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GREENERY color in the interior. Trendy shade of greenery in the interior Greenery color

The fashion for ecological construction has reached our country. Disappointing data on the level of environmental pollution suggest the need for maximum protection and eco-cleanliness in your own home. And if not everyone is “lucky” to purchase a building plot outside the city, in a forested area, then at least I want to choose the most environmentally friendly materials from which the house will be built.

The most natural building material – clay – has been known since ancient times. If you dilute it with water in a special pit, knead it, add chopped straw for rigidity, sand to reduce shrinkage, lime to increase moisture resistance, form all this into blocks and dry, you will get the most environmentally friendly building material - adobe brick. Preservation of heat in the cold season and coolness in the summer in such a house is guaranteed. The relatively low cost of a house made of adobe is accompanied by high performance sound insulation and fire safety. The complete environmental friendliness of any home is completed by the same exterior and interior decoration, roofing materials and furniture inside the house.

Another environmentally friendly material that has long been used in construction is wood. What could be better than hand-hewn logs, laid in a log house, caulked with natural tow or moss, not painted or finished on the inside! Modern technologies make it possible to use rounded logs, profiled and laminated timber for the construction of houses. Any option will be more environmentally friendly than even natural stone, since wood “breathes” through its pores, carrying out constant air exchange and maintaining acceptable humidity in the room. When talking about the use of laminated veneer lumber, one remembers the composition of the glue used. Usually these are components that do not have a toxic effect on the human body, and if you consider that the timber is located outside, then it has virtually no effect on the environmental component of the inside of the house.

Sometimes environmentally friendly wooden houses are also questioned because to protect against moisture, fungus, rodents and fires, all structures are impregnated special solutions. But they are also non-toxic substances whose presence must be tolerated in order for them to fulfill their intended purpose.

Houses made of gas and foam concrete are quite environmentally friendly, since these building materials consist of water, cement, sand, lime, hardener and foaming chemical. These building materials also allow the house to “breathe”, have high heat saving rates, are resistant to dampness and do not burn.

The materials used as insulation and for interior decoration. The most natural ones are wood (except plywood and chipboard), brick, ceramics, tuff, sand, and clay. Chemical impurities are contained in cement, concrete, mineral wool, DSP panels, etc., but without them such materials simply would not exist. Will reduce to “zero” all efforts to create environmentally friendly clean home Decoration Materials, produced during the processing of petroleum products (including plastic). Not environmentally friendly ceiling moldings polyurethane, vinyl and self-leveling floors.

To all that has been said, we add that constant access must be provided in the premises of an environmentally friendly house fresh air. Then, excess moisture will not form on the walls, floors, ceilings and furniture, no matter what material they are made of, and pathogenic bacteria will not appear.

What materials are called environmentally friendly? And in general, what is meant by the concept of environmentally friendly material? What is it and in what areas of life is it used?

Let's start with the fact that environmentally friendly material can be called raw materials that nature itself gave. Linen, cotton, wood, bamboo - all these are environmentally friendly materials. They contain only natural fibers and components, there are no synthetic components. Such materials are not only environmentally friendly, but also hypoallergenic.

By the way, let’s not forget that not only are they clean from an environmental point of view. natural materials, but also produced by man. Typical examples: glass, brick, paper, cardboard, metals, etc.

Let's consider the basic properties of some environmentally pure materials separately.

Cotton is a natural material, environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic. Cotton plant origin. It is used in different areas human life. Cotton is very popular in the textile environment. Various fabrics, clothes, bed linen, curtains, etc. are made from it. Cotton is relatively cheap material, besides, it is natural and pleasant to the touch. It makes soft and warm bedding, which is great for those with allergies.

Linen is a natural and environmentally friendly material that is especially popular in the production of clothing. Linen clothing is durable and wear-resistant. Great for summer heat, because it doesn't float. Bed linen is also made from flax. It is strong and durable, the disadvantages are that it is quite rough and difficult to iron out.

Bamboo - comparatively the new kind canvases, if he speaks of a plant in this sense. The canvas (bamboo fabric) has high antimicrobial properties, that is, it resists the development of bacteria. Bamboo fabric is soft, pleasant to the touch, practically does not wrinkle and absorbs moisture 60% more than cotton. Bamboo as a canvas is the bright future of modern industrial industry. In terms of its characteristics, it is better than cotton, which until recently was considered the most hygienic material; moreover, it is softer, more delicate and does not wrinkle. Bamboo has it all best characteristics natural material. The only drawback can be called quite high price. But in the future, when the bamboo industry begins to expand, this disadvantage will disappear.

