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Tips on how to clean a sofa. Secrets of professional housekeepers: how to clean a sofa from stains without streaks. Delicate sofa cleaning

Cleaning agencies cope with this problem flawlessly. Experts will help you clean a greasy sofa in no time using harmless methods. However, many people prefer to experiment with the means at hand.

How to clean a greasy sofa at home?

Glossy elements can be prevented by using special covers: their fabric cleans quite quickly without causing problems.

If there are no covers, then you can refresh the upholstery and remove grease on the armrests and seat by simple means. Of course, before you clean a greasy sofa, you should:

  • - first knock it out and remove dust - for this, an ordinary sheet is suitable, which is moistened in a weak solution of vinegar, and then covered with it the surface of the sofa and thoroughly knocked out;
  • - sprinkle the most fatty areas with coarse salt and leave for several hours so that the salt absorbs as much fat as possible;
  • - remove other stains and stains.

Greasy spots on a leather sofa are removed with a cotton pad soaked in glycerin. For snow-white leather upholstery, you should use milk or chalk diluted in water. This product helps not only remove greasy stains on the sofa, but also remove dirt and light stains.

Fabric upholstery can be cleaned of greasy areas using:

  • - solution ammonia(1:1 with water), which is applied to a clean cloth;
  • - foam of 72% laundry soap (foam brown washing soap and treat the surface with a sponge);
  • - a solution of baking soda, washing soap and water - apply a little to particularly dirty areas and then rinse.

It is important to note that a greasy sofa made of plain fabric should be cleaned with a cloth or a cotton pad, and fluffy surfaces with a sponge or soft-bristled brush.

How to clean a greasy sofa without streaks?

Often, when using simple or specialized foam products, unpleasant stains remain after washing. In addition, such areas then quickly become greasy and polluted.

What is the reason? In fact, stains can appear due to incorrectly selected drugs, too large quantities water and insufficient rinsing of soap products.

That is why, in order to wash a greasy sofa without whitish streaks, you should use a minimum of liquid and immediately blot off excess foam with a clean, non-fading napkin. Experts advise using several napkins or rags, and treating the stain alternately with a damp and dry cloth.

After cleaning, being careful not to flood the product, the upholstery should be rinsed thoroughly and then dried well in a warm room with good air circulation. Sometimes forced drying with cool air from a hairdryer or fan may be necessary. Under no circumstances should you dry furniture near hot radiators.

How to effectively clean a greasy sofa?

It is worth noting that not all methods are effective for all types of upholstery. Thus, products made from natural and delicate fabrics cannot be cleaned in living conditions, as there is a risk of damaging the material. In this case, either replacing the upholstery will help, or a less radical method - professional cleaning.

So, high-quality from the Khimdivan company - great way get rid of it quickly and efficiently various types pollution, saprophytes, as well as unpleasant odors. In addition, it is much cheaper than replacing upholstery, and it is also convenient - specialists with the necessary equipment and certified products come to your home, so there is no need to move or transport the furniture anywhere.

Typically the sofa is favorite place rest for all family members. The adult part of the population loves to lie on it and watch movies or read books. The baby uses it as a trampoline. Yes and four-legged friends, if there are any, despite the strictest prohibitions, do not mind climbing on it. When guests arrive, the load on this convenient place increases even more. And as a result, after some time the sofa blooms with different types of stains. How to make sure that upholstered furniture retains its original appearance longer, what means to clean the sofa from various kinds of stains and grease? Ideally, before buying a sofa, you need to determine what load it will bear and buy upholstered furniture that suits your lifestyle. To ensure that your sofa serves you for a long time, use the following recommendations on how to clean your sofa at home quickly and effectively.

  • If you have a large family and you all gather in the hall and receive guests there, then choose upholstered furniture that is easy to clean.
  • If you have small children and pets, then you should not buy upholstered furniture with leather upholstery. In such conditions, it will be difficult for you to protect it from the claws of your pets and the pranks of your kids.
  • Buy or sew a cover for the sofa.
  • Don't snack while sitting on the couch.
  • Clean your sofa at least once a month, even if you think it is clean enough and free of stains. It is important to clean the sofa from dust, otherwise stains will appear on the upholstery over time.

How to clean a sofa from dust at home?

