home · On a note · How to choose a humidifier for a room. How to choose an air humidifier for an apartment: which humidifier is better and why. Manufacturing technology of expanded clay humidifier

How to choose a humidifier for a room. How to choose an air humidifier for an apartment: which humidifier is better and why. Manufacturing technology of expanded clay humidifier

In order not to make a mistake and choose best humidifier air for an apartment or for a children's room, you need to know about the advantages and disadvantages different types humidifiers.

Ultrasonic humidifiers

The main problem that the owner of such a device may encounter is the formation of a white coating. Exit - use distilled or purified water(filter with reverse osmosis).

Advanced models are equipped with replaceable filters. However, sometimes they don’t help either. If the water in the tap is too hard (a value above 21 dH), it is better to either abandon ultrasonic devices in favor of steam or traditional humidification, or use only distilled water, which can be bought very inexpensively at a car store.

You can find out what kind of water you have at the water utility or use test strips for aquariums.

Steam humidifiers

The most effective in terms of increasing humidity (almost up to 100%), but:

  1. Control required. Over-watering (above 65-70%) is good for plants, but not for people and furniture. A hygrostat or weather station can help;
  2. Hot steam. It cools down when it comes out, but it can be dangerous for children. But the humidifier can be used as an inhaler;
  3. Increased energy consumption. Evaporates water according to the principle of an electric kettle.

“Air washes” with natural humidification

They are the most economical and are equipped with an air purification function. But wait quick effect and creation high humidity(like steam) is not worth it. The same as ultra-fine cleansing. But no plaque or waterlogging.

A little about the functions:

Built-in hygrostat

You need to understand that its readings are approximate and reflect the air humidity in the immediate vicinity of the humidifier. Do you want more accuracy for the entire room? Then you need a separate device.


There is no need to wait for any tangible effect. This is not a Chizhevsky chandelier, it is small and simple A little dilutes a large amount positive ions negative for more comfortable breathing.

Choose the humidifier that best suits your conditions, and then the purchase will be successful!

It may seem that a humidifier is a completely useless device for the home. And few people think about the impact air humidity has on our comfort and well-being. After all, a too dry climate complicates the penetration of oxygen into the body, causes dry mucous membranes, brittle hair and nails, general fatigue and lethargy of the body, and accelerates skin aging. The seemingly unnoticeable operation of a humidifier has a positive effect on our health.

Why is dry air dangerous?

In order for a person to feel comfortable in the house, air humidity should be in the range of 40-60%. However, in the winter season its level, as a rule, does not exceed 25-30%. This happens because heating devices and heating radiators dry out the air. Working TV, gas stove, air conditioning and other household appliances also reduce the moisture content in the air.

When the humidity of the air a person inhales drops below normal, the body begins to lose moisture. Even a healthy adult with insufficient humidity can feel headache, dryness in the nasopharynx, decreased concentration and performance. In too dry air, dust circulates more actively, often causing allergy attacks in households.

A climate with low humidity is especially harmful for young children: it dries out the skin and mucous membranes, reducing their protective properties, making breathing difficult and creating discomfort for the baby. In addition, kidney function may deteriorate and dysbiosis may occur.

Unfortunately, neither aquariums, nor fountains, nor an open window are capable of providing the necessary influx humid air, which will raise the water content in the home environment to the required level.

Save the situation and create optimal climatic conditions For a person, only a special device can do it - an air humidifier.

Benefits of a humidifier

The operation of an air humidifier has a beneficial effect on the health of household members: children and adults stop getting sick often and for a long time, the skin becomes soft, silky and elastic, and is less susceptible to aging. In humidified circulating air, viral activity decreases, therefore reducing the likelihood of catching acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.

Normal air humidity also has a beneficial effect on indoor plants. Most often they come from the tropics and therefore do not tolerate arid climates very well. With a comfortable amount of moisture in the air, plants develop more intensively, do not turn yellow and bloom more profusely.

The optimal level of humidity is favorable for wooden and paper items in our home. Then furniture, parquet, books, documents, photographs, paintings and frames, musical instruments do not dry out, crack or collapse prematurely.

How to choose a humidifier

To make sure you need to buy a humidifier, it is worth measuring the humidity level in the room. There is a special device for this - a hygrometer. It can be purchased separately, and is often included with the humidifier. If the humidity level in the room is much lower than ideal, then a humidifier will simply become a necessary device in the house.

