home · Other · Do-it-yourself matchstick hut step-by-step instructions. Matchstick houses without glue. How to make a house from matches: diagrams, photos, videos and instructions. How to make a matchstick house with your own hands: step-by-step assembly instructions

Do-it-yourself matchstick hut step-by-step instructions. Matchstick houses without glue. How to make a house from matches: diagrams, photos, videos and instructions. How to make a matchstick house with your own hands: step-by-step assembly instructions

Matches are a material that everyone can find at home. You can make a variety of crafts from them, and without the use of glue! A house made of matches is one of the most interesting and relatively simple designs.

When assembling it, you need to show perseverance, attentiveness and accuracy. The work can be done together, and then it will help unite adults and children. In this article I will analyze in detail how to assemble a wonderful match house with your own hands.

What you need for a small house

When choosing matches you need to be careful. Before work, it is recommended to calibrate them for defects and size. Identical sticks hold up perfectly. In addition to several boxes of matches, you will need a few more things: some kind of stand for a craft, in our case it served as plastic box for disk. It is easy to move and rotate without touching the craft. Tweezers will also come in handy, which will greatly simplify the work. You also need a two-ruble coin; its size is important, not its denomination, so instead of it you can use anything that has a similar shape.

Assembling a hut without glue

By following further step-by-step instructions with photos, even a beginner can build a small hut. Before you begin, you should lay out all the tools on the table so that they do not interfere with work, but can be easily reached if necessary. In front of you, you should place the disc box or other base on which the assembly will be carried out.

First we build the walls of the match house

Then we fasten the structure

  • For convenience, place a two-ruble coin in the center and do it carefully, since at this moment The building is very fragile!
  • The further process begins with installing four sticks in the corners of the craft. Please note that they must pass through both the top and bottom layers in the appropriate place without tilting. While working, it is worth putting a little pressure on the coin with your finger to prevent the destruction of the craft.
  • We also insert matches around the entire perimeter of the house through the top and bottom rows, not forgetting to press down on the coin.
  • Now the craft is a little stronger, you can carefully pick it up and correct it. You need to press gently side surfaces simultaneously from opposite sides, trying to level the structure. There will be four base matches left on the substrate, which can be removed, since they were only auxiliary.
  • Now return the match cube to the work surface, turning it upside down.
  • We stick seven matches on the side surface with their heads up perpendicular to the foundation. We place them between the matches of the upper and lower rows.
  • Step by step we perform the same operation on all side faces of the house. It is worth noting that on two sides the matches are located slightly higher, they are worth remembering.
  • Now we place eight matches on the top edge on top of the existing matches. In this case, their heads look in the direction opposite to the heads of the matches installed earlier when creating the base.
  • We perform the same operation on all side faces of the cube.

Now you can assemble the roof

  • We gradually push up the matches that we installed perpendicular to the surface. They are pulled out from below, with the help of an auxiliary match (about half their length).
  • We repeat the same action on the remaining faces.
  • We begin to lay out the roof of the building according to a certain pattern. Closer to yourself it is worth placing one of the faces, located perpendicular to the base of the match, which were slightly higher. We place new matches between the extended sticks in layers. There are two matches in each layer: the bottom one should be placed with the head facing you, the top one with the head away from you. The first layer is performed in all eight spaces. The second - only on six and on the extreme ones - nothing fits. Each new layer becomes smaller by two spaces until the last layer is laid on the two central spaces.
  • Posting gable roof. Matches are placed alternately on the left and right edges. The heads are directed upward, at the bottom they pass between the matches installed perpendicular to the base. The extended matches, between which the roof slopes were laid out, should be lowered a little all the way so that they follow the shape of the roof. The top match can be left level with the heads of the matches that form the ridge of the roof of the house.
  • Now let's build a pipe. It consists of four matches arranged in a square shape. It must be performed no lower than the ridge, as required by the rules.
  • The last step is to lay out the windows and door. You can make them from matches cut in half. The window size is four by four matches. It is located in the center of one of the faces. The door is six by four and has another match added in the middle to act as a handle. Our homemade product is ready!

