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3g modem speed. How to maintain high speed highway modem. Increasing the speed of the mts modem

Most MTS subscribers use a modem to access the Internet. After all modern technologies can be a good alternative to landline providers, and the modem can be used everywhere and not feel tied to wires. But there are situations when users complain about speed. Perhaps the device works too slowly in a certain area, for example, the subscriber is far from the MTS tower. Traffic may also end at the most inopportune moment, when right now you need to view some information or download a file. Naturally, every person wants to improve their access speed. Since this question is very relevant today, we will address it Special attention. In this article we will look at how to increase the speed of your Internet connection in two main cases:

  • when the provided traffic limit is exhausted;
  • with a bad connection.

All operators mobile communications set speed limits after the allocated megabytes are completed. Basically, on all tariffs the speed drops to 64 kilobits per second. In practice, with such a connection it is even difficult to open Email. There are packages where data transfer does not fall below 125 kilobits, such access will allow you to comfortably surf the Internet, but downloading files or watching videos is very difficult, and such a limitation is only available on tariff plans with big amount gigabytes are therefore expensive. Let's look at a few actions that can be taken to increase speed in this case.

Most suitable option When it is necessary to extend the speed, this is a temporary connection of the turbo button. It is possible to use it for two or six hours. This is an excellent solution when the subscriber wants to watch a movie online or urgently needs to use the Internet for work purposes. You can connect to this service in several ways, namely:

  • call the MTS support service, dictate the number of the SIM card in the modem, and order the service;
  • go to your Personal Area, select section " additional options", and press "turn on turbo button";
  • send an SMS message to number 111 with test 622;
  • dial the combination in the window where the modem is connected * 111 * 622 #.

As soon as the turbo button is connected, the subscriber will receive an SMS message, and from that minute the time begins to count down. The cost of the service is different for each region, so before connecting, it is advisable to clarify this information on the MTS company website or call hotline. Using the turbo button, you can speed up the connection in a few minutes, and also use it as needed, because the service can be activated an unlimited number of times.

There are tariff plans where there are no speed restrictions. These are packages where Internet access is charged for money, without additional megabytes. Such tariff plans the cost of transmission is significantly reduced, they are suitable for subscribers who use access occasionally. Accordingly, it is not possible to connect a turbo button in such tariffs, because increasing the connection speed becomes irrelevant.

How to increase the connection on a modem?

Today, MTS offers its subscribers two connections to choose from. This is the third or fourth generation (3g and 4g). The connection speed in such technologies is significantly different, for example, with a good signal on 3g, a subscriber can receive up to 360-500 kilobits per second, but 4g already provides from 20 to 50 megabits. Today, every modem supports both technologies, so its brand or cost will not affect the speed of operation. It all depends on the signal level that the MTS station sends. Many people do not know that you can increase the speed on your modem. You just need to purchase a specialized antenna and the connection will improve several times. Moreover, you can speed up the operation of your device at home, and such a purchase is inexpensive. All you need to do is buy the equipment and install it. Before purchasing, be sure to ask whether your equipment supports the installation of additional antennas, because old-style modems that were purchased seven or more years ago do not have this option.

You can buy equipment at any computer hardware store, as well as from MTS dealers. After purchasing, carefully read the installation instructions, everything is described in detail there. If a person is not sure that he can install an antenna on his own, then it is best to turn to specialists. To speed up Internet access, this way, you won’t need a lot of effort, time or money. But after installation, the subscriber will be able to use the worldwide network quickly and comfortably. This way out of the situation is very relevant for residents of private sectors who no longer have any other way to use the Internet other than using modems.

Before purchasing devices for wireless use Internet, always ask whether there is high-quality coverage in your area of ​​​​residence; such information can be found on the company’s website or call the support service. For example, in some areas, the Internet works at maximum speed, so the need to increase it disappears by itself.

Increasing the Internet speed of a 3G/4G modem is one of the significant tasks facing many people who use mobile Internet access. In one of my articles I wrote about ways increase internet speed for 3g modem . Now, having experience different ways increase Internet speed in various populated areas(city, suburb, village) I will tell you about the most effective and proven methods. More precisely, I will share my approach to increasing the speed of 3G/4G Internet.

