home · electrical safety · How do exoskeletons work? A homemade exoskeleton helped lift a car (video) Do-it-yourself exoskeleton from scrap materials

How do exoskeletons work? A homemade exoskeleton helped lift a car (video) Do-it-yourself exoskeleton from scrap materials

Rip the air at the speed of sound and rush towards the horizon, arms outstretched at the seams in your iron suit. Be anywhere in the blink of an eye globe without having to sit in traffic jams. Flying without wings without being on board an airplane or something stronger. Let someone who didn’t want to be in Tony Stark’s shoes at his finest moments (in the Iron Man suit, of course) throw a stone at me. Partially, these dreams will be able to be realized by an exoskeleton - a device that can increase a person’s abilities (mostly physical, muscular strength) due to the external frame. We will tell you in this material what this device is, what developments already exist and how technologies will develop in the future.

From elastiped to " iron man»

Science and technology is, without exaggeration, the fiercest race of ingenuity between man and nature. Throughout his entire history, man has been trying to remake the world around him to suit his needs. Somewhere he succeeds, often not without harm to nature. You have to look at her somewhere. And while most invertebrates have an external skeleton in one form or another, humans do not. But there were no wings?

Nowadays, an exoskeleton means a mechanical suit or part of it up to 2–2.5 meters in height. Next come "mobile suits", mechs and other giant humanoid robots.

Like many other things in our lives, exoskeletons are gradually crossing the border that separates wild dreams and everyday life. Originally just ideas, concepts, myths and legends of science fiction, today new versions of exoskeletons appear almost every week.

The first inventor of the exoskeleton is considered to be the Russian “mechanical engineer” Nikolai Ferdinandovich Yagn, who registered a number of patents on this topic back in the 1890s. He lived in America, where, in fact, he patented his miracles, showed them at exhibitions, and upon returning to native land reinvented. His exoskeleton was supposed to make walking, running and jumping easier for the soldier in the first place. Even then, the Russian genius foresaw the potential military power of such devices.

Ferdinandovich YAGN

In addition to the exoskeleton, Yagn developed cooling curtains, a hydraulic motor, a swinging propeller, a samovar-sterilizer and other devices


Let's not deny that science fiction writers made a gigantic and immense contribution to the development of exoskeletons. In 1959, after Robert Heinlein’s acclaimed novel “Starship Troopers,” it became clear to everyone that external frame suits were the future of military operations and more. And away we go.

The first exoskeleton was created by General Electric with support from the US Department of Defense in the 1960s. Hardiman weighed 680 kilograms and could lift loads weighing up to 110 kilograms. For all its gigantic ambitions - and they wanted to use it under water, and in space, and to carry warheads and nuclear rods - it did not show itself in the best way. They conveniently forgot about him.

a “pedomotor” device vaguely reminiscent of exoskeletons by inventor Leslie S. Kelly, developed in 1917

Nine years later, Miomir Vukobratovic from Belgrade, Yugoslavia, showed the first power walking exoskeleton, the purpose of which was to give to people with paralysis lower limbs opportunity to walk. The device was based on a pneumatic drive. Soviet scientists from the Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after N. N. Priorov took the first initiatives to develop exoskeletons together with Yugoslav colleagues based on the work of Vukobratovich. But with the beginning of perestroika, the projects were closed, and there is no information about the secret underground development of exoskeletons. But everything was fine with space exploration.

IN different time in different countries, craftsmen tried to make exoskeletons of the for various purposes, but due to a variety of obstacles (which we will talk about later), this was extremely poorly possible. Lack of energy resources, the slow growth of scientific and technological progress, the development of materials science and other related sciences, as well as the development of computer computing and cybernetics, the wave of which only rose about 30 years ago, all this slowed down the development of exoskeletons. Without any doubt, this sophisticated technologies that people have yet to master.

Problems with exoskeletons

There are not many materials on this planet from which you can make a rigid frame and which will not aggravate the matter with their weight. In any case, there weren’t many of them, but taking into account space flights, military developments, the development of materials science, nanotechnology and a dozen or so other interesting areas, humanity is gradually taking one barrier after another. At the beginning of the 21st century, interest in exoskeletons flared up with remarkable force and continues to burn to this day. But first, let's talk about the main problems faced by exoskeleton creators.

