home · Tool · Abrasive paste for teeth. The best whitening pastes on the market: reviews and ratings

Abrasive paste for teeth. The best whitening pastes on the market: reviews and ratings

Pharmacies and stores offer us a wide range of whitening toothpastes.

How to choose the best whitening toothpaste?

Will this help? toothpaste with intense plaque and tartar?

What is the best toothpaste according to dentists and patients?

First of all, you need to understand that all whitening toothpastes according to their mechanism of action are divided into 2 types:

1. FIRST group - those toothpastes that CLEAN enamel from coloring pigment.
The composition of such toothpastes is dominated by abrasive and polishing components. Therefore, if you have good oral hygiene (poor bacterial plaque or no plaque at all), you won’t have to expect a good whitening effect from such toothpastes: why use a toothpaste that removes plaque if it’s not there anyway?
You should also beware of using this group of pastes for those people who have pronounced tooth sensitivity, increased tooth abrasion, and gum inflammation. Toothpastes from this group are ideal for smokers, as well as lovers of strong tea or coffee.

2. SECOND group - those toothpastes that NEUTRALIZE the coloring pigment itself. They contain substances that, in contact with saliva, release active oxygen. It is able to penetrate even the deepest layers of tooth enamel and discolor dark pigments. As you understand, abrasive toothpastes that simply clean the tooth surface are not capable of such abilities.

Rating of toothpastes from the first group - those that remove pigment plaque.

Here, when choosing, focus on abrasiveness factor (RDA). The higher it is, the more noticeable the whitening effect will be. However, remember that if you do not have severe plaque, this is not your choice!

The following 2 toothpastes have the maximum abrasive coefficient and are highly not recommended for daily use. Maximum - 3 times a week.

Toothpaste “LACALUT White”

This paste contains a rather expensive abrasive. The abrasiveness coefficient RDA is 120. For comparison, for conventional toothpastes it is 75. In addition to abrasive components, it contains substances that help dissolve small plaques. There are also components to prevent tooth sensitivity and strengthen tooth enamel.

PRESIDENT White Plus toothpaste

The abrasiveness coefficient RDA is 200. It can be used no more than once a week and only with those toothpastes whose abrasiveness does not exceed 80. The presence of such a high coefficient can cope even with small hard plaque.

Lakalut white and repair

Contains 3 types of abrasive components, as well as components that loosen hard plaque and increase enamel mineralization. The whitening effect lasts up to several months. Dentists and patients give the most highly appreciated this toothpaste.

President white

This paste uses an interesting combination of silicon and calcium as an abrasive, plus added fluorine for enhanced mineralization of enamel and some types of herbs that provide anti-inflammatory, mild analgesic, bactericidal and immune-stimulating effects. A small minus is the simultaneous combination of fluoride and calcium, as well as the high cost of the paste.

Rembrandt - anti-tobacco and coffee is an excellent option for smokers and coffee lovers.

In addition to being a good abrasive substance, it contains minerals. Allows you to whiten your teeth by 3-4 tones and the effect can also last for several months. However, the price of the paste pretty much scares off buyers.

Splat - whitening plus

Russian manufacturers are also not far behind in our ranking and are practically not inferior to their Western counterparts. Titanium and silicon do an excellent job of removing plaque and pigmentation. And fluorine and potassium are aimed at combating enamel hypersensitivity.

Silca arctic white

If you have severe pigmentation on your teeth, pay attention to this German toothpaste with a high fluoride content. Abrasives and pyrophosphates will cope well with soft and hard plaque, and fluoride will protect against increased sensitivity.

Rocs sensational whitening

The main component that breaks down plaque is bromelain, and the mineralization of tooth enamel is carried out not by fluoride (it is not here), but by calcium glycerophosphate.

Rocs pro delicate whitening

Unlike previous participants in the rating, it contains only 1 abrasive component, due to which it acts more softly and delicately in terms of cleansing the enamel, which is what the name of the paste is associated with. Added a pleasant mint flavor. If you prefer to approach the whitening process in stages, start with this toothpaste. to achieve a good result, use R.O.C.S gel after it. Pro based on carbamide peroxide.

Blendamed 3d white

The most common toothpaste in Russia contains 1 abrasive and a large number of pyrophosphates, which can cause dental hypersensitivity. Fluoride added.

