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Design projects for hallways in an apartment. Corner hallway design

The hallway is a special place where relatives and guests are greeted and seen off. Modern hallway with original design will allow everyone to feel the atmosphere of the apartment from the threshold; it is by this that the tastes of the home owner are judged. If you design this space incorrectly, you can ruin the entire picture of the home’s interior, worsen or completely ruin the first impression.

You can strive to create the hallway as attractive as possible, but first of all you need to remember its functional purpose. It is the hallway that welcomes all home and guests. Here they take off shoes and outerwear, which may be wet or dusty. They also store gloves, umbrellas and hats here, which means you need to arrange a special place for them.

This room not only welcomes us, but also sees us off, because this is where we stay before leaving the apartment. In fact, this is the most “passable” place in the apartment, which means its functionality is in the foreground.

“Hallway” is the entrance part to the housing, which may consist of an entrance hall, or include a hall, its separate part or a long corridor.

Fashionable finishing materials

Considering the functional purpose of this space, it is necessary to use materials that will be as resistant to abrasion and wear as possible, and able to withstand moisture and dirt.

Material requirements:

  • Easy cleaning.
  • Increased wear resistance.
  • Environmental friendliness.

The requirements for furniture will be similar: expensive wood looks out of place here, because it can be quickly damaged.

Hallway flooring:

  • Ceramic or stone tiles.
  • Porcelain tiles.
  • Linoleum.
  • Cutting down natural stones.

Now gaining popularity new laminate, which is characterized by high resistance to moisture and water. Natural parquet is not used here, as it quickly deteriorates. It is best to paint the walls or use moisture-resistant wallpaper.

Modern furniture for the hallway

Now it is best to use for the hallway multifunctional furniture. For example, a bench for putting on shoes can be used as a storage box, and an ottoman that you can sit on will be a “safe” for accessories, etc.

Row necessary items furniture and technical equipment:

  • Shoe rack. If the dimensions allow, then you can put a shoe cabinet, top part which will serve as a glove table or a shelf for bags and other small items.
  • Closet. This piece of furniture can be found in almost every apartment, because it stores outerwear and many other things that cannot be found anywhere else for storage. The closet can be fundamentally small, or it can be an entire closet or dressing room.
  • Ottoman or seat. A place to comfortably put on your shoes can serve as an element for storing small items, and is also sometimes mounted with a hanger to save space.
  • Rug. No matter how good the floor is, a small rug by the door is required element hallway interior. As soon as you cross the threshold of the house, you immediately stand on the rug, which absorbs the bulk of the moisture and dirt brought from the street.
  • Mirror. The larger the mirror here, the better, because every person, when leaving the house, will definitely look in the mirror, put himself in order and admire whether the selected clothes are suitable for leaving the house. Girls and women can do their makeup here, or just fix their hair. The best option would be a human-sized mirror for a good overview.
  • Lighting. It is this that greatly influences the design of the hallway and its perception. The owners can choose from several types of lighting, for example, general (near the entrance, immediately illuminates all the necessary space), local (for illuminating individual areas - closets, mirrors, places for shoes, etc.), decorative (allows you to place the right accents and emphasize originality design ideas and solutions, visually increases the space).
  • Other interior elements. These can be key holders, comfortable tables, an umbrella stand, a hanger and a number of other decorative items. Designers and experts agreed that there is no point in overloading the hallway with decorative elements that are not useful. Therefore, most items should have a functional purpose and justify their presence.

Design and choice of modern colors

In both small and large hallways, the style of minimalism is relevant and interesting. It is he who will help make the room as functional, discreet as possible and eliminate unnecessary clutter.

Also applicable for login Scandinavian style, which combines environmentally friendly safety and simplicity of design.

Regardless of the chosen style, you need to be restrained in decor, try to decorative role took over functional furniture. For example, you can use original hanger that will look interesting and create a pleasant impression.

The color scheme should emphasize the peculiarity and importance of this space, visually enlarge the hallway and adjust its proportions. Often there is no natural light, therefore the use of dark tones is not preferable.

  • White in all shades.
  • Beige (peach, coffee with milk).
  • Gray color in light colors.