Air humidifiers, depending on the principle of operation, are divided into three types: traditional, steam and ultrasonic. In addition, they are distinguished by the presence of additional functions, for example, an ionizer, a remote control, a display and a variety of sensors.

Types of Humidifiers

Traditional (or cold) humidifier- most cheap option, perfect for children's rooms. Water is poured into a special container of the device and supplied to the evaporation elements. Using a built-in fan, air from the room is drawn into the device, driven through the evaporator and released back already humidified. Passing through the device, the air is not only saturated with moisture, but also cleansed of dust, dirt and microparticles. Therefore, it is better to place the device in places with the greatest air circulation and close to heat sources.

Humidifiers of this type operate almost silently, have low power and performance, consume energy sparingly and are relatively inexpensive. Achieving and maintaining the required level of humidity in the room occurs not under the control of a hygrostat, but automatically: the drier the air passes through the device, the more intense the humidification is, and when the 60% mark is reached, the process practically stops.

In a steam humidifier two electrodes heat the water and bring it to a boil. Moisture is supplied to the room in the form of hot steam. The device works as long as there is water in it: the liquid short-circuits electrical circuit, through which the current flows, heats up and evaporates. When the water completely boils away, the circuit opens and the operation of the device stops automatically.

Humidifiers of this type can be used both as flavorings and as inhalers - you just need to add aromatic oils or a decoction of herbs to the water.

Steam humidifiers have greater performance and power and, as a result, higher energy consumption. It is important that the device has a built-in hygrostat so that it can turn itself off when the set humidity value is reached. Since hot steam comes out of the device, it should not be placed near furniture or people.

Ultrasonic humidifiers- the most popular, modern and effective today. A piezoelectric element immersed in water converts electrical vibrations into mechanical vibration and produces fine water mist. Using a built-in fan, dry air from the room passes through the water cloud, is saturated with moisture and returns back in the form of fog. Its temperature does not exceed 35°C, so the device is safe for use in children's rooms. This humidifier operates silently, has low power and energy consumption, but at the same time high performance.

The device requires a built-in hygrostat to accurately control the humidity level in the room and automatic shutdown. It is recommended to use purified or distilled water. As the pre-filters become clogged and worn out, furniture may display white coating from impurities contained in evaporated moisture. Therefore, the filter needs to be changed once every two months.

Manufacturers recommend completely draining the water from the disconnected device and wiping it dry so as not to provoke the growth of bacteria and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. The humidifier must be placed at a distance of at least one meter from electrical appliances.

Model features and additional functions

The cost of each type of humidifier ranges on average from 2,000 to 14,000 rubles and very much depends on the characteristics and additional functions of a particular model.

Different air humidifiers are designed for different service areas, so you should choose a model based on the size of the rooms in the house. In any case, it will not be possible to treat the entire apartment at once - you will have to move the device from room to room.

Power consumption affects the device's performance and energy consumption. You will have to find a middle ground between efficiency and economy.

The noise level ranges from 5 to 70 dB and depends on the design of the device and the fan speed. For the bedroom and children's room, it is better to choose a device with the lowest noise level.

The volume of the water tank indicates how long the device can operate until the water runs out completely. As a rule, a five-liter container is enough to work continuously all night. The operating time from a full tank is determined by the value of water consumption per day and is 8 to 12 liters.

The maximum air exchange value means how much air the humidifier can pass through in an hour. When choosing a model, you need to calculate that the entire volume of air in the room passes through the filter at least twice per hour.

When choosing a model, you need to calculate that the entire volume of air in the room passes through the filter at least twice per hour.

The presence of a hygrostat and the function of maintaining humidity at a given level allows you not to over-humidify the air in the room and avoid the occurrence of dampness. The operation of the device can also be regulated by a timer, setting the required operating time.

The humidifier can be equipped with filters of varying degrees of purification. The pre-filter performs mechanical coarse cleaning of large impurities. HEPA fine filters are made of porous glass fiber material and are capable of trapping particles 0.3 microns in size and larger. Electrostatic filters remove small dust particles down to 0.01 microns from the air, trapping them using an electrostatic field. Photocatalytic filters are considered the best, latest and most durable today. Under the influence ultraviolet radiation they expose toxic impurities to decomposition and oxidation.

Ionization is another option for air purification. The sprayed water is pre-saturated with negatively charged ions, the smallest dust particles contained in it stick together and settle.