If we break down a hypothetical exoskeleton into its components, we have: a power source, a mechanical skeleton and software. And if everything seems to be clear with the last two points and there are almost no problems left, then the power supply is a serious problem. Having a normal power source, engineers could not only create an exoskeleton, but also combine it with a spacesuit and a jetpack. The result would probably be an Iron Man suit, but the new Tony Stark has not yet appeared.

Any of the compact power sources today can provide the exoskeleton with only a few hours battery life. Next is the dependence on the wire. For non-rechargeable and batteries There are some limitations, such as the need for replacement or slow charging, respectively. Internal combustion engines must be very reliable, but not particularly compact. Moreover, in the latter case you will need additional system cooling, and the internal combustion engine itself is difficult to configure for instant emissions large quantity energy. Electrochemical fuel cells can be quickly filled with liquid fuel (such as methanol) and provide the desired and immediate energy output, but operate at extremely high temperatures. 600 degrees Celsius - relatively low temperature for such a power source. With it, the “iron man” will turn into a hot dog.

Oddly enough, the most possible option The solution to the fuel issue for exoskeletons of the future may be the most impossible: wireless energy transfer. It could solve a lot of issues, because it can be transmitted from an arbitrarily large reactor (including a nuclear one). But how? The question is open.

The first exoskeletons were made from aluminum and steel, which were inexpensive and easy to use. But steel is too heavy, and the exoskeleton must also work to lift its own weight. Accordingly, if the suit is heavy, its effectiveness will decrease. Aluminum alloys They are quite light, but accumulate fatigue, which means they are not particularly suitable for high loads. Engineers are in search of light and durable materials like titanium or carbon fiber. They will inevitably be expensive, but will provide the effectiveness of the exoskeleton.

Drives pose a particular problem. Standard hydraulic cylinders are powerful and can operate with great precision, but they are heavy and require a ton of hoses and tubing. Pneumatics, on the other hand, are too unpredictable in terms of handling motion, since the compressed gas springs and the reaction forces will push the actuators.

However, new electronic-based servos are being developed that will use magnets and provide responsive movements while consuming minimal power and being small. You can compare this to the transition from steam locomotives to trains. Let us also note the flexibility that the joints should have, but here the problems of exoskeletons can be solved by the developers of spacesuits. They will also help you figure out how to adapt the suit to the size of the wearer.


A particular challenge when creating an exoskeleton is the management and regulation of excessive and unwanted movements. You can’t just go and make an exoskeleton with the same reaction speed for each member. Such a mechanism may be too fast for the user, but making it too slow is ineffective. On the other hand, you cannot rely on the user and trust the sensors to read intentions from body movements: desynchronization of the movements of the user and the suit will lead to injury. It is necessary to limit both acting parties. Engineers are scratching their heads over the solution to this issue. In addition, unintentional or unwanted movement must be detected in advance so that an accidental sneeze or cough does not lead to an ambulance being called.

Exoskeletons and the future

In 2010, Sarcos and Raytheon, together with the US Department of Defense, showed the XOS 2 combat exoskeleton. The first prototype came out two years earlier, but did not cause a stir. But XOS 2 turned out to be so cool that Time magazine included exoskeletons in its list of the top five military innovations of the year. Since then, the world's leading engineers have been racking their brains to create exoskeletons that can provide an advantage on the battlefield. And outside it too.

What do we have today?

This exoskeleton was introduced in 2011 and was intended for people with disabilities. In January 2013, an updated version, ReWalk Rehabilitation, was released, and already in June 2014, the FDA approved the use of the exoskeleton in public and at home, thereby opening the way for it commercially. The system weighs about 23.3 kilograms, runs on Windows and has three modes: walk, sit and stand. Cost: from 70 to 85 thousand dollars.

A series of these military exoskeletons is in active development (XOS 3 is next). Weighs about 80 kilograms and allows the owner to easily lift 90 extra kilograms. Latest models The suits are so mobile that they allow you to play with the ball. As the manufacturers note, one XOS can replace three soldiers. Perhaps the third generation of the exoskeleton will be closer to what we see on the screens of science fiction films recent years. Alas, for now it is tied to an external power source.

Human Universal Load Carrier - creation famous company Lockheed Martin in collaboration with Berkeley Bionics. This exoskeleton is also intended for the military. The basis is hydraulics and lithium-polymer batteries. By correctly loading the outer frame, the user can use it to carry up to 140 kilograms of excess cargo. It is expected that soldiers will be able to use HULC a la "me and my friend truck" for 72 hours. Development in progress full swing, so it is not surprising that the HULC may be the first to enter service with the United States.

