home · Appliances · How to cut vinyl siding. How to work with vinyl siding correctly. How to choose siding fasteners

How to cut vinyl siding. How to work with vinyl siding correctly. How to choose siding fasteners

  1. Suspension method involves creating a product by rolling, injection molding, pressing or extrusion. Thanks to such production technologies, vinyl has a low water absorption rate, excellent dielectric properties, resistance to thermal and ultraviolet influences;
  2. Emulsion method implies a similar production technology to suspension, but it uses raw materials in the form of a paste. The products obtained in this way are inferior to the previous ones in their quality indicators and are used mainly in the form insulating material;
  3. Mass technology. Like the previous ones, it is performed by rolling, pressing or extrusion.

It will also be useful for you to learn about it on our website.

Application of PVC products in construction

This product has gained the greatest popularity among all polymer analogues in the field of construction. This suggests that the material has some advantages. Let's consider these advantages PVC before other polymers:

  • Fire safety. Vinyl siding does not smolder or burn. This property allows wooden buildings to be protected from fire;
  • has dielectric properties;
  • has a long service life exceeding fifty years;
  • light weight. The finishing material is convenient for loading, transportation and installation;
  • affordable price. Allows you to give a presentable appearance building for little money.

Calculation of the required amount of material

In order to correctly calculate the required number of panels, you need to use the standard formula, that is, multiply the length and height of each wall and individual elements facade, and put them together. This way the area of ​​the surfaces on which the work will be carried out will be known. facing works. Each package of siding contains information about the amount of material per m2. To the resulting figure you need to add 10%, taking into account waste when cutting the material.

The video tells how to calculate the amount of material and install siding

Preparation for installation work

Before you begin basic installation work plastic panels on the facade of the building, it is necessary to carry out some preliminary procedures:

  • remove all third-party elements (platbands, canopies, ventilation grilles and water drainage pipes) from the surface to be finished;
  • repair or replace some wall elements;
  • remove plants along the walls of the house that may serve as an obstacle to the installation of panels.

Installation of façade ventilation system

The best solution for facade finishing this type will create high-quality load-bearing structure with the possibility of using insulation materials. It will ensure comfortable air circulation between the cladding and the wall, insulate the walls of the house and prevent condensation from appearing on them. You can construct the lathing yourself using this technology:

Siding installation. Tool for cutting siding panels

Getting started installation work The first thing you will have to deal with is cutting the material. Sometimes, in addition to longitudinal and transverse cutting, cutting at an angle will be required. To complete this process you will need special tool. Below we will look at some options for devices for cutting plastic, which are recommended in the manufacturers’ instructions.

Electric saw

Least good choice . Work using a saw with thin teeth is very difficult, so of this instrument It's better to refuse.

Electric jigsaw

Due to a certain softness, the vinyl panel is not able to serve as a support when making cuts with an electric jigsaw and will create unnecessary vibration. If you still choose such a tool for cutting, it is better to purchase a T101 cutting blade.

Hacksaw for metal

Manufacturers emphasize that such a tool can be used to carry out work in all weather conditions. We would like to note that using a hacksaw for metal, the cutting process facing material will take quite a long time, which negatively affects the pace of construction.

Metal scissors

Most commonly used tool. In addition to plastic panels, metal scissors can be used to cut profiles for sheathing. This type of work is performed quickly and in any weather.

angle grinder

According to the instructions, it is not recommended to use a grinder for cutting plastic to avoid fragility of the cut edges of the panels. However, in practice this device has proven itself the best way. With its help, work is carried out quickly, and cutting can be done in any direction.

For a house being restored or recently built, they want it to be not too expensive (and this applies not only to the price of the material, but also to the labor costs for installation). And at the same time, I really want the cladding to be unpretentious, that is, it does not require careful maintenance and, at the same time, looks good. All of the above requirements are fully met by siding. That is why its popularity in Lately is growing more and more.

How to cut siding

And demand, as we know, creates supply. Over the past few years on domestic market The number of companies producing siding has increased and, accordingly, more and more companies are opening to undertake its installation. Some people, in order to save money, prefer to install the siding themselves.

