home · Appliances · How to paint a non-wooden chest of drawers from IKEA. Remaking IKEA furniture. Interior design using furniture from Ikea

How to paint a non-wooden chest of drawers from IKEA. Remaking IKEA furniture. Interior design using furniture from Ikea

Every mother wants the best for her newborn. And this also applies to the design of the room. However, in the current conditions, children's furniture, comfortable and even beautiful, is not a cheap pleasure. So mothers on maternity leave take on the task of remaking either old or very simple pieces of furniture for the nursery.

What does it cost to repaint a children's chest of drawers from IKEA? The main thing is the head on right place and hands growing out of nowhere. And the material for the alteration can be found in any hardware store.

Need a chest of drawers for your children's room? No problem. If you go to a store with furniture for a children's room, you will be very upset at the price offered. Special children's chests of drawers cost from 40 thousand rubles.

At the same time, on the Internet you can find a huge number of colored chests of drawers that are made by yourself. This is exactly how I solved the problem of acquiring children's chest of drawers. There is no point in buying an expensive chest of drawers, since over time the child will grow up and draw on it. Besides, small child I don't care about the chest of drawers. The main thing is that you like the chest of drawers, be comfortable, and serve as a decoration and addition to the children's room.

An excellent option would be either old chest of drawers, either modern and a budget option. My husband and I bought a simple white chest of drawers for the children's room for 11 thousand rubles from IKEA and decided to partially repaint it.

So, decorating the chest of drawers did not take us much time and effort; the materials required were a brush, a can of acrylic paint for 450 rubles and two pens from the Zara Home store for 700 rubles.

At first we thought of making a design on the chest of drawers using special stickers, but nothing came of this idea, since the paint flowed behind the stickers, and as a result the design looked sloppy. Just in case, I am attaching photographs and recommend that if you want to apply a drawing, use a stencil or draw the image by hand.

It's always nice to create your own personal space with my own hands. Things seem to acquire a soul, come to life before your eyes and delight you every day. To top it all off, such an item joins the exclusive range with its existence. After all, a second one like this is unlikely to be found anywhere else. IN IKEA catalog It’s quite possible to choose the basis for your creativity.

In today's remake, it is perhaps the most popular and the simplest thing from IKEA for sale creative ideaschest of drawers RAST. For the remodel we will need:

  • chest of drawers RAST(62x30x70 cm);
  • material for finishing;
  • polyacrylic varnish;
  • decorative nails, handles.
  • blade, brush, screwdriver, hammer.

The demand for the RAST chest of drawers for transformations is explained by its affordability and versatility. It is ideal for use as bedside table, and a free-standing chest of drawers. This piece of furniture is made from untreated tree, which allows one to conduct a fairly wide range of finishing works: from regular painting to pasting with various materials.

We begin our remodeling with the fact that finishing material, and in our case it is linen gray, starch. This is done in order to textile became slightly harsh, and when attaching it to the chest of drawers, no unnecessary and unsightly folds were formed that could ruin appearance. Then we cover the base of our alteration with a layer of varnish. It is recommended to do this disassembled. This way we will be able to process the surface as much as possible, and therefore fix the finishing fabric on it. Base coated varnish, leave to dry for a while. It is important here to ensure that the varnish does not dry completely. We begin to attach the finishing material to the slightly damp surface. It can be of any texture and color depending on your wishes and what you already have interior.

The most difficult moment in the pasting process is processing the corners. A sharp blade will make your work much easier. Then the pasted parts chest of drawers, putting it together. Now that RAST is assembled and pasted over, you can begin the finishing work stage. On three of it drawers We fasten the handles, and around the perimeter there are nails with wide decorative heads that will give the chest of drawers expressiveness. At the final stage, we recommend treating the material with which the chest of drawers is covered with varnish. This will protect it from external influences and add several more years to its service life.

Products from the mastodon of Swedish industry - the Ikea store - are probably in every home. Ikea storage solutions are especially popular - all kinds of wardrobes, cabinets and chests of drawers.

Ikea chests of drawers are versatile, easy to use and affordable. One drawback is the sparse Scandinavian design.

Most often there are three colors to choose from - white, dark and undyed. Today we’ll talk about how to paint an Ikea chest of drawers.


Dense roller- choose the width depending on the size of the chest of drawers. The roller rolls out the paint evenly, allowing you to achieve a good result from the first layer.

Soft brushes- hard bristles will streak. Brushes will be needed to work with complex shaped parts that cannot be painted with a roller.

