home · Appliances · DIY baby pillows. Creative ideas: do-it-yourself toy pillows Do-it-yourself pillows in the shape of animals

DIY baby pillows. Creative ideas: do-it-yourself toy pillows Do-it-yourself pillows in the shape of animals

It’s impossible not to fall in love with the original little animals and cartoon characters made in the form of pillows - they immediately conquer the hearts of kids and adults. Thanks to its special cut, using the toy pillow is convenient, pleasant and healthy, since, in addition to its aesthetic qualities, the product plays an orthopedic role.

Even a novice needlewoman can accommodate funny new residents in her home.

DIY scops owl pillow

Scops owl toys are easy to make with your own hands, even without a special pattern.

The cool cat Bayun can brighten up a child's holiday by keeping him company on his travels through his night dreams.

The cat shown in the picture is made of satin. Eyes, nose, mustache and claws of this soft toy, like models similar to it, it is customary to embroider with floss or wool. It is not recommended to use buttons and other protruding plastic parts - during sleep they will put pressure on the baby’s skin, and an awake child, while playing, can accidentally tear off loosely attached fragments of his pet’s muzzle.

To sew scops owl toys with your own hands, it is not necessary to make patterns. It’s easy to draw such patterns yourself. The principle of their construction is the same - the “pillow” needs to occupy the place where the sleeping child’s head will be, and at the location of his neck, at the head, there should be free space.

This can be seen more clearly in the photo.

The cow, dog and owl shown in the photograph will “hang” their legs over the child’s shoulders, and the baby’s head will rest comfortably on the tummy of the funny toys.

Standard patterns for hand-sewn toy pillows are not needed, because it is better to make product patterns according to individual measurements. For example, a cow and a dog can be sewn according to the same pattern - the toys have absolutely the same body shape, and the only difference is in the design of the face and some other details. By sewing long ears to a body cut according to the same pattern and appliquing or embroidering eyes, a nose and a toothy mouth, you can get a bunny, and by making shorter triangle ears and a long tail, you can get a cat. That is, the dog in in capable hands can easily turn into a cat or a bunny.

Star pattern

The star pillow pattern consists of:

  • 2 star pattern parts;
  • 1 rectangular facing.

The width of the facing is equal to the height of the pillow, and its length is the length of all the rays. During the sewing process, the facing is connected into a ring, and then sewn to the rays along the entire perimeter of the future pad.

The corners where the rays end are slightly rounded when stitching. Sharp edges protruding triangles do not need to be trimmed.

At the end of the work, one of the rays is left unstitched - the product is turned inside out through it, filled with padding material, and only then the resulting slit is finally sewn up.

More details step by step description Making a star pillow can be found on the Internet pages of mother craftswomen in the master classes they provide.

Machine diagram

Any boy, including the one who stubbornly refuses to sleep during the day, will be happy to take a nap in his own car.

The diagram is shown in the figure.

Such a machine can decorate a baby’s crib and is sewn like a pillowcase so that it can be easily removed and washed if necessary.

Pillowcase toys

Moms' magical hands can turn an ordinary pillow into a toy or animal. In the above models, it is not the pillow itself that will undergo changes, but its pillowcase.

The easiest way is to reconstruct a pillowcase to resemble a book cover. To do this, you will need a bright fabric with an interesting pattern that imitates a palette, and fabric with small stripes for the “pages” of the book.

The final result will look something like this:

No less difficult will be the transformation of a children's pillow into a bear or other animal. To do this, you will have to sew and stuff the head of a toy animal from the same fabric as the pillowcase. The animal's paws will come out on their own if you tie the pillow in the middle with ribbon.

You may not be able to find patterns for toy pillows with your own hands, but similar patterns are built in the same way as patterns for the heads of any soft toy you like. You just need to slightly adjust the scale of the proposed template so that the size of the animal's head is approximately 1/4 the size of the pillowcase.

Product requirements

The toy pillow is primarily intended for children, Therefore, products must meet the following requirements:

The pillow should be stuffed moderately - the product should be soft enough and not too hard, otherwise the child may experience discomfort while sleeping.

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To diversify the interior of the living room, it is not at all necessary to rearrange the furniture or change the wallpaper. Original and unusual pillows, which are easy to sew with your own hands. How to do this is very simple, show a little imagination, and bright fabrics and scraps will also help you.