Here everyone – both professionals and “amateurs” – are faced with one, rather serious problem - what to cut with? Each manufacturer supplies its products with instructions. It would seem that it could be simpler - open the instructions and strictly follow them. In reality, everything turns out to be much more complicated.

Let's try to understand several tools that are usually recommended for cutting siding.

Electric saw

The instructions, as a rule, say that it is necessary to install a blade with fine teeth in the opposite direction (by 2.5 cm from twelve to sixteen teeth). The first question arises: “Where can I get a disc with such fine teeth?” For example, such a well-established and positively proven company Bosch, as well as other large ones, has quite famous companies, there are no such details. But, if you manage to find such a disk, the problems do not end there. Even a transverse or longitudinal cut will be very difficult to make using a manual circular saw, and you will have to forget about end cuts altogether. Plus, you simply can't see how you're cutting because the metal saw base covers the surface of the panel. A saw with large teeth will also not help you, since it will chip the siding. And during frosts, these chips will cause cracks to increase.


This tool is also only partially applicable for cutting siding. You can use a blade designed for cutting laminate - T101. It has very fine teeth. The rest of the material only breaks, not cuts. Cross cuts are easy enough to make, but end cuts can be a little tricky. And one more important point - you can work with a jigsaw only when it’s warm outside, in cold weather strongly not recommended.

Hacksaw for metal

This universal tool allows you to cut siding in both hot and cold weather. End cuts are made very easily with its help. But because the length of the blade is too short, the hacksaw is only partially suitable for cross-cutting.

Metal scissors

They can only be used to cut siding in warm weather. When using this tool in places where the siding bends, the panels become deformed (crumpled), and in cold weather they simply crack. If cutting along the panels does not cause any special problems, then for the end cuts you need to be smart.


You should not even attempt to cut panels crosswise using a knife; however, it is not recommended to use it to create end cuts.


Angle Grinder, which is popularly called simply “grinder” - best tool for cutting siding. According to experts, it fits perfectly. It is enough to install a thin (about 1.5 mm thick) cutting disc with a diameter of 125 mm and select the appropriate rotation speed. Panels can be cut both lengthwise and crosswise. Minor problems will arise when making end cuts.

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Vinyl façade siding- a material for wall cladding that performs protective and decorative functions. Siding panels protect the building from precipitation, harmful effects external environment, and when using appropriate insulation, they retain heat well.

How to install vinyl siding is discussed in this article.

Features of installing vinyl siding

You can do the installation of siding panels yourself, but to do this you must follow all the standards and recommendations of specialists.

The main conditions when laying the material are:

  • Siding panels and their fixing elements are prohibited from being rigidly fastened. They have oval holes; the screws are screwed into the center of the holes, but not all the way.
  • Before attaching vinyl siding, you should draw up a sketch that will help you calculate vinyl siding (see), which will eliminate errors when cutting the material and its subsequent installation.

When performing work on cladding a building with siding panels, it is recommended to adhere to the following sequence:

  • The material is fixed to the lathing, which is mounted on any surface.
  • Before starting installation, you should prepare the surface.
  • Installed:
  1. starting bar;
  2. platbands for doors and windows;
  3. internal and external corners.
  • An important condition is to take into account the effect of possible thermal expansion or contraction of the panels, which guarantees a ventilated gap for the removal of water vapor. In this case, in winter, heating costs are saved, and in summer, the heating of the house is significantly reduced.

How to clean the walls of a house

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare its surface.

For this:

  • All loose boards or wall panels are firmly fixed.
  • Remains are liquidated old plaster located around doors and windows.
  • Are deleted drainpipes, elements for fastening lights and moldings that interfere with the installation of siding.
  • Are being removed climbing plants, branches of trees and bushes in contact with the wall.
  • The protruding window sills are removed.
  • The sheathing is installed around the entire perimeter of the house. Alignment uneven walls should be done by installing plywood or wood spacers under the sheathing or by reducing the size of the slats.

How to make lathing

Tip: Sheathing should definitely be used in houses of older construction, otherwise the surface of the sheathing may look wavy.

  • If the house is built of wood, the lathing is made with a metal profile for plasterboard, as shown in the photo (see).

