home · Networks · Planting days are in April of the year. If the vine breaks or you have to prune it, cover the cut with red lead paint on natural drying oil, adding chalk and boric acid to stop the vine from “crying”. Varieties in the north release juice from the cut

Planting days are in April of the year. If the vine breaks or you have to prune it, cover the cut with red lead paint on natural drying oil, adding chalk and boric acid to stop the vine from “crying”. Varieties in the north release juice from the cut

April 2016 is not too late to prune fruit bushes and trees (at the beginning of the month), place the tubers for vernalization, spray the trees and bushes against pests. Among other things, the king will receive various vaccinations in April.

  • You can sow seeds of frost-resistant annuals into the ground; for seedlings. Enter nitrogen fertilizers for bulbous and primroses.
  • In mid-April, feed fruit plants in the garden.
  • At the end of April, sow in open ground seeds, lettuce, . Start hardening off the seedlings.
  • Without waiting for the hot days of May, you need to have time to plant in a thawed, but still wet soil newly acquired bulbs and rhizomes that overwintered in basements.
  • Cover the beds with film, which will stimulate the growth of weeds, which can be easily removed by the time the vegetables are planted. In addition, covered soil will retain moisture longer.
  • You can do formative pruning ornamental plants in the garden. Cut branches, spirea, golden, can be used as cuttings for propagation.

Sowing calendar for the gardener for April 2016

From April 1 to April 2 4:37 - waning Moon in Capricorn.
  • It is recommended to sow seedlings of flower annuals and perennials, vegetable crops(tomatoes for open ground, leeks, cabbage of all types, pumpkin for film greenhouses: zucchini, melon, watermelon).
  • It is not advisable to save water when watering plants - soil (substrate) moisture should be higher than normal.
From April 2 4:37 to April 4 8:45 - waning Moon in Aquarius.
  • It is recommended to care for the soil and plants: loosening dry soil in the greenhouse and in the beds, weeding and thinning seedlings, sanitary pruning and treating plants against pests and diseases. It is possible to sow and plant vegetable and flower plants, but their germination and survival rate will be poor, but those that survive will give good results in the future.
  • It is not advisable to water plants these days - their roots require air to a greater extent.
From April 4 from 8:45 to April 6 9:46 - waning Moon in Pisces.
  • The sowing calendar recommends sowing seedlings of all types of cabbage, leeks, pumpkins for film greenhouses (cucumbers, watermelon, melon), flower annuals; sowing cold-resistant green vegetables and radishes in a film greenhouse and in open ground (under temporary shelter); rejuvenating pruning of trees and shrubs.
  • It is undesirable to plant bulbous plants - their roots may rot.
From April 6 9:46 to April 8 9:10 - Moon in Aries. New Moon April 7, 2016 at 2:24 pm.
  • Only plant care is recommended: loosening dry soil, weeding and thinning seedlings, sanitary pruning and treating plants against pests and diseases.
  • It is not advisable to disturb plants on the day of the new moon.
From April 8 9:10 to April 10 8:58 - waxing Moon in Taurus.
  • The lunar sowing calendar for April 2016 recommends sowing cold-resistant vegetable and flower annuals and perennials in open ground (under temporary shelter); sowing cucumbers and other pumpkin seedlings for open ground.
  • It is undesirable to sow and plant plants for seeds - they will be of poor quality.
From April 10, 8:58 to April 12, 11:06 - the waxing Moon in Gemini.
  • It is recommended to sow early ripening greens (lettuce, watercress, leaf mustard, Chinese cabbage, leaf parsley, spinach, etc.) and radishes, planting onions on a feather; loosening dry soil in the greenhouse and in the beds, weeding and thinning of seedlings, sanitary pruning and treating plants against pests and diseases.
  • It is not advisable to sow, plant or replant anything - it will be difficult for the plants to sprout and take root.
From April 12, 11:06 to April 14, 16:53 - waxing Moon in Cancer.
  • It is recommended to sow cold-resistant vegetables (root vegetables, onions, greens) and flower annuals in open ground (under temporary shelter); sowing cucumbers and other pumpkin seedlings; grafting and formative pruning garden trees and bushes; watering and fertilizing plants with mineral fertilizers.
  • It is undesirable to sow and plant perennials- their winter hardiness will be reduced.
From April 14, 16:53 to April 17, 2:23 - waxing Moon in Leo.
  • It is recommended to lay a new lawn and repair the old one; caring for soil and plants: loosening dry soil in the greenhouse and in beds, weeding and thinning seedlings, sanitary pruning and treating plants against pests and diseases.
  • It is undesirable to disturb the soil and plants too much - they need rest these days.
From April 17 2:23 to April 19 14:24 - waxing Moon in Virgo.
  • It is recommended to sow cold-resistant flower annuals in open ground; planting in a film greenhouse (under additional cover) vegetable seedlings; planting (if the soil is ready) fruit trees And berry bushes; watering and fertilizing plants with mineral fertilizers.
  • It is not advisable to sow in the ground and for seedlings vegetable plants- they will not give a good harvest.
From April 19 14:24 to April 22 3:17 - waxing Moon in Libra.
  • It is recommended to sow cold-resistant vegetable and flower annuals in open ground; planting vegetable seedlings in a film greenhouse (under additional cover); planting (if the soil is ready), grafting, pruning and propagation by cuttings (cutting and planting for rooting) of garden trees and shrubs; watering and fertilizing plants with mineral fertilizers.
  • It is undesirable to over-water the plants - the soil (substrate) moisture should be normal.