Choosing between 3G and 4G

The first step is to understand which of the standards mobile Internet use - 3G or 4G. 4G is the fourth generation of mobile Internet, providing speeds of up to several hundred Mbit/s, compared to 3G (previous generation), the maximum that can be obtained is 28.8 Mbit/s (HSPA+) or 14.4 Mbit/s (HSDPA). But all these speeds are only in theory, with ideal conditions, in fact, from 4G you can achieve speeds of up to 40-60 Mbit/s, 3g - 3-6 Mbit/s. It is important to note that when switching from 3G to 4G, you must not only change the modem to 4G, but also the 4G SIM card.

Many will say that, of course, 4G must be chosen, and they will be right, but 4G technology is widespread only in major cities(at the time of writing). In order to understand whether you will receive 4G, I recommend turning to 4G coverage maps for different mobile operators.
Beeline 3G/4G coverage map
Megafon 3G/4G coverage map
MTS 3G/4G coverage map
Find out which operator supports 4G technology in your area. After this, you can proceed to the next step.

Selecting a 3G/4G Internet operator.

The next step is to understand which operator provides more high speed Internet connection, exactly in the place where you plan to use the modem. You should not trust the opinions of friends and your inner feelings in these matters. The most effective thing is to check the Internet speed of each operator (Bilai, MTS, Megafon). Of course, it’s not cheap, but you can buy a SIM card for a month, use it, then take a SIM card from another operator. To save money, I recommend purchasing (or making it yourself) a universal (hardwired) 3G/4G modem that will accept SIM cards from any operator. If possible, ask your friends, perhaps they use a different operator and will let you test the Internet speed for one day. You can ask your nearest neighbors what they use and find out what their speed is. But I don’t recommend asking people living more than 100 meters from the place where you will use the 3g/4g modem, since you may well have a completely different Internet speed from the same operator.

Let me give you an example: I helped an acquaintance living in a private sector to increase the Internet speed, chose an operator, installed a directional antenna, the Internet speed became quite acceptable, a week later the same acquaintance calls and asks his neighbor to do the same. As it turned out on the spot, the neighbor lived 5 houses further (he doesn’t turn out to be that much of a neighbor). I start trying the same operator that was installed by a friend, but the speed is no longer there, I started trying other operators, it turned out that another operator is in the lead in his speed and the direction of the antenna is in the other direction. Based on this, I concluded that even if people live close, you should not give everyone the same rating, since it is quite possible that in this particular place it is better to use another operator. Don’t believe those people who praise one operator; it’s better to check everything and draw conclusions based on specific numbers that you get yourself.

Use an external antenna to increase 3G/4G Internet speed.

Once you have decided on 3G or 4G technology, chosen an operator, bought and installed a modem and SIM card, it’s time to look at signal level , if it is low, you need to increase it using external 3G or 4G antenna .
In one of my articles I described how I achieved high Internet speed using an external 3G antenna . But this guide, unfortunately, is not suitable for everyone, and here’s why. 3G/4G antennas are designed to increase the signal level, and due to its increase, the Internet speed increases. But there is a situation when the signal is high, but the speed is still very low. This is due to the fact that the tower mobile operator, to which you are connecting is overloaded with the same users and “There is not enough Internet for everyone” - the line is overloaded, especially in the evening, when many people return to the Internet after returning from work. What to do in this case? How to increase 3G/4G Internet speed? You need to return to the methods described above, namely, if you used 3G, it is quite possible that you can already use 4G technology, or you should try changing the operator.

For those who live in the countryside, in a village or even in a remote village, the issue of access to the Internet is more relevant than ever. Selected wire lines will not soon appear in remote corners of our homeland, so we have to use alternative option represented by 3G modems.

Let's try to figure out what kind of device and 3G modem it is. And to do this in the most painless way in terms of price and quality of reception.

What is a 3G modem

This is a device that uses operators to receive and transmit. And most importantly, the networks are wireless. The advantages of this type of transceiver are the absence of wires, ease of connection and mobility. The downside is the problem of poor connection quality coupled with an unstable signal, so 3G Internet speed can fluctuate over a wide range - from 0 to the stated 5 Mbit/s.

Why 3G?

Internet providers play it safe by laying out dedicated lines to more or less large villages, counting on low consumer capacity. Therefore, very often in service center you can hear about the absence technical feasibility to connection. In private sectors, there is no talk of a wired network at all.

