect them in a bouquet and say:
“King Solomon achieved his goal, and I (God’s servant) (your name) will achieve my goal and fulfill my desire. With the sun the morning dawn, the evening dawn. The evening dawns with the moon, and God's moon with the first star. And I, the servant of God (God) (name) will be with (desire). The words are locked, I throw the key into the thicket. Amen". After this, they throw the bouquet at the crossroads, turn around, without looking back, and go home.

Ritual with water: in the evening, before midnight, cool spring water is filled into a glass.

Bring it to your lips and say: “The falcon sees its path and flies towards it like an arrow. If he wants some water or a cold drink, let him drink. Good luck and happiness await him. How quickly the falcon flaps its wings, so soon the desire of the servant of God (name) will be fulfilled. With every stroke I will be lucky, as I fly, I will be lucky. Let it be so". After reading, they drink the water in one gulp and go to bed so that the next morning they can feel the effect of magic.

Every person secretly or openly dreams of having his dreams come true, of having his cherished or momentary desires come true - this is the true essence of a human being.

Naturally, each of us resorts to various means to achieve what you are looking for. Someone is for money, someone is for connections, and someone is reading a conspiracy to make a wish come true. A kind of help against failure.

The popularity of the latter technique is quite understandable: conspiracies are universal, you don’t need to read five hundred different conspiracies to fulfill five hundred wishes, you can be content with two or three.

However, before you start reading the right words for inspiration, you will need to know something about conspiracies: you need to be careful with them.

Firstly, before you start reading, you should tune in. Some call this setting meditation, others call it concentration, but one way or another you need to focus as much as possible on the result you want to achieve by performing the ritual. And also at the price that you will pay for this result.

To perform the ritual correctly, you must keep your thoughts as pure, calm and clear as possible. Throw away everything that interferes and focus on what you want. That is, everything that can work against your calm.

For better concentration, you can, for example, lie down for a while, turning off all distracting devices. Focus on the singing of birds coming from the street or the hum of cars or knocking from a construction site.

After this, concentrate as much as possible, highlighting these particular sounds for yourself, and banish all other thoughts from your head. After some time, you will find that you have cleared yourself of everything that prevented you from concentrating solely on your desire. Also, experienced magicians recommend not just believing in the result, but feeling as if you have already received what you wanted, and now you are just waiting for it to be in your hands. Now you can cast the spell.

Strong spell on a scarf

As mentioned above, the first stage of the conspiracy is the concentration of a person on desire. After that, close your eyes and imagine what you want. Take a clean handkerchief in your hands (it should have been used for some time, but only by you). Say your clearly formulated wish out loud three times, clench the handkerchief in your fist and say the text to receive strong conspiracy to fulfill a wish.

On a scarf

“My cherished desire will be fulfilled by the great spirit of the Lord’s help, For the Heavenly Father helps those who ask him for help. Help will come in ways unknown to me, my desire will become reality, and through events it will acquire a path for fulfillment. Will be given by the Holy Spirit to the servant of God (name) what I ask. I will tie a scarf for my wish, ask God for it and wait for it to come true. Amen. Amen. Amen."

After reading the words, you must tie a handkerchief in a knot and put it in your bag or pocket.

Do not part with the enchanted scarf until the moment your wish is fulfilled.

There is also one fairly universal conspiracy from the category “ folk remedies”, which works not only to fulfill a specific wish. It also allows you to make every desire you experience become a reality - sooner or later. In order to achieve this tempting goal, you will have to read the text of the conspiracy three times a day, every day, for six days.

Conspiracy “To make a wish come true”

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, Holy Mother of God, I ask you to. Help the servant of God (name) let it come true (name what you want). Amen. Amen. Amen."

This conspiracy is extremely effective, however, remember that it is impossible to achieve your dream without difficulty. A conspiracy can only help you, clear obstacles, enhance your luck, and so on. But you yourself will have to put in a lot of effort if you want the handkerchief in your pocket to not remain just a handkerchief, useless against the circumstances, and if your six days of work are not in vain.

Conspiracy “To make a wish come true”

"Lord God, Holy Mother Mother of God, all Saints, all Wonderworkers, hear my prayers, hear about my needs, help me, the servant of God (name), fulfill my (my) desires. Amen. Amen. Amen". Immediately after this, you need to read the “Our Father” prayer three times, and then in your own words, sincerely ask God and the Saints for the fulfillment of your most cherished desires. You need to speak in a whisper and until at least one light is on. church candle. When you are finished, you need to carefully place all the icons with wishes between the pages of the Bible and leave them there for the next forty days.”