It is worth paying attention to the instructions regarding the water being poured. Many humidifiers require the use of purified or distilled water, but there are some that work just fine with regular tap water.

Health, performance and mood depend on a number of factors, but the microclimate plays an important role and, above all, relative indoor air humidity. Usually in standard apartments With central heating, especially in winter period, the air is too dry. Everything suffers from a lack of humidity: furniture, which is drying out, and indoor flowers who get sick and then die. But dry air has an extremely negative effect on children: the mucous membranes dry out, and this leads to the body becoming more susceptible to various infectious and respiratory diseases. What to do? There is a solution, you need to purchase an air humidifier and all problems will disappear. Now a number of other questions arise: how to choose a humidifier, And Which models can be called the best today??

Air humidity can be represented as simply as possible as the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere: the more there is, the higher the indicator. Air humidity is considered comfortable in the range from 40 to 60%. If this number is lower, then a humidifier is needed.

To find out the air humidity in a room, you can purchase a special device for measuring it, it is inexpensive, and is called hygrometer. Very often found in stores combined weather stations: with their help you can not only determine air humidity, but also the temperature both inside and outside the room, as well as the weather for the coming days. Such home weather stations have a barometer, an alarm clock, a clock, a calendar, and other functions. Measurements must be taken several days in a row, especially in winter.

Most models traditional humidifiers Can also be used for aromatherapy. To do this, simply install a capsule with an aromatic substance, and the device, while operating, begins to slowly release and maintain a pleasant aroma. This procedure will not only improve the microclimate in the room, but will also have a tonic, relaxing and healing effect on the body.

But with all ease of use and low cost, such humidifiers also have their disadvantages. First of all, this is a limited maximum level of air humidity, up to only 60%: such devices seem to maintain “natural” humidity, but do not forcibly saturate the air. It is worth noting that for an ordinary apartment this disadvantage is very conditional. In addition, they are noisy, 35-40 dB is not a big number, but if you leave the device working overnight, this may cause discomfort for some.



  1. High noise level.
  2. High power consumption (from 300 to 600 W).
  3. Hot scalding steam (50-60 degrees at the outlet).
  4. Big sizes.
  5. A white coating may form on furniture.

If you have small children or animals in your home, and you have not yet decided which humidifier to choose, then a steam one is not the best idea, because the steam can burn your device.

Ultrasonic humidifiers

The most modern air humidifiers can be called ultrasonic. They are equipped with a special membrane, which, thanks to its high vibration frequency, easily “transforms” water into cold steam.

Such devices are practically silent in operation(25 dB), here it is possible to regulate the required humidity level, and this is done both automatically and manually thanks to the built-in hygrometer. Many ultrasonic humidifiers are equipped with a hygrometer that measures the humidity level, but unfortunately it does not show an accurate picture, so do not rely too much on its readings, it is better to purchase a separate hygrometer for more reliable data.

Such devices consist of a whole system of plastic disks of complex hydrodynamic shape, rotating in a tank of water. Dust that enters the device settles on these disks and is then washed off with water. The air humidifier in such devices is usually mechanical, traditional type, with all the advantages and disadvantages inherent in this type of humidifier. Recently they began to produce “air washers” with ultrasonic devices.

The disadvantage of such devices is their high price and the need for periodic replacement Supplies, and there are a large number of them here. But if you want to not only humidify, but also purify the air, and you can’t afford a “combine”, you can purchase a humidifier and purifier separately and put them in different places, at a distance from each other. By the way, buying these two devices will cost you less than purchasing a “combine”, but two units will also take up a lot of space.



  1. High price.
  2. The need for periodic replacement large quantity Supplies.

How to care for your humidifier?

Like any other electrical appliance, The humidifier requires some care. First of all, this is cleaning from scale and deposits that form during operation of the device, as well as periodically replacing the filler in the cartridge or changing the filter if you use a traditional humidifier.

Nowadays, various manufacturers offer many cleaners, but they all cost quite a lot. In addition, the water in your humidifier may also “bloom”, and a very bad smell, as well as bacterial deposits.

How to get rid of scale and deposits without using expensive cleaners? If the deposits are not persistent, you can try to clean them with ordinary soda and water, besides, baking soda will also get rid of the unpleasant odor. But what to do if the scale has hardened so much that soda cannot cope? In this case, you need to resort to special powders, or, armed with a metal brush, try to remove deposits mechanically. Of course, you run the risk of leaving deep scratches with this cleaning method, but unfortunately, sometimes this is the only way to clean your humidifier.

