home · Tool · How to cut glass - make smooth and neat cuts. How to properly cut glass with a glass cutter: recommendations and videos How to cut glass 4 mm thick

How to cut glass - make smooth and neat cuts. How to properly cut glass with a glass cutter: recommendations and videos How to cut glass 4 mm thick

Very often, when carrying out construction or repair work, it is necessary to cut glass to size, although this is difficult process, but it can also be done at home.

Fig.1 Glass cutting

Many home craftsmen are concerned with the question of how to cut glass with a glass cutter - if you follow the technology, then you will succeed.

When deciding how to properly cut glass with a glass cutter at home, you must first purchase all the necessary elements. In addition to the glass cutter, you will need a ruler if the cut is smooth and a pattern if it is curved. Without a normal pattern, you will not be able to make an even curved cut of both plain and tempered glass.

Fig.2 Glass cutting machine

You need to purchase a good diamond glass cutter and then, in order to cut tempered or plain glass, you only need to make one pass.

Cheaper models may require multiple passes.

In addition to the quality of the glass cutter great importance has attentiveness and accuracy in performing work

Of no small importance is the surface on which the cutting is carried out, plain or tempered glass. It should be flat and the glass should fit tightly to it. Some people believe that cutting tempered glass at home is impossible to do.

Everything will depend on the degree of hardening; if it is high, then there is a high probability that it will crumble into small pieces.

It is especially difficult to cut tempered glass with a grinder. If you still decide to use a grinder, then you need to use a diamond disc and apply water to it.

But keep in mind that at the slightest deviation of the grinder or glass cutter from the line when cutting off tempered glass, it will crumble. If there is a need to work with tempered glass, then it is better to do this on a machine with a diamond wheel, and a cooling emulsion should be supplied to it.


Before starting this work at home, you need to decide on the type of glass you plan to work with. Regular glass It can be cut without problems with a glass cutter or even scissors.

Cutting tempered glass is a complex process and, if possible, it is better to do it before tempering.

If it is necessary to cut corrugated glass, this must be done from the smooth side; for these purposes it is better to use a roller glass cutter.

Fig.3 Glass cutter

If the glass is organic, then it can be cut either with a glass cutter or grinder, or with a regular saw.

If the thickness of the material is less than 2 mm, then it can be dealt with using a stationery knife.

When choosing a glass cutter, you need to pay attention to its sharpening angle; it is in the range of 77-165 degrees.

For thin glass, use a tool with more acute angle. At home, it is difficult to correctly cut glass whose thickness is more than 6 mm.

Can be purchased universal tool, which has replaceable rollers with different sharpening angles. Expensive models have a higher quality roller, which makes the cutting process easier. A high-quality tool in the handle has a container for oil.

Features of the work

First you need to prepare the foundation on which the work will be carried out. It is better to place thick fabric, cardboard or newspapers in several layers on a flat table.

The marking is carried out using a marker; the line should be smooth and the glass at the cut site should be clean.

The thickness of the ruler should ensure normal sliding of the tool, so that the ruler does not slide on the tool on the side that is adjacent to the glass, you can stick electrical tape.

In order to get the perfect cut, professional craftsmen use special oil, but it can be successfully replaced with ordinary kerosene.

The use of kerosene allows even a person who is doing this work for the first time to normally cut glass even 6 mm thick.

Special oil or kerosene is poured into the container that is in the handle of the glass cutter; if it is not there, then you can simply moisten the tip of the cutter in kerosene.

When working with thick material, you need to generously moisten the cut line and then you will get an even cut.

The ruler should be of sufficient thickness, and the glass cutter should be placed against it in such a way that its cutter moves exactly along the cutting line.

Moderate force should be applied to the tool; it should not be very strong or weak.

Experienced craftsmen recommend that a whistling sound emanate from the glass cutter while working. You need to start doing the work on the glass first, so that the tool goes into it, and at the end of the work comes off it, only this way you can completely cut through the edges.

It is necessary that the cutting line be continuous; you cannot stop while moving the glass cutter. You cannot run the tool along the same line several times; everything must be done in one pass.

It is necessary to break the glass immediately after the line is drawn, since over time it cools down and will break worse. The material is placed on the edge of the table along the cutting line and with one press the required piece is broken off.

Fig.4 Breaking process

To prevent it from breaking, you can press it on top wooden block, and the thin one just needs to be pulled apart.

To break off thick glass or a narrow strip; a pencil or similar object can be placed under the fault line. Some people prefer to tap the back of the glass with a hammer before breaking it.

