home · Appliances · How to replant an anthurium correctly if it is blooming. Anthurium: transplantation and care without worries. How to determine by a flower that it needs a transplant

How to replant an anthurium correctly if it is blooming. Anthurium: transplantation and care without worries. How to determine by a flower that it needs a transplant

Anthurium, like any other house plant, transplantation is periodically required. He tolerates it quite easily, even in a blooming state, so this manipulation can be carried out if necessary at any time of the year. For example, if the roots rot, replanting will have to be done urgently. If you just bought, replanting may also be necessary quite quickly, for example, if the plant is flooded or the soil is unsuitable. When purchasing anthurium from a reputable supplier, you can take your time with replanting and do it after acclimatization or even after the roots have completely mastered the soil in the pot.

  • When the earthen coma is completely filled with roots, when the old pot becomes cramped. In this case, the growth of the plant is inhibited and transplanting into a new, more spacious pot becomes a stimulation for further growth and development. Therefore, young anthuriums are replanted every year in the spring. Adult plants - also in the spring, once every 2-3 years, as the roots develop into the pot. When the plant reaches the desired final size, replacing pots with larger ones should be stopped.
  • When the soil mixture is depleted. Even adult anthuriums need to be replanted periodically, since the nutritional content of the substrate is not unlimited. Little by little, the roots “eat away” everything useful from it and then the old soil requires replacement.
  • With poor initial soil quality.
  • For diseases (rotting, burns, frostbite, etc.) of the root system.

It is best to transplant anthurium in the spring. During this period, damaged roots will recover faster and the plant will suffer less from stress. But if necessary, transplantation can be done at any time of the year. Anthurium, as a rule, tolerates even such a stressful manipulation as washing the roots well, without drying out the leaves and peduncles.
If you suspect that the anthurium may have been poured in the store, replant the plant immediately after purchase.

Transfer or transshipment?

There are two transplant options:

  1. Classic replanting is a complete replacement of the soil in the pot.
  2. Transshipment - “rearranging” the root ball with old soil into new pot with adding fresh soil around the edges of the pot.

Classic replanting with complete replacement of the old soil is performed in case of diseases of the root system (in this case the soil may also be contaminated, so it is changed), in case of complete depletion of the soil, in case of poor quality of the soil (inappropriate composition, waterlogging, etc.).

Transshipment is a much simpler manipulation, both for the grower and for the plant. Used when it is necessary to transfer the anthurium to a larger pot.

How to transplant an anthurium: step-by-step instructions

Step #1. Choosing a pot

First you need to think about what kind of pot the anthurium needs.

We start from the following rules:

  • The size of the pot should correspond to the size of the root + 1-3 cm in diameter, if we select a pot “for growth” for young plant. For an adult anthurium, take a pot with the same diameter as the previous one.
  • Drainage holes are required, preferably large (as in shipping pots).
  • The best pots for anthurium are plastic.

And now - in more detail.

The pot for anthurium should not be too large. If you plant an anthurium immediately in big pot, then he will start growing roots and forget about flowering. Until the roots have mastered the new space, the plant will not grow green mass and bloom. But this is not the worst option. What’s worse is that in a large volume of soil the risks of flooding and root rotting increase. Anthurium risks resting in peace much faster than it grows roots and begins to send out flower stalks.

The pot you choose should have large drainage holes. Anthurium roots love to breathe, and for this they need an air flow from below. In addition, large holes will guarantee that there is no stagnation of water at the bottom of the pot.

And one last thing. It is best to choose a plastic pot for anthurium; you will not have any problems with it. The main drawback clay pots The problem is that in winter they become icy on a cold windowsill. In such conditions, anthurium roots may suffer from frostbite and rot. Another drawback is that clay pots usually have one drainage hole at the bottom, which can cause waterlogging of the substrate and rotting of the roots.

Anthurium in plastic pot Can be placed in a ceramic pot. Both safe and beautiful!

Step #2. Choosing soil for anthurium

Step #3. Removing a lump of substrate with roots from the pot

To do this, water the anthurium, wait 10-15 minutes, and then carefully remove it root system. Usually the roots are removed easily, but sometimes you need to help them by tapping the walls of the pot with your fingers.