Conspiracy with seven icons

A prayer in which you speak directly to God must ask for something truly important. If you just need a raise or a new car, it’s better not to bother the Almighty with such trifles: He will already give you everything you need.

To perform this ritual, you will first need to obtain seven icons. The Savior, Seraphim of Sarov, the Kazan Mother of God, the icon of the saint who bears your name, the icon of all saints, “Consolation” and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. When you have all seven sacred images, you need to take the same number of sheets of paper - one per icon, and write down a wish on each.

There is no clear indication of exactly how to write, so you can write a separate wish on each sheet, or you can write one general wish on each.

After you do this, attach sheets with written wishes to the back of the icons, using wax dripped from church candles. Place the icons on the table, on which you have laid a white tablecloth in advance. Light a candle near each image and read the text of the conspiracy.

What could be the consequences of a wish spell?

Depending on what exactly you asked and from whom, the consequences may be different. If you ask for something important, not for yourself, but for a loved one or relative, from pure heart and for saints - their wish will come true quickly, and there will be no troubles.

If you ask for something insignificant for yourself, and not from saints, but from spirits about whom you have no idea, then they will probably take something in return: your strength, money, some kind of resource. And the less predisposition you have in your destiny to get what you want, the more resource they can take from you.

Also, do not forget that conspiracies are not exact science, and therefore the desire may not come true at all if you do something wrong, or do not focus on the result well enough.

Video: Conspiracy to make a wish come true

An effective wish spell is a cherished dream for many. When you really want something, you give it all! Maybe.

At least that's what people think. I wish it now, and then, at least the grass won’t grow! Does this formulation of the question make sense? Maybe there was an error in the postulate?

If you have tried to “bend the world” to suit you, if your desires invariably run into problems, then you do not need logic, but... magic. Amazed?

Let's look at the situation as a whole, in terms of the possibilities for its satisfactory resolution.

Wish spell: does such a thing exist?

A person seriously interested in the problem will find a lot of information about wish conspiracies in books or on the Internet.

It is clear that not all of them are effective, although most of rituals are hypothetically 100% effective.

But, people do as described, and nothing happens. It is important to understand how it works this type of magic.

A conspiracy on a desire maximizes the creation of conditions for its implementation. But the person must “take” the result himself.

Let's say you want a promotion. You read conspiracies, perform rituals, but “things are still there.” Why? Have you tried going to your boss and reporting your position?

If you are shy, start such a conversation with your colleagues or otherwise inform the “world” that you are ripe for a certain position.

A wish spell will not present you with your wish on a “platter with a golden rim.” He will push those around him to ensure that what he wants can be realized with minimal effort. And then, it's up to you.

By the way, the latter is also a sin, and a double one at that.

Dejection and pessimism Higher power not welcome. And for being convicted without grounds, you will earn additional aggravation of karma.

  1. When you want something, buy a beautiful handkerchief. Choose carefully and meticulously. He must like himself.
  2. When you decide to go “to meet” your desire, stand facing the east.
  3. Unfold the handkerchief and grab it by the corners.
  4. Read these words:

“The Lord, who helps the suffering and the needy, will fulfill my desire. It will lead to fulfillment in ways unknown to me, gaining reality. The Spirit of the Lord in me will lead me on the path of fulfilling my aspirations. My faith is unshakable. I will follow the Lord’s commands, tying a scarf, and wait in calmness and confidence in the Lord’s full help! Amen!"

With the last words, you should tie the scarf in a knot and put it in your pocket.

This magical attribute must be carried with you until your wish is fulfilled. And when the result is already in your hands, then burn it.

Don't untie the knot, otherwise nothing will work!

Have you noticed that some people succeed in almost everything, while others only look enviously at the first, but cannot understand how to attract good luck? And the matter is not complicated.

It’s just that some people know how to tune in to the “wave”. This, so to speak, was given to them from birth. In principle, every person has such “settings”, they are just not “activated”.

When you really need to adjust events to get what you want, then perform such a minute ritual.