Large manufacturer Boneco advises to resort to the help of no one "silver rod", which he releases. Judging by the advertisement of this wonderful rod, it is able to prevent the “blooming” of water and thereby prevent rapid sedimentation and scale. But, if you look at it, this rod is not able to kill all microbes, but it is quite capable of delaying the formation of scale and deposits. It costs a lot, and requires periodic replacement. So it's up to you to decide if you need it.

If you have hard water, then you will have to change the cartridge filler every 2-3 months: the softer the water, the less often you will have to do this procedure. If you decide to use only distilled water, then the problem of replacing the filler may disappear altogether. Traditional humidifiers have cartridges with antibacterial impregnation and are designed for use for no more than 3 months.

The white coating that forms is harmful not only to equipment, but also to the lungs; it can be neutralized using special cartridges with ion exchange resin , which consists of powdery particles that absorb excess salts and other substances. But such resin cartridges also require periodic replacement, and the cleaner your water, the less often replacement will be required. But on average their service life is 2-3 months. Also, the timing of changing cartridges is also affected by the intensity of use of the device; the more often you use it, the faster you will need to replace consumables.

Certainly, ideal option It will help to use only distilled water, which will extend the life of the cartridge to many months, but not everyone can constantly buy such water, and not everyone can install a distiller in the house. You can also use bottled water, but this will cost you quite a lot, since ultrasonic humidifiers release about 6 liters into the air per day!

And yet, which humidifier to choose?

Often the main determining factor when choosing a humidifier is price. Traditional or steam humidifiers will be the cheapest. Ultrasonic ones will cost you a little more, and the most expensive devices are “combines”, which combine several functions. Also, within one group of humidifiers, the price will fluctuate depending on what additional functions The device is equipped with: hygrometer, water heating, LCD display, etc. Also, the price of the device is influenced by the type of control it has: it can be analog or digital.

It should also be noted that some humidifiers of any type have devices for air aromatization(aroma capsules). With their help, you can use various aromatic oils; your device will not only humidify the air, but also fill it with various pleasant odors, which will have a beneficial effect on your well-being and mood. But it should be noted that it is strictly forbidden to pour other liquids into conventional humidifiers other than water, otherwise you risk severe damage to the internal parts of the device! The exception is steam appliances, here you can safely experiment.

An important factor when choosing a humidifier it is also noise level. If you are satisfied with the price of the device, but you decide to “turn a blind eye” to the noise, then after a few months the noise may begin to irritate you, and you decide to get rid of the device.

Also, before purchasing, you should consider whether it will be expensive for you to change cartridge fillers quite often, buy a “silver rod”, and various filters. Will it be difficult for you to constantly clean the device, protect it from children, and children from it (if you purchase a steam humidifier)? You must decide all these questions before deciding on a humidifier model and making a purchase.

TOP 5 best air humidifiers 2016

Now let's move on from the tips directly to the review. modern market of these devices, and try to determine best humidifier in different categories.

This best steam humidifier, judging by the numerous stated parameters positive feedback. In terms of power to performance ratio, it is one of the best among steam devices. Due to the fact that in the model the steam inside the humidifier is mixed with cold air, it is almost impossible to get burned, and it can also be used as an inhaler. The ability to fill with untreated water is also a plus. But there are also some disadvantages: it is better to purchase an additional hygrometer. Water will have to be added every 8 hours, since the tank is small - a price to pay for the compactness of the device. But these are all dubious disadvantages. Brief summary: a functional and reliable humidifier, in which there is nothing superfluous, and the quality/price ratio is pleasing.

And this is already best ultrasonic humidifier air, or at least one of the best. Inexpensive, stylish and functional, very quiet, has a backlight, you can adjust the direction of humidification, fan speed and evaporation intensity, thereby achieving optimal humidity levels in the apartment. Users of this model cannot find any shortcomings in it at all, and some note only the lack of ionization, but this function in humidifiers is considered additional and optional. In general, the device copes well with its direct tasks.

Another good humidifier air ultrasonic type. Compact, lightweight, cheap, has an interesting appearance, and is designed to humidify a decent living space. It makes almost no noise during operation, is inexpensive, easy to operate and maintain - all these are the main advantages this humidifier. It is impossible to find any shortcomings, because this budget model more than copes with its direct responsibilities.

