home · Other · Make a fire at home without matches. Making fire using flint in a damp forest. Starting a fire by rubbing wood on wood

Make a fire at home without matches. Making fire using flint in a damp forest. Starting a fire by rubbing wood on wood

Making a fire in winter without matches is no different from making a fire without matches, lighters or cigarette lighters in any other season. In this case, if there are no matches at hand, methods of starting a fire using methods that were used by our distant ancient ancestors, who managed to tame fire, come to the rescue.

There aren't that many ways. And they are based on the use of improvised means.
Let's consider situations when you need to ignite
fire, but no matches or lighter at hand, no car either
nearby, and, accordingly, a cigarette lighter, which could be used
use, gasoline and battery are also missing. To begin with, to
make a fire without matches, you need to collect dry materials that burn well
and ignite quickly. This mixture has a name - tinder. Feature of tinder
that it only takes a few sparks to ignite. Tinder is easy to make from
things that are literally lying under your feet, and you can also
donate not-so-needed clothes, accessories, and small paper items
bills, store receipts, disposable sanitary wipes, nasal
scarves. From natural materials you can use twigs, dry moss and leaves,
bird feathers, finely chopped tree bark. If possible, then rags
or pieces of paper need to be soaked in alcohol or perfume. If you don’t have alcohol-containing alcohol on hand
liquids, then there is no need to moisten the tinder with anything, especially with water, since water makes tinder
it will not burn at all and will become useless.

several ways to start a fire without the help of matches, cigarette lighters and
lighters. The first method is optical. But it requires bright sunlight, A
at dusk or cloudy weather this method is not suitable. Mirror, lens
camera, glasses, binocular lenses can be used as an item for
focusing the sun's rays on tinder. In winter, you can make a focusing lens
on one's own. In a small flat
pour water into the container, and when it hardens, the lens will be ready, with it
with help, you can start a fire.

the second is chemical. It is based on the chemical reaction of potassium permanganate powder with glycerin.
However, not everyone may have these items with them. This method is good
known, it does not require much time and effort. It is the simplest, unlike
other methods of starting a fire without matches.
You need to pour a small handful of manganese powder, drop 2-3 drops on it
drops of glycerin and immediately remove your hands, and please, the fire is burning, now
you need to light the tinder immediately. All. A chemical reaction gave you warmth, light and
opportunity to cook food.

the third is physical. It is based on human physical strength. In order not to
wipe your hands bloody, you need to make an object like a bow, from which
they shoot. This method is the most difficult and time-consuming. You can make an onion from a branch
birch or hazel. The length of the branch is about a meter, thickness - 2-3 cm. It can be used as a bowstring
use rope. You also need a pine stick made like a pencil, then
there is a pointed one at one end, 25-30 cm long and about 0.5 cm thick. We still need to make
support for the “pencil”, it can be a dry stump or a log. Needs to be cleaned
remove it from the bark, make a hole, cover it with tinder. Wrap the pencil once
string, insert the sharp end into the hole and press the “pencil” with your left palm
hands, start moving the bow back and forth. To avoid rubbing a hole in your hand, place it on your palm
you need to put a cloth or tree bark. When the tinder begins to smolder, you need to
blow, and when the fire flares up, put dry branches into the fire.

the fourth is geological. This method requires flint and steel. Silicon
Any hard rock can become. The flint needs to be brought closer to the tinder and
hit something steel with it, for example, a knife blade.
You need to hit so that the sparks fly closer to the center of the tinder. It should be done
several times until the tinder begins to smoke. Then you need to blow on
smoking tinder. If you have alcohol-containing substances with you, you can
pour a small amount of them into the burning tinder. If on a steel surface
If you can’t light a fire, you can try to do it with two stones.
You need to hit each other with sliding blows, keeping them close to the tinder.

another method based on the force of friction. Need metal
wire and wooden block. Wrap the wire twice around the bar and
each take turns with a friend to pull the wire towards themselves. From friction wire
get hot, and then you need to bring it to the tinder.

you are a hunter or you have some kind of firearm with you, and on the street
winter, you can light a fire using gunpowder from a cartridge. We need to get gunpowder
from the cartridge, pour it onto a stone, and with another stone begin to grind the gunpowder over
the first stone. It will ignite due to friction, and then the burning gunpowder must
throw tinder.

remember very much important thing. In winter, you need to make a fire in advance.
a piece of land cleared of snow. If you do not clear the snow from the soil, then
A fire built with great difficulty may fall under the melted snow. A
if, moreover, the snow covers the fire after this, then it may even
go out.

