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Sample act of entomological survey of the territory. On entomological surveys of the territory. Destruction of mosquito larvae in closed reservoirs

The epidemiological situation in the region largely depends on the sanitary and entomological condition of squares, parks, green areas, recreation centers, territories of medical institutions and other objects that are natural environment habitats of insects and arthropods. All organizations on whose balance sheet they are located are required to conduct a timely entomological survey of the territory.

Why is an entomological survey necessary?

Ticks, fleas, dipterous insects and other representatives of the entomofauna are carriers the most dangerous diseases. A set of measures aimed at reducing the number of harmful insects should be developed based on the biology of each species and their habitat conditions.

Biological observations of insects and ticks are carried out by entomologists and epidemiologists. This is done before acaricidal and insecticidal treatments in order to determine the species that pose a danger and the level of biological contamination of the object. Then, to confirm the effectiveness of the manipulations, a repeat entomological examination is carried out.

Experts identify adults of insects and blood-sucking arthropods to species. Such robots should carry out experienced specialists having the appropriate license. A professionally conducted entomological study allows you to correctly select effective drugs for extermination activities. Conventionally, all work can be divided into two parts: field and laboratory research.

Evaluation of research results is carried out by specialists. Exist guidelines regulating the conduct of such events. According to the law, every current, planned or emergency sanitary and entomological study of territories must be accompanied by the execution of a whole package of documents: protocols, acts, expert opinions.

Our company offers entomological research indoors and outdoors. We carry out the following types of work:

You can order from us both a comprehensive study of objects and laboratory studies of selected mites and insects.

Entomological examination is a set of measures aimed at identifying the presence of ticks, their number and types. It is carried out to determine the degree of infectious danger of the object and select the most effective method.

Who conducts this examination and where?

The team of specialists involved in such research consists of:

  • entomologists - they determine the type of ticks, population density, characteristics of the population, and select the most effective method fight them;
  • infectious disease specialists - they examine collected ticks for the transmission of various infections, in particular encephalitis (there are more than 60 such diseases in total). About every fifth individual is a carrier. It is immediately decided whether additional disinfection measures are needed or whether conventional disinsection is sufficient.

Ticks live in tall grass, on bushes, lawns, in accumulations of vegetation along sidewalks. Entomological surveys are usually carried out:

  • in parks and squares;
  • in forested recreational areas;
  • on the territory of children's camps and educational institutions;
  • near public institutions where there are green spaces.

First, these arthropods are collected from the site certain area. Then, using certain formulas, experts calculate the population density.

What is the result of an entomological examination?

Such measures allow you to choose the right drugs and technology. This is usually achieved by spraying hot fog. This method is most effective when the population of bloodsuckers is high.

A week after treatment, the study is conducted again to ensure the effectiveness of the measures taken. Based on its results, the specialist either enters information into the sanitary passport that the area is clear of ticks, or prescribes repeated measures.

The Federal Budgetary Institution of Health "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Kalmykia" carried out activities for an entomological survey of the territory of the republic and phenological observation of water bodies.

This year, the average seasonal larval density malaria mosquitoes in control reservoirs amounted to 5 copies. per 1m2; The average seasonal indicator of the number of adults is 3 specimens per 1 hour of recording. The average seasonal larval density of mosquitoes in control reservoirs was 28 specimens per 1 m2; the number of adults is 19.5 specimens per 1 hour of recording.

The beginning of the effective infectivity season for endophilic mosquitoes in 2014 was May 18; in 2013, it was May 13. During 2014, the entomologist made 8 visits to the water bodies of the republic. 43 reservoirs of the Yashaltinsky, Gorodovikovsky, Iki-Burulsky, Priyutnensky, Tselinny, Lagansky, Oktyabrsky, Malo-Derbetovsky, Ketchenerovsky districts and the city of Elista were covered with their subsequent certification. In total, there are 58 reservoirs registered in the republic with a total physical area of ​​10,290.05 hectares.

In order to identify the species composition of mosquitoes, entomological surveys were carried out using the following methods: catching with a net, exhauster, collecting flying insects with a device and attracting them to light at night. 2 anophelogenic reservoirs with a total area of ​​2 hectares were identified, which is 0.02% of the total area (the Saigachonok pond, Priyutnensky district, and the Chogray reservoir, Iki-Burulsky district).

