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Glue for gluing Sormat mineral wool. Which glue to choose for mineral wool? Overview of adhesive for mineral slabs

Thermal insulation adhesive when performing insulation works at sites for various purposes must be selected correctly and consciously. The type of insulation plays a big role in this. Ideally, the adhesive should be specifically designed for the selected type of insulation. In construction, two types of insulation are used - internal and external. Insulation is carried out on various surfaces and parts of the object. This is the facade, foundation, floor, attic, ceiling, etc. In addition, pipe communications are supplied to the facility, which must also be insulated. And every time questions arise about what (using what glue) and what the technology of execution is.

Types of insulation and glue requirements

There is glue on cement based and in the form of foam.

The market offers various types insulators that require special adhesive for insulation during installation. The most popular are:

  • Styrofoam;
  • mineral wool;
  • foil polyethylene;
  • clinker tiles.

Despite the difference in types of adhesives, they are subject to General requirements. They must:

  • have high adhesion;
  • do not contain toxic substances, i.e. be environmentally friendly;
  • be moisture resistant;
  • withstand temperature changes;
  • be vapor permeable and fire resistant.

Insulation adhesives produced by domestic and foreign companies are divided into polymer and mineral. The first is available in pressurized cans. It's convenient to use. It has 2 drawbacks - it cannot be created protective layer And high price. Most often I use adhesives of mineral origin, which can be adhesive or reinforcing. Adhesives are intended only for gluing insulation, and reinforcing ones are used for gluing and creating a reinforcing layer. Mineral adhesive is produced in paper packaging, most often weighing 25 kg.

It is better to select adhesive for facade insulation with reinforcing properties; this is reflected in the service life, which increases significantly. Facade adhesive can be cement or polyurethane. The first is a mixture in the required proportions of cement, sand, resins and additives that improve adhesion and reduce hardening time.

The distinctive quality of cement adhesive is that it is used for a wide range of construction work, easy to prepare (you only need to add water to required quantity) and applied. It does not need to be applied to the entire surface of the insulating board, but the gluing result will still be of high quality. Polyurethane adhesive is one-component (isocyanates are used) and hardens when exposed to air.

A special place is occupied by adhesive-based insulation. Used in combination with insulation materials such as foam and. Foil is glued to one side, so such materials reflect infrared rays well. Adhesive-based thermal insulation is often installed indoors. The material is found in the trading network called with adhesive backing. It is often used as a waterproofing layer, especially when using mineral wool slabs, which react negatively to moisture.

Adhesive for foam insulation of buildings and pipes

The foam is additionally fixed with mechanical fasteners.

When insulating a building with foam plastic, glue is used different manufacturers. The best mineral adhesives considered Kreisel, Polymin, Ceresite, Moment and polymer compositions in aerosol packaging. The adhesive for foam insulation is called foam adhesive. Its advantages are obvious:

  • no need to prepare a solution;
  • foam is quickly applied using a special construction gun;
  • does not expand on foam plastic;
  • Residues can be easily cut off after hardening.

With its help you can glue it to any surface with high quality minimum cost time to harden. The same adhesive is used for pipe insulation. But the technology for applying it is different. It is first applied to the surface of the pipe, and then to the insulation itself, and only after that the pipeline system is wound in small sections.

The quality of foam gluing depends on the preparation of surfaces, compliance with the rules for preparing the solution (indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging) and installation technology.

Energy-saving technologies are relevant today. They help reduce costs utilities, which are constantly growing. Insulating objects is a step towards significant savings. And here it is important not only the choice of insulation, but also the adhesive for thermal insulation. The video shows the nuances of foam installation using Polymin glue.

Most often today, the “light-wet” method of installing thermal insulation materials is used. Its essence lies in the fact that special adhesive mixtures are used to secure the insulation to the planes. Quality and right choice glue directly affects the efficiency of the work performed; what kind of adhesive mixture and what fasteners are used determine how tightly and reliably the insulation will adhere to the wall.

However, when choosing glue, as well as when using it, inexperienced craftsmen make many mistakes, which increase the cost of insulation, or significantly reduce the efficiency and durability of the layers. It comes to the point where they use regular glue for tiles. Before starting the purchase, the homeowner needs to clarify some points.

Benefits of using specialized glue

Why do they glue insulation at all, because it would be possible to just make it high-quality? Disc dowels will never provide 100% reliable fastening without movement, which is required when wet method insulation of facades (otherwise cracks will appear). They are only additional element fixation. In addition, with the help of glue it is possible to completely eliminate the possibility of air movement under the insulation, which can cool the wall as if no insulation had been carried out.

Why is factory-made beyond competition? Because this is always ready-made composition, the maximum that the user needs to do is to properly seal it with water. You don't have to reinvent the wheel. Today, adhesive compositions for thermal insulation materials contain a whole range of special additives, the need for their use has been studied for years. The result is an adhesive that can maintain and even increase thermal insulation properties materials. Its use ensures reliable adhesion of the insulation to the plane, while the service life of the insulating layers is significantly increased.

When using such adhesive mixtures, thermal insulation materials acquire properties that help withstand adverse weather conditions, and they can be used for high humidity And strong winds, and are also able to withstand both very high and fairly low temperatures. Moreover, these properties are guaranteed and repeatable.

In addition, the use of special glue allows you to reduce costs when installing insulation. When installing thermal insulation, the consumption of modern technological glue mixture will be significantly less, since it does not need to be applied over the entire area of ​​the insulation boards. And given some technical features new adhesives, their use will save money when performing subsequent operations.

Which glue is better: choose

By purpose

If we do not take into account the issues of price and popularity of the brand, then the developer must decide on two main issues in order to properly complete the package:

  • What insulation will be used?
  • On what basis will the adhesive installation be carried out?

And then we can consider individual specifications similar products.

Manufacturers today offer clients enough big choice various adhesive mixtures intended for installation of a wide variety of thermal insulation materials. Naturally, mostly glue method install dense slabs mineral wool and polystyrene (foam and EPS). These two types of insulation differ in structure and physical properties, therefore, the glue for their installation and production of the reinforcing layer must have certain characteristics. For example, so as not to disrupt the vapor permeability of the insulating layer of cotton wool. This means that in systems with mineral wool insulation You cannot use a mixture intended for polystyrene foam. So, there are two types of adhesives:

  • for foam plastic and EPS;
  • for mineral wool.

It is very important to choose the right type of glue, and in most cases this depends on the type of base. Obviously, a fully hardening mineral composition is well suited for a brick, block, or concrete wall, and, for example, for wooden walls- you need a completely different, elastic one. It is also worth considering how smooth the base is, that is, what layers of glue will have to be applied to obtain a good plane, because there are strict restrictions from manufacturers in this regard. It is important to assess the possibility of progress load-bearing structure, if bending loads, fluctuations in geometric dimensions, vibrations are possible, then the best option there will be elastic elastic adhesive compositions.

Basically, dry mineral adhesive mixtures sold in bags are divided into the following subgroups according to their intended purpose:

  • mixtures only for gluing slabs;
  • universal reinforcing compounds.

They differ from each other in that the first are intended exclusively for gluing insulation, but using reinforcing glue, you can not only glue the slabs, but also create a reinforcing layer on their surface. Chemical composition These adhesives are almost the same, the main difference is that the reinforcing adhesive contains additives that increase plasticity and facilitate thin-layer application. Conventional adhesives do not contain such a plasticizer, and therefore their price is slightly lower. If the description of the adhesive does not indicate that it is intended for reinforcement, then it can only be used for installing slabs. Some companies offer a special mixture for installing reinforcing fiberglass mesh; they are positioned as “adhesive putty.”

By composition

Based on the method of application, composition and performance, the adhesive is classified into three types:

  1. Polyurethane in cylinders.
  2. Dispersion in buckets.
  3. Dry mineral mixture in bags.

Naturally, each type differs in performance properties, areas of use and price.