In the hallway you can also use active colors, but only as additional ones or combine them with light ones, all depending on the style. Beige will go well with chocolate or sand color. White color looks elegant when paired with blue or its shades. In general, you need to make the hallway so that it does not seem gloomy or too dark.

An exception to the rule may be a large hallway with high ceilings. Here you can use bright colors, sharp contrasts and transitions, which will visually make the room smaller and make it more comfortable.

It is from the hallway that one begins to get acquainted with the house. To make it enjoyable, we always try to use memorable accents, interesting elements interior, as well as mirrors.

Such techniques allow you to make the hallway as comfortable and convenient for its inhabitants as possible and memorable for all guests. Will it be classic hallway with marble tiles or this modern room interspersed with high-tech elements or “green” technologies, depending on the wishes of the customer.

The most unpredictable designs are created in order to conceptually connect the space in the apartment into a single whole.

Solved issues in hallway design

The small room welcomes guests with its atmosphere, setting them in a certain mood. The interior and condition of the hallway are responsible for our first impulse.

In order not to make a mistake with the design, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the entrance to the apartment is often the place where we:

  • We put packages and bags;
  • we attach the headdress;
  • free ourselves from outerwear;
  • take off your shoes and put on slippers;
  • we turn into cute domestic creatures.

The main criteria follow from the functional tasks perfect interior: room ergonomics, functional furniture, lighting. An important role is played by the aesthetic component and unity of style throughout the apartment.

Hallway design: photo in the apartment

Successfully implemented design projects can be studied in our photo collections. Each design demonstrates an attempt to combine taste preferences owner with space possibilities.

In the photo you can see hallways in an apartment, small or huge, that vary in style, layout and content. Artistic creativity and engineering optimization make it possible to make any room beautiful and comfortable, regardless of its size.

Design of a small hallway.

A small hallway can also be comfortable and roomy if you think through all the details of decoration and layout, down to the centimetre. Space can be saved significantly by purchasing compact furniture. You only need to buy what you need so as not to clutter up the area. The “student” set is an ordinary hanger or hooks, a shoe cabinet and shelves located along the free walls. In such an environment, there may be a place for a small pouf. Sometimes it is possible to successfully integrate a compact corner cupboard, and somewhere there’s a wardrobe.

It is better to use warm color tones in decoration and interior design. The matte surface of plastered walls perfectly reflects and diffuses light. But it’s better to completely abandon tiles and finishing panels. Volumetric textures, acidic colors and large patterns mercilessly “steal” square meters.

Design of a small hallway: photo

The visual, bright hallways in a “chamber” design look quite roomy and comfortable in the photo. The pictures show that sometimes you have to turn to non-standard solutions. Sometimes they are painfully difficult, but believe me, the result is worth it. After all, people live even in the cramped conditions of a submarine.

Narrow hallway design

The main problem that has to be solved in a narrow area is the placement of furniture. B visually narrow space it is necessary to level out the difference in the length of the walls.

A long hallway can be arranged in zones: storage and a mini-lobby. Helps smooth out the situation multi-level ceilings and combined solutions for walls and floors. On an extended wall you can paste wallpaper with an angular photograph or hang mirrors. It is advisable to replace the doors with stylized arches.

It is better to make extended walls light, as if moving them apart, and the end walls – dark, as if bringing them closer. It is better to place the lamps in the center of the ceiling, leaving the end walls in the shade.

Hallway design in Khrushchev

The entrance hall in old five-story buildings is either a corridor type or is a tiny vestibule with exits to the rooms. What can you do to make it functional and free:

  • choose colors for furniture and walls in light colors;
  • we use it as finishing glossy ceilings, mirrors or walls with reflective coating.
  • we buy a wardrobe or limit ourselves to traditional shelves and clothes hangers;
  • We install mezzanines around the perimeter of the walls and supplement them with built-in lamps below.

The door leading to the room can be replaced with an arch made in an interior style. It is better to choose an entrance door that opens outward.

Corridor design

The corridor is a space that connects individual areas of the apartment. Therefore, the chosen decoration and interior should smoothly “flow” from space to space.

