home · Installation · Keep the heat in the room. Tips and thoughts on how to heat a private house How to keep warm in an apartment in winter

Keep the heat in the room. Tips and thoughts on how to heat a private house How to keep warm in an apartment in winter

You are probably familiar with the situation when the batteries are hot, but the room is still cold. What should be done to keep the heat in the house at no extra cost?

Preparing windows for winter I must say that the main heat loss in the house occurs through the balcony doors and window frames. In order to simply and quickly insulate an apartment, you need to take newspapers, roll up tubes from them and put these tubes into the gaps between the slopes and sashes. However, you will achieve the best result by using gaskets made from pharmacy rubber tubing. You can also use a cotton linen cord. It is fixed with glue. Housewives often use foam pads. But they are less effective because they are not able to maintain density for a long time. There is another way. It is necessary to take a paste of chalk and glue in equal proportions. Then dilute with water to the density of the putty. Such a paste needs to fill all the cracks around the entire perimeter of the window. In the spring, as soon as you open the windows, such a paste will fly off the frames. There is also an old proven way. Take white paper. This special window paper is sold in rolls. It is dense and sticks very well with ordinary soap. Water is poured into a large plate, then you need to moisten the paper, and then walk over it with soap. After that, it is carefully glued.

1. Can't block heating appliances. Warm air should move freely and warm the room.

2. Close at night blackout curtains. This will prevent heat leakage.

3. To ventilate the room and not cool the room, use "shock" ventilation. This means that it is necessary to ventilate for a short time, but intensively. The air will have time to change, but the surfaces in the apartment will not cool.

4. Everything needs to be replaced cracked glass in windows. Close the cracks around the perimeter of the window heat-insulating material. You can use a special sealant, or you can use ordinary medical cotton wool. With a wide stationery tape, you can seal the gaps from above.

5. Install a heat reflective screen behind the battery. It could be special material, which is called penofol, or you can take a simple foil, which you can stick on plywood. Such heat reflection will raise the temperature in the room by 1 degree.

6. The front door also needs to be insulated. Insulating the gap between the door and the doorway will increase the temperature in the room by about two degrees.

7. Batteries need to be painted dark color. Proved to be dark smooth surface emits 10% more heat.

8. If you have a room that is blown from the outside from all sides, then you will have to take care of warming it. Applying thermal insulation materials, of which there are a great many on the market now, you will solve your problem. All of them have low thermal conductivity, and therefore they are perfect for thermal insulation of the room. After insulation, ventilation problems may occur. Majority modern apartments has no ventilation holes, except for the bathroom and kitchen. But there are two ways out: install in the house ventilation system or better and more often ventilate the room.

1. Oil heater. The principle of its operation: inside the radiator there are two or three heating elements. They heat up mineral oil. This oil has a very high boiling point. When heated, the oil gives off heat to the entire metal surface heater. Such a heater warms the air very quickly and does not overdry it. The heater may have a thermostat. It will automatically turn off when it reaches the set temperature. With such a thermostat, the heater can generally not be turned off. If there are small children in the house, then you need to be careful. The edges of such a radiator heat up very strongly, you can burn yourself.

2. Convector. For such a device cold air passes through the heating element, heats up and through the grates in the upper part of the body it already comes out warm. The body of the heater also heats up, which is an additional source of heat. Such convectors can be mounted on the wall, or they can be installed on legs. Such a device is relatively safe, because a heating element is inside metal case, and in the presence of a thermostat can work continuously. However, its disadvantage is that the heater will not quickly be able to heat the room. Such convectors are more suitable for maintaining certain temperature, and a hot body can ruin nearby furniture.

3. Thermal fan. Such heaters have a thin spiral. She gets very hot high temperatures. The air, heated up, is distributed around the room by a fan. The room heats up instantly. The device is small and easy to move around. Such fan heaters are in demand especially in offices. However, during operation, it dries the air in the room. This negatively affects health. It is especially undesirable to use such heaters in a room where an asthmatic is located. In addition, noise is heard during operation, and it is very tiring to use it around the clock.