IN field conditions There is no way without fire: it will warm you up, feed you and give you something hot to drink, dry your shoes and clothes, and help you send a distress signal. And for this you need to know how to light a fire , so that it burns as long as possible and gives maximum heat.

Making fire using traditional methods

The main sources of fire were and remain matches and a lighter. Matches are included in any survival kit. The following types are distinguished:

  1. Resistant against wind and moisture (hunting).
  2. Having a long piece of wood.
  3. Non-grit options that generate fire from friction against any surface: stone, wall. They can be recognized by the double coloring of their heads.

To matches didn’t let you down at the right time, you need to do some simple recommendations:

  • Proper storage: in airtight containers. To avoid ignition, avoid their friction and strumming.
  • For economical use, the match is split in half and a fire is started by pressing the sulfur head to the ignition surface.
  • A damp match can be dried by rubbing it over dry, clean hair.
  • A candle will help you start a fire and save matches.
  • It's always safer to have a spare box of matches.
  • Ordinary matches must be additionally processed, otherwise there is no point in taking them with you on a hike.

Lighters, in turn, can be:

  • alcohol;
  • gasoline;
  • gas.

You can take any of them, but, most importantly, they are not cheap. With the latter, building a fire will be delayed, and “you won’t be able to cook porridge.” A couple of flints in reserve would also be useful. They are suitable for making a “fire pencil”, which produces a spark from friction against any hard surface.

Procedure for making a fire

  1. Prepare tinder or any flammable material:
  • reed, especially its top;
  • dry grass;
  • paper;
  • textile;
  • cotton wool;
  • small birch bark;
  • crushed tinder fungi;
  • needles;
  • fir cones.
  1. Collect brushwood and prepare firewood.

The first option ignites easier and faster, but does not burn for long. The main fuel is firewood. First, dry and thin ones are used, and after that you can add raw ones, from the heat. excess water will evaporate and the fire will not go out.

  1. Prepare a place for the fire.

It is necessary to avoid options near dry trees, tents, and sleeping bags. The selected area with a diameter of 1-1.5 m is cleared, you can dig a small hole to make a fire. If the ground is wet or covered with snow, make a raised platform from fresh branches, earth or stones.

  1. Build the “frame” of the structure.

Whatever type of fire a person chooses, several rules should be followed:

  • leave fire access to oxygen;
  • use as dry materials as possible;
  • Use brushwood to light firewood.
  1. Get fire and start a fire.

The spark hits the tinder, then small brushwood ignites and, as it burns, it ignites thicker branches and firewood. If necessary, a low flame should be maintained by slowly fanning.

How to start a fire with a lens?

The sun is a limitless source of energy. In cloudless weather, you can start a fire even with a small piece of glass. The main thing is to concentrate the sun's ray at one point. Tinder placed in focus in the form paper napkin or a nest of dry grass will give a flame that just needs to develop.

Also suitable: mirror, bottom of an aluminum can, glasses, piece pure ice. The lens can be made from plastic bag or a condom, filling them with water, which refracts light. All you have to do is use your hands to shape the container with water into the desired shape so that the sun’s ray can focus on one point.

You can also start a fire using a piece of ice. The main thing is to use the warmth of your hands to give it the shape of a biconvex lens. It works on the same principle can. Only it does not refract the sun's ray, but reflects it. Before use, the bottom of the jar can be sanded, but it is important not to overdo it so as not to damage the outer shell.

How to light a fire using friction?

Even ancient people noticed that hard surfaces heat up when rubbed. Many homemade and industrial devices for making fire are built on this principle. One of them - flint. IN modern design This is a rod made of an alloy of iron, silicon and some metals. Flint is not afraid of moisture and wind. It is durable, unpretentious, does not require refueling or maintenance, and does not break. The resulting sparks have a temperature of 3000 °C.