The main emphasis when creating a corridor interior is on the floor, ceiling, walls and doors. Sometimes a spacious corridor includes windows and even columns. Particular attention should be paid to lighting, especially if the corridor is long.

Small corridor design

All that needs to be achieved when renovating a small corridor is a visual “raising” of the ceiling and “expansion” of the walls. To solve this problem you will have to “play” a little with color and lighting. IN small corridor great importance buy doors. The less noticeable they are, the wider the space appears, so you should avoid strong color contrasts for doors and walls.

It is best to prefer light colors throughout the interior. Doors with frosted or glass inserts are preferable to solid, bulky counterparts. Accordion doors are also suitable, or even better - simply arched openings.

Narrow corridor design

Everything said in previous section can rightly be attributed to a long, narrow corridor. Such a corridor should not be sheathed with plasterboard; it is better to prefer finishing liquid wallpaper. Wallpaper with a horizontal pattern in the form of dim stripes will help to visually “pull apart” the walls.

You can lay tiles with original patterns on the floor; a certain diversity will visually blur and also “expand the space.” Experienced selection of not only the color, but also the texture of the materials is important.

And finally, a long and narrow corridor requires a lot of light.

Corner hallway design

IN panel houses you may encounter a corner hallway. They are considered the most inconvenient, but they have one remarkable advantage: the niche is the only place where furniture can be installed.

A spacious corner closet will save the hallway from storage collapse. If it also has a mirrored facade, then the picture is already good. In a corner hallway, it is logical to occupy corners and niches. Using furniture original form It is advisable to round them so as not to constantly bump into them.

Design of the hallway in the house

In a private house, the concept for hallway design is completely different. The original layout requires a non-trivial approach and non-standard furniture.

The hallway in a country house is often in direct contact with the street, so the metal Entrance door may turn out to be cold and will require dubbing with wood.

It is better to use moisture-resistant materials for wall decoration. Drywall or paper wallpaper may get damp. On the floor, linoleum or ceramic tiles are preferable. Great for walls finishing panels or paint that is not afraid of moisture.

Forged metal cabinets, benches, shelves, stands, etc. are ideal as furniture.

Hallway: photo of furniture

A variety of hallway furniture allows you to solve any design problems. Fortunately, this is an industry where manufacturers are as consumer-focused as possible, and our designers won't be surprised by any cramped spaces.

Direct proof of this can be the already realized models of furniture with non-standard approach. For the design of our apartments, furniture is created that is narrow, modular, universal, compact, with combined functionality, and transformable. Study the photos, choose, decide, try. Each hallway has the right to a normal closet.

Wallpaper for the hallway

Coming from the street, we often leave rain-soaked clothes and soiled shoes in the hallway. Unfortunately, dirt at the entrance is inevitable. Therefore, it is better to choose wallpaper that is easy to care for and not too light.

Perfect for:

  • Vinyl wallpaper with paper or non-woven backing. The two-layer structure provides them excellent protection from dirt and moisture.
  • Liquid wallpaper or powder. They are practical; a dirty area can be easily replaced.
  • Cork wallpaper is made on a natural basis, lasts a long time and is easy to stick to walls.
  • Paintable wallpaper. They can withstand more than five paintings and allow you to experiment with textures and colors.

Hallway furniture

We are used to placing a large number of things, including small things: shoe care products, brushes, keys, handbags, gloves, combs, umbrellas.

Hallway furniture can be divided into:

  • working - cabinets, cabinets; racks, chests of drawers;
  • relaxing – benches, stools, banquettes, armchairs;
  • auxiliary - shelves, hangers, bookcases, tables for small items.

On large area you can use ready-made kits. When there is little space, you have to use separate elements or turn to modular designs. It is beneficial to use multifunctional pieces of furniture. For example, a shoe rack can be used as a stool, and the cabinet doors can be equipped with a mirror or shelves for small items.