This is not necessary, if the glass is thin, it will break off normally, but on thick material such actions may leave chips.

To polish the resulting edge, you can use a whetstone or sandpaper, but during work, so that the glass does not burst, they must be moistened with water.

Table 1. Tool cost.

The cost of cutting glass will depend on whether the edge is straight or curved, on average square meter you will have to pay from 200 to 400 rubles.

If you stick to the technology, you can do this work efficiently at home.

It happens that you urgently need a piece of glass. But the glass cutter is not visible in the foreseeable space, or it has simply become unusable. Below we will talk about how to cut glass without a glass cutter. And it really can be done. After all, a glass cutter appeared relatively recently as a widely available tool. In the old days, this instrument was not widely available.

Glass is usually cut using a glass cutter, but there are other ways to cut it at home.

Cobalt-tungsten alloys, which are distinguished by their high strength, had not yet been invented, and there was no trace of industrial diamonds. A simple knife is not suitable for this job. And use even a small shard to cut glass natural stone Only wealthy craftsmen could afford it. It is now relatively cheap artificial diamonds and cutters made of high-strength alloys that allow cutting with almost no effort hard materials, which includes glass.

The most in a simple way get the result the desired shape and size is, naturally, the cutting of glass during the manufacturing process - smelting. But few people have the opportunity to keep at hand necessary materials and equipment for smelting, and this process is not at all as simple as it seems. And we’ll leave the making of window glass in a handicraft way to the numerous heroes of books about “misfits” written by technically illiterate authors. But there is a way out, and there are even several of them. Below we will talk about how you can cope with this job using other tools and ingenuity.

Cutting glass with ordinary scissors

Using ordinary scissors and water, you can easily cut thin glass.

The glass is immersed in warm water, and under it it is simply cut into pieces with scissors the right size. Don't believe me? Try it yourself. Take a small piece of glass, immerse it in a bucket of water and use regular tailor's scissors to cut it. Did not work out? So you are dealing with tempered glass. And ordinary things should yield to the blades of scissors like cardboard.

If you need to cut a piece from a large plate, it can be immersed in a filled bath or in a large basin. Use a marker to mark its surface and proceed: draw along the marked lines with the tip of a pair of scissors, and then simply break off the excess. To avoid accidentally cutting yourself from a sharp edge, wear gloves. And it is advisable to protect your eyes from fragments.

This method is suitable for cutting materials no more than 3 mm thick. But you can cut out any shape you want, albeit only with straight contours. For curly cutting, you will need to prepare a template in advance. Glue it to the glass with any glue, dip it in water and start cutting. The greater the layer of water above the glass, the easier it will be for you to work.

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Fire, water and string

You will need:

  • twine from natural material(linen, wool or cotton);
  • flammable liquid (gasoline, alcohol or kerosene);
  • a container of cool water (a regular plastic bottle will do).

Make markings on the glass, limiting the dimensions you need, then soak the twine well flammable liquid, place it on your markings and set it on fire.

Using regular twine, you can easily melt the glass into the desired pieces.

As soon as the flame goes out, immediately pour water along the line in a thin stream. The glass is simply bound to crack in this place. Well, then everything is trivial: you break off the glass along the crack and sand the edges. If the crack does not appear, you will have to start the whole process again.

By the way, if you lay the string figuratively, you can end up with plates of a rather complex shape. And for cutting bottles this method is simply irreplaceable. After all, it is difficult to use a glass cutter on a curved surface.

With a little practice, you can cut holes of a given shape. The technology is exactly the same. Only instead of breaking off a cut piece, knocking out is used:

  • cover the crack along the contour with tape or adhesive tape;
  • carefully tap along the contour with a wooden stick or a hammer wrapped in cloth;
  • press out the cut piece.

If you don’t have the opportunity to tinker with strings, you can cut the glass with a soldering iron.

One of the most difficult questions that every craftsman who decides to glaze a house on his own is faced with is the question of how to cut glass. The correct preparation for cutting glass and the quality of the tool determine how even and correct the desired section will be.

Glass cutting: selecting tools

Before cutting the glass to the required size, you need to decide which one glass cutter will be used. There are two types of this cutting tool - roller and diamond. The roller tool is capable of cutting glass with a thickness of one to four millimeters. Such glass cutters are available with one, three or six rollers, each of which is designed for a cutting line with a total length of up to 0.35 km. Currently, roller glass cutters are produced with reservoirs for oil, which greatly facilitates cutting glass. In addition, such a tool has an increased service life - each of its rollers is capable of cutting about 5 km of glass up to 20 mm thick. The oil glass cutter kit includes two rollers, one of which cuts glass up to 10 mm thick, and the second from 10 to 20 mm. When cutting, the roller tool is held strictly perpendicular to the glass.

