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Apartment moving: customs, signs, rituals. How to choose which day to move The best day to move Stepanova

The influence of the moon on humans has been empirically proven. Even in ancient times, the physician Galen established a connection between premenstrual pain in women and the phases of Selene (as the Greeks called the night luminary). In our time, statistics have made it possible to associate the changes occurring on the night luminary with the financial markets, manifestations of violence. Signs of the moon, which many consider only superstitions, may well have a real basis.

The lunar calendar determines 8 phases of illumination by the Sun of the Earth's satellite: new moon, new moon, first quarter, waxing, full moon, waning, last quarter and old moon. A complete change of phases occurs within 29.5 days. There is usually one full moon for each month. The rare phenomenon - the second full moon within a month - is called a "blue moon".

Signs for the waxing moon

During the period of growth, the Queen of the Night promotes accumulation, helps create and attract new things. This is the right time to start.

Money and luck

The waxing moon is the right time to conclude new deals, start new projects, and intensify business. The night luminary will help you achieve positive results.

To attract money and improve your financial situation you need:

  • put banknote(as high a value as possible) or a wallet with money on the windowsill;
  • hold on to the money, looking at the arriving Selena (if you don’t have money with you, for an expensive piece of jewelry) and at the same time saying a request to the growing month, so that the money also grows;
  • ask for an increase wages or bonuses from management.

If there is a need for credits or loans, it is better to apply for them when the month is young, then they will not be so burdensome. This is the time of luck to win, so you can purchase lottery tickets. But in order for easy money to be used for future use, you need to donate part of it to charity.

In order not to scare away your luck in money matters, there are several rules of what not to do: count change, other people's income, whistle in the house, brush crumbs off the table with your hand, sweep the floor, take out the trash, lend money after sunset, do not show the contents of your wallet.


It's important to know what lunar day and for gardeners. With the advent of the new moon, work on the personal plot. Astrologers recommend performing folk rituals on the growing disk:

  • planting or replanting plants growing above the ground;
  • watering the beds;
  • Preparation of cuttings and grafting of trees.

The phases of the moon are also important for fishermen. When growing, the best catch will come from night fishing. If you are an avid traveler or preparing for a vacation, know that this is the best time to travel.

Love and family

This phase is considered favorable for making new acquaintances, which may result in marriage. And a wedding played on the growing month will be the beginning happy life in love and harmony.

Astrologers believe that during this period it is necessary to carry out conspiracies, spells, and love spells. One of the rituals says: after putting on a new shirt, you need to read the spell-appeal to the new moon three times at the window so that it will bring your betrothed into the house. Last 2-3 days before the full moon - best time for rituals aimed at returning the husband to the family.

beauty and health

The waxing Moon promotes wound healing and better postoperative recovery of the body. To improve your health, you should start regular physical exercise: It will be easy to handle even heavy loads.

During the period of growth of the night luminary, it is good to do procedures to strengthen hair, nails, improve the condition of the skin, and devote time to the prevention of diseases associated with metabolism and the spine.

Signs for the waning moon

It is believed that the waning Selena is a time of getting rid of hardships and troubles. According to astrologers, these days it is worth putting things in order in your home. It’s a good idea to cleanse your body of waste and toxins. Along with this, it will be possible to get rid of negative energy inside and at home.

Following certain rules will allow you to use several days of this phase to bring harmony to life.

Money and luck

There are many folk signs and rituals that can improve your financial situation and attract good luck. For example, monetary profit awaits someone who, on the last day of the waning moon, sweeps out the entire house and throws the garbage outside;

This is very important time for doing business. It is not recommended to start something new, but it’s time to analyze the way things are done, find mistakes, optimize the strategy, and reorganize the enterprise. This is a period of getting rid of unnecessary things, so now it is recommended to carry out the planned layoffs or start looking for a new, more suitable job.


  • sow or plant root crops;
  • fertilize and treat plants against pests and diseases, weed beds;
  • dig up root vegetables and bulbs for long-term storage;
  • collect fruits, berries, herbs, mushrooms for drying;
  • trim trees and shrubs, uproot old plantings.

Fishermen prefer to fish during the day: there is a better chance of a good catch.

Love and family

The last phases of the moon are the best time to cast a love spell on a man with whom you are already in a relationship. Carrying out a ritual will help warm up feelings, avoid outside hobbies, and bring those separated by distance closer together.