Most often, owners of apartments and private houses turn to the repair of hallways and corridors at the very end of a housing renovation. By that time, homeowners' resources are exhausted - there is no time, no money, no creative ideas and desires for their implementation. But the hallway - business card any home. This is the room that every morning “sees off” us to a new day and “greets” all household members in the evening. This is the space that any guest of our home sees first. And from how well it corresponds to our ideas about beauty, comfort and practicality, we can form a first impression of the design of the entire living space.

Of course, the principles for creating the interior of the hallway and other auxiliary premises in an apartment and a private house will be different. And it’s not just the difference in sizes, shapes and configurations of rooms, but also the very way of life in private apartments and apartment building. In this publication we will try to understand the issue of designing auxiliary premises in various types homes, creating practical, beautiful and modern design.

Decoration of the hallway and corridor

If, when starting to resolve the issue of purchasing finishing materials For a bedroom or living room we are completely free in our choice, but for such specific rooms as an entrance hall we must adhere to a number of criteria:

  • floor finishing should be made of durable, wear-resistant materials that can calmly react not only to street shoes with mud, heavy bags, falls of skateboards and rollers, walking in heels and just constant traffic;
  • the floor covering should be easy to care for, because it will often have to be wet cleaned and, possibly, with the use of cleaning products ( frequent cleaning, even daily);
  • in a private house, even more stringent requirements are imposed on the flooring than on the floors in an apartment;
  • for walls, it is important to choose a non-marking finishing material that can be cleaned if necessary (perhaps weekly cleaning of surfaces);
  • the criteria for choosing washable finishing materials are strengthened for homes with small children and pets;
  • the color palette and design of finishing materials should fit harmoniously into the overall image of the home, be it a private home outside the city or a city apartment.


There are no serious requirements for the design of the ceiling in the hallway or corridor. The whole spectrum is before you possible solutions– suspended structures, suspended ceilings, painting, finishing with decorative plaster or wallpapering. It all depends on the height of the ceilings, the chosen style of room decoration, your financial capabilities and personal preferences.

In order to implement the most cost-effective types finishing works, such as painting, wallpapering and decorative plaster treatments, it will be necessary to prepare the ceiling surface, bringing it to a perfectly flat and smooth state. Of course, such actions will require you to spend time, money, and effort. If this option does not suit you, then feel free to choose the system stretch ceiling, which can hide not only surface imperfections and significant level imbalances (which is often found in apartments built in the last century).

Another option for decorating ceilings in a corridor or hallway, which does not require you to level the surfaces to perfect condition- usage ceiling panels. Some of them are attached to a wooden or metal frame (frame), others are glued directly to the ceiling. In any case, you can install the ceiling panels yourself. In modern design projects you can increasingly see the use of wood panels for cladding ceilings. It’s a pity that this option is suitable for rooms with average and great height rooms.


Theoretically, many different materials can be used to decorate the walls in the hallway, with the exception of paper and textile wallpaper due to the impossibility of cleaning the surfaces without losing appearance finishing raw materials. But in practice, it turns out that even vinyl and non-woven wallpapers that are practical at first glance (which can be subjected to wet and semi-wet cleaning) are subject to fairly rapid contamination. Wallpaper is ideal to use in combination with wall panels. Up to approximately half the height of the walls, the lower part is covered with wall panels (which can even be cleaned by special means without any consequences for presentation finishing), and cover the top tier with wallpaper.

A similar combination is practical when used for painting the top part of walls, applying decorative plaster, liquid wallpaper or microcement. At the same time, in terms of choosing color solutions for both the upper and lower parts of the walls, there are a lot of options. You can use one color, shades that are similar in mood and color temperature, or create contrasting combinations. Of course, for small spaces it is better not to get carried away with bright and dark tones.

If you do not plan to hang wardrobe items in the cells that are part of the storage systems, but will nail the hooks directly to the wall, then you need to make sure that wall panels completely protected vertical planes from moisture that may remain on outerwear.

Original and at the same time modern approach For the design of the room, designers offer us in the form of walls in brickwork. The brick wall is treated with special antiseptics and protective sprays. In houses with panel walls brickwork available different ways– from the use of composite wall panels to tiles that effectively imitate brick.

