home · Lighting · DIY toy stove. Children's kitchen made from boxes DIY kitchen made from boxes and plastic

DIY toy stove. Children's kitchen made from boxes DIY kitchen made from boxes and plastic

All children try to imitate adults in their games, and almost every child has a moment when his most favorite toys turn out to be ordinary pots, bowls, ladles and spoons. And while watching the game in the children's sandbox, you can see how girls and boys prepare all kinds of salads, cakes and other dishes there. So why not please your beloved child and make a children's kitchen with your own hands?

Of course, you can buy such a toy if financial position allows, but it’s much more interesting to do it with your child creative process and make it yourself. And, most importantly, the hostess herself will be able to determine what color her kitchen will be, where the stove will be located, and where the sink will be.

Cardboard as the main material

There are many options for creating such a toy. In this homemade product, any available materials will be used. The most primitive option is a children's room play kitchen from cardboard. To make it, you will need several boxes of shoes, equipment or some products. You need to choose sizes such that two or three smaller boxes connected to each other are the same height and fit well on the larger one.

Shoe packaging is glued together with the smaller sides with the bottom back, two such modules are made and, placing them on top of each other, they are connected. You should get something like a shelf, divided into 4 sections. After this part is ready, it is placed on the far edge of a large box turned on its side and secured. The result is a foundation that will make an excellent children's kitchen.

It’s easy to decorate it with your own hands so that the toy takes on the appropriate appearance. For this purpose, you can use wallpaper or self-adhesive that decorates the entire surface. Here all leftover materials after repairs can be used: ceiling foam plinths, edgings, corners, plastic and even small ceramic tile. For all these elements, the main thing is to choose good glue, which will firmly fix them. To make a stove on the kitchen surface, you will need a good one that outlines the hob and oven underneath it.

Plywood and jigsaw. Limitless flight of fancy

Another more reliable option is a nursery made of plywood. There is a little more work here, but the result is worth it. For such a craft, you will need some calculations to make the base. And here simply enormous opportunities open up for the manifestation of imagination. To make calculations, it is not necessary to take measurements, so to speak, out of thin air. You can find a suitable piece of furniture at home and simply measure it: the height and width of all sides.

Kitchen creation process

Next, the corresponding rectangles are cut out of the plywood using a jigsaw and connected from the inside of the frame using a jigsaw. Then they move on to forming a working wall and wall cabinets, which can be made open or with doors. They are collected according to the same principle as the base.

Undoubtedly, a child will love a children's kitchen with water or light, and implementing this is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. For a model with running water, you will need a small tap, a hose, a plastic bottle and sealant. A hole is cut out on the surface into which a plastic bowl with a drain is placed, and a tap is installed near it. Next, you need to connect the bottle with the hose and the tap using glue and sealant. A hole is left at the top of the container so that water can be added to it. Install it in one of the top drawers, so that water will flow from an open tap.

For light, you will need several flashlights, which are mounted on a small kitchen roof so that they can be accessed to replace batteries. All of them must be connected to one switch, which will make it possible to turn on all the light bulbs at the same time. Then it's just a matter of decor. Such furniture can be spray painted by painting both the oven and the stove on it.

An old cupboard is the perfect children's play kitchen

It’s easy to remake it with your own hands unnecessary furniture, equipping it as a kitchen for a child. Babushkin is ideal for this purpose. First of all, it needs to be done according to the child’s height. For this you will need a jigsaw. Next, you need to clean it, paint it, attach the necessary hooks, install the sink from the bowl mentioned above, a faucet and lanterns for light. Draw the necessary equipment directly on the surface of the buffet. It is thanks to such simple techniques and little things that an excellent children's kitchen will turn out. You can make any kitchen utensils for it with your own hands, which will make the game even more interesting.

Kitchen trifles, or Everything in an adult way

For a full-fledged game, a child will need various little things that are in the arsenal of any housewife. These are all kinds of washcloths, towels, bottles detergents, saucepans, plastic dishes, thanks to which the children's play kitchen will become almost real. For complete set You can sew an apron and cap for your child, just like a real chef. Both girls and boys will like this idea. Here the child will rapidly develop creative abilities, fantasy and imagination.