Cross the middle fingers of both hands with the index fingers respectively. Tense yourself (like a string) and mentally read:

“Lord God, Nicholas the Pleasant, Virgin Mary! Help, instill joy in your soul! Let the desired fruit come in time! Amen!"

If you believe it, it definitely helps!

Conspiracy for a cherished desire

At this time you need to make the most cherished wish.

The ritual takes place before dawn. If you are not lazy, or the desire is so great, then be sure to do it.

  1. Stand in front of an open window;
  2. Take a handful of grain (wheat) in your hands;
  3. Pour from one palm to another, accompanying this action with the words:

"God! Holy Mother of God! Thank you for bringing me into the world! Thank you for your help and care! I ask you to show a miracle, to surprise the whole world! My desire (describe) to be brought into the world! Amen!"

Feed the grains to the birds. Look, just don’t throw it into the street.

Only after the last one is eaten by the birds will your wish come true!

Water spell for desire

“Bow to the angel, prayer to the Lord! Let the battle for goodness and light never cease! Slave (name) has risen into military formation! The world has become more beautiful! I wish you as a reward (say what you want)! I pray to the Lord, the Saints, the Saints and the Angels for this! Amen!"

Drink some water. It comes true only for those who do not sin consciously!

Spell for a wish to sleep

It is necessary to prepare and do it before bed!

  1. The desire must be written on paper, in detail and thoroughly. For example, if you want a car, you should indicate the brand, color, specifications and so on.
  2. Hold the piece of paper in your hand and light the candle. Sit in front of her and imagine how happy you will be when you get what you want! It is necessary, when thinking about what the “soul strives for,” to concentrate on the emotions of joy, delight, and so on!
  3. When the candle is already burning out, burn the piece of paper and go straight to bed.
  4. Don't talk to anyone or read anything (don't watch, don't call). That is, you should not disperse energy.

There is such a special period when every person becomes a wizard (a little bit). It falls on.

If you have an intention that falls into the realm of “unreal”, then try reading the wish spell. Just keep in mind that on this day you need to sit “on bread and water.”

Also try not to get involved in negative conversations, gossip, scandals, and so on. A lot depends on preparation.

When the Queen of the Night shows her round face, go outside (in as a last resort, open the window) and looking at the luminary, read seven times:

“Oh, Queen of the Nights! The Earth is filled with your light, grows and blossoms, and finds life again! Help my wish come true! To joy and success! Not just for me, but for everyone! Amen!"

A conspiracy to make a wish come true is one of the means of household magic available to almost every person. The beauty of such methods is the freedom of imagination, so do not be afraid to bring something of your own to traditional rituals, adapting them to your own personality and current situation. You can take a wish spell from Natalya Stepanova (Siberian healer) or the legendary clairvoyant Vanga, but you can also come up with your own - the most effective method will be the one that inspires you with more confidence.

In any case, you need to study existing rituals and conspiracies to make wishes come true in order to choose the right one for yourself or come up with your own.

Operating principle

In essence, conspiracies to make dreams come true are not much different from the methods of visualization and reading affirmations that are popular today. A person is part of the Universe - having correctly tuned in and clearly expressing his intention, he starts the process of realizing his desire, and the world it just gets picked up. As a rule, the ritual and the text of the conspiracy are a vivid metaphor that awakens the imagination and uses the power of our unconscious.

Conspiracies for desire (like prayers) allow you to clearly express your intention, and rituals translate it into action. The Universe reacts so sensitively that it is able to fulfill any request, but the fulfillment of not every desire turns out to be a real blessing. Often we ourselves do not know what is good for us, or we are blinded by the prospect of apparent happiness. Therefore, any strong conspiracy to fulfill a desire must be read with a slight amendment, mentally adding a request to fulfill only what can serve you for your benefit.

Using water

Since ancient times, water has been considered a magical liquid - take, for example, fairy tales about “dead and living water” with their truly amazing qualities. Modern scientists believe that water has the ability to “remember” and “transmit” information.

Under the influence of thoughts and words, the liquid changes its structure, and when it dissolves in something, it conveys to it what it “knows.” The popularity of water spells is explained not only by the unique properties of this substance, but also by the fact that it permeates almost everything in our world, including the human body.