Some providers offer to pay for the installation of such networks for the administration of a village or farm (all the residents chipped in - things went well). But in this case, they no longer play it safe, but, on the contrary, take the number of users with a reserve, that is, the output amount turns out to be almost unaffordable.

Therefore, the only thing left for a rural resident who suffers from Internet communication is to choose a 3G modem. The Internet speed, of course, is not so great in this case, but it is better than telephony with 128 Kbps.

Advantages and disadvantages

The undeniable advantage of a 3G modem is mobility. This is especially true for people who, due to circumstances, are constantly on the move, while using the Internet for work or entertainment. And for residents of villages and farms, this is sometimes the only solution to the issue of communication with the World Wide Web.

The rest is full of shortcomings. The Internet speed of a 3G modem is affected by terrain, rain, snow and even fog, and the tariffs of cellular operators, compared to a leased line, are simply extortionate, while the quality of services provided leaves much to be desired. The signal stability of this type of transceiver cannot be criticized.

Where is the exit?

Even despite such a hefty list of shortcomings, this does not stop the villager. In literally every home where there is a computer or laptop, you can see a 3G modem. The speed of the Internet, as mentioned above, leaves much to be desired, so there is only one way out - to increase the speed of signal reception and transmission with your own hands. The Kulibins have not yet disappeared in our country, which means we will use the methods and means at hand that they have tested.

3G internet

Many ways to speed up 3G Internet have been proposed on the Internet, but it’s worth noting right away that all kinds of software and manual ones only help by 2-3%, and this is a ridiculous increase. Soldering into the modem unit is extremely undesirable - the reliability of this method is questionable, but the device can easily be damaged.

winding copper wire and synergy with tin can they will also not give significant results, even if you install the receiver on the roof of the house.

The only option that is tested and plausible from the point of view of the laws of physics, does not require large expenses and works 100% is the use of a parabolic antenna, which is used for broadcasting satellite TV. Moreover, the larger the diameter of the “dish”, the higher the 3G Internet speed. It is also worth mentioning the gain factor - best option in our case - 19 dB.

parabolic antenna

Any antenna is suitable for the experiment, but it is better to take one that has already proven itself with positive side"plate" from "Tricolor". It is inexpensive - within 1000 rubles (price on the official website - 750 rubles). Installation is simple and is carried out using a standard bracket (for more details, see the device’s operating instructions).

The bottom line is that at the antenna focus, instead of a connector, we install our 3G modem. This will allow electromagnetic waves to focus on the signal at the modem point. That is, the “dish” is used for its intended purpose, but with a slight amendment - it focuses not satellite channels, but the waves of the cellular operator, thereby increasing the speed of 3G Internet (Megafon, MTS, Beeline - any provider cannot resist ).

You can go even further by distributing the Internet throughout the house through a Wi-Fi router. To do this, we connect the modem from the “dish” via a USB cable to the router and connect to the Network from anywhere in the house via a laptop, tablet or personal computer.

To protect our modem from all kinds of elements, we can waterproof it using any plastic flask (a box of vitamins, pills, or something like that). In any case, the technical design of such a device will not cause problems. But for the speed of 3G Internet (MTS in particular) to be at high level, we need to configure our antenna correctly.

Antenna setup

For correct settings“plates” we will need any software that allows us to control the signal level on our device in real time. Numerous forums and specialized resources speak extremely warmly about the WlanExpert utility, which can be downloaded from the developer’s official website. It is designed specifically for dynamic monitoring of the cellular signal level (of any operator).

If there is no desire to use third-party software, then you can resort to standard programs that are equipped with operator flash modems. Although the dynamics of change are traced too slowly and too late, the utilities nevertheless work. The main thing is that you can control the signal level while setting up the antenna.

All you have to do is turn the “dish” up or down to find a stable and full signal from mobile operator. Then the antenna is pre-fixed and checked within a day or two. If the signal is normal, then we install it “tightly” and use high-speed Internet.

Fine tuning

After you have connected the modem and launched the signal monitoring program, you need to technically adjust the reception/transmission level. Using the example of the above-mentioned WlanExpert program: the signal readings should be smaller in magnitude. In other words, -50 dB will be better than -60 dB.

