home · Tool · Density of mineral wool. Which is better: basalt or mineral wool? Mineral wool slabs density 50 kg m3

Density of mineral wool. Which is better: basalt or mineral wool? Mineral wool slabs density 50 kg m3

Mineral wool is used as a thermal insulation layer as professional builders, and by private individuals when constructing their own houses. It is a material made from fibers of metal slag and molten rocks.

Its distinctive features are good characteristics heat saving, easy and quick installation, versatility of use, Fire safety. It is for these qualities that builders love mineral wool so much. To choose the type of mineral wool suitable for insulation, you should determine its density.

What is the density of mineral wool

This indicator characterizes the number of fibers per 1 m3 of material. The density of mineral wool varies from 30 to 300 kg/m3, which directly affects its price. The denser mineral wool, the more expensive it costs. On cubic meter high density mineral wool accounts for large quantity fibers, which affects the consumption of raw materials. That is why manufacturers increase the price.

It is wrong to believe that the most the best option thermal insulation will be mineral wool of the highest density. For most structures in a private home, it is rational to use cheaper material.

Technical characteristics related to mineral wool density:

  1. Resistance to loads. The denser the cotton wool, the greater physical activity she can stand it. This rule does not apply to reinforced varieties.
  2. Preservation of the original shape during operation. The denser the layers of mineral wool, the better they retain their original appearance.
  3. Compression resistance force. The lower the density of the material, the more it is pressed. Mechanical impact on the thermal insulation layer involves the use of high-density mineral wool.

Many people believe that the denser the mineral wool, the thicker its layer. In fact, all sheets are the same thickness, only the number of fibers in each of them is different.

Also, the density of the material does not affect such indicators as:

  • Vapor barrier
  • Thermal insulation
  • Soundproofing

That is, mineral wool with a density of 100 kg/m3 has the same thermal insulation properties, as at 200 kg/m3.

Types of mineral wool

The name “mineral wool” combines three varieties. They are distinguished by the raw materials from which the material is produced.

  1. Glass wool. It is based on fibers up to 50 mm long, their thickness no more than 15 microns. This is the cheapest type of mineral wool. Glass threads give the insulation elasticity and strength. But working with glass wool is inconvenient: it is a fragile material, glass fibers break easily, get on the skin, in the eyes and Airways. If you install glass wool yourself, be sure to use protective equipment, including glasses.
  2. Slag-like. Hygroscopic material therefore cannot be used in wet areas, for finishing water and sewer pipes, for insulating the facade of houses. The material used is blast furnace waste, the fibers are about 16 mm long and no more than 12 microns thick.
  3. Stone wool. This is the most safe material, since stone threads are strong and do not break. Fiber dimensions – length 16 mm, thickness up to 12 microns.

The difference lies in the density and strength of the material. Also for glass, slag and stone wool different indicators of hygroscopicity, thermal conductivity, fire safety.

Application area

Mineral wool is a thermal insulation material widely used in the following areas.

  • Construction of houses. Mineral wool is a universal material, as it is suitable for finishing any surface - pitched and flat roofs, walls, floors, ceilings (Read also the article Installing a gable roof rafter system with your own hands). The walls are sheathed from the inside for insulation purposes, which allows you to save on heating costs. To insulate the facade, the material is attached to the outside of the house.Mineral wool is suitable for finishing roofs and floors. In addition to thermal insulation, it is additionally a sound insulating material. Mineral wool absorbs moisture, so waterproofing should be taken care of separately.
  • For pipe insulation. Plumbing, gas-carrying and sewer pipes require thermal insulation. Using mineral wool, access structures and street pipelines are insulated.

It is most convenient to use cotton wool in the form of slabs, as they are easy to install and transport and help hide small unevenness on surfaces.

How to use cotton wool with different densities

Based on density, four main types of mineral wool can be distinguished.

  1. Mats. Their density reaches 220 kg/m3, thickness - from 20 to 100 mm. The most durable variety, used for industrial purposes. With their help, pipes are insulated and equipment is thermally insulated. Mats are not used for private construction.

    Mineral mat is large stove, her standard sizes 500 x 1500 mm.

    The mineral wool is lined on both sides with fiberglass fabric, reinforcing mesh or bituminized paper.