  • On a brick building, sheathing made of wooden slats 60 mm in size, PVC strips, or metal profile for drywall.
  • For horizontal cladding, the slats are nailed vertically, and a distance of up to 400 millimeters is taken from the axes.
  • Elements are mounted around the perimeter of doors, windows, and other openings, at all corners, at the top and bottom of the surface to be sewn.

Tip: To create flat surface walls for subsequent cladding, in order to avoid the formation of wavy surfaces, the sheathing should be covered with insulating material.

  • The thickness of the insulating material should be the same as the sheathing elements.
  • You should not connect vertical slats with horizontal elements, which can create a problem with ventilation under the siding.

Features of insulation and sealing under siding panels

After installing the sheathing, the space between the slats can be covered or filled with insulation (see). When installing it, it is necessary to strictly follow the installation instructions for the selected type of material.

Tip: When installing thermal insulation, do not allow the formation of cracks and holes in the insulating layer.

All places on the wall where moisture can penetrate are sealed with sealant:

  • Around doors and windows.
  • Inputs and outputs of water mains, gas, electric.

How to choose siding fasteners

When installing the material you must:

  • Protect fasteners from corrosion.
  • It is best to use self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws.
  • Self-tapping screws must be aluminum or galvanized with a head with a diameter of 8 to 10 millimeters, and a leg length sufficient to penetrate to a structure depth of at least 20 millimeters.
  • It is not recommended to use vinyl siding adhesive when installing the material. Liquid plastic or the sealant is taken only to seal the seams.

What tolerances are needed when installing siding?

When attaching vinyl siding, it is necessary to ensure thermal expansion of the material.

To do this, when attaching panels to edges and chamfers, you need to leave a certain gap:

  • During construction in summer - 6 millimeters.
  • In winter - 10 millimeters.
  • Siding should not be attached very tightly.
  • There should be a gap of 0.8 to 1 millimeter between the bottom of the screw head and the panel.
  • The self-tapping screw should be installed so that its center is in the middle of the oval hole.
  • Do not screw self-tapping screws into the front surface of the panel.
  • Do not pull the siding when fixing it to the sheathing.
  • It is recommended to place screws at a distance of 300-400 millimeters from each other.

How to cut vinyl siding

Before cutting vinyl siding, you need to decide what can be used for this.

It can be:

  • Special knife.
  • Metal scissors.
  • Low power grinder.
  • Hacksaw for metal, with fine teeth.
  • A hand-held power saw with an abrasive blade or disc.

How to find out the amount of siding for cladding a house

These include:

  • Building height.
  • Width of all walls.
  • Number, sizes and recesses of windows.
  • Dimensions of doors and openings

When installing siding panels, it is necessary to calculate the amount of such materials:

  • Siding– the number of panels for cladding all surfaces of the house in square meters, which are converted into pieces. In order to calculate vinyl siding, you must:
  1. calculate the total area of ​​the walls of the building and surfaces to be covered;
  2. subtract the window area from the resulting value, doorways according to the formula: S total. = S all walls – S windows and doors;
  3. add approximately 7% to the resulting value for unexpected waste: S siding = S total. + 7%

To determine siding panels in pieces, the resulting value is divided by the area of ​​one panel, which is approximately 0.85 square meters.

  • Start profile or initial bar . Such an element is used to fix the bottom row of material panels and in those places where the siding breaks and its installation begins again. The calculation is carried out in linear meters along the entire perimeter of the house, adding the length of the siding break points and its subsequent installation. The resulting value, in linear meters, is divided by the length of one profile. The result is the number of initial strips.
  • External corners. The length of one element is approximately three meters. It is better to calculate them individually, a multiple of the number of external corners of the building. If the height of the corner of the building is five meters, the remains of the outer corners can be taken for cladding the remaining corners of the house.
  • Internal corners. Their calculation is carried out according to the same scheme as external ones.
  • Connecting strips. These include H and T profiles. The length of the siding panel is no more than 3.8 meters, which requires the use of joining elements for longer walls. Their number is calculated by piece, the length of one H-profile is up to three meters.

Tip: You can place H-profiles in a row at the end of the siding panel, and if more than one is needed on the wall, symmetrically. It is worth considering the design of the building.

