home · electrical safety · How to move to a new apartment or house correctly: folk signs, customs, rituals. How to choose a good, favorable day for moving and housewarming? What days are favorable for moving according to the lunar calendar? What day to move

How to move to a new apartment or house correctly: folk signs, customs, rituals. How to choose a good, favorable day for moving and housewarming? What days are favorable for moving according to the lunar calendar? What day to move

Moving to new apartment- this is always an exciting event, associated with both joy and troubles, with excitement and anticipation of a new life.

Of course, when moving to new house there's a lot to consider important nuances, such as solving household, housing and utility issues. But, in addition, there is a mystical aspect that is no less important - and the signs associated with moving to a new home will help you make new life happy, comfortable and carefree.

These signs and traditions go back many centuries, and have passed down to us in modern times without changes. They are used, so it makes sense.

What do you need to know when moving?

When moving to a new home, do not be lazy to perform and observe a few very simple rituals and signs, and your life in the new place will be bright and joyful, and troubles will bypass your home and family.

1. First of all, you need to leave your old apartment in the right way. There are signs associated with saying goodbye to an old home in which you have lived for a long time.

Before leaving the apartment, you should clean it properly, wash the floors, throw out garbage and rubbish. Nothing should be left: take what you need, throw away or donate unnecessary things, dishes, bed linen, and so on.

Check that nothing is lying under beds, behind cabinets, or inside dressers if you are leaving furniture. Ventilate the apartment and thank it for its comfort and protection. Mentally wish the new residents happy life- and then leave.

2. There are also signs associated with farewell - for example, a farewell cake. It must be prepared and eaten entirely in the old place, without taking it with you.

If life in the house was difficult, the pie should be salty. If, on the contrary, you had a good life, bake a sweet pie. Share with your household, and let this ritual farewell dinner and good omen become an important transition into a new life.

3. When moving to a new house, you need to take with you the brownie - the spirit of the house, the protector and keeper of the hearth. There are different signs associated with this, the most common one: you need to old apartment sweep the floors and take the old broom to your new home. Then your new home will be protected by the brownie, and everything will be good and calm in it.

4. The first thing you need to do is to ceremonially let the cat, cat or kitten into your new apartment. If you don't have cats, let your dog in - she's also a guard.

In general, it is very advisable to have a pet in your home. Families who don't have animals are usually not as happy. Even a hamster or a fish is already good.

5. When you enter your new home, light a church candle and slowly walk around all the rooms and corners, reading the “Our Father.” This way you will cleanse the space and sanctify it.

6. Incense cleanses the house very well from negative energies. Light incense sticks in every room - even in the toilet, let them smoke. Their smoke attracts positive energy and drives away stagnant, bad energy.

7. Be sure to spend general cleaning immediately upon moving, this is the main ritual and sign for a good life in a new place. Open all the windows even in winter, at least for a short time, turn on the lights everywhere and turn on the water.

This, of course, is very contrary to the rules of saving, but at least for a few minutes, do it. Such a ritual will cleanse the house, bring new energy into it, and drive away evil forces.

8. Everyone knows the sign that when moving, it would be a good idea to hang a horseshoe over the threshold - a protective amulet that attracts good luck to the apartment. Of course, it must be hung with the ends up, and securely - so that it does not fall if the front door slams. The horseshoe must be periodically wiped from dust.

9. After you have brought a cat or dog into your new apartment, do not rush to enter - throw a few coins over the threshold into the room. Then in your new home you will always have prosperity, and poverty will disappear from your home.

10. It is important that the move occurs at the right time. Definitely in the morning, and the earlier, the better and more successful it is. Wake up at the crack of dawn on moving day to ensure you can move in early.

11. The ideal day for moving, as the signs promise, is Saturday. If the move takes place on Saturday, then there will be no hassle, moving in will be calm, easy and pleasant, and life will be successful and prosperous.

12. It’s great if the move takes place in snow or rain! This is a great omen, a blessing from higher powers and a symbol that life will be happy in the new place.

13. After check-in, check your belongings. In no case should there be cracked or broken dishes, torn bed linen, curtains or towels in the new home.