Cleaning the sofa from dirt and dust

You can remove dust and stubborn dirt well in the following ways. Choose from them the one that seems more convenient and efficient in terms of effort.

Vacuuming the sofa

The easiest way to clean upholstered furniture from dust is to vacuum it. If you have a special attachment, it will make your task easier.

For more effective cleaning You can wrap the nozzle with gauze soaked in a solution of water and salt. To do this, prepare a solution: add 2-3 tablespoons of salt to warm water. This will not only get rid of dust, but also refresh the color of the upholstery.

Important! You cannot vacuum a sofa with velor or velvet upholstery - this can ruin the structure of the pile.

Knocking out the sofa

In addition to the vacuum cleaner, there is another method - knocking out:

  1. Dissolve 2 teaspoons of salt and a tablespoon of vinegar in 1 liter of warm water.
  2. Soak a sheet or other suitable cloth in this solution.
  3. Squeeze it well. The fabric should be damp.
  4. Spread the sheet over the surface of the sofa.
  5. Knock it out thoroughly, rinsing the fabric periodically.

All the dirt will settle on the sheet. Do not use the sofa until it is completely dry.

Cleaning with Vanish

In addition to folk remedies, you can also use household chemicals. “Vanish” is suitable for this purpose:

  1. Dilute the product according to the instructions. To do this, dissolve 1 part of the product in 9 parts of water. If the contamination is strong, then you can make a more concentrated solution.
  2. Beat the solution until you get a stiff foam.
  3. Apply the foam evenly to the upholstery, scrub in a circular motion and leave to dry.
  4. After some time, vacuum the furniture.

Getting rid of greasyness

If the sofa has not been cleaned of dust for a long time, shiny spots appear on it.

Leather and leatherette

On tight leather upholstery These stains can be easily removed with a sponge soaked in a soap and soda solution. Alternatively, you can dissolve any dishwashing detergent in water and treat with it. leather sofa. These methods are also suitable for cleaning leatherette upholstery.

Fabric upholstery

But how can you clean a sofa with fabric upholstery?

  • Lint-free upholstery can be cleaned with a brush and soapy water. Instead of soap, you can use dishwashing detergent. Whisk the foam and apply to stains for 5-10 minutes. Rinse it off clean water and dry with a well-absorbent cloth or napkin.

Important! Solution for general cleaning make it not very saturated. So that later you don’t have to wash off the remaining product from the surface of the sofa.

  • Fleecy coatings should be treated with a foam sponge. A solution of laundry soap or dishwashing detergent is suitable as a cleaning agent.

Important! Cleaning light-colored furniture is always more difficult - in addition to removing stains, you will have to clean the entire upholstery to eliminate the risk of streaks.

Features of cleaning different coatings

Cleaning methods depend on the material with which the sofa is upholstered. What's good for leather may not be good for cleaning fabric upholstery. Knowing a few tricks, you can clean your sofa at home quickly and effectively.

Leather or leatherette:

  • This coating can be cleaned with a damp cloth, but it is not recommended to wet the skin too much.
  • You can use special wipes for cleaning leather and leatherette products.
  • Egg white will hide all cracks and add shine to the skin. Whisk several egg whites in a container and apply to the sofa using gauze or a cotton cloth.
  • Egg whites can be replaced with cow's milk.
  • Wine stains can be removed with an alcohol wipe or a cotton pad soaked in alcohol or vodka.
  • Traces from pens or felt-tip pens can also be removed with alcohol or removed with tape.


  • Dilute a tablespoon of vinegar or liquid soap in 1 liter of water. Cleaning is best done with a microfiber cloth. Do not press too hard on the upholstery to avoid damaging the lint.
  • Pet fur, hair and other debris can be removed with a brush.
  • If on velor sofa difficult spots, it is better to use the services of specialists.

Nubuck or suede:

  • For cleaning, it is better to use a porous soft sponge or soft brush.
  • Grease stains are removed with an eraser, rock salt or alcohol solution.

Important! Protect your sofa - buy a special water-repellent impregnation. It will protect the upholstery from water and other liquids.


  • For this type of coating, dry cleaning is best. If your tapestry gets wet, the color or texture of the material may change.
  • If dry cleaning does not help the situation, you can make a solution of shampoo and warm water. But you only need to apply foam to the stains; you shouldn’t scrub them with water.