The disadvantage of flint is that it is useless in the absence of dry tinder, which is difficult to achieve in certain weather conditions (rain, snow). Flint can be manual or semi-automatic. Working with the latter variety frees up one hand. Those who want to start a fire using flint should know that:

  1. Alloy steel produces sparks better.
  2. You should not use the blade of your knife instead of a knife. The latter will either become dull or burnt out, and you also cannot do without a reliable knife on a hike.
  3. If you don’t have a chair, you can use the part of the hacksaw or knife closest to the handle.

You can light a fire using bow drill. To do this you will need a flat piece of wood as a base. You need to make a groove in it where the rod will be inserted. From the groove it is carried out drainage channel for the outflow of friction products and coals. A dry and strong branch no more than 1 cm thick is suitable for the rod. A bow is made from another branch up to 1 m long and 2 cm in diameter, tied with a bowstring from a shoe lace or a strip of cut belt. The rod is used to twist the bowstring. They insert it into the groove and begin to move the bow so that the rod rotates slowly at first, then faster and faster. This creates friction between the base and the rod. This does not injure your hands. At the required pace of movement, smoke appears, and then powder Brown or coals. Placed in tinder, they will allow you to make fire without matches.

You can light a fire without a bow, but then you will have to rotate the rod together.

For next method You will need ordinary wire with a diameter of 2 mm. The handles will be 2 sticks attached to its edges. They wrap a log with wire and try to saw off a piece of it. Once the tinder has caught fire, you can start a fire.

The simplicity of the method does not guarantee instant success. There is a dependence on the weather, tinder, and type of wood. In the summer, this technique will definitely work.

Starting a fire using the methods described above may not work the first time. Repeated training will be required to develop the appropriate skills.

Chemical fire making

You can light a fire using the thermal effect of chemical reactions in which the reactants are:

  • Potassium permanganate and sugar (9:1).
  • Bertholet salt and sugar (3:1);
  • Potassium permanganate and glycerin (1-2 drops). When smoke appears, an additional drop of glycerin is applied, causing the mixture to spontaneously ignite.
  • Potassium permanganate and antifreeze. 1 tsp is poured onto the paper. permanganate, add 2-3 drops of antifreeze and, tightly folding the paper, place it on the ground, covering it with tinder. Starting a fire occurs through a slow oxidation reaction accompanied by the release of heat. A large number of antifreeze will slow down chemical reaction. Loosely folded paper will also reduce the temperature inside it.

Someone is counting chemical method receiving fire is strange, but in real conditions it works and helps someone.

But he didn’t tell me how to make fire in extreme conditions.

Starting a fire yourself is not always easy, even if you have matches. What to do if it rains in the forest? In this article I would like to talk about methods of making fire (both with ordinary matches, lighters, and somewhat extravagant methods). There are a great many of the latter, but I would like to make a reservation in advance: only really working methods will be indicated here, and/or those that are normal from the point of view of a healthy mind.

A simple example: in one of the films with Les Stroud, he starts a fire using shots from his rifle, namely, he disassembles the cartridge, installing tinder in place of the bullet and squeezing the cartridge case using a multitool. Agree, it’s strange that a person has a rifle and a multitool, but no simple matches or flint. This is still nothing, but he fired about 10 rounds there, and this means that in the worst case scenarios, 5(!) targets were hit. Such methods of starting a fire are stupid and you will not see them in this article.

Starting a fire using traditional methods

To begin with, I would like to talk about ways to start a fire using matches, lighters, and flint. Matches are a component of any survival kit; in almost every one of them you can find this small and effective remedy making fire. Eat Various types matches, namely:

  1. water/wind resistant
  2. ordinary
  3. matches with a long piece of wood
  4. greaseless matches.

Exist different kinds factory-made water and windproof matches, which are known among us as "hunting" matches, some of them are really good, but they are much more expensive than regular ones. It’s better, by the way, to take several boxes (this applies to all matches): a couple for testing and preparation, others directly to NAZ.