Obviously, the basis of the image of the hallway or living room is the decoration of the walls. The color temperature of the room depends on what color solution you have adopted for the design of vertical surfaces - “warm” or “cold” shades have different effects on the formation of the design of the auxiliary room. We can safely say that modern hallway– this is a bright space in all respects. The abundance of white surfaces no longer surprises our compatriots - long-term living in small apartments taught many to simple rule design: than smaller room, the lighter the color scheme should be.

In modern design projects, it is difficult to find hallways with printed wall decoration. Most often, monochromatic, neutral tones are used. Accents on such a light background can be elements of furniture (storage systems) or a few decor. But more often than not, the only bright spots in a bright hallway are the things on the hangers.


The best option for decorating floors in the hallway is ceramic tiles. This coating will reliably protect the surface from moisture, dirt and mechanical stress. Ceramics on the floor - a good investment for long years. Modern finishing materials from this range are safe to use and easy to maintain. Ceramic tiles can be washed and cleaned chemicals, it does not fade, does not crack over time and lasts a long time with careful handling.

The use of tiles for flooring is especially important for private houses of urban or suburban type. The owners and their guests enter the hallway directly from the street and bring moisture, dirt, melted snow, and small stones on the soles, which can damage the surface of the floors. Therefore, even when using ceramic tiles as a covering, it is necessary to place a mat near the door.

When using tiles as flooring there are also disadvantages. The cost of materials and cladding services is not affordable for all homeowners. But, considering that such renovation work are produced for many years, finishing hallway floors with ceramics will quickly pay for itself, not to mention the fact that beautiful tiles on the floor can become a decoration and the main highlight of the interior.

To cover the floors in the hallway, you can also use an inexpensive finishing material - linoleum. It is easy to use, does not allow moisture to pass through and reacts calmly to the use of cleaning agents. But linoleum is difficult to withstand mechanical stress of various types. Imprints from stiletto heels remain even in material intended for high-traffic areas.

In corridors they are used as flooring various materials. If your hallway does not lead to an exit backyard or a terrace (in a private house), then the range of possible finishing materials is quite wide - from banal linoleum to parquet. Of course, the decoration of the corridor should not be discordant with the image of the entire home, fitting harmoniously into the style, design and accepted color scheme.

Furniture for auxiliary rooms

Storage systems

It is extremely difficult to do without storage systems in the hallway. In addition to the need to be able to place outerwear and shoes, you need to store bags, umbrellas, sports equipment, accessories for walking pets and more. As a rule, storage systems in hallways are represented by combined ensembles of open shelves, hangers and closed cabinets. This approach allows you to keep in order not only the outerwear of all household members, but also distribute seasonal shoes and accessories.

If we talk about the color design of storage systems in hallways, then the best option for small spaces is light colors. They visually expand the space and are much easier to perceive psychologically in a monolithic design from floor to ceiling. Only at first glance it may seem that for a hallway that is specific in terms of storage, light colors, and especially white colors, are a bad idea. But if furniture can be wiped with a damp sponge or cloth, then light surfaces are much more practical than dark ones - fingerprints and traces of water drops are not visible on them.

A neutral version of storage systems with many compartments in the hallway of the middle and large sizes– various shades gray. Many shades of gray are now mainstream for modern design projects. Whether it concerns finishing, color scheme of furniture or decor - noble, unobtrusive shades of gray will create a harmonious image of the room, giving it a relaxed look and creating an atmosphere in which everyone will feel comfortable.

Another universal option for an impressively sized storage system is to use the natural grain of light-colored wood. Such an ensemble will not only fit organically into any interior of an auxiliary room, but will also bring natural warmth to the image of the space.

Additional furnishings

In the hallway, in addition to storage systems, small banquettes or mini-chairs are often installed. The best option for saving space is often small hallways– embedding seats into a complex of storage systems. But if there is enough square meters In the auxiliary room, you can also consider the possibility of installing portable seating that will facilitate the process of putting on shoes and simply allow you to catch your breath after a hard day at work.

If everything is very clear with the furnishing of the hallway, then the space of the corridors is often not used at all from the point of view of furniture arrangement. But in many auxiliary rooms you can install shelves for storing books. Even a small ensemble of open shelves with minimal depth can accommodate the entire home library, unloading the living room or bedroom.