Moving to a new place of residence at this time is considered undesirable. A new house (apartment) will not bring happiness to its owner, but family vacations, communication with loved ones, reading books, visiting productions and exhibitions will strengthen family relationships, preserve and increase intellectual potential.

beauty and health

Medical procedures related to the removal of something are best carried out on a waning moon (for example, pulling out a tooth, performing surgery). At this time, the body will better tolerate the loss. Of course, we are talking about events that can be planned (emergency situations where you need to act only today do not count). It's time for correction bad habits. Due to the slowdown in metabolic processes, overeating can lead to slagging in the body. Physiological procedures aimed at relieving inflammatory processes and removing toxins are indicated.

Astrologers advise visiting a hairdresser during this period to get a haircut: the hair will grow faster and become healthier and more vibrant (according to folk signs, hair will grow better after cutting on a new moon).

Signs for the full moon

They promised a quick marriage the following signs and rituals performed on the full moon:

  • the girl wove a wreath of herbs and flowers, hung it on the window at night or front door, and in the morning she was not there;
  • wash the floors in the house three times during this phase of the night light;
  • sit by the window with smoothly combed hair and think about your betrothed - a procedure that, according to legend, brought happy events closer.

There was an opinion that the full moon has a great influence evil spirits, because a child born during this period could acquire such aggressiveness, capriciousness, and imbalance. The fate in store for him is not the happiest.

Money matters were helped by a five-kopeck coin placed in a clothing pocket (not a holey one!). Many of your problems can be solved with the help of a simple ritual. Everything that interferes with life is written down on a piece of paper and then burned, the ashes scattered in the wind. Along with the ashes, problems will gradually go away over the course of a month. In a similar way, you can bring the execution closer cherished desires. They are also written down, but the verbal formula contains gratitude to the night luminary, as if it had already helped to obtain or achieve what was desired. The list is placed on the windowsill so that it is in the moonlight. Wishes will definitely come true.

Signs for the new moon

Luck and profit awaited the one who took off his hat and bowed to the new moon during the month. Another way - seeing for the first time new moon, hold on to the money and say the spell: “As you, Moon, grow and grow, so that my money grows, grows and never decreases.”

Cleansing from diseases and sins was granted by swimming in a river, lake or pond on the new moon. With purification came energy and success in all matters.

Moving is an exciting event. To ensure everything goes smoothly, you should know which days to enter new house.

Expert answer:

Hello Nikolay! I will be happy to answer this question!

When is the best day to move to a new apartment?

The best days for any move, and indeed for any undertaking, are the periods when the Moon is in its waxing phase. If you are moving to an apartment for permanent residence, The Moon must be in the sign of Aquarius and Taurus. Days when the Moon is in Cancer, Capricorn, Scorpio and Leo should be avoided. For those who plan to move to rented housing, the Moon in Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces and Libra is favorable.

The day of the week should be chosen for women; it is Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. The best day to move is September 14, Semenov day. On this day, new residents are protected higher power. As for the favorable time, it is better to check in early in the morning - from 9 to 11 o'clock.

When should you not move?

Any move will bring failure on days of eclipses, when Mercury is in retrograde, during periods of the Moon without a course and satanic days.

Satanic days:

  • 9th (Bat);
  • 15th (Serpent);
  • 23rd (Crocodile);
  • 29th (Octopus).

Mercury retrograde

Retrograde (backward) motion of a planet means that the planet is slowing down. During this period, it will appear to an observer from Earth that Mercury is moving backwards. This phenomenon occurs on average three times a year. In the calendar, the phenomenon is indicated by the R icon.

Moon without a course (idle Moon)

A moon without a course is a period when the satellite of our planet, moving along the zodiacal circle, for some time stops interacting with the other planets, being in the void, out of contact with the outside world. Follow the astrological calendar.

Eclipse days

Solar calendar lunar eclipses you can look at astrological sites.

Signs associated with moving

Since ancient times, in Rus' they believed that the first person to move into a dwelling would soon die. That is why our ancestors were the first to let an old man or a cat into their homes. Until now, many believe in this and let the cat be the first to enter the door, and not every animal is suitable for such an important mission.

So, the cat should not be brought from the street or “rented” from friends. This must be your cat personally. It is generally accepted that animals sense places with negative energy.

You can have a dog instead of a cat. She is excellent at choosing places that are favorable for a person. The place where the animal lies will be the best for the bed. But a cat, on the contrary, when moving to new apartment will choose one of the “bad” places and lie there for a long time. It's not worth organizing there sleeping area, otherwise your sleep will be bad. In general, this place should be left free, since it belongs to the brownie.