ExoHiker, ExoClimber and eLEGS (Ekso)

The prototypes are again Berkeley Bionics, designed to perform various tasks. The first is supposed to help travelers carry loads of up to 50 kilograms, was introduced in February 2005 and weighs about 10 kilograms. Considering the small solar panel, it can work for a very, very long time. The ExoClimber is a ten-kilogram addition to the ExoHiker that allows the wearer to jump and climb stairs. In 2010, Berkeley Bionics' developments resulted in eLEGS. This system is a full-fledged hydraulic exoskeleton that allows paralyzed people to walk and stand. In 2011, eLEGS was renamed Ekso. He weighs 20 kilograms and moves with maximum speed at 3.2 km/h and runs for 6 hours.

Another sensational exoskeleton from the Japanese robot manufacturer Cyberdyne. Its purpose is to provide the ability to walk for people with disabilities. There are two main variants: HAL-3 and HAL-5. Since its presentation in 2011, in less than a year, HAL has been adopted by more than 130 medical institutes across the country. However, testing will continue throughout 2014 and possibly 2015. In August 2013, HAL was given carte blanche to be used as a medical robot in Europe. The newest model of the suit weighs about 10 kilograms.

Average cost of a medical exoskeleton -
90 thousand dollars.

In addition to serious full-body exoskeletons, limited exoskeletons designed to perform specific tasks are becoming increasingly popular. For example, in August of this year, the Chairless Chair ex-stool was shown, allowing you to sit while standing. Daewoo and Lockheed Martin independently demonstrated exoskeletons for shipyard workers. These devices allow workers to hold a load or tool weighing up to 30 kilograms without straining too much.

In Russia, the development of an exoskeleton called “ExoAtlet” is being developed by a team of scientists assembled at the Research Institute of Mechanics of Moscow State University. They continue the developments of Vukobratovich, begun in the USSR, which we mentioned above. The first working passive exoskeleton of this team was developed for emergency workers, firefighters and rescuers. With a weight of 12 kilograms, the design allows you to effortlessly carry up to 100 kilograms of cargo. The company plans to develop the ExoAtler-A power model, which will allow it to carry up to 200 kilograms, as well as a medical exoskeleton for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities.

What all these costumes have in common is that they are presented mostly as prototypes. This means they will improve. This means that field tests await them. This means there will be new models. This means they are the future. It’s too early to say that a working and useful exoskeleton can be bought on the black market. But a start has been made, and the development of this direction is confidently entering a broad mainstream. We're still a long way from Tony Stark's costume, but what's stopping us from enjoying spectacular films? Fans of spectacular showdowns involving exoskeletons will always have something to watch: “Aliens” (1986), “Iron Man” (2008), “Avatar” (2009), “District No. 9” (2009), “The Avengers” (2012), “ Elysium" (2013), "Edge of Tomorrow" (2014).

One thing is certain: exoskeletons will be everywhere in the future. They will help our astronauts explore Mars, build the first colonies and navigate space comfortably. They will be used in the military segment, since by default they give soldiers superhuman strength. They will give the opportunity to fully move to those who have lost it. The Iron Man suit will one day become real, just like everything you see around you.


If you are one of those who watched all the parts of Iron Man with great pleasure, you were probably delighted with iron suit, which Tony Stark wore before fighting the villains. Agree, it would be nice to have such a suit. In addition to the ability to take you anywhere in the blink of an eye, even for bread, it would protect your body from all kinds of damage and give superhuman strength.

It probably won't surprise you that very soon, a lighter version of the Iron Man suit will allow soldiers to run faster, carry heavier weapons and navigate rough terrain. At the same time, the suit will protect them from bullets and bombs. Military engineers and private companies have been working on exoskeletons since the 1960s, but only recent advances in electronics and materials science have brought us closer to realizing this idea than ever before.

In 2010, American defense contractor Raytheon demonstrated an experimental exoskeleton called XOS 2—essentially a robotic suit controlled by the human brain—that could lift two to three times the weight of a human without any effort. outside help. Another company, Trek Aerospace, is developing an exoskeleton with a built-in jetpack that can fly at speeds of 112 km/h and hover motionless above the ground. These and a number of other promising companies, including such monsters as Lockheed Martin, are bringing the Iron Man suit closer to reality every year.