Colgate comprehensive whitening

Contains 2 abrasive components and fluorine. Does not contain components that break down plaque. Made in China.

New pearl whitening

One of the most inexpensive toothpastes that shows a good whitening effect. However, it contains too many pyrophosphates.

Rating of whitening toothpastes that neutralize color pigments in the deep layers of enamel

Now let’s separately highlight 3 more toothpastes that perform deep whitening due to the presence of carbamide peroxide in their composition. The abrasive pastes discussed above are not capable of coping with this task.

Rembrandt plus

Eliminates deep staining of enamel. Components that break down plaque and minerals that reduce tooth sensitivity have also been added. Lightens teeth by 4-5 tones. This is perhaps the most effective, but at the same time expensive, whitening paste.

Splat extreme white

In this category again we see Russian manufacturer. In addition to urea peroxide, it contains an abrasive. Thanks to this tandem, you can see the whitening effect within a month. Your teeth will become 2-3 shades lighter. And sodium fluoride will protect the enamel from hypersensitivity and caries.

Gel R.O.C.S. pro - oxygen whitening

This toothpaste is a logical continuation of the step-by-step whitening Rocs pro delicate whitening. A small amount of abrasive components is added, which allows you to gently and gradually remove plaque. Calcium glycerophosphate acts as a remineralizing component. In a month you will see your teeth lighten by 2-3 shades.

The best whitening toothpaste

So, we have discussed with you TOP 15 whitening toothpastes, which, according to dentists and patients, copes well with the task. All of these toothpastes can be purchased at almost any store. However, the best toothpaste for you will be the one your dentist recommends based on your current oral situation. It will help you finally make your choice and begin the process of comfortable home whitening.

Make an appointment with our doctor, he will help you do perfect choice!

To keep teeth snow-white, since ancient times people have used a wide variety of means to brighten them. It was soda, ash and even vinegar.

Now there are two ways to return your teeth to their natural whiteness: dental cleaning or brushing with whitening pastes.

Lightening enamel with pastes is a popular and simple way.

Everyday paste turns into a whitening paste if it contains 2 components: a brightening agent and an abrasive.

The action of this product is based on the elimination of pigments located on the enamel, or the neutralization of pigmentation located inside it.

Removing pigment plaque from the surface of teeth

Whitening is carried out under the complex influence of the components present:

  • abrasive;
  • polydon;
  • bromelain;
  • papaina;
  • phosphates.

Often the volume of these substances makes up 35–40% of the total. Whitening occurs by mechanical removal pigmenting and microbial plaque.

But such pastes are bad because when using them, the layers of enamel are quickly erased. Daily use of them leads to disruption of its structure. Teeth wear depends on the abrasiveness of the paste and is determined by the RDA coefficient.

A low-abrasive paste is considered to be one whose value is less than 70 units. If the degree is higher than 100 units, the product is considered highly abrasive.

If your teeth are weakened and highly sensitive, it is not recommended to use such toothpastes. They are also contraindicated for children.

Brightening with active oxygen

This product contains carbamide peroxide. Once in the mouth, it interacts with the salivary fluid, begins to disintegrate and release active oxygen. It discolors deep pigment that could not be removed with abrasives.

It is important to remember that such pastes are considered professional oral care products, which means their use must strictly comply with the instructions attached to them.

Uncontrolled use increases the likelihood of tooth damage, inflammation of the mucous membranes and gums, and the development of allergies.

Use is contraindicated for caries, gingivitis, periodontal disease, chips and cracks, and any inflammation.


Manufacturers produce a wide range of pastes with a whitening effect. Their popularity in the market is justified by a number of advantages:

  • Quick results– it is possible to achieve lightening by 1–2 tones in several procedures.
  • Safety– the absence of mechanical intervention reduces the risk of damage to the enamel and mucosa.
  • Low cost compared to a similar service at the dentist.

These advantages have allowed many buyers to opt for home teeth whitening with special toothpastes.


Lightening pastes have some disadvantages:

  • Tooth sensitivity to many foods appears.
  • Tiny pores form on the enamel, leading to its thinning.
  • Inflammation of the tissues of the tongue and gums may develop.
  • They are not able to remove persistent plaque formed as a result of smoking and love of coffee and strong tea.
  • Fillings may discolor and become noticeable on lighter teeth.