The shape of the pillow can be very different - from simple rectangular to stylish and unusual hearts or animal figures. Take a fairly dense material for it - satin, brocade, fleece, you can sew fur pillows or products from patches. Choose the color scheme at your discretion, but the fabric should be in harmony with the shade common interior sofa and room. “Cool” fabrics, such as satin or silk, are good for summer. The pillow should be stuffed with padding polyester or padding polyester, you can also use foam rubber or fibertek. These fillers hold their shape well after washing, give the product fluffiness and softness, and are hypoallergenic. Do not stuff with feathers or cotton wool, they will quickly become crumpled, lose their shape and can cause allergic reactions. The pillow can be decorated various elements. For example, do embroidery on the finished product or sew on a figurine cut out of fabric. Suitable for decorating zippers, bows, buttons, beads, lace.

To sew a simple rectangular pillow for a sofa, you will need:
  • Thick plain fabric for the pillow itself;
  • Bright and original fabric for pillowcase;
  • Decorative elements;
  • Threads matching the tone;
  • Filler;
  • Needle, pins, scissors, thread;
  • Sewing machine.

Decide on the size of the pillow. The optimal size for a sofa is a square of 40x40 cm.

Fold the plain fabric in half, front side inside. Mark a square on the fabric required size, plus 2 cm on each side are left for allowances. We cut out a square with sharp scissors and pin it around the perimeter, or you can baste the pieces with a loose seam. We sew the base of the pillow on a machine, leaving a small space for stuffing, turn it inside out and stuff it with filling. The hole through which we stuffed the pillow can be sewn up by hand, or you can sew in a zipper - this makes it more convenient to replace the filling and wash the pillow. The main part of the product is ready. Now let's start sewing a bright pillowcase or pillow cover. The cutting principle is the same - cut out 2 squares, 3 cm larger than the base. You can make a cover with a zipper, or you can cut out the back part 20 cm longer and fold it according to the principle of a regular pillowcase. We sweep the cut parts by hand and sew them on a machine. We sew a zipper into one of the sides. Turn the finished pillowcase inside out and put it on the pillow. A stylish DIY sofa pillow is ready.

Decorate the pillow with a ribbon or lace edging, sewing it around the perimeter. Or sew any other interesting elements onto the case. Also, after a little practice, sew a pillow of an interesting shape - round, oval, heart-shaped.

The finishing touch when creating the interior of the premises is a variety of decoration elements. And decorative pillows are often used in this capacity. With them, the house immediately becomes much more comfortable and elegant. You can buy ready-made cute pillows in the store by choosing suitable option, but it’s easy to make them yourself, using the materials you have on hand. This creative process allows you to show all your imagination when creating such decorations for your home. You just need to have very little sewing skills.

Decorative pillows: a variety of ideas

Interior elements such as decorative pillows can serve various functions. They serve as:

  • pillows under the back or under the legs for greater comfort and convenience;
  • decoration of the room;
  • toys for children and adults.

When making such pillows, you can bring a wide variety of ideas to life, approaching this process creatively and with imagination, putting a piece of your soul into it. This is the only way it will really work interesting product, which will decorate the interior. Decorative pillows can be either bright colors, with colorful appliques or other decorations sewn on them, or more strict lines or tones, which depends on the mood and style of the interior in the house.

These pillows can be very diverse in shape. They are made:

  • traditionally rectangular, square or other geometric shape;
  • smooth lines - round, oval or irregular in shape;
  • in the form of toys - letters, animals or birds, favorite characters.

Everyone has a very large choice when making decorative pillows. Any option your heart desires can be taken. There is also sufficient variety when using materials for sewing these products.

Materials for decorative pillows

To sew beautiful pillow, there is absolutely no need to buy fabric specifically for this. You can use everything you can find in the house - pieces of fabric, artificial fur, old things that have already gone out of use. To decorate the product, you can also take improvised materials. In this capacity, they use buttons, zippers, braid, ribbons and much more from what is at home.

Advice. When selecting materials for making a pillow, it is better to choose fabric whose edges do not fray when cut. It is easier to work with such fabrics, and the product itself is more neat in appearance.

When sewing a pillow, you will need to stuff it with something to give it shape. Synthetic winterizer is very convenient as a filler. It holds its shape well and does not bunch up inside, as happens when using cotton wool. To fill the pillow, you can take something else - foam rubber, unnecessary pieces of fabric, or something else suitable for these purposes.