What we have in front of us is not even a humidifier, but a whole climate complex, which will create the most favorable atmosphere in the apartment. There is a built-in hygrostat; the device purifies the air, ionizes it, and the fan rotation speed can be controlled. All settings are easy to make thanks to the built-in display, the device does not make noise during operation, and copes with maintaining optimal microclimate on a sufficient area. The disadvantages are the heavy weight and the need for floor installation, as well as the high price.


Reliable, attractive humidifier for apartment. Not only does it perfectly humidify the air and operate quietly, but it can also become an excellent accessory in the home. A full water tank lasts for 12 hours of continuous operation, you can adjust the fan speed, and the humidifier itself will let you know when the water level is low.

Water is one of the most important products that make up the human body. The functioning of all vital organs depends on the amount of fluid consumed. At the same time, the climatic conditions in which a person is located play an equally important role. Used for air humidification special device, capable of creating an optimal microclimate. What is an air humidifier, what is it for and how it works is described in this article.

What is a humidifier

The optimal indicator for human body ranges from 40 to 70%. If the moisture level is environment below the norm, unfavorable conditions for stay are created. The skin and organs of the respiratory system suffer from a lack of fluid in the room. Serious changes are also observed in the functioning of the heart and kidneys. Dysfunctions in the functioning of the body lead to the development dangerous diseases. The problem of dry air is especially relevant in winter, when a heating system is used.

Previously, to humidify the air in the room, they placed jars of water, hung wet towels, and frequently washed the floor. But these actions required additional effort and did not contribute full solution Problems. Today it is much easier to normalize the microclimate if you use a humidifier. What it is needed for is clear from the name itself. The humidifier is an industrial and household use. This simple and highly efficient device takes up very little space and does not require special installation. In addition, the humidifier can be used in any room. The device is easy to use and completely silent.

Why do you need a humidifier at home?

Doctors say that people who frequently ventilate their apartments and maintain high level air humidity, get sick less often. Dry rooms contain much more dust, which contains bacteria and pathogens. Dry air may also contain allergens, plant pollen, and pet dander. Therefore, air humidification is recommended for people prone to allergies.

Dry air also negatively affects houseplants, pets. Low humidity causes parquet and furniture to dry out.

Babies especially feel the lack of moisture in the air. Their body is actively growing and requires more liquid. In young children, thermoregulation processes have their own characteristics. Low humidity leads to disturbances in the daily routine of the kidneys and the development of dysbacteriosis. Complications of existing diseases are also possible. Reception medicines may not give the desired result if the temperature and humidity conditions are not normal.

Pediatricians repeatedly explain why a humidifier is needed. According to them, this device promotes sound and restful sleep, which is important for the full development of the child’s body. Using humidifiers improves the health of babies. It has been proven that families who have purchased a climate control device endure viral diseases much easier.

Modern industry produces several types of humidifiers, which differ in power and operating principle. For home use Steam, cold and ultrasonic humidifiers are suitable.

Cold steam humidifiers

In this type of humidifier, air flows through a wet filter, causing it to cool and become humidified. The effectiveness of such humidifiers depends on the humidity in the room. The lower the humidity level, the higher the evaporation rate and vice versa. Thus, cold humidifiers always maintain optimal humidity in the room. The productivity of such devices ranges from 3 to 8 liters of water per day.

Cold steam devices operate only with distilled water. If used for a humidifier plain water, cartridges will clog and break more often. For additional protection For hard water devices, you can use a softening cartridge.

Steam humidifiers

No less effective is why it is needed and how to use it correctly, doctors know in detail. This humidifier can be used in medical purposes thanks to the presence of inhalation nozzles.

Steam humidifiers operate on the same principle as electric kettles. In order for the water to begin to evaporate, it is brought to a boil. Special allows you to maintain a given level of humidity.

The daily productivity of steam humidifiers ranges from 7 to 16 liters.

Ultrasonic humidifiers

Devices of this type are produced specifically for room humidification. large area. Ultrasonic humidifiers are highly efficient and have more power. They are distinguished by their perfect design and are most popular among buyers.

Small-sized and silent. During operation, the device creates inaudible ultrasonic vibrations, which are emitted by a high-frequency piezoelectric lifter into a container of water. The pressure above the liquid increases, resulting in rapid evaporation. A voltage is applied to a crystal placed in water, causing the water to form waves. different pressure. With the help of an air flow created by a fan, a vaporous water suspension enters the room.