If we talk about environmentally friendly materials, we cannot fail to mention wood. Wood is a natural, eco-friendly material that is breaking all records of popularity in the furniture industry. Wooden furniture is not only natural, but also prestigious. Furniture from valuable species wood is a special luxury. But wood is used not only in the furniture industry. It is widely used for decorative finishing walls and facades, flooring, and even houses are made from it. Country style, which appeared relatively recently, but has already managed to find numerous fans, implies the use of wood not only for interior design, but also for the construction of the house itself.

Wood is a beautiful natural material that is coated with a transparent protective layer. This layer protects the wood from fungus and mold, allowing you to convey all the beauty of the wood itself, or rather, its shades and patterns that nature itself gave it. Furniture or a house made of wood is beautiful, prestigious, natural and environmentally friendly. The material breathes, creates a favorable environment in the house and has a positive effect on a person’s internal state.

From the point of view of environmental friendliness, all materials used to build a house can be divided into harmful, not the most harmful and not at all harmful. As you can see, there are no “useful” materials. But that's life.

We breathe a wide spectrum harmful substances in the atmosphere of a modern city, we receive a whole bunch of radiation from many household appliances, so let’s at least build a house from environmentally friendly materials.

If we talk about the roof, then for the arrangement rafter system Wood is mainly used in private construction. This may not be the most the best choice for the rafter system in terms of durability, but the best in terms of ecology. Wood is one of the cleanest building materials.

As for the walls of the house, everything is not so simple.

Foam concrete and aerated concrete

In the production of these materials, aluminum powder is used, which leads to gas formation during the production of blocks. Since aluminum is not a toxic metal, does not emit anything, and gas bubbles formed with its participation remain in the thickness of the block, foam blocks and gas blocks can be considered environmentally friendly building materials.

What does not prevent you from checking a batch of building blocks with the most ordinary dosimeter when purchasing. Just in case.


Humanity has been building with bricks for a long time. The clay used to produce bricks is fired, and the brick itself may contain various additives. Basic possible harm from a brick may be that the clay used in its manufacture may be radioactive.

On Earth, any material, any substance is radioactive. Natural background radiation is observed everywhere. And that's okay.

But there is absolutely no need for increased background radiation in your own home. Therefore, we check the purchased batch of bricks with a regular dosimeter. There is no excess of natural background radiation, you can safely build your home from such bricks.


As mentioned above, wood is one of the most environmentally friendly building materials. In addition to the fact that lumber is obtained from living tree tissue, it is worth noting the long-lasting fungicidal effect of certain types of wood - larch and cedar.

In addition, the good microclimate created in a house built of wood will make you feel very good in it. If you wish, you can find out about this on the websites specialized companies who build houses and outbuildings made of wood.

You should avoid exotic wood species when building or decorating your home. Of course, the wood undergoes control at the border, which consists of a superficial inspection of the trunks in the holds of a ship arriving at the port. And this does not exclude the possibility of unacceptable “guests” entering your home - insect larvae from distant countries or microorganisms that you do not need.

Wood and metal frame

The frame itself, made of wood or metal, is completely harmless chemical point vision. However, the insulation used in the frame raises many questions.

Polystyrene foam, used as insulation, releases several types of toxic substances when heated. Basalt wool is a source of phenols and basalt “microneedles”.

So far, only a number of natural frame fillers - straw, sawdust and their derivatives - have not raised questions among the construction community. And modern material– ecowool, made from cellulose and recycled materials.

Expanded clay concrete

Expanded clay concrete blocks are used for low-rise construction. In terms of strength properties, KBB is a leader among building materials.

From an environmental point of view, there are questions for him components, namely expanded clay. It is made from clay, which, as described above in the example with brick, can be a source of increased radiation. It all depends on which quarry, from which deposit, this clay was extracted.

Having decided to build own house, people usually start choosing the material from which the walls of the house will be built. Some focus on cost and durability, others strive to match fashion trends in construction.
As a fan of environmental friendliness, when choosing, I was primarily focused on the cleanliness and safety of materials for the people living in the house.