I note that although this craft is assembled without the use of glue, sometimes it is difficult to do without it. The fact is that there are matches different sizes, do not hold on to each other well, and the craft may fall apart. At the same time, it is impossible to fasten them tightly with glue, since during the assembly process the parts constantly move and shift.

If you tried to assemble the craft several times, but nothing worked, use glue that hardens for several hours. It will provide a certain connection between the structural elements, but will allow the matches to be moved during the assembly process. It is enough to use glue only in the first five steps. Of course, all assembly must be completed before it hardens.

It happens that the master class is not fully understood. Then the missing information can be supplemented using the attached video.

Making crafts with your own hands exciting activity not only for children, but also for adults. Matches are exactly the kind of material that allows your imagination to run wild, and the products turn out incredibly original and interesting, and is also the simplest and most affordable.

This master class brings to your attention several options for making a house from matches at home.

Educational videos

It should be noted that making crafts from matches allows you to develop not only your imagination, but also trains patience, attention, endurance, and the ability to work carefully and concentratedly.

The most obvious, especially for people taking their first steps in the art of creating match products, will be video lessons.

The video shows in detail how to build a house using glue, as well as without using glue.

Crafts can be either in a two-dimensional image or in the form of three-dimensional figures of not only a house, but also other additional buildings to it, for example, pieces of furniture or various yard buildings (fence, well).

Method 1: Match house without glue

Let’s say right away that crafts without glue have a more complex design that only a more experienced craftsman can assemble. The strength of such a product is created by the density of the material and physical laws friction forces.

To build a figurine, you need to select even matchsticks with approximately the same cross-section.

And of course, the house will turn out more neat if the sulfur heads are equal in size. work surface choose something that is smooth but not slippery. The presented video contains detailed master match house making class.

Method 2: Match house with glue

Match figures held together with glue are easier to assemble, so they are suitable for people who are just starting to learn how to make crafts with their own hands and for children. Matches are easy and fairly quick to glue, so there shouldn’t be any particular difficulties when assembling the house.

Matches are also convenient because they can easily be divided into smaller pieces, and not just whole ones. Using a stationery knife or scissors, you can remove the sulfur heads of matches and get a craft that is completely different in style.

But of course, such an operation can only be carried out by an adult; children should not be allowed to work with sharp instruments.

MORE ABOUT: How to make a tank from matches: do it yourself

When working with glue, there is a possibility of getting dirty yourself or smearing workplace, so it requires some preparation:

  1. Cover the surface of the table with oilcloth.
  2. Pour some glue into a saucer so you can take as much as you need at a time.
  3. Prepare a toothpick or sharpen a match to pick up glue with.
  4. It is better to choose matches that will be located on the “face” of the product that are more even and smooth.

If crafts without glue imply that all parts of the structure consist only of matches, then in this case the scheme is more democratic. For example, the dome of the roof of a house can be made from both matches and matchbox- this is the easiest way. You can find out the details by watching the master class on the proposed video clip.

Matchstick house: preparation

Your attention will be offered detailed instructions making a house without glue. But first you need to prepare the following components for creativity:

  1. Packs of matches, several pieces.
  2. The coin is about 2.4 cm in diameter.
  3. Box for CDs.

Let's start building the house

There are few materials for making crafts, but all of them need to be placed on the table at once. Select the straightest matches, set aside crooked and broken ones, they are not suitable for work.

Place a CD box in front of you. Why did you choose this particular stand? Because the work requires a flat surface that can easily rotate around its axis in order to rotate the products without disturbing the structure.

And the box, as a rule, is most often at hand at home. But if you have any other device, you can use it.

Construction of the foundation of a match house

Let's start building the foundation of the craft, the diagram is quite simple:

  1. Place a pair of matches parallel to the box on the surface, at a distance slightly less than the length of one match from each other.
  2. On this base, perpendicular to its direction, a flooring of eight matches is laid. The heads of the matches, in this case, should all be located on one side, so the house turns out to be more harmonious. Trim all the ends of the matches so that they are even, like a ruler.
  3. The second layer will also require eight matches. From them you need to make a flooring for the first layer, but already perpendicular to it.

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Important note: the distance between each match in each of the two layers should be exactly one match. That is, when you assemble the foundation, you will form a lattice, in each hole of which you can insert a match. On these, so to speak, legs, the walls will be laid.