Kitchen as a source of pride for a little housewife

A children's kitchen, created with your own hands, can become a real masterpiece that can be proudly shown to all guests at home. As a complement to it, in the toy store you can purchase special sets of products with cutlery that can be cut and used to make a variety of dishes. If it is possible to install such a toy outside, for example in your own yard, then you will definitely find the ingredients for culinary masterpieces: sand, soil, pebbles, glass, blades of grass, flowers and other little things that can be found right under your feet. In this case, playing with water summer time will give the child the opportunity to discover all his creative abilities and, most importantly, will not be a problem for parents at all, which cannot be said about playing in an apartment.

And we, too, were caught up in the craze for dishes. Yes. Now five-year-old Egor prefers pots and spatulas to any machines or robots. And God forbid he sees some pink blender in a toy store: everything, write, is gone.
Not buying girly toys is threefold difficult for me: firstly, a young man can be desperately inspired in his requests. The cat from “Shrek” nervously tugs at the tip of his tail, remaining silent on the sidelines. Secondly, I have youngest daughter, that is, in principle, I can do this quite legally, without inventing cunning excuses. But. It is for her that I will have to come up with gifts for birthdays and new years for the next twenty years - and it would be better to leave myself not only room for maneuver of imagination, but also some physically free space in the house. And thirdly: any mother knows that it is tens, no, hundreds of times easier to resist buying any transforming cyborg than it is to resist a single fuchsia iron or a set of tiny cups. We are girls too!!!
In general, we decided to rob the neighboring supermarket again for clean cardboard and cook up no more, no less - full kitchen for mother's helpers.
We will need (I give actual prices, i.e. what we personally actually spent):

Cardboard boxes (free, “hello, can we help you partially get rid of cardboard waste?”), 4 CD blanks (also free, but if suddenly there are no old scratched ones lying around the house, well... 8 rubles?), a lot of corks from plastic bottles and one bottle itself, ropes, plastic household hooks (10 rubles each), a stationery knife, scissors, a glue gun (I highly recommend having it at home, since this glue does not stink, and if you follow safety precautions, you won’t get burned. But if no - then take any serious glue that does not dissolve plastic), paint, colored paper, stickers for decoration (everything that was in the house), colored reinforced tape (80 rubles), a plastic spoon from bulk products (baby food, washing powder- anything), a simple pencil, a small metal bowl (hiking or dog bowl, for example, 38 rubles). A pair of nails - thick and thin, pliers, a gypsy needle. An enthusiastic big-eared five-year-old is one thing.
Time required – about two hours.
Let's get started!

Cleaning from the box suitable size factory tape and labels, on the top side we glue the “slab grid” with strong and bright reinforced tape, at the same time strengthening and covering the joints and corners.

Use a glue gun to glue the CD burner into place.

From colored paper or “foam” we cut out circles with a diameter slightly larger than bottle caps and glue them in place of future handles:

We also seal and cover any unevenness or unsightliness.

Now - work for mom. Use a thick nail to pierce holes in each circle:

We clamp a thin nail with pliers and heat it on the stove (if you don’t have gas, a candle will handle the heating quite well).

This requires two hands, so it was not possible to photograph the moment of the puncture. Physical strength and super-serious temperatures are not needed, everything is quick and simple. You should end up with cork “buttons” like this:

Which we “sew” into place using a gypsy needle and rope:

We pass the ends of the rope into one hole, previously pierced with a thick nail:

We put our hands inside the box and tie a lot of knots at the ends (we don’t worry about being pretty, the main thing is that it doesn’t come undone or jump out during the game):

Having made all five handles (4 burners and an oven), we tie the ends together - this is even more reliable.

We trace the outline of the A4 sheet to mark the future oven door:

Cut along the drawn line, the letter P: left, top and right side. Bottom - do not touch:

The bottom edge of the door will often bend and unbend (it’s a door!), so you need to reinforce this bend with a strip of reinforced tape:

In the upper corners of the door, using a thick nail already tested in such matters, we pierce holes under future pen and pass a thick rope through them:

Using leftover cardboard, we haphazardly stick a shelf inside the oven. To be honest, we never managed to do this exactly - but no one will suffer because of it.