  2. Felt. Density – from 75 to 150 kg/m3. A distinctive feature is synthetic impregnation, which improves thermal insulation parameters. Felt can be purchased in rolls or sheets. Most often used for finishing horizontal planes on construction sites, as well as for thermal insulation of utility lines.
  3. Semi-rigid slabs. Their production is carried out using a special technology. Cotton wool is mixed with bitumen or resin based on synthetic components, after which the material undergoes a pressing procedure. Density depends on the pressing force and varies from 75 to 300 kg/m3, sheet thickness - up to 200 mm, standard dimensions - 600 x 1000 mm. Semi-rigid slabs are suitable for arranging a heat-insulating layer on horizontal and inclined surfaces; there are restrictions only on temperature. If bitumen is used as a binding material, the mineral slab will withstand temperatures no higher than 60 degrees. Depending on the type of synthetic filler, mineral wool impregnated with it can withstand temperatures of up to 300 degrees.
  4. Rigid slabs. Density reaches 400 kg/m3, thickness – up to 100mm, dimensions 600 x 1000 mm. The composition includes mineral wool and a large proportion of synthetic resin. The material is pressed and polymerized, resulting in a hard mineral slab. Due to their rigidity, these slabs can easily be used for wall insulation. Installation will be quick and simple.

When choosing the appropriate type of mineral wool, be sure to consider the information from the manufacturer on the packaging. If you approach the choice of density professionally, then careful calculations are needed to determine the appropriate density of the insulation. In practice, the owners of houses under construction choose the density at their own discretion, based on previous experience, and on the advice of consultants.

When installing a thermal insulation layer made of mineral wool, you must remember about hydro-, vapor barrier and wind protection.

Mineral wool for frame house

Frame structures are erected quickly and easily, and mineral wool can be used as a thermal insulation layer. Mineral wool slabs are laid between wooden beams and sheathed on both sides finishing materials. Density for walls frame house must be at least 55 kg/m3. During construction, two layers of mineral wool are required. The first is laid directly between the frame beams, the second - from the outside.

For thermal insulation horizontal surfaces that will not be subject to any load, mineral wool with a density of 35 kg/m3 is sufficient. There is no point in buying denser and heavier varieties; they will only increase the load on the supporting structures.

Mineral wool remains one of the most common insulation materials in construction due to its excellent technical characteristics and attractive cost.

In the video you can see how to insulate a frame house with your own hands using mineral wool. The video clearly demonstrates this method of thermal insulation.

One of the parameters that people pay attention to when choosing insulation is density. What this or that indicator means and what characteristics of a heat-insulating material are affected by its density - this and much more will be discussed below.


Material density refers to weight of this substance, in one cubic meter of material. The unit of measurement is kg/m3 (kilogram per cubic meter). Another name for the density parameter is the specific gravity of the material.

Density indicators are determined by the quality of the connection between the molecules of the material. The stronger the insulation elements are connected, the higher its strength.

The easiest way to understand what density is is to look at mineral wool insulation. It can be loose and noticeably soft, disintegrating into fibers (material with low density, the molecules of which have weak bonds). You experience completely different sensations when touching mineral wool mats– their fibers are stiffer, but most importantly, they seem to be pressed together (more high density insulation).


Depending on what criterion is used as the basis for the classification, insulation materials are divided into different groups. In this article, we are interested in differentiation by density. In this case, allocate the following types thermal insulation materials:

  • Lungs. They have low weight and low thermal conductivity. This group primarily includes mineral wool materials.
  • Average. An example of such insulation is foam glass. Such thermal insulation materials usually produced in the form of slabs and blocks with high thermal and sound insulation.
  • Tough. This is a dense insulation material, usually obtained by pressing, for example, mineral wool mats. In addition to low thermal conductivity, they are characterized by moisture resistance and the ability to withstand heavy loads.


As already mentioned, all thermal insulation materials are divided into several types depending on their specific gravity. The scope of its application depends on the latter.

The table clearly reflects this:

Density class

Density indicators

Scope of application

11–35 kg/m3

Lightweight and elastic materials that are used to insulate roofs and roofing.

35–75 kg/m3

Wall insulation – thermal insulation of walls, partitions, frame structures.

75–100 kg/m3

Wrapping of oil pipelines and heating mains.

100–125 kg/m3

External thermal insulation under a ventilated facade

125–150 kg/m3

Insulation of concrete and brick walls, interfloor ceilings

150–175 kg/m3

Cladding of load-bearing structures

175–225 kg/m3

Placed under the subfloor screed in front of finishing, are durable and fire resistant.

It is important that individual species insulation materials have their own classification depending on their specific gravity. For example, according to GOST, foam plastic is divided into grades PSB 15 (density less than 15 kg/m3), PSB 25 (indicators 15–25 kg/m3), PSB 35 (specific gravity from 25 to 35 kg/m3) and PSB 50 ( 50 kg/m3 or more).