  • Finishing bar. Such elements are located horizontally on top panel siding and under windows. When used approx. window profiles- along the perimeter of these planks.
  • Window profile. Its size is equal to the perimeter of windows and doors, if the openings are recessed no more than 18 centimeters.
  • J-profile or starting profile. The calculation is carried out in linear meters. Such an element is located at the end of the plane.
  • Platbands. The details are used to frame the openings.

When installing siding soffits, you need to calculate:

  • Soffit, in square meters.
  • J-profile.
  • H-profile or connecting strip.
  • Wind boards
  • Finishing strips.

How to Install Vinyl Siding

The panel installation technology is as follows:

  • Installation horizontal siding begins with the installation of a whole range of fittings:
  1. starting profile;
  2. internal and external corners;
  3. connecting H-profile;
  4. finishing strip;
  5. J-profile.
  1. a nail is driven 80 millimeters above this level;
  2. the same nail is driven into the other corner of the wall;
  3. a rope is stretched between them, its horizontalness is checked with a level;
  4. chalk marks a line along the rope;
  5. such actions are repeated around the entire perimeter of the house;
  6. installed on the chalk line with the top edge starting profile.

Tip: The nails in the siding and fittings are not driven tightly, to allow the panels to move freely as they expand or contract.

Taking into account the expansion of the siding, the distance between the starting adjacent panels, profiles, internal and external corners is taken to be six millimeters.

  • At the junction of adjacent walls, an internal or external corner, the top of the corner is six millimeters below the top edge of the wall, and the bottom of the corner is the same amount below the bottom edge of the starting element.

The first nails are driven into the top of the topmost hole on either side. The corner hangs on these nails. After 200 - 400 millimeters in the center oval holes the remaining nails are driven in.

  • Siding is installed around openings for windows and doors.

For these purposes, it is better to use window trims, a wide J-profile or a platband, a simple J-profile.

The planks are mounted around the perimeter of all openings:

  1. for recessed openings deep into the wall, window strips are installed around the perimeter, and their free edges are fixed with a finishing strip;
  2. if the openings are not recessed, you need to use a wide J-profile or trim.

You can watch the video in this article for more details. Installation of siding panels along the perimeter of the building is carried out from the bottom up.

  • The first panel is installed in the starting profile, and the upper edge of the part is nailed to the sheathing. The panel is fixed from the middle, gradually moving towards the edges.
  • Installation of panels should begin from areas that experience fairly heavy loads: doors, gates, so that the joining points are further away from such areas.
  • If the length of the siding panels is less than the length of the wall, to connect them horizontally, you should use an H-profile covering the connection of the panels or install the panels overlapping. In the first case, the H-profile increases the reliability of the structure and makes it more beautiful. The gap between the siding panel and the profile is six millimeters. In the second case, the siding panels overlap each other by 30 millimeters.
  • The façade vinyl siding should be joined by placing the panels in steps; the horizontal distance between adjacent elements should be approximately 600 millimeters.

Tip: You should repeat the overlap of panels of material at the same level no more often than after three rows. In this case, you should not drive nails closer than 150 millimeters to the edges of both siding panels.

  • The second row is installed after the completion of the first, then the third and so on. The height of the panels is installed with an overlap.
  • Mounted under the eaves the last row siding, after installing the final strip.

  • If there are external objects, such as water drainage pipes or taps, holes must be made for them. They should be about six millimeters wider from interfering elements.

How to install soffits

After vinyl siding is installed around the entire perimeter of the house. How to attach soffits?

You can use the following options:

  • Using a J-bevel or wind board.

If the width of the element is sufficient to cover the frontal board, the following operations must be performed:

  1. mount the finishing strip along the upper end of the front board;
  2. The J-chamfer is cut to the required width and installed in such a way that its upper end is fixed with the finishing strip;
  3. J-profile is mounted;
  4. the soffit is cut into the required lengths;
  5. elements are installed in the grooves of the J-chamfer and J-profile;
  6. the parts are attached to the sheathing with self-tapping screws.
  • Using an outside corner.