Small chests of drawers, tables, stands and simply consoles attached to the walls - all these pieces of furniture can not only relieve storage systems in other rooms, but also influence the formation unique interior auxiliary premises. The main condition for installing such design elements is the unhindered movement of household members from one room to another by using the corridor space. There are quite a few furniture models on the market with shallow depths and rounded surfaces that easily fit into small spaces.

Hanging cabinets and consoles have become widespread. Such pieces of furniture are convenient because they are attached to the walls, leaving enough space underneath to place shoes (even high boots). Saving usable area- one of the most current issues when improving such specific premises as hallways and corridors.

If your hallway is also a room for the staircase, then the space under it cannot be ignored from the point of view of furnishings. Storage systems in the form of shelving with open shelves or cabinets with hinged doors, drawers– for arranging the area under the stairs Any will do option. You can arrange a cozy reading corner with soft, comfortable chair and a small table-stand, floor lamp or a table lamp.

Decoration of hallways and corridors

Many auxiliary rooms of Russian apartments (especially those that were built in the last century) have such modest areas that the question of decoration simply does not arise for the owners. But you can use functional interior items as decoration. For example, the lighting system, which is given importance in hallways and corridors Special attention, can not only perfectly perform its main functions, but also decorate the interior, bring originality, brightness or creativity to the design of the room. Hallways and corridors of apartments, as a rule, are deprived of sources of natural light. The lack of windows directly affects the choice lighting fixtures auxiliary spaces.

If your hallway or corridor has low ceilings, then it would be better to install Wall lights, guides luminous fluxes up. In this way, it will be possible not only to create a traffic-friendly atmosphere in the room, but also to increase the illumination of the room. In rooms with high ceilings there are no restrictions on the choice of lighting fixtures; it all depends on the general nature of the design of the space and the chosen interior style.

The location (and number) of lighting fixtures in the corridor and hallway will depend on the shape and size of the room, the number doorways leading to other rooms selected color palette(the darker the color scheme of the room, the more light sources there should be). One thing is obvious - you shouldn’t skimp on the lighting system for auxiliary spaces. Small room without windows with insufficient lighting it will seem even smaller in size and can create a negative impression of the entire household or apartment as a whole.

There is always a place for wall decor. Even in the tiniest and narrow corridor You can hang a picture or photo in frames. Auxiliary rooms are a solution for those owners who could not find a place in the living room or bedroom for a collection of artwork, family portraits or any other types of wall decor. Small rooms are most often decorated in light colors, and snow-white or pastel walls are the ideal backdrop for any elements of wall decor, from paintings to panels.

The mirror can safely be called the main one decorative element hallway and many corridors. In addition to performing its basic functions, the mirror helps visual expansion small spaces and interior decoration. Original mirror or beautiful frame for him they can change the entire image of the room, bringing originality, expression and creativity to the design of the hallway or corridor. In modern design projects you can find entire compositions of mirrors decorating the walls of auxiliary rooms.

By placing a mirror from floor to ceiling, and sometimes taking mirror surface the entire wall, it is possible to create a visual illusion of the infinity of space in the hallway or corridor. By erasing the boundaries of the room, we not only achieve an increase in the volume of the room, but also bring originality to the interior.

996 Dix https://www..pngDix 2016-06-23 18:02:05 2018-11-30 11:16:55 Design of an entrance hall and corridor in a modern home

The hallway is the smallest room in the apartment but, nevertheless, it plays a very important role. After all, all visitors who come to visit us immediately end up in this room. It is she who makes the first impression on guests, both about the apartment and about its owners.

Agree, when we get to an apartment with acquaintances and friends, we do not always go further than the hallway, sometimes we are left waiting for those gathering in the same room, but it is so bright and cozy, it gives us the opportunity to form a general impression of the apartment without even seeing it.

The owners, starting renovations in the apartment, arrange the hallway in Lately, as if summing up all the work done, so it should combine the overall interior of the apartment and at the same time be light and roomy. Therefore, the arrangement of even this tiny room must be approached with all responsibility.