You can also recommend foreign matches "Windproof Waterproof Survival Matches" NATO NSN: 9920-99-665-4243. They are packaged in a sealed Plastic container. The chirkash for initiating matches is located outside the container and can get wet or damp, so if you wish, it is better to move it inside, or even better, add another chirkash cut from a matchbox.

Also interesting are the so-called strike-anywhere matches. They are ignited by friction against any hard surface (for example, a stone or a wall), and they can be identified by the double coloring of the head. Since they are sensitive to friction, they must be stored carefully.

There are also regular matches, but without additional processing It’s better not to put them in NAZ.

One of the simplest, and at the same time the best ways Processing of matches includes waxing. Matches are dipped into melted paraffin for a few seconds, no more (the paraffin should lie on the match thin layer). These matches burn longer and stronger than regular ones. You can also coat the head of a match with varnish, and, if necessary, remove this varnish by friction, for example, on a stone or a knife blade, but this method has fallen into oblivion because it is inconvenient and impractical.

It is better to store these and any other matches in airtight containers. Previously, for example, a case for 35mm film was popular, but now it’s difficult to get. Therefore, many reputable survivalists advise keeping matches in sealed plastic envelopes.

They are usually done. Take two pieces plastic film, and are sealed along three edges (put them between two sheets of paper, leaving a free edge of 1-2 centimeters, and go over it with an iron or soldering iron. Or you can weld the edges in the flame of a match). Place matches in this container (several, along with chirkash or a whole box), and weld the last edge. Sealed and convenient. You can also wrap the matches in waxed paper and put them in this container - you will have excellent tinder.

There are also factory containers, many of which already have chirkash, and some models have a small flint on the outside below.

Tinder- any material that ignites from a single spark. It can be birch bark, dry leaves, dry grass, or reeds that grow along the banks (or rather, its top part), V general options weight. Tinder is convenient: you ignite it, and the whole fire flares up from it. Many people recommend not relying on natural tinder, but also carrying your own tinder - a small box with burnt cotton wool or cotton wool soaked in Vaseline.

You can also carry lighters. There are a great variety of lighters:

  • gas
  • gasoline
  • alcohol

You can take both gas and gasoline/alcohol ones, but it is important not to take cheap Chinese ones - they won’t light a fire. I also strongly recommend carrying a couple of spare flints with you for your lighter, because they can light a fire if something happens. Long ago, the UT magazine even published a recipe for such a “fiery pencil”: instead of a lead, flints from lighters were inserted into an ordinary pencil. When such a pencil was held against a hard surface, a spark was struck, which ignited the tinder.

Flint can also be used to start a fire. Flint represents metal plate(often with a notch, like a file) and round section a block (flint) of magnesium or a pyrophoric alloy. The latter is most often used, but if you have a flint with a firebox made of a pyrophoric alloy (most often it is mischmetal - an alloy of iron, magnesium, cerium and some lanthanides), then you can simply buy a separate magnesium block for kindling (available on sale).

How to work with flint is shown in the figure

There are also various eternal matches, the so-called. Lebedev Lights, ready-made kindling, but absolutely anyone will tell you that this is all nonsense, and none of this will be useful to you. The eternal match is fueled with gasoline, but the sparks it produces are not powerful enough, it is difficult to use, and the price is high. Lebedev's fire is simply ready-made kindling, which also needs to be set on fire, and many people carry it solely for one plus - this kindling cannot be extinguished until it burns itself... But the price outweighs this plus. For such purposes, it is recommended to have at least a couple of tablets of dry alcohol in your NAZ - this is an excellent kindling, and it is quite cheap, and it itself, for example, in dry rations is packaged in an airtight container along with chirkash and “hunting” matches, which is incredibly convenient.

We need to summarize. The following ignition means are recommended for NAZ:

  1. At least two boxes of water- and wind-resistant matches (hunting). If you don’t have them, you can put waxed, hermetically sealed regular matches (although it is recommended to put them in addition to hunting matches).
  2. Several lighters with a supply of flints for them.
  3. Flint.
  4. A supply of tinder (burnt cotton wool in a sealed box).