Laying walls

The most painstaking part of creating a craft is assembling the walls.

It requires the master to be as focused as possible while performing this not an easy task:

  1. First, a seven-row well is built so that the sulfur heads form a circle.
  2. Lay the same flooring on top of the well as in the foundation, only in the first layer lay all eight matches, and in the second - first six matches, the last two will be added later.
  3. After this, cover the top with a coin. It will help hold the structure, preventing parts from sticking to your fingers. Since at this stage it will be necessary to support the product so that it does not fall apart.

Strengthening the walls of a house using matches

Strengthening the structures is an important part of working on the walls, especially considering that the roof dome will be attached to them.

So, holding the craft, stick one match in its corners, heads up. Don't let the house move. Then insert matches along the entire perimeter along the walls of the house.

Carefully crimp the sides of the house and remove the coin. Now the product can be lifted from the base and picked up. Completely correct any discrepancies. Press the heads of the perimeter matches down to the level of the top decking.

To level, you need to press the matches located around the perimeter so that their heads touch the flooring. The resulting square will be the foundation. The structure is now sufficiently strengthened for further action. This is how we got the frame of the walls, which will be filled with matches.

The walls are laid first vertically, and then the horizontal layer is filled. When all the walls are laid, you need to crimp the house again, on all sides, to align and press the matches.

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Making a roof from matches

The production of the craft is nearing the finish line, all that remains is to design the roof dome:

  1. Place matches in the corner holes, and lift those inserted vertically into the wall by half their length.
  2. The matches that will form the roof should be perpendicular to the flooring. Starting from the edge and alternating directions, install two, four, six, and eight matches in the middle.
  3. The next step is to lay the shingles on the roof. Previously, vertical blanks were installed, now between them you need to lay a flooring of matches, the heads of which are turned towards the center. Now the roof dome needs to be fixed by pressing the sulfur heads of the matches located in the corners.

Completion of construction of the house

A home made with your own hands already brings joy, but you can make it even more beautiful. For example, install a chimney pipe on the roof, make doors and windows.

In addition, this design can be the basis for other crafts.

If you want to create a fairy-tale composition, then by adding a few details you can build a hut on chicken legs or a princess castle.

And instead sloping roof By installing a dome with a cross, you get a real church.

Additional match buildings for the house

Match crafts allow you to create the most unimaginable size and beauty compositions at home. These can be entire villages, cities, castles with gardens and forests. The houses themselves can be absolutely various designs: several floors, with an attic, balconies and others.

For example, installing fences, a well, a sunflower, a cart around the house and adding all this outbuildings With animals made from the same matches, you can create a magnificent installation of a village courtyard.

Handmade souvenirs can become not only a reason for an exciting time with children, but also a way of personal self-improvement. In addition, some craftsmen achieve such perfection that their products are equated to works of art.

How to make a match house with your own hands: step-by-step photo instructions How to make a firecracker from matches: step-by-step instructions

IN modern world Things that are made with your own hands are highly valued. It’s always a pleasure to receive such gifts: the soul of the giver, as well as his free time, but for some this time is a great luxury. It’s doubly nice to think that someone spent their energy and effort on you. This article will teach you how to make a matchstick house on your own.

Crafts for developing perseverance and attentiveness

When raising and developing a child, you need to devote time to developing his perseverance and attentiveness. Without these qualities, the baby will have a much more difficult time in life. kindergarten and school, and it will also be difficult to cope with work in adulthood, and in life in general. Great practice - making crafts from - cheap and available material, the environmental friendliness of which cannot be doubted. And the process itself will not only give you and your child unique work as a result, but will also help the baby become more patient and smart, precise in movements and attentive to details, teach him to achieve his goals, develop taste and creative activity. Therefore, do not hesitate - consider this review in more detail and proceed directly to the process of designing the product.

Great material for crafts!

In order to answer the question of how to make a house out of matches, you do not need much talent, and experience and dexterity will definitely come to you in the process. It should be noted that such a pastime is pleasant and interesting not only for children, but also for adults. The activity is calming and feels like a kind of meditation. You can use matches to make crafts of any size, from a small well to a large castle. You can beautifully and stylishly decorate your interior with such crafts, painting them with bright colors or leaving them in in its original form. The resulting stylish and original crafts You can give it to your loved ones and friends. When modeling a house, it is better to use either PVA), but you can do without it. However, keep in mind that without using glue, making a house out of matches will be much more difficult. Matches can be used whole, or they can be broken into pieces.