We also glue the edges of the door and oven with tape, in all places where the cardboard can get wet.

We adjust the second box in height to fit our freshly baked stove (any housewife knows that the work and hob surfaces, as well as the sink, must be at the same height!). We clean it of labels, glue all the corners and joints, apply a metal bowl to the top surface and trace it with a pencil:

Having retreated - INSIDE! - about 5 mm from the edge (or more/less, depending on the shape and width of the side of your bowl), use a stationery knife to cut out a circle of smaller diameter:

Using a glue gun we glue our sink into place:

We make a tap from a bottle neck, caps and a spoon. Due to the rotating plug to which the spoon is glued, it turns back and forth. In principle, this version of the mixer is completely optional, depending on ethnic composition broken toys and your imagination, you can come up with any other design that is more similar to the truth.

We make a kitchen “apron” from scraps of cardboard and glue hooks to it:

We place the kitchenette “on its back” and mark the doors in the front part by tracing two A4 sheets. This time we cut through the top, bottom and center line, the side ones will turn into folds, so don’t forget to glue them with tape according to the same principle as the oven.

We pierce holes for the handles, pass ropes through them, and glue the shelves inside:

We glue the edges of the doors, paint and decorate the kitchen to the best of our depravity, arrange all the utensils - and PLAY!!!

Remember Jonathan Swift's book about Gulliver's Travels? One of the parts tells how a tireless sailor ends up on the Island of Giants. An adult, educated person turns out to be a toy in the hands of huge people, lives in dollhouse and amuses them with his manners and skill with a sword. From now on they decide where to go, what to eat and how to spend free time. Reading about the hero's confusion, you begin to think about what it would be like to find yourself in a world where you look at everything from the bottom up. Dishes, clothes, furniture - everything is much larger than you, everything is not tall enough and this makes you feel helpless and lonely.

But this is exactly how children live in our adult world. Everything around them seems huge and alien. “Don’t take this, you’ll ruin it, don’t touch this, you’ll break it.” “As you grow up, you’ll find out.” And when will it be time to “grow up”! In the meantime, listen to what they say and do what you are told. And how you want to manage things yourself and decide what can be done and what cannot be done.

To the credit of adults, it must be said that they (that is, we) understand this and are trying to correct the situation by creating for the child his own world with small dishes, toys and, above all, furniture. For example, a children's kitchen is great way let the child play cook, cook something, tinker with dishes and “products”.

In stores you can most often find plastic game modules in the form of a kitchen with a sink or stove, or both at the same time. They look good, but they are expensive and don’t look like a real kitchen.

A kitchen for a child, made by the hands of loving parents, is a completely different matter. Firstly, no plastic - wood, plywood, cardboard, in general, exclusively natural materials. Secondly, the opportunity to take into account individual characteristics and the child’s tastes: height, favorite color, degree of preparation for running his own household.

Step-by-step instructions: children's kitchen from an old cabinet

Selection possibilities source material To create a children's kitchen with your own hands, you are limited solely by your imagination and capabilities. In order to make such a toy from an old cabinet or bedside table, you don’t need to be an outstanding craftsman, but you need to have basic skills in working with wood.