Polyurethane adhesive is packaged in cylinders under pressure and appearance reminds polyurethane foam. This adhesive composition is extremely easy to use, but its price is quite high. This kind of glue shows better adhesion for most reasons. It is ideal for insulation concrete walls processed mineral plasters planes. With its help, the insulation adheres perfectly to the plywood and OSB boards, on massive wooden structures, on metal cladding, type of profiled sheet. Polyurethane adhesive is intended for insulation using polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam; it is used for interior and exterior work, both in the construction of new houses and for thermal insulation of old buildings. Polyurethane adhesive is chosen due to a number of consumer and technical advantages:

  • the time required for insulation work is reduced significantly;
  • high adhesion to all substrates;
  • complete readiness for use;
  • excellent thermal insulation properties;
  • allows installation at low temperatures, heat, and high humidity;
  • absence of harmful substances;
  • absolute water resistance.

The dispersion in buckets is designed specifically for gluing insulation to various reasons made of wood. This adhesive mixture contains organic binders and is therefore considered environmentally friendly. The dispersion is easy to use (sold ready-to-use), it can be used both outside and inside. This mixture is exclusively suitable for gluing foam and EPS (extruded polystyrene foam). It cannot be used to create a reinforced waterproof layer or for puttying. The features of the dispersion adhesive mixture are as follows:

  • high adhesion to wood and derivative materials;
  • increased elasticity;
  • versatility and ease of use;
  • it can be used at air and base temperatures from plus 5 to plus 30 degrees;
  • one bucket (25 kg) is enough to insulate a surface area of ​​16.5 sq.m.;
  • The thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.6 W/m*K.

Dry mineral mixtures are intended for installation of wool or foam plastic on mineral substrates. Many of them are also suitable for creating a reinforcing layer. Such dry glue must be sealed with water before use. The average consumption of dry mixtures is: for gluing heat-insulating materials - 4-5 kg ​​per sq.m., for reinforcement - 5-6 kg per sq.m.

Dry adhesive for insulation has the following advantages:

  • good adhesion to basic mineral substrates;
  • moderate elasticity;
  • content of reinforcing microfibers;
  • impact resistance;
  • vapor permeability;
  • frost and moisture resistance;
  • environmental Safety.

Other performance properties

All adhesive compositions for thermal insulation materials are characterized by some common consumer properties things to pay attention to:

  • Plasticity - adhesives for polystyrene foam and mineral wool contain special plasticizers and modified additives that make these adhesive mixtures very convenient for application.
  • Vapor permeability - good glue for insulation, it does not condense moisture, but helps create a breathable structure without disturbing the microclimate of the premises and extending the life of the walls.
  • Frost resistance - all adhesive compositions for insulating facades must retain their technological properties even at significant sub-zero air temperatures.
  • Viability of the finished solution - dry glue mixed with water retains all its functional features for 1.5-3 hours.
  • Fast development of strength - after gluing the insulation, the glue hardens quite quickly, which significantly reduces the installation time of thermal insulation, and, therefore, the total cost of work.
  • Latitude temperature regime applications - there are commercially available adhesives that can be used with sufficient low temperatures to minus 10 degrees.
  • Various possible thicknesses of the applied layer - insulation adhesive can be applied thin layer, and can also be used to level insulated planes, while making fairly thick layers, which will determine the final cost of the building’s thermal insulation work.

How to use insulation adhesive

1. Before starting installation, make sure that the base is strong and well cleaned of contaminants that impair adhesion. Crumbling weak areas and flaking pieces must be removed without fail.

2. Insulate brick and plastered masonry mineral compounds foundations can be laid only after they reach the “age” of 28 days; before insulating the monolithic concrete, it must stand for at least three months.

3. Old brickwork or a long-plastered wall should be properly prepared for thermal insulation - cleaned of dust and other contaminants, rinsed with water under pressure, and dried well. Highly absorbent substrates (walls made of silicate or aerated concrete blocks) must be treated with a primer before installing insulation on glue.

4. To evaluate bearing capacity insulated surface and the adhesion of glue to it, it is necessary to carry out a test. To do this, pieces of foam plastic measuring 10x10 cm are glued in several places, and after three days they are torn off. Adhesion is considered good if the pieces are torn off along the polystyrene foam.