Advice for adults

Let's make a house out of matches? If yes, then you should pay attention to one important advice: do not leave very young children alone with matches due to their flammability (remember the famous phrase “Matches are not a toy for children”?) If the house has already been assembled, take a photo of the product for your child as a souvenir, and better disassemble the craft itself.

Materials and tools needed to create crafts from matches

How to build a house out of matches? We will need:

  • seven or eight boxes of matches (depending on the size of the planned craft);
  • coin or button;
  • a stand made of a thick sheet of cardboard, book or CD on which our structure will be placed.

Let's start building the house

Let's try to figure out how to make a house out of matches. First of all, we form the foundation of our future house. We lay out two matches in parallel at a distance, and on top - eight matches in one row, so that they are perpendicular to the two lower ones. We place the matches at the same distance from each other and make sure that the outermost ones form a regular quadrangle with our “stand”. We lay out the next row - again perpendicular to the bottom layer, in the amount of eight pieces.

How to make a matchstick house beautiful and neat? We make a structure of seven to eight rows, and in order for the house to have aesthetic appeal, we make sure that the match heads are arranged in a circle.

Here you can stop at the “well” or modify it a little and get small house from matches - with your own hands, as you will see later, it is not difficult to make. To do this, we make another layer using eight matches, placing six more perpendicularly on top. Next, place a coin or button on them. We take the “well” and place one match on each corner. They permeate upper layer and should go to the base. Make sure that the “well” does not move. After the house is strengthened at four corners, we stick new parts along the perimeter of all the walls. For even greater reliability, we squeeze the house with our hands, moving the matches towards the button (or coin), and then remove it.

Press the parts that were inserted with the button into the house, and carefully press the product itself on each side. Now the foundation of our “well” will be the basis for the roof. Let's move on to the walls. To do this, add two rows of matches to each wall of the house. One row should be vertical (we insert the matches with their heads up), and the second row should be horizontal (we lay the material in a “well”, match heads alternating with the tips). After completing the work, you need to squeeze the house again, press in the heads of the parts that protrude, so that the matches are pressed well and fastened together.

We are building a roof for a future craft

For the roof, the parts are pulled out from the finished building - first, we pull out the match from the corner, and then we tuck the vertical matches of the wall from below and pull it up.

When we've pulled it all out building elements, filling the roof of the building. We lay the matches perpendicular to the top layer from the very edge of our house. The roof pattern should resemble a checkerboard pattern.

Finally, The final stage- this is the construction of the roof slope of the house. We will make it from matches, placing them towards the center with their heads all over the roof. We lay two rows and press the match heads on the sides, securing the roof. Now our house with a roof is ready!

For beauty, you can also complete the house, decorate it with windows, a door or, for example, a chimney. A pipe can be created from half a match by inserting it into the roof of the house with the head facing up. This is a small house made of matches without glue, once you learn how to make it, you can move on to much more monumental structures.

Additional buildings to the house

A fence for a house can be built from match wheels. Wheels can be made in various sizes and can also be used to decorate the house itself, to create wells, and so on. There are several options for making these parts, so it's worth looking at this process in more detail.

Making wheels from matches

To create wheels from matches, you do not need to use glue, since the matches will be held in place even without it thanks to Laying one match as a base through two, three, four supporting matches (this is the first option for building a wheel). The wheel will have fifteen vertices, and one hundred and five matches are needed to build it.

The second option is to lay two supporting matches, then the wheel will consist of ninety-five parts with nineteen vertices and a small diameter. Such wheels will allow us to place them in larger products.

The third option is to create wheels by laying them through three supporting matches. There will be twenty-one vertices, and eighty-four parts are needed. These wheels will be smaller than the previous ones.

To create a wheel with the smallest diameter, we must lay matches through four support ones; such a wheel will have twenty-two vertices and consist of sixty-six parts.

If you decide to create your own matchstick house, then you should familiarize yourself with several useful tips. They will make the whole process much easier.