Improved models of ultrasonic humidifiers are equipped with displays. Using remote controls, you can set the desired parameters from a distance and select the desired operating program.

When should you use a humidifier?

  1. If the indoor air humidity is less than 40%.
  2. High dust content, the house is located close to a highway or other source of dust.
  3. IN heating season.

Many doctors say that a humidifier is needed in the summer. In the summer season, air humidity is almost always normal. Therefore, this device is best suited for the winter period.

As for the most common question about whether a humidifier is needed in an apartment, most experts will confidently give a positive answer. Residents of cities suffer more from microclimate disturbances than representatives of rural areas located near water bodies and forests.

How to choose

Having figured out why you need an air humidifier in your apartment, you can start purchasing. Among the wide variety of models, it is important to choose the one that is suitable for a specific room. To make a successful and bargain purchase, it is recommended to first measure the area of ​​the room. This will make it easier to determine the required humidifier performance. Then you should evaluate the devices different manufacturers. To do this, it is advisable to visit a specialized store where the seller will be able to demonstrate the operation of each device. A specialist will help you choose the most suitable humidifier. What it is needed for, how to use it correctly and many other points are important to find out in the store. By consulting with the seller, you can get a lot useful information and quickly master the operating rules.

It is also important to consider cost when purchasing. If you have the opportunity to purchase a more expensive humidifier model, it is better to choose an ultrasonic device with a display.

Features of accommodation

Having received answers to questions about why you need an air humidifier in an apartment and how to buy it, it is equally important to master the rules of placement. Manufacturers advise placing the device in the center of the room at a height of 1 m from the floor. At night, it is ideal to use a high chair for this purpose. You can allocate a separate shelf for the humidifier, which is inaccessible to children.

The surface must be level and stable. After switching on, pay attention to the direction of air flow from the device. It is important that steam does not get on equipment and furniture.

Dry air in the apartment negatively affects the health of household members, especially allergy sufferers and small children. A humidifier will help normalize the microclimate. The main thing is not to get confused in the variety of models and choose a suitable unit that matches the operating conditions.

To understand which humidifier is better, you need to compare the parameters different devices, evaluate their capabilities and effectiveness.

In this material we will talk about how to choose the device that best suits your specific requirements. In addition, in the article you will find short review the most popular models among buyers.

Air humidity is one of the determining criteria for the microclimate of a room. For an apartment it is considered optimal indicator in 45-60%; in a house where there are small children, the standard rises to 70%.

In early autumn and spring, a comfortable moisture level is established naturally - due to active air exchange. In summer and winter the situation becomes more complicated - in hot weather and during the heating season the air becomes dry.

Holding the windows open in winter will cause the room to cool down. At the same time, within 15-30 minutes after closing the window, the relative air humidity will decrease due to active work heating devices.

In hot weather, active ventilation will not solve the problem, since outside temperature up to +30° the moisture content is about 30%, and the level of ventilation draft is significantly weakened

The best way to normalize the microclimate in a “dry” apartment is to use a humidifier.

Alternative methods (placing aquariums and fountains in rooms, hanging wet towels on radiators, etc.) are ineffective and give short-term results.

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Variety of models and operating principle

Before choosing a suitable air humidifier for your apartment, you need to understand technical capabilities And operational features various units.

Traditional – cold evaporation humidifiers

The models are distinguished by their simple design; the work of classic representatives is based on natural evaporation of moisture.

Disadvantages of a “hot” steam unit:

  • energy consumption – 300-600 W;
  • the need to separately purchase a hygrostat to maintain optimal humidity;
  • risk of getting burned by hot fumes – the temperature of the air cloud at the outlet is about +55 °C;
  • noise when water boils.

Due to the risk of burns, it is not recommended to install the device in children's rooms. It is advisable to use a steam apparatus in a flower shop, greenhouse or winter garden.

The water inside the device heats up to 100°, so it is important that the body has a stable shape and is equipped with a portable handle

Ultrasonic – economical and efficient installations

The use of ultrasonic vibration in the development of the humidifier made it possible to achieve an optimal balance between efficiency and energy consumption.

Air washing – humidification and cleaning

Unlike those discussed above household appliances, “washes” perform a double function - they clean the air masses and at the same time moisten them.