If the J-chamfer is not wide enough to close front boards, installation is performed in the following sequence:

  1. a J-profile is installed along the upper end of the frontal board;
  2. an external corner is placed.
  3. The J-profile is installed in the same way as when using a J-chamfer;
  4. the soffit is cut into elements of the required width;
  5. the parts are installed in the grooves of the outer corner and J-profiles.

Tip: Installing spotlights using this method is only suitable for materials white. When using brown, it will hit straight sun rays, may begin to fade quickly.

In order to keep the cost of the work to a minimum, it is better to take the advice of professionals and try to complete all the work yourself.

The structure of a material is determined by its components. The products are made on the basis of polyvinyl chloride, made from petroleum products and chlorine components through a complex technological cycle. The PVC content in the products reaches 80%, the rest are modifiers, stabilizers and pigments. The components are mixed, after which the mass is heated and formed on special equipment into a panel about 1 mm thick.

A feature of high-quality modern plastic siding is that it is produced using the co-extrusion method. This method allows you to create parts where the components are arranged conventionally in layers: the upper layer is responsible for resistance to environmental influences, and the lower layer provides strength and stability.

High-quality panels consist of 2 layers - an outer decorative and protective layer and a load-bearing layer.

On a note! There are also more than cheap material, commonly known as “Grey-back siding”. Its structure is different from the previous one. The product contains recycled PVC, which makes the panels fragile. Cutting becomes difficult because the area is unstable, which leads to the appearance of creases and cracks.

Tool overview

Various devices can be used for work, each having its own advantages and disadvantages.

Widely used in construction and finishing. Features of use:

An electric jigsaw can be effective and can cut the piece to length if necessary. To do this, it is equipped with a special holding device that is adjusted to the required size.

Electric (circular) saw

A hand-held circular saw is a convenient but rather expensive tool

Can be manual or stationary. Working with vinyl panels has the following nuances:

  • Difficulties arise when choosing a saw blade: almost all options come with fairly large teeth, not very suitable for plastic.
  • Cutting is complicated by the need to firmly hold the part, because the tool operates at high speeds.
  • Cutting out small areas is almost impossible. In addition, the manual version partially blocks the view, which makes it impossible to control the process.
  • The weight of the tool can be a significant problem. Under load the panel (especially irregular shape) bends, which takes the cut to the side.

Circular saws are easy to perform smooth cuts over large areas

An alternative may be a cutting saw with a broach, but it is also not without some of the described disadvantages.

Hacksaw for metal

It is the simplest and most affordable option.

It is possible to cut siding with a hacksaw, but the process is long and labor-intensive


  • Although the files have required size cloves, the speed does not allow processing a large number of vinyl material. Maintaining the right pace will require serious effort, and fatigue will lead to mistakes.
  • Only edges that are carefully hidden behind additional elements can be trimmed, since the fabric is not too rigid and can lead the cut to the side.
  • Cutting parts to length is possible, but it will take a lot of time, because the cut section will have to be divided into pieces. In addition, the blade of the saw will interfere with precise execution.

Accordingly, the use of such a tool will be extremely ineffective.

Metal cutting scissors

You must use scissors for PVC siding very carefully.

When selecting metal scissors, you should take into account their type, since there are right, left and straight models
  • Work is carried out in warm weather. This rule is true for all instruments, since when low temperatures vinyl becomes brittle.
  • The scissors are only suitable for panels with medium density, not too hard and not cheap.
  • The cutting is performed in the same way as when working with metal - only part of the blades are involved in the process, without completely closing. Otherwise, there is a high probability of a crack appearing.
  • Difficulties arise when trimming complex shapes and when working with the upper locking part of single-fracture parts, since it has a thickened bend.

Cutting vinyl panels with metal scissors is quite difficult, and your hands get tired quickly.

This tool requires significantly more time than the previous option, but the result will not meet expectations.

Knife cutter

The device can be used for cutting plastic, but taking into account some features. The process will require time and extreme accuracy; it will not be possible to process many parts with great accuracy.

First, a recess is created on the cutting line; for this, a limiter is set - a ruler or a rod, then you need to repeatedly run the tool along the mark. It is recommended to perform a similar procedure on the reverse side. After all the manipulations, the panel breaks.