Read the interview with the creator of the Russian exoskeleton Stakhanov.

ExoskeletonXOS 2 fromRaytheon

Note that not only the military will benefit from the development of a good exoskeleton. One day, people with spinal cord injuries or degenerative diseases that limit mobility will be able to move around with ease thanks to external frame suits. The first versions of exoskeletons, such as ReWalk from Argo Medical Technologies, have already entered the market and received widespread approval. However, on this moment the field of exoskeletons is still in its infancy.

What revolution do future exoskeletons promise to bring to the battlefield? What technical hurdles must engineers and designers overcome to make exoskeletons truly practical? everyday use? Let's figure it out.

History of the development of exoskeletons

Warriors have been putting armor on their bodies since time immemorial, but the first idea of ​​a body with mechanical muscles appeared in science fiction in 1868, in one of Edward Sylvester Ellis's dime novels. The book "Steam Man of the Prairies" described a giant steam engine human form, which moved its inventor, the brilliant Johnny Brainerd, at a speed of 96.5 km/h when he hunted bulls and Indians.

But this is fantastic. The first real patent for an exoskeleton was received by Russian mechanical engineer Nikolai Yagn in the 1890s in America. The designer, known for his developments, lived overseas for more than 20 years and patented a dozen ideas describing an exoskeleton that allows soldiers to run, walk and jump with ease. However, in fact, Yagn is known only for the creation of the “Stoker's Friend” - an automatic device that supplies water to steam boilers.

Exoskeleton patented by N. Yagn

By 1961, two years after Marvel Comics came up with Iron Man and Robert Heinlein wrote Starship Troopers, the Pentagon decided to make its own exosuits. He set out to create a "servo soldier", which was described as a "human capsule equipped with steering and amplifiers" that allowed heavy objects to be moved quickly and easily, as well as protecting the wearer from bullets, poisonous gas, heat and radiation. By the mid-1960s, Cornell University engineer Neil Meisen had developed a 15.8-kilogram wearable framed exoskeleton, dubbed the “superman suit” or “human amplifier.” It allowed the user to lift 453 kilograms with each hand. At the same time, General Electric had developed a similar 5.5-meter device, the so-called “pedipulator,” which was controlled by an operator from the inside.

Despite these very interesting steps, they were not crowned with success. The suits proved impractical, but research continued. In the 1980s, scientists at the Los Alamos Laboratory created a design for the so-called Pitman suit, an exoskeleton for use by American troops. However, the concept remained only drawing board. Since then, the world has seen several more developments, but lack of materials and energy limitations have not allowed us to see the real Iron Man suit.

For years, exoskeleton manufacturers have been stymied by the limits of technology. The computers were too slow to process the commands that powered the suits. There wasn't enough power supply to make the exoskeleton portable enough, and the electromechanical actuator muscles that moved the limbs were simply too weak and bulky to function in a "human" way. Nevertheless, a start had been made. The idea of ​​an exoskeleton turned out to be too promising for the military and medical fields to simply part with it.


In the early 2000s, the quest to create a real Iron Man suit began to get somewhere.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DARPA, the Pentagon's incubator for exotic and advanced technologies, launched a $75 million program to create an exoskeleton to complement the human body and its performance. DARPA's list of requirements was quite ambitious: the agency wanted a vehicle that would allow a soldier to tirelessly carry hundreds of kilograms of cargo for days on end, support large guns that typically require two operators, and be able to carry a wounded soldier off the battlefield if necessary. In this case, the car must be invulnerable to fire, and also jump high. Many immediately considered DARPA's plan impracticable.

But not all.

Sarcos - led by robot creator Steve Jacobsen, who previously created an 80-ton mechanical dinosaur - came up with innovation system, in which sensors used these signals to control a set of valves, which in turn regulated hydraulics under high pressure in the joints. The mechanical joints moved cylinders connected by cables that mimicked the tendons that connect human muscles. As a result, the experimental exoskeleton XOS was born, which made a person look like a giant insect. Sarcos was eventually acquired by Raytheon, which continued development to introduce the second generation of the suit five years later.

The XOS 2 exoskeleton excited the public so much that Time magazine included it in its Top 5 list of 2010.

Meanwhile, other companies, like Berkeley Bionics, were working to reduce the amount of energy that artificial prosthetics required so that the exoskeleton could function long enough to be practical. One project from the 2000s, the Human Load Carrier (HULC), could operate for up to 20 hours on a single charge. Progress was moving forward little by little.

Exoskeleton HAL

By the end of the decade, the Japanese company Cyberdyne had developed a robotic suit called HAL, even more incredible in its design. Instead of relying on the muscle contractions of a human operator, HAL operated on sensors that read electrical signals operator's brain. In theory, a HAL-5-based exoskeleton could allow the user to do anything they want just by thinking about it, without moving a single muscle. But for now, these exoskeletons are a project of the future. And they have their own problems. For example, only a few exoskeletons have been approved for public use to date. The rest are still being tested.

Development problems

By 2010, the DARPA project to create exoskeletons led to certain results. Currently, advanced exoskeleton systems weighing up to 20 kilograms can lift up to 100 kilograms payload with virtually no operator effort. At the same time, the latest exoskeletons are quieter than an office printer, can move at a speed of 16 km/h, perform squats and jump.

Not long ago, one of the defense contractors, Lockheed Martin, introduced its exoskeleton designed for heavy lifting. The so-called “passive exoskeleton,” designed for shipyard workers, simply transfers the load to the exoskeleton’s legs on the ground.

The difference between modern exoskeletons and those developed in the 60s is that they are equipped with sensors and GPS receivers. Thus, further raising the stakes for military use. Soldiers could gain a host of benefits using such exoskeletons, from precise geopositioning to additional superpowers. DARPA is also developing automated fabrics that could be used in exoskeletons to monitor heart and respiratory health.

If American industry continues to move along this path, it will very soon have vehicles that can not only move “faster, higher, stronger,” but also carry an additional several hundred payloads. However, it will be at least several more years before the real " iron men"will enter the battlefield.

As is often the case, the developments of military agencies (think, for example, the Internet) can be of great benefit in peacetime, as the technology will eventually come out and help people. Suffering from complete or partial paralysis, people with injuries spinal cord and muscle atrophy will be able to lead a more fulfilling life. Berkeley Bionics, for example, is testing eLegs, a battery-powered exoskeleton that would allow a person to walk, sit, or simply stand for long periods of time.

One thing is certain: the process of rapid development of exoskeletons began at the beginning of this century (let's call it the second wave), and how it all ends will become known very, very soon. Technologies never stand still, and if engineers take on something, they bring it to its logical conclusion.

Exoskeletons help the paralyzed walk, make hard work easy, protect soldiers on the battlefield and give us superpowers.

1. Activelink Power Loader

Named after the famous exoskeleton from the movie Aliens, the Activelink Power Loader is designed to lighten heavy manual labor owner, regardless of his age, gender and size, and aims to “create a society without restrictions” according to a press release from Activelink, a subsidiary of the famous Japanese electronics manufacturer Panasonic.

2. HAL

HAL (Hybrid Assistive Limb) is a mechanical exoskeleton from Japan developed by Cyberdine Inc. (yes, just like those guys who started it all in the Terminator), was created as a prototype in 1997, and is now used in Japanese hospitals to help seriously ill patients in their daily activities. It is also known that HAL was used by Japanese construction workers and even rescuers during the liquidation of the Fukushima-1 accident in 2011.

3. Ekso Bionics

14. Project “Walk Again”

The 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil was opened by Juliano Pinto, who was paralyzed from the waist down and was given the right to kick the World Cup ball first. This was made possible thanks to an exoskeleton connected directly to his brain, developed by Duke University. This event is part of the Walk Again project, created by a team of 150 people led by renowned neurologist and leading figure in the field of brain-machine interfaces, Dr. Miguel Nicolelis. Juliano Pinto simply thought that he wanted to kick the ball, the exoskeleton recorded brain activity and activated the mechanisms necessary for movement.

I remember watching “Avatar” and being completely stunned by the exoskeletons shown there. Since then, I think that the future lies with these smart pieces of hardware. I also really want to apply my misguided little hands to this topic. Moreover, if you believe the analytical agency ABI Research, the global market for exoskeletons will be $1.8 billion by 2025. At this stage, not being a technician, engineer, architect or programmer, I am somewhat confused. I'm thinking about how to approach this topic. I would be glad if people who would potentially be interested in participating in such projects would be noted in the comments to the article.
There are currently four key companies operating in the exoskeleton market: the American Indego, the Israeli ReWalk, the Japanese Hybrid Assistive Limb and Ekso Bionics. The average cost of their products is from 75 to 120 thousand euros. In Russia, people also don’t sit without doing anything. For example, the Exoathlete company is actively working on medical exoskeletons.

The first exoskeleton was jointly developed by General Electric and the United States military in the 60s, and was called Hardiman. He could lift 110 kg with a lifting force of 4.5 kg. However, it was impractical due to its significant mass of 680 kg. The project was not successful. Any attempt to use a full exoskeleton resulted in intense uncontrolled movement, as a result of which it was never fully tested with a person inside. Further research were focused on one hand. Although she was supposed to lift 340 kg, her weight was 750 kg, which was twice the lifting force. Without getting all the components together to work practical use Hardiman's project was limited.

Next there will be a brief story about modern exoskeletons, which one way or another have reached the level of commercial implementation.

1. Independent walking. Does not require crutches or other means of stabilization, while leaving your hands free.
4. The exoskeleton for the legs allows you to: stand up\sit down, turn around, walk backwards, stand on one leg, walk up the stairs, walk on various, even inclined surfaces.
5. The device is very easy to control - all functions are activated using the joystick.
6. The device can be used all day thanks to the high-capacity removable battery.
7. With the REX's light weight of only 38 kilograms, it can support users weighing up to 100 kilograms and with a height of 1.42 to 1.93 meters.
8. Convenient system fixation does not cause any discomfort even if you wear it all day.
9. Also, when the user does not move, but just stands, REX does not waste battery power.
10. Access to buildings without ramps, thanks to the ability to walk up stairs without assistance.


HAL ( Hybrid Assistive Limb) – is a robotic exoskeleton with upper limbs. At the moment, two prototypes have been developed - HAL 3 (restoration of motor function of the legs) and HAL 5 (restoration of the arms, legs and torso). With HAL 5, the operator is able to lift and carry objects up to five times the maximum load under normal conditions.

Price in Russia: they promised for 243,600 rubles. The information could not be confirmed.

Features and specifications:

1. Device weight 12 kg.
3. The device can work from 60 to 90 minutes without recharging.
4. The exoskeleton is actively used in the rehabilitation of patients with pathology motor functions lower extremities due to disorders of the central nervous system or as a consequence of neuromuscular diseases.


Rewalk is an exoskeleton that allows paraplegics to walk. Like an exoskeleton or a bioelectronic suit, the ReWalk device uses special sensors to detect deviations in a person's balance and then transforms them into impulses that normalize his movements, allowing the person to walk or stand. ReWalk is already available in Europe and is currently FDA approved in the United States.

Price in Russia: from 3.4 million rubles (on order).

Features and specifications:

1. Device weight 25 kg.
2. The exoskeleton can support up to 80 kg.
3. The device can work up to 180 minutes without recharging.
4. Battery charging time 5-8 hours
5. The exoskeleton is actively used in the rehabilitation of patients with pathology of motor functions of the lower extremities due to disorders of the central nervous system or as a consequence of neuromuscular diseases.

Exo bionic

Ekso GT is another exoskeleton project that helps people with serious illnesses musculoskeletal system, regain the ability to move.

Price in Russia: from 7.5 million rubles (on order).

Features and specifications:

1. Device weight 21.4 kg.
2. The exoskeleton can support up to 100 kg.
3. Maximum hip width: 42cm;
4. Battery weight: 1.4 kg;
5. Dimensions (HxWxD): 0.5 x 1.6 x 0.4 m.
6. The exoskeleton is actively used in the rehabilitation of patients with pathology of motor functions of the lower extremities due to disorders of the central nervous system or as a consequence of neuromuscular diseases.


DM ( Dream machine) – a hydraulic automated exoskeleton with a voice control system.

Price in Russia: 700,000 rubles.

Features and specifications:

1. Device weight 21 kg.
2. The exoskeleton must support the user's weight up to 100 kg.
3. The scope of application can be much wider than the rehabilitation of patients with pathology of motor functions of the lower extremities due to disorders of the central nervous system or as a consequence of neuromuscular diseases. This could be industry, construction, show business and the fashion industry.

Issues for discussion:

1. What is optimal composition project teams?
2. What is the cost of the project at the initial stage?
3. What are the pitfalls?
4. How do you see optimal time implementation of a project from idea to commercial launch?
5. Is it worth starting a project like this now and why?
6. What should be the geography and market expansion?
7. Are you personally ready to take part in such a project and if so, in what capacity?

ZY I would be grateful for constructive discussion, opinions, arguments and arguments for and against in the comments. I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking about this. Meanwhile, I am sure that the exoskeleton is the new iPhone in world popular culture on the horizon of the next ten years.

DIY exoskeleton

How can you implement an exoskeleton yourself?

To make it wildly strong, as I understand it, you should stick to hydraulics.
For the hydraulic system to work you need:

- durable and movable frame
-minimally necessary set hydraulic pistons (I’ll call them “muscles”)
- two vacuum pumps, two pressure chambers with a valve system connected by a tube.
-tubes that can withstand high pressure.
-power supply exoskeleton
To control the valve system:
-A small dead computer
-about 30 sensors with seven (for example) degrees proportional to the degrees of valve openness
- a special program capable of reading the states of sensors and sending the corresponding commands to the valves.

Why is all this necessary:

- “muscles” and the frame are actually the entire musculoskeletal system.
-vacuum pumps. why two? so that one increases the pressure in the pressure chambers, pipes and muscles, and the second reduces it.
-pressure chambers connected by a tube. in one, increase the pressure, in the second, decrease, and equip the tube with a valve that opens only in two cases: equalizing the pressure, ensuring idling of the liquid.
-valves. it's simple and efficient system control, which will depend on the pressure in the pressure chamber and computer control. increasing the pressure in the pressure chamber by opening the valves of the “stressed muscles” channels will allow you to carry out certain actions, increasing the pressure on the hydraulic pistons, moving parts of the skeleton (frame).

Sensors, why about thirty? Two for the feet, three for the legs, six for the arms and 4 for the back. how to arrange them? against the movement of the limbs. so that the leg pushed forward puts pressure from the inside on the exoskeleton and on the sensor on its inner side. I will further explain why this is so.
- a computer with a program. The main task of the computer and the program is to make sure that the sensors do not experience pressure, then the person inside will not feel the unnecessary resistance of the exoskeleton, which will strive to repeat human movements regardless of the activity of nerves, muscles or other biometric indicators, thereby allowing the use of much cheaper sensors than, for example, in high-tech exoskeletons. sensor signals for the computer should be divided into two groups: with unconditional control hydraulic system and accepted only on the condition that the opposite sensor with unconditional control does not experience pressure. This implementation will keep the leg resting with the knee on the ground from automatic extension if the person does not straighten it himself. But to do this, the person inside the exoskeleton will have to lift his leg from the ground (or he needs to programmatically reduce the sensitivity of the sensors triggered by the condition). Using the leg as an example: place sensors with an unconditioned signal on the front side, and sensors with an unconditioned signal on the back. Imagine for yourself how the movement will be carried out. when a person bends his leg, the exoskeleton leg will bend even if the entire weight of the person is on the sensors that extend the leg. Here, using an accelerometer (or another device similar to a vestibular one), you can programmatically set a change in the unconditionality of sensor signals depending on the position of the body in space, eliminating the twisting of the exoskeleton when falling on your back.

Next, to increase the strength, make the hands three-fingered, strong, you can combine hydraulics and a metal cable. the hand should be separate from the human one, that is, in front of the wrist joint, this will eliminate the design difficulties associated with the presence of a human hand in the exoskeleton hand and will not allow injury human hand, as well as the human foot should be on the ankle joint of the exoskeleton and protected.
-hand control. A little free space for two-thirds of the freedom of movement of the hand and fingers of a person’s hand in the exoskeleton hand and a system of three rings on cables, three fingers from the little finger to the middle finger in one, the index in the other and the thumb in the third. all control comes down to the fact that the human fingers, moving the ring that is put on them, scroll the sensor wheel with a cable, depending on the rotation of which the fingers of the exoskeleton bend and straighten. this will eliminate unnecessary hydraulic effort to extend or bend the fingers of the exoskeleton beyond its design capabilities. Use one cable for two rings, one or two. Why? because the fingers from the little finger to the index finger need to be bent and unbent only in one direction, and the thumb in two. If you want, you can check it with your own hands.

Power supply exoskeleton- here again a terrible piece of shit comes out with this. You need to select a power source only after all necessary calculations, maximum optimization of the exoskeleton design and measurement of its energy consumption.