  1. We find a suitable cabinet or bedside table, strong enough to be safe for the child and not fall apart with one touch.
  2. Sand the surface first with coarse sandpaper, then with fine sandpaper.
  3. Together with your child, we choose the color of the future kitchen so that it pleases him and does not irritate you.
  4. Paint the bedside table with paint of the chosen color. For this purpose, choose acrylic paint without a strong odor, then wait until it dries.
  5. We determine the places where the stove, sink will be located, and if the cabinet capacity allows, then also the oven and refrigerator.
  6. It is proposed to play the role of a sink in a white or metal bowl. We measure the diameter of the bowl on the countertop and cut out a circle, stepping back 1 cm inward from the edge of the drawn circle. Insert the bowl into the resulting hole - the sink is ready.
  7. On the other part of the countertop we “equip” a stove. You can use black computer mouse pads for the burners. round shape, CDs, black and red pieces of felt, in general, anything that will ultimately resemble hob. History knows of cases when light was supplied to the burners and water was supplied to the tap. But this is already a peak that you need to strive for, but it is not necessary to achieve it.
  8. Switches can be supplied with real ones, or replaced door handles, plastic lids from bottles, in general, something similar.
  9. You can also screw on a real faucet, or you can use a curved piece of pipe instead, a dispenser from liquid soap etc.
  10. To make the toy oven look like a real one, you will have to rehang the door so that it hinges from top to bottom (the hinges must be attached to the bottom).
  11. The rest of the design is subject only to your imagination. You can hang holders for towels and kitchen utensils (ladles, skimmers, brushes for washing vegetables, etc.).
  12. If there are shelves, you can place children's dishes on them and close them with a door or curtain.

The kitchen is ready, it's time to fill it with toy utensils, food and enjoy with your child new game. By the way, if something doesn’t work out for you, don’t be upset, it’s still a toy, it can’t and shouldn’t exactly copy the prototype. Give a boost to a child’s imagination, and she herself will make a horse, a gun, an oar or a teacher’s pointer out of a stick.

An old cabinet can be converted into a kitchen for a child DIY children's kitchen from old furniture We added a few details and the bedside tables became a children's kitchen. This children's stove was most recently a nightstand

DIY plywood kitchen, video

If with old furniture tension, you can buy a sheet of plywood and “put together” a kitchen for your child from it. You can watch how to do this in the following video:

How to make a toy kitchen corner from cardboard boxes

Cardboard box from household appliances contains an abyss of possibilities. You can make a lot of interesting things out of it, including toy kitchen for a beloved child. The advantage of this option is that such work does not require special skills or physical effort, and therefore can be done by the mother without the involvement of busy male power.

  1. First of all, we think about the size and composition of the future kitchen. Here you need to focus first of all on the place where it will stand.
  2. Based on our plans, we select construction material - carton boxes. For large kitchen, as in the picture, you need a lot of boxes from large household electrical appliances.
  3. We glue the boxes with tape so that they do not open or fall apart, first each separately, then all together.
  4. Using a sharp paper knife, we cut out the doors in the places where they are planned, not forgetting that the oven door usually hinges from top to bottom.
  5. We cut a round hole at the sink site, slightly smaller than the circumference of the future sink, the current bowl.
  6. The top panel can be reinforced with another glued sheet of cardboard.
  7. We attach the tap (in the picture there is a dispenser from a can of liquid soap).
  8. We cover the future kitchen with self-adhesive film or wallpaper so that it is not only functional, but also beautiful.

Video on the topic

How to make a smaller children's kitchen out of boxes can be seen in the video:

Children's stove made from a chair, photo

Another “mother’s” option for arranging a play kitchen corner for a baby. A chair or stool can be adapted for this purpose. You can paint the stool, hang hooks and switches, and now the stylized stove is ready.

A little paint, fittings and imagination, and in front of us is not a stool, but a stove One chair fits a sink, stove, kitchen shelf and cabinet Kitchen stove from an old wide stool

The second option is a cover for a chair or stool. Code name:

“A kitchen that is always with you”: a furniture set for the little ones

The manufacturing algorithm is as follows: we sew a cover and put it on a chair (stool). You can take it with you in a folded form to your grandmother, on an overnight visit, or on a trip. Place it on any chair and the kitchen is ready. The child is happy and calm because a friend home toy gives him confidence and a sense of security. How to do it?

To sew a “Stove” cover you need to take:

A (height to seat) – 46 cm;

B (width outer edge seats) – 48 cm;

C (depth) - 46 cm;

D (width from the back) - 46 cm;

E (back height) – 50–60 cm.