4. Infrared quartz emitter. The quartz emitter does not heat the air, but the objects around. And already from the floor, walls, furniture, the room is heated. All surfaces that fall under the emitter's coverage area give off their heat. And this time of work of the heater reduces, the consumption of the electric power decreases. In terms of economy, this type of heater is considered the most profitable. However, it must be admitted that infrared quartz emitters require not only professional installation, but also the most expensive.

Outcome. To calculate how much heater power you need, calculate the area of ​​the room. For ordinary apartment with a ceiling height of 2.75 m, it is necessary to purchase such a heater so that its power is not less than 1 kW for every 10 square meters room area. It is good if the heater has a temperature and power regulator. So, if you decide to purchase a heater, you need to understand for yourself why you are purchasing it. If the goal is to keep your feet warm under the table, then a fan heater will suit you. But it dries the air, and besides, it disperses dust. The infrared emitter works to some extent on the principle of "warm floors". If you set a goal - to quickly heat the room, then you should pay attention to oil radiators. But in terms of safety, a convector-type heater is in the first place, although the price bites. In general, the choice is yours.

It's no secret that utilities usually start the heating season much later than homeowners would like. Meanwhile, the time of the first frosts and the first tangible cold weather is rapidly approaching, and with them the question of how to keep the heat in the apartment more and more persistently arises. Here are some simple yet powerful tips.

If there are cast-iron batteries in your apartment, and the heating has not yet been turned on, then they take away heat (remember school course physics). To fix this, cover them with something - a blanket, blanket, etc. Of course, this will not bring aesthetics to the interior, to put it mildly, but it will become warmer in the apartment.
If the heating is already on, but it is not enough, then, on the contrary, make sure that nothing restricts the transfer of heat - raise the curtains if they are very long, do not cover the radiators with furniture (often desks put to the window, thereby blocking the batteries), etc.

The good old Soviet habit of sealing windows for the winter will serve you well, unless, of course, you have plastic windows.

Sometimes it happens that the apartment is cold, but stuffy. If you feel the need to ventilate, it is better to do this several times a day for 4-5 minutes than to ventilate once, but for a long time.

Foil placed on the wall behind the radiator will prevent heat transfer outer wall and will help to heat the air in the apartment more efficiently.

If your apartment is excessively humid, try to eliminate it. In wet room always cooler than dry.

Thick curtains on the windows act as a good additional thermal insulation. This is worth keeping in mind on especially cold days.

The sun's rays can significantly heat the room (remember how we try to close the windows with all possible ways from the sun on hot days). Therefore, in those hours when the sun's rays shine through the windows, you can move the curtains and tulle as far as possible so that nothing prevents them.

Avoid drafts. If one of the rooms is especially cold, close the door there.

Some apartments have very warm, even hot bathrooms (due to the heated towel rail), if this is your case, open the bathroom door.

If you need to leave for a while, never turn off the radiators completely. This is fraught with freezing of the room, and in addition, the cost of reheating the apartment will exceed the savings on turning off the heating.

Why is the apartment cold, damp and drafty? To this question, many residents apartment buildings often cannot find a clear answer. After all, the microclimate in the apartment depends on a number of factors. To keep the heat in the apartment, it is necessary to take a comprehensive approach to solving this problem, that is, take into account all possible reasons heat loss.

Most measures for warming an apartment are best done in warm time of the year. Get your sleigh ready for summer! If during the winter it was cold in your apartment, then you should not postpone the solution of this problem until the next winter!

In this article, we will try to give some tips on how to keep the heat in the apartment at any time of the year.