Diamond glass cutters are more expensive than roller cutters. Such a glass cutter “takes” glass up to 10 mm thick, and its guaranteed “mileage” is up to 10 km. Since even a diamond wears down over time, such glass cutters provide the ability to change the cutting edge - to do this, loosen the locking screw and turn the stone 90°. There are also glass cutters with artificial diamond, but they can cut glass no thicker than 5 mm. If the glass cutter does not have enough skills, you should choose diamond glass cutter with a curved edge, but an experienced craftsman will use a glass cutter with a cutter in the form of a tetrahedral pyramid. The diamond glass cutter should be held at a slight angle while cutting, the correctness of which is determined experimentally. The glass cutter, which is in correct position relative to glass, leaves a colorless thin line.

Also, to cut glass you will need a flat, not too hard, clean surface, preferably covered with thick oilcloth or soft cloth, thick wooden ruler and pliers. If you need to cut glass along a curved line, you need to make a pattern from plywood or chipboard.

Important! Since cutting glass can be quite traumatic, you should wear gloves before working. It is also worth paying attention to shoes - they should be quite durable so that glass does not cut your foot if accidentally dropped. Clothes worn by the cutter should be made of dense and thick fabric, which will also help to avoid accidental injuries.

Glass cutting: preparation

Before you start cutting, the glass must be washed clean water and if possible degrease gasoline. If the glass is intended to be installed in window frame, you should accurately measure the distance between the ledges in it (folds). It must be remembered that the dimensions of the cut glass on each side should be two millimeters smaller than required. So, for example, when required size sheet 500x500 mm, glass should be cut to size 496x496 mm. This will give an opportunity wooden frame expand and contract under the influence of weather conditions without putting pressure on the glass. In this case, the cut glass must overlap the protrusion in the frame by at least 4 mm, otherwise wind will penetrate through the frame.

Tip: for cutting corrugated glass, it is more convenient to use a roller glass cutter. In addition, corrugated, frosted and patterned glass must be cut from the smooth side.

A craftsman who is not very experienced in cutting glass should practice on small pieces before starting to cut a large sheet - this will help determine the correct angle of inclination of the glass cutter, as well as make sure that it is in good condition. If cutting glass will be carried out with a conventional roller tool, then the future cutting line is moistened with turpentine.

Glass cutting: let's get to work

The prepared glass is placed on the table so that the entire sheet is on its plane. A thick ruler is laid strictly along the line of the future cut. The diamond glass cutter is picked up like a pencil and applied to the ruler so that the diamond marking on it faces towards it. To prevent the ruler from slipping, you can glue a regular fabric patch to it. The glass cutter is pushed away with almost no pressure, making sure that the strip at the cut site is thin and colorless - if it is thick and white, then you need to turn the diamond over or reduce the pressure on the tool.

Roller glass cutter It is taken with the thumb, ring and middle fingers and moved along the glass with pressure applied to the end with the index finger. Cutting strip when using roller tool must be white. It is impossible to repeatedly draw along the same line with either a diamond or a roller glass cutter. In any case, if the line does not turn out as desired, you will have to make a new cut at a distance of at least 1 mm from the first.

After this, the glass is moved on the table so that the cutting line coincides with its edge. Next, from the lower side of the cut, the glass is tapped with the head of a glass cutter, then, holding the part of the sheet lying on the table, they break off the part that is hanging. This can be done with your hands or with pliers (but always with gloves) with pieces of rubber hoses attached to the ends.

In order to cut glass not in a straight line, you need to outline the desired shape on it using a pattern. After this, a rectangle is cut out into which it fits. Unnecessary pieces are gradually cut off, the figure is reduced to an 8-, 16-, and then to a 32-gon. The small remaining parts are “bitten off” using the indentations on the glass cutter.

Once the glass is cut, its edges will be sharp and perhaps slightly uneven. To get rid of these flaws, the edges of the glass are treated with fine sandpaper.

While studying repair work Around the house, every apartment owner sooner or later is faced with the need to glaze windows, doors or bookshelves.

Good glazier skills are acquired only through practice, often quite a long time. However, mastering the techniques of this specialty is not so difficult on your own.