These disadvantages must be taken into account if teeth are lightened using one of the whitening pastes.

The best products to remove pigment plaque

This product is designed for deep lightening and is highly abrasive.

LACALUT (Lakalut) White

Made in Germany. Contains: abrasives (silicon hydrate, titanium dioxide), sodium fluoride.

Abrasive index – 120 units, fluoride amount – 1367 ppm. These figures indicate the possibility of using the product by people with severe enamel pigmentation, and the fluorides contained in the composition reduce the sensitivity of teeth. Costs from 150 rubles. for 50 ml.

LACALUT (Lakalut) white & repair

Produced in Germany. Contains abrasives (titanium dioxide, silicon oxide and its hydrated analogue), hydroxyapatite, sodium fluoride. They loosen and eliminate plaque, mineralize enamel, relieve or prevent tooth sensitivity.

Abrasiveness – 100 units, number of fluorides – 1360 ppm. Price 50 ml from 150 rub.

SPLAT - whitening Plus

Produced in Russia. Contains: abrasives (titanium dioxide, hydrated silica), papain, pyrophosphates, sodium fluoride.

They get rid of pigment, reduce sensitivity, and help cope with stones. Abrasiveness – 90 units, amount of fluorides – 1000 ppm. Cost 90 rub. for 50 ml.

Blendamed (Blend-a-honey) 3D White

Made in the USA. Contains: hydrated silica - abrasive, pyrophosphates, sodium fluoride. It is produced in different variations, but their composition is identical, and such a variety of types is necessary for advertising purposes for different target audiences.

Abrasiveness – 95 units, fluorides – 0.33%. Possesses one significant drawback– flushes potassium from the enamel, increasing its sensitivity. Price from 160 rub. for 50 ml.

REMBRANDT (Rembrandt) – Anti-tobacco and coffee

Made in the USA. It contains aluminisil - a combination of 2 abrasive components: silicon and aluminum oxides, citroxaine, monofluorophosphate. Created for those who smoke and appreciate coffee and strong tea. The amount of fluorides is 1160 ppm, abrasiveness is 110 units. The price of a 75 ml tube is from 480 rubles.

PRESIDENT (President) White Plus

Made in Italy. Contains: calcium glycerophosphate and abrasives (diatomaceous earth, silica). Abrasiveness coefficient – ​​200 units.

Application is intended only for one-time use of 5 - 7 days. On other days, it is recommended to use another whitening paste with an abrasive value of up to 80 units. Cost 30 ml – from 180 rub.


Made in Italy. High quality and completely safe remedy, created for connoisseurs of natural things. It contains monofluorophosphate, fluorine and abrasives (extract from Icelandic moss, crystalline silicon).

Fluoride level – 1250 ppm, abrasive number – 65 units. The price of a 50 ml tube is from 230 rubles.

New Pearl – Whitening

Produced in Russia. Abrasives include: silicon and titanium dioxides, pyro- and monophosphates. They get rid of plaque and prevent the enamel from staining. Abrasive index – 80 units. Price 75 ml - from 45 rub.

New Pearl – Gentle whitening

Produced in Russia. Ingredients: abrasives (calcium carbonate, silica), monophosphate. The present substances prevent the development of sensitivity and lighten the enamel. The number of fluorides is 0.79%, abrasiveness is 75 units. Price 50 ml – from 30 rub.

ROCS (Rox) – Sensational whitening

Manufactured in Russia. Contains: silicon and titanium dioxides - abrasives, calcium glycerophosphate (strengthens teeth) and bromelain (to break down plaque), completely free of fluorides. Abrasiveness coefficient – ​​139 units. Costs 240 rubles. for 75 ml.

ROCS PRO (Rox Pro) – Delicate whitening

Produced in Russia. Lightening occurs with bromelain, calcium glycerophosphate and an abrasive – titanium dioxide. Abrasiveness number – 139 units. The brightening property is reduced because there is only one abrasive present. Cost 100 ml from 280 rub.

Colgate (Colgate) Complex Whitening

Made in China. Lightening is carried out with abrasives (titanium and silicon dioxides, sodium bicarbonate), papain. Their combination allows you to thoroughly clean the enamel and lighten it by 2 tones, preventing the manifestation of sensitivity.