It’s better, of course, to update everything, or at least partially. And throw away cracked dishes - they will bring misfortune.

14. Be sure to buy something new for your home. A set of pots, a lamp, a rug - as long as it’s new thing. She will bring good luck.

15. Check doors and windows. If the windows are old, they need to be replaced – especially if they squeak. Squeaky doors need to be, if not replaced, then lubricated, if necessary, painted.

Be sure to install new locks on your front door. This is not only a sign, but also prudence.

16. Housewarming has become commonplace, but it turns out that this is also an important ritual. It is believed that the first housewarming party should be held on the very first weekend after moving in, even if you have not yet laid out all your things.

Only your closest and beloved people, preferably relatives, should be present at the holiday in your new home. The more children there are in the house, the better - their voices and laughter will charge your new home with happy and bright energy.

17. The second housewarming party should be held after all things are in their places, on the second weekend. Now you can invite your acquaintances, colleagues, friends.

18. Be sure to prepare more food for housewarming - the richer and more generous the table is, the richer and more satisfying your life in the future. At housewarmings, according to signs, it is customary to give things for the home, but you cannot give money - warn guests about this.

Moving is a joyful event; it is always a transition to a new milestone in life, and the person himself changes and is updated a little with a change of home. Take this event seriously, do everything slowly and wisely, do not miss important details.

And let simple ritual actions help you live harmoniously, happily and richly in a new place!
Author: Vasilina Serova

Moving is always accompanied by stress, fear of forgetting, breaking or breaking something. For the superstitious, the stress is doubly greater, because you need to consider which days are the right times to move, what to move first, and how to make life in your new apartment even happier. That’s why to properly move to a new apartment you need to know a few basic rules.

No. 1. Package.

The first step is to decide how to pack your things when moving. Cardboard boxes are very useful for packing things. Look for them in the garage, attic or cottage - you will definitely need them. You can mark the contents on the boxes with a felt-tip pen to help you find your way faster when you arrive at your new apartment. At a hardware store you can buy film for packaging large items, wide tape and long ropes. Don't forget about newspapers for wrapping glass. For things and utensils, you can purchase several shuttle bags - large checkered zippered bags that are sold at the market. First, pack those things that you are not going to wear in the near future, do not forget to make notes “husband’s winter clothes”, “summer shoes”, etc. It is also better to put dishes in bags rather than carry them in boxes in front of you: bottom cardboard box may turn out to be unreliable and as a result you will have to buy new dishes... But it is better to pack books and household items in boxes, signing each of them.

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No. 2. Transportation.

One more important point is transportation household appliances. As for small household appliances (DVD players, laptop, tape recorder, etc.), they can be wrapped in towels or blankets and carefully placed in a bag, unless, of course, there are no “original” boxes left. But when it comes to large household appliances and furniture, things are a little more complicated. If it is possible to disassemble the furniture piece by piece, then it is better to do so by wrapping upholstered furniture in film. In this form it will be much easier to transport it. When disassembling furniture, mark on each piece what part it is to make assembly easier. It is recommended to cover monitors and televisions protective film and transport to passenger car screen towards the back of the seat.

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Folk signs

For many, the rules of moving to a new apartment include not only the correct packing of things, but also compliance with all the rules aimed at ensuring that life in the new apartment is happy and carefree.

What are the right days to move? One of the most auspicious days Sunday is the day to move to a new home. It is believed that if you move on this particular day of the week, you will be lucky in everything. If you move into a new apartment on Thursday or Friday, love will reign in the house, and your financial situation will also improve. But if you move on Saturday, financial position On the contrary, it may worsen and failures will follow. Monday, as you know, is a difficult day; it is also considered an unfavorable day for moving - your plans will not come true.

How to move correctly and what signs are best to keep out of harm's way?

If you are not a superstitious person, but just in case you decided to insure yourself, then there are a few simple folk signs that will not force you to brew potions and look for fabulous flowers.

One of the most famous signs is the pioneer cat. It is believed that it is best to let her into the house first. Cats are very sensitive to negative energy, therefore, by entering the house first, they will pave a clean and happy path for you into a new life.