Morning glass of water

Spells for good luck and the fulfillment of cherished desires can be combined with such a useful thing as a glass of clean water drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. Practice this ritual regularly - and every day will bring you closer to what you want (and in addition, your health and well-being will improve). It’s good if you have the opportunity to take a walk to the spring in the morning, but if not, healers recommend using melt water. On clean water read the following in the glass:

“Old and torn water washes away; new, desirable - attracts me.”

Now say your deepest wish out loud three times and slowly drink all the water.

Under rain

A woman's desire is fulfilled very effectively in the rain. If you are not afraid of getting wet, go outside and walk in the rain for ten to fifteen minutes. You cannot take an umbrella - your hair must be thoroughly wet. While walking, repeat the following spell quietly:

“As the rain pours, so will your wish come true, it will be clean everywhere - things will go quickly.”

At home, comb your wet hair and, looking in the mirror, say your wish three times.

For bedtime

To make your wish come true faster, it is recommended to read the plot before going to bed. If what you want concerns adding or attracting something (money, beauty, good husband and happy marriage, etc.), choose for the ritual the night of the waxing moon. If you want to get rid of something (debts, illness, a boring man, etc.) - do a ritual on the waning moon.

With some bread

A wish spell in combination with the following ritual is considered effective. You will need a loaf of bread or loaf, baked at home or purchased on the day of the ritual. Before going to bed, read your favorite prayer and think about what you want. Then take the loaf and say:

“Just as spiritual bread nourishes all people, so my desire fills with strength. Let your plan be fulfilled for the good and with God’s help. Amen".

The best conspiracies to fulfill desires.

Ritual to fulfill a wish

Strong spells to make wishes come true on your birthday.

A ritual to fulfill a wish!

Making wishes come true with water.

Break off a piece and put it under your pillow - eat it in the morning, and feed the rest of the bread to birds and animals.

With a comb

This ritual is best performed on one of the Tuesdays or Sundays. You will need a wooden comb and a few drops essential oil. You need to drop oil on the teeth of the comb and read the following plot three times:

“The comb gains strength and fulfills desires.”

Then comb thoroughly, and burn the hairs that have fallen out or remained on the comb with the words:

“May all difficulties and obstacles on the path to my dream burn away.”

Every day before going to bed, comb your hair with a charmed comb and think about what you want.

With candles

Magic rituals with candles are considered one of the most effective. The magic of a burning candle helps concentrate energy and synchronizes our intention with the consciousness of the Universe. In addition, candles have the ability to cleanse our energy - many of those who performed rituals with candles felt calm and effectively got rid of negative emotions.

Three candles

The ritual with three candles is best done in the evening, when everyone at home is asleep. For the ceremony you will need wax candles and a pen and paper. Write your wish on paper and, after folding it three times, place it on the table. Place candles around the paper, lighting them one by one and saying:

“I light the first candle - I attract the power of luck to myself, I light the second candle - I fulfill my plans, I light the third candle - I fill the Universe with joy.”

Leave the candles to burn for an hour, and then burn the paper with your intention.

Dawn Candle

An effective ritual can be performed using white and black candles at dawn. You need to wake up before sunrise and place both candles on the windowsill. Light the white candle first and imagine for a few minutes that your wish is coming true. Then light a black candle and mentally accept the possibility of failure. Next, swap the candles and say:

“As night turns into day, as light turns into shadow, as happiness and sorrow change - so everything that is planned comes true.”

On holiday

Holidays have a special magical power: as a rule, people work less on such a day, rejoice more and think about lofty matters, increase their energy level, and therefore the general energy on holidays favors the magic of wish fulfillment. IN Religious holidays(on Easter, on the Annunciation, on Palm Sunday, to Krasnaya Gorka, etc.) it is better to read not conspiracies, but prayers, sincerely expressing your request for the fulfillment of a dream or cherished desire. On these blessed days, esotericism advises asking for reconciliation and healing, attracting love (but not specific person), well-being and prosperity.

It is very useful to make wishes in new year holidays– they symbolize the birth of something new and include the process of realizing your dreams. It is useful to carry out simple magical rituals on Angel's Day and Birthday. Before you blow out the cake with candles, mentally say your cherished wish and add: “Candles, candles, remember the words. The breeze will blow and everything will be done on time.”

Other rituals

Magic rituals can be performed using a variety of objects - the main thing is that the law of similarity is triggered in the ritual or associative connections are clearly traced. A person who clearly understands what he is doing is much more likely to succeed than one who uses even the most powerful, but obscure spells. Anyone who tried to summon a genie from a bottle as a child knows this effect - there is an atmosphere of mystery, but there is no result.