Getting rid of stains and unpleasant odors

How to clean a sofa at home from stains and odors? Any stain requires a special approach. There is no universal solution for getting rid of all types of stains. If stains appear, remember the following:

  • Try to remove the stain as soon as it appears. Stubborn stains are much more difficult to remove.
  • Before you start fighting the stain, clean the sofa from dirt and dust: vacuum it or knock it out.
  • Start by using more gentle measures, and only then move on to more aggressive ones.
  • Test the product on a small, inconspicuous area. Wait until the area is completely dry, and only then draw conclusions.
  • Brush the stain from the edge to the center to prevent it from spreading further across the surface.
  • Increase the concentration of the cleaning agent gradually.

So, let's start removing different types of stains.

Oily spots:

  • If it appears grease stain, cover it with chalk as soon as possible. It will absorb all the fat. Sweep with a brush and add powder again. If the stain does not disappear completely, it will become less noticeable.
  • Instead of chalk, you can cover stains with talcum powder, starch, salt or soda. Leave for several hours, then brush or vacuum off.
  • Any remaining stain can be removed with any upholstery cleaner.

Beer stains:

  • Wipe off the stain with a regular soap solution and then treat weak solution vinegar.
  • To remove this type of contaminant, you can prepare a decoction of soap root. Pour a liter of water into a container, add half a spoon of soap root and boil for about an hour. Then cool the broth and clean the stains with it.

Blood stains:

  • If the stains are fresh, then make a paste of talcum powder and water, apply it to problem areas. Once the cleaning agent has dried, you can brush it off with a brush.
  • Instead of talc, you can use starch or corn flour.
  • Treat a fresh stain with laundry soap and cold water.
  • If the stains are old, crush an aspirin tablet in 200 ml of water and wipe the problem areas with the solution.
  • It is better to clean a light sofa saline solution. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt in 1 liter of water and treat areas with traces of blood. Leave for an hour. If it does not come off, the procedure can be repeated.

Urine stains

If a child has soiled the sofa, try to immediately dry the sofa with napkins. Then treat these places with alcohol or diluted in water. citric acid. Wash stains with soapy water or Vanish.

Ballpoint pen marks

How to clean a sofa if a problem occurs in the form of marks from a ballpoint pen?

Such traces can be easily removed with alcohol. But do not rub too hard, otherwise the ink will spread and the surface of the stain will increase even more. Apply cotton wool soaked in alcohol to the stains and change cotton swabs more often.

Juice Stains:

  • Such contaminants can be easily removed with ammonia diluted in water.
  • You can mix ammonia with vinegar in a 1 to 1 ratio and use this solution to clean problem areas.
  • You can use nail polish remover, acetone or alcohol.

Coffee or tea stains

Add a little vinegar to the soap solution and rinse the stain with this solution.

Jam, chocolate or condensed milk

Let the stains dry to prevent stains from spreading onto the upholstery. Then remove the crust, and the marks can be treated with soapy water and dried with a cloth or napkin.

Wine stains

Blot the stain with a napkin or paper towel:

  • Sprinkle traces of red wine with salt and brush off. Then you can treat it with a soft cloth soaked in alcohol.
  • Traces of white wine can be easily removed with alcohol.

Stains on velvet or plush upholstery:

  • It is not recommended to clean such upholstery with water or soapy water. If you are making a soap solution, then you only need to apply foam. You need to clean in the direction of the pile. For cleaning, use a soft sponge or microfiber cloth.
  • Clean dirt with alcohol or refined gasoline.
  • It is better to entrust difficult stains to dry cleaning specialists.

The sofa is the main resting place for the whole family, so it is not surprising that after some time it can lose its original color and become saturated with various unpleasant odors.

How to refresh your sofa upholstery at home?

  • This is easy to do if you use a steamer. With its help, your favorite sofa will become clean, fresh, as on the first day of purchase. Hot steam will destroy all microorganisms that have settled on your furniture and remove all unnecessary odors.

Important! Let the furniture dry thoroughly after this treatment.

  • Pet litter can help with old odors. Scatter the balls over the surface of the sofa and crush them a little. Let them sit like this for an hour. During this time they will remove all bad smell. Then you can simply sweep them away with a broom and vacuum the surface of the furniture.