  1. In order for the battery to heat the room more efficiently, it should not be covered with curtains or covered with anything.
  2. To increase heat transfer from the battery, you can use the old Soviet method. Insert a sheet of cardboard covered with metal foil between the wall and the battery, lay aluminum insulation or paint the wall behind the battery with metallic paint. The heat rays from the battery will be reflected into the room instead of heating the outside wall.
  3. You can paint the battery in a dark color, then it will give off 5-10% more heat.
  4. If the battery does not heat up, and the riser seems to be hot, it is possible that the battery sections are clogged with rust, and the water pressure has weakened. After graduation heating season the battery needs to be cleaned.
  5. If you need to change the battery, do not rush to choose, consult with experts. Very often, old cast-iron batteries heat much better than beautiful new radiators.
  6. It often happens that the batteries heat up to full power and the rooms are still cold. This happens especially often in corner apartments. To prevent the wind from “walking” around the apartment, it is necessary to close interior doors.
  7. Do not forget about the effect of color on people. The interior of the apartment warm colors or pictures with summer landscapes subconsciously warm a person.
  8. Window openings should be checked for leaks. This can be done with a candle, a lighter or a light feather. Hold a candle along the openings, where the flame “swayed”, there is an influx of air (slit). To keep the heat in the apartment, it is necessary to insulate the windows. This can be done in various ways: plug all the cracks with foam rubber or newspapers, seal masking tape, you can use more modern materials, for example, special heaters and sealants.
  9. If your apartment has old wooden frames, then replacing them with plastic double-glazed windows will significantly reduce heat loss in the apartment.

10. Big loss heat occur through a balcony or loggia. If the balcony is poorly glazed or even not glazed at all, then it will be very difficult to keep the heat in the room. Balcony installation plastic double-glazed windows will help keep the heat in the apartment.

11. You should pay attention to the front door. If cracks are found, a special insulation can be laid around the perimeter of the door.

13. If the glass in the entrance of your house is broken or the windows do not close, then cold air constantly enters your apartment and makes it cold. You need to contact the Housing Office or management company with a complaint from the residents of the house.

14. Residents of the first floor often face the problem of a cold floor, as in our ordinary houses warming basements not provided. To keep the heat in the apartment, it is necessary to insulate the floors. However, you will most likely have to do this at your own expense.

15. Corners freeze in many houses in winter. In such corners, you can see dirty stains and peeled wallpaper. To prevent this, you can seal the interpanel joints outside the building. If the house has not been repaired for a long time, and many apartments have similar problems, it is advisable to contact the management company with a request to seal the seams throughout the house. However, if repairs are refused (which often happens), you can hire a team of industrial climbers who will seal your apartment within a few hours.

Usually people begin to think about how to keep warm in the apartment, only with the onset of cold weather. However, many activities are best carried out in the warm season (replacing batteries, installing double-glazed windows, sealing interpanel seams).

If within winter period You have definitely decided on the reasons why it is cold in your apartment, then do not put off solving problems until next winter.

Everyone knows this feeling - the heating season has not yet begun, and it has already become noticeably colder in the house. Or maybe the whole point is that the existing heaters are not enough to heat the whole house, especially in the energy saving mode. And then a situation arises when the batteries are hot, but the apartment is still cold. In general, it does not matter for what reason you have to chatter your teeth, it is important to learn how to use home heat correctly and rationally.

From the very apartment building and its features also depend a lot. You can use the heaters on a minimum and enjoy all winter warm apartment, or you can turn on the batteries at full capacity and still sit at home in blankets and sweaters. It is important to correctly and rationally dispose of heat sources and then you will use the heat in the house as efficiently as possible.

What to do in this situation? How to keep the heat in the house at no extra cost? What needs to be done to keep the house warm without heaters? We will try to answer these and many other questions in our today's article. Enjoy reading!

Remember the chimney

Many old houses have chimneys and fireplaces. It is important to know that all the heat accumulated in the house can leave through the chimney. Conversely, cold and drafts can enter the house through the chimney. To keep the heat in the house, it is necessary to block the passage with a damper, an inflatable balloon or a ball. At the end of such a device, it is necessary to attach a rope so that it can always be pulled back and open the chimney.

This does not mean at all that the fireplace should be completely abandoned. The fireplace is a good source of home comfort and warmth, it is important to properly dispose of this design. Use it, and block the chimney only when all the firewood has burned out and the ashes have cooled. Otherwise, there is a danger of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Seal other heat leaks

A lot of heat escapes through window and door openings. All because of the gaps that unscrupulous people leave. This is especially true for windows and doors to the entrance. There is a very simple way to make an apartment a little warmer - you just need to close up all the cracks in the windows. This process takes very little time, and the financial side of this procedure is not worth your concern at all. I think you will agree that it is better to spend a little money on insulating tape than to pay an extra zero on your electricity bill. In addition, this method will help you get rid of drafts in the apartment.

In the same way, it is necessary to seal the gaps near front door. For sealing cracks, various insulation tapes are sold. They are different quality and on different basis. It is best to buy self-adhesive polyethylene foam tapes.

Let the sun shine into your home

Do not neglect the sun's rays, as a means to make a little warmer. IN daytime open the curtains in the rooms of the apartment and let in as much as possible sunlight to the house. Entering the room and bouncing off various surfaces, it dissipates throughout the house and warms it by one or two degrees during the daytime. And this, you see, is a rather tangible difference in winter.

In addition, the sun's rays cheer up and energize for the whole day. Solar energy is often greatly underestimated by people, because the sun's rays are living energy in pure form. So feel free to let the sun into your home, it has never harmed anyone!

Don't let heat escape through windows, use curtains

As soon as the daytime comes to an end, the windows do not become heat sources, but rather absorbers. Heat escapes very quickly through the cracked wooden frames on the windows, this is a common problem in old houses and apartments. To keep the heat in the apartment, you need to hang a second layer of curtains made of dense fabric. This will temporarily delay the escape of heat from the room and help keep the apartment warm and cozy. But this action is clearly not enough to create a comfortable and warm indoor climate for a long time. Combine various ways keep warm and then you will achieve the result.

Free up space in front of the heat source

It is important to remember one simple truth: you should not block heating appliances with furniture and other objects. The warm air that heaters create must move freely around the room and warm every corner of it. This is an adequate and efficient air circulation in the apartment. Otherwise, the blocked heat source will work in vain, heating the object that blocks it or, in general, the wall into which it is mounted. This mistake can bring huge heat losses in the house. Not very efficient, is it?

Install thermostat

If you have the opportunity and time, install a thermostat. This is an irreplaceable thing in the house, which will pay off within a few months. The thermostat allows you to manually adjust the room temperature in different time days and years. This will allow you to turn off the heating whenever you want, for example when you are leaving for a long time. Or, during your sleep and absence in the apartment, the heating can be set to 18 degrees. No more needed, because there are no people in the apartment who need to be warmed. But by the time you wake up or come home from work, the thermostat can automatically heat the room up to 22 degrees. This is a very simple way to save energy costs.

How to keep warm in the house in winter?

The house should be warm in winter. This is the simple truth. But sometimes even the best system heating is not enough if there are "heat leaks". Is it possible to reduce heat loss by simple and affordable methods?

How does heat escape?

All heat losses can be divided into two groups:

  • Losses through walls, windows, and if the house is private, then the roof and floor. They cannot be completely eliminated, they can be significantly reduced during repairs;
  • Heat leaks through cracks, installation flaws, hidden defects, as well as some habits of the inhabitants of the apartment. You can fix them yourself.

Thin walls, gaps between concrete slabs apartment buildings, damp basements and leaky roofs - these problems are familiar to most city dwellers. If the apartment is in such a house, then it will be cold in frosty winters, even if all rooms are hung with heating radiators up to the ceiling. No matter how hard you try, you can't warm the skies in winter!

Saving resources - the topic is also relevant, high heating costs make you think, but is everything done right? In European countries, ordinary people have long been taught to count thermal calories using counters. Specialists with thermal imagers inspect buildings, compiling thermal maps of residential buildings, give recommendations on how to eliminate leaks.

How to reduce heat loss

You can improve the situation in your apartment with the help of good repair: put quality windows and doors, insulate the walls from the outside with foam, replace cast iron radiators modern and, finally, to glaze the loggia.

But if the house is in good condition, repairs have been made, but the temperature in the room is low, then hidden heat losses should be looked for. A home inspection with a thermal imager can show all the places where heat is escaping. But it’s also worthwhile to carefully examine and explore all the places where heat most often leaves.

  • Windows and window sills. Often there are gaps in the windows that appear due to: wear of sealing rubber bands, poor-quality window installation. Often the gaps under the window sills left by unscrupulous builders are a source of drafts. If the window sills are constantly cold, condensation appears on the windows - heat escapes through such windows.
  • Entrance doors. Doors are often a source of problems. Their seal wears out, gaps appear through which cold air constantly enters the room. Installation will help double door. Ordinary interior doors, even the cheapest ones, significantly reduce heat loss. This is especially noticeable in private homes.
  • Balconies and loggias. Cracks appear in balcony doors. Before the start of the heating season, they must be checked. The glazing of the loggia will make the apartment warmer by several degrees.
  • Radiators heat the outer wall. Typically, radiators are installed under the window, close to the outer wall. It heats up the wall. As a result, part of the heat it emits goes outside. In fact, the heat is used to heat the street. It is recommended to glue the wall behind the battery with foil, then it will not be the wall that will heat up, but the apartment, where will he go warm.
  • Bridges of cold."Cold bridges" are sections of a building with a lower thermal resistance in relation to other areas. That is, they let in more heat. For example, these are corners, concrete lintels above windows, junction points building structures, steel reinforcement in the walls and so on. It is difficult to detect them without a thermal imager. If dampness is found in some corner, condensation appears - this is a dangerous area.
  • Ventilation holes. They must be in the kitchen to remove the products of combustion gas. But often ventilation works the other way around. Instead of removing air from the room to the outside, cold street air is drawn into the room from the street. It will help to install a hood over a stove with a corrugated pipe for air.

Useful tricks for keeping warm

Some good habits allow you to keep warm in the house, reduce heat costs.

  • Interior doors. Very often the doors are not used for their intended purpose during the day, they are closed only at night. Of course, if there are small children in the house, then they need space and freedom of movement. But for adult family members, especially those busy with sedentary work in one of the rooms, it is worth getting used to closing the door. And yet, if you tightly close all the doors between the rooms, then after a while you can understand which room is the warmest in the house, and draw the appropriate conclusions.
  • Curtains. From the point of view of heat preservation, they should be as dense as possible, but not close the heating radiators. It is better to make them short or tuck them behind the batteries.
  • Heating radiators. The very first thing to do is to thoroughly clean them of dust. All multi-year layers of paint on old cast iron batteries greatly reduce heat transfer. It is best to replace them with modern steel or bimetallic ones.

Local heating systems

The most common solution is to use electric heaters. These are appliances such as oil heaters, electric fireplaces or electric convectors. This solution is the simplest, most affordable and economical.

Special infrared emitters They heat only a certain area, around it the temperature is much lower. If lamps, infrared floor mats, heated mats. Infrared ceiling heaters can be suspended on horizontal cables or have a pendulum suspension. This allows not only to keep the walls and floor free, but also to significantly expand the heating area due to the impact on horizontal surfaces.

Interestingly, if the temperature is lowered infrared heater by a few degrees, the temperature felt by a person will remain the same, since this decrease will be compensated by the "radiation" additive. Thus, it is possible to reduce energy consumption and reduce heating costs compared to traditional ways heating.

Thermal radiation, like ordinary light, is not absorbed by the air, so all the energy from the infrared heater reaches the heated surfaces and people without loss. At the same time, the average temperature in the room can be 2-3 degrees below the optimum, but due to the direct absorption of energy from the infrared heater, a person in the zone of its action will feel comfortable.