Starting a fire using unconventional methods

But what if you don’t have a NAZ (either your NAZ doesn’t have them, or they’ve run out), there are no stores with matches, and you yourself are caught in an emergency situation? A fire can be started in other ways. In this part you will learn how to make fire by friction and without matches.

Method number 1. Chemical reaction.

The fire can be lit as a result of the reaction of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) and glycerin, or by rubbing the same potassium permanganate and sugar. Moreover, in the first case the fire will be at the beginning yellow color, but then it will become normal (interaction with oxygen will begin). The method is somewhat strange, but it works, and many NAZs have potassium permanganate (it is an excellent means for disinfecting water and for many other things).

Method number 2. Fire by friction.

You can effectively get fire using the so-called. " hand drill" Make a bow by tying a rope or string to the ends of a stick. Using a bow and a stick, which you will rotate with this bow, begin to drill a hole in a piece of wood. As a result of friction, there will be a kind of black dust, similar to fine coal. When this powder begins to smolder (due to friction), it must be transferred to tinder prepared in advance. It is important that the tinder and wood are dry, otherwise nothing will work.

See the picture for more details.

Method No. 3. Fire using a car battery.

However, you can use any other battery. Short-circuit the two wires coming from the negative and positive terminals. Light the tinder from the resulting electric arc.

Lighting a fire in the forest using matches or a lighter is a standard affair. What if, in a situation where you need to light a fire, you don’t have any matches or a lighter. It becomes necessary to light a fire without them. It is possible to do this. How to light a fire without matches? There are several ways to do this.

Friction without matches and lighters

This is a very complex method, with a primitive echo. The key aspect here is the type of wood that is used as a plank or rod.

A rod is a stick that needs to be rotated around its own axis. Powerful friction should form between the axle and this stick. As a result, a spark occurs. If the friction becomes very strong, smoldering coals will form. They can be used to start a fire.

The optimal types of wood for this purpose: walnut (preferably walnut), cypress, juniper, willow. Poplar, aspen and cedar wood are also good. Before use, it must be dried if it is damp or wet.

Using a hand drill

This method is the most ancient and extremely difficult to make a fire. It implies the presence of wood, good physical strength and great patience.

It is necessary to collect the tinder in a small pile, similar to a birds nest. A tinder nest must be used to ignite the flame. The task arises of obtaining a spark. A flammable material should be used to create this nest. To light a fire, dry grass, leaves or bark will do.

You need to make a slight depression in the nest. It is necessary to cut a V-shaped hole in the board. It is needed for the flame. A small depression is made next to the hole. The bark lies under it. Smoldering coals formed from the friction process will be stored on it. This will give you a chance to start a fire.

Then the rod needs to be rotated. It is placed in the indicated recess. Its minimum length is 60 cm. It exerts pressure on the board. The method of rotating it for lighting is between the palms. The movement should be fast up and down along the entire shaft. The steps continue until the required coals are obtained. They should have a red tint. If this is the case, you can knock on the plank to start a fire. The coals will end up on the bark. It should be placed next to the tinder nest created earlier. Then you need to blow on the coals a little to make a flame appear.

Making a drill from a bow

This method is considered the most effective. It helps to securely hold high pressure and proper dynamics of rotation of the rod. Powerful friction is generated, which is required for the appearance of a flame. In this method you need to use a rod, a board, and a weighting agent. Its function is to fix the rod and bow. It is used to press on the upper end of the rod. He himself moves due to the bow and therefore staggers. To fix it, you can use a small stone or an element of some kind of wood. In the second case, the wood element must be harder than the rod. Lubrication is also needed here. It can be water or oil.

The bow is created according to the length of your arm. A wooden rod with good flexibility and some curvature is used. For the bowstring you can use various materials: even a lace, even a rope or a piece of rough leather strip. The main thing is that this material has high strength. Next, the bowstring is tightened.

A special board is being prepared. A v-like hole is also cut. Tinder is placed underneath it.

The rod is enveloped by a bowstring. Then it is placed in a loop from it. One of its ends is in the hole in the board. On the second, it is necessary to apply pressure with a weighting agent - a stone or an element of wood.

You need to move the bow strictly horizontally forward and backward. The rod rotates at the maximum possible speed. The bow must move until the treasured coals are formed.