The advice would be this: choose for yourself only those conspiracies and rituals whose action seems understandable to you and at least somewhat logical.

Thread and knots

Unwind twenty centimeters of red woolen thread, prepare a wax candle, pen and paper. Before you begin the ritual, write what you have planned on a piece of paper, and then read it out loud three times. Light a candle, take a thread and tie nine knots on it, saying each one in turn:

“One knot begins, another calls to the truth, the third knot resolves, the fourth connects, the fifth accelerates, the sixth strengthens, the seventh instructs, the eighth revives, the ninth knot is a guarantee for a happy outcome.”

Use a candle to burn the paper, and store the thread with knots in a secluded place.

Handkerchief and grain

Sometimes we need a quick ritual, but we don’t have time to carry it out. In such conditions simple ritual can be made using a handkerchief and a seed or grain. Mentally or out loud say your wish while holding the scarf in your hands. Then say the following while placing the seed in the handkerchief:

“I’ll put a seed in a handkerchief - time will stop, the bird will peck it - it’ll sing good luck to me, things will go quickly.”

Wrap the seed in a scarf, tie it in a knot and carry it with you until you meet a bird to which you can throw the grain with the words: “Your grain was found, and your wish came true.”

  1. Remember that to successfully fulfill a dream or cherished desire, you should not be overly attached to the result. Such fixation fetters you and does not allow energy to move. For example, if you want your beloved guy to call you too much, then you create an “energy jam” - an obstacle to achieving what you want. An obstacle can arise out of nowhere - from interference on telephone line, to the sudden appearance of “forgetfulness” in a loved one.
  2. A spell or prayer works better the more you concentrate on its essence, your intention and every word spoken. Magic requires mental effort and discipline; to practice it, you need to learn concentration every day. Set aside at least a few minutes for yourself to meditate - concentrate on your own breathing, sounds or candle flame. In just a couple of weeks you will feel differently (most likely, not only your ability to concentrate will change, but also your very attitude towards life).
  3. It is advisable to read conspiracies out loud – clearly and expressively. When reading mentally, you still need to maintain expressiveness and the necessary intonation. If you need to write text on paper, try to do it well - write in an even and beautiful handwriting, without mistakes.
  4. Many rituals call on us to strictly follow the rules and this really makes sense. However, do not forget that magic is, first of all, creativity. Include not only other people’s ideas, but also your own imagination in making your dreams come true. If you want to change something in the ritual, do not deprive yourself of such pleasure. When the right idea comes “from the heart,” the ritual becomes even more powerful and effective.
  5. Let your priority not be the speedy fulfillment of your desire, but rather enjoying the process. Of course, we must hope for positive result and believe in the implementation of your plans, but getting joy from performing the ritual is by no means less important. Perform the ritual, read the plot and feel that on the subtle plane everything has already come true. And then - forget about your desire, transfer your attention to another sector of life. After some time, the fulfillment of your dream will become a pleasant surprise for you and at the same time it will turn out to be a completely natural event.

In this article:

Today, a conspiracy to fulfill a wish interests many people. Its popularity is explained by the versatility of such magic, because with the help of one ritual you can solve a variety of problems.

Along with the growing interest in magic, the number of sources from which a person can get more information about the rituals that interest him also grows. On the Internet alone you can find hundreds of thousands of sites, each of which offers effective and effective method solving any problem with the help of magical practices. But not every resource on the network contains truthful and full information. In most cases, the site provides only the plot itself, without explanations or recommendations, without information on how to read magic words, where, when, under what conditions. And this is very important; with a conspiracy alone, even an effective ritual will not be able to achieve what you want.

What you need to know about wish conspiracies

First of all, it is important to remember that before performing any ritual you need to properly tune in. The performer must spend some time meditating, he needs to concentrate on what he wants to get as a result magical ritual what he should do for this.

There are many ways that will allow you to relax before the ritual, remove all unnecessary thoughts from your head, everything that distracts and that you do not need in this case.

So, you can just lie down for a while in complete silence and try to hear some frequent sounds coming from the street, it could be birdsong, the hum of cars passing by, or knocking from a construction site nearby. Now you need to fully concentrate on the selected sounds, try not to think about anything, just listen. After some time, you will be cleared of everything that prevents you from concentrating and you can begin preparing for the ritual.