This product itself is made in different ways. An option is when you immediately sew a pillowcase, filling it with filler. You can do it differently - first make a pillow, and then sew it for it decorative pillowcase, which can be removed for washing if necessary.

Attention! When sewing a pillow, it is important to use high-quality threads. In this case, the finished product will be stronger, and its appearance– neater.

How to sew a pillow with your own hands?

Process self-made decorative pillows are not too complicated. Having a sewing machine in the house makes it much easier. But many people do without it in this matter. Ready options Today you can find patterns on the Internet, but they are easy to make yourself. Next, when sewing, you need to approximately adhere to the following sequence:

Advice. If the pillow will be used to place it under your back, it is better not to sew hard materials on it. decorative elements. Otherwise, lying on it will not be very comfortable.

Decorative pillows bring special comfort to your home, decorating almost any interior. They are quite easy to sew with your own hands, having only a little skill in this matter. By putting your ideas and fantasies into practice, you can end up with a truly interesting and original product.

DIY sofa pillow: video

Decorative pillows: photo

The baby pillow has finished form length 46 cm, width - 40 cm. Suitable size for a child from 1.5 to 6 years. This pillow is suitable for a crib if the child sleeps in it for up to two years or more.

Sewing a pillow and pillowcase will take you 2 hours.

Materials and tools:

for pillow:

  • teak blue color– 50 cm with fabric width 150 cm,
  • pillow filling (for example, holofiber) – 300 g.
  • For the pillowcase:
  • Colored calico with a pattern in the form of cars - 50 cm with a fabric width of 150 cm.

In addition, you need:

  • white sewing threads,
  • sewing machine,
  • pins,
  • scissors
  • tape measure.

How to sew a baby pillow and pillowcase with your own hands:

First, sew the pillow (back when pillows were made of feathers, this part of the pillow was called a pillowcase). From a common piece of blue teak, cut a piece 82 cm long. Fold it in half. The width of the piece folded in half will be 41 cm (40 cm is the width future pillow and 1 cm – seam allowance). The length of the future pillow is already determined by the width of the overall piece of fabric (50 cm), minus the seam allowances on both sides, the length of the pillow will be 46 cm.

Sew two side seams of the pillow and one longitudinal seam at a distance of 1 cm from the edge.

In the middle of the longitudinal seam, leave 7 cm unstitched. Through this hole you will fill the pillow with holofiber.

Turn the napkin inside out front side, use a needle to straighten the corners and iron. Press the allowances of the unstitched hole to the wrong side.

Set aside the quilt and move on to the pillowcase.
Cut 105 cm from a common piece of colored calico. Fold the cut 1 cm first once, iron it, then tuck it another 1 cm and iron it again. Machine stitch the folded fabric close to the edge.

Here is the hemmed edge of the future pillowcase. Do not hem the second edge, it will not unravel anyway, because there is a fabric braid along the edge.

Now fold the pillowcase and prepare it for sewing. Place the fabric wrong side down. Fold the hemmed edge to the right side, to a width of 21 cm. Grasp the opposite edge, bottom edge fabric (the one you didn't hem because it's finished) and place the fabric so that this edge is flush with the top edge. Everything is clearly visible in the photo. The pillow turned out to be 40 cm wide.

Sew the side seams of the pillowcase at a distance of 0.7 cm from the edge.

Now fold the stitched edges twice by 0.7 cm and iron them.

Sew the seam along the folded edge.

Now the inner seams of the pillowcase are securely hemmed and will not fray during washing.
This is a pillowcase from the inside out on one side.

And this is on the other side.

Turn the finished pillowcase inside out, use a needle to straighten the corners, smooth it out, and turn the flap of the pillowcase right side out. That's it!

The flap of the pillowcase is wide enough that even the most restless child will not be able to pull the pillow out of it on his own.

Let's return to the pillow. Fill it with holofiber through the hole left. Determine the filling density by whether your child likes to sleep on a high pillow. In general, doctors do not recommend using too high pillows in childhood.

Sew the hole directly over the top, end-to-end.

This is the pillow you got and this is the pillowcase.

Fold back the flap of the pillow and place the pillowcase over the pillow. This is what your pillowcase will look like when you put it on your pillow.

Re-fold the flap. The pillow is conveniently packed in a pillowcase, and the seam of the lapel is almost invisible.