5. If the insulation boards have irregularities of more than 2 mm, for example, at joints, they should be thoroughly sanded with sandpaper. The surface of the mineral wool slabs is swept with a brush, removing dust and loose mineral fibers.

6. Dry adhesive mixtures are prepared by first mixing them with water at a temperature of 15 to 20 degrees. The amount of water depends on the manufacturer's recommendations, as well as on application conditions. When diluting, the dry mixture is added to water gradually, while mixing thoroughly so that no lumps form. It is best to stir the adhesive mixture with a construction mixer or a drill with a special attachment. After obtaining a homogeneous solution of the required thickness, a five-minute technological pause should be maintained for the glue to mature, and then mixed again.

7. Glue is applied to the insulation boards different ways- it depends on how level the base is. If, when checking at a two-meter level, the deviations are 5-10 mm, apply the solution using a trowel along the contour of the slab - strip width 3-4 cm, distance from the edge 2-3 cm. Also make several spots (5-8 pieces) in the middle of the slab - diameter spots 8-10 cm. The strips of the adhesive mixture along the contour should have breaks so that air plugs do not form; their thickness should be about 20 mm. If the level shows deviations of less than 5 mm, the glue is applied using a steel toothed trowel (teeth size 10-12 mm) on the entire slab, while retreating from its edge by 2-3 cm. Before applying the solution to the mineral wool slab, it is recommended to prime it completely a thin layer of the same glue. Polyurethane glue from cylinders is applied using a mounting gun; before this, the cylinder is thoroughly shaken. Application is carried out along the perimeter (the distance from the edge of the slab should be about 2 cm) and through the center of the slab in one strip.

8. Immediately after applying the solution, the slab is applied to the base and pressed well, hitting/pressing with a long grater. If the adhesive is applied correctly, the area of ​​adhesive contact after pressing the board should be more than 40% of the area of ​​the mounting plane of the insulating board. The gap between the plates should be no more than 2 mm. Larger gaps must be filled with foam scraps or polyurethane foam.

9. Additional fastening with dowels is carried out only after 3 days after gluing the heat-insulating material, then apply reinforced layer. It should be noted that the effect of glue on the quality of thermal insulation should not be overestimated. When insulating buildings using the wet method, it is important to correctly carry out the entire complex of work, choosing the right primer compositions, adhesive solution, type of insulation, surface finishing material. Only in this case can you get an excellent final result.

IN Lately mineral wool is a fairly common material for insulation. It is used to insulate the most various elements buildings, because it is very small. However, an ordinary adhesive mixture will not work in this case; a special glue for mineral wool is needed here.

What glue is used to attach basalt wool?

One of the most popular is mineral wool adhesive made from quartz fillers, Portland cement, as well as various modifying additives that help improve adhesion and physical and mechanical properties. It has high fixing ability. The mixture also has numerous advantages:

  • frost resistance;
  • water resistance;
  • vapor permeability;
  • safety in use.

Before using glue for gluing mineral wool, the surface should be cleaned of dust, grease, oil, dirt, etc. Weak layers should also be removed. As for the unevenness of the wall, they should not exceed 3 mm. Well, chips, holes and potholes need to be repaired with a repair mixture.

Initially, the adhesive for gluing mineral wool must be prepared in correct proportion. To do this, take 0.2 liters of water per 1 kg of mixture. The solution is thoroughly mixed with a low-speed drill or stirrer until it has a homogeneous consistency (without clots or lumps). After this, the solution is kept for about 5 minutes and then mixed again. Its adhesive properties are glue for mineral slabs keeps for 2 hours.

Work order

The mixture is applied using the so-called continuous method over the entire surface using a notched trowel. After the adhesive for mineral slabs has been applied, they must be immediately installed in the design position and pressed.

It is advisable to use facade adhesive for mineral wool at an air temperature of +5...+30 degrees. However, it should also be noted that the optimal result can be achieved at a temperature of 20 degrees and a humidity of approximately 60%. Well, under other conditions, glue for basalt insulation may have slightly different operating parameters. If the adhesive composition will be used in non-standard conditions, it is necessary to conduct tests (independently) or consult with the manufacturer. After all, if the glue is for basalt wool will be used incorrectly, the manufacturer is not responsible.