Assess the condition of the root system.

If the roots are white, healthy, and the quality of the substrate is satisfactory, then the anthurium can not be replanted with a complete replacement of the soil, but transferred to a larger pot. In this case, the new soil should be similar in composition and properties to the old one.

This anthurium has strong, healthy roots, and the substrate suitable quality, so you can limit yourself to transshipment, and not carry out a full transplant

If there are problems with the roots, you purchased a diseased, rotting anthurium, replanting at home should be done with a complete replacement of the soil. The same should be done if the soil is of poor quality: too dense, heavy, not permeable to air and water. At the same time, the roots are completely freed from the old substrate. Often this requires washing the roots. This is done as follows: first, a lump of earth with roots is soaked in a container of water, and then the soaked soil is picked out with your hands, freeing the roots.

To easily wash away the old soil, the root ball is immersed in a basin of water for a while.

When transplanting, the rotten parts of the roots (soft, brown) are cut off to healthy tissue, the sections are disinfected with crushed wood or activated carbon, cinnamon.

Step #4. Transplantation (transfer) into a new pot

  • A drainage layer (1/3 - 1/4 of the pot) is poured onto the bottom of the pot - expanded clay, broken brick, pieces of polystyrene foam.
  • When transferring, pour a small layer of fresh soil onto the drainage, place a ball of roots on it and pour fresh soil into the gaps formed on the sides of the pot.
  • When transplanting, pour a layer of fresh soil onto the drainage and press it down. Then they place the anthurium roots in the pot and begin to fill the soil so that it fills the entire space between the walls of the pot and the roots. If necessary, compact the soil several times.
  • Since the aerial roots of anthurium are very fond of a humid environment, sphagnum moss is placed on top of the soil, which, when moistened, can retain moisture for a long time.

When transferring, a root ball with old soil is placed in the center of the new pot.
For transshipment, select a pot 1-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one
A layer of sphagnum moss is laid on top of the soil to maintain moisture.

Anthurium care after transplantation

Anthurium after transplantation needs more careful care than usual. And the more the roots were injured (especially during classical transplantation with washing the roots and pruning rotten areas), the more attention the anthurium will need. Transshipment is practically not traumatic, although some roots may still be damaged.

Do not water the anthurium immediately after transplantation! Otherwise, damaged roots can easily rot. Watering is done when the soil dries to half the height of the pot, not earlier! It is advisable to add phytosporin or another antifungal agent to the water for irrigation.

In addition, they will tell you how to transplant an anthurium at home in the video:

Anthurium transplantation is a simple but responsible process. Its further health and growth depends on how correctly the plant was transplanted.

Anthurium transplantation: when and how

There must be specific reasons for replanting anthurium.

Anthurium needs a transplant every two years.

  • Potty required bigger size. This can be seen by how tightly the roots are braided into the ground or if they begin to peek out of the drainage hole.
  • Soil depletion. It is indicated by a red or white coating on the surface of the earth. In this case, maximum soil replacement is needed. Typically, soil renewal is required once a year for a young plant and once every two to three years for a mature one, that is, older than 4 years.
  • It is necessary to divide the bush.

The most suitable time to transplant anthurium is spring and summer, that is, the period of most active growth. If it is necessary to divide the bush, then it is better to replant in the winter during the dormant period, when the leaves have been shed.

The process itself is simple. Water the soil generously. Carefully remove the bush from the pot, divide it into parts, each should have buds. Carefully untangle the roots or cut with a disinfected sharp knife. As quickly as possible, plant each bush in its own pot with prepared drainage layer and soil, water. Cover the surface of the ground with sphagnum moss or small expanded clay to retain moisture.

If division is not necessary, then the bush is simply transferred to a larger pot with fresh soil; the remains of the old substrate from the roots do not need to be removed if there are no signs of their disease.

Anthurium does not begin to bloom immediately after transplantation. New roots should form and grow into fresh soil. Only after this new buds will begin to form.

Anthurium transplant after purchase

In the store, the plant usually blooms magnificently and looks beautiful. Because of this, it may seem that it is better not to transplant him, because he is already doing well. However, a transplant is necessary, and urgently.