The design of the universal unit is simple:

  • water tank;
  • fan;
  • drum with working plates.

The device does not have replaceable filters. They are replaced by a complex of polymer disks with an adsorbent coating.

A fan supplies dry air to the drum blades, which rotate like a mill. Passing between the plates, the air flow is cleared of dust and saturated with moisture

Contaminant particles are washed into the tray and disinfected under the action of silver ions. A “water bath” with ionization suppresses about 600 types of bacteria, fights allergens and eliminates odors. Some air washers are equipped with fragrances.

To saturate the air with sufficient moisture, the unit must operate continuously. Using sinks to maintain a tropical microclimate in greenhouses will not work

Operational features:

  • electricity consumption – 120-400 W;
  • low noise level;
  • slow saturation with moisture;
  • purification of air masses from impurities larger than 10 microns;
  • does not provoke the appearance of limescale on objects;
  • safety of use;
  • Easy to maintain - you need to wash the water tank weekly.

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The purification plant will bring more benefits to people with respiratory diseases and allergy sufferers. Read about which type of air purifier is best for allergy sufferers.

Combined units – multi-tasking systems

Household climate control systems provide A complex approach to improve the microclimate of the apartment:

  • purify the air using a multi-stage filtration system;
  • refresh the atmosphere by removing unpleasant odors;
  • humidify the treated air.

Air conditioners are equipped with sensors that respond to dryness, dust level, smoke and other parameters. Automation works to maintain air hygiene and normalize moisture levels.

Device diagram: 1 – container for aroma oil, 2 – carbon filter, 3 – fan and motor, 4 – water tank, 5 – supply of purified air, 6 – air intake, 7 – HEPA filter, 8 – soft humidification filter

Quality of work climate systems no complaints. Despite the bulkiness of the unit, the complex is low noise and economical in energy consumption (up to 20 W).

The disadvantages of air conditioners include high cost and significant maintenance costs. Filters need to be changed every 3-12 months.

Criteria for choosing a home humidifier

Having decided on optimal technology moisturizing, are selected most significant parameters device.

Conventionally, the decision-making algorithm is based on the following selection criteria:

  • the power of the device in accordance with the area of ​​the room;
  • tank volume, which determines the period of continuous operation;
  • noise level;
  • installation method and design;
  • management method;
  • additional functionality;
  • value for money.

The parameter is indicated in milliliters or grams of water evaporated per hour. A more productive device can serve a larger area of ​​the house.

The operating efficiency of traditional humidifiers does not exceed 300 ml/h (3.5-8 l/day). The productivity of ultrasonic and steam devices is much higher - up to 14-16 l/day, respectively

However, with similar efficiency, the power consumption of humidifiers differs significantly:

  • 40-50 W – ultrasonic models;
  • 300-600 W – hot steam units.

The choice of performance should be based on the dimensions of the room. In this case, the area of ​​​​a specific room is taken into account. It is a mistake to think that if you buy a highly efficient device for 60-100 sq.m, it will efficiently humidify the entire apartment. This is not true - air circulation between rooms is difficult.

To maintain an optimal microclimate throughout the house, it is better to install several humidifiers designed to serve a certain area.

Tank volume. The value determines how often the water in the tank will have to be renewed. Often, high-power humidifiers are equipped with a larger capacity.

If you plan to use the device around the clock, then it is better to look for a humidifier with a spacious tank. To ensure that maintenance does not cause much trouble, when choosing, it is recommended to focus on tabular indicators

Not all manufacturers indicate the continuous operation time of the unit. The value can be calculated independently by dividing the volume of the tank by the fluid flow per hour. For example, the capacity of the tank is 4000 ml, consumption per hour is 400 ml. Therefore, within 10 hours the humidifier will use up all the water.

Noise exposure level. This indicator should not be neglected. A barely perceptible noise during the day is heard more clearly at night. This is especially important when choosing a humidifier for the nursery and bedroom.

The noise level of household humidifiers ranges from 5 to 50 dB. The indicator depends on design features and device power. Ultrasonic and traditional models are considered low noise

A humidifier with an indicator of up to 20 dB is suitable for the bedroom and children's room. You can put a device with a parameter of no more than 35 dB in the living room.

All household humidifiers divided into floor and tabletop. The first ones, as a rule, include “washing” and climatic complexes. The units are bulky and not convenient for use in compact apartments.