Fluoride index – 1450 ppm, abrasiveness – 110 units. Price 80 rub. for 100 ml.

SILCA Arctic White

German products. Bleaching occurs with abrasives (titanium and silicon dioxide), sodium fluoride, potassium pyrophosphate. They effectively remove plaque and reduce sensitivity.

Pastes that help restore teeth natural whiteness, enough. It is better to entrust the choice to a doctor. He'll tell you best option, based on the condition of the enamel.

Useful tips for using pigment removers

Using these pastes, you need to follow simple but effective tips:

  • Do not try to remove massive plaque and hard stone with an abrasive paste. There will be no result. This procedure should be performed by a dentist. These pastes are capable of removing only small and soft plaque; they are powerless against stone.
  • If you experience tooth sensitivity while using these products, you should switch to a toothpaste that contains fluoride.
  • To achieve the desired whitening results, you must follow the correct technique for brushing your teeth every day.
  • If sensitivity and high abrasion of the enamel are present, then the paste used should contain polydon, papain or bromelain.
  • Drinks and foods that stain enamel should be avoided. When buying a paste, you need to carefully study its composition to find out the true degree of abrasiveness.

The best whitening pastes based on carbamide peroxide

Products containing carbamide peroxide can lighten short term enamel for 2 - 3 tones.

REMBRANDT (Rembrandt) plus

Products from an American manufacturer. It contains: carbamide peroxide, monofluorophosphate, citroxaine. Abrasive impact – 70 units, fluoride volume – 1150 ppm.

According to the manufacturer, this paste can illuminate enamel up to 5 tones. The correctly selected combination of all components makes it safe and effective. It has high cost– 500 rub. for 50 ml.

SPLAT (Splat) extreme White

Produced in Russia. Component composition: sodium fluoride, carbamide peroxide, polydone, papain and abrasive - silicon dioxide. The products are safe and suitable for those who suffer from high sensitivity.

The manufacturer guarantees lightening of up to 2 tones when using it for 3 to 4 weeks. The number of fluorides is 520 ppm, the effect of abrasives is 75 units. Price 200 rub. for 75 ml.

ROCS PRO (Rox Pro) - Oxygen bleaching

Manufactured in Russia. It contains carbamide peroxide and calcium glycerophosphate - an abrasive. It has a low abrasive action - 60 units, no fluorides.

Low abrasiveness does not allow you to completely remove pigment and plaque. It is recommended to use it with “ROCS PRO – delicate whitening”. Cost 35 g – from 270 rub.

The selection of whitening paste should be approached responsibly. The above products are considered the best based on customer opinions and recommendations from experienced doctors.

When brightening enamel with these pastes, you need to know several of their features:

  • Their use should begin after dental cleaning.
  • If there is a small amount of plaque, then the lightening process should be done in two stages: before cleaning with peroxide paste, it is recommended to clean the surface of the teeth with an abrasive.
  • Peroxide products do not lighten fillings, ceramic and metal-ceramic crowns.
  • Hygiene must be regular, observing correct technique brushing teeth.

It is important to remember that uncontrolled use of peroxide pastes leads to damage to the enamel, increased tooth sensitivity, and inflammation of the mucous membranes and gums.

Consumer Opinion

You should not completely trust commercials in which manufacturers promise a sparkling, snow-white smile after several uses of their products. As practice and customer reviews show, the lightening result may differ from what was promised.

The following video will be useful for viewing by those people who are used to buying only high-quality products:

To the request of many patients: “advise which toothpaste whitens best,” many dentists answer - “Crest” from famous company Procter & Gamble.

Today, the Crest brand is synonymous with a healthy and snow-white smile! The strongest specialists in the field of oral hygiene, a powerful research base, the latest scientific achievements, and as a result, the American Dental Association accepts and recommends more and more Crest products.

Crest products are recognized as the most effective and safe and are approved by dentists in Europe and the USA.


Effective paste Russian production contains an innovative formula for safe teeth whitening, suitable for very sensitive enamel.