For sale, the bush is placed in a small pot with a substrate soaked in fertilizers. They are the ones who support marketable condition plants. However, they do not last long, for a maximum of two months, and by the time of purchase the plant is in dire need of fresh, complete soil.

How to properly replant anthurium after purchase:

  • Cut off all flower stalks. This will make it easier for the plant to take root in a new place.
  • After moistening the soil, carefully remove the root ball from the pot.
  • Place drainage in a permanent pot and cover with a layer of soil.
  • Place the bush in the center of the pot and carefully fill the remaining space around with soil.
  • Lightly compact the soil; if it is dry, water it.

After transplantation, the plant must be protected from direct sun rays and drafts. You need to feed with fertilizers after a couple of months; at first, there will be enough reserves of minerals in the fresh soil.

The fact that the transplant was successful will be indicated by the healthy appearance of the bush and the appearance of new leaves.

I have long dreamed of male happiness with red flowers, that is, flower bedspreads. But in our store the flowerpot was so expensive that when I finally bought it, I didn’t even dare to replant it for almost a year - I was afraid of harming the long-awaited flower. But then I realized that the plant was not feeling well. Of course: the soil was depleted, the roots rested against the stubborn walls of the pot... So I bought a larger pot and began the procedure. And it turned out that there was nothing wrong with it - it was in vain that she tormented the flower, postponing this transplant month after month!

On average, young bushes (they are considered such until they are four years old) are replanted once a year, old ones - once every two or three. This general rule, it applies to most domesticated tropical flowers.

The best time for such a procedure is spring or first half of summer.

The main reasons for transplanting this flower are:

  • heavily overgrown root system(the roots stick out from the holes at the bottom of the pot, they simply burst it, and if the pot is plastic, it can even bend, and if you take the plant out of the “house”, the soil will not be visible behind the roots);
  • depleted or saline soil(a rusty or white coating has appeared on its surface);
  • suspicion of disease or pest living in the roots of a plant (for example, a mealybug can hide in the roots and soil - the photo below with a violet shows how it manifests itself);

  • your wish divide an overgrown bush for propagation of anthurium.

Is it true that after purchasing a plant it is necessary to replant it?

Experienced flower growers advise not to delay such a transplant for more than three days.

Firstly, during this procedure you appreciate the roots of the flower and you will finally understand good anthurium sold to you or defective. If part of the root system is rotten, cut off all suspicious areas and treat the sections with activated carbon.

This is what the roots of a healthy plant look like:

All brown and black segments are under the knife.

Secondly, you replace the soil. In a store, a flower is often watered with a large amount of chemicals - sellers need the flowerpot to bloom faster and brighter, that is, to have a marketable appearance. The remains of these fertilizers linger in the soil, negatively affecting its quality. And in most stores, flowers are generally watered with tap water, often flooding poor plants, so that the soil can either become salty or waterlogged.

Well, finally, you can change the pot to a more spacious one or just a beautiful one.

What if the bush is just blooming?

You can also wait with anthurium if the transplant is planned (once a year or even less often). But if you carry it out after the purchase or it is sanitary (the flower is sick), do not wait. Anthurium is a culture that does not react too painfully to “relocation” during flowering.

Some gardeners recommend cutting off all yellow, limp leaves, as well as flower stalks, before re-transferring - they say, without wasting effort on flowers, the plant will take root better in a new pot. But I don’t cut flowers, it’s a pity. And yet, male happiness endures a careful transshipment without problems.

The correct technology for “moving” an anthurium into a new pot

  1. Water the flower to soften the old soil.
  2. Carefully remove the plant from the old pot. Be careful: the roots of the flower may look thick and substantial, but in fact they are very delicate and brittle.
  3. Inspect the root system. Cut off anything damaged (before doing this, it is advisable to disinfect the tool by wiping it with alcohol). Along with the rotten roots, remove the soil adhering to the roots - it probably contains a lot of putrefactive bacteria.
  4. If the old soil is salty or there is a disease in the pot, the roots can be lightly rinsed in a bowl of water, washing away all the old soil. After this, the flower should be placed on the table for an hour or two, giving it the opportunity to drain a little and dry.
  5. Even if the anthurium is healthy, you can preventive treatment plants. For example, spray its roots with “Fitolavin” or “Fundazol”. This procedure will protect the bush from rot and bacteria. It is especially recommended to treat a newly purchased plant with a similar product - everyone is well aware that in most cases both pests and dangerous diseases come into our homes precisely from stores or nurseries!
  6. “Place” the plant’s roots in a new pot filled with drainage and some soil. Add more soil around the edges, shaking the pot slightly so that it fits more tightly. You can press it down with your hands only lightly, and only when the plant is already completely planted. And do not fill the soil right up to the edges of the pot: there should be about 2.5 cm from the soil to the edge.