The reliability of adhesion of the thermal insulation material to the wall depends on what kind of mineral wool adhesive was used. The composition of the mixture affects both its cost and the effectiveness and durability of the insulation.

Air movement under mineral wool slabs reduces the thermal insulation properties of the material. Since when insulating a façade, fastening without movement is possible only with the help of glue, dowels are used as additional fixation.

In addition, mineral wool adhesive helps save on room insulation. The consumption of mixtures is insignificant, since they can not be applied over the entire area of ​​the slab.

It is important to remember that the remainder adhesive solution It will not be possible to store it in a container. The mixture should be used immediately after preparation.

In order not to make a mistake with the compatibility of materials

What glue should I choose to reliably attach mineral wool to the wall without damaging the insulation? It is important to select materials so so that their compositions are optimally combined. To avoid mistakes, it is better to purchase mineral wool and dry glue from the same manufacturer.

Overview of adhesive for mineral slabs

Mounting compounds for mineral wool are available in two types:

  1. Dry mixture. This adhesive for gluing mineral wool requires dilution with water. It is applied to the insulation and distributed with a comb. The most popular options: EK Thermex, Ceresit CT180, Ceresit CT 190.
  2. Foam. It is packaged in small bottles, which simplifies the application process. The foam is applied around the perimeter of the insulation and in the center of the slab, without being smeared. The most commonly used are Ceresit CT 84 and Insta STIK.

Suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. It can be used to glue mineral wool, polystyrene foam and fiberglass mesh to horizontal and vertical surfaces. Adheres well to concrete, brick and plastered surfaces. It is characterized by high plasticity.

Adhesive Ceresit CT180

The composition includes polymer modifiers, cement and mineral fillers. Depending on the application method, the consumption of the Ceresit CT180 adhesive mixture ranges from 5 kg/m². It is characterized by high frost resistance - from 100 cycles. The frozen composition does not lose its properties at temperatures of -50°...+70°C.

Adhesive Ceresit CT190

There are 2 versions of this composition - summer and winter. Both assume the use of the mixture only at positive temperatures (+5°...+30°C and 0°...+15°C, respectively). Already 8 hours after installation of mineral wool using winter version Temperature reduction to -5°C is allowed.

Polyurethane glue

Packaged in cylinders. It sets faster than a solution prepared from a dry mixture. Possesses soundproofing properties. The use of polyurethane foam reduces the risk of mold and negative consequences from excess humidity. Withstands temperatures up to +90°C. Thanks to its closed-pore structure, it reduces the risk of destruction of the adhesive layer. Economical, but more expensive than dry analogues.

Practical tips

The following tips will increase the efficiency of insulation and speed up the installation process:

  1. Some houses have a heap - a protrusion at the bottom outer wall. In this case, when insulating, you can do without base profile, but waterproofing will still be needed.
  2. It is best to glue mineral wool to the wall in a checkerboard pattern. This will avoid the circulation of cold air at the joints of the plates.
  3. Glued mineral wool should not be left without cover. To avoid damage to the material, it must be protected with an insulating layer immediately after installation.
  4. To ensure that there are no lumps in the solution, the mixture must be mixed using a drill with a special attachment.
  5. To determine the reliability of the future thermal insulation layer, a test is carried out. IN different places The walls are glued with fragments of mineral wool measuring 10x10 cm. After 3 days they are torn off. Adhesion can be considered good if thermal insulation material partially remains on the wall.
  6. The optimal water temperature for preparing the solution is +15°…+20°C. Proportions depend on the manufacturer's recommendations.
  7. Before applying the façade adhesive composition it is allowed to brew for 5 minutes, then the solution is stirred again.

How to adhesively fix insulation boards

Before starting insulation, the surface must be cleaned of crumbling areas and ensure its strength. To improve adhesion, irregularities and joints of the plates are sanded with sandpaper. You cannot glue mineral wool to newly constructed walls. Brickwork must stand for at least 4 weeks before insulation, monolithic concrete- 3 months. The layer of the mixture depends on the curvature of the walls.