  1. We cut out 6 parts from fabric (1 piece - AxB, 2 pieces - CxA, 1 piece - CxExD, 1 piece ExD, 1 piece ExD+ AxD - solid).
  2. From cardboard or thick paper cut out even circles - templates for future burners. We pin it to the wrong side of the dark fabric, trace it, cut it out - the burners are ready. We attach them to the CxExD part.
  3. In the same way, we prepare circles of smaller diameter for the handles of the stove. We attach them at the top of the “oven front panel” (AxB) and in the center of each circle we sew a button or button to enhance the resemblance to the stove switches.
  4. Making the oven “door”. We edge a square piece of the main fabric and sew a smaller dark square in the center.
  5. We attach the “door” to the “front panel” with the switches. We trace with a pencil and mark the place where the Velcro will be attached.
  6. We sew one part of the Velcro to the door, and another to the panel with switches. We attach bottom edge doors to the panel with switches.
  7. For beauty and greater resemblance to real kitchen We sew a window from pre-prepared fabric to the ExD part. It is better to make the “frame” from white braid. You can also “hang” curtains on the windows.
  8. To two identical parts of the SxA we sew colorful pockets of such a size that they fit kitchen appliances.

    Sew a window to the chair cover “Stove” “Hanging” curtains on the window Sew colorful pockets for kitchen utensils

  9. We sew everything together, making a border along the edge if desired.
  10. We tie the long back part to the panel with the window. To do this, we sew on each of them a piece of braid of such length that you can freely tie a bow.
  11. If desired, you can prepare several dishes in the oven (in the photo - a pie), for example, from felt and also attach it with Velcro to the “oven”.
  12. A smart and mobile stove for your baby is ready.

Kitchen corner for outdoors and cottages

Summer at the dacha is something special, as they say in Odessa. But if adults always find something to do there, then children find themselves separated from their favorite toys and joy. village life may not always be an adequate replacement for the game. To prevent your child from getting bored and having nothing better to do and not pouring his favorite roses from a hose, make him Kitchen Area right on the street. It won’t require a lot of money or time, and will bring a lot of pleasure.

Store-bought toys are ordinary and uninteresting. Of course, a new bright object will distract your child’s attention for a few days, but then this thing will become “old” and will be put aside in the farthest corner.

The same cannot be said about a homemade toy, which will be a little less attractive, but at the same time act like a magnet on a child. We want to tell you about one such item - a children's kitchen corner.

Where to start

What can be used as the basis for a future kitchen? Of course, if it is possible to use any wooden materials, that would be great.

However, not many people know how to handle wood. Therefore, it is easiest to use cardboard; it is quite durable and easy to use.

Still, let's list what is needed for the job:

  • Cardboard boxes - suitable for old household appliances. You can buy such products; the price in special stores is quite reasonable.
  • Scotch tape or any adhesive tape. It is best to use transparent tape.
  • Self-adhesive film - you will need several rolls to cover all the parts of the children's kitchen.
  • Felt pens or markers.
  • Plastic bottles - you can replace them with small lids from small jars.
  • Old and unnecessary CDs.
  • Aluminium foil.
  • Gray or silver plastic cup.
  • Scissors and sharp knife(clerical).

As you can see, all materials can be processed with your own hands, so no difficulties should arise during the work process.

Note! It's best if you do this with your child, as this process allows you to impress upon him the seriousness of the event. Once you have a kitchen corner, you will definitely be the first to receive “meals” prepared with love.

Construction of the headset

No matter how loud it may sound, this is exactly so - this process cannot be called otherwise, because you are going to make a kitchen for your baby. To achieve success and positive result, you need to do everything step by step.

The first stage is the construction of the frame

First of all, let's consider the option of building a children's kitchen from cardboard boxes:

  • Place a box, for example, from under a refrigerator, on the floor so that front part the future headset was in front of you.

  • Take a knife in your hands and cut a square in the right (or left, whichever is more convenient for you) part - you will get an oven.

For your information! Do not make the hole too large, it is advisable that it is no more than 1/3 of the front surface of the box.