During current year in the basements of residential buildings in the city of Elista, mosquitoes were collected using an apparatus for sucking flying insects and an exhauster, 36 were examined basements. The number of winged mosquitoes was calculated based on the number of individuals per 1 sq.m. Average density the number was 3.7 copies. per 1 sq.m., maximum value 19 copies. per 1 sq.m.

1288 specimens were collected during field trips and surveys. mosquitoes, of which 1022 rub. Culex, 242 rub. Aedes, 24 rub. Anopheles/

On the basis of the laboratory of especially dangerous viral infections The Federal Budgetary Institution of Health "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Kalmykia" determined the species composition and further pooled material for testing for the presence of WNV antigen.

780 specimens of ticks were delivered to the laboratory of especially dangerous viral infections of the Federal Budgetary Institution of Health "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Kalmykia" for testing for CCHF virus antigen. 96 pools were formed for testing for CCHF antigen. Branches of the Federal Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Kazakhstan” delivered 891 copies. ticks. The effectiveness of disinfestation measures was also assessed.

During the period from March to June 2014. 24 weekly trips were made to a stationary point to collect and monitor the tick abundance index. The entomologist delivered 524 specimens. ticks. The count was carried out based on the number of individuals per 30 heads of cattle and 30 heads of small cattle. The average seasonal abundance indicator for cattle was 0.8, for small cattle - 0.4.

The number of ticks when collected using the “drag” method and on the “flag” was 3.6 individuals/km. route, the distance traveled along the routes was 58 km.

The rodents were combed for the presence of fleas and ticks, followed by testing for tularemia. Fleas of the following species were found on house mice: Ceratophyllus mokrzeckyi - 27 specimens, Leptopsylliasegnis - 35 specimens, as well as ixodid ticks Rh. Sanguineus - 44 specimens, H.Marginatum - 19 specimens, gamasid mites - 43 specimens,

Epidemiological survey is a method of epidemiology used to study the causes of occurrence and spread of infectious diseases, identifying the most effective measures to eliminate them.

Tasks epidemiological survey: identifying the source(s) of infection and likely routes of its spread, determining the state of collective immunity, assessing the sanitary condition of an apartment, house, settlement, identification of social, natural and everyday factors that contributed to the emergence and spread of diseases, selection of the most effective measures to eliminate emerging diseases in a given specific situation, as well as to prevent the spread of diseases from a given epidemic focus (see Epidemic focus).

An epidemiological examination is usually carried out by an epidemiologist or a paramedic. In some cases, hygienists (evaluation of water, food products), zoologists and entomologists (in the presence of natural focal diseases) may also be involved in an epidemiological survey.

Laboratory studies during epidemiological examinations make it possible to identify bacteria carriers, contamination of water, household items and kitchen utensils, and in case of zoonotic infections - contamination of animals. Entomological research allow us to establish the types and prevalence of living vectors of infection (insects and ticks). Finally, an epizootological survey makes it possible to identify among animals (wild and domestic).

When conducting an epidemiological survey, an epidemiological survey card is filled out; the form of such cards is approved by the USSR Ministry of Health. The epidemiological survey card must contain a passport part, where, in particular, the nature of the work should be noted if the disease can be linked to production. The epidemiological history (where and under what circumstances the infection could have occurred) is of great importance in the chart. Further, the map reflects the sanitary and epidemiological situation.

A correctly and thoughtfully conducted epidemiological survey allows not only to establish the sources and routes of spread of infection in each specific case, but also to draw up a reasonable plan of measures to eliminate diseases, to prevent their further spread and to prevent recurrence of diseases.

Epidemiological survey is the most important part scientific method epidemiology; is used when studying the focus of an infectious disease in order to determine the source of infections, factors of transmission of infectious origins in specific conditions, as well as the possibility of the emergence of new diseases.

An epidemiological examination of an infectious disease outbreak includes: interviewing the patient and all persons who can provide epidemiologically valuable information regarding the outbreak; laboratory examination of the patient, surrounding persons and objects environment; sanitary inspection of the outbreak; where necessary, determining the presence and number of vectors; in case of zoonoses, determining the species composition and number of rodents; long-term observation of the outbreak.