It is believed that it is best to move into a new home in good weather, as rain will bring troubles and failures.

Move during the waxing moon - then peace and prosperity will reign in the house.

If the brownie Kuzya is not just a fairy tale for you and you want him to move with you, then provide him with a treat in your new apartment so that he will happily move with you.

Today, when belief in omens has firmly entered our lives, when many of us determine auspicious date, favorable day/days for moving to lunar calendar or guided by the rules of Feng Shui, it is worth approaching the study this issue Thoroughly, once and for all, as they say, dot the i's. Who knows, maybe a favorable day according to the lunar calendar will allow your move to go without a hitch, if you fully believe in omens. But, I must say, you can’t do it without the help of professionals. So if you are about to move to a new apartment or a new house, we will help you plan for everything down to the smallest detail.

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Moving is an important matter, so you need to start it on favorable dates on the calendar. If you decide to change your location, plan this event in advance. Don't move in the summer (if possible, postpone the move until the fall). Please note that it is better not to move on dates that are not on the list, as this is not the best period for this event.

The influence of the Moon on the life of the planet has long been established by scientists. Being in Earth's orbit, it controls all the ebb and flow of water bodies, and there is also a certain dependence of plant growth on its movement around our planet.

Paying attention to all these facts, it should be taken into account that people’s lives are also influenced by the satellite. Even in ancient times, there were beliefs that described lunar influence on events in a person's life.

Even if you throw away all prejudices, you can catch some connection yourself. The phases of the moon affect both a person’s physiological well-being and emotional state, not to mention the mystical side. Therefore, planning important events, this factor should be taken into account.

Astrologers have long deduced a certain pattern of power of influence, thanks to which there are a large number of lunar calendars that affect all spheres of human life. These tables highlight specific days on which it has either a positive or negative impact on significant events.

The influence of stars on determining common features character of a person at birth, but we should also not forget about the further impact they have. Combined with the mysticism of the Moon, one should pay tribute to their power. It all depends on the movement of the satellite and its location in the constellations of the Zodiac signs.

When planning an event such as moving, which in itself affects future fate, it is necessary to take into account the factor of cosmic influence. To do this, you don’t need to do the calculations yourself. lunar phases and its passage in a certain house of the zodiac, because there are already ready-made tables.

Moving is usually not planned in one day, and this event is associated only with positive emotions. To maintain the mood and to avoid negative influence extraneous factors, you should check the day of this event with the lunar calendar developed for such an occasion.

Astrologers have specifically studied the influence of lunar phases on this event so that you can attract the positive charge that the mystical influence of the Moon gives. The dates indicated in the table will affect your luck when moving.


Aries love change, so a change of residence always ends well for them. In the year of the Rooster, astrologers recommend that purposeful representatives of this sign move. For Taurus, 2017 is not the most successful period for home changes, so it is better to focus on arranging the old “nest”.

Cancers can move only when they were unlucky in their old place. It is better for Leos to move towards the northwest. New housing will bring improved health to Virgos, move to the south. Libra needs to move towards the east for changes in his personal life.

Lack of financial well-being is a reason to pack things for Scorpio; moving abroad this year is especially lucky. Capricorns are associated with stability, so moving is not a good idea. Pisces and Aquarius can change housing if they want to make truly significant life changes.


Let’s figure it out together and study together what folk wisdom dictates to us in this regard, which days of the week are more suitable for organizing a move, and which are less suitable and why.

  • Monday. I would like to immediately add – “it’s a hard day.” This day is popularly considered not particularly favorable for planning new things and settling in a new place. Popular wisdom advises to wait. But you won't have to wait long.
  • Tuesday. It has long been called the day of travel and new discoveries. People believe that on this day you will be lucky.
  • Wednesday. Unfavorable for moving to a new house or a new apartment. People say that if you move on Wednesday, you won’t stay long in the new place, and if necessary, you won’t even get guests.
  • Thursday. Promises a fair wind. The day is neutral in all respects. To move is to move.
  • Friday. Almost Native sister Monday. On this day of the week it is better not to start new things and not to go on the road. Put off new beginnings until the next day, for example.
  • Saturday. This is just Tuesday's sister. The day when things get going, work goes well, and all undertakings are accompanied by success. Are we moving?
  • Sunday. A day that definitely needs to be devoted to rest. You rest. And we'll take all the most difficult work to myself.