  • Polishing particles in combination with papain and polydon break down plaque in hard-to-reach areas, effectively lighten the enamel, making it ideal smooth surface teeth.
  • Potassium ions reduce the increased sensitivity of enamel. Natural antibacterial ingredients keep your breath fresh and prevent plaque buildup.
  • Splat normalizes the pH balance of the oral cavity, preventing the development of caries, and ensures absorption minerals, calcium, safely whitens and perfectly polishes enamel.
  • Splat paste is ideal for lovers of strong tea, coffee and smokers. Within a month of use, the enamel is lightened by one and a half tones.


Hygiene products from Thailand have no analogues; they are usually organic and combine 3 important properties: strengthening of enamel, whitening and regeneration of gums.

An unsurpassed and completely unique toothpaste, due to the presence of many active substances and a special composition, has a powerful whitening effect, prevents the growth of bacteria and the occurrence of tartar, caries and periodontitis.

The whitening paste does not contain chemical additives or preservatives and is created exclusively from natural ingredients based on several medicinal essential oils.


Sensational whitening, providing radiant white teeth, is guaranteed by Rox whitening toothpaste (manufactured in Switzerland-Russia).

The ROCS formula is based on the principles of preventing plaque development and strengthening teeth. Combination biological components: xylitol, bromelain, as well as mineral compounds - sources of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium, provide:

  • delicate enamel whitening;
  • prevention of tartar formation;
  • strengthening teeth and preventing the development of caries;
  • long-term cleanliness of teeth;
  • giving breath freshness;
  • elimination of bleeding gums;
  • normalization of the composition of the oral microflora (has prebiotic properties).

As a complement to gentle whitening, dentists recommend using ROCS paste— oxygen bleaching. Thanks to the unique properties of active oxygen, this product deeply whitens tooth enamel, eliminates inflammation in the gums and unpleasant odor.

Whitening toothpaste R.O.C.S. Sensation Whitening for sensitive teeth


Rembrandt's action is based on the principle of low abrasiveness, the level of which corresponds to the standard of toothpastes for children.

Rembrandt lightens teeth by approximately 2 shades without damaging the enamel. This product contains citroxain, a mixture of the natural enzyme papain and a very mild polishing agent, which will return your teeth to their natural color.

Chinese paste Orecare

Orecare whitening paste combines the elements modern technologies and features medicines Chinese medicine.

Orecare has an anti-inflammatory hypoallergenic composition: Chinese root bark extract national flower- peonol, which has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial effects and is completely safe.

Chinese whitening paste:

  • gently and effectively cleans plaque;
  • reduces enamel wear;
  • preserves the natural whiteness of teeth;
  • provides fresh breath for a long time;
  • effectively reduces tooth sensitivity;
  • provides effective prevention of oral diseases and caries.

Chinese whitening paste Orecare with medicinal herbs


Opalescence toothpaste is a minimally abrasive product for home use. It is perfect for anyone who wants to maintain whiteness after bleaching or dental restoration.

Opalescence's unique formula promotes maximum accumulation of fluoride in tooth enamel.

White Glo

The unique White Glo product provides maximum oral hygiene. Thanks to its special formula, the paste combats the yellowing of tooth enamel that occurs after consuming coloring foods and drinks.

White Glo whitening paste contains minerals, herbs, natural ingredients

Microwax particles protect tooth enamel from the formation of new stains. WhiteGlo contains vitamin-rich rosehip oil, which improves the protective qualities of the mucous membrane. The effect is noticeable after 3 days.


Yotuel whitening product is an ideal choice for daily use. The combination of active components included in its composition (carbamide peroxide, fluoride, xylitol, calcium and phosphates) has not only a whitening effect, but also a deep healing effect, remineralizing the enamel and actively fighting caries, symptoms of gingivitis and tooth sensitivity. Yotuel has a low-abrasive composition, allowing you to remove yellow enamel without scratches.


Blendamed is produced by the famous American company P&G. Its innovative formula contains natural pearl extract, as well as whitening particles that act as an abrasive and return tooth enamel to its natural color.

Blend-a-med is suitable for sensitive teeth - it gently contacts the enamel, removing plaque and deposits and preventing their reappearance.

The minerals contained in Blend-a-med paste strengthen the enamel, protecting the oral cavity from caries. With regular use, teeth are guaranteed reliable protection from harmful bacteria and microbes. This hygiene product contains vanilla and mint extract, which fight against unpleasant smell and give freshness to your breath.