By the way, about brownies. When moving to a new place of residence, signs recommend inviting your brownie with you to help you manage another house. This is easy to do: tell the brownie that you intend to change housing and invite him to follow you. Now put an empty bag for the brownie and take it with you on moving day. From old apartment you need to pick up a broom - this is a kind of means of transportation for the brownie.

How to celebrate a housewarming party?

Housewarming should be celebrated twice. The first time was with loved ones, as soon as we arrived at our new place of residence. The second time - in a noisy place, fun company, some time after check-in.

Moving during a leap year

Don't be afraid of moving to a new home leap year. Despite the fact that it has a bad reputation, and many are afraid of new beginnings, housewarming at this time does not promise anything terrible.

Moving according to Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, moving to a new apartment should be thought out and planned in advance and carefully, things should be collected thoughtfully. Don't throw things into boxes thoughtlessly, it should be done slowly, indulging pleasant memories. In this case, things will be imbued with good emotions and in the future will bring you a lot of joy in a new place.

When leaving an old apartment, the premises should be left to new residents in perfect order. Leaky faucets need to be fixed, light bulbs need to be changed, some final cleaning needs to be done. You need to leave a few coins in the old apartment - this will give wealth to both you and the new owners. The house should be left at good mood, recall better days spent in it.

Feng Shui experts advise making renovations before moving. This is not always possible, so you can at least arrange general cleaning. All surfaces should be cleaned with lightly salted water, which has magical properties and effectively cleans the space. Repair all broken things.

As soon as you have moved your things to your new apartment, be sure to spend the night there. If this is not possible, leave your pajamas instead.

Let only good omens accompany you before moving, which will bring happiness and good luck to your home!

Moving is a very important event for any person. Many people are worried about how it will go, whether they have chosen the right home and whether any surprises await them when moving into a new apartment.

Most expect happy changes from life in the future, but some are afraid to disrupt its usual course. Leaving the house where generations of their relatives have lived, they are afraid of losing their luck.

In your new home, you need to take everything that is most beloved and expensive from your old apartment. Here, from the first day, very beautiful music should be played, the best carpets should be on the floor, and the furniture should be installed as new as possible. Immediately after entering, it is advisable to sit down at the table and taste delicious dishes, to create great mood who will live in this house forever.

The vast majority of people use various rituals for such an event.

Carrying out rituals when moving to a new apartment was considered mandatory. Exists a large number of signs indicating which day will be successful for such a decision, and at what time it is better to postpone efforts. If everything is done correctly, then happiness will not leave the house, the family will be strong, and friends will always sit at the table.

We must not forget about rituals and signs, because they are very important for a person to feel good in a new home.

Various rituals have always become very effective. The most common, still used today, was the consecration of the room and sprinkling it with holy water. An apartment lived in by previous owners may contain traces of someone else’s negative energy, bad thoughts, illness or death. Therefore, you should cleanse yourself of it.

The ritual is very simple. For this you need to purchase a candle from the Church and stock up on holy water. After moving, you need to spray all the walls and corners in the house with it three times.

Then, with a candle in your hands, you need to walk around all the rooms at least three times. It should be thoroughly cleaned in advance, the floors should be washed and the curtains washed. If you sweep away the rubbish and clean the walls, then the bad energy will also be removed. Therefore, it is advisable to simultaneously repeat the words of the prayer or mentally drive away all the bad things from the apartment.

The ceremony of moving to a new home must contain all the necessary steps:

  • You need to get up very early;
  • then soak the flour;
  • then you need to persuade the Brownie to follow the owners;
  • It’s worth thanking your old home from the bottom of your heart;
  • It is advisable to enter something new with a feeling of joy.

In order to prevent old troubles from moving with their owners to another house, it is necessary to throw away all broken things, old unusable clothes and worn-out shoes. The only exception is for relics that are passed down from generation to generation, or are a good memory of some event.

How to enter a new room

According to ancient tradition, the cat is the first to cross the threshold. He must do it himself. You can’t push him or carry him in by hand. Only after he has walked through the door and walked around the house do people come in.

You need to enter the apartment starting with the oldest family member and ending with the youngest.

The one who crosses the threshold first must carry a flower pot to outstretched arms so that the plant gets into the room before the person. Then it will collect all the negative energy of the home.

You should enter very carefully, without stumbling, because such an incident is a very bad omen.

When moving into a new building, each family member should wish for something special. On a day like this, any wishes come true.

Upon entering a new apartment, you need to place three high-denomination coins under the threshold so that well-being never leaves the house.

After the youngest has entered, the mother should pour more salt outside the door. This is done in order to create an insurmountable obstacle to evil spirits. Other family members simultaneously hang icons and amulets on the walls.