It is necessary to make the flame flare up. These coals are placed in tinder. Blow on them slightly. A flame will appear.

Applications of flint and steel

This is a rather outdated method. It was often used by soldiers before. The main components: high-quality flint and steel. If you don’t have them, a penknife blade (it’s made of steel) and quartzite will do.

For ignition, you can use any dry, not very dense fabric. Moss will also work here. These materials are excellent at catching sparks. Their smoldering without flaring up continues for a very long time. If such materials are not available, you can use part of a mushroom or birch bark.

Any material taken, as well as stone, is fixed. The stone should be taken with two fingers: thumb and index. Their distance from it is approximately 5-7 cm. The position of the material being ignited is between the thumb and the flint used.

The blade hits this flint several times. Sparks appear. They get on the material used. It turns out to be smoldering

The flame is ignited. The material is placed in a tinder nest. You should blow on it a little. The fire is fanning.

Using the Lens

The lens is great for starting a fire. A standard lens can be used. Its task is to focus light from the sun on a specific area.

Suitable things for this method: magnifying glass, glasses, binocular lenses. When there is a little water on the lens, the ultraviolet ray is enhanced.

The lens rotates at the angle of the light source, that is, the sun. You need to focus the beam on a very modest area. The tinder nest is placed near the indicated spot. And after a few moments a flame appears.

The main drawback of this method is that the method is carried out only in the presence of sunlight. For example, in evening time or in cloudy weather it will not work

Using balloons and condoms.

If you fill such vacuums with water, you can form them into a lens. And with the help of a lens it is not difficult to make fire.

Any of these containers is filled with water. The tip is tied tightly. The shape of the container should be spherical (as far as possible). Just don’t inflate the vacuum to the limit. This will only distort the focus of the ultraviolet ray. The form should help create the necessary focus. The condom can be squeezed in the center. This creates two smaller lenses.

The vacuums used have a shorter focal length than standard lenses. For this reason, they are placed only 2-5 cm from the nest.

Using ice

In the work of the classic, the phrase “ice and fire” appears. And it is not just words. By using a piece of ice, you can actually create fire. This piece just needs to take the shape of a lens. This way the process can occur as in the fifth method.

And this method is often used by winter tourists.

Here you will need pure water. Because the ice should be transparent. If it is cloudy or contains impurities, then the lens method will not work.

To form ice of the required transparency, you need to pour it into a mug clear water. It is better to take it from a lake or other body of water. You can use fresh snow. It fits in this container. It's melting. The water needs to be frozen. The required thickness of the ice piece is approximately 5 cm. This layer is enough for a high-quality lens.

Make an ice cube the desired shape maybe with a knife. It must be taken into account that the correct lens thickens in the middle and narrows at the edges. Once this shape is obtained, it must be polished by hand. The heat from your hands will melt the ice a little. Its surface will become smooth.

Such an ice lens is placed in relation to the sun in the same way as a glass lens (method five). The light beam is focused on the nest. A flame appears.

Soda can and chocolate bar

Required components:

  • A can of carbonated drink, it is better to take a Coca-Cola container.
  • Chocolate bar.
  • Sunny weather.

The chocolate should be rubbed on the bottom of the indicated container. This is a kind of polishing. This will create a mirror effect on the surface of the tin bottom. You can use it instead of chocolate toothpaste. The effect is similar.

By performing this polishing, you form a parabolic mirror. And the light beam will be reflected from it and concentrated on one point. In a telescope, mirrors operate on a similar principle.

The treated bottom of the jar turns towards the sun. This creates a perfectly focused beam of light directed at the tinder itself. Approximate distance of tinder from the beam: 2-3 cm. Literally within moments, a fire is formed.

This is good and effective way. But not all tourists take them with them into the depths of the forest, or others are given a soda can and a chocolate bar

Flint made from batteries and real wool

Maybe some hikers take such things with them. And the procedure itself is as follows:

The strip of wool stretches. Its length is 15 cm, width is 1 cm. You need to rub the battery with it. The battery itself should have a power of 9 W. Its contact side rubs well with wool. This material will ignite. You need to blow on it a little. The ignited wool falls on the tinder. It burns very quickly, you need to have time to light the tinder nest.