A flower has not only deep, but also aerial roots. They can be deepened into the ground, but only slightly - a couple of centimeters. And those that are higher can be covered with damp moss - such roots are afraid of drying out.

Choosing a pot

A “house” for male happiness can be both plastic and glass. You can also take glazed clay pot(but the glaze should be inside, given flower culture Pots with rough walls are not suitable - roots can grow in them, and when transplanted they will not come out, but will be torn out, which will end in injury to the flower).

Personally, I’m just delighted with this pot:

True, I bought a simpler one for my flower. Reason: drainage holes. It is very difficult to find a glass pot with holes in the bottom, but this flowerpot needs such holes - it is afraid of stagnation of moisture in the soil.

Correct pot shape: shallow but wide.

Can I use an old pot? Yes, if it fits. But it needs to be washed thoroughly, removing all whitish salt deposits from the walls. And if the plant in this “house” was sick, the pot should definitely be disinfected with a prophylactic solution of a purchased fungicide, or at least spilled with boiling water.

Purchasing or creating a soil mixture

Since man's happiness is an epiphytic plant, he can buy soil for this type of flowerpot. For example, substrate for orchids.

Options for soil that you can create at home:

  • small pieces pine bark+ sphagnum moss, also known as bog moss + a little charcoal (you can also take pharmaceutical, activated, in tablets) + expanded clay;
  • forest soil + light turf soil + sphagnum moss;
  • 1 share of peat + 1 share of deciduous soil + 1 share of coniferous soil + 0.5 shares of sand + a little charcoal + a little pine bark or other coniferous tree.

When collecting soils and bark from nature, do not forget that they must be boiled or calcined in the oven. This is how you protect delicate flower from bacteria, viruses or harmful insects, the larvae of which may be in the soil and appear invisible to the unprotected eye.

Also don't forget about drainage. Expanded clay should be poured onto the bottom of the pot (at least a quarter of its depth).

Dividing a bush for propagation

The older a man's happiness becomes, the thicker the bush.

The first division can be carried out in the fourth year of the flower’s life..

Ideal time for such breeding: January-February. At this time, the flowerpot is just beginning to shed its old leaves, entering a dormant period. At this time, the division procedure will least disturb the flower.

However, this cannot be said that it cannot be divided in the same spring or at other times of the year. One summer I even divided a flowering bush, forming three flowerpots from it - and all three are still blooming well.

Each division should have enough stems and leaves, as well as buds.

If you cannot untangle the roots with your hands, take sharp knife and cut them in several places. But remember that this is a last resort. Never use a blunt instrument (it will crush the tissue, and the roots will only begin to rot). In addition, be sure to treat the knife before the procedure by wiping it with alcohol or at least dipping it in a solution of potassium permanganate or boiling water.

Flower care after transplantation

Overweight male happiness does not need special conditions: take care in the same way as before.

  • the lighting in the room should be bright, but indirect (the sun's rays should be diffused by a curtain or trees outside the window so that they do not fall directly on the flowerpot);
  • anthurium loves warmth;
  • the plant cannot live without spraying or other water procedures(for example, in winter it will not refuse to grow near a humidifier);
  • water the bush little by little, waiting until the soil in the pot dries (take settled or filtered water - use the same liquid for spraying);
  • Immediately after transplantation, do not feed the flower for 2-3 weeks - it will find everything it needs in fresh soil.