Priming- as always, we will need soil. Take white for repainting from dark to light and dark - if you want from light furniture get a darker one.

Sandpaper- fine, medium and coarse.

How to paint an Ikea chest of drawers?

Preparatory stage.

If you are repainting previously painted furniture, then first of all you need to thoroughly sand the previous coating. Doing this manually takes quite a long time. Sanding is carried out only in the direction of the wood grain. For initial sanding, the coarsest sandpaper is used. Then - average. For final fumigation - the smallest.

A chest of drawers that has been used before and now needs a “second wind” may have damage and scratches. To remove them, use a special wood putty. After covering the scratches, you need to wait for the composition to dry. Then go through the sandpaper again. It is important to remember that after sanding small area, it is necessary to process the entire part to achieve the most even result.


After priming the chest of drawers, let it dry thoroughly. Then treat the surface with fine sandpaper again - you don’t need to be too zealous, this will only remove the soil. At this and all subsequent stages, sanding is necessary for better adhesion of the paint to the surface. After working with the sandpaper, the surface must be thoroughly wiped of dust with a cloth. Otherwise, all the work with sandpaper is in vain.


Paint all parts in the first coat. Paint the ends of the part first, then the back. The façade is painted last.
When painting a surface, do not wait until the paint begins to dry - if you see “bald spots,” just finish the job. Do not return a second time to a fragment that does not suit you. A uniform coating can be achieved in the second and even third thin layer.
After the paint has dried, it needs to be lightly sanded again. This will give the surface a matte finish, which means the second layer will adhere better. In addition, sanding allows you to remove grooves and other errors when working with a brush.
Repeat the second layer in exactly the same way. If you are satisfied with the result, we leave the furniture for final drying. Otherwise, you can repeat the procedure a third time. We do not recommend applying more than three coats of paint. Thick paint will take a very long time to dry. And later it may begin to peel off.

Finishing stage.

After leaving the chest of drawers to dry for a few days, assemble the parts back into the product. Done - a tatty or old chest of drawers has a completely new look bright look.

As you can see, painting an Ikea chest of drawers is not at all difficult. This will take quite a lot of time - especially if you don’t have professional equipment. During your first attempts, mistakes may occur and you will have to start all over again. In addition, painting is not a one-day process.
So, when thinking about how to paint an Ikea chest of drawers, think about whether you should turn to the professionals? By contacting our company you will extra costs and you will get nerves perfect result Exactly the color we wanted.
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Ikea products are incredibly practical, highly functional and attractive price. This is what makes it a great solution for many designers and homeowners. In addition, the furniture has a universal, simple appearance and does not have any decorative coating.

Therefore, you can use various shelves, chests of drawers or tables to create a designer piece of furniture. All you need is accessories, fabric, paint, various trims and a little imagination. This will be discussed in the article. We will introduce you to several ways to transform chests of drawers, cabinets and tables that will give your home a bright and memorable look.

Remodeling a chest of drawers from Ikea

You can update your chest of drawers with textured wallpaper. Cut them into pieces the size of which will correspond to the sizes of all areas of the chest of drawers that you want to cover. Apply a small layer of glue to these areas first. After pasting, leave the chest of drawers until completely dry. An updated chest of drawers will become a real decoration of the interior and will delight not only the owners, but also the guests.

Remaking a headboard from Ikea

Of course, this Ikea bed model is very attractive. However, you can decorate its white back to make it central element decor. Pick a few thin ones wooden planks, cut them into small pieces of the same size and glue them to the headboard with double-sided tape.

Dresser decor using paint and stencils

This chest of drawers from Ikea is presented in different colors. However, it is distinguished by its rather simple surface, which you can decorate using various stencils, brushes and paint of different colors.

Interior design using furniture from Ikea

To do this, attach the stencil to the surface of the chest of drawers. Then carefully apply the design. Usually used to decorate furniture oil paints. Remember that it takes much longer to dry than usual, so be careful not to touch the drawing for a couple of days. It is recommended to remove the stencil after the paint has completely dried, otherwise cracks may appear.

Professional designer upgrades for Ikea models

By using only a furniture frame and completely replacing the facades, you will get a completely different product. Even seemingly insignificant details such as legs and handles can dramatically change the appearance and style of furniture.

Unusual ideas for transforming the interior with Ikea furniture

Replacing furniture legs is one of the most simple ways update old table or sofa, changing its appearance or even function. Stylish legs are another detail that will make standard furniture more original. So, you can pay attention to the options offered by Ikea or the famous Swedish company Prettypegs, which produces the most charming legs for tables, chairs or sofas.