  • Now the cabinet door for the sink is cut out on the left side. You can cut off the cardboard completely, or make a cut on only three sides so that the door is one with the set.
  • From above, in the washing cabinet, a round hole is cut out, the diameter of which is slightly smaller than our cup. This is what will serve as the sink.
  • On the side where we have the oven, above the gaping hole, it is necessary to make several cross-shaped cuts. Three or four are enough; this is where the adjustments for the burners and temperature in the oven will be located. Look at the photo to see how you can do this.
  • Now we need a self-adhesive color film, which acts as finishing material. It is quite easy to glue; in those places where there are holes in our kitchen, it is necessary to repeat them on the film. The cuts must be made exactly along the line of the hole.
  • Now let's use markers and paint the kitchen. In those places where the switches will be located on the burner, it is necessary to draw numbers from 0 to 3 so that the child can navigate.

Stage two – finishing the kitchen

  • We use CDs - we attach them above the oven, thereby simulating hobs. It will be enough to fix two pieces.
  • door oven cut out from the remains of cardboard, slightly larger than the hole itself. To prevent it from falling and opening on its own, we glue a textile fastener (Velcro).
  • Trimming plastic bottles, leave a small part of the neck with the lid and push them into the prepared holes for the switches.

Is this enough for you? If yes, you can start cooking with your child, but if you want something more, then the following instructions will help you upgrade your cardboard kitchen.

Adding reality

How to make a children's kitchen made from boxes look even more like the real thing?

It’s easy, you don’t even need any skills, just additional investments.

  • Visit a lighting store and buy a few meters there LED strips . Make sure they are already soldered and connected to the power supply.
  • Place one tape in the oven, sticking it around the perimeter. Attach the switch to the front panel.
  • Place another strip on the cooking surface. But since the light is too bright, it is advisable to cover the tape with a tinted film. It can be secured using self-adhesive tape.

Every parent cares about satisfying their child’s wishes and providing him with a comfortable and warm atmosphere. And what is best for this? Certainly! All different play areas, where children can throw out all their imagination and imagination! What do little girls love to play so much? But they just love to copy their mother’s behavior! Namely: cooking and raising your toy children! So give your child small kitchen! By the way, it is not at all necessary to spend a huge amount of money to meet the needs of the baby! After all, you can do all this with your own hands from scrap materials! Let's quickly take a look at our selection - a children's kitchen made from boxes with your own hands!

First, arrange all the boxes in the right order!

Making a children's kitchen out of boxes is easier than it might seem at first glance! The main thing is to think in advance about where and what you will have.

Choose cardboard boxes different sizes, the main thing is that they are of the same level, with the exception of the “refrigerator”. Cardboard boxes must also be suitable for the height of your baby.

Make cabinet doors

We draw doors on our boxes with a pencil and carefully cut out the contours with a stationery knife. By the way, to ensure that the cardboard doors are not constantly in the open position, consider the type of lock that you will use for the drawers.

Decorating the kitchen

Since cardboard boxes look quite boring, get some bright colors ready! By the way, we offer you two decoration options. First - acrylic paints. They are quite easy to apply small patterns and motifs. The second is colored adhesive tape. With this tape you can easily cover all the cabinets in the children's kitchen.

Accessories and devices

Since mom’s kitchen is full of all kinds of kitchen utensils, your baby will probably want something similar in his children’s kitchen! We already have a microwave and refrigerator! Now you need to add small kitchen utensils. Place plastic plates, ladles, spatulas in small cabinets and add decor to your taste and color!

Children's kitchen made of cardboard with sink

Have you already noticed our sink? It's just an unnecessary iron cup and a liquid soap pipe! You can use, for example, an old baking sheet. And as a wall apron you can use a picture or a sticker, in general, anything that comes to your mind.


You can simply print and glue the original buttons and glass for microwave oven. If you like creativity, then draw small parts with your own hands. Add some decorations in the form of artificial flowers, paintings and enjoy your child's happy smile!

Excellent play area!

An example of a children's kitchen made from boxes was built into the mother's kitchen. If you don't have enough space, then you can of course choose your own option. A children's room would also be an excellent location.