Living in a new home

It is advisable not only to sprinkle, but also to wipe all vertical and horizontal surfaces holy water. In this way they finally consolidate their presence in the home.

It is necessary to arrange things for moving so that the table is moved into the house first. Such a sign is very important, because the faster food is prepared in a new place, the richer and happier life will become in it.

Men and older children should arrange things, and at this time the mother and younger children will prepare a treat for all those gathered.

The first night in a new apartment is very important. In order to spend it calmly, you need not to be lazy and deliver all your things to it.

A nightgown or pajamas must be already worn and retain the smell of an old home. If for some reason it is not possible to stay asleep in the house, then you should put your night clothes there on an unfolded bed.

Before you go to bed, you must tidy up and, to the best of your ability, put all the faults in order. If possible, it is better to spend the first day in a new home after complete renovation premises.

It is advisable to invite your best friends and dearest relatives to help you move and to celebrate the event.

What days are favorable for moving?

Many people cannot decide which day is best to move.

There are many signs for such an event:

  • The first day of the week is not favorable for him. Those who nevertheless decide to do this risk falling into a long series of failures;
  • On Tuesday the move will be very successful. Happiness will forever enter the new home;
  • On Wednesday it is better to refrain from moving into the apartment. There is a belief that then the shelter will become temporary, and friends will not take root in it;
  • Thursday is quite suitable for moving. All difficulties that arose on this day will be successfully resolved;

And the second half of the week:

  • on Friday it is better to stay in the same house, otherwise the person will face numerous sorrows and troubles;
  • Saturday is considered the most favorable time for moving, since even the most daring plans come true during this period;
  • Sunday is quite suitable for implementing plans, but it is better to devote such time to rest.

Therefore, on which days it is preferable to change housing, a person must decide for himself.

It is also important to take into account the phases of the moon. During the full moon and new moon, moving should be taken extremely seriously.

It is considered a good omen to see new month in the sky. Everything that is done at this time is simply doomed to success. Therefore, very often on such a day various rituals and conspiracies are held. However, such a period is not very suitable for changing housing.

And on the full moon, the new home will become a place of rare material well-being. Family happiness will never leave it, and children's laughter will be heard here constantly. Everyday difficulties will also pass him by.

Therefore, in order not to lose joy and vitality, you need to choose the right favorable days for moving.

The weather plays a big role in this:

  • Leave an old house in the rain has always been considered the key to success. Water is a very powerful substance that can wash away any heaviest clot of negative energy. Thus, all past troubles will remain in the previous home, and the person will enter the new apartment completely cleansed;
  • If a rainbow is visible in the sky, it is a very good omen. A move made on a day like this promises a lot of happiness and joy in the future. In addition, this sign indicates that the new home has been chosen correctly;
  • but if a thunderstorm breaks out outside, then such a sign becomes a very bad harbinger. Such an event indicates that the house will become a place of constant discord. It is also believed that higher powers are warning that it is not too late to abandon the move altogether.

A conspiracy to appease the Brownie

But now the change of home has taken place and the first thing to do is to appease the Brownie.

For such a ritual it is advisable to have:

  • Flowers in a pot;
  • new broom;
  • tablecloth for the dining table;
  • everything you need to cook porridge;
  • Matchbox;
  • a pack of salt;
  • kneaded dough;
  • plate;
  • candle;
  • personal amulet;
  • green twig;
  • cloves;
  • hammer.

We kindle our fire
We are settling our family in a new apartment.
We put fresh Zhito on the table
So that wealth in housing comes to us.
We hang our talisman-amulet
From the evil eye and damage, illness and troubles
We tell the Brownie
Peace to Our House!

It must be said that moving is a responsible matter. Therefore, it should be taken very seriously.

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Moving to a new place of residence is always an important event, even if we are talking about temporary housing. Everyone wants that with a change of apartment, all the troubles will be left behind, and happiness and prosperity will settle at a new address, so many are interested in the question of when is the best time to move to a new apartment in 2017 and in subsequent years, and how best to arrange the move in order to attract good luck .

Moving to a new apartment from an old one - how to do it

If you don’t know what to do when moving to a new apartment, then take into account numerous popular beliefs.

You need to start moving properly to a new apartment at your old place of residence. To do this, do the following:

  • carry out a complete cleaning, pack what you need and throw away unnecessary items, do not leave things in the wrong hands that can be used as a slander or a curse;
  • before leaving, scatter some small change in the apartment as a sign of gratitude and so that the new residents remember you with pleasure;
  • if the whole family moves to a new apartment, then they take the old broom with them, with the wish that a kind and benevolent brownie move to the new house; if relatives remain in the house, this is not necessary;
  • You shouldn’t take an old broom if you are moving to an apartment where people used to live, since there should already be a good spirit there.