Although this exotic is not considered super problematic, sometimes a gardener faces difficulties caring for this flower. The video will tell you what these difficulties might be and how to solve them:

Instead of an afterword: let’s remember the most important

  • Anthurium is replanted after purchase (within three days), if a disease or root pests are suspected, when the pot becomes small, or as planned. It is advisable to replant young flowers annually, mature ones - once every few years.
  • Blooming anthurium can be replanted. The main thing is not to disturb the plant, carefully handling it.
  • Orchid soil is suitable for the flower. Its basis can be moss, peat, sphagnum, forest soil.
  • Choose a shallow but wide pot - it is in such a vessel that water will not stagnate. Drainage holes in the bottom are required.

Blooming anthurium is a real decoration for a room. It is able to bloom throughout the autumn-winter period and not lose its external beauty, color options for inflorescences range from white, pink and red to orange and blue. In this article we will consider in detail the methods of propagation of this plant and the features of its transplantation.

How does Anthurium reproduce? The main methods of propagating this flower at home are the same as for other crops.- this is propagation by seeds, leaves, cuttings, dividing a bush, lateral shoots or aerial roots.


Seeds purchased in a store are soaked in water for two hours, the seeds are slightly pressed into specially prepared light soil (it is possible to use sphagnum moss), the substrate is moistened and covered with glass or film. At comfortable temperature after 14 days the first shoots appear. The seeds drop when the first true leaf appears in the soil, similar to the mixture for adult plants. As the seedling grows, it is transplanted into a larger pot. The soil is transferred from a smaller to a larger pot without disturbing the root system.

Propagation from the seeds of your adult plant is a complex and lengthy procedure. Flowers are artificially pollinated, seeds ripen in 9-12 months. Ripe seeds are immediately planted in the ground, having previously been cleared of pulp. Propagation of hybrids by seeds can lead to the loss of the unique characteristics of the plant, so seeds are used that do not lose their species characteristics.

Some seeds will not sprout, some seedlings will die, and the first adult leaf will not bloom. Propagation by seeds is the longest way to grow an adult plant.

Cuttings and dividing the bush

The fastest and easiest way of propagation is by cuttings and dividing an adult plant.. Most quick way get strong mature plant, capable of blooming soon. In this case, the shoots will repeat the features of the parent crop; this is important if you need to get offspring from a hybrid.

Stem cuttings, 5-8 cm long, are separated from the adult plant, the cut is dried and placed in water or sphagnum moss. They quickly take root, after two weeks the cuttings are planted in the ground, and after another month the anthurium will begin to grow.

Side shoots

In an adult plant, many offspring appear on the sides, which are carefully separated from the mother during transplantation. It is not recommended to pull shoots out of the ground; there is a high risk of damaging the root system., then the sprout will take a long time and reluctantly to take root. The separated cutting is placed in water or substrate, where it is moistened as it dries. Within a month the sprout is ready for planting. permanent place.

Aerial roots

Aerial roots allow them to receive additional nutrition and moisture from the air, as well as more firmly anchor themselves to the soil surface. A cutting with aerial roots is ready for planting in the substrate. The cut is kept in air for two hours and dipped in coal chips and dropped into the mail. The soil should be slightly moist, you can use a spray bottle.


Representatives of this family almost never form roots on the leaves. Almost always this method ends in leaf rotting. You can try not to put the leaves in water, but to dig them into a moistened substrate. There are few guarantees to grow an adult plant, so it’s better to turn to other methods of reproduction.

Preparing for transplant

To replant a flower, you need disinfected soil; it can be calcined on a baking sheet in an oven or in a water bath. Anthurium soil is light, loose, always with sand and pine needles. The best pot is plastic or glass. wraps its roots around ceramic pot and when transplanted, the roots break. Inner side A glass-ceramic pot has a special coating that does not allow roots to grow into the pot; there is always a drainage layer at the bottom.

When replanting, you may need pruners or sharp scissors to cut off rotten roots and separate side shoots.

Fungicides and potassium permanganate should be available, as the plant may need to be treated. Immediately before transplanting, water the flower abundantly settled water at room temperature.

Land and drainage requirements

What soil is needed to plant anthurium? To this flower universal soil mixed with pine bark in a 1:1 ratio is suitable. To this mixture you can add sand, pine needles, a little charcoal and small expanded clay. The main thing is that the soil is light and loose. Expanded clay or shards of broken pots can be used as drainage. If you cook the right soil not possible, you can buy store-bought soil mixture, however good soil requires careful selection.