From April 22 3:17 to April 24 15:46 - Moon in Scorpio. Full moon April 22 at 8:24
  • It is recommended to sow seedlings of flower annuals and perennials, vegetable crops (tomatoes, leeks, cabbage of all types, pumpkins for film greenhouses: cucumbers, zucchini, melon, watermelon); sowing cold-resistant green vegetables and radishes in a film greenhouse; watering and fertilizing indoor and greenhouse plants with organic fertilizers.
  • It is not advisable to disturb plants on the day of the full moon.
From April 24 15:46 to April 27 2:54 - waning Moon in Sagittarius.
  • It is recommended to care for the soil and plants: loosening dry soil, weeding and thinning seedlings, sanitary pruning and treating plants against pests and diseases.
  • It is not advisable to water the plants - their roots require air to a greater extent these days.
From April 27 2:54 to April 29 11:47 - waning Moon in Capricorn.
  • It is recommended to sow cold-resistant vegetable and flower plants in open ground; planting vegetable seedlings in a film greenhouse (under additional cover); planting (if the soil is warm enough) early potatoes and gladioli, herbaceous perennials(vegetables and flowers), trees and shrubs; watering and fertilizing plants with organic fertilizers.
  • It is not recommended to save water when watering plants - soil moisture should be higher than normal.
From April 29, 11:47 to April 30, 11:47 - waning Moon in Aquarius.
  • It is recommended to care for the soil and plants: loosening dry soil, mulching and hilling, weeding and thinning of seedlings, treatment against pests and diseases, sanitary pruning, removal of growth from trees and shrubs.
  • It is undesirable to water and feed plants - their roots require air to a greater extent these days.

April is a month of contrasts. If at the beginning the weather is usually more reminiscent of winter than spring, then at the end it often seems that the cold is behind us. But that's not true.

In most cases, cold snaps and even frosts are observed in mid-May, which can destroy heat-loving crops. It is for this reason that there is a list of plants that are recommended to be grown by seedlings, sowing seeds in boxes in mid-spring. What to plant in April?

What is planted and sown in April

Watermelons and melons. It is too early to plant them in March, since by mid-May they will grow to such an extent that they will clutter all the window sills. And in the first half of April - ideal! Just remember that they are extremely heat-loving, so you can’t plant them in garden beds. before the middle May and provided that the long-term weather forecast does not promise cold spells.

Cucumber. Another representative of the pumpkin family. Sometimes cucumbers are even planted directly in open ground, but still, this is fraught with a shortage of harvest due to late maturing fruits Therefore, the optimal month for sowing cucumber seeds for seedlings is April, preferably the first half.

Pumpkin. Pumpkin is even more often than cucumber sown directly into the beds. But there are two unfavorable factors that can destroy the harvest. Firstly, May is a rather contrasting month in terms of precipitation. Pumpkin seeds can either dry out in the ground or rot. Secondly, returning cold weather in mid-May can increase the likelihood of barely germinating seedlings rotting. As a result, the summer resident is left without a pumpkin. To reduce these risks, it is advisable to plant seedlings in mid-April and move them to the site when the weather stabilizes (usually the second half of May).

Tomatoes. Indeed, it is not too late to plant them in early April, especially early ripening varieties. So, don’t be upset if you thought about doing this back in March, but for some reason you couldn’t or didn’t dare. In the same way, you can sow early ripening varieties of hot or sweet pepper. These restrictions are lifted if there is a greenhouse that can extend the growing season of plants by 3-5 weeks. In this case, you can plant late seedlings of any varieties, preferably greenhouse determinate ones (for tomatoes).

Corn. This crop grows well in the middle zone and when grown without seedlings. However, seedlings produce more early harvest long-awaited cobs. The optimal time is mid-April. Corn is a little more cold-resistant than the above types, so it can withstand uncritical May cold snaps.

Cabbage. It is customary to plant any type of cabbage in April, and this is a reasonable approach. Cabbage is heat-loving, and the summer is short middle zone ends too quickly for her. In order for the heads of cabbage to ripen, cabbage seeds should be sown for seedlings in the first half of the month.

Some flowers: dahlias, carnations, sunflowers, asters.

The peculiarities of April plantings include the fact that the plants do not need to be illuminated, since the duration of daylight hours already exceeds 12 hours, as well as the possibility of earlier planting of some cold-resistant species (corn, sunflowers, flowers). The latter is convenient for unloading window sills, when by the beginning of May the seedlings have already become large. If long-term forecasts don't promise extreme cold, why not make it easier on yourself?

