home · Lighting · How to cut a pig from a plastic bottle. Pig from a plastic bottle: step-by-step instructions with photos. DIY pig made from plastic bottles. For knitting we need pencil holders

How to cut a pig from a plastic bottle. Pig from a plastic bottle: step-by-step instructions with photos. DIY pig made from plastic bottles. For knitting we need pencil holders

A cute pink piglet made from a plastic bottle will decorate your garden or yard, and will take your time on New Year's Eve 2019. place of honor on a brightly decorated Christmas tree.

And since making a pig from a plastic bottle is not difficult even for a child, you can take part in the traditional winter competition of New Year’s tree decorations with it.

By using your imagination, you can turn your piglet into a fashionable pig or an elegant, stylish boar. Everything will depend on what details will be used to create the image.

So, how to make a pig from a plastic bottle?

First, you need to arm yourself with:

  • scissors
  • brush
  • black marker
  • white and pink acrylic paint(you can take a spray bottle)
  • white and pink cardboard

Cover the entire surface of the bottle with pink paint.

We leave the bottle to dry, in the meantime we draw ears with a long base on the cardboard, which will help us attach them to the bottle base.

Carefully cut out the ears.

And we insert them into narrow slots in the bottle. The easiest way to make such slits is with a sharp stationery knife or even a regular table knife.

Cut out cute oval eyes from white cardboard or foamiran and draw pupils on them with a black marker.

Glue the eyes to the bottle. We glue two black circles onto the cork - we get a patch.

Now we cut out four rectangles from pink cardboard, twist them into tubes, and fix them with a stapler.

We get four legs for the pig.

One caveat: for a pig that will live in the garden, it is better to make its paws not from cardboard, but from bottle caps. The same applies to the ears and eyes - it is better to cut them out of bottle plastic, and cover the finished figurine with decorative varnish to protect the paint from moisture. You can use special paints intended for exterior finishing work.

Ready! The pig was made by hand! If you plan to use it in the future, you can immediately attach a loop of wire or strong thread to the back. If the pig will decorate the house or garden, you can leave it in this form.

You can make a pig out of a bottle using a slightly different technique. In this embodiment, the plastic bottle is not painted, but is wrapped in pink paper.

After all, we all know well that the most The best way child learning and development occurs in game form. Educational toys help us form thinking, develop speech, fine motor skills, etc.
Toys very well develop hand motor skills, coordination of movements, etc. Today we will make a cute pig from a plastic bottle, the author of this work is Irina. Irina covered a plastic bottle with pink fabric and made ears, legs and a tail. I also painted my heels pink color and drew two dots. Your children will definitely like this pig and they will be happy to play with it. Take the beans and let the child feed the pig.

Another pig from a plastic bottle:

To make a pig you will need:
* Plastic bottle, as round as possible, 1 liter.
* 5 single color caps from plastic bottles.
* Pink foamiran.
* 2 buttons (for making eyes.
* a piece of electrical tape or adhesive tape.
* Thermal gun.

Method of making a pig:
We take a plastic bottle and pink foamiran, the bottle must first be washed and dried. We wrap the bottle with foamiran and glue it with a hot glue gun or “Moment”. If you glue it with a hot glue gun, then make sure that the plastic is not deformed by the hot glue. It is best if the glue is not very hot. We cut out the ears from pink foamiran, you can use this template.

Glue them in Right place. This is how it should turn out.

We make a ponytail, cut out a strip from pink foamiran and twist it in half. Glue it in the right place.

We take four identical plastic bottle caps and glue them to the piglet’s belly. These are the legs we got.

All that remains is to make the eyes and nose. We take ready-made eyes or identical buttons and glue them on the piglet’s head. Wrap the nose with red electrical tape or tape. Firstly, this is necessary so that the goal (“where to feed”) can be seen more clearly, and secondly, to seal the thread - so that when the spout-mouth is closed with a lid-pocket, it is difficult to screw it on yourself and get to the contents without adult supervision.

That's it, the pig from plastic bottles is ready, your child can feed it.

Do not leave children under 3 years of age to play without adult supervision, especially when playing with small objects! We thank the author for his work and interesting material.

In conclusion, I want to show you a video master class on making a piglet from a plastic bottle.

Every gardener sooner or later feels the desire to decorate, improve own plot. Sometimes it takes a lot of money to implement such ideas. financial investments, which are rarely enough. In such cases, plastic bottles come to the aid of the owners, which can become excellent material to realize the most amazing fantasies that can ultimately transform appearance plot. Piglets from plastic bottles - great idea, which is not difficult to implement. What does this require?