Replacing door handles

How to use handles when remodeling Ikea with your own hands? Replace old handles with new ones or attach them where they are missing. You have a really large selection to choose from.

Interior ideas from Ikea

In this photo you can also see some more pretty cute legs from Prettypegs. They perfectly complement the Ikea stools, which are a must-have in every home. Even a minimalist interior needs an accent, so feel free to add these legs to your sofa or chairs and surprise them with these unusual solution your guests.

Furniture decor from Ikea

It is not necessary to repaint the entire cabinet to fit it into the interior. Try painting it pastel shades several shelves. This technique will keep you fresh. white in the setting.

Dresser decor in shabby chic style

The most popular style in interior design is the shabby chic style. The secret of its popularity lies in its extraordinary sophistication and originality. Designing such a chest of drawers does not require large financial expenditures. Arm yourself with a set acrylic paints, sandpaper, PVA glue, a simple wax candle and get to work.

Beautiful handmade chest of drawers from Ikea

First you need to clean the chest of drawers with sandpaper. old paint. If the chest of drawers is covered with vinyl film, then it is better to use a professional construction hair dryer to remove it - it will be faster (you can buy it on the BIGAM tool network). Then apply in two layers white paint and let the surface dry naturally. To create light abrasions on the surface, sand several areas of the furniture with sandpaper. The main thing is not to overdo it, as shabby chic furnishings should not look untidy.

Decorate a white chest of drawers using decorative elements

There are such decorative elements, with which you can decorate the surface of the cabinet. They can be made of wood or plastic. You can attach them using special furniture glue.

Ideas with a white chest of drawers from Ikea

Glass objects look harmonious in any room. They add transparency to the environment and visually expand the area. A chest of drawers with mirrored drawers will become a beautiful, functional piece in your interior. It draws attention well and creates a feeling of limitless space. Are you afraid to work with glass? Then just arm yourself with paints of the desired shade and create a simple geometric pattern on the drawers!

Cabinet decor from Ikea

You could also try painting just the edges and outlines of the drawers as shown in the photo. To do this, you will need to take out all the drawers, carefully paint the outlines and let the paint dry. This technique will help make the composition more voluminous.

Using self-adhesive film for furniture

The simplest and nice option table decor - self-adhesive film. This available material will help imitate any coating - from rare wood to marble. It can also have any designs, patterns and textures on it.

We believe that most IKEA visitors think about buying a Rast chest of drawers. Of course, made from solid wood and costing less than 2,000 rubles, it just begs to be in the nursery, in the bedroom on rented apartment or to the workshop. True, many are scared off by his modest appearance. Many, but not us! Items made from unprocessed solid wood are very easy to remake to suit your needs, especially if they cost so much that it’s not at all scary to spoil them. If you are ready to experiment, we share with you a dozen ideas.

Mid-century style table

Saturate the dresser drawers with stain and cover the body with white paint. Once dry, attach new hardware and place a sheet of painted thick plywood on top to combine the chests of drawers into a long table.

Bright number

Rethink classic design, covering the chest of drawers with two or three layers of bright, glossy paint (for example, orange). Add gold or brass hardware and handles.

Hollywood classic

Paste wallpaper onto the front of the drawers (free samples from stores or what your friends have left after renovation will do). Cover the sides with glossy paint of a complex shade and screw on chic handles.

Elegant simplicity

Opt for semi-matte white paint and classic gold hardware for a bedside table that will fit into any decor.

Apothecary chest of drawers

Instead of buying a real apothecary chest of drawers, imitate the look by cutting grooves into the drawers of a regular dresser, like blogger Alicia did.

Chest of drawers in neutral colors

The wooden frame, “put on” the base chest of drawers, gives it a classic charm. To enhance the effect, place the chest of drawers on a strong base.

Rose quartz

Let's not forget about one of the most fashionable shades of 2016 - dusty pink. It is ideal not only for traditional women's bedrooms, but also for...

Convenient shelf

Do you want a cozy, neat closed shelf for books, medicines and other small things that usually accumulate on the bedside table? Simply replace one of the dresser drawers with wooden shelf, making it from a piece of plywood.

By the way, from our partners del-i-very.ru you can buy a RAST chest of drawers with delivery to your apartment throughout Russia.

Creativity table

We complete the selection with another table, but more suitable for a workshop than an office. Wooden table top protected by glass, the chest of drawers stores tools and materials. Wheels and a handle rail have been added to the table to make it easier to move.