Thus, seedling method protects the summer resident from weather risks, accelerates the fruiting of plants, increases their productivity and extends favorable periods for fruit ripening, since the ovaries form earlier. We wish you success in the coming season!

To choose the most favorable days for sowing vegetable and flower crops, as well as for carrying out other work in the garden and vegetable garden, you need to check the table of works of a gardener, gardener and florist.

Lunar sowing calendar for April 2019

The calendar shows Moscow time.

  • Favorable days for sowing, planting and transplanting
  • Unfavorable days for sowing, planting and transplanting
April 1 2019, Mon, Waning Moon in Aquarius, in Pisces from 17:47, IV quarter Flower Days. Infertile time is up to 18 hours. Pay attention to the preparation of greenhouses and greenhouses, but do not disturb the plants. In the evening, when the Earth's satellite moves into the sign of Pisces, favorable time for agriculture. See the list of work for the next day.
April 2 2019, Tue, Waning Moon in Pisces, IV quarter Leaf days. Fish will provide you with an abundant and tasty harvest, but not suitable for seeds. Depending on the region - sowing cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, pumpkins, celery, parsley, parsnips, carrots, rutabaga, eggplants, zucchini, lettuce for seedlings, in greenhouses or in open ground. Planting potatoes, as well as flowers: begonias, gladioli, gloxinia, cannas, amaryllis and other bulbous, tuberous and bulbous flowers in the garden and at home. These are excellent days for planting and replanting any plants, but refrain from watering or treating plants with chemicals. Feed seedlings and house plants only natural fertilizers. Pruning of trees and shrubs, re-grafting. Soil preparation in greenhouses and greenhouses.
April 3 2019, Wed, Waning Moon in Pisces, IV quarter
April, 4 2019, Thu, New Moon days, Moon in Aries from 05:54 Fruit Days. An extremely unfavorable time of the lunar calendar for gardeners. On New Moon Days, sowing, planting and transplanting are prohibited. Give yourself a break from the plants, and give them a break from you. You can only weed and thin out the seedlings, spray the plants against pests and diseases. In the garden, you can cut out dry and diseased branches from bushes and trees. Laying compost, preparing greenhouses and greenhouses for planting.
5th of April 2019, Fri, New Moon at 11:50, Moon in Aries
April 6 2019, Sat, New Moon days, Moon in Taurus from 16:04
April 7 2019, Sun, Waxing Moon in Taurus, 1st quarter Root Days. Very fertile days of the Lunar calendar. Planted plants will delight you with an abundant and tasty harvest that can be stored for a long time. But it has one drawback - the plants will not be suitable for seeds. Carry out all the sowing and planting planned for this month. I won’t get carried away with listing crops, plant whatever the weather allows! But, since Taurus plants grow stocky and stunted, although they bloom beautifully, it is better not to plant large ones.
Any care for the garden, vegetable garden and indoor plants. Just be careful when working with the roots - it’s better not to damage them.
April 8 2019, Mon, Waxing Moon in Taurus, 1st quarter
April 9 2019, Tue, Waxing Moon, 1st quarter, in Gemini from 0:15 Flower Days. Gemini is a sign of average fertility, good for plants that require support, hanging or creeping, as well as root crops. The summer resident's lunar calendar recommends sowing greens, legumes, melons, climbing fruit and ornamental crops, cabbage, strawberries, cucumbers, beets, asparagus, fennel, lettuce, nasturtium, sweet peas, clematis, melons, vines and others. Planting grapes.
Pinching and pinching tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. Intensive watering in the garden and vegetable garden, application of mineral and organic fertilizers. Pay attention to the strawberry beds - loosen the soil and remove last year's leaves.
In the garden, you can carry out sanitary and shaping pruning of trees and shrubs. Treat damage that plants have acquired over the winter.
Indoor plants and seedlings: picking, adding organic and mineral fertilizers, preventive measures against pests and diseases, loosening the soil. Replanting indoor plants, cuttings. Sow seeds of annual flowers.
April 10th 2019, Wed, Waxing Moon in Gemini, 1st quarter
11 April 2019, Thu, Waxing Moon, first quarter, in Cancer from 6:29 Leaf days. The most productive sign, giving a bountiful harvest. The fruits are tasty and very juicy, so they are not stored for a long time and are not suitable for seeds.
Sowing almost all crops: pumpkin, melons, leafy, legumes, green manure, sunflower, tomatoes, eggplant, cucumbers, pumpkin, peppers, radishes, beets, lettuce and others. You can plant early potatoes or put them out for germination. Planting hydrangeas, rhododendrons, deutzia and others. Pruning trees and shrubs, replanting flowers and indoor plants, cuttings. Applying mineral fertilizers, planting seedlings in open ground or a greenhouse. Hilling, loosening, watering.
It is advisable to complete all work on the 12th in the middle of the day in order to give the plants rest during the change of the quarter of the Moon.
12th of April 2019, Fri, Waxing Moon in Cancer, II quarter from 22:07
April 13 2019, Sat, Waxing Moon, 2nd quarter, in Leo from 10:47 Fruit Days. Leo is an infertile sign. Give your plants a rest and get creative. Plan your future vegetable garden and flower garden, make crafts and decorations for the garden. It is allowed to sow only sunflower, lettuce, fennel and basil, the rest are not advisable. Replanting is prohibited. You can carry out formative pruning and fertilizing of ornamental trees and shrubs, loosening and mulching tree trunk circles. Start putting things in order on your site - today is the time to repair the greenhouses and prepare the beds for the coming season. It is possible to repair an old damaged lawn.
14 April 2019, Sun, Waxing Moon in Leo, 2nd quarter
April 15 2019, Mon, Waxing Moon, 2nd quarter, in Virgo from 13:12 Root Days start from 13:12 on the 15th. Virgo is an average sign in terms of fertility, especially good for sowing annual ornamental crops - lobularia, sweet peas, calendula. Planting any garden plants. Sow bell pepper, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, radishes, squash, pumpkin lettuce, root and leaf celery, beets, dill, caraway seeds, valerian, other greens, floral and medicinal plants for seedlings, in a greenhouse or in open ground. Dividing, planting and replanting perennial flowers.
Feeding and watering as needed, picking, thinning.
You can plant trees and shrubs if the snow has melted (grapes, honeysuckle, rose hips)
You can continue this work the next day until 14:22.
April 16 2019, Tue, Waxing Moon in Virgo, 2nd quarter
April 17 2019, Wed, Waxing Moon, 2nd quarter, in Libra from 14:22 Flower Days. Libra will give the plants a harvest with high quality seeds that will be suitable for long-term storage. Sowing seedlings of all types of cabbage, pumpkin crops (with the exception of cucumbers), melons, watermelons, beans, tomatoes, lettuce, ornamental climbing crops: nasturtiums, sweet peas and others. Planting and replanting indoor and garden plants, including trees and shrubs. Grafting and rooting of cuttings. You can't water it.
April 18th 2019, Thu, Full Moon days, Moon in Libra On the days of the Full Moon, planting and sowing are prohibited, except for legumes. Don't disturb the plants. Pay attention to repairs country houses, putting things in order in the house and on the property.
April 19 2019, Fri, Full moon at 14:12, Moon in Scorpio from 15:44
20 April 2019, Sat, Full Moon days, Moon in Scorpio
April 21 2019, Sun, Waning Moon III quarter, in Sagittarius from 19:03 Leaf days. The Moon in Scorpio gives fertility and gives rise to persistent, strong and hardy plants that will reward you with a bountiful harvest, suitable for long-term storage and for seed purposes. Therefore, the Lunar calendar of gardeners and gardeners recommends planting and sowing root crops in greenhouses and open ground: potatoes, carrots, radishes, garlic, beets, root parsley, radishes, turnips, rutabaga, horseradish, parsnips, rhubarb.
Sowing seedlings of early ripening tomatoes, pumpkins, cucumbers, cauliflower and white cabbage, sweet peppers, and eggplants.
Feed and water seedlings and houseplants. Excellent days for working with all types of flowers, especially cacti and succulents - you can safely plant and replant. On this day, it’s a good idea to take care of your lawns - repair old ones or lay out new ones.
In the garden - planting and replanting all types of fruit and berry trees and shrubs, sanitary and anti-aging pruning, grafting, fertilizing, watering.
The use of any chemicals is excluded, both in working with plants and in everyday life.
April 22 2019, Mon, Waning Moon in Sagittarius, III quarter Fruit Days. Sagittarius is a sign of average fertility, good for planting tall ornamental plants. It is also possible to plant strawberry tendrils, onion sets and spring garlic. Sowing red cabbage, radishes, Jerusalem artichoke, sweet potatoes, peanuts, onions on greens and nigella can give good results. Weeding, loosening the soil with crops and indoor plants.
In the garden - treatment of frost wounds and wounds in fruit trees, sanitary pruning of trees, shrubs and large indoor plants, such as hibiscus, ficus, oleander, removal of shoots, treatment against diseases and pests.
You should not pick up seedlings or germinate seeds these days.
April 23 2019, Tue, Waning Moon in Sagittarius, III quarter
April 24 2019, Wed, Waning Moon III quarter, in Capricorn from 1:52 Root Days. Capricorn bears fruit small size, but the harvest will be good. According to the lunar plant calendar, sowing all types of root crops is favorable: potatoes, beets, radishes, radishes, rutabaga, root parsley, onions, parsnips.
Sowing cold-resistant flowers, planting green, spicy and medicinal plants- dill, parsley and others. Soaking seeds, loosening the soil. Feed indoor flowers dry fertilizers. In the garden, planting seedlings and pruning shrubs and trees, grafting.
25th of April 2019, Thu, Waning Moon in Capricorn, III quarter
26 April 2019, Fri, Waning Moon III quarter, in Aquarius from 12:30 Flower Days. On the days of infertile Aquarius, planting, transplanting, sowing, watering and fertilizing are not recommended. Plants grow weak and do not produce crops. True, these are great days for breeders. You can do pinching, weeding, thinning seedlings, pinching and loosening the soil - these days the plants especially need air. Formation of beds, lawn care.
April 27 2019, Sat, Waning Moon in Aquarius, IV quarter from 1:19
April 28 2019, Sun, Waning Moon in Aquarius, IV quarter
April 29 2019, Mon, Waning Moon IV quarter, in Pisces from 1:11 Leaf days. Very productive days of the lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners. The plants will have tasty fruits and strong roots. Planting potatoes, weather and region permitting. Sow annual vegetable and flower crops as seedlings or in open ground, as well as radishes, celery root and rutabaga. Application of organic fertilizers. Planting vegetable seedlings in a greenhouse or beds. Postpone treatment against diseases and pests for other days.
April 30 2019, Tue, Waning Moon in Pisces, IV quarter

With the arrival of April garden plots begin active work. Produced final processing wounds and damage to fruit trees.

Work in the garden, flower garden and vegetable garden in April

In the garden After assessing the condition of the branches of apple and pear trees, as well as currant and gooseberry bushes, begin pruning the branches. Cherries, plums and apricots are not touched yet - it is better to postpone the pruning of stone fruit trees to May.

TO As soon as the snow completely melts from the ground, it is necessary to treat the trees and bushes from diseases and pests and apply half the norm for the year of nitrogen fertilizers.

In April, you need to take care of attracting beneficial birds that destroy pests to the site: install or repair birdhouses, feed tits - sparrows, wagtails, larks, rooks.

At the beginning of April it is necessary inspect and sort out potato tubers , throw away all damaged ones, and disinfect healthy ones with a solution of potassium permanganate. In order for the tubers to germinate by the time the potatoes are planted, they must be heated at a temperature of 20°C.

Greenhouses require special attention on the site. They need to be repaired, all cracks sealed, and the entrance insulated with sawdust. The soil needs to be thoroughly watered, especially if the greenhouse was not filled with snow in winter. The soil in the greenhouse is disinfected copper sulfate, and the frame is treated with caustic soda. Film, glass or polycarbonate must be washed thoroughly clean water, since the layer of dust accumulated over the past season worsens the lighting in the greenhouse.

In the flower garden There is also a lot of work: the covering is removed from roses, lilies, daffodils and tulips. While the ground is wet, you cannot walk on it, so it is best to fence the flower garden. To choose the best day for planting flower bulbs and tubers, dividing bushes flowering plants see our florist calendar.

Sowing of vegetable crops continues in April. Seedlings grown on window sills need abundant sunlight, so it is important to ensure that large plants do not stand too closely and do not shade each other. It is better to discard weak shoots immediately - a rich harvest can hardly be expected from them.

If possible, boxes with seedlings in sunny days It's better to take it outside. Some varieties are planted in the ground or in a greenhouse as early as the end of April, so the soil must be prepared for planting.

To choose the most favorable days for sowing vegetable and flower crops, as well as for carrying out other work in the garden, you need to check the table of work for a gardener, gardener and florist.

Lunar sowing calendar for April 2016

The calendar shows Moscow time.

Favorable days for sowing, planting and transplanting

Unfavorable days for sowing, planting and transplanting

April 1 2016, Fri,
Waning moon in Capricorn, IV quarter
On this day it is not advisable to sow or plant anything. But the plants will respond well to the application of any fertilizer. In the garden, prune.
April 2 2016, Sat,
from 4:38 waning moon in Aquarius, IV quarter
Aquarius - barren sign. It is better not to plant anything, with the exception of root vegetables - radishes, radishes, carrots, onions, parsnip. Watering is not advisable - it can lead to rotting of the roots, only spraying with the addition of organic fertilizers. Loosening the soil, picking seedlings.
April 3 2016, Sun,
waning moon in Aquarius,
IV quarter
April, 4 2016, Mon.
from 8:47 waning moon in Pisces, IV quarter
Sowing in open ground, a greenhouse or seedlings of radishes, carrots, rutabaga, parsley, parsnips, celery. But the harvest will not be stored for long. Watering, fertilizing. In the garden - pruning and grafting.
5th of April 2016, Tue.
waning moon in Pisces,
IV quarter
Sowing seedlings of pumpkin crops, all types of cabbage, tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplants, watermelons, melons, corn, beans, asparagus, salads. Pruning and grafting of trees and shrubs. Fertilizer application.
April 6 2016, Wed,
from 9:47 the moon is in Aries, new moon days
On new moon days, sowing and planting are prohibited. Better start preparing the beds for the future vegetable garden. Good days for applying any fertilizers, mulching, weeding, loosening and watering. Take time to prepare your greenhouses. Place the potatoes to sprout.
April 7 2016, th,
at 14:25 New moon, moon in Aries
April 8 2016, Fri.
from 9:12 waxing moon in Taurus, first quarter
April 9 2016, Sat,
waxing moon in Taurus,
I quarter
Ideal day for planting. Sow seedlings or plant colored and white cabbage, legumes, corn, asparagus, greens and other crops that do not have roots. Flowers planted on this day will delight you with long-lasting blooms. Fertilizer application.
April 10th 2016, Sun,
from 9:00 waxing moon in Gemini, first quarter
Gemini is a low-fertility sign, but ideal for sowing strawberries, climbing plants, roses, beans, herbs and cucumbers. Prepare space in the garden for future plantings, lawns and flower beds. Fighting diseases and pests, spraying, mulching, weeding, loosening the soil and applying fertilizers. Good days to replant indoor plants.
11 April 2016, Mon,
waxing moon in Gemini,
I quarter
12th of April 2016, Tue,
from 11:08 waxing moon in Cancer, first quarter
Cancer is the most fertile sign. The best days for sowing seedlings or planting in a greenhouse all types of vegetable, leafy, spicy and pumpkin crops, cucumbers, cabbage, physalis, asparagus, early ripening varieties of tomatoes and peppers, watermelons, melons, corn, eggplants. Sow annuals and divide the rhizomes of perennial flowers. In the garden - planting seedlings of trees and shrubs, grafting. At home - replanting indoor plants.
April 13 2016, Wed.
waxing moon in Cancer,
I quarter
14th of April 2016, th,
from 16:54 the waxing moon in Leo, the moon enters the second quarter at 7:00
Leo is not a fertile sign. Only fennel and sunflower can be planted. But good days for creativity. Take a break from plants, start planning and decorating the site, making garden furniture And garden sculptures. If you are still drawn to the ground, then you can only do hilling and loosening.
April 15 2016, Fri.
waxing moon in Leo,
II quarter
April 16 2016, Sat,
waxing moon in Leo,
II quarter
April 17 2016, Sun,
from 2:24 waxing moon in Virgo,
II quarter
Sowing annual flowers, lettuce, dill, caraway, artichoke and medicinal plants. Great days for planting and replanting house plants, picking seedlings.
April 18th 2016, Mon,
waxing moon in Virgo,
II quarter
April 19 2016, Tue,
from 14:25
Good days for sowing seedlings, in a greenhouse or open ground, eggplants, watermelons, melons, zucchini, cabbage, corn, pumpkins, sunflowers, lettuce, asparagus, and legumes. In the garden - grafting, planting stone fruit trees. In the flower garden - planting annual and perennial flowers, replanting indoor plants. Hilling and loosening the soil.
20 April 2016, Wed,
waxing moon in Libra, 2nd quarter
April 21 2016, th,
waxing moon in Libra, 2nd quarter
April 22 2016, Fri,
from 3:19 the moon is in Scorpio,
at 8:25 Full moon
On full moon days, sowing is not advisable. Watering plants, organic and mineral supplements. 23.04 Only legumes and climbing crops can be planted.
April 23 2016, Sat,
moon in Scorpio,
full moon days
April 24 2016, Sun, from 15:47 waning moon in Sagittarius,
III quarter
Sowing turnips, beets, radishes, rutabaga, radishes, parsley, carrots, parsnips, potatoes, onions and garlic. Fertilizer application, garden care.
25th of April 2016, Fri,
waning moon in Sagittarius,
III quarter
Planting spring garlic, horseradish, onions on turnips and herbs, radishes, red cabbage. You can plant potatoes. In the garden - pruning and pest control. Replanting indoor plants is not advisable.
26 April 2016, Tue,
waning moon in Sagittarius,
III quarter
April 27 2016, Wed,
from 02:56 waning moon in Capricorn, III quarter
The harvest is intended for long-term storage and for seeds. Good days for sowing root crops, including potatoes, greens, spices and legumes. Plant pepper seedlings if they are more than 60 days old.
Excessive watering and any work with plant roots, especially replanting flowers, are not recommended these days.
April 28 2016, th,
waning moon in Capricorn, third quarter
April 29 2016, Fri,
from 11:48 waning moon in Aquarius, third quarter
These days it is better not to sow or plant anything. But you can take time indoor plants- transplantation, disease and pest control, loosening. In the garden - pruning and mulching of trees and shrubs
April 30 2016, Sat,
waning moon in Aquarius,
at 7:30 the moon enters the fourth quarter

With the help of our Lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners, you can choose the most favorable days for sowing seeds for seedlings.

Moon phases in April 2016

  • New Moon 7. 04.
  • Full moon 22.04.
  • Waxing Moon from 8 to 21.04.
  • Waning Moon from 1 to 6 and from 23 to 30. 04.

The most favorable days for sowing seeds are in April 2016.

Attention! The calendar shows favorable days for planting, but this does not mean that nothing can be planted on other days. You should not sow seeds only in prohibited days. A dash in the table is not a prohibition, but only the absence of favorable days.

culture favorable days for sowing culture favorable days for sowing
zucchini, pumpkin 1, 25, 26 parsley on greens 10, 11, 14, 15
beans, peas 10, 11, 19, 20, 21 parsley root 1, 2, 3, 25, 26, 29, 30
strawberry 10, 19, 20 radish, radish 1, 2, 3, 25 — 30
cabbage 14, 15 salad, chard 10, 11, 14, 15
potato 23, 24, 25, 26 beet 2, 3, 25, 26, 29, 30
bow on feather 10, 11 tomatoes 10, 11, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21
onion on turnip 2, 3, 25, 26, 29, 30 dill, cilantro 10, 11, 14, 15
carrot 2, 3, 25, 26, 29, 30 garlic 1, 25, 26, 27, 28
cucumbers 14, 15, 18, 19 sunflower 14, 15
eggplant, pepper 10, 11, 14, 15 annual flowers 10, 11, 14, 15
hot pepper 1, 27, 28 tuberous flowers 25, 26

Lunar calendar for planting fruit trees for April 2016

The most favorable days for planting trees are in April 2016.

culture culture favorable days for planting
Apple tree 2, 3, 25, 26, 29, 30 sea ​​buckthorn, irga 25, 26, 29
cherries 2, 3, 25 honeysuckle 2, 25, 29, 30
Rowan 7, 8, 28 hawthorn 3, 26, 30
hazel (hazel) 2, 3, 25, 29 pear, quince 2, 3, 29, 30
raspberries, currants, gooseberries 3, 25, 30 cherry, plum, apricot 2, 3, 29, 30

Unfavorable days for sowing and planting in April 2016

Lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners for April 2016

date Moon in Zodiac signs Recommended works.
April 1, 2016 Fri. Waning Moon in Capricorn Capricorn is a fertile sign of the Zodiac; you can safely plant all types of vegetable crops in the greenhouse, seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, annual and perennial flowers. Try to water all the seedlings abundantly on this day.
April 2, 2016 Sat. Waning Moon in Aquarius Sowing and planting are not recommended. Spend the day working with the soil in the greenhouse and in the garden: weeding, loosening, thinning. Pruning trees and shrubs, but don’t plan to water on April 2, the roots will need air more than moisture.
April 3, 2016 Sun. Waning Moon in Aquarius
April 4, 2016 Mon. Waning Moon in Pisces According to Lunnoy sowing calendar It is recommended to sow cabbage, leeks, and pumpkin (cucumbers, zucchini) seedlings for growing in a greenhouse. You can sow radishes under the film. It is better to refrain from watering.
April 5, 2016 Tue. Waning Moon in Pisces
April 6, 2016 Wed. Waning Moon in Aries Days prohibited for working with plants, no planting, replanting or sowing.
April 7, 2016 Thu. New Moon Moon in Aries
April 8, 2016 Fri. Waxing Moon in Taurus
April 9, 2016 Sat. Waxing Moon in Taurus A good time to plant cabbage (any kind), zucchini, cucumbers, and herbs. Plant cold-resistant annual and perennial flowers under the film.
April 10, 2016 Sun. Waxing Moon in Gemini Twins - bad sign for gardeners and gardeners. There is no point in sowing, planting or replanting plants today. You can carry out sanitary pruning of trees in the garden, fruit bushes, treatment against pests and diseases.
April 11, 2016 Mon. Waxing Moon in Gemini
April 12, 2016 Tue. Waxing Moon in Cancer The Moon is in the most fertile sign of the Zodiac. The ideal time to plant any vegetable and flower crops. Grafting and pruning of garden trees, fertilizing, watering.
April 13, 2016 Wed. Waxing Moon in Cancer
April 14, 2016 Thu. First Quarter Moon in Leo If you are planning on laying a lawn this spring, today is a great time to do it. It is better to postpone planting flower and vegetable crops for several days. Treating plants against pests will give good results. Do not disturb the soil under the plantings - injured roots will not heal for a long time.
April 15, 2016 Fri. Waxing Moon in Leo
April 16, 2016 Sat. Waxing Moon in Leo
April 17, 2016 Sun. Waxing Moon in Virgo Virgo is a neutral sign in the sowing calendar. Landing at this time does not provide any advantages, but also does not threaten any losses. It is allowed to plant seedlings of cold-resistant vegetables and flowers in open ground.
April 18, 2016 Mon. Waxing Moon in Virgo
April 19, 2016 Tue. Waxing Moon in Libra Libra is not a favorable sign for gardeners; it is better to give up sowing and planting and start pruning, weeding, grafting, and pest control. Water very sparingly these days too.
April 20, 2016 Wed. Waxing Moon in Libra
April 21, 2016 Thu. Waxing Moon in Libra Before the full moon, it is not prohibited, but it is not recommended to sow seeds, pick or plant seedlings
April 22, 2016 Fri. Full Moon Moon in Scorpio Prohibited day for working with plants.
April 23, 2016 Sat. Waning Moon in Scorpio It is very undesirable to disturb plants on the first day after the full moon.
April 24, 2016 Sun. Waning Moon in Sagittarius Sagittarius is a good, fertile sign. All types of gardening work are recommended (especially planting root crops and controlling pests that live in the ground). Do not over-moisten the soil when watering, this can cause root rot.
April 25, 2016 Mon. Waning Moon in Sagittarius
April 26, 2016 Tue. Waning Moon in Sagittarius
April 27, 2016 Wed. Waning Moon in Capricorn Favorable time for sowing root crops, planting potatoes (provided that the ground has warmed up sufficiently) Plant seedlings of vegetables in the greenhouse, cold-resistant vegetables and under film cover flower crops. Feed the seedlings organic fertilizer, water abundantly - plants need a lot of moisture these days.
April 28, 2016 Thu. Waning Moon in Capricorn
April 29, 2016 Fri. Waning Moon in Aquarius According to the Lunar sowing calendar, gardeners are not recommended to carry out work on planting and transplanting seedlings, as well as watering and feeding plants. It is better to devote these days to soil care, pest control, and sanitary pruning.
April 30, 2016 Sat. Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius

For more information about the work of gardeners, gardeners and flower growers in April, read the article

We took care of those who like to tinker with “6 hundred parts” and prepared a special moon calendar gardener with everyone necessary recommendations. With us you can choose optimal timing carrying out agrotechnical works and achieve success in gardening.

April is one of the most intense months in terms of workload, as it brings a lot of trouble - it is necessary to finish all previously unfinished tasks and relieve May as much as possible.

This month they plant radishes, salads, parsley, potatoes, carrots, peas, beans, you can also plant cabbage, kohlrabi, broccoli, beets, if the air temperature remains at 6-8 degrees. At the end of April, the planted seedlings should be picked. Do not forget to plant trees and shrubs, having previously treated the crop against pests and diseases. It is good to plant raspberries, viburnum, sea buckthorn and gooseberries.

Date and phase of the moon

Waning Moon in Capricorn

An excellent day for planting flowers, fruit and stone fruit trees, and leguminous plants.

Waning Moon in Aquarius

Hilling, mulching and spraying will be effective. You can start loosening and cultivating. Transplant and plant vegetables and fruit trees not worth it.

Waning Moon in Aquarius

A bad day for sowing or planting any vegetables and trees. Pay attention to loosening, spraying, cultivating and mulching.

Waning Moon in Pisces

It is better to plant legumes, flowers, various trees and shrubs.

Waning Moon in Pisces

Any type of planting and sowing is prohibited.

Waning Moon in Aries

It is recommended to plant tuberous plants. Fertilizing, grafting and pruning trees, and watering will have a good effect.

New moon

Trees and potatoes are not planted on this day; it is better to plant tuber crops. It is better to fertilize, prune and graft shrubs and trees, and water.

Waxing Moon in Taurus

Apply fertilizing, grafting and pruning of shrubs and trees. Planting trees and potatoes is prohibited, but tuber crops can be planted.

Waxing Moon in Taurus

It is worth cultivating, you can destroy pests, and weed the beds.

Waxing Moon in Gemini

Today it is better to cultivate, weed the beds, and fight pests.

Waxing Moon in Gemini

An excellent day for planting turnips, potatoes, radishes, and rutabaga. It is better not to touch the flowers.

Waxing Moon in Cancer

You can plant potatoes, turnips, rutabaga, and radishes. Flowers still cannot be replanted.

Waxing Moon in Cancer

Tree and bush pruning is recommended. Planting and sowing will not give the desired result, but fumigation will be successful.

Waxing Moon in Leo

Pruning trees and bushes, fumigating and spraying will give good results. Planting and sowing should not be carried out.

Waxing Moon in Leo

The day is suitable for fertilizing and loosening the soil. Planting radishes and turnips will be successful.

Waxing Moon in Leo

You can apply fertilizing, plant and sow, and loosen the soil. The day is suitable for planting turnips and radishes.

Waxing Moon in Virgo

The day is good for planting any plants.

Waxing Moon in Virgo

It is better to get rid of pests, trim and mulch the trees.

Waxing Moon in Libra

All sowing and planting are unsuccessful.

Waxing Moon in Libra

You can plant lettuce and cabbage, trim bushes and trees.

Waxing Moon in Libra

Great time to sow lettuce and cabbage.

Full moon

It is recommended to plant any climbing and legume crops. You can fumigate and spray, remove excess shoots, and prepare areas for lawns.

Waning Moon in Scorpio

It is better to start removing excess shoots and planting climbing or legume crops. Spraying and fumigation can be carried out.

Waning Moon in Sagittarius

Plant tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, squash, beans and zucchini today.

Waning Moon in Sagittarius

Eggplants, tomatoes, zucchini, cabbage, squash, peppers - all this can be planted today.

Waning Moon in Sagittarius

A suitable day for preparing beds for planting, planting trees and shrubs, pruning bushes, eliminating pests, and mulching. You should not replant or plant vegetables on this day.

Waning Moon in Capricorn

It is recommended to prune trees and combat aboveground pests, carry out mulching. Transplantation and sowing of any garden crops will not lead to success.

Waning Moon in Capricorn