How to transplant Anthurium?

The reason for replanting anthurium is to fill the entire space of the pot with roots, poor soil or diseases of the root system. If the anthurium looks lethargic, drops leaves or refuses to bloom, this is a reason to think that the plant needs care; replanting will help.

Most favorable period for transplanting anthurium, like others potted plants, April-August. During this period there is active growth, so the culture is more likely to survive the stress received from transplantation.

Transplanting an anthurium most often involves transferring it to a larger pot. If the plant was purchased in a store, then the substrate needs to be changed.

Transshipment begins with watering, this will prevent the roots from breaking.

The pot should contain drainage and soil, place the bush in the center of the pot, fill it with soil and press it down. It is better not to purchase a pot that is too loose, since the root system must fill the pot for growth and flowering.

Adult plants are replanted once every two to three years. Plants up to 4 years old are replanted annually.

During transplantation, you need to completely replace the old substrate with a new one, at which point the anthurium can be replanted.

After transplantation, the flower must adapt, three to four days you need to keep the anthurium in a dark place, then put it in a permanent place. Anthurium needs a bright, well-lit place, but without direct sunlight.

Transplantation during illness and during flowering

There are several factors that affect the appearance of a plant. First of all, it is the soil. Too heavy or waterlogged soil can lead to the death of the plant.. Urgent transplant required.

The roots freed from soil should be inspected for the presence of rot, the affected parts should be cut off with a disinfected knife, and the sections should be dipped in root. For prevention, you can treat the root system with a fungicide.. Yellowed or dying leaves are removed.

If traces of pests are found on the leaves or in the soil, the plants must be treated with an insecticide and quarantined. Treatment is carried out once a week until signs of pests completely disappear.

Anthurium is a fairly strong flower, so replanting during flowering will not affect his well-being. It is enough to properly and carefully treat the roots of the plant and remain calm for several days after transplantation.

Proper care after transplantation

Anthuriums standing in a dark place should be protected from cold and drafts. The next watering is done after the top layer has completely dried.

The first feeding is carried out 2.5 months after transplantation.. Mineral fertilizers can cause burns to damaged root systems.

Further care consists of moderate watering (the substrate should not be over-moistened, this will lead to rotting of the roots), sufficient lighting and optimal temperature. Anthurium will not bloom on the north side, it needs more sunlight. Anthurium comes from the tropics, so it needs high humidity air. A spray bottle can handle this; spray the plant at least once a day.

It is also necessary to inspect the plant for the presence of pests, feeding on juices; they can cause the anthurium to stop blooming. Daily inspection will allow you to timely identify the cause of stopping growth or flowering and destroy pests.

To maintain health and appearance adult anthurium is replanted once every three years. The most accessible and easy way propagate anthurium - division during transplantation, favorable time transplants – spring – summer period.

Such beautiful flower, like anthurium, is often compared to a flamingo, emphasizing its graceful inflorescences located on long peduncles. In addition to flowering varieties, there are also decorative forms of this plant having original leaves. In his homeland, in South America, anthurium grows on branches, roots of trees and below, under the crowns.

At home, this flower is not able to lead such a lifestyle, but is kept on window sills in pots. To achieve spectacular flowering, the plant must be carefully cared for and periodically replanted. So how to transplant an anthurium correctly and without damaging it?

Reasons and methods of transplantation

  • filling the earthen coma with roots and cramping the old pot;
  • incorrectly selected soil, which negatively affected the condition of the plant;
  • diseases of the root system and the formation of rot on it.

Depending on the reason, replanting a plant at home should be carried out by transferring it into a new pot with updating the substrate, or the flower is transferred, having previously cleared it of the old soil.

Relocation due to lack of free space

If thick roots appear from the drainage holes and above the soil surface, the anthurium should be replanted. Inside the container the plant is already not enough free space, as a result of which the roots begin to emerge, seeking to obtain moisture and nutrition from the air.

