home · Tool · How to tie a kite. A kite and a sea of ​​positivity! Diamond-shaped kite made from a plastic bag

How to tie a kite. A kite and a sea of ​​positivity! Diamond-shaped kite made from a plastic bag

I have always been fascinated by kites flying in the sky! Any flow of air can change his flight and it seems that he is about to break free.

Every summer my boys ask us to buy a bird or a fish.)) And this year we will make a kite ourselves. Let's stock up on knowledge and move forward to practical classes to the country house or to the park!))

I have collected information from various sources and am happy to share it with you.

What we need:

2 simple wooden sticks (preferably bamboo, if not, light slats);

- nylon thread (fishing line, 2 mm in diameter);

Scotch tape, superglue, spray adhesive;

A large sheet of thin paper (or cellophane);

Hacksaw, scissors, marker and paint.

What we need to do:

1. Trim the slats to required length. Make a mark on each slate. At the end of the rail we make slots of several millimeters for deepening. They serve to pull nylon thread through them.

2. Indicate the exact center of each of the planks and tie them together with fishing line to create a cross shape (90 degree angle). The horizontal rail should be at a height of approximately 2/3 of the vertical one. Remember that an exact 90 degree angle must be maintained - otherwise balance will not be maintained.

3. Stretch a nylon thread around the frame, getting into the cut you made. The tension should not be too strong (too much tension can bend the frame). The kite frame design is ready.

We fix it on top with tape so that the nylon thread (fishing line) does not jump out of the cut.

4. Then we place the kite frame on our paper. Draw an outline with a red felt-tip pen, at a distance of about 3 cm (1.5 cm) along the line of the cord. Cut out the sketch from paper along the red lines.

5.1. Apply a few drops of glue to the ends of the slats (highlighted by a rectangle). This glue will help keep the paper on the slats in correct position. We are waiting for it to dry.
We bend the borders of the edge of the paper (3 cm) and glue it with adhesive tape, but it is better to use spray glue because of its lightness.

BUT! From this point on, different sources fix it differently. Below I will give other master classes, you can see.

5.2. We wrap the edges of the film inward around the fishing line and secure them with tape. The "body" of the snake is ready.


6.1. Cut a piece of cord 30 cm long. At the intersection of the rail, make small holes in the paper and thread a nylon thread. Fasten it securely; you can secure the knot with tape. The cord should hang freely.

ABOUT cut a very long piece of fishing line. It will be necessary to release the kite. Tie one end of it to a 30 cm cord, wind the other on a reel.
All is ready! Now you can paint the paper in variegated colors (to your liking) and run it in good weather

6.2. I have seen models where the line used to hold the kite is tied directly to the cross, but the bridle allows the kite to maintain the correct angle of attack relative to the wind. Therefore, it’s better not to be lazy and do it.

To do this, we tie two pieces of fishing line AO ​​and GO to the edges of a short stick at points A and D (see drawing), equal side AB (for us this is 25 cm) - these will be the side parts of the bridle.
Don't forget to add a binding allowance. For reliability, we coated all the knots with superglue, because it is difficult to make a strong knot on the fishing line.
And we tie the long side of the bridle to the upper end B (see drawing). How the kite will fly depends on its length. Therefore, it is better not to firmly fix the place of attachment to the main fishing line, but experiment with the angle of inclination. In our case, it turned out that, oddly enough, the kite flew best at VO=0. Those. it was possible to do without a bridle, and tie the fishing line to the upper corner of the kite. I think this parameter is very dependent on the specific launch conditions and the specific kite.

After this, we tie all three ends of the bridle together at point O and tie the handrail there. We additionally secured this place with tape.

7. Now we make the snake's tail. It is not needed so much for beauty. how much for proper balancing. It is by adjusting the length and weight of the tail (by tying or untying pieces from it) that the flight qualities of the kite can be improved.