Video material

To clean fabric upholstery it is not necessary to use chemical compounds. Simple household products can also deal with stains. How to quickly get rid of various contaminants, read our article.

How to remove different types of stains

Tea and coffee

Dissolve vinegar and soda in water (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water) and wipe away the dirt. You can also whip up soap suds and leave on the stain for 15 minutes. After the specified time, remove the residue with a sponge, rinsing it in warm water. In case of complex and old stains, we recommend using a Japanese stain remover, which can be purchased at any hardware store.

Fruit juices

Mix ammonia and vinegar in equal proportions. Dip a cotton pad into the mixture and place it on the stain. The fabric should dry and the trace of juice should disappear.


The dirt is moistened with cold water, after which it is washed with water and laundry soap. WITH old stains Aspirin will help cope. A couple of tablets are diluted in water and the problem area is treated. Blood can also be removed with salt. Two tbsp. spoons of salt are dissolved in 1 liter of water and soaked into the contaminated area. After 1 hour, wash the upholstery with the same solution.

For upholstery made of light-colored material, nine percent vinegar is diluted in a liter of water. The fabric is processed and waited for 15 minutes. Then the upholstery is rubbed with laundry soap, which is washed off with water.

Wine, berry juices

Place a paper napkin on the fresh stain to prevent it from spreading. Then cover it with salt, which will absorb moisture, and leave for 20 minutes. After this, remove the salt and clean the area with a brush dipped in vodka. To avoid streaks, apply soap suds to the stained area and clean the upholstery again with a brush.


Her traces are washed away liquid soap, shampoo or carpet treatment.


Use acetone, nail polish remover or alcohol. Try wiping off small marks with an eraser or an alcohol wipe.


Sprinkle salt, starch or soda on top and leave to soak for 15 minutes. Anything is diluted in water detergent, foam and apply to the stain. The procedure is repeated several times until the fat is broken down. The composition is washed off with cold water.


Such stains can be easily removed with a soap solution.


To remove the pungent odor, dry the contaminated area with a hairdryer or place towels on it. Remove beer stains with a solution of 3 tablespoons of vinegar per 1 liter of water.

Chewing gum

Ice is placed on top so that the chewing gum comes off easily. The remaining trace can be removed with soapy water or acetone.

It is necessary to know the type of covering of the sofa so as not to spoil it during the cleaning process. Follow these care guidelines various types upholstery.


To clean it with a stiff brush to avoid damaging the lint. A microfiber cloth is suitable for cleaning. There are many special compositions for velor coating. And also don’t forget to use a vacuum cleaner periodically, especially if you have animals in the house, as hair sticks to the upholstery.


Do not use excessive force when cleaning or scrub the surface. To care for dermantine, use a sponge. Test the cleaning product for small area material. Do not use formulations that are not intended for use on skin as they may damage protective layer coating, resulting in cracks. After cleaning is completed, wipe the surface dry, and then it is advisable to treat the upholstery with wax conditioner. A hairdryer should not be used to dry leather furniture. If any liquid accidentally gets on the surface of the sofa, immediately place a napkin on the stain. There is no need to rub the upholstery to prevent the stain from spreading.

Suede or nubuck

This type of upholstery does not like exposure. high temperature, as well as excess moisture, so do not get it too wet. Traces of grease can be removed with an eraser, alcohol-based product or salt. You can purchase water-repellent treatment to protect the upholstery from external factors.


For this type of coating, only dry cleaning is suitable, without using water. Moisture can affect the structure of the material or change its color. In the case of complex stains, foam is applied to the stain. It is recommended to vacuum the fabric with a soft nozzle.

Natural wool

The material is afraid of salt, so it is better not to use it.


Soda solution and hard brushes are not suitable for cleaning. Blow drying is excluded.

Synthetic fabrics

They tolerate water well, but are sensitive to sunlight and high temperatures.

There are actually no special secrets or difficulties in how to clean a sofa from dirt at home. The main thing is to approach the matter correctly, taking into account what kind of contamination needs to be removed and what the upholstery is. upholstered furniture. Most often, having discovered contamination, a clean housewife tries to remove it as quickly as possible, using chemicals, which may be ineffective and sometimes even damage the upholstery of the sofa. In this case, the stain becomes larger, and sometimes it is no longer possible to remove it.