GSK's Sensodyne actively whitens teeth. At the same time, its active component, potassium nitrate, penetrates into the hard tissues of teeth and protects their nerve endings, making teeth less susceptible to hot or cold food.

Thanks to its formula, Sensodyne paste not only effectively removes plaque, but also reliably protects against the formation of new stains.

Contains sodium fluoride strengthens tooth enamel, preventing the development of caries

Sensodyne can be used for a long time as daily remedy for oral care. Sensodyne does not contain inherently harsh abrasives, so after its use, tooth enamel is not destroyed and does not become more sensitive.

The effect of using Sensodyne paste is noticeable within a couple of weeks.


President paste saturates tooth enamel with calcium salts and has a whitening and remineralizing effect. Its unique formula provides high-quality whitening while strengthening enamel and protecting gums.

President contains the following active ingredients:

  • a compound of calcium and silicon - this combination perfectly whitens teeth without harming the enamel, as it has a low abrasiveness;
  • increased concentration of fluoride ions in combination with calcium ensures remineralization of enamel;
  • Icelandic cetraria has an immunostimulating, bactericidal and wound-healing effect;
  • Ginseng extract has a tonic and restorative effect on metabolism in soft tissues.

Swiss Smile

Swiss Smile whitening product is the result of the latest research by scientists from Switzerland, which is ideal for regular use. Its unique formula contains no chemically active substances, acids, abrasive components or other rough compounds.

A special combination of active ingredients perfectly whitens teeth, removes plaque and slows down its formation over a long period of time.

Swiss Smile whitening kit: toothpaste, conditioner and toothbrushes


The Swiss company Swissdent is known for its high-quality products for maintaining dental health.

Swissdent is produced using latest technologies, combining the action of already proven whitening components with the most advanced nanotechnologies.

An effective and safe paste with low abrasiveness and does not damage enamel.

Uses antioxidants, minerals and enzymes to naturally remove dark spots and plaque. The product also contains coenzyme Q10 and fluoride, which makes teeth not only snow-white, but also healthy.

Swissdent whitening kit: toothpaste, whitening pen, spray

Brilliant has an excellent whitening effect, returning teeth to their natural whiteness.

Brilliant hygiene product protects teeth from plaque and tartar, strengthens enamel, and destroys bacteria that cause periodontal disease and caries.


High-quality Colgate toothpaste restores the natural whiteness of your smile by gently removing dark spots from the enamel surface.

Colgate is:

  • regular use bleach;
  • safe deep whitening;
  • non-abrasive technology;
  • protection against caries;
  • fresh breath.

Colgate Whitening Toothpaste with Baking Soda and Peroxide


Lacalut German manufacturer restores the natural whiteness of teeth, preventing the formation of tartar and caries.

Therapeutic German whitening toothpaste Lacalut White

“Lakalut” contains aluminum lactate - lactic acid salts that are very beneficial for teeth, which strengthen the gums, have an astringent effect and reduce the sensitivity of the enamel. The Lakalut toothpaste also includes aluminum fluoride, allantoin, bisabol and chlorhexidine, which strengthen tooth enamel, which have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and quickly destroy plaque.


Aquafresh is a comprehensive protection for the oral cavity. It contains fluoride, which helps fight harmful bacteria.

Regular use of Aquafresh restores natural color enamel, prevents caries and refreshes the oral cavity.

Japanese Kobayashi paste

Kobayashi Whitening Toothpaste with Peppermint Herbs and Charcoal:

  • polishes and whitens enamel;
  • removes dental stains and plaque;
  • Herbal scent prevents odor and freshens breath.

Are whitening toothpastes harmful?

Despite the fact that modern dentistry has safe whitening agents, there is a category of people who should refrain from using them.

  1. In order not to aggravate the problem, it is not recommended to do teeth whitening for people with carious lesions of the teeth, thin sensitive enamel or periodontal disease.
  2. Pregnant and breastfeeding women and children should avoid using bleaching products.
  3. If you wear braces, have crowns or many fillings, the whitening will be uneven.
  4. Do not use a paste that contains more than 0.1% hydrogen peroxide!

Whitening paste has gained incredible popularity among consumers. In pursuit of a beautiful smile, every second buyer purchases one. A wide range of products often leads to the wrong choice. Instead of making teeth white and beautiful, it harms them: it increases sensitivity and makes them vulnerable to mechanical damage.