Pig from a bottle - easy as pie

Don't rush to throw away used and empty plastic bottles. You need to carefully fold them and store them until the moment when ideas arise for translating them into figures. garden design. For example, amazing animals can be made from such material: hedgehogs, kittens. But piglets turn out especially well - these cute creatures are sure to add excitement and freshness to any summer cottage.

Advantages of a plastic bottle as a material for making figurines:

- availability;

- cheapness;

- lightness;

— simplicity in the execution of the figures;

— unpretentiousness in storage;

- durability.

You can not only make a figurine of a pig from plastic, but later it can be installed not only as a decorative figurine, but also adapted for some functional needs, for example, making it a watering can or a flower pot, and even a toy for kids. On the Internet you can find many different master classes that tell in detail about the creation of such animals. So don’t worry that you won’t succeed, detailed photos They will definitely help you correctly perform each stage of creating such a figurine.

Separately, it is worth noting another advantage of a plastic bottle: it can be cut perfectly with ordinary scissors and can be easily painted, as liquid paints, and special ones that are sprayed under high pressure from a can. In order to prepare plastic bottles for use, you must first remove the labels from them. They will separate quite easily from the plastic after pre-soaking the bottles in water. If the labels are made of plastic, they are also removed, only after a preliminary cut.

How to make a pig figurine from a plastic bottle?

Stages of work:

Stage 1: it is best to take a liter or one and a half liter bottle to make a piglet. Once all stickers and labels have been removed from the bottle, you can move on to the next step.

Stage 2: if you don’t want to paint the bottle, you need to first sew a cover for it, which will make it look like a pig. Pink felt is perfect for this purpose; it needs to completely cover the bottle, from the neck to the bottom.

Stage 3: in order to sew a cover, you need to first prepare a pattern by separately sewing the legs, tail and ears of the future piglet to the cover. All these parts of the figure’s body can be additionally stuffed with padding polyester to give them natural volume.

Stage 4: after this, eyes and a patch are sewn onto the cover, which can be a bottle cap.

You can make a piglet in another way:

  • rinse and dry the desired bottle;
  • in order to make the legs, they are cut out from the necks of other bottles with a volume of one liter;
  • ears and a tail are cut out from other bottles;
  • the ears need to be bent a little and attached to the bottle with wire;
  • the legs and tail of the pig are attached in the same way;
  • Now you can paint the piglet pink; acrylic-based paints are perfect for this.

As can be seen from the above, piglets from plastic bottles- the task is quite simple. It is enough just to devote a little time to its implementation and make a little effort. The piglet created will be for a long time decorate your country cottage area and delight the eyes of the owners and their guests.

See also video:

Piglets made from plastic bottles

  • Garden crafts made from plastic bottles - 5...

Plastic bottles are an ideal material for making jewelry for personal plot or local area. They are cheap, accessible, easy to process, and easy to paint. With a little patience, plastic containers you can make various figures, including cute piglets with funny faces that will not leave your guests or just passers-by indifferent.

Materials and tools needed to make a pig figurine

Making a pig figurine from plastic bottles is not difficult; the craft does not require large material and time costs. To make a figurine you need to have:

  • plastic 5-liter bottle;
  • 4 plastic half-liter bottles or the same number of small plastic cups;
  • 1 one and a half liter plastic bottle;
  • cutting tool (knife or scissors);
  • a jar or can of water-repellent paint;
  • wire or a piece of twine for the tail. If they are missing, you can cut a thin strip from the remaining plastic;
  • pencil;
  • brush;
  • glue gun;
  • paper;
  • material for eye decoration. These can be buttons, beads, self-adhesive film;
  • black marker.

Plastic bottles must be cleared of labels, handles and rims must be removed to screw on the caps.

Step-by-step instructions for making a pig figurine

The shape of a lying plastic bottle resembles the body of a well-fed pig. For an exact resemblance, all that is missing is lop-eared ears, plump legs, a shaped snout and a hooked tail.

Preparation of parts

First, let's prepare the missing parts:

  1. Legs. We cut from half-liter bottles at an angle top part with lid. When using small plastic cups, their tops should also be cut at an angle so that they fit more tightly to the piglet's body. Make sure that the pieces are the same length.
  2. Ears. On a piece of paper, draw a piglet's ear of any shape. We cut it out of a one and a half liter bottle. To do this, the bottle is cut into two halves along the neck and screw part. Then, according to the drawn pattern, the ear blank is cut out so that its base is at the beginning of the neck (up to the first rib). The ear cut from the middle part of the bottle turns out to be a larger, lop-eared one.
  3. Tail. It can be bent from a small piece of wire, cut into a thin strip from the remains of plastic bottles.