When interviewing the patient and those around him, they ask next questions: whether the patient’s relatives, workmates, or those living in the same apartment or house had the same or similar diseases; did the patient have to travel anywhere before becoming ill; if the patient is a visitor, then where and when he arrived; his profession and other activities; whether he participated in the slaughter of livestock, caring for animals, washing other people’s clothes, etc.; did not visit patients in the hospital or at home; where and how he ate; whether he was injured, bitten by animals, etc. It is very important to find out during the interview the day the disease began. When conducting a survey, knowledge of the epidemic situation in the area, as well as awareness of infectious diseases in neighboring areas and regions, helps.

Following the survey, depending on the nature of the disease, it is possible and advisable to conduct laboratory tests. Material for microbiological (or virological) studies can be taken from the patient, from those around him healthy people(and sometimes animals) from environmental objects.

A mandatory microbiological examination of the patient is carried out in cases where the diagnosis is established solely on the basis of clinical data, in cases of a presumptive diagnosis (a disease suspected of being infectious), or in cases where there is doubt about the accuracy of the established diagnosis.

Persons who interacted with the patient are subjected to bacteriological examination to identify those infected by the patient or carriers of the infection.

The objects of laboratory examination most often are feces, urine, sputum, pus, blood, mucus from the throat, vomit, discharge from ulcerated surfaces of the skin or mucous membranes, etc. Sometimes material taken from a corpse can be examined (excision of a section of intestine with its contents, blood from the heart, pieces of the liver and spleen, lymph nodes, etc.).

The variety of objects of research requires knowledge of the technique of taking material, the procedure for storing it and sending it. All this is described in special manuals on laboratory techniques.

Laboratory research of objects external environment carried out to identify factors for the spread of infection.

Thus, in cases where a water outbreak is suspected, the water from the corresponding water source is examined. In case of food poisoning, food remains must be examined. It is often necessary to examine raw materials of animal origin (skin, wool) if diseases have arisen in the relevant industries.

Sometimes it is necessary to examine certain groups of the population or animals for contamination (tuberculin test, mallein test) or for susceptibility (Schick skin test, Dick skin test, Burnet reaction, tularin skin test, etc.).

During a sanitary inspection of the outbreak, first of all, attention is paid to the nature of the dwellings (individual or communal apartment, dormitory, etc.), population density, number of children, and their age. Evaluate sanitary condition housing, the maintenance and nature of latrines, the sanitary skills of residents. Reveal character drinking water supply, evaluate the sanitary condition of water supply sources, nutritional conditions, etc. For intestinal infections, the presence of flies, their numbers, breeding sites, etc. are determined; in case of malaria, mosquito breeding sites, as well as their wintering and day-time sites. For other vector-borne diseases, find out species composition carriers (insects and ticks), their numbers, habitats.

In case of zoonotic infectious diseases, an epizootological examination is also carried out. In this case, information about diseases among animals can most often be obtained from the veterinary service. In some cases, epidemiologists have to conduct laboratory examinations of animals themselves. In case of plague, tularemia, zoonotic encephalitis, hemorrhagic fevers, etc., the sanitary-epidemiological service studies the species composition of rodents, their numbers and the presence of epizootics.

For chronic infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and sexually transmitted diseases, epidemiological examination takes the form of medical examination.

The ultimate task of an epidemiological survey is to synthesize the information obtained and develop measures aimed at eliminating the outbreak.

In case of epidemic outbreaks of infectious diseases and the emergence of an epidemic, with the help of an epidemiological survey, their causes are established and the most appropriate system of anti-epidemic measures is developed. During an epidemiological survey, they are usually guided by a map of the epidemiological survey of the outbreak (forms No. 171, 171a, 1716, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health on 16/VII 1954).

Currently, the term “epidemiological survey” is also applied to some non-infectious widespread diseases (tumors, hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc.). At the same time, the task of an epidemiological survey is to study the nature of the spread of these diseases in different countries peace among different peoples. Much attention focuses on the spread of tumors (see Tumors, epidemiology).