To prevent damage to the root system during replanting, the flower should be watered abundantly before replanting. This makes the soil softer and makes it easier to remove the earthen ball from the pot. If the container is plastic, you can lightly tap it on the edge of the table. After this, the anthurium is removed, the roots are carefully examined and transplanted into a new pot.

The container should be chosen so that it is not much wider than the previous one. It's best if the height will be equal to the diameter. If the pot is too wide, the plant will have to wait a long time for flowering. Until the root system grows into the new soil, flower buds will not form.

When replanting an anthurium, it is necessary to place an earthen lump braided with roots in the center of the pot, and the gaps that arise on the sides are filled with fresh soil, which is compacted a little, being careful not to accidentally touch the rhizomes. The top layer should also be updated and, if necessary, watered, after which the surface of the soil is covered with sphagnum to retain moisture.

After transplantation, the anthurium at home acclimatizes quite quickly and after a while you can expect the appearance of new leaves and inflorescences.

Replanting due to improperly selected soil

If the grower makes a mistake with the choice of soil, then very soon this will affect the plant itself:

  • his health will be undermined;
  • growth will stop;
  • decorativeness will disappear.

That is why the anthurium should be transplanted into new soil.

It must be remembered that such a flower feels good only in a very light and loose substrate, therefore ideal soil is considered to be one that easily allows water and oxygen to pass through. In this case, the roots easily penetrate into the soil, receiving plenty of water and nutrition.

There are many recipes for preparing soil mixture for anthurium. Can be used already ready-made mixture for orchids, to which is added crushed charcoal and a small amount of turf soil. It is often recommended for anthuriums to be mixed in equal parts peat, crushed sphagnum and coconut fiber. You can also purchase a ready-made specialized substrate for such flowers.

If it is difficult to find certain components, the top soil layer from a coniferous forest is used to replant this plant. Before use, such natural raw materials must be thoroughly disinfected to eliminate the possibility of anthurium becoming infected with fungi and soil pests.

Transplantation due to emerging diseases

It happens that:

  • spots appear on leaves and stems;
  • the foliage began to fade;
  • cessation of flowering and slowing growth.

If even after watering the anthurium could not restore its former attractiveness, it is necessary urgently transplant it. The plant may also suffer from an excess of moisture in the soil or, conversely, as well as from too dense soil and the invasion of various pests.

Before transplanting a flower at home, it should be watered and then removed from the pot. Old soil Be sure to clean it off, protecting the root system and inspecting it. If the roots are rotten or damaged, such areas should be carefully trimmed back to healthy white tissue, and the sections should be treated with activated charcoal or charcoal powder.

Dry or lost leaves should also be removed, and the inflorescences should be cut off along with the peduncles. This is necessary in order to reduce the load on the weakened plant, and it will quickly overcome the shock associated with the transplant. A flower with traces of rot, for insurance should be treated with a fungicide.

After transplanting an anthurium that has suffered from root rot, late blight or other diseases, it is necessary to monitor its condition and, if necessary, re-treat the root system, crown and soil.

Anthurium transplant after purchase

After purchasing this plant from a store, it must be replanted immediately. This is explained by the fact that flowers intended for sale are grown in pots with a small amount of coconut or peat substrate, which is filled with long-acting fertilizers.

In this case, the anthurium’s food supply is only enough for two months. After the flower gets into home conditions, it begins to run out of its last strength. Therefore, if it is not transplanted into fresh soil after purchase, the anthurium may die.

First, all flower stalks are cut off from the plant to facilitate its acclimatization after replanting, then it is removed from the pot and transferred to nutritious, complete soil.


For a transplanted flower it is necessary take proper care so that he gains strength and delights with his magnificent flowers.

Anthurium should not be watered until it dries out. upper layer substrate. Do not create drafts and protect from direct sunlight. Since fresh soil contains all the necessary nutrients, fertilizing is carried out only after 2 – 3 months. If this is done earlier than the specified period, mineral and organic substances that have entered the soil can cause burns to damaged tissues, which will cause severe discomfort to the flower.

Thus, we have found out what an anthurium flower is, replanting it at home is extremely necessary, especially if the plant was purchased in a specialized store. Planted in fresh soil, after a while it is quite capable of delighting with its beautiful flowers.