The baby pillow with a comfortable pillowcase is ready.

A master class on sewing pillows and pillowcases was prepared by Milena.

Any housewife wants to give the interior of her apartment additional comfort. This can be done quite easily with the help of decorative pillows. The variety of designs and shapes allows you to decorate with pillows not only the living room or bedroom, but with a certain thematic focus, even the kitchen and bathroom. Making decorative pillows is not as difficult as it seems at first glance; for this you do not need to have professional seamstress skills, you just need to have the desire and a sewing machine.

How to choose a pillow design? What types of patterns are there? What to fill the pillow with? You will find answers to these and many other questions in our article.

Before you start sewing, make sure that you have all the materials necessary for this:

    • Fabrics - the most important point in the manufacture of decorative pillows. In principle, you can use any fabric you like, for example, linen, cotton or knitted fabric. But for normal quality and longer service life of the pillow, it is better to use specialized fabrics, such as felt, plush, fleece, denim or any upholstery fabric. In addition to fabric, housewives use artificial and natural fur in the production of pillows, and if you know how to knit, then feel free to use thick woolen fabric.

    • Stuffing is the material on which the shape and softness of the pillow will depend. You should not approach the choice of stuffing material with disdain and fill your pillow with anything. For stuffing there are special materials- synthetic padding, fibertech, padding polyester, halafiber. For bolsters and smaller pillows, you can use foam rubber or pieces of it, but keep in mind that over time, the foam padding loses volume. In no case should you use cotton wool for stuffing, as it almost immediately falls off and begins to crawl out through the seams.

    • Decorations - needed to decorate the pillow. When choosing jewelry, it all depends on your imagination; the main options are braid, colored ribbon, buckles, lace, zippers, cords, buttons, and so on. In addition to ready-made accessories for decoration, you can use something you made yourself - fabric appliqués, bows, lace flowers. If your imagination is not satisfied with the above decorative elements, then you can additionally use acrylic paints, which fit perfectly on the fabric.

Set of threads
  • Thread - used for sewing seams and sewing on decorations. Do not skimp on the quality of threads; the strength of the pillow largely depends on them. It is better to buy a ready-made set with extensive color scheme so as not to search around the house every time for a spool of thread of the desired shade. Additionally, you may need floss and wool thread for decorative seams and making tassels.


The main tool of any seamstress, of course, is sewing machine. But if you don’t have one, then you shouldn’t be upset; a decorative pillow can be made by hand, it just takes more time. Referring to the list below, prepare the following tools:

  • Set of needles.
  • Scissors.
  • Marker, chalk or pencil.
  • Paper for patterns.
  • Knitting needles or hook (if a knitted product is being made).
  • Iron.
  • Tailor's meter.

Set of tools

The process of making a decorative pillow

A decorative pillow can have many shapes and designs, but the principle of its production is no different from a regular one. The pillow should have a main pillowcase filled with stuffed material and one or more replaceable pillowcases for possible frequent washing. Many housewives make the common mistake of sewing decorative elements onto the main pillowcase, which means they have to wash the pillow along with the filling. This can result in the pillow not drying completely after washing and causing a rotten smell. Based on the above, we will look at the process of making a decorative pillow with a removable pillowcase.

Making the main pillow

  1. Choose the design, shape and size of the pillow.
  2. Transfer the dimensions of the pillow onto the fabric, making markings using a meter and chalk. If the pillow has a complex shape, consisting of several parts, then additionally make a pattern from paper.
  3. Using scissors, cut pieces of fabric along the pattern lines.
  4. Place the pieces right sides together.
  5. Machine or hand sew three sides of the pillowcase (leave one side for stuffing).
  6. Turn the pillowcase inside out and stuff it with your chosen material.
  7. Sew up the remaining side of the pillow with thread or sew a zipper to it and fasten the pillow.
  8. Check the elasticity of the padding; if the pillow is too soft, add padding material inside.

Making a removable pillowcase

  1. Measure the length and width of the main pillow.
  2. According to the dimensions obtained, cut two pieces of fabric.
  3. Place the pieces of fabric right sides together.
  4. Sew three sides of the pillowcase with thread.
  5. Sew a zipper on the unsewn side of the pillowcase (you can also use buttons or ties instead of a zipper).
  6. Turn the pillowcase right side out.
  7. Decorate your pillowcase with decorative elements.
  8. Place the pillowcase over the main pillow.