A great pastime for children and adults!

We hope you enjoyed our master class. A house made of matches, if you follow the steps described in the article, will turn out beautiful and original. And the time spent creating a house from matches will bring a lot of pleasure.

What can we say in conclusion?

This article discussed the steps by which you can build a house of matches. For beginners, this can be a starting point, and in the future, using your experience and imagination, you will be able to create more serious objects. For example, palaces, mugs, towers, horses and even portraits are made from matches. Therefore, start small: gather the whole family, read the article on how to build a house from matches and begin the construction process. And maybe, very soon, on one of the sites we will come across photographs of your beautiful and original crafts.

Good luck in your efforts and success in creating a house! If you make every effort and use all your imagination, then you will not have any problems constructing products from a material such as matches.

Matches - affordable and environmentally friendly safe material for creativity. Real works of art are created from wooden sticks - huts, castles, mills, fortresses and entire palaces.

You just need to be patient and work extremely carefully and carefully.

In this article we will show how and with the help of what kind of glue you can make a cute house from the most ordinary matches, and also tell you about glue-free technology for miniature construction.

What safe glue to use for matchstick crafts

Suitable for working with matches different brands glue, but to speed up creative process It is better to use quick-setting adhesives.

The most popular among match modeling masters today are the following types glue:

PVA-MB (Russia) - universal adhesive based on aqueous polyvinyl acetate emulsion. Designed for gluing wood, so it copes with the task perfectly.

PVA sets and dries quickly enough, and when dry it becomes transparent, which is important when making crafts.

Another advantage of PVA-MB construction and household adhesive is low price(a liter container of glue in any construction hypermarket costs less than 100 rubles);

Moment Stolyar (Russia)- modern glue, which is essentially an improved version of PVA. Availability in the composition special additives provides excellent adhesion and instant setting of bonded surfaces.

The glue is sold in convenient plastic bottles 250 ml volume with a convenient dispenser spout for spot application of glue, costs about 150 rubles;

Moment Mounting Instant Grip (Germany)- universal express glue for instant gluing of wood of any species. Glues in a matter of seconds, without requiring fixation of the surfaces to be glued.

After drying, like regular glue PVA becomes transparent. Sold in plastic bottles of 100 g and 200 g, it costs about 150-250 rubles.

Step-by-step instructions - how to assemble houses from matches with glue

To understand the principle of operation and get better at it, we first recommend building a simple house made of matches with any glue from those presented above.

The assembly process is not particularly difficult:

  1. On a sheet of cardboard that will become the base for the house, we place two matches in parallel. In order for the “foundation” to be without distortions, sulfur should be removed from the first two matches. Then glue the second row of matches according to the picture:
  1. Using a similar technology, we continue to lay “logs” row by row until the house reaches the desired height;
  1. For each “knot”, one drop of PVA glue (or equivalent) is enough. Before laying the next row, you need to let the previous one set:
  1. When the walls grow to the desired height, we mount the ceiling;
  1. We apply two layers of glue to the finished “overlapping” for structural strength:
  1. Let's start production gable roof. It will consist of two parts;
  1. For reliability, we tie each slope in two rows using glue and an additional match:
  1. We connect the two parts of the roof into a single structure and install it on the finished box of the house;
  1. Our first matchstick house on adhesive connection ready:


What else can you do with your own hands using matches?

From matches you can collect many interesting models- it all depends on the imagination and desire of the author.

This craft uses a different method of joining miniature logs.

Here's a quick guide:

  1. Using four matches, we assemble the base of the future well in accordance with the diagram. Please note that in this case all 4 matches lie in the same plane;
  2. Glue in the same way next rows. There should be 10-12 of them in total;
  3. Then we prepare supports for the future roof: with inside glue two matches tightly to each other to two opposite walls. We increase the supports, using two more matches for each of them;
  4. We separately assemble the roof frame and install it on our ready-made supports;
  5. We “sheath” the roof, gluing the matches into a continuous shield.

Having received the first experience, you can begin more serious modeling - do, for example, church made of matches with glue or a small mill.


The most important thing is to coat all joints and joints well so that the structure does not fall apart. Excess glue must be periodically removed during work, without allowing it to harden.