Frankly, I was still convinced that environmentally friendly materials for building the walls of a house are a dime a dozen. However, in fact, it turned out that there are only three recognized as 100% safe building materials suitable for this - a natural stone, wood and brick.
Natural stone had to be excluded immediately - in addition, a house made from it will cost many times more than, for example, from a log house or sand-lime brick, and the large weight of such material will entail additional costs for laying a powerful foundation. In addition, such material requires great professionalism to work with, and go and look for specialists in this field.
Wood in the form of profiled timber or cylindered logs as a material for the walls of a house seemed at first to be a good option - it is difficult to find a more human-friendly material. A house built of wood has its own unique and beneficial microclimate; they say that living in such a house can even get rid of some diseases.
However, comparing wood with the remaining option - ceramic or sand-lime brick - we noticed that the service life of such a house is much shorter. Over time, destruction of wood inevitably occurs, especially lower crowns log house
In addition, in the event of a fire (I don’t wish this on anyone, but anything can happen) from wooden log house there will be nothing left but a mountain of ashes; no fire-prevention impregnations will help.
By the way, about impregnations - I found out that for protection wooden house builders use impregnation wooden parts various compositions, protecting wood from rotting and fungus, as well as fire protection. I may be wrong, but it seems to me that these chemical substances, subsequently released from the wood, greatly reduce the environmental friendliness of a wooden house. It depends on everyone, but I, for example, wouldn’t really want to live in a house and breathe in who knows what.
As a result, after comparing all the options, we decided to choose building a house from sand-lime brick. Why silicate and not clay (ceramic)? The cost of sand-lime brick is lower than that of its “red-skinned” brother; for some manufacturers this difference reaches 40%. Wherein quality characteristics Both types of brick products are almost the same.
There were no questions initially about the environmental friendliness of sand-lime brick - its main components are silicate sand and lime, materials are exclusively natural and safe.
Brickwork is highly durable and is not susceptible to rotting or mold or mildew over time, and building a house from sand-lime brick is much easier and cheaper than from natural stone.
In addition, walls made of sand-lime bricks look attractive, have low thermal conductivity, and do not deform over time, as happens when walls made of logs or timber shrink.

Let's look at a few technologies that can be used to build a green, energy efficient and modern house. You may have already heard about some of them, but you may hear about some of them for the first time. But in any case, the main thing is to apply, not to hear...

Biodegradable materials

When we talk about , we should always remember to recycle and recycle all materials.
Natural biodegradable materials will help avoid the formation of giant landfills and soil contamination with chemical waste.

An excellent example would be the construction of buildings from straw and clay, the use natural paints and plasters. To create an organic paint mixture, for example, you can use milk protein, lime and mineral pigments.

Wood, of course, is also a natural material, but mass cutting makes it difficult to call it environmentally friendly in the full sense. And during construction, it is better to use wood to build a frame.

Rammed earth

The use of rammed earth as a building material is one of the most ancient technologies. And today the process of forming an earthen base is not much different from what it was several centuries ago. A mixture of wet soil and solid particles of clay and gravel, combined with the stabilizing element, concrete, gives us a very hard material.
A base of dense compressed earth is an ideal material for regulating the temperature of a building. It will stay cool in summer and warm in winter. produces fewer emissions than a typical construction process.

Earthen building construction is a rarity now, but it still exists and there are contractors who specialize in .

Natural insulation materials

One of the most unpleasant moments in construction is the thermal insulation of a house. Those who worked with glass wool or basalt wool knows well what he is talking about.

The essence of natural insulation materials lies in their natural origin and environmental safety. An example would be damask or reed insulation.
Abroad, cellulose and cotton insulation made from recycled materials is actively used. Cotton insulation is made from recycled jeans, while cellulose insulation is basically recycled newspaper. There is also fiberglass insulation made from recycled glass, but the production of such insulation is more energy intensive than the production of cellulose insulation from paper.

Cellulose insulation is often made from 75-85% recycled material and only 30-40% fiberglass, but cellulose holds heat better than fiberglass.
Nowadays they talk a lot about how very high quality building material. But finding such insulation is not easy.

Building such a house is obviously not an easy task and is by no means cheap. But with the increase in the cost of utility tariffs, passive houses are becoming more and more attractive in our country.

When building such houses, it is important to combine modern technologies and natural materials to reduce the environmental impact of such a building.