What types of pollution are most common?

The upholstery of upholstered furniture is subject to many different influences during use: even the most tidy person, spending time on the sofa with a book or watching TV, leaves traces of sebum and dust from clothes on it. The situation becomes more complicated if, while watching TV programs, the owners of the house are accustomed to having a snack while sitting in an armchair coffee table, or there is not enough space in the room for installation dining table at home celebrations. In this case, some of the guests usually sit on the sofa. It is not surprising that after such feasts, stains of wine, grease or coffee remain on the upholstery, and the question of how to clean the sofa becomes especially acute.

If there is a child in the house, plasticine or paint may appear on the sofa. A cat or dog sometimes manages to contaminate the upholstery with fur, saliva, and leave dirty paw prints on it if the owner does not have time to wash the pet’s paws after a walk. Finally, both children and animals can make a “puddle” on the sofa, and urine has the ability to penetrate the fabric and the soft filling underneath, leaving not only a characteristic stain, but also a difficult-to-remove odor.

In some cases, cleaning a sofa at home is easy with one product, but it may turn out to be completely useless for other contamination. Very difficult cases You can use the services of professionals by calling a furniture dry cleaning service to your home. But it’s better to know how to clean sofa upholstery at home folk remedies and drugs household chemicals.

How to clean dirt on upholstered furniture?

The most common and easily removed pollutant is dust and soot from exhaust gases. Small particles settle on any surface, but pile upholstery made from synthetics has the ability to attract them due to the accumulated static electricity. Cleaning a leather sofa involves removing dust with a damp cloth, and flock or other covering with pile should be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner with a special attachment for upholstered furniture. This treatment allows you to remove not only surface contamination, but also dust trapped in the filler.

Cleaning the sofa from dust that has penetrated into the filling is very important: when sitting on it, a person crushes the foam rubber, which throws dust particles onto the inner side upholstery.

If liquid gets on it or even slightly moistens the sweat of a person on the sofa, the light-colored sofa eventually becomes covered with stains. Old stains of this kind are sometimes very difficult to remove. Fighting dust is the surest way to prevent the appearance of dark stains on fabric upholstery.

In the absence of a vacuum cleaner or if velor was used for upholstery, dust from upholstered furniture can be removed by knocking it out with a stick or a special cracker. To properly clean a light-colored sofa so that stains do not form on it from exposure to moisture, it is best to do this:

  • soak an old sheet in the solution table vinegar(for 1 liter of water take 2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar);
  • wring it out well so that the fabric is a little damp - you can do this in washing machine in the “Spin” mode (approximately 800 rpm);
  • cover the sofa with a cloth and knock it out, hitting the seat, back, and soft armrests with a clapper;
  • Carefully remove the sheet (traces of dust settled on the wet surface will be visible on it) and dry the sofa.

It is very important not to use the furniture until the upholstery is completely dry. It is highly undesirable to speed up the process with a hairdryer: uneven heating can also cause the formation of spots and streaks.

We wash the “greasy” surface

If the furniture has not been treated for dust for a long time, then shiny dark spots appear on the armrests, along the front edge of the seat, on the back near the head and back of people sitting down. Most often they are caused by the interaction of soot and dust particles with moisture and sebum secreted by the human body. On thick leather or faux leather surfaces, these stains can be easily removed with a sponge soaked in a soap-soda solution or dishwashing detergent diluted in water. These substances dissolve grease well and are safe for upholstery. How to clean a sofa with a fabric cover?

Lint-free upholstery (for example, tapestry) should be washed with a brush using one of the same products, first applying foam to the stains and letting it sit for 5-10 minutes. Rinse with clean water and blot with a well-absorbing cloth. If necessary, repeat the treatment until the shiny marks disappear. Make the same solution, reducing its concentration by 2-3 times, and clean the entire surface of the sofa. This measure will prevent marks from forming on the edges of the wet spot when cleaning a greasy area. The solution for general cleaning does not need to be very saturated so that you do not have to additionally remove soap or dishwashing detergent.

If fluffy flock-type coatings occur, if shiny spots appear, they should be treated with a foam sponge. A solution of laundry soap, “Fairy” or chemicals specially designed for cleaning furniture (“Vanish”) is suitable as a cleaning agent. Cleaning a light sofa is a little more difficult than a dark one: in addition to treating the stain, you will have to wash the entire upholstery and dry it thoroughly without heating to eliminate the risk of streaks.