If you haven’t found the answer to the question of when is the best time to move, neither in the lunar calendar nor in folk wisdom, all that remains is to turn to Eastern philosophy and, thus, make luck work for yourself. According to Feng Shui, when you choose a home, you choose your destiny. By changing your place of residence, you can confidently try to change your destiny. Why not?

  • The rules of Feng Shui moving teach us to choose a day (this can be done using the Feng Shui calendar, which is now available for free sale). Always and in any case, the date of birth of the owner of the house will be favorable for moving.
  • Feng Shui rules for moving also warn us to move to a new apartment in the evening and at night. It would be nice if your apartment moving passed in 1 day. We can easily arrange this.
  • You cannot enter a new house with empty handed. It is believed that every family member should bring something with them. It is better to contribute the most valuable things first, as this contributes to prosperity and family well-being.

Buying and moving into a new home are important milestones in anyone's life, so folk signs on new move exist in large quantities. Moving to a new apartment is certainly a joy for a family. In order for this event to become truly happiness for all family members and bear fruit, it is worth paying attention to the signs in the apartment. For example, a spider as a sign means prosperity, and a brownie in an apartment will bring harmony to the relationships of family members.

Folk signs when buying a house and moving clearly state that everything that happens at the very beginning of life in a new house leaves its mark on all subsequent years. Therefore, it was important at the very beginning, when moving, to make sure that the first days in the new home were spent in happiness, prosperity and well-being.

The most common sign for a housewarming is a cat - before entering a new house, it is recommended to let the cat in first. The cat has always been considered a mediator between the physical and astral world . And as soon as she entered the house, she established balance in her new home.

Wherever the cat lies down, that’s where the bed should be placed. It is believed that a cat always lies down in places with negative energy. But at that moment when the cat was the first to enter the new house, she, on the contrary, chose the most the best place. Therefore, this is where the bed was placed to ensure healthy sleep. But when the furniture is arranged and the house settles in, the cat will begin to occupy those places that it likes, that is, those that are harmful to humans.

A rich housewarming table for the guests - a home for the owners full bowl. Nice table housewarming is the first step to living happily ever after in a new home. But when receiving guests, you must also follow a number of rules. It is not customary to give money for housewarming, in this case the owners will constantly live in need. But every guest before entering the house,must throw a coin over the threshold of the house.This symbolizes the rain of money that should fall on the owners when they live in this house.

When moving from one house to another, you need to take all garbage with you. Human energy also remains on the garbage, so in order not to receive negativity from people who come into contact with your garbage, it is best not to leave anything. There is one more sign for new settlers on this matter. If you take all your garbage to your new place of residence and throw it away near your new home, then you can soon expect an increase in material wealth in this home.

The spider wove a web and brought good things into the house. This sign is associated with fortune telling, which was performed by new residents on the first night in a new house. In the room that is reserved for the hall, you need to place a container with a spider at night (it is better clay pot), brought from the old place of residence. In the morning you need to look into the pot and find out your future in this house - if the spider wove a web, then prosperity awaited the family in the new house. And if the spider began to weave a web upward, towards the neck of the vessel, then soon you can expect more money in this family.

Any change of place of residence is an exciting event, with many folk signs and traditions associated with it. Perhaps the most famous sign associated with moving to a new apartment is to let the cat into the house first. Why did this animal receive such an honor? In Rus', since ancient times, it was believed that the first person to move into a home should soon die. Therefore, in the families of our ancestors, the first person to cross the threshold was either an old man, who had little time left to live anyway, or a cat, whose life was obviously shorter than that of a human. Nowadays, this honorable right has finally been assigned to the cat.