Our advice to the home handyman on preparation and safe ways cutting glass when renovating an apartment with your own hands is designed to eliminate typical mistakes made by inexperienced beginners, help to understand their main causes, and exclude them from work.

Read them. By showing basic accuracy and caution, you can learn to work with glass confidently and reliably.

An example to follow

To properly understand the work of professional glaziers, we recommend watching a three-minute video by the owner of Nostromo6300, “Cutting glass.” In it, during this time, two craftsmen will cut 10 different blanks to exact sizes from a sheet of 2.25 x 3.21 meters before your eyes.

Their glass cutter is called a "mop" in blue-collar slang.

Preparatory work

To properly cut glass at home, you need to have the appropriate tools and a place to process it.

Necessary tool

To work, a home craftsman will need a minimum set of:

  • glass cutter, maybe an old-fashioned design or a more modern one with a container for lubricating the roller with kerosene;
  • marker for marking glass blanks;
  • construction square, providing control of right angles;
  • ruler for marking and orienting the cutting line.

At the stage of marking the workpiece for cutting grooves, it is necessary to maintain dimensional accuracy: the width of the working head of the glass cutter should be taken into account. It is 5 mm, and the axis of the cutting roller deviates from its side edge by half this value.

When choosing a ruler, pay attention to its thickness. Thin and pointed side edges are not suitable. The glass cutter head will not move well along them.

When placing the ruler on the glass, from its edge to the axis of the roller, it is necessary to create an indent of 2.5 mm.

For such work, it is convenient to use a piece of laminate or a flat strip. To prevent such a template from sliding off the surface of the glass when cutting onto it bottom side stick on fabric or fabric tape.


Glass does not withstand local lateral loads well. The pressure from the glass cutter is what causes them. Therefore, a home craftsman should work with glass only on a prepared, clean and level surface.

A coating made from a solid sheet of fiberboard and similar materials is well suited. It is perfectly acceptable to cover a regular table with a blanket and cut on it.

A little theory

Glass production is based on a melt followed by cooling of minerals various compositions. After graduation technological processes a transparent, relatively strong structure is created. It normally withstands mechanical loads uniformly applied to the entire plane, but does not withstand local impacts well.

Conventional cutting relies on scratching with the hard, sharp edges of a glass cutter roller. They reduce the strength of the surface and at the same time form microcracks, which, under the influence of operational loads, for example, gusts of wind, snow pressure, lead to destruction during operation.

At the factory, when casting, a high-quality glass edge is created without the presence of defects that reduce mechanical characteristics leaf. Let's consider how it is formed with a conventional construction glass cutter or its industrial automatic analogue.

Cutting steps

The work is carried out in two steps:

  1. creating a scratch in the form of a groove on the surface;
  2. breaking into parts by bending force.

Technology for creating a groove using a glass cutter

When cutting, hold the tool with your hand vertical position, placing your index finger on top of it.

The glass cut is made from the far edge to the near one. The speed of movement of the glass cutter should be uniform, the pressure on the glass should be the same. The cut is made only once.

By the quality of the scratch you can immediately judge the correctness of the cutting:

  • a thin, transparent line from the roller indicates the sharpness of its edges and the right technology cutting;
  • deep cut white- sign malfunction master or wear of the cutting part.

How to properly scratch

When cutting a groove, loads are created that work to shear the surface layer.

They cause deformations that form microscopic surface, lateral and deep cracks.

The correct cut is ensured only by those microcracks that are directed into the depth of the material - the middle ones. All others are not needed. They must be avoided.

The cutting quality is affected by:

  • cutter sharpening angle;
  • roller diameter;
  • pressure on glass;
  • position of the cutting organ.

How does the roller sharpening angle affect the cut?

As an example, let’s look at the designs of three cutters designed to work on industrial glass cutters of automatic robots.

The direction of the forces pushing the surface layer apart when creating a scratch is always perpendicular to the pressing plane. A sharper roller deflects the acting force more widely from the normal to the surface, creating a smaller area of ​​stress penetration.

To cut thick glass, use a tool with a wider sharpening angle, and for thin materials, use sharp ones.

On factory models of glass cutters, the sharpening angle is already created to work with standard glasses used for domestic purposes.

How does the roller diameter affect the cut?

Smaller dimensions allow better scratching outer surface blanks. However, glass cutter designs are already factory adjusted to optimal performance, A House master can't change anything here.

The tool is purchased in finished form with standard roller diameters. As they lose their sharpness, which rarely occurs in everyday life, the dull part is simply replaced with a backup one.

How does pressure on the roller affect the cut?