Operating principle

Toothpaste with a whitening effect removes the top, yellowish layer of enamel that occurs among lovers of cigarettes and caffeinated drinks. High-quality products return teeth whiteness without harm to health. If tooth enamel has yellow naturally, it will not be possible to bleach it at home.

Composition of whitening pastes

An effective whitening paste may contain the following active ingredients:

  • abrasive polishing agents;
  • hydrogen peroxide compounds;
  • enzymes that destroy plaque;
  • substances that help remove tartar

Abrasiveness index

The abrasiveness index or RDA shows how actively the toothpaste affects the enamel. Whitening options typically have an RDA of 100 to 150. They are suitable for teeth with normal sensitivity. Products with an abrasiveness index above 150 are only suitable for smokers with strong and healthy teeth.

Rating of whitening pastes with a high level of abrasiveness

  1. PresiDENT White Plus. This product has the most high level abrasiveness. Its RDA is 200. It does not contain fluoride, it is quite aggressive, so experts recommend using it only once a week. A good effect can be achieved in just 2-3 applications. PresiDENT White Plus should absolutely not be used by people with hypersensitive teeth, a tendency to wear off the enamel, or by teenagers.
  2. “Rox. Sensational whitening." The product does not contain fluoride, but it does contain the enzyme bromelain, which, together with abrasive components, will destroy yellowed enamel. Calcium glycerophosphate will help restore enamel. The composition also does not contain such aggressive components as triclosan, paraben, sodium lauryl sulfate, which significantly improves its quality.
  3. "Lakalut." Abrasiveness index – 120. The product contains fluorine. It is suitable only for those with strong teeth, although it contains additional components that reduce the sensitivity of the enamel. "Lakalut" will help cope with tartar, but only in the first stages of its development.
  4. Blendamed 3D White. The composition of the product is quite poor. However, it contains fluoride and is free of harsh whitening ingredients such as sodium lauryl sulfate and parabens. RDA of Blendamed 3D White is 100, so it is the best whitening toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Remember that it cannot be used daily.

Toothpastes with peroxides

  1. “Rox. Oxygen bleaching." The RDA level is not indicated on the packaging. The consistency of the product resembles a gel. To achieve a good effect “Rox. Oxygen bleaching must be used for four weeks. During this time, the enamel will lighten by 2-3 tones. The product is completely unsuitable for those who have cigarette plaque and tartar on their teeth.
  2. Splat Extreme White. RDA level – 75. The composition includes fluorine and silicic acid, due to which whitening occurs. “Splat Extreme White” not only whitens the enamel, but also enriches it with mineral components.
  3. Faberlic. The product whitens enamel due to the presence of silicic acid. It does not have an original composition. Its “magical” properties, which consultants from the Faberlic cosmetics company talk about, are also dubious.

  1. If your teeth are naturally yellow, even the best whitening toothpaste will not make them white.
  2. If you periodically experience unpleasant sensations from cold or hot food, then after using the whitening paste they will only intensify.
  3. Whitening paste will make teeth whiter by only 2-3 shades. If you want a Hollywood smile, contact a dental clinic.
  4. If tooth sensitivity increases after using whitening products, take a break for 7-14 days.
  5. Toothpaste can only remove so much tartar initial stage its formation. In all other cases, it is better to go to the clinic.
  6. The product should not be used by children whose enamel is still very thin and sensitive.
  7. Products with a high RDA can be used 1-3 times a week.

Which toothpaste is good for whitening teeth? As you can see, there is no clear answer to this question. When choosing, you need to focus on the condition of the teeth and their level of sensitivity. Only in this case the result of its use will please you.

It is believed that the health of the body depends on the condition of the teeth and oral cavity as a whole, and to some extent this is a true statement. The mouth is the gateway to the human body and performing hygiene procedures, as well as a properly formulated diet, will reduce the amount of harmful bacteria and microbes.

To clean your teeth, it is better to use professional toothpastes, which can be bought at a pharmacy, but it is recommended to use them only after a visit to the doctor. It is necessary to do this because of the composition of the drug, which is not suitable for every person and it is better to exclude allergic reactions and possible complications that arise from gum disease and weak enamel, and only a dentist can cope with this.