Removing different types of stains

Sometimes it happens that various substances get on the upholstery, leaving a colored or greasy mark: wine and coffee, blood, urine, creams or pieces of food, plasticine, paint, etc. In most cases, you need to clean the sofa at home immediately, trying it is possible to delete large quantity contaminant from the surface before being absorbed into the fabric and drying. Suitable for this paper napkins, clean rags, gauze. These materials easily absorb grease and moisture, allowing you to clean the sofa as much as possible from stains.

The remaining stain must be treated starting from the edges to the center so as not to increase the area of ​​contamination:

  • fruits and juices - apply a 1:1 mixture of vinegar and ammonia to the stain and allow to dry, then wash off the dirt with clean water;
  • quickly wash away blood stains with cold water with the addition of aspirin (1 tablet per 1 glass) or salt (1 tbsp per 1 liter);
  • collect the urine with a napkin or cloth, treat the wet spot with a product for carpets, upholstered furniture or liquid soap;
  • first remove cream, fatty foods, plasticine from the surface of the fabric with a hard object, cover the remaining trace with salt so that it absorbs some of the fat;
  • blot beer or coffee with a napkin, then wipe with soapy water and vinegar (2 tablespoons per 1 liter);
  • blot the wine, add salt and wipe;
  • It is better to dry chocolate, jam, condensed milk a little so as not to smear it on the surface of the upholstery, then remove the crust and wash the mark with soapy water;
  • Sticky chewing gum should be cooled thoroughly by placing an ice pack or frozen food on top, after wrapping them in a clean towel, after which it can be easily removed with a knife.

When the primary contamination is eliminated, a trace remains in its place, which can be easily removed with furniture and carpet care products (Vanish or specially recommended for some type of upholstery). To avoid having to then clean the entire sofa made of light fabric, it is better to carry out the treatment from the edges to the center of the stain, and after finishing the work, immediately dry the moisture with a napkin.

How to get rid of odors?

To remove odors from various drinks, you can successfully use special furniture shampoos. Apply the product diluted according to the instructions to the surface of the sofa and dry. In some cases, it is not possible to get rid of the smell so easily: the aroma of spilled beer or urine is very persistent. In cases where it was not possible to treat the liquid stain immediately, the filler and upholstery saturated with it emit a strong and unpleasant odor, even if there are no traces left on the surface.

The smell of beer or juice can be removed with a vinegar solution (2 tbsp per 1 liter of water). Moisten a piece of cloth large enough to cover the dirty area, wring it out a little and spread it on the sofa. Press the fabric firmly so that the vinegar-smelling moisture gets onto the filling and saturates the upholstery. Repeat the treatment several times and dry the sofa. The vinegar aroma disappears on its own in 2-3 days. If desired, you can add a little fabric softener to the solution.

The smell of urine, especially cat urine, is much more difficult to remove. When decomposed in air, substances are formed that are practically insoluble in water. People have known for a long time how to clean a sofa in this case. For removing persistent odor from upholstery and foam rubber, you can try the following folk remedies:

  1. 1 The smell of human urine on dark furniture can be weakened with iodine tincture: 15-20 drops pharmaceutical product dissolve in 1 liter of water. Clean the upholstery with this solution and try to moisten the filler as deeply as possible.
  2. 2 It is better to clean light-colored upholstery with vinegar water, lemon juice, diluted in a proportion of 2-3 tbsp. l. per 0.5 liters of water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. 3 Traces of cat urine have a particularly strong odor and must be removed in several steps. First you need to wet the upholstery with a vinegar solution (1 part 9% vinegar to 3 parts water) and dry the furniture. After this, sprinkle the surface with soda and spray with a solution of hydrogen peroxide from a spray bottle (combine the pharmaceutical preparation with water 1:1). The product will foam a lot, you need to leave it on the upholstery for 2-3 hours, then remove the residue with a damp cloth and dry it. After complete drying, collect soda crystals with a vacuum cleaner or brush off.
  4. 4 If the cat “did its business” in the absence of the owners and urine managed to penetrate inside the sofa, you should dilute the “Vanish” carpet cleaning foam according to the instructions. Pour the solution onto the sofa so that the liquid penetrates as deeply as possible: you can place a heavy object on the seat or press with your hands, driving the solution deep into it. Blot the upholstery and dry the sofa for several days. After drying, vacuum it.