The snake's tail can be made from rope, ribbons and bows, but we only had plastic bags on hand. That's why the tail of our kite is made from them. To do this, the bags were cut into pieces. 10 cm wide.

After this, the strips of polyethylene were tied together to form a rope about 3 meters long. We attach the tail to the lower end of the kite (at point D) using tape.

A few more options:

Very easy option how to make a kite:

Where and how to fly a kite?

You need to fly a kite in large open areas. If possible, it is better to launch on a hill or hill in order to take advantage of the rising wind currents.


Never fly kites near power lines, wires, etc.

Never launch close highways or airports.

Never fly a kite during a thunderstorm.

All this is life-threatening!

If the wind is strong enough.

You can easily fly a kite directly from your hands. Standing with your back to the wind. Pointing the kite with its nose up, initially holding on to the rail near the kite itself. Slightly pulling the thread towards you, lift the kite up, gradually unwinding the rope.

You can fly a kite together.

Your assistant holds the kite in vertical position nose up. You rewind the rope about 20 meters and step back. Giving the command to the assistant to release the kite, while slightly throwing it up into the air. Watch how your kite quickly takes off while keeping an eye on the tension of the thread - more on this below.

If the wind is not strong enough:

Standing with your back to the wind, place the kite on the ground perpendicular to the direction of the wind, i.e. front side to us. Gradually unwinding the rope, we move away, holding the kite in this position.

When you move about ten meters away, pull sharply and run a little until the kite gains the required height, feeling how the kite has caught the wind and is rushing upward, where it can soar with ease. Provided there is enough at the top strong wind for maneuvers. Otherwise, you will have to run like this to keep the kite in the air.

Let's launch together.

The whole difference is that the snake is in the hands of an assistant. This option is more suitable for starting with a child. You will play the role of an assistant. Your task is to raise the kite as high as possible, keeping it perpendicular to the direction of the wind, strictly with the nose up. After unwinding a couple of meters of rope, ask the baby to run. All you have to do is release it while slightly tossing it up (for children over 2 years old).

Older children need to be explained how to proceed. After your kite catches the wind, you will feel resistance, you can stop and begin to adjust the flight. To achieve maximum height, if at the height where it soars without any effort on your part, you just need to unwind the rope to the desired distance.

How to fly a kite.

- The wind died down- the kite began to fall - pull the rope towards yourself by lowering your hand down or taking a couple of steps back. Make sure that the thread is always taut.

- The wind increased- unwind the rope or loosen the tension by raising your hand or taking a couple of steps towards the kite.

Your task is to periodically tighten during the moments of falling and loosen the tension of the thread during a rapid jerk upward.

- If the kite’s flight is not stable sometimes it soars, sometimes it quickly falls down; you should understand the dynamics of movement. The kite flies in the direction the kite's nose is pointing.. Therefore, pulling the thread can both raise the kite and speed up the fall. Watch the direction of your nose. At the moment of a rapid fall, slightly release the rope and allow the snake to straighten out under the influence of the wind. As soon as the bow turns upward, pull the rope under the pressure of the wind; it will quickly gain altitude.

Another piece of advice: if a fall is inevitable and you cannot correct the situation, then loosen the ropes, thereby not provoking an intensification of the blow.

I wish you a fair wind for your kite!)))

Have you wanted to build your own kite? Here's an easy way to make your own snakes! The kite consists of the following main parts:
The Spine. This is the vertical or horizontal base of the kite.
Spar(spars). Guides that are placed either across or, as well as obliquely relative to the “spine”. Sometimes they are curved.
The Frame. Together, glued together or otherwise assembled, the base and guides form a frame on which the fastenings for the slings and, of course, the main covering are located.
The Cover. Paper, plastic, or fabric (nowadays nylon is often used) that is attached to the frame to capture airflow.
The Bridle. One or more spine restraints or spars that help control the kite in the air.
The Flying line. The ropes, now often made of nylon, act as a line for the kite to keep it in the air.
The Tail. A long strip of paper or nylon tape that helps balance the kite's flight. Not all kites require a tail.
The Reel (reel). A reel on which nylon ropes (slings) are wound. Used to control and control the kite during flight.

Diamondback kite
You will need the following materials:
Rope, preferably nylon nylon
tape or glue
1 sheet thick paper(102 cm x 102 cm), or nylon fabric
Two straight wooden or bamboo sticks, 90 cm and 102 cm
markers, paints or pencils to decorate your kite.
1. Make a cross from two sticks. The small stick should be positioned horizontally, and the larger one vertically. Make sure both sides of the cross are equal in width.
2. The sticks must be perfectly perpendicular. The ideal way to make sure of this is to apply a small amount of glue and hold them together for a while.
3. Then cut a groove in the middle of each stick, as well as along their edges. The groove should be deep enough so that the sticks fit together more securely. Cut a piece of rope, it should be long enough to cover the entire frame and hold the sticks together. Place the sticks together and wrap the rope tightly around them. Then coat this fastening with glue for greater reliability. Stretch the rope around the perimeter so that the frame of the kite becomes more durable. Make a strong loop and secure it to the top of the kite. Make the same loop at the bottom of the kite. Done, the sling should tension the frame. Make sure that the sling does not deform the perpendicularity of the sticks and does not change the overall design.
4. Place the sail (paper or nylon fabric) on the table. Place the finished kite frame on the material. Trim the material around the kite, leaving 2 - 3 centimeters from the edges of the kite. Fold the edges of our material over the frame of the kite and glue these edges so that the material holds tightly.
5. Cut the rope approximately 122cm long. tie it to the top loop of the kite and, stepping back a little from the top, make a loop and pull it to the bottom of it. Secure it there.
6. Make a tail by tying small ribbons, about 10cm each. along the entire length of the tail. Attach the tail to the loop at the bottom of the kite.
7. Decorate the snakes as you wish and to your taste.
Well, that’s probably all, it’s time to start flying a kite.
Some tips:
It is better to place the support (attachment) point of a long sling slightly in front of the center of gravity.
Installing a tail will give additional stability and efficiency to the kite's flight.
Check if the kite is balanced by holding it by the line. If the balance is out of balance, you can correct this defect by attaching paper.
Each kite is different in its own way, so you may have to make some adjustments to the design yourself.

In the summer, children who are not busy studying often start to get bored. They need some truly memorable and vibrant pastime! We suggest flying a kite. Just don't buy it. It's quite easy to make it yourself. We offer 7 ideas of varying levels of complexity.

Baby snake for the little ones

Everyone can do it paper airplanes? So, this “baby snake” is just as easy to make!

You will need:

  • 1 sheet of paper
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Strong thread or fishing line
  • Stapler
  • Hole puncher

Fold the paper in half along the short side. Along the fold at the top, measure two points 6.5 cm (point A) and 9 cm (point B). Take the two corners of your sheet on either side of the fold and pin them together at point A. Punch a hole at point B. Take a long piece of thread or fishing line and pull it through the hole. That's all!

Snake made from a plastic bag

It turns out that if you decide to make a kite while you are already on vacation, then anything is possible. You will most likely have everything you need to make a kite in your luggage.

You will need:

  • 3 plastic T-shirt bags (or garbage bags)
  • 2 thin lungs sticks (pine slats, even branches or reed stems)
  • fishing line
  • Scotch
  • Permanent marker
  • Scissors
  • Roulette
  • Superglue (preferable, but not required).

Find 2 sticks - a long one 60 cm and a short one 35 cm. Fold them perpendicularly, 15 cm away from the top of the long stick. Secure the cross with tape. Wrap the ends of the sticks with tape and make cuts a centimeter deep in them. Thread the fishing line through these cuts, creating the outline of the kite. Secure the top with tape so that the fishing line does not jump out of the cut. Place the frame of the future kite on the polyethylene and trace it with a marker, adding 1.5 cm on each side to the hem. Cut along the outline. Fold the edges of the film inward around the fishing line and secure them with tape. The "body" of the snake is ready. Let's move on to the bridle. Tie two pieces of fishing line, 25 cm long, to the edges of the short stick. Don’t forget to add an allowance for tying. For reliability, coat all knots with superglue, since it is difficult to make a strong knot on the fishing line. Tie the long side of the bridle to the upper end B (see drawing). After this, tie all three ends of the bridle together at one point and tie a handrail there. Additionally, secure this place with tape. Now make the tail. It is not made for beauty: by changing the number of bows, you can improve the flying qualities of the kite. Cut the bags into pieces 10 cm wide and tie them together to make a rope about 3 meters long. Attach the tail to the lower end of the kite using tape. Now decorate to your heart's content! The kite is completely ready to fly!

Pyramid Serpent

Agree, it looks unusual; you will definitely want to make such a kite at least once in order to catch admiring glances on the beach.

You will need:

  • 24 straws without folds
  • Line/rope
  • Ribbon
  • Fabric or wrapping paper
  • Scissors
  • Thick paper for template
  • Permanent marker

Since the manufacturing process is quite complicated, it is better to use our photo illustrations. But, just in case, we'll add a description. Take 3 straws and thread them through the fishing line. Tie the ends together to form a triangle. Leave a small tip. Add two more straws and tie them to the opposite side of the base. Also leave the tip. You should get a rhombus with a crossbar. Now take another straw and use it to tie the opposite corners of the diamond. The result is a pyramid. Make 3 more of these pyramids. Using a thick piece of cardboard, cut out a diamond shape to use as a template for wrapping paper. Cut out 4 of these diamonds from wrapping paper and glue them so that the diamond covers 2 sides of the pyramid. Focus on the drawing. Tie all the loose ends together.

Snake - box

Although this form of kite is quite rare now, this design flies very cool, and it is easier to make than it seems.

You will need:

  • 4 long (60 cm) and 8 short (30 cm) wooden cylindrical slats (bamboo sticks)
  • Dental floss
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks
  • Light, windproof fabric or plastic tablecloth
  • Plastic straws with bend
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Ribbons
  • Roulette
  • Protractor

If you initially have one long strip, then cut it into 12 parts. Make 2 frames from 4 long and 4 short sticks. Use cut straws to make corner joints. If the straws are too wide, secure them with glue. Cross two rectangles, creating correct angles. Use dental floss to tie the intersections together. On all short sticks, find the middle and mark it with a pencil. Place a drop of hot glue in this place, which will make the structure more rigid. From the remaining 8 short sticks, make 2 cross-shaped structures with clear right angles. Secure with hot glue. Place corner straws on the ends of the crosses. Insert both crosses into the frame, and tie the free end of the straw to the frame. Using scissors, cut the fabric into 20x130 cm strips. Glue the material to the frame. The middle third of the frame will remain uncovered. Attach the tails to 2 opposite corners of one side. Make them 2 meters or more.

Paper bag kite

This kite is ideal for children - 2 and 3 years old. And most importantly, you don’t need almost anything to make it!

You will need:

  • Brown paper bag (they have these at the checkout counter in Auchan)
  • Marker/stickers for decoration
  • Rope
  • Ice cream stick
  • Ribbons (optional)

Start with decoration! Decorate both sides of the bag. The easiest way is to use markers and stickers. Attach ribbons to the top of the bag. Cut a small hole in the bottom. Attach/glue the string to the popsicle stick. Pass the end of the rope through the hole at the bottom of the bag, with inside. The popsicle stick should stay inside and the rope should come out. Wind the end of the rope onto a spool and give it to the children.

Mini snake

These snakes are easy and quick to make. They are an exact copy of classic paper kites, only small.

You will need:

  • Thick paper (A4)
  • Plastic straws (2 x 1 snake)
  • Rope or fishing line (meter or more)
  • Ribbons
  • Glue stick
  • Universal glue
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Ruler

Take a sheet, draw a line along the long side in the middle, divide it into 3 parts. At the intersection of the long line and the first point from above, draw a perpendicular line. Connect 4 dots to form a diamond. Cut out another diamond shape from colored paper. Glue them together. Take a rope and tie it to the straw at a distance of 2/3 from the top. Cut the second straw into 3 parts (by eye). One third is future pen snake. Add a drop of glue and attach the rope to the handle. Turn the kite over with the white side up, draw a cross on it, connecting the dots from top to bottom and from left to right. Apply glue along the cross and attach straws. Cut the ribbon 50-60 centimeters and make a tail out of it. Insert it into the bottom straw and secure with glue.

transparent snake

We have found the “recipe” for this kite as the best kite in the world. Well, let's see if this is so.

You will need:

  • 1 sheet of parchment paper (36x51cm)
  • 4 thin bamboo sticks: crossed 2 x 60 cm, 1 – 48 cm and 1 – 36 cm.
  • Napkin (2.5 × 12.5 cm)
  • 7 sheets of carbon paper (4x4 cm)
  • 2 sheets corrugated paper(5x250 cm)
  • 20 m nylon rope
  • Ribbon
  • Scissors
  • Centimeter
  • Pencil
  • PVA glue
  • Glue stick
  • Toothpick
  • Keychain ring

Fold the sheet in half and then unfold it again. On the other side - in the same way, so that you get an intersection point in the center. Take 1 stick and, bending the paper a little, glue it to the top of the sheet. Glue another stick vertically in the center. Take 2 more sticks and glue them crosswise (as shown in the picture). Additionally glue all the sticks using paper squares. Cut out squares of colored fabric paper and decorate the kite. Make two holes with a toothpick in the middle, left and right of vertical axis. Cut a piece of rope and attach it to the top left corner. Pull the line to the right corner and pull it like a bow. Tie 2 ropes 50 cm long to the 2 upper corners. Also tie a 40 cm long rope to the center where the toothpick is punctured. Tie all 3 ropes in one place with a strong knot. Place all three ropes on the keychain ring. Also attach a spool of fishing line to the ring. Glue 2 tails to the lower left and right corners of the kite. All! Let's fly!

Who didn't fly a kite as a child? For many of us, this was a favorite pastime to do. with my own hands there was no difficulty. We made the simplest paper kites and rejoiced at how our creations flew in the wind. Nowadays you can find a variety of kite models in stores, from small children's kites to huge professional ones. And now, having already become parents ourselves, we go with interest to the sports department to buy this bright toy for our children. Let's remember together how to assemble a kite, and in what ways it can be lifted into the sky.

Assembling the kite

Regardless of the level of complexity, all kites consist of a standard set of components. The most important thing in any kite is a strong frame that holds the shape of the structure during flight. It can be made of two or more slats. A fabric made of lightweight material, which creates an obstacle to the wind and allows the kite to float in the air. It is important to know that when launching the kite, it must be positioned in such a way that the canvas is in front of the frame, and the wind hits it. In some kite models, a tail made in the form of beautiful ribbons is attached to the canvas, which is designed to smooth out gusts of wind and stabilize the kite in the air.

The kite is controlled from the ground using a rope or thread, which is also called a lifeline. It should be very strong, but light enough so as not to interfere with flight.

The thread is wound on a special convenient spool. Often kite manufacturers make the ropes with carabiners so that people can release them. The place where the thread joins the kite is called the frenulum. Depending on the number of attachment points, this can be:

  • A single fastener bridle that requires no mid-air adjustments. The snake is corrected only by its tail.
  • a bridle with a keel, made in the form of a single piece from a cloth of the same material. Also requires no adjustments during flight
  • a bridle with two or more fastenings, which involves controlling the kite. To do this, it has a ring that allows you to adjust the flight angle.

How to fly a kite

Flying a kite is easy, the main thing is to choose a suitable place and catch the wind. To do this, we find a large open plot of land, preferably on a hill, where air currents moving from bottom to top. If you are surrounded by trees and houses, it will be more difficult for the kite to rise due to the uneven wind, and it will only be able to stabilize at a height of about 50 meters.

Important to remember:

  • Never fly a kite under power lines, near highways or airports, or during a storm with thunder and lightning. Even if the place seems perfectly flat and spacious to you, and the wind in a thunderstorm is simply ideal for flying a kite, such games can be life-threatening.
  • Never fly heavy kites over people or animals. If you lose control, this entire structure will rigid frame It can fly at a person at great speed and injure him. If you want to play with your children on the beach by the sea, a lightweight paper kite that will not harm anyone is suitable for this.
  • When flying a kite in sunny weather, use Sunglasses. Being carried away by the game and looking intently at the sky, you may not notice how the bright sun will harm your eyes.
  • Be sure to protect your hands. Use gloves and a reel. Do not wrap the line around your hands under any circumstances. A strong gust of wind can lift the kite up, and the quickly unwinding thread will burn your skin.

Before sending your kite into the sky, place it facing you, stand with your back to the wind and pull the threads. Flying a kite depends largely on wind speed. If the wind is strong enough, the kite can be launched directly from your hands, placing its nose in the wind and slowly unwinding the rope. If the wind is not very strong, you may need help. Spin the reel 15-20 meters, pull the thread and ask someone to throw the kite up. It happens that the wind is weak near the ground, but quite strong above. This is evidenced by the swaying tree tops. In this case, the kite will only fly at a certain height. But in order to raise it to this height, you will have to run a little against the wind.

Carefully monitor the thread tension. If the wind has died down and the tension begins to weaken, wind the thread onto the spool or simply pull it towards you. If the wind gets stronger, the rope needs to be unwound a little, or, for example, you can take a few steps in the direction of the wind. When the kite begins to fall and the situation cannot be corrected, release the rope so that the impact on the ground is softer.

Controllable kite

When you have the opportunity to control the flight of a kite, it is always interesting. But to launch such kites you need a strong wind, since in a weak wind, holding two reels in your hands, you will not be able to run backwards. It is advisable to have an assistant during startup. But you can also cope on your own, although most likely not on the first try.

As the kite takes flight, keep your hands at chest or hip level. Try pulling the right thread towards you. You will see the kite fly to the right. If you pull left hand, you can straighten it or tilt it, respectively, to the left. Movements should be smooth. If you pull the strings, the kite will quickly fall. Do not unwind the thread too much. First get used to the kite's maneuvers. And after a little training, release it higher. Don't worry if the threads get twisted a few times, it won't affect the control in any way.

IN in capable hands the kite can draw different shapes in the air, and also perform tricks such as the figure eight, loop and spiral descent. If you are not yet able to control the kite, do not worry, very soon you will master all the subtleties of flight, and your kite will soar in the air for hours to the delight of you and your children.

It's not just children who love flying a kite. For adults, a fun hobby allows them to return to a carefree time for a short time and feel the joy of flying. You can buy a finished product, but it is much more interesting to make a kite on a string with your own hands. Using available materials and drawings you can easily cope with this task.

Types of kites you can make yourself

In order to make a kite with your own hands, you need 5 things: basic labor skills, materials, drawings, desire and patience. All designs are made according to the same principle: a base with aerodynamic properties different shapes and rope. The kite can be flat and voluminous, simple or consisting of several links.

Such a thing can be found in a store, but it will be a standard replicated version. It’s better to make a controlled kite yourself, and then fly it and enjoy the result.

The first who came up with the idea of ​​launching a structure in the form of a kite or dragon into the sky were the Chinese. They took up this fascinating business in the 5th century BC.

Flat kite made of paper, nylon or polyethylene

Together with your children, you can make a simple version of a homemade kite called “Monk”.

  1. Take a sheet of thick paper of any color, A4 format. Place the lower right corner to the long left side so that it aligns with the short one. It turns out to be a triangle with an upper single part. Cut it off, unfold the sheet, you get a square.
  2. Mentally or with a pencil, draw a straight line between two opposite corners of the square - mark its axis.
  3. Bend the piece of paper so that the right and left sides of the square “lie” on its axis.
  4. Bend the corners twice upward according to the accordion principle.
  5. Glue a thread 30 cm long into the middle of the accordion on both sides. The result is a “bridle”.
  6. Tie a rope strictly in the center of the bridle to launch and control the kite.

It is impossible to control a snake without a tail, so do not forget to make a rope from ribbons or threads intertwined and tied at the bottom with a tassel.

  1. Make 20 pieces of regular threads or 5–6 from wool. Their length for a small kite should be at least 50 cm.
  2. Place the cut pieces together and tie them with a tassel towards the end or braid them. You can decorate the tail with bows or paper triangles.
  3. Make a hole in the bottom corner of the kite, thread the tail through it and tie it in a knot or glue it.
  4. If you are using ribbons or strips of fabric instead of thread, thread them through the hole, wrap and hem top part to the bottom.

In addition to their decorative and entertainment functions, the first kites in China were used in construction. With their help, ropes were thrown across reservoirs and ravines for the subsequent construction of bridges.

Homemade kite in 5 minutes - video

Paper, fabric and wood construction

Compared to the “Monk”, there are some complications in the manufacture of this kite. In addition to paper, you will need thin wooden slats and fabric.

To make such a kite, prepare in advance:

  • 2 notebook sheets;
  • 3 slats (2 60 cm long, 1 – 40 cm);
  • durable nylon thread;
  • colored fabric.

Instructions for creating a flat “Russian” kite with your own hands - video

Diagram of a triangular kite made of polyethylene

Triangular kite - another variety flat design, more difficult to manufacture. But the result of your work will definitely please you. The snake turns out to be classic triangular shape, bright and very beautiful.

Materials you will need:

  • plastic bag, better bright and dense;
  • slats (straight sticks made of bamboo, willow, linden, pine or just window beads);
  • rope or fishing line with a reel.

The dimensions of the finished product depend on the dimensions of the package and the height of the launcher. Use percentage notation as shown in the diagram. Decide which number is taken as 100%, and then use a calculator to calculate the specific values.

For accurate marking, substitute your values ​​and calculate the parameters of the kite in centimeters

  1. Cut out the “body” of the kite from the bag according to the drawing.
  2. Prepare 4 slats of appropriate sizes: two side slats of the same size, one long longitudinal and one short transverse.
  3. Secure with any glue first the side slats on the sides, then the longitudinal one in the middle, and finally the central transverse one.
  4. Attach a keel in the middle of the kite using tape.
  5. In the center of the lower part of the canvas, cut a hole into which to thread a tail made from scraps of bags.
  6. Tie one fishing line to each corner and fasten them together with a knot.
  7. Attach a fishing line with a reel to the resulting “bridle” for launching and control.

Interesting fact. In ancient times, kites were used for military purposes: for reconnaissance, sending messages or gunpowder into enemy territory.

Drawing of a diamond-shaped product

This design is made according to the same principle as a triangular kite. You will need 2 slats (60 and 30 cm), a plastic bag, fishing line and tape.

  1. Fold the slats in a cross so that the short one intersects the long one at the height of one quarter of the total length.
  2. Tie them together with tape or rope.
  3. Place the resulting cross on a plastic bag.

    We measure right size and the shape of the future serpent

  4. Cut the fabric into a diamond shape, leaving a small margin.
  5. Pull it over the slatted cross, tuck the stock and glue or hem it.

    We wrap the kite crosspiece with a bag and cut it off

  6. Tie a fishing line to the intersection of the sticks and to the lower corner of the diamond. Just in case, give it a few turns and secure it well.

    We tie the fishing line to the intersection of the sticks

  7. Tie the fishing lines together with a knot to which attach the fishing line and reel. It turns out to be a bridle.
  8. Attach a tail, also cut from cellophane, to the end of the axial stick with tape.

In order for a kite to fly well, its tail must be 10 times longer than its base.

Interesting fact. In XIII - XIV centuries aerial structures were used to study natural phenomena and observe the weather.

You can also use the diagram to make a kite.

Making your own diamond-shaped kite - video

How to make a bird-shaped design

To get a kite that resembles a bird in flight, use one trick: secure the string between the side parts. Under the pressure of the wind it will either stretch or weaken, making the structure “winged”.

Necessary materials:

  • 8 sticks with a diameter of less than 1 cm and a length of 30.5 cm, 3 sticks of 91.5 cm and 3 of 150 cm from linden or pine;
  • nylon or polyethylene film;
  • fishing line;
  • coil.
  1. Place 150 cm long rods parallel to each other in front of you.
  2. Place a 91.5 cm stick across, 59.75 cm from the edge.
  3. Tie it with threads so that there is a distance of 30.5 cm between the first and second, and 61 cm between the second and third.
  4. Stepping back 30.5 cm to the larger side, apply a second stick 91.5 cm long.
  5. Tie 4 short slats at a distance of 30.5 cm from each other at an angle so that at the bottom they converge into a triangle (see diagram).
  6. Cover the closed ends of the short slats with the last 91.5 cm long slats. The result is a “manger” tied in the center of the structure.
  7. Tie everything together with threads coated with glue.
  8. Fasten the ends of long sticks that have been previously soaked in water. You need to wet them so that they do not break when bent.
  9. Stretch a fishing line between the ends of the “wings”.
  10. To make the “body” of the kite, cut out a pentagon from fabric (top and bottom sides are 30.5 cm each, height 91.5 cm + 2 cm for the hem). Make a square in the center with a side length of 30.5 cm.
  11. From the bottom corners of the square, measure 59.75 cm to the left and to the right.
  12. To the resulting points, extend segments from the ends of the top and bottom sides pentagon. The result was a canvas with a window in the middle.
  13. Sheath and glue the wooden frame of the kite.
  14. Additionally, cut out 4 inserts for the “manger”. Each size is 30.5 x 30.5 cm. Insert them into the “windows” and glue them.
  15. Make a tail from rope and leftover fabric, attach it to one side of the “manger”.
  16. On the other hand, make a bridle from two fishing lines tied together and tightly tie a thread with a reel (rail) to them.

To ensure that the structure does not fall on one side and does not fall apart in the air, strictly adhere to the dimensions and firmly tie the parts together.

It is problematic to fly such a kite alone, so call your comrades and get a surge of joy from launching the “bird” into the sky.

DIY air raven - video

Volumetric (box-shaped) kites

To create a volumetric kite you will need:

  • wooden slats (window beads can be used) - 4 pcs. 1 m long and 6 60 cm;
  • large garbage bags;
  • a durable nylon harness on a spool from a hardware store;
  • scotch;
  • ruler;
  • square;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

A voluminous kite flies high and beautifully, and you can make it yourself

Secrets of a successful launch

You can fly a kite alone, but this requires a certain skill. It’s more convenient and more fun to do it together. One holds a kite, the other a spool of fishing line or thread (rail). Main condition successful launch- presence of wind from 3–4 m/s, as well as open space no trees or wires.

  1. The person holding the rope stands so that the wind blows at his back, unwinds 10–20 meters of rope and pulls it tight.
  2. The second one moves back the length of the rope, runs up and launches the kite. He must seize the moment and pull the rope.
  3. If the wind is not strong enough and the kite begins to lose height or cannot rise at all, the “leerman” will also have to run.

If you want to have a great time and get creative with the whole family, make a kite. Making it yourself is not at all difficult. The spirit of unity, joy and fun will be a reward for the time and effort spent.