Moreover, not every animal is suitable for such a great mission. You cannot pick up a cat from the street or borrow it from friends - it must be yours. It is believed that animals sense places with negative energy. A dog “knows how” to choose places favorable for humans. If instead of a cat you let a dog into the house first, which is not at all forbidden, then the place where it will lie down will be the best for the bed. The cat, on the contrary, will then, according to a sign, choose one of the “bad” places for itself and sit or lie there for a long time - do not place a bed there, otherwise the sleep will be anxious and restless. It is believed that this place should be left free, because it should belong to the main “owner” of the house - the brownie.

People don't see brownies, but pets do. Have you noticed how Sharik sometimes stares intently into space, without blinking, as if he’s watching someone? Or Murka, playing as if he was chasing someone invisible, trying to catch him? This is what a brownie is. And he is needed in the house! And he monitors cleanliness, and protects things, and protects the home from fire, and helps the owners. And when moving to a new apartment, the signs recommend inviting your brownie with you and managing another home with you. How to do this? Inform the brownie of your intention to change apartment and invite him to come with you. After that, put an empty bag for him, and take it with you on the day of moving. Take a broom from your old apartment - perhaps your brownie will ride on this vehicle. Or leave an old slipper by the stove with these words: “Brownie, here’s your sleigh, come with us,” and then take this improvised transport for the brownie with you.

Moving to a new apartment according to the lunar calendar must be done in certain days. 5, 8, 10, 21, 25 are best suited for this lunar days. Then the process itself will go well, and life in the new place will be happy and successful. But it is better not to plan this important event on the 4th, 9th, 15th, 19th, 23rd, 26th or 29th lunar day. Choose a female day of the week, that is, Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. There is also the best day for moving - this is September 14, Semenov day, when new settlers are protected higher power and help them in every possible way. As for the most favorable time, it is advisable to check in early in the morning - from 9 to 11 o'clock. Then you’ll have time to settle in a little and celebrate your housewarming.

By the way, you are supposed to celebrate housewarming twice. The first time is with the closest people, on the day of arrival. And the second time - already in a noisy, cheerful and large company, some time after moving in, when you already feel like real owners within the new walls.

Don't be afraid of moving to a new apartment in leap year. Although leap year has a bad reputation, many are afraid to change their place of residence (as well as get married, get divorced, make repairs and look for another job) during this period. In fact, housewarming on a leap year does not promise anything terrible. Even Feng Shui experts think so. This Chinese art is quickly gaining popularity in our country and penetrating into all spheres of life. It dictates its own rules to new residents as well.

Feng Shui recommends starting moving to a new apartment in advance - with thoughtful collection of things. Don’t frantically throw your belongings into boxes, but take your time and enjoy looking at everything you take with you, indulge pleasant memories. Then things will be saturated with positive energy and will bring you a lot of joy in your new place. When leaving your old apartment, leave it in perfect order for the new residents, do not forget to fix the leaking taps and do the final cleaning. Leave a few coins in the old apartment - a sign says that this will bring wealth to both you and the new owners. Leave the house at good mood, remember better days spent within its walls.

Before moving in, Feng Shui experts advise making repairs (the same, however, is required by a long-standing Russian tradition). If you start right away major renovation If it doesn't work, at least do some general cleaning. Wipe all surfaces in the house with lightly salted water - it has magical properties and perfectly cleans the space. After moving to a new apartment, Feng Shui strongly recommends repairing all broken things: plumbing and electrical wiring, doors and floors. Once you've moved your belongings to your new home, spend the night there. If for some reason this is not possible, leave instead the clothes you wear at night - pajamas or a nightgown.

The change of home occupies all my thoughts and gives me no peace even at night. It is possible that in anticipation of this grandiose event you dreamed of moving to a new apartment! Such a dream promises new activities, serious changes in life and big troubles (which, however, are the companions of all new settlers). Some dream books prophesy a transition to a new energy level. Much depends on the home where you moved in your dream. If you dreamed of a beautiful, new apartment, then good luck awaits you. A cramped and untidy room promises problems.

However, Muller’s dream book interprets moving to a new apartment a little differently: if a young woman changed her place of residence in a dream, then she will soon get married. But helping someone move in a dream is not very good: you can cause a lot of trouble to your loved ones with your behavior.

Let them only accompany you before the housewarming good dreams, A good omens will bring happiness and good luck to your home!