The depth of penetration of a scratch into the glass depends on the applied cutting force. Choosing a sharper cutter for thin material It should be borne in mind that it is dangerous to create a high load on them, because you can simply crush the material.

To facilitate cutting the workpiece when performing similar works always monitor the cleanliness of the glass and treat its surface with special liquids that:

  • lubricate the roller;
  • provide a hydraulic cushion;
  • reduce the effect of the Rebinder effect, reducing the strength of the outer surface;
  • wedge the material.

At home, you can easily get by with kerosene for these purposes. It is convenient to apply it manually with a piece of rag or use a specially designed glass cutter.

How does the roller position affect the cut?

The picture with the sharpening angles of the cutter makes it clear that the roller must be guided strictly perpendicular to the glass surface.

Its deviation from the normal will lead to lateral displacement of the median crack and incorrect chipping.

About the number of cuts

There is a misconception among beginners that one scratch is not enough and that several repetitions must be done. They say they will deepen the crack. So such masters use a glass cutter several times in the same place.

This is a gross mistake: with each movement, repeated deformations of the material and additional cracks are created in all directions. They reduce the overall strength of the workpiece and can lead to improper fracture during bending.

Fracture methods

After a cut with deep cracks is made on the surface, you will need to divide the workpiece along this line. This operation is performed in four ways:

  1. manual bending;
  2. using matches or thin sticks;
  3. on the edge of the table;
  4. by tapping method.

Manual bending of the workpiece

The glass is taken by the edges near the cutting line with your hands, squeezed tightly with your fingers and an opposite bending twisting force is created, directed towards outside from the made groove.

This is quite enough to accurately separate the workpiece from the main sheet. This method is used by most glaziers.

Bend on matches

Matches or thin, even wooden sticks are placed in one line on the table. The glass is placed on them with a cut line so that the scratch is located on top.

Place your palms evenly over the surface and break the glass with a sharp downward movement. The magnitude of the effort is determined empirically starting with small values.

The fracture is smooth and of high quality.

Bend on the edge of the table

Glass with a scratch is placed on the edge work surface table with the cutting line up. Combine it with the edge of the stop.

With the palm of one hand they press the glass surface to the table, and with the other they grab the protruding edge and with a sharp downward movement separate the workpiece.

The method is well suited for beginners.

Tapping method

The glass is placed on the edge of the table, extending the cutting line beyond its limits. Hold the part to be cut with one hand. Using the glass cutter head, precise blows are applied to the place where the middle cracks form. They gradually expand and deepen due to the loads created.

The peculiarity of the method is that the impact should not develop lateral cracks caused by deformation of the glass during cutting. They will create an uneven chip and ruin the workpiece.

During the application of blows, the expansion of the chip is visually observed.

If the break doesn't work out

We must be prepared for such a situation. It can occur due to lack of experience or technology violations.

The damaged part on the protruding side of the unbroken edge can be carefully removed using the slots on the side of the glass cutter or pliers. The edges will be sharp and jagged. They will have to be ground down with an emery stone.

The correct cut on glass is created through skills developed based on an understanding of the design features of glass and the technology of the glass cutter.

Frame installation technology

Before starting installation, it is necessary to prepare a place for attaching the cut workpiece. Its working surfaces must be completely cleaned of old nails, paper clips, and putty. It is important to ensure a uniform plane of glass contact to all edges without distortions.

Any unevenness found is leveled and filled with putty. It is not difficult to buy or make it yourself.

Types of putties

Putty with chalk

  • drying oil - 220 g;
  • ground chalk - 810 g.

Putty with chalk and white

  • drying oil - 180 g;
  • ground chalk - 600 g;
  • dry whitewash - 200 g.

Cooking technology:

  • chalk is poured in a slide;
  • a notch is made on top;
  • pour drying oil and/or white into it;
  • mix the ingredients until it forms a dough.

How to fix glass

At home, two installation methods are used:

It is convenient to hammer in the nails for fastening the glazing bead not with a hammer, but with the side surface of a chisel. The blows are applied by making an oblique cut while sliding along the glass.

Safety regulations

Sharp edges and burrs of glass easily cut through human skin. To protect against accidental injuries, use durable cotton clothing and mittens or gloves. Make sure you have good shoes.

The work of cutting glass requires compliance with all the safety rules that apply.

If trouble does occur, you will have to treat the wounds with first aid from the first aid kit. It should be at hand.

When working with glass, special attention must be paid to eye protection. Clear glasses serve this function well. Unfortunately, many people do not follow these simple rules.