Signs when moving to a new home state that when visiting a new home for the first time, you should not enter the premises with empty handed, it is advisable to immediately bring in something, for example, a stool.

Before the family moves completely, the home needs to be cleared out. To do this, it is repaired or thoroughly cleaned, and all surfaces are washed with salted water, which washes away all the unfavorable aura and possible misfortunes.

Signs when moving to a new apartment

There are numerous traditions of moving to a new apartment that relate directly to the moving process.

Much attention is paid to whoever steps through the threshold first. Recommendations and rituals when moving to a new apartment are different - the oldest person in the family, a cat (your own and preferably black), a dog. Since not every family has a cat, and it is not recommended to take someone else’s, today this sign has been simplified to bringing a figurine of a black cat or dog into the apartment. In the future, it is left as a talisman.

Immediately after moving, you need to perform the rituals required when moving to a new apartment:

  • remove all old mirrors, as this is the most energetically charged object in any room;
  • light up in different rooms fire (put candles or walk with a burning lighter), since fire, like water, perfectly cleanses space;
  • place a saucer with milk, porridge or sweets on the floor to attract and please the brownie;
  • open the windows and flush the taps to attract all the elements to your side;
  • arrange a small feast for everyone involved in the move.

To have time to complete the move and accompanying rituals, start it long before evening. The Gazelkin cargo taxi company accepts orders for transfers at any time of the day or week.

When is the best time to move to a new apartment according to the lunar calendar and other signs?

There are many rules for determining what day to move into a new apartment, including according to the lunar calendar, day of the week, Feng Shui, and so on.

The hardest thing is to figure out which moon to move to a new apartment on. For this purpose, there are special lunar calendars for moving for every year and month. To find out when is the best time to move in November, just search favorable dates this month according to the calendar.

The creators of horoscopes claim that:

  • moving to a new apartment during the waxing moon will be favorable, especially if its position corresponds to Taurus or Aquarius,
  • not recommended when the Moon passes through Pisces, Leo, Scorpio or Cancer.
  • Moving to a new apartment on a new moon is considered neutral for new residents;
  • The most unfavorable will be moving to a new apartment during a full moon or during a solar eclipse.

WITH lunar calendar There are rules for determining what time of year is best to move. Autumn is considered the most favorable season, and a particularly recommended day for moving to a new home is Semyonov's holiday, September 14. It is recommended to delay the summer move until the first days of autumn if possible.

Exist certain rules, on what day of the week is it better to move, and when not to do this:

  • Monday and Friday are not recommended as the hardest days.
  • Wednesday is suitable for moving to temporary housing, since it is believed that people who move on this day do not stay in place for long. Use this sign if you don’t like the apartment and want to find something more decent.
  • Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday are the most favorable days for moving to a new apartment, as these are days of happy changes.

Sunday is the best day to move to a new apartment for those who will devote this day to rest, and will entrust all the hassle of moving to others, for example, to the Gazelkin cargo taxi company.

It is advisable to study the calendar for moving to a new home in advance in order not only to determine suitable date, but also pack your things, take a day off and order a cargo taxi for a specific time.

Moving to a new home - gifts and guests

If the question of when you can move to a new apartment has been resolved, then it’s time to start inviting guests.

Housewarming with big amount It is not necessary to arrange guests and abundant treats right away. First, arrange the furniture, put the house in order, and then schedule a party.

Customs when moving to a new apartment also apply to housewarming gifts. Modern unspoken rules determine that new residents themselves determine what gifts they expect from guests. When determining the list, be guided in equal parts by practical benefits and favorable signs that recommend:

  • all objects that can be filled with water - dishes, vases, an aquarium, as a wish for a long life;
  • a symbol of well-being - a table, as well as other objects with a flat surface, for example, dishes, trays;
  • as a wish for wealth - items made of wool or its analogues, such as blankets, rugs, rugs.

In addition to favorable gifts, traditions establish a number of prohibitions, which are also worth remembering and observing:

  • Don't allow bedding to be given as a gift, as it is too personal an item that should only be chosen by close family members.
  • You cannot bring sharp objects. If they offer you a set of knives, then do not accept it as a gift, but give a bill or a few coins for it, i.e. convert a gift into a purchase.
  • Do not invite people you don’t like to your housewarming party, even if they are relatives.

Compliance with folk rituals and competent organization moving is the main guarantee of a successful solution to the issue of new housing.