If the smell is very deeply ingrained into the fabric and filling, it will not disappear after the first treatment. In this case, you will have to clean the sofa at home again, adding fabric softener to the product used.

Covers made of dense material that will prevent grease and dirt from reaching the upholstery will help protect furniture from contamination and increase its service life. Even traces of a cat’s “crime” are much easier to remove from the fabric than to clean the entire sofa, and if there is a child in the family, the cover can prevent the purchase of new furniture. Wide selection of fabrics in modern stores will allow you to choose a material for sewing a cover that can complement the interior and even repeat the upholstery itself. But you can remove dirt from the cape in a regular washing machine.

Over time, upholstered furniture becomes covered with a layer of dirt and loses its original appearance. You can restore its freshness and bright colors with the help of various means. However, the most effective and in a safe way is steam cleaning. To do this you need to have special device- steam cleaner. Using this device you can deep clean your sofa or chair. After all, conventional products most often act only cosmetically, without penetrating into the fibers of the fabric where dust mites start.

The action of a steam cleaner is based on the release of steam onto the surface under high pressure. The water is heated in a special container, also called a steam boiler. Typically, such devices have several attachments that can be used for cleaning. various surfaces. To clean upholstered furniture, it is advisable to use a special triangular nozzle.

Advantages of a steam cleaner:

  • convenience and ease of use;
  • safety for all family members, since no chemicals are used during the cleaning process;
  • The upholstery is disinfected, as well as the sofa is deep cleaned from dirt and dust mites;
  • After treatment, there are no streaks or stains left on the fabric, as with some other products.

The steam cleaner is able to cope with dust, stains from coffee, sauce, juice, wine and other contaminants.

Before you start cleaning furniture with a steam cleaner, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules of the procedure:

  1. First you need to make sure that the upholstery will withstand the effects of steam well. To do this, use a steam cleaner to treat an inconspicuous area of ​​furniture. This type of cleaning is best suited for upholstery made of thick, soft fabric. Otherwise, hot steam may cause deformation and dulling of the material.
  2. It is necessary to monitor the quality of the water that is poured into the steam cleaner. It is allowed to use water from the pipeline. However, if it is too hard, it is advisable to add a little distilled water.
  3. To properly clean a sofa or chair, you should position the nozzle at an angle to the furniture.
  4. It is necessary to clean the upholstery by dividing the sofa into several sections. After cleaning each area, wipe off the dirt with a soft cloth and move on to the next area.

A high-quality steam cleaner is quite expensive. To perform deep steam cleansing, you can rent a device. In the future, it is still worth purchasing this device, since it is used quite often.

How to steam clean furniture

To refresh upholstered furniture using a steam cleaner, you need to perform a series of sequential steps:

  1. Vacuum the sofa thoroughly.
  2. If there are serious stains on the upholstery, it is worth removing them before steam cleaning. This can be done with a special detergent for upholstered furniture or with improvised means using folk recipes.
  3. Then you need to wait until the furniture is completely dry and prepare the steam cleaner for use. To do this, you need to pour water into the tank. If the upholstery is very dirty, you can add a detergent designed specifically for steam cleaners to the water. After this, a nozzle for cleaning upholstered furniture is put on the device.
  4. When everything is ready, you can proceed directly to cleaning. The steam cleaner should be held at an angle to the furniture and made in long, smooth strokes. You need to clean the upholstery in parts. The area must be treated in one motion. After this, wipe off any remaining dirt with a soft microfiber cloth. This is how the entire sofa is gradually cleaned.

Removable furniture elements (pillows, armrests and other items) should be removed before cleaning and treated separately with a steam cleaner.

After cleaning, you need to let the furniture dry thoroughly. Drying naturally will take quite a long time. You can speed up the process by using a steam cleaner with a built-in vacuum cleaner. In this case, dry and wet cleaning. As a result, the upholstery dries in a few minutes.

There are many devices that make life easier modern housewife. One of these is a steam cleaner. It is suitable for cleaning almost any surface, including upholstered furniture. With this device you can deep clean your sofa and refresh it. appearance upholstery.