Features of special toothpastes

Professional pastes are created for the purpose of treating specific dental pathologies, to whiten enamel or for a course of therapy for periodontal diseases. For this reason, one type of drug may be prescribed for a certain type of problem, but be contraindicated for other ailments.

It should also be noted that simple pastes that are used for preventive purposes are used daily for, and professional product should be taken as a course and can only be prescribed by a doctor based on the results of the examination. In addition, during a visit to the dentist, he will take samples to find out whether the patient will have an allergic reaction to the components of the drug during hygiene procedures.

Although such medical preparations for cleaning teeth have a serious composition, they do not require a prescription and are sold at any pharmacy. If it is not possible to visit the hospital for consultation, then you should at least talk about it with the pharmacist and read the instructions in detail.

Types of professional toothpastes

Professional hygiene products are produced under different brands and for different purposes, for example, we can cite such representatives of their species as:

  • Elmex Sensitive Professional. It refers to abrasive toothpastes designed to whiten enamel. In addition, Elmex is suitable for increased sensitivity of the gums;
  • Pro-Argin. This remedy is suitable for enamel hypersensitivity to irritants. It prevents discomfort when cold or hot foods and liquids come into contact with the tooth surface;
  • Yotuel All In One. It is a professional whitening toothpaste, which contains carbamide peroxide and thanks to it, it effectively lightens the enamel without destroying its structure. In addition, the paste reduces the sensitivity of the gums and is considered a reliable preventative against caries. The creators of this drug claim that it can be used every day without harm to the oral cavity;
  • Apa Care. It is considered an excellent option for a remineralization course at home. Due to hydroxyapatite, it can restore small cracks in the enamel without harming the oral cavity.

Although manufacturers write that these pastes are safe for enamel and will not cause harm, allergic reactions or possible pathologies in the oral cavity cannot be ruled out, so a visit to the dentist is highly recommended.

Choosing an enamel whitening product

Toothpastes designed to whiten teeth are lured into buying them by commercials featuring bright smiles and relatively low prices. In general, they partially fulfill what they promised, but you need to choose for yourself best option focusing on individual characteristics to lighten your teeth by 2-3 shades.

There is no point in waiting for results after 1-2 uses; for minimal lightening, regular use of the drug will be required during the course. You should initially consult with your doctor to understand which whitening toothpaste will be the most effective, but it should be noted that using such a hygiene product on an ongoing basis is prohibited. Because with long-term use of such drugs, enamel hypersensitivity and gingivitis may occur.

Types of teeth whitening pastes

Among the most common and affordable are pastes that have a mechanical effect on the plaque layer, and due to the abrasive particles in their composition, they polish and lighten the enamel

Such particles are much larger than in simple preventive pastes, so with prolonged use they make the enamel thinner and damage the gums.

Most efficient look toothpaste for smokers and coffee lovers is a product with a high level of abrasive particles. A thick layer of dark plaque from the enamel can be washed off with a similar preparation no more than 3 times a week, because the mechanical effect is very strong and the surface of the teeth and gums can be damaged.

There are whitening products with chemical exposure on plaque, for example, with hydrogen peroxide or organic acid. Due to its components, the result is achieved much faster than when using simple abrasive pastes, but before use, a mandatory visit to the dentist is necessary so that the aggressive composition of the drug does not damage the integrity of the enamel.

In addition, pastes with a chemical effect may contain hydroperite, which is less aggressive to enamel and gums, unlike peroxide. Despite this, the operating principle is virtually identical. When applied to the surface of the teeth, the main component begins to break down and oxygen is released, which then oxidizes the enamel pigments.

There are also preventative whitening pastes designed to prevent plaque and tartar. They are great for heavy smokers and their course is prescribed mainly after professional cleaning at the dentist.

Adults are strongly recommended to visit a dentist before purchasing professional toothpaste, and children are completely prohibited from taking it without this, because their enamel is not yet sufficiently formed and can be destroyed by abrasive particles or chemical exposure.

Each toothpaste has its pros and cons, and some types are used for treatment, while others are used for prevention. Choose the most suitable one for specific case You can follow these tips:

Professional pastes are sold in any pharmacy and even in stores, but before using them you need to go to a specialist to make sure that such a product is suitable and will not cause complications or allergies.