A sharp mounting knife is good for removing burrs and cutting out small, hard-to-reach fragments

Although the process seems efficient, it is actually extremely complex. The fact is that the siding profile (especially with several waves) does not have a flat plane, so making a single cut is problematic. Difficulties will also arise with the upper locking part due to the curved structure. The result will be a broken panel, so it is better to completely abandon such a tool.


An angle grinder is a popular tool for working with vinyl material.

It is not advisable to use high-power grinders for working with PVC, the best option there will be low-power models with a 125 mm disc

To obtain a high-quality result, some nuances are taken into account:

  • A light weight tool with a power of up to 1 kW is selected. This will allow you to complete the work quickly and without unnecessary effort.
  • The part should be cut at a speed no higher than average. This will prevent damage and melting of the edge.
  • The panel must be held in place, otherwise it may be knocked out and unfolded.
  • The disk should be small in thickness and size.
  • Unreliable holding of the tool as the speed increases can create problems.
  • The grinder is set straight to prevent curvature of the cut.

It is not advisable to cut plastic at high speeds.

Attention! When working, you need to remember safety precautions, which is also true for other tools; the use of glasses is mandatory.

Straight grinder

This is a multifunctional device with a large number of attachments. Can be used to cut off excess PVC siding.

Direct grinding models differ from angle grinders only in the location of the disc relative to the tool axis


  • You can work with the tool in different positions (even suspended), but it is recommended to hold it parallel to the panel or with a slight inclination.
  • The number of revolutions can be adjusted during the process.
  • Difficulties may arise if you need to cut the siding to length. Large parts will take a long time and the tool will start to overheat.
  • The resulting clean cut is perfect for joining additional elements or decorative moldings.

Using such a tool, you can correct the shortcomings of already installed parts.

A device with a straight disc makes it convenient to cut parts in place

Reciprocating saw and electric scissors

Alternatively, other cutting devices can be used:

Electric shears for working on plastic are not the best option

Such tools will only take up energy and time.


To properly and accurately cut vinyl siding, it is best to use a grinder. A straight grinder or jigsaw (if you have certain skills) can compete with it. But regardless of the tool chosen, the cut should not be in the center of the line, but along outer edge, if the stock is not taken into account in advance.

Finishing the facade and basement of the house with siding has become very popular and in demand in last years. Siding panels must be cut if a smaller width or length is required finishing material. Therefore, it is very important to know how to cut siding correctly and as easily as possible. Currently, domestic and foreign manufacturers There is a fairly wide range of manufactured tools that are optimally suited for cutting both metal and vinyl siding.

Cutting metal siding

Metal siding panels are produced by cold rolling from galvanized steel or aluminum and can have different types coatings This material has many advantages, including absolute non-flammability, due to which it has found wide application in exterior decoration.

Most often cut professional tools, which do not leave nicks leading to corrosive changes on the panels. In summer, it is allowed to use a hacksaw or metal scissors for cutting. At any time of the year it is best to use a circular saw, which makes the most even cut, or a hand-held circular saw equipped with Pobedit teeth. It is not recommended to use an angle grinder with an abrasive wheel, which leads to heating of the metal.

Cutting plastic siding

Vinyl, or plastic, siding is made from thermoplastic synthetic materials, which makes its cutting very specific. Most often, manufacturers of such finishing materials recommend cutting panels using a jigsaw. Such construction tool, indeed, has proven itself well when cutting plastic, but the cutting blade must have fine teeth. However, the easiest way to cut siding is to use cutting tool a standard grinder, known to many as an angle grinder. If such tools are not available, you can use hand saw or metal scissors, as well as a sharpened shoe knife.

The best manufacturers of cutting tools for siding

Despite the rich assortment, the leading positions are still occupied by German manufacturers presented on Russian market companies AEG, Kress and Bosch. Enough high quality characterized by equipment produced by American manufacturers Black & Decker and Skill. Somewhat inferior in quality japanese instrument from Hitachi and Makita.

How to cut siding correctly (video)

However, the most affordable in price and of good quality can be considered domestic instruments produced by the Bykovsky Tool Plant and the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant.