home · Measurements · Creative ideas and photos for decorating your country yard with your own hands. Design project for the courtyard of a private house, photos of modern courtyards Beautiful houses with beautiful courtyards

Creative ideas and photos for decorating your country yard with your own hands. Design project for the courtyard of a private house, photos of modern courtyards Beautiful houses with beautiful courtyards

Having a country estate, even a small one, is a great happiness. Where else, if not at the dacha, can you take a break from the bustle of the city, dust, noise and din, enrich yourself with pleasant impressions, tasting the aromas of your favorite flowers, listening to the gentle singing of birds and enjoying the peace and tranquility, as well as creative communication over a cup of tea, among friends and loved ones.

And if your garden plot is designed taking into account modern principles of landscape design, this will best satisfy your needs and give a pleasant experience to those around you.

Smart yard planning

The adjacent area around a private house or country cottage usually called a yard. And the first impression of homeowners is formed from the condition of this particular plot of land on the estate.

Practical and original design suburban area is called landscape design, which begins with competent planning of the yard.

Absolutely all subtleties and nuances should be taken into account at the initial or preliminary planning stage. Ask yourself, “What does a ‘beautiful yard’ mean to me?” Write down all the wishes of all your family members on a particular issue so that disagreements do not arise in the future. Because everyone has different tastes and preferences. Some people like stricter lines, straight paths and elaborately trimmed shrubs, while others prefer gentler lines, winding paths and sleek shapes. Therefore, you need to find common points contact so that nothing irritates anyone.

Sketch on paper what you want to see on the site

Also consider whether you have pets and your lifestyle. If you have a car (as a rule, almost everyone who has Vacation home If you have a car, be sure to provide a parking space. Also think about having a bathhouse and a pond or font near it. After you have discussed all the pros and cons, sketch out the territorial location of all buildings, taking into account that they should be located evenly and harmoniously relative to each other and relative to the main building - a residential building.

What do we pay attention to when planning

  1. Terrain. If the terrain is too hilly, has slopes, holes or ravines, then it is better, of course, to level it using a grader. If hills are not everywhere, then you can turn the disadvantages of the terrain into advantages by installing steps, smoothing out the transition and creating a small cozy corner for relaxation, for example, or another functional area.
  2. Hedge. It is definitely necessary to designate your possessions, but in what way, everyone decides for themselves. Currently very popular. It's really beautiful, practical and modern. You can also diversify the internal delimitation of space with small decorative fences with fancy colors.
  3. Natural lighting. Smart planning allows for zoning of the territory in such a way that sunny places are reserved for a children's playground and outdoor games, and shady places are for secluded relaxation in a gazebo, shrouded in shade-loving plants. at night it is also important to think carefully.
  4. Climatic features. The climatic features of the region in which your site is located are very important for landscape design, as they set their own flavor and style. For example, in the southern regions it is advisable to put up a trellis decorated with grapevines, but in the northern regions this would be inappropriate.
  5. Groundwater level and presence of reservoirs. A thorough check of the soil will show in which place the drainage system should be installed, as well as communications for watering plants and the functioning of fountains, pools, ponds, etc.

Main principle landscape design of the yard lies in the issue of landscaping

Vegetation for landscaping the yard should be selected with different flowering seasons, then the beauty of the garden will delight you all year round!

When planning the landscaping of a site, carefully consider what needs to be hidden on the site (for example, unsightly buildings or defects in buildings or communications), and what, on the contrary, can be emphasized, for example beautiful facade houses, fountain or . Large and chic or small and modest flower beds always remain the main decoration of the local area.

Help in choosing plants (video)

Paths, steps, flower beds

This means not only clean feet in rainy weather, but also comfortable and safe movement around the site for the whole family and guests. And also thanks to the paths, you can skillfully highlight an attractive area on the site or delimit the territory as a whole. Garden paths can be designed according to the style of landscape design. You can also decorate the steps in an original way, for example, with lighting or flower beds.

Brick and gravel garden path

If the climb is too steep, you can dream up unusual railings, perhaps with vertical gardening, adhering to the style orientation. And, as already mentioned, a cozy yard landscape design is impossible without flower beds. Only they can bring special attractiveness to the overall layout of the territory and be the main decoration of the yard. Flower beds can be combined into garden compositions, for example, in the form of flower beds, mixborders, border front gardens, ridges, alpine slides, etc. The lush green lawn will add exquisite charm to any area.

Flower garden along the paths

If the main purpose of the lawn on the site is decorative, then a mixture of grasses can be chosen as desired, taking into account their frost resistance. And if you are planning a place for relaxation, outdoor games and sports, then you should choose varieties that are resistant to physical activity.

Picturesque bodies of water

Reservoirs on the site, be it a small pond with white lilies, or running streams with clear water, or cascades of decorative waterfalls, will always highlight the beauty of your site in a special way. Ponds also have a calming effect on people of any age, improve mood and reduce unnecessary tension. But in order for such beauty to function and tirelessly please the eye, you need to work hard, perhaps turn to specialists. Just like before developing any reservoir, you need to carefully examine the terrain, soil, groundwater level, conduct communications, and then take proper care of the cleanliness and functioning of the reservoir.

Pond at the dacha

Original lighting

Of course, the lighting of the site should, at a minimum, create safe movement around the site in the dark, and, at a maximum, emphasize presentable places in the landscape design of the yard and reflect the original effects of light and shadow.

Professionals in this field advise placing lighting fixtures in such a way that the outlines of the perimeter of the yard are visible, as well as highlighting garden paths, steps, a pond, and a rock garden. But mainly the facade of the building, the main entrance to the house and the space near the garage should be illuminated. LED strips can be used to illuminate trees and shrubs. Good energy savings will be achieved by using energy-powered lamps sunlight.

Night lighting

Several ideas for arranging a recreation area

The main entrance to the house, of course, may imply the presence of a terrace or a small place next to the house for recreation, but, as a rule, a landscaped recreation area is allocated to the territory in the backyard. Comfortable stay on fresh air provides for the presence of an area for relaxation and dining procedures, with appropriate furniture and style. You can create a relaxation area in rustic style, which characterizes itself with wooden flooring, wooden or wicker furniture, as well as lush greenery of perennial plants located along the perimeter.

A distinctive feature of the European style is the presence of a platform lined with stone or concrete slabs, possibly interspersed with pebbles or gravel. It is better to limit such a base to borders made of metal or polycarbonate.

Regardless of one style or another, if the dining area is under a canopy, this will make it possible to eat outdoors in any weather

Also very popular in the recreation area is the presence of a decorative hearth, fireplace or Asian tandoor oven. Furniture, as already mentioned, must correspond to a certain style and be practical and comfortable. The most convenient and practical will be folding and lightweight furniture, which can be assembled and stored indoors during the cold season without much difficulty. One of the most popular is furniture made of plastic or rattan. Products made from bamboo, forged metal and wood are also good.

Do not forget! Patio furniture requires constant maintenance. Wooden furniture should be treated with special antiseptic agents and varnished. Rattan furniture should be protected from moisture. Wrought iron furniture must be tinted and monitored to protect it from metal corrosion.

And once again about the style orientation

Of course, if you have planned to implement your own specific innovations in the landscape design of your yard, then this is very cool. Your imagination and personal creativity will always delight you in a special way. And if you have not yet decided what is best for you, do not despair, there is always the opportunity to see different options and implement the most suitable one into reality. We propose to consider the most common types of stylistic trends.

English style yard decoration

This style is characterized by a landscape garden with smooth lines and transitions, with a natural arrangement of objects. Tiered smooth arrangement of elements, starting with flowers, smoothly turning into shrubs and ending with trees. There are no symmetrical or strict lines. The paths are most often winding, leading to cascading slopes or artificial reservoirs.

English style

Japanese style yard decoration

This style suggests a reflection of Japanese culture and certain Japanese traditions. It is necessary to have an artificial reservoir, or even two reservoirs with bridges across them, or at least through one. Near a reservoir decorated in Japanese style gazebo and the presence of decorative stones. As for green spaces, preference is given to dwarf pines, juniper and rhododendron. Japanese style is distinguished by its originality and originality.

Japanese style

Mediterranean style backyard design

The Mediterranean style is sunny and colorful, providing a patio where wicker or wrought iron furniture will find its most precise purpose. A hammock or sun lounger can also add some extra value. The paths are paved natural stone light colors. A bunch of bright colors in ceramic pots will best decorate this style. A gazebo in a sophisticated design, entwined climbing plants and miniature fountains will add an exotic touch.

Mediterranean style

There is a wide variety of types of stylistic trends, but whatever choice you make, the main thing is that the appearance of your site brings you joy for many years, then hard work will be a joy.

Examples of garden design (video)

Country cottage or a private house within the city - a source of pride for the owners. Once upon a time, such housing was certainly associated with beds, vegetable gardens and greenhouses. But times are changing, and the functional use of the yard area has long faded into the background. Landscape design has gradually reached even the most remote villages; private houses are now real miniature recreation parks. Where potatoes grew, now spreads decorative pond, in place of the greenhouses, gazebos rise, and the beds have been replaced with flower beds and fountains.

It takes a lot of effort to decorate the area adjacent to the house, and maintaining order requires quite a lot of time. But all your hard work is rewarded by what you get in return luxury place for relaxing in silence or gathering with a noisy company.

The courtyard of a private house is made on several levels

You can create a dining area in the backyard

A small bridge in the courtyard of a private house

The first stage of designing a yard design is choosing a stylistic direction. This choice plays a huge role, since it determines in what direction the designer needs to move further. It’s worth making a decision here not only based on personal preferences, but also taking into account the following factors:

  • the area you have;
  • the limit of time that you allow to be spent on maintaining the proper appearance of the yard;
  • climate and soil type.

There are several most popular options that experts offer for the design of the courtyard of a private house.

This style is ideal if the house is located in the back of the plot and shows an open facade. Then in the yard you can place an alley leading to front door, and arrange a recreation area in the backyard.

English style assumes maximum naturalness. The territory should look as if a person’s hand never touched it. This means smooth lines, no asymmetry, no meandering paths and no landscape irregularities. Plants are usually placed in tiers: first grass and flowers, then shrubs and trees.

An artificial reservoir in the form of a small pond would also fit perfectly here.

Original path made from wood cuts

Selecting a recreation area with bushes

Japanese style

Here a body of water is not just desirable, but mandatory element. Usually he is central object, and everything else is built around it. The pond is decorated with bridges, stones, and gazebos are installed on its banks. The main representatives of the flora are rhododendron, juniper and dwarf pine.

Japanese style is quite complex in design and perception; its beauty is deeper and reveals itself gradually.

Such a courtyard encourages philosophical reasoning, relaxes and gives a person peace of mind.

Paths connect all functional areas on the site

Backyard with dining area

Relaxation area in the courtyard of a private house

Mediterranean style

A harmonious combination of ancient Greek and Roman styles, this Mediterranean style is a favorite of landscape designers and evokes the wondrous beauty of southern nature.

Its distinctive feature is the abundance of stone in all its manifestations: marble chips, sea pebbles, and simply unprocessed rocks.

A Mediterranean-style yard should be associated with a mountain coast, so it is customary to place various hills on it. It could be a staircase retaining wall or a slope with a terrace located on it.

Plants play a huge role here. In such gardens, topiary is widely used - curly cutting of plants and giving them fancy shapes. In addition, the Mediterranean flora delights with delicious fruits: citruses, pistachios and olives. Small palm trees, flower beds planted with roses or variegated perennial flowers, and lawns of herbs are also used.

As for architectural elements, there are plenty of them here. A patio is set up in the inner part, the area is decorated with arches, terraces and hedges, and, of course, fountains.

In the backyard you can organize a small fountain and put a dining table

You can arrange a gazebo in the yard

Planning the yard design

A beautiful yard plays a very important role, because it is where the first impression of the house and its owners begins. Therefore, the garden plot should be given no less attention than the cottage itself.

In order to save time and money, avoid alterations and reconstructions, when starting planning, it is worth answering a couple of questions.

What is more important to you – beauty or practicality?

If the need for practical use prevails, then first place the most necessary things in the yard, and only after that fill the free space with decorative elements.

What will you use the yard for? Do you often get together with friends and have get-togethers outdoors?

Planning to relax alone? Take care of a shady corner, install a fountain or pond. Gathering a group of friends? Build a gazebo and equip the area with a place for cooking.

Do you have children and pets?

Take care of their safety. Avoid deep bodies of water and be careful with fire and electrical wiring.

How do you imagine a beautiful yard?

Choose a style according to your own preferences, add decorative elements, plant plants.

Thematic corners in the yard

Zoning different areas of the yard
can be made with plants

Relaxation area on the site of a private house

All your subsequent decisions depend on the answers to these questions. This is especially true for small yards, where it is not possible to arrange everything at once, and you have to prioritize.

Having some plan in mind for creating a landscape design, you can begin arranging objects on the ground. It is recommended to mentally divide the area into squares responsible for different functional areas. Each zone will correspond to one key figure - a gazebo, rock garden, pond, flower bed or patio. This way, all objects will be distributed evenly and balanced throughout the yard.

Before proceeding directly to construction, check the condition of the territory. If water accumulation is detected, install drainage. At the same stage, all communications necessary for watering plants and operating reservoirs are laid.

The courtyard of a private house is made on several levels

You can set up a dining table in the backyard

Laying the paths

After we have divided the territory into zones, it is necessary to make sure that you can easily move between them. To do this, it is worth equipping special paths in the yard. They can be completely different: some will like winding paths, some will prefer straight trajectories, and some will like something in between.

The track material also provides a huge choice:

  • large flat stones;
  • brick;
  • gravel;
  • concrete plates;
  • cobblestone.

Paths can be left without fencing or emphasized with a small fence or decorative border.

If the area is uneven, it can be designed in different planes, connecting adjacent segments using stairs.

Planting plants

At first glance, it may seem that planting plants is an issue that cannot cause any particular difficulties. However, many horticultural crops are quite capricious and excessive self-confidence here can lead to the fact that after some time all the work done will have to be redone again. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to follow a number of rules when landscaping your yard.

  1. Do not place coniferous plants and shrubs in covered areas. Despite the fact that they look quite impressive here, removing their needles from the terrace every morning is far from the best thing.
  2. Don’t bother yourself with overly whimsical plants that require constant care. If you don’t feel a particular craving for gardening in your soul, then opt for more modest bushes and trees.
  3. A pond implies elegant decor, but not plants rinsing their leaves in it. Therefore, deciduous plants should be kept away from it.
  4. The trend of replacing fences with hedges is gaining popularity. The plants used should be quite dense and have an average height, since too tall ones will look sloppy, and low ones will not be able to cover the area from prying eyes.
  5. There is no area that would not be decorated beautiful flower bed with flowers. You can break one large one or several small ones. But remember that if you plant several at once, it is important that they are combined with each other.
  6. A small area is not a reason to refuse landscaping. Use a vertical arrangement using alpine slides, ledges and cascades.

You can put a decorative well in the yard

Japanese style house design against a forest background

The stone fountain in the middle of the yard looks very beautiful

Arranging decorative elements

In order for the appearance of the garden plot to be complete and make it clear that professionals have had a hand here, you should add some decorative elements to the landscape design.

Classics of the genre - garden sculptures. They should be consistent in style with the overall design of not only the site, but also the house. These can be either classical statues or abstract installations. Great importance has their size, which is selected depending on the free space you have. They can beneficially fill the free space of a large yard, but it is better not to clutter up a small area with them.

Decorative arches look good on almost any site. To create an additional effect, they are covered with ivy or other plants, and special lighting is selected for them. They can be placed singly, one after another, or in one row.

Be sure to maintain the overall style with your decor. If this is Provence, then they will come to the place clay pots and wicker fences; amphoras would be appropriate for the Mediterranean style different sizes, and a bit of magic can be added to the garden with the help of figurines of animals, gnomes and others fairy tale characters. Last option Your children will definitely appreciate it.

Stones combined with flowers will perfectly complement the design of the yard

You can make a path out of stones, and plant cetaceans nearby

We create reservoirs

Just imagine how pleasant it is to enjoy the coolness of a clean pond in a shady corner of your own garden on a hot summer afternoon. Construction of a reservoir is a rather labor-intensive, but worthwhile process.

An artificial pond can be made in completely different variations.

  • Small pond. Populate it with fish, decorate it with stones and water lilies, and this place will become of great interest to guests, and will also become a favorite place to play for the younger generation.
  • Elegant fountain. This structure can take up very little space and is suitable for small yards. But its pleasant splashes will be a real salvation from the summer heat.
  • A mischievous stream or a miniature waterfall. Their murmur relaxes and creates a unique atmosphere of relaxation alone with nature.

To make it pleasant to be in the yard, you need to keep it clean

Well-groomed flowers and trees will look great in your yard

You can plant flowers next to the path

Lighting up the area

Artificial yard lighting performs several important functions at once.

  • Provides the ability to move in the absence of natural light.
  • Beneficially illuminates decorative elements, creating their aesthetic appearance.

The lighting should be installed so as to cover the entire perimeter, leaving no dark corners and equip all stairs and paths.

The mandatory lighting program also includes the following elements:

  • house facade;
  • outbuildings;
  • parking;
  • main entrance;
  • rest zone.

After that, we move on to decorative elements. It would be a shame if all this beauty can only be enjoyed during daylight hours. Therefore, we also shed light on all the fountains, alpine slides, sculptures and flower beds.

LED strips will be a real find for decorating a night garden. They can highlight the beauty of trees or place them along the edge of the steps of a staircase.

You can decorate the yard with flowers

Design of a private house yard with a gazebo

We will organize a resting place with a fireplace

The territory of the personal plot is asking for a place to cook food over an open fire. The most common options for such a place are grills and barbecues, but you can also find a more unconventional approach.

  • Tandoor. This Asian stove is quite bulky, so be sure to consider your capabilities when installing it. You can build this stove either with your own hands or purchase a ready-made one.
  • Outdoor fireplace. It creates an amazing impression as if you were just sitting in the living room and were somehow magically transported to the garden. Place upholstered furniture near it and make yourself comfortable, enjoying both the beauty of nature and the warmth of home.

Owners of private houses with adjacent territories are truly lucky - landscape design opens up many opportunities for their aesthetic and functional arrangement. In the courtyard own home you will find a garden for walking, a relaxation area, and even a place for cooking.

Video: Arranging the yard of a private house

50 photos of private house yard design ideas:

Our home is our fortress. That's where we spend most time. But we are created in such a way that the place in which we live should be beautiful. A person loves comfort, warmth, beauty and originality. Such moments are important not only for interior decoration, but also for the area from the outside.

Agree that an abandoned house that is overgrown with weeds, cluttered with unnecessary things and looks untidy is not as pleasant to look at as a well-groomed, clean and tidy house. We can say that the building itself and the site personify the owner.

In order for your home to be worthy, beautiful and say only good things about you, you need to seriously think about the design of the site. Here you need an individual approach, professional advice and some rules to help you complete the correct design of the yard of a private house. Let's find out how to create quality landscaping and transform your home. A visual photos will help you have an idea about the work.

The main thing is the layout of the site

Yard private houses- this is the area that is adjacent to your home. She greets not only you, but also other guests and neighbors. The overall impression of the house will depend on its appearance from the outside. This is why it is so important to tackle the exterior as quickly as possible. And to do it efficiently, you need to plan your landscape.

But, before doing this, it is important to note that a beautiful design may be different for everyone, since, as they say, there are no comrades according to taste and color. You must understand for yourself what you think beauty is. There are many factors that influence choice and preference:

  1. Some prefer the convenience and practicality of the site, while others create the design of the house to impress the neighbors.
  2. Lifestyle also plays a big role. Are you often at home? Or do you come there to spend the night?
  3. Do you have children? Then the design of the house and the layout will be done so that there is a playground for them, and staying on the site is not traumatic.
  4. Almost the same can be said about pets. If they are, then the layout of the yard will be slightly different.
  5. How often do you invite guests to your place for barbecues or barbecues? Do you like to relax outdoors in a gazebo in your yard?

All these factors play an important role when decorating a yard in a private house. If you take these nuances into account, you can speed up the work process and save money.

It is worth noting that the landscape design of the yard directly depends on the size of the area near the house. The larger it is, the more diverse, practical, beautiful and richer the house can be decorated. Here your imagination may not be limited. But what you will need to say goodbye to is finances. After all, the more you want to do in your yard, the more everything will cost.

As for decorating a small courtyard, you need to set your priorities correctly, because everything that you might want to do on the territory may simply not fit. It’s no longer possible to create a large children’s playground with space for barbecues, relaxation and flower beds. In the photo you can see an approximate plan from which you can start when designing a plot in the yard.

Based on the plan, you need to make markings on the ground where all the objects will be located. Among them are a gazebo, flower bed, path, pond, patio, rock gardens and other desired buildings. As professionals advise, the entire area can be divided into squares. In each of them, place one of the key figures (a decorative element or a structural building). This way everything will look beautiful, organic, not messy and even. Such balance in the interior of the site is very important. The photo shows how beautifully and correctly everything can be placed on the site near the house.

Note! Before you start construction works in the yard, check the condition of the area. If you find water accumulation, it is important to drain it. The same applies to communication wiring, especially when placing a fountain, irrigation system or artificial reservoir on the site.

Arrangement of paths, steps and flower beds in the yard

Despite their unprepossessing appearance, garden paths play a very important role in the landscape design of a yard. Not only do they perform a practical function, which is to provide comfortable and safe travel along the site, and paths can also zone and decorate the area in front of the house. What can you make paths for your yard from? Here are a few options for you to consider:

  • made of wood;
  • from flat and large stones;

The borders themselves can also be different. Here everything depends on your desire and imagination. Some even make them from glass bottles, which looks quite nice. And if you combine materials for paths on the site, you can get a functional and practical coating that will decorate the yard.

You may be surprised, but geometry in landscape design is very important. Someone, for example, sees harmony and balance in the smooth lines of the yard, oval flower beds, round shapes structures and winding paths. And some prefer a strict and clear design, expressed in straight garden paths, bushes with a line of shape and in a flat lawn, cut to a line. What is your ideal yard landscape design? Think about it and make it happen.

What private house would be complete without a flower bed? It brings sophistication to the design, dilutes it, decorates and transforms the area. If you need to beautifully decorate your yard, then you can’t do without a flower bed. At the same time, it is important to plant flowers not of one type, but of a variety, so that they replace each other in flowering, differ in color and appearance.

It is a good idea to plant perennial plants in your yard that will bloom all year round. You can plant flowers not only in the ground. Pots, cache-pots, boxes near the house, etc. are suitable for this purpose. A flowerbed can be made in a wide variety of ways. Here in the photo is one original idea for creating a flower bed on the site.

If the landscape on the site is hilly, do not rush to take up the tools and level it. Such a struggle with nature may be unnecessary; it is better to use this feature to its advantage. For example, you can create beautiful steps on a hill or in a lowland. Such a decorative structure in the yard will serve as a focal point and can attract the attention of others.

Fountains, cascades and artificial ponds in the yard

If your finances allow you, and the territory is quite large, then you can decorate the yard in a special way by placing a fountain or an artificial pond on it. Such designs can often be seen in the landscape design of expensive estates or cottages. This trend is inherent in the oriental style, which cannot do without natural stones, plants and water. It’s not for nothing that the Japanese believe that water is the source of life and a symbol of harmony.

We would like to say right away that organizing a reservoir on a site is not an easy task, but it is worth it. You cannot do this without the help of professionals. It is important to choose the right location, carry out the wiring of communications and design everything technologically correctly. Look at the photo how beautifully a small pond fits into the design of the site.

Let there be light

Equally important for the site is lighting. This is a guarantee of your safety. And you can relax in the yard with company longer. Lights can make a big difference in the overall perception of a site. Look at the photo to make sure that a beautiful house cannot do without high-quality lighting.

Note! Thanks to spot lighting of the yard, you can highlight significant decorative items in your landscape design.

First you need to think about the functionality of the lighting. What is it about? This is illumination of the facade of the building, illumination of the terrace, gazebo, train to the garage, bathhouse and main entrance. And only then you can decorate other elements. As landscape design professionals advise, lighting should be placed so that at night the outline of the perimeter of the yard, as well as how to move around it, is clearly visible. That's why some people light up their steps and garden paths.

Where else can you install lights in the yard? Flowerbed, garden sculpture, pond, rock garden, trees or shrubs - all this can be highlighted. As lighting fixtures lanterns, lamps, garlands, decorative lamps, etc. are used. Decide for yourself what to use and where.

Beautiful courtyard of a private house with your own hands photo.


As you can see, making your home and its grounds beautiful is not so difficult. It is important to adhere to the rules, decide on the layout of the yard and make all your dreams come true. In addition, you can create a dining area, a recreation area, an area for children on the site, install a barbecue or barbecue, a gazebo, etc. All this decorates the yard near the house and makes it functional. Based on the free space on the territory and your financial capabilities. Then you will have a beautiful house with a yard, which will make living in even more pleasant.

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D For owners of country houses, spring is a favorite time when... summer cottage you can design and create the most creative and original ideas and turn the local area into a colorful flower garden or a luxurious park. Flower beds in the courtyard of a private house bring great joy, photos of which can be seen in this review. Flowers are the most important element when creating landscape design, so before planting trees and various vegetables on the site, it is worth considering where to leave space for creating a flower garden.

Free-form flower garden

Front gardens and various flower beds bring vitality to the area. You should not immediately take on complex compositions. Using the advice of professionals, you can create interesting landscape solutions.

The first time you can choose suitable option and complete everything step by step. Flower beds can be vertical, horizontal, and also in the form of rockeries and alpine slides.

Flower beds in the courtyard of a private house, photos of which you can see, come in various shapes:

  • The most common geometries are circle and oval. They create beautiful compositions, starting from the outline of the structure and gaining strength towards the central part.

  • In a flower garden with a square configuration, bright and rich ornaments are created. The simplicity of this geometry allows you to create beautiful patterns.

  • Flower beds in the shape of a triangle or star look impressive.

  • Landscape design can be decorated with structures of irregular configuration. Such elements fit perfectly into awkward areas.

Expert's point of view

Oksana Borisova

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Types of flower beds

You can examine and select flower beds in the courtyard of a private house based on the photo. There are several original types of flower beds. They mainly differ in materials and purpose.

The following options are worth considering:

  • The ridge is a flat structure that consists of various plants. It can be on one side.

  • The front garden is the space in front of the house, which may border the road.

  • Arabesques will appeal to lovers of non-standard solutions. In this case, low-growing crops are used, which are planted in the form of geometric shapes. In addition, stones, lawn grass and fine gravel are used.

  • A rock garden is a hill of stones on the surface of which shrubs and plants are planted.

Related article:

DIY Alpine slide. Step-by-step photos, drawings and competent planning of your own unique composition on your summer cottage. Recommendations from designers and some tricks in special material.

  • A tapeworm is a flower garden planted with flowers that have a common characteristic.

Stylish solution - solitaire

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Review of conifers and deciduous plants for creating a beautiful hedge yourself, examples beautiful solutions and care tips in a special publication.
  • The rockery consists of a mixture of stones and plants.

Stages of creating a flower bed

The creation and design of flower beds in the courtyard of a private house photo is characterized by strict consistency. It is necessary to properly cultivate the soil and select and plant flowers.

Choosing a suitable location

Before you start making flower arrangements, it is recommended to draw and mark the project on paper. The shape of the structure is selected depending on the style of construction and the surrounding landscape. The site is selected so that the plants receive lighting for at least five hours a day. It is better to choose a sunny place without drafts. Lawn grass and weeds are removed from the selected area.

Expert's point of view

Oksana Borisova

Leading landscape engineer "SpetsParkDesign"

Ask a Question

“In the planned project, it is necessary to take into account the flowering periods of the selected crops. In order for flowering to occur throughout the year, in addition to flowers, it is worth using various cultures with evergreen cover."

How to determine the type of soil?

A flower garden can be planted in an area with any type of soil. If the soil is clayey, you can add sand. Poor soil can be fertilized with compost. It increases soil fertility and also improves air exchange. Peat is used as fertilizer. You can choose suitable plants for any soil.

Methods for preparing soil loosening

Before you start arranging flower beds in the courtyard of a private house, photos of which are given in the article, you need to prepare the soil. To saturate the soil with oxygen and distribute fertilizers, the soil is dug up using a garden fork or shovel. First, the perimeter is marked and the soil is prepared for planting. The base is prepared as follows:

  • The markings are applied using pegs and a cord.
  • The turf is removed.
  • Drainage is made from pebbles and sand.
  • The fertile layer is filled up.

Then the relief is created. Levels are made from large stones and pebbles, which are then filled with earth. The soil for flowers should be sifted, cleared of rhizomes and enriched with fertilizers. The ornament is marked using tape. And the plants are placed from the center to the perimeter.

Helpful advice! The best time to carry out all planting work is spring.

Flowerbed design options: how to decorate correctly

The design of a flower bed in the courtyard of a private house, the photo suggests the use of certain types of crops. Plants must have the following properties:

  • Long flowering period.
  • Decorative during growth.
  • Weather resistant.
  • Good ability to adapt after transplantation.

Some simple plants look great in a border or in small clumps. These are begonia, marine alyssum or ageratum. Crops of purple, brown-reddish and silver colors are often successfully used to decorate a flower garden. These are coleus, heuchera, silver cineraria and irezine.

The best option for flower designs are long-flowering and short plants. These include marigolds, pansies, salvias and daisies.

Related article:

Seedlings are planted as follows:

  • Before planting, seedlings are watered.
  • The plant is removed from the pot along with the soil.
  • The roots with a lump of earth are placed in the hole.
  • All free space around the roots is sprinkled with earth and compacted.

Helpful advice! Plants that grow quickly are not suitable for flower arrangements. They remain decorative for several weeks and then grow rapidly. These include rudbeckia and dicentra. They can be planted in groups rather than in a flower garden.

Flower garden care

In order for the structure to remain decorative for a long time, it must be constantly looked after. When caring for a flower garden, the following procedures are performed:

  1. For better gas exchange, regular loosening is recommended. Bark or sawdust are used for mulching.
  2. The flower garden needs to be weeded regularly to remove weeds.
  3. Tall plants need to be supported with supports.
Helpful information! Weeds are easier to remove from wet soil. Therefore, the flower garden needs to be watered before weeding.

Creating a flower bed provides limitless scope for design ideas. Any original ideas can be used. Original designs are made from the following materials:

  • Flower beds made of stones look original and natural. Similar stones are selected in size and color. The slate design in several layers looks stylish.

Related article:

Step-by-step instruction on production, types of forms, materials, decoration techniques and many photo examples in a special publication in our online magazine.
  • A beautiful flower garden is made of logs. To do this, a piece of log is cleared of bark. Using an electric saw, a niche is cut out where drainage is laid and soil is filled. The surface of the log can be varnished.

Landscape design, created by a professional or the owner himself, turns an ordinary house in the village into a real country estate.

Every owner of a plot (regardless of the number of acres) is aware that creating a landscape design for a private house will be much more difficult than making repairs, for example, in a standard apartment. And yet, the efforts spent will be more than rewarded by the beauty that will delight you every day.

By far the easiest way to create a beautiful yard is to hire a professional landscape designer. However, this service is not cheap, and there are no guarantees that a stranger will correctly understand your preferences and create your dream plot.

Considering the abundance of information on this topic in the public domain, you can plan and create a piece of paradise in your yard yourself. You can see how to arrange a plot near a private house in the photo in our photo gallery.

Such a landscaped yard will become not only a beautiful area near the house, but also favorite place for meetings with friends, for gatherings with family, for relaxing in the lap of nature.

Preliminary preparation

Landscaping the courtyard of a private house is a very complex and responsible undertaking, so when starting this on your own, you should carry out a whole series of preparatory work, including theoretical training.

Every owner understands that landscape design near the house has two main goals:

  • make the local area as comfortable and practical as possible;
  • improve the area, give it shine and emphasize its beauty.

In order for both of these tasks to be successfully completed, in your work you need to take into account many factors that affect the overall result. So, where to start and what must be taken into account?

Building codes

Over many years of constructing country houses and arranging the area around them, certain standards have been developed that allow the work to be properly organized and errors in planning to be avoided.

Basic building regulations relate to maintaining the distance between objects:

  • a residential building is at least 3 m behind a regular road and 6 m behind a highway;
  • residential buildings and utility buildings should be located no closer than 7 m from each other;
  • the dog's enclosure is located 4 m from the house;
  • outdoor toilet, a compost pit and even a well should be placed at a distance of 15 m from the main buildings;
  • the distance from the fence to the nearest building is 1-1.5 m, but large trees and shrubs should be planted no closer than 1-3 m from the border of the territory.

Strict rules also apply to the laying of all communications. The depth of the ditches, the distance from buildings, as well as cables from each other, the possibility of planting certain plants near communications - all this must be taken into account before the actual arrangement of the site. It is necessary to connect light to the gazebo, lay water to the pool or organize drainage from it safely.

Thanks to compliance with these standards, in the future it will be pleasant to enjoy beauty and peace, it will be convenient to carry out repair work, drive up to the house and move around the territory, in general, it will be a comfortable life.

Individual characteristics and preferences

At independent work on the design of the site of a private house, you will be able to fully realize all your dreams, make the surrounding area unique and inimitable.

It is important to take into account not only your personal preferences, but also listen to the wishes of all household members. Agree, in a house where children live there cannot but be playground, and avid lovers of gatherings around the fire will not be able to do without a gazebo and barbecue. Professional design of a private house yard and photo modern courtyards this is confirmed.

Lifestyle, family composition, presence or absence of pets - all this significantly influences the design of a personal plot. And if you take into account all the nuances at the planning stage, you won’t have to rebuild, redo or regret in the future.

Climatic features of the region

Having formed a general idea of ​​what exactly will be placed on the site, where and how the main objects will be located and, having chosen your favorite plants, be sure to take into account the climate.

The landscape design of the courtyard of a private house in the photos that you will find on our website proves that outdoor outdoor pools, for example, or huge fountains are difficult to design where winter lasts 9 months a year. A closed, windproof gazebo with a huge stove would be completely out of place somewhere in the tropics.

Of course, the plants that you can plant in your dream garden directly depend on weather conditions.

Thus, the weather and temperature background throughout the year largely determine not only the flora on your site, but also dictate the possibility and features of the placement of certain objects.


Many people believe that a good plot is a flat plot. Therefore, owners often try, at the cost of incredible effort and financial costs, to cut off all the elevations and fill in all the depressions at all costs. And yet, it is most advisable to think through the landscape design of the yard, taking into account the features of the relief.

If the area near your house is initially more or less flat, you can do anything on it: lay out a garden, plant a lawn, build a gazebo or dig a pool.

An uneven plot allows you to equip different functional areas in different planes, dividing them with decorative steps or terraces. It would look appropriate on a hilly area alpine slide, and the depressions are perfect for arranging a pond. Huge differences in heights also open up space for creativity - the vertical layout is fraught with a lot of surprises.

So, the whole yard will sparkle, acquire complexity and uniqueness. It will be your individual creation that no one can reproduce.

Combination with buildings and structures

Very often, planning a yard landscape comes at a time when the main buildings (including a residential building) have already been built. In this regard, it is important to think through the design in such a way that the house fits organically into environment, did not stand out from the overall composition and was compatible in style with the surrounding area.

Given the scale, the cottage will play a dominant role on the entire site, so all other elements should emphasize its advantages. At the same time, outbuildings can be hidden behind greenery.

Proper consideration of all the features of the site, construction norms and rules, laying communications, as well as your own taste will help create a picture on the site that will delight you and your loved ones for many years.


From general ideas and it’s time to move on to more specific planning own plot.

Admiring beautiful landscapes private houses in the photo, many owners strive to embody everything they saw. But you need to be able to control yourself and, with all the variety, choose exactly what is really necessary and appropriate for everyone. specific case.

At the planning stage, it is necessary not only to draw a scaled sketch of the site and all the objects available on it, but also to place there those that will appear in the future. There are a number of “mandatory” attributes of any country farm (not counting a residential building):

  • garden house(for inventory);
  • garage and parking space;
  • terrace or courtyard;
  • gazebo for relaxation (with fireplace);
  • paths;
  • street lighting;
  • green spaces;
  • decorative elements.

Among the frequently encountered objects in suburban areas are:

  • bath;
  • dog enclosure;
  • children's playground;
  • pool, pond or fountain, etc.

All this needs to be placed correctly so that the yard is not only beautiful, but also functional. Only after sketches and drawings on paper (or in special programs where the design of private plots of private houses looks like in the photo), when the layout is optimal, can you begin marking the area.


Even at the planning stage, the owners determine the functional load that their site will subsequently bear. In accordance with this, the entire yard is divided into certain zones.

Among the main zones that are found in almost everyone suburban area, the following can be distinguished:

  • entrance (front door);
  • household;
  • gardening;
  • recreation area (quiet or active);
  • children's area (if there are children).

If the territory is small, then often functional zones are combined and not separated from each other. The main emphasis in this case is on the design of the recreation area in a private house.

When the size of the plot allows, it is convenient to isolate each of the designated areas so that when sunbathing, for example, by a pond, you do not have to breathe in the exhaust fumes of an approaching car.

To delimit each element of the site, the following methods are used:

  • green spaces (hedges);
  • decorative fences;
  • paths;
  • arches, pergolas;
  • trellises, screens, screens, etc.

When planning the location of each zone, it is important to take into account how they will look from above, for example, from a balcony or from the windows of the second floor of the house. Look at the courtyard projects of private houses, photos that we have selected for you, and you will understand that admiring the parking lot from the bedroom is not very romantic, but children's playgrounds, on the contrary, should be in sight.

Style selection

The landscape design of the courtyard of a private house looks solid and complete only when it is maintained in general style with a house and other permanent buildings.

There are a great many styles. However, at the first stage of species gradation there are:

  • regular (classical) style;
  • landscape (natural) style.

A regular park appeared in France during the reign of Louis XIV, so this concept of site design is often called French. It is enough to remember Versailles to understand the main features of the regular style:

  • large area of ​​the site;
  • strict geometry in everything (paths, flower beds, trimming bushes and trees);
  • order and regularity.

It is very difficult to maintain such a park, so usually the regular style is found only in large estates, where its beauty is maintained by a whole team of professionals.

It is quite natural that the landscape design of a private house is often created in a natural (landscape) style. Here, care does not require such colossal efforts and is quite within the capabilities of the owner himself.

Mostly, natural design classified according to the place of origin of a particular design model for the area around the house:

  • English (as close as possible to the natural landscape, characterized by smooth lines, winding paths, cascades, artificial reservoirs);
  • Slavic (natural materials, abundance of wood, stone, rural decor, abundance of perennials and lack of flower beds with regular outlines) Even the design of the garden of a private house will be important here;
  • European country (a little more orderly than Slavic, but overall the same “careless”, slightly neglected in appearance);
  • Japanese (restrained, strict, with artificial ponds and the obligatory rock garden, evergreens, mostly low);
  • Mediterranean (ideal for outdoor recreation: patios, gazebos, fountains, shady corners, bright plants in clay pots);
  • Moorish (there is always a small artificial pond in the center, surrounded by lush vegetation) and many others.

The choice of style depends on personal tastes, climatic features, however, the starting point is always the house, which sets the tone for the entire composition.

Design of platforms and paths

On the plan of a personal plot, not only permanent buildings are indicated, future functional areas are highlighted, but also all objects are connected by a network of paths, paths and paved areas.

For maximum convenience of movement, the tracks are laid along the shortest path. And at the same time, if you want to create something original and unique in your yard, you can make the paths winding, and the areas (for example, under a car or for a patio) uneven and asymmetrical.

Of course, paving paths and areas in the local area depends on the chosen design style of the entire garden.

Judging by the photos of the landscape design of the adjacent areas of private houses, designers often try to choose a more restrained option closer to home, but in thematic corners and various zones they allow themselves to play with the shape and choice of materials.

Today, there are many means for laying paths:

  • concrete tiles;
  • paving stones;
  • cut stone;
  • wood cuts;
  • crushed stone and gravel;
  • decking, etc.

Whatever option you choose for your site, the main thing is to properly plan the road and path network so that you don’t have to subsequently shorten the path along the lawns; and also follow all installation rules so that the paths perform their function for a long time.


Although landscaping the yard of a private house (photo below) does not look so difficult, in fact this is the most problematic stage when designing a yard landscape yourself. And all because serious theoretical preparation is required here (botanical knowledge allows you to choose the right plant depending on their growing conditions, flowering periods, combination with each other, etc.).

And at the same time, looking at the landscape design of the adjacent areas of private houses in the photo in our photo gallery, you just want to create something similar outside your window. We will give basic tips on landscaping your property.


The fundamental element of landscaping the area around the house is the lawn. Areas sown with special cereal grasses serve as a background for all other plants and frame the entire green composition.

Lawns are different.

  • The main type that immediately comes to mind when hearing the word “lawn” is the so-called recreational lawn. This is exactly what the areas around residential cottages are planted with, because they grow well and are able to withstand moderate loads (animals running, children playing, and even a picnic on a blanket);
  • Decorative lawns are usually installed in huge parks, where they create an even, dense surface;
  • Blooming lawns (Moorish) are more like not a herbal garden, but a summer meadow, full of all colors;
  • Sports (for tennis courts and football fields).

The process of arranging a lawn and its subsequent care is quite a troublesome task, despite its apparent simplicity. Prepare the soil, sow, water, loosen, sow, mow regularly - these are just the main types of work. To simplify the initial stage, you can use a rolled lawn, but you will hardly be able to do this without the help of professionals.

The modern design of the territory of a private house in the photo does not exist without green lawns, which allow you to fully enjoy the surrounding beauty.

Flower beds

Scrolling through photos of the design of garden plots of private houses on our website, first of all you pay attention to the flowers; it is impossible to imagine a single yard without them. When large plants (trees and shrubs) have already been planted, you can start organizing bright, eye-catching corners.

Flowers and ornamental plants can be planted in different shapes:

  • flower bed (a regularly shaped flower garden, consisting mainly of annuals);
  • mixborder (composition of their perennials of complex shape);
  • border (floral frame of paths);
  • rock garden, rock garden (compositions of stones and mountain plants), etc.


The design of the local area of ​​a private house (photo from our article), in addition to lawns and flower beds, also includes artificial ponds. They enhance the feeling of closeness to nature, and the sound of water relaxes and soothes.

Mainly on personal plots can be found the following types reservoirs:

  • pond;
  • Creek;
  • waterfall;
  • fountain;
  • pool.

Artificial ponds are created not for swimming, but for admiring nature. There you can plant special aquatic plants and breed fish.

The stream could be like an independent element water structure of the garden, and complement, for example, a pond. Here the water must be running and not stagnate. That is why pumps and pipes are required to equip a stream.

Waterfalls and fountains are also often additional objects and require significant effort and expense for their arrangement.

But the outdoor pool is a real luxury. After all, it needs to be carefully thought out and built correctly, so that later you can enjoy the coolness of water on a hot day.

The murmur of water, light refreshing splashes and the mirror-like surface of the reservoir are the world's best antidepressant, relieve stress and allow you to relax. The design of the site of a private house with ponds looks peaceful even in the photo. Therefore, the reservoir in the recreation area - best solution for owners of personal plots.


Today, lighting the courtyard of a private house can be divided into two categories:

  1. functional light (i.e. one that allows you to move around the site safely and comfortably in the dark);
  2. decorative light (designed to highlight the most interesting areas and facilities on the territory and allow everyone to enjoy this aesthetic view).

Lighting is mandatory:

The second stage of lighting is aesthetic light. sculptures, big trees, the original flower beds will sparkle with new shades at night in the rays of the spotlights, and the pond and pool will be enchanting with the reflections of the lanterns on the water surface.

You need to think through the location of all lighting fixtures even before landscaping work, because every lantern and lamp requires wiring. Fortunately, there are now many lamps available solar powered, which greatly facilitate the work.


The finishing touch to creating a dream garden are decorative elements that not only emphasize the stylistic design of the local area, but also add variety to the surrounding picture. Best options You will find the decor of the courtyard of a private house in the photo on our website.

Decor includes small architectural forms (arches, fountains, sculptures, garden furniture). With their help, they delimit functional zones on the site, create dynamics and add the necessary accents.

Small decorative elements (such as figurines of animals and fairy-tale characters) give the yard a touching and unique charm. Only here you need to know when to stop so as not to turn your site into a children's playground.

In modern landscape design, the combination of decorative and utilitarian functions is warmly welcomed. For example, a waste box decorated with trellises, a hatch decorated with floral arrangements, or a cheerful and unusual bird feeder, in addition to its original purpose, will also serve as a decoration for your garden. This design near the house photo can be found in our gallery.

A modern private house is no longer an old village hut with a garden and a shed for livestock; this is a cozy cottage with a refined and well-groomed garden territory.

Of course, creating a dream garden on your own site is not an easy task and will require a lot of effort. After all, only a landscape design of your yard created by yourself will always please you and never get boring.

Photo gallery

In landscaping the site country house The projects in our photo gallery will help you.