It is worth noting that the antenna mounts should be loosened during tuning, since tightened bolts will not allow you to fine-tune the signal (too tight and scattered). First you need to adjust the reception in horizontal plane, checking the program’s readings (an assistant in this matter will obviously not be superfluous). Once you have found the desired point, mark the antenna position with a marker. Then it is necessary to carry out a similar adjustment in the vertical plane under the same conditions.

After a stable signal is found, secure some of the bolts to the bracket, but not all, as additional rotation of the “plate” may be necessary. After these manipulations, you can try to twist the modem itself (along with the plastic bulb) for finer tuning. Once the optimal signal is found, you need to insulate the junction of the cable and the bulb.

This completes the adjustment. If within a day or two the signal did not change significantly and the connection was stable, then you can tighten all the bracket bolts and enjoy high Internet speeds.

What could be worse than not having internet? Only Slow internet. This problem is especially relevant for places with poor cellular signal reception - for example, cottages, gardens and vegetable gardens. Internet signal amplifiers for USB modems are sold in stores, but their design is so primitive that you can create such a device yourself at zero cost.

The design of the Internet amplifier is indecently simple: in plastic case there is a sheet of thin metal that concentrates radio waves, and a USB extension cable, thanks to which the modem can be placed behind this sheet. Essentially, this amplifier works as an antenna - it receives wave radiation of a wide range, from which the modem filters out the frequencies it needs, thereby achieving more high quality communications.

You can create an antenna that will work as a cellular signal amplifier from almost any metal object(preferably thin or with holes): pans, large tin can, colanders, spoons, ladle, sieves, plates, baths, lids, boards covered with foil, etc. The most important thing is to place the modem in the center of the structure, where the signal is strongest. You can connect the modem to a computer or router using an extension cord, but do not overdo it - choose the shortest one possible so that the modem works stably. If you wish, you can find a housing where this structure is placed, but this is not necessary, especially since garden houses, as a rule, there are places where you can put the modem so that it is not visible.

If the signal is weakly amplified, try looking for a more optimal location to install the antenna. The difference can be felt even within a few meters. You may have to place the amplifier on the roof of your house or on a pole. Keep in mind that not every signal can be amplified; success depends on many factors: the material from which the antenna is made, the frequency at which the connection operates, the distance to the base station, interference from electrical appliances, and even the weather. Unfortunately, even amplifiers sold in stores do not always improve the signal. Experiment with different options and try to find one at which the Internet speed will be maximum.

Oddly enough, but correct port settings can improve the quality of 3G signal processing by almost half. First, check the speed of the port for receiving data coming from the Internet. To do this, open “Device Manager” in the “Hardware” tab of the “My Computer” section. In the “Ports” tab, select “Serial Port”. Right-clicking opens the ability to access “Port Settings” through the “Properties” menu. In the “Port Settings” you need to increase the modem throughput threshold from the default 9600bps to 115200bps. This way, port settings are no longer a barrier to increasing speeds to the upper limits.

Setting up channel bandwidth

To configure the channel bandwidth, you must remove the default restrictions in the “Computer Configuration” menu. To do this, in the “Package Manager” of the “Network” item of the “Administrative Templates” section, double-click on the “Limit Bandwidth” command. Then open the “Option” tab and check the “Enabled” checkbox, and in the “Bandwidth Limit” window change “20” to “0”. Confirm that the settings are applied and click OK. Channel capacity restrictions have been lifted.

Setting up the modem

After completing all the computer settings, you need to configure the 3G USB modem directly. If the modem is equipped with a connector for connecting an external 3G antenna, then it’s a good idea to use it. However, if the modem formally demonstrates reliable reception (all bars are visible), but the speed is unsatisfactory, then the antenna is unlikely to help. The reason for the low speed in this case is most likely the crowd of users on the network. Bandwidth There simply isn’t enough repeater for everyone. This assumption is easy to check at night, when the number of people wanting to surf the Internet decreases. In the event that the strips are “not all”, a USB extension cable can help. The fact is that any computer is a source of interference. In addition, the capacitance of the human body, as well as the capacitance of objects located near the computer and modem, can seriously weaken the signal received by the modem antenna.

A cord with a USB connector allows you to move the modem to an area with more reliable reception, away from sources of interference. The recommended length of such a cable should not exceed 3 meters. It is also not recommended to use cables shorter than 1.5 meters due to their inefficiency. Connect the modem via a USB extension cable to the computer. This usually significantly improves the quality of the connection.