By performing these simple steps you will receive a decorative pillow to decorate your interior.
You can also learn about making decorative pillows from the video:

Design and types of decorative pillows

It should be noted that the main function of a decorative pillow is to decorate the interior of the room where it is located. For this reason, you should take the design, shape and decorative elements of the pillow very seriously.
Below we provide descriptions and photographs of the most original and beautiful decorative pillows, we hope that you will choose the option you need:

Hugging pillow
    • Hugging pillow- made in the shape of a torso and arm. Half of a man's shirt is used as a pillowcase, sewn from the bottom, with fasteners on the side. It is made by sewing two pieces of fabric together and filling them with stuffing. The main difficulty is cutting and stuffing the arm and hand. Pillows of this type have many variations, from normal hand, to a complete imitation of the human torso. Mainly used to decorate bedrooms.

Pillow made of patches
    • Patchwork pillow- made from scraps of one or more fabrics sewn together. The advantage of a decorative patchwork pillow is that it can be made from even the smallest scraps of any fabric. The disadvantage of patchwork pillows is the long production time due to sewing many small pieces into one. This type of pillow is very popular in living rooms, but can also be used for bedrooms and even kitchens.

Animal shaped pillows
    • Animal pillows- imitate cartoon or real fauna. They are made by sewing to the main part of the pillow, additional parts in the form of a head, tail and paws. Mostly animal pillows are sewn for children and children's rooms.

Letter pillows
    • Letter pillows are quite difficult to make and require a pattern. The second difficulty is the right choice filler, which long time will retain its elasticity and shape. In production this type pillows by stitching the front, side and back sides. Used in children's rooms, less often in the bedroom or living room. They are very suitable for teaching a child to read, but for complete learning you will have to sew the entire alphabet.

Flower pillows
    • Pillows in the shape of flowers- An excellent decoration for any room. Pillows in the shape of flowers are multi-component designs of smaller pillows and decorative elements. Only an experienced seamstress can make a beautiful pillow in the shape of a flower, so if you have little experience, you should not start sewing with this option.

Pillows with appliqués
    • Pillows with applique- one of the most popular types of decorative pillows. It is made by sewing appliqués cut from another fabric onto a pillow or pillowcase. This type of pillow is very suitable for beginner seamstresses. You can use pillows with appliques in any room, depending on the theme.

Embroidery on the pillow
    • Embroidered pillows- the pinnacle of seamstress skill. This is a very beautiful, but very labor-intensive option for a decorative pillow, requiring high skill from the manufacturer. Embroidery is done by hand on a pillow or pillowcase. You can decorate any room with such a pillow.

Pillow beaded and stones
    • Beaded pillows- an aristocratic type of pillow, which is suitable for rooms with a classic setting. Beads and decorative stones sewn to the pillow in the form of a pattern or ornament. The big disadvantage of such pillows is that you cannot sleep on them and they require careful handling.

    • Roller pillows are used mainly for decorating sofas. They are made of three parts - the main one and two round sidewalls. Sometimes, to add rigidity, a rod of wood or cardboard is used along with the padding. Making a roller with your own hands is quite simple.

Knitted pillows
    • Knitted pillows- able to create comfort in the room for long periods of time winter evenings. For lovers of knitting, such pillows are a godsend. Knitted pillows are made from knitted fabric fastened at the sides with thread. You can decorate such a pillow with either a knitted applique or other decorative elements. Knitted pillows usually decorate the living room.

Fur pillows
    • Fur pillow- enough original look pillows, which is made from artificial or natural fur. By the way, it is not at all necessary to cover the entire pillow with fur; sometimes only one side is enough. In order to be able to wash it frequently, make the main pillow out of fabric and the removable pillowcase out of fur. In this case, you can wash the fur every week. Fur pillows are suitable for decorating an interior designed in a medieval style.

    • Regular sofa pillow- made for the convenience of watching TV and decorating the sofa. Cushion, this is your companion for the whole evening, so make it from a material that does not cause irritation or allergies. Choose any shape of pillow you want, as long as it is comfortable for you to place it under your back or head.

Genuine leather pillows
  • Leather decorative pillow- used for decoration leather sofas. It is made in the same way as any fabric pillow. Requires careful handling; instead of washing, it is treated with skin care products.


For your convenience, we have posted some patterns of popular models of decorative pillows.