The main function of the hallway is to place outerwear and shoes for both the family and its visitors, and given the fact that the room is small, it can be quite difficult to fit everything. But in modern world and with the help various devices However, this problem can be solved.

Many of us are engaged in arranging the hallway ourselves, but you must admit that in order to make it as spacious as possible, you will need to put in a lot of effort. In addition, making furniture that can accommodate all things is not so easy. To do this, you need to find a good furniture company that will make compact and spacious wardrobes and chests of drawers.

Lately everything more people When arranging their apartments, they turn to specialists for help. And for good reason, because with the help of experienced specialists you can create what you want in a matter of days. Thanks to modern technologies designers, based on all the wishes of their client, create several project layouts in special programs so that the client can assess whether he wants to see his living room exactly like this. Recently, it has been possible to create a special 3D project that completely shows the customer the room as it will be at the end of the work.

Thus, the customer has the opportunity to make adjustments, additions or changes before the project is sent to work. This innovation makes it possible for both the customer and the contractor to protect each other from various kinds of misunderstandings and, as a result, conflicts. As a result, upon completion of the work, each party remains satisfied, the customer receives the desired furniture, and the contractor receives a positive review.

In the modern world, there are a small number of companies that offer their clients services on the highest level, and who are concerned about both customer satisfaction and the image of their company. However, the KBMT company is one of the few that values ​​every customer and makes every effort to do everything as the customer wishes.

Experienced designers with ease and professionalism are ready to provide several options for 3D hallway designs within a few days; they will always tell you how best to place furniture, what fittings are best to choose and how to make the room spacious and roomy. And all so that, upon completion of the work, not only the owners of the apartment, but also their visitors feel at home.

Getting into a residential building, a person entering it, first of all, evaluates the hallway, which is a kind of prologue general interior premises.
And the perception of the entire living space largely depends on the first impression.

What will make your apartment hallway design special?

When developing a design project for a hallway, the architects of the bureau use the stock accumulated over the years of work. professional secrets, allowing you to make the corridor environment as attractive and convenient for use as possible.
— ARXY studio specialists recommend using soft lungs color solutions, not loading perception.
- Mirrors will help to visually expand the cramped space of a small room - increasing the perspective creates the impression of a large volume.
— An interesting touch would be the placement of a solid mirror sheet on inside front door.
— The design of the hallway is uniquely highlighted by wardrobe doors made with the help of mirrors - they will increase the space and at the same time fence off the insides of the niche, hiding clothes, shoes and other small items from view.
— The lack of windows and natural lighting in the hallway has to be compensated for by sources of artificial light. By placing them near mirrors, you can double the brightness of the lamps, while creating the most convenient angle of incidence of the rays.
— The hallway is a room with many doors, so when creating a project it is necessary to take into account their location and use them in the overall composition of the hallway design.

When ordering a hallway design from ARXY, you receive comprehensive solution layout, decoration and design.
We take into account fashion trends and techniques used by industry leaders.
This does not prevent us from creating interiors of established styles that constantly remain popular and in demand.

Where to order a hallway design project in Moscow?

Thanks to innovative technologies, we can visualize the hallway design project developed in the bureau and conduct a virtual 3D tour showing future interior hallway with different angles. This approach makes it possible, even at the preparatory stage, to evaluate the harmony and aesthetics of the proposed option and make amendments that would be difficult to eliminate after completion of the repair and finishing work. Only modern new buildings or housing built according to individual projects. Owners of modest apartments should not despair - if you entrust the design of the hallway to the professionals of the ARXY company, your apartment will sparkle with an updated interior and a layout that is thoughtful in its functionality.
For owners of spacious premises, we also have several original ideas, capable of surprising with their extraordinary approach to long-familiar things. A modern hallway design project is a visually increased space, harmoniously selected finishing materials and functional environment a relatively small room.
In most cases, even an improved living space layout does not leave enough space for the hallway area. AND standard furniture Does not fit into limited space. The way out in this situation is to use built-in wardrobes, dressing rooms, sliding wardrobes, the design and construction of which our ARXY specialists will finalize taking into account the general trend created design project hallway