Lack of any additional elements for decorative finishing the piglet is not an obstacle to creating a plastic figure

Before assembly, you need to make several holes in a five-liter container:

  1. Not far from the lid we cut 2 holes for the ears.
  2. Just above the center of the top of the bottom of the bottle we make a small round hole for the tail.

Plastic bottles are easily cut with a regular stationery knife or scissors.

Assembling the figure

The figurine is assembled as follows:

If the lower ends of the ears and tail are shaped like arrows, they will be easier to insert into the holes made.


The assembled finished craft needs to be painted. Most often, paint is used for this. pink shades, because it is with this color that a cheerful pig is associated. Piglets of other colors (spotted, light beige) also look interesting. Or perhaps you would prefer a fairytale pig whose coloring will be fantastic: polka dots, flowers or frills.

If the craft is to be used outdoors, the paint must have water-repellent properties. After painting the pig (with a brush or by spraying it from a spray can), let the figurine dry thoroughly. Drying time will depend on the properties of the paint you purchased.

For durability, after the paint has dried, you can apply a layer of acrylic varnish on top of it.

The last step is gluing the eyes and drawing on the patch. There are different options for designating eyes:

  • voluminous buttons with eyelets. In this case, a small slot is made at the location of the eyes, a button loop is pressed into it and glued;
  • beads;
  • self-adhesive film of a suitable color.

Using a marker, draw a patch (two small black circles) on the bottle cap. If desired, you can add eyelashes, outline the contours of the ears, and create funny facial expressions on the pig’s face.

You can decorate the plastic pig however you like.

Submitted step-by-step instruction is not a dogma. Its task is to awaken imagination, to use non-standard materials at hand, so that your figurine turns out to be unique, inimitable, and special.

Since plastic piglets are most often installed outdoors, care should be taken to ensure their stability. To do this, even before painting, a weighting agent, for example, small pebbles, is poured inside.

Features of making a pig flowerpot

Almost the same scenario is used to make a figurine of a pig, in which you can plant garden flowers. The following steps will be distinctive:

To prevent the piglet with flowers from turning over, you can first make a hole at the bottom and secure the craft with a wooden peg.

Photo gallery: ideas for design and placement of plastic pig figurines

Piglets can be decorated in different colors to make it more fun. Piglet figurines can be placed on a small hill or the area around them can be cleared a little. If you are not lazy and make a few piglets from plastic bottles, you will get a picturesque and funny lawn Additional items next to the figures of piglets will add originality to the composition Plastic pigs- an additional touch in the design of the flower bed. Pig-flower bed made of plastic bottles - not only original, but also practical. Features of making a pig figurine are the absence of costs and a minimum amount of time, independent choice shapes and colors of crafts Most often, plastic piglets are painted pink. Next to the piglet, you can “plant” flowers made from plastic bottles from the same material

Video: making a pig from plastic bottles

There are many options for decorating a site using plastic bottles. You can make a funny pig from these containers. A little creativity - and the waste material will turn into original crafts with a decorative and practical slant.

Many people throw away empty plastic bottles, considering them trash. But don’t rush, because they can be found in more worthy uses. Products made from plastic bottles attract with their unusualness and originality.

If you have a garden or land plot, you will definitely like it plastic piglets, which will become the highlight of landscape design.

Their production does not require special skills and expensive materials, you just need patience and enough bottles.

Read also:

So, how to make a pig out of a plastic bottle?

Step-by-step production of a piglet

Plastic pigs are very popular as they look very realistic and immediately attract attention.

You will need five-liter plastic bottle, which usually sells water. A bottle with a hole made, which will have the shape of an oval or square, is used as a body. Cut off the handle of the bottle, and only then cut out a rectangle measuring approximately 12 centimeters.

It is more advisable to first draw the ear pattern on paper. Using the blank, cut out the pig's ears and insert them into the cuts, which can be made with a sharp knife.

In the case when you paint the pig using a spray can, the ears can be left in place. And if painting is carried out with a brush, then each part is coated separately and fixed in place only after complete drying. It is best to use paints with a dense structure.

Painting the piggy

Everyone who has taken on this task is concerned about how to make a pig out of a plastic bottle so that it looked like he was alive. To do this, you need to draw a snout, eyes and funny tassels on the ears of a little pig. A dark plastic bottle is suitable for this purpose. As a material for stencils, take plain paper. For all marks that will need to be made on the craft blank, prepare a thin black marker.

You can pour earth inside the body, and then you can plant there beautiful flowers , and the piglet will perform not only an aesthetic function, but also serve as a flower bed.

More interesting:

Now you know how to make a pig from a plastic bottle. It can be used in different ways: as decoration, flower beds or for zoning an area. Plastic pig Can be placed on the balcony by planting flowers there.