There are several ways to start a fire: friction, drilling, carving, focusing the sun's rays, but each of them has variations. The question of survival often depends on the ability to start a fire in the wild, so read carefully, maybe it will come in handy.

1. Lens from a bag, condom, bottle

Fill the transparent bag or plastic bottle water and try to focus the sun's rays. Plant in a windless place; it is better to strengthen the “lens” and leave it. It will light up, it will definitely light up.

2. Mirror from a tin can

The bottom of a beer can is a concave mirror that can focus the sun's rays; if polished, it can be used to make fire.

3. Lens made of ice

In one of the seasons of “MythBusters,” the presenters produced fire using a lens made of ice, made in the shape of a ball. So from ready ice You can cut out the lens and make fire. To create such a lens yourself, you can pour water into a bag and shape it into a ball, covering it with snow or soil. When it freezes, it becomes a lens.

4. Blacksmith method

If you hit a nail with a hammer and turn it for 3 minutes, you can light a cigarette from the nail, and accordingly, you can set the tinder on fire.

5. Flint carving

A piece of steel, preferably hardened, is suitable as a chair. But with flint it’s harder, even though this flint is lying on the road. Soft rocks will not give a spark; you need to find a very hard stone.

Typically, such stones resemble cloudy or even transparent glass. It is impossible to knock a spark out of a rounded stone; the pebbles must be split and a spark must be struck from the sharp edge. Test several stones for sparks and take the sparkliest one.

The tinder must be very dry, it must be collected from thin wood fibers, cotton socks will do, the cotton-like fluff of plants lights up at the slightest spark, carve it in a windless place, it is recommended to hold the tinder over a flint.

6. Rubbing the rope on a dry stick

A pine stick, there is a split in it, rub into it, place it so that there is space under the stick. You need a rope, preferably made from natural fibers, attach pieces of wood at the ends, like chain saw. And, accordingly, cut, Shura. You need to saw with a lot of pressure and with quick, short movements. Literally at the count of ten it starts smoking. All that remains is to fan the fire.

7. Cotton ball friction

Between two dry boards, place a piece of cotton wool from a padded jacket, for example, and iron it back and forth until it begins to smolder. According to the stories of old people, fire is very easy to make.

8. Rubbing a stick against another stick

In a dry and soft wooden plank, make a groove into which you need to insert a hard wooden stick at an angle of 45 degrees. Pressing the stick from above, move it along the groove of the bottom board, at the extreme point the abraded material will collect, after a while the hard stick will collect desired temperature. Initially, clouds of smoke will appear. You can then watch as the chocolate-colored wood powder begins to accumulate. Individual particles of this powder, carried away by rapid movement, are thrown out further. You can clearly see them falling, smoking, although no sparks are visible.

The source of combustion occurs where hot powder accumulates in a heap, where air flows freely and supports combustion.

9. Drilling

In soft, dry wood, make a recess and a groove for air to enter, take a hard, dry stick and insert it into the recess, covering it with a stone on top.
Place kindling material, tinder or wick, moss, lint, etc. around the hole. Move the dry, hard stick with the bow, which is overlapped onto the stick.

Drilling pine with beech gives the best results in terms of time. It is not recommended to use linden and aspen for these purposes.

10. Potato lighter

In order to light a fire, you first need to make, so to speak, an “electric generator”.
To create a generator you will need:

  • Potato
  • 2 toothpicks
  • Knife and teaspoon (Optional)
  • 2 wires
  • , nth quantity

The wires must be stripped! Cut the potatoes into two halves using. Pass the wires through half of the potatoes. Using a spoon, make a dimple in the other half of the potato - the size of the dimple is equal to the size of the spoon. Mix toothpaste with salt and fill the cavity in half of the potatoes.

Connect the 2 halves (wires with inside should be folded, but so that they are dipped in toothpaste). Connect potato halves using toothpicks

To start a fire, wrap a piece of cotton wool around one of the wires. Wait a couple of minutes (the battery should charge). Then you should bring the wires close to each other until a spark occurs.