Tabletop humidifiers are mobile - they can be placed on bedside table, closet shelf or window sill.

High placement is more effective - moistened vapors slowly fall down, the water cloud gradually dissipates and fills the room with moisture

Adjustment method. The choice is between mechanical and electronically controlled. Mechanical units are cheaper, but have limited functionality - there is a knob for adjusting the operating mode and operating time on the body.

Humidifiers with electronic control are equipped with various indicators showing water level, humidity, temperature, current operating mode, etc. Expensive devices operate in “automatic flight”, adjusting operating parameters to the conditions of the apartment.

Advanced functionality. Among the significant options is the presence of a hygrostat. The element controls the moisture level and prevents dampness in the room.

It’s good if the humidifier has built-in lighting and an aroma capsule. The use of ionization and ozonation options will partially replace the work of a full-fledged air purifier

Balance of quality and price. In this matter, an important role is assigned to the manufacturer.

Wide the lineup Humidifiers of decent quality in the price category from economy to premium are represented by the following brands:

  • Sharp (Japan);
  • Boneco Air-O-Swiss (Switzerland);
  • Philips (Netherlands);
  • Polaris (England);
  • Electrolux (Sweden);
  • Shivaki (Japan);
  • Winia (Korea);
  • Fanline (Russia).

The production of budget models of good quality is established by the following companies: Vitek, Scarlett and Supra.

Review of the most popular models

Below are the most popular humidifiers used in everyday life. The demand for models is due to their reliability, ease of use, operating efficiency and price-quality ratio.

Boneco E2441A – traditional way of humidification

The device has been awarded the Red Dot industrial design award. Original form along with economy and efficiency, the model remains among the bestsellers. The operating principle is based on self-regulating evaporation.

A funnel-shaped hole is provided on top of the body for filling with water. The liquid level is controlled by a functional float. Recommended floor installation method

Distinctive features of Boneco E2441A:

  • antibacterial humidification filter;
  • silver ionizing rod ISS;
  • operating mode indicator;
  • power selection – 2 levels (normal and night);
  • Estimated cost: 120-180 US dollars.

To maintain quality, you need to change the filter once a quarter and clean the water tank every week.

Ballu UHB-400 – ultrasonic steam atomization

Despite its compact dimensions, the humidifier copes with its task efficiently and quickly. Appearance resembles a night light, the model is available in three colors.

Characteristics of UHB-400: type - ultrasonic, noise level - 35 dB, mechanical control, water level indicator, installation method - floor or tabletop

The device is equipped ion exchange filter for primary water purification. The cartridge is designed for 150 liters. If the humidifier operates daily for 8 hours or more, the filter must be replaced every 45 days.

Ballu costs around $40-$50.

Boneco U7135 – premium representative

Ultrasonic device with convenient electronic control. The model is equipped with a hydrostat that automatically regulates the moisture level in the apartment.

Note: water consumption during normal operation is 400 g/hour, when switching to “hot steam” - consumption increases to 550 g/hour

Distinctive features of Boneco U7135:

  • control of humidification intensity;
  • cleaning indicator;
  • filter with silver particles;
  • shutdown due to lack of water;
  • water disinfection system – preheating to 80 °C.

The disadvantage of Boneco U7135 is its high cost (about $150).

Fanline VE-200 is a Russian-assembled device

A multitasking unit designed to serve small spaces – 20 sq.m.

The air washer performs three cleaning stages:

  • mesh filter – carries out coarse filtration, trapping wool, hair and dust;
  • plasma cartridge – removes plant pollen and some harmful microorganisms;
  • drum with wetted discs – further purifies and humidifies the air.

The mechanical control panel has on/off buttons, enhanced filtration, backlight, ozonization and a toggle switch for adjusting performance.

Continuous operation of Fanline VE-200 – 8 hours. Acceptable use tap water and adding aromatic oils. Consumables and replacement filters not required

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Testing different humidifiers at home:

We can summarize that for an apartment would be better suited ultrasonic humidifier. When purchasing, it is important to compare the performance of the device with the area of ​​the room. An important argument in favor of this or that model is the absence of noise and ease of maintenance.

Still can't choose the right humidifier? Or still have questions about the topic of this article? Ask them in the comment block and we’ll figure it out together. Or maybe you've already purchased a humidifier. Please tell us which model you chose, are you satisfied with its performance?