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How to choose a book-table, what you need to know. Book table dimensions: how to choose the right model? Dimensions table book USSR

Today we will talk about a transforming table, which when folded is a neat cabinet, but if necessary, it turns into a table at which you can seat your family or visiting relatives and friends.
It must be said that the book-table is not a miracle or a novelty. Folding furniture, including transformable tables, have been familiar to us since Soviet times. The notorious folding beds, folding sofas and the chairs over the many years of existence have not lost their relevance, but during this period they have significantly transformed, “prettier” and become stylish. Well, as they say, “different times, different morals.”

Modern furniture manufacturers use the highest quality and technologically advanced materials for their manufacture. On consumer market transforming tables are represented by a wide range of products that vary in shape, size, color, design, and construction.

Varieties of book tables

There are these types of folding tables:

  • dining table;
  • work table;
  • coffee table;
  • kitchen table.

The common feature of these tables is design solution. The movable tabletop consists of three parts, which when folded form a compact cabinet. When folded out, the folded parts of the table top rise up, forming flat surface with the help of legs that are included in the design of the table-book.

Advantages of a folding book table:

  • The undeniable advantage of all folding furniture, including book tables, is their compactness, practicality, and ability to occupy a small area.
  • The ability to fold out the table not completely, but partially, without negative consequences for construction.
  • The presence of additional equipment in the form of drawers, various shelves, doors designed to accommodate small items.

Choosing a book table

When going to the store to buy a “miracle table”, you need to know exactly for what purpose you will be purchasing it, since it must not only perform certain functions, but also fit organically into the interior of the room in which you will place it.
Available for sale a large assortment table-books different designs(equipped with shelves, cabinets, drawers), shapes (rectangular, oval).

To be placed on suitable for the kitchen a book-table with a cabinet or drawers for kitchen utensils. A table with shelves on which you can place magazines, books, cute trinkets, etc. will look organic in the living room.
For the hallway, a folding table with shelves for storing shoes is useful.

When purchasing a table you must check the folding mechanism, integrity of all structural elements.

In most cases, for making transformable tables use chipboard and fibreboard, which makes it possible to purchase tables at affordable prices. Also, book tables are made of durable and high-quality plastic.

When choosing, you can give preference to a model with wheels, which will allow you to easily move furniture around. Right place. Well, among the wide color range And design solutions, you will definitely be able to choose a table-book that will become a decoration and a successful addition to the interior of any room.

Nuances to consider when choosing a book-table

Some features of folding tables cannot be called disadvantages, but they must be taken into account when purchasing so that the table ideally matches your needs and functional tasks.

  1. It is better to give preference to a table design with two legs, since four legs can become a hindrance when placing people at the table.
  2. Please note that a static tabletop with drawers and shelves prevents the person sitting opposite it from placing their feet comfortably. In principle, when choosing, you need to decide what is more important functionality table or having extra space to accommodate people.
  3. As mentioned above, in order not to drag the table from place to place with your hands, you can choose a table with wheels, and this problem will not arise.

It doesn’t really matter whether you choose furniture at the market or in a store, look for it on the Internet or make it to order. In any case, an error in sizing can have very serious consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to know what standard values tables and books and by what principles they are calculated.

Main settings

Furniture constructors and designers, both working on serial products and those involved in the implementation individual orders ergonomics must be taken into account. After all, it is necessary not only to ensure convenience and comfort of use, but also to preserve the health of the consumer. The book-table must have strictly defined dimensions.

If it is written, then the working area should be at least 80x50 centimeters. The standard for rectangular dining tables stipulates that the legs should be 91 cm apart. Two chairs fit freely into this gap, and each seated person gets their own part of the working space - 50x30 cm. These figures are determined based on the anatomical parameters of the average person.

Do it yourself

When deciding to assemble a book-table at home, focus on the following dimensions of individual parts:

    Tabletop– 2 blocks of chipboard 705x800 mm and 1 block 350x800 mm;

    legs and frame made from beams 4x4 centimeters and slats 2x4 cm;

    side walls assembled from a pair of boards 350x730 mm.

The ends of the tabletop are covered with melamine edges.


Book tables, when folded, occupy less space than regular tables. But one cannot ignore their dimensions when opened, because it is by them that one judges whether the furniture can be placed in a certain place and how comfortable it will be.

Tables released several decades ago have dimensions of 30x76x85 cm when folded, and 170x76x85 cm when opened. Similar models are still produced today, although other proportions (width 60 cm) are becoming more and more in demand. When half of the tabletop is open in a classic format table, its dimensions are 100x76x85 cm, respectively.

Large “books” of a modern type can have dimensions of 32x80x75 centimeters in a compact state, and 235x80x75 after opening. These sizes are quite sufficient even for big family. Standard dimensions tables for kitchens and loggias are 130x60x75 cm. Miniature furniture should not be considered not functional enough; even with dimensions of 75x60x75 cm, the design can be equipped with a roll-out drawer for kitchen utensils.

Important nuances

Any tables whose height is at least 50 and width - 70 centimeters can be considered practical. The thickness of the tabletop does not affect the aesthetics of the entire product. Per each person sitting dinner table must be at least 60 cm wide and 40 cm deep. In this case, at least 20 cm in the central part will have to be given for cutlery, so they are not taken into account.

It makes no sense to purchase tables 80 centimeters. As for the length, when calculating it, pay attention to both the number of household members and the area of ​​the room.

Classical rectangular table implies the presence of four people at dinner. Therefore, its dimensions when unfolded should be 0.75 m in height, 1-1.2 m in length and 0.8 m in width.

Narrow and long tables allow you to seat as many people as wide products. There is no need to worry about lack of space, because the dishes can easily be moved to cabinets or somewhere else if necessary. Please note that the height of the working area for cutting food cannot be less than 90 cm in length, otherwise cooking will be uncomfortable. Suitable for tall people kitchen tables height from 94 centimeters and above.

There should be a gap of at least one meter from the edge of the tabletop to any other furniture or wall. A square table of 90x90 cm allows four people to have lunch (dinner, breakfast) at the same time.

In some cases, book tables are purchased for written work. When unfolded, their depth immediately increases by a meter (if at first it was 20 or 60 cm, then when unfolded it will be 120 or 160). The most compact solutions It is advisable to use if the room is very small or no more than two people will sit at the table. For a spacious room, it is worth purchasing large-format furniture.

Every person in the post-Soviet space is very familiar with such a product as a book-table. This furniture gained wide popularity in the twentieth century. And this is not without reason, since the book-table is very comfortable, functional and compact.

It allows you to comfortably seat many guests at the table, and when you are not using it - it very easily turns into a small and compact bedside table. When folded, the product can be placed near a wall or even hidden in a closet. This piece of furniture is simply indispensable for small apartments.

Today, this furniture is still in demand. However modern models have a very stylish and attractive appearance.

Features and advantages of the book-table

This piece of furniture got its name due to the similarity of its drop-down design to the cover of a book. And, of course, its most important advantage is the ability to change its size; for this you just need to lift one or two tabletops.

When this table is folded, it takes up very little space. This table model can be classified as ergonomic furniture, because it is very convenient and helps to furnish even the smallest rooms.

To further save space in a small apartment, you can purchase a small table-book equipped with all kinds of shelves, drawers and even a niche for stools.

Types of products

There are several different modifications of the book table:

  • The classic model is a folding dining table. Folds up by pushing in one or two legs. Such products are convenient to use in the kitchen or loggia, since the furniture when folded takes up very little space and saves a lot of money. free space;
  • Small transformable tables are also very convenient for the kitchen and take up minimal free space;
  • Models on wheels - such a table-book will be very convenient to move around the apartment to the desired place;
  • Book table with drawers - comfortable and functional model, often used in living rooms, bedrooms and even offices. Drawers located on the sides of the product, they are very convenient for storing small things.

Retractable legs of products can be wooden or chrome plated. Any of these options will be durable and reliable, so choose them based on general style interior of your apartment.

Table dimensions

The main advantage of the “book” table is its small size when folded. However, before purchasing, you need to take into account the parameters of the table in both folded and unfolded versions. This is required to ensure that the product will fit without problems in the place where you plan to use it.

Different models of book tables may have different dimensions. Most popular options:

  • Standard models of tables made in the USSR had parameters of 30x75x85 centimeters when folded, and 170x76x85 centimeters when opened. If only one half of the product is open, its dimensions were 100x76x85 centimeters;

  • There are models of large dining tables-books; when unfolded, they are significantly larger than other similar models. The height of such tables is on average 74-75 cm. And the parameters of the products when opened range from 155 cm to 174 (length) and from 83 cm to 90 cm (width);
  • The largest dining table that can be found on sale has a length of 230 centimeters when unfolded. Its width is 80 cm and height – 75 cm. Even the most big company;

  • The “standard” model when opened has the following dimensions: height from 70 to 75 cm, length 130-147 cm, width 60-85 cm;
  • There are also miniature book tables on sale, which, despite their small sizes still very comfortable and functional. They are also called coffee tables. The height of such a table can start from 50 cm, and the width is on average 60 cm.

The depth of all products when folded ranges from 20 to 50 cm.

If none of the listed furniture options suits you, you can always order the production of a table according to individual sizes. Manufacturers will take into account all your wishes and create furniture that will fit perfectly into the interior of your apartment.

For small apartments the book table is just a godsend. If you need to take it at home a large number of guests - just install the furniture in the middle of the room, and the rest of the time this product can serve as coffee table, bedside tables or flower stands and other small items and accessories.

If you plan to assemble the product yourself, then You can use the following parameters for individual table parts:

  1. Tabletop dimensions - the tabletop will consist of two large slabs(identical to each other) and one small one. The length of the large ones should be 70 cm, width - 80 cm. The dimensions of the small part of the tabletop are 35x80 cm;
  2. Parameters of the legs and frame - the product should be 75 cm high, for this you need to take a beam of 4x4 centimeters and slats of 2x4 centimeters;
  3. Side parts - for them you will need two boards 35 cm wide and 73 cm long.

Our article will help you choose a book-table for any room - the kitchen, bedroom or living room.

We'll give you a few useful tips when choosing this type of furniture, we will tell you about its advantages and materials of manufacture.

The article also contains many photos of book tables in a finished interior.

Book tables have recently become very popular again. The table model contains a structure similar to a book cover.

As a rule, such a mechanism contains 2-3 panel planes connected by hinges.

Advantages of book tables

In these models, you can easily change the area of ​​the tabletop by opening or closing the corresponding panel.

A folded table-book takes up minimal space. And if necessary, it can be turned into a large one in a minute dining area, tearing off one or two panels.

Such ergonomic furniture will make it easy to organize the space of even a small apartment.

Many models of such tables can contain additional elements: a niche for storing chairs, drawers and shelves for various things.

Specific features of book tables:

  • ergonomics;
  • functionality;
  • mobility;
  • availability of storage space;
  • various materials of manufacture;
  • a wide range of color solutions and accessories.

Materials for the production of book tables

Most often these tables are made from:

  • metal;
  • wood;
  • plastic;
  • tempered glass.

Metal tables are much more durable, stronger and more stable than models made from other materials.

However, they are heavy and not suitable for every interior. Such furniture is rarely made to order due to the complexity of production. In addition, tables made of this material are much more expensive than others.

Chipboard book tables are also very durable. They are suitable for a room with any interior, thanks to the variety of models, colors and textures.

The most common raw material for the production of tables is wood. Furniture made from it is much cheaper and lighter than, for example, metal. Moreover, a tree is environmental material, not containing harmful substances and toxins.

Plastic tables are also quite durable and are not afraid of various mechanical damage and temperature changes.

Such furniture will be successfully combined with the interior of the kitchen, and the model from transparent plastic will complement perfectly summer veranda or a gazebo in the country. In addition, the price of such tables is relatively low.

Tempered glass is very rarely used for the production of book tables, because... the process of their manufacture is quite complicated. They are very heavy and durable, but are prone to chipping.

Variety of book tables

There are many different models: book tables, narrow and wide, small and large, ordinary coffee tables, transformable computer tables, kitchen tables, etc.

The most popular of them are:

Simple book tables. The most ordinary table, not equipped with anything extra, except for a common surface and one or two side planes.

Book tables with drawers. These models provide drawers (one or several) - a table-cabinet. They are very convenient for storing cutlery and other useful items.

Such a model will great solution for lovers of handicrafts: you can do what you love with it, having everything you need at hand.

Book tables with shelves. A wonderful option for the living room interior is a coffee table-book. Its shelves, located in a niche, can be used to store books, newspapers, magazines and other things.

Book tables on wheels. Such models have remarkable mobility - they can be easily and simply moved not only inside the room, but throughout the apartment or home.
The cost of book tables depends on both the model and the material used.

Color solutions for book-table models

The wenge coffee table is considered a classic. It is this range that is most often played out by manufacturers.

Of course, classic is always very good, however, white book tables also look quite stylish and impressive, and even better in combination with dark gray or black.

Photo of a book table in the interior