All of the above practical advice should help you cut correctly with a glass cutter and install blanks into frames. Watching Andrey Smirnov’s video “Learning to cut glass” will help improve their perception.

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Not a single house can live without glass and, therefore, the question of cutting it arises in almost every renovation. For this purpose, glass cutters are used - diamond, oil and roller. Let's look at each of the above varieties in more detail, but before that we'll figure out how to properly prepare glass for cutting.

Glass preparation

If new glass does not need any special preparation (it is enough to simply wipe it from dust), then with used glass you will have to “tinker” a little.

First, the glass must be thoroughly washed using special detergents. Then degrease with kerosene or alcohol-containing compounds, and finally, dry well after wiping.

To wipe the glass, it is better to use not a rag, but old newspaper. Thanks to this, there will be no small lint or streaks left on the glass.

Having prepared the glass, you can start cutting it.

Diamond glass cutter is capable of cutting glass up to 10 millimeters thick

A diamond glass cutter can easily be called a “flagship” among similar tools. Diamond is used as a cutter in such glass cutters - the most durable material in the world. Thanks to this, a diamond glass cutter is capable of cutting glass up to 10 millimeters thick, while making the most even cut possible, practically free of chips and requiring minimal processing. The only drawback diamond glass cutter can only be considered comparatively high cost, even in cases where not natural, but artificial diamond is used as a cutter.

Working with a diamond cutter (as with any other glass cutter) requires certain skills.

The first step is to prepare the surface on which the glass will be cut. An ordinary table, which must first be covered with something soft (for example, carpet or linoleum), is perfect for this purpose. The prepared glass is placed on the surface.

Before the main cutting, it is recommended to test the glass cutter on an unnecessary piece of glass. To do this, take the tool with your thumb and forefinger and draw a line along the glass with a few greater strength pressure than when writing with a ballpoint pen or pencil. If the result is a thin white line, the glass cutter is ready for work and you are doing everything correctly. If the line is thick and filled with small glass chips, try changing the angle of the cutter.

The process of cutting glass with a diamond glass cutter is as follows. Using a ruler and square, the necessary markings are applied to the glass. After that, a glass cutter is used along the side of the same ruler or any smooth block, pressing with medium force. The white line remaining from the glass cutter is aligned with the edge of the table and lightly pressed onto the hanging edge of the glass. If you did everything correctly, the glass will break off quite easily exactly along the cut line.

When working with thick (thicker than 2 millimeters) glass, before breaking, it is recommended to lightly “tap” the cut line with a hammer.

If the glass does not break, do not try to make a second cut in the same place as the previous one. It’s better to shift the markings a little and carry out the whole operation again.

In order to more accurately understand the principle of working with a diamond glass cutter, we recommend that you watch the following video:

Master class on working with a diamond glass cutter (video)

The roller glass cutter uses rollers made of ultra-strong cobalt-tungsten alloy as a cutter.

This model of glass cutter uses rollers made of a heavy-duty cobalt-tungsten alloy as a cutter. As a rule, from three to six rollers are attached to the rotating head of such glass cutters, which can be used instead of dull ones.

One roller is designed for an average of 300 meter cuts

One roller is designed to carry out an average of 300 meter cuts, after which it must be replaced with a new one.

Before starting work, just as in the case of a diamond glass cutter, it is necessary to prepare the glass and surface, as well as apply appropriate markings to the glass.

Enough in an interesting way glass marking is as follows. Draw a straight line on the surface of the table with a marker or pencil. On the glass, only two small marks are made along the edges in the place where the cut needs to be made. Next, these marks are combined with a line on the table, which will correspond to the cut line.

A roller glass cutter is used to follow the cut line once (to ensure an even cut, it is better to use a ruler). Please note that you need to press a little harder on a roller glass cutter than on a diamond one. In addition, unlike a diamond glass cutter, which must be held at an angle when cutting, a roller cutter must be positioned strictly perpendicular to the glass.

You can break the glass with light pressure, aligning the cut line with the edge of the table, or placing matches under it on both sides.

Since the edges of the glass after the cut are quite sharp, it is advisable to use protective gloves during operation.

Oil type tool

An oil glass cutter differs from a roller cutter only in that it is equipped with a special container from which oil is supplied to the cutting roller during operation.

In its design, an oil glass cutter differs from a roller cutter only in that it is equipped with a special container from which oil is supplied to the cutting roller during operation. Due to this, the cutting effect is significantly enhanced, which makes it possible to cut thicker glass.