One more important point is the visualization of the fulfillment of a desire, you must sincerely believe that with the help of magic you will get what you want, that your desires will come true. Moreover, you should feel as if you have already received what you wanted, all you have to do is wait a little and this something will be in your hands. Only after this can you proceed directly to the selection and execution of the ritual.

Strong spell with a scarf

You need to concentrate on your deepest desire, close your eyes and imagine it. Now we take a clean scarf in our hands (it should be yours and not new). We say our wish out loud three times, squeeze the handkerchief in our fist and say the words of the conspiracy:

“My cherished desire will be fulfilled by the great spirit of the Lord’s help, For the Heavenly Father helps those who ask him for help. Help will come in ways unknown to me, my desire will become reality, and through events it will acquire a path for fulfillment. The Holy Spirit will give to the servant of God (name) what I ask. I will tie a scarf for my wish, ask God for it and wait for it to come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Concentration on the result you want is the most important thing

After pronouncing the last words, you need to tie the scarf into a knot and put it in your pocket or bag. The enchanted item must be carried with you constantly until your wish comes true.

Six-day conspiracy

This is a universal magical ritual that can be used both to fulfill one cherished desire and to ensure that all your desires become a reality over time. In order for all your wishes to come true, you need to read the words of the conspiracy three times daily, for 6 days. Words:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, Most Holy Theotokos, I ask you. Help the servant of God (name) let it come true (name what you want). Amen. Amen. Amen".

After each reading, the performer must read the “Our Father” prayer three times.
This is an effective prayer for desires, but neither it nor any other will help you if you yourself do not make any efforts to achieve what you want.

Prayer for the desired plot to come true

To carry out this magical ritual you will need seven small icons: Kazan Mother of God, Savior, Seraphim of Sarov, yours personalized icon(icon of a saint with your name), icon of all saints, Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Virgin Mary “Consolation”.


When you have collected all the images, take seven small sheets of paper and write your wish on each of them (you can have one for everyone, or one for each).

After this, you need to attach sheets of wishes to the back of the icons with wax from church candles, place them on a table covered with a white tablecloth, light one church candle next to each icon and read the words of the conspiracy:

“Lord God, Most Holy Mother of God, all Saints, all Wonderworkers, hear my prayers, hear about my needs, help me, servant of God (name), fulfill my (my) desires. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Immediately after this, you need to read the “Our Father” prayer three times, and then, in your own words, sincerely ask God and the Saints for the fulfillment of your most cherished desires. You need to speak in a whisper and until at least one church candle is burning. When you are finished, you need to carefully place all the wish icons between the pages of the Bible and leave them there for the next forty days.

A powerful ritual to fulfill a wish

This ritual is performed with the help of one large candle. When choosing a candle, remember that you will have to light it for many evenings, so take the largest one.
You need to be very careful when choosing the color of a candle. Each color is associated with one direction, symbolizing certain deeds and desires:

  • white color symbolizes cleansing, healing and protection;
  • yellow - travel, trips, negotiations, communication skills, creativity, joy and friends;
  • orange - career, self-expression, success and luck;
  • red - passion, sexual pleasure, conquest, strength, victory;
  • pink - romantic relationship, love, reconciliation, wedding;
  • blue - health, peace, development;
  • green - new job, money and nature.

Besides new spark plug, to carry out this magical ritual, you will also need a candlestick that has not been used anywhere before, as well as a sheet of white paper, a steel vessel and a simple pencil.
On a piece of paper you need to write your deepest desire and sign below:

“Let my desire bring only good and do no harm.”

At night, you need to put a candle in a candlestick on a sheet of paper and light the wick. Look at the fire and imagine that your wish has already come true, that you got everything you wanted, concentrate on the positive emotions that the realization of your dream will bring you. Draw pictures as much as you can (if this is not your first experience with magic, you will feel when to stop). Now we put out the candle and go to bed. These steps must be repeated at least three nights in a row.

Then you need to set the paper on fire in a candle flame, throw it into a prepared steel vessel and let the sheet burn out completely. In the end, we throw all the ashes out the window and try to forget about our desire for a while, don’t think about it, don’t wait for it to happen, but live your normal life, and soon everything will come true.