The classification of mineral wool by hardness is as follows:

  • P-75(material density, respectively, 75 kg/m3) suitable for lightly loaded and horizontal surfaces;
  • P-125(the specific gravity of this wool is 125 kg/m3, but insulation with a density of 110, 120 and 130 kg/m3 also belongs to this type) wall insulation;
  • PZh-175(density indicators are clear from the name) – high-density material for external cladding;
  • PZh-200(specific gravity is 200 kg/m3 and above) – used for outdoor work, has increased fire resistance.

It is worth noting that there are also wools that are less dense than P-75. Their specific gravity is 60–70 kg/m3.

Comparison of parameters

Different types of insulation have different average densities.

  • Mineral wool insulation have a density from 30 to 200 kg/m3, which ensures their versatility - you can choose the material for any area of ​​the house.
  • Maximum density of foamed polyethylene is 25 kg/m3, while the material is quite thin - 8–10 mm. An increase in density to 55 kg/m3 is achieved through the use of a foil layer on one side. Interestingly, its appearance only slightly increases the density of the product, significantly increasing the thermal efficiency of the material. This is ensured by the ability of the foil coating to reflect up to 97% of thermal energy.

  • Popular material for insulation Styrofoam has a specific gravity of 80–160 kg/m3, and extruded polystyrene foam – 28 to 35 kg/m3. It is no coincidence that the latter is one of the lightest materials for thermal insulation, which also has low thermal conductivity.
  • Due to the peculiarities of the composition and application technology (sprayed with a semi-liquid mass onto the surface, after which it hardens), penoizol also has a low density - 10 kg/m3. However, like most of similar materials, requires additional protection at least a layer of plaster.
  • A wide range of specific gravity indicators is also characteristic of for foam glass– foamed or cellular glass. Interestingly, the standard values ​​are 200–400 kg/m3, and the lightweight version has a density of 100–200 kg/m3. In combination with high thermal efficiency, because the thermal conductivity coefficient is equal to similar values ​​of mineral wool, the material can be used for insulation façade structures a lightweight version, that is, having less weight and cost.

Effect on properties

Most of the characteristics of insulation are interrelated. Thus, the density indicator affects thermal conductivity.

As you know, air is the best heat insulator. A large number of air bubbles located between randomly directed fibers of mineral wool insulation, for example, stone wool. However, if you increase the specific gravity of the material (in essence, compress the fibers more), the volume of air bubbles will decrease, which will lead to increased thermal conductivity.

However, the relationship between density and thermal conductivity is determined by the structure of the material. For example, when the density of polystyrene foam changes, the volume of air contained in its capsules remains unchanged. This means that thermal conductivity does not change in any way when the density of the insulation changes.

But a change in specific gravity always affects sound insulation. This is due to the fact that as the air permeability of the heat insulator decreases, its noise-absorbing properties increase.

In other words, the denser the material, the better sound insulation it is characterized. However, as the density increases, the weight and thickness of the material also increases. It becomes uncomfortable to work with him.

The way out of this situation will be the use of special thermal insulation panels with improved soundproofing properties. This can be light glass wool or basalt insulation with twisted thin and long fibers. In this case, the density of the material may not exceed 50 kg/m3.

There is no doubt that there is a connection between the parameter under consideration and the thickness of the insulation. The higher its density, the more thin layer required to achieve the required thermal effect.

Strength indicators are also related to the ability of the material to withstand heavy loads, and the relationship here is directly proportional. In this regard, denser materials should be used in loaded areas. This is the only way to avoid deformation of the insulation.

Finally, the method of its installation depends on the specific gravity of the insulation. Thus, lightweight, low-density heat insulators can be used between the joists and sheathing elements. If this same option is mounted on walls, it will simply slide off, so the choice is made in favor of more durable mats and sheets.

In addition, dense insulation does not require additional mechanical protection, they are strong enough to withstand mechanical stress. And more friable materials - polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, mineral wool - always need additional protection.

How to choose and where to apply?

The density of the material should be selected primarily taking into account the scope of its application. When it comes to wall cladding, the type of cladding material should also be taken into account. Thus, for facades lined with siding, lightweight insulation materials (40–90 kg/m3) can be used. If you plan to apply plaster, the specific gravity of the insulation should be increased to 140–160 kg/m3.

For pitched roofs Insulation with a density of up to 45 kg/m3 is sufficient, while flat roof, subjected to increased loads, requires a more “serious” heat insulator. For mineral wool insulation, this figure will be no less than 150 kg/m3, for polystyrene foam insulation – no less than 40 kg/m3. Under the subfloor you need the most dense insulation, at least 180 kg/m3, and light, loose insulation can be laid between the joists, since they take the entire load.

When choosing insulation depending on its density, you should take into account such criteria as:

  • types of work (external or internal insulation);
  • material installation method;
  • the load to which the insulation is subjected;
  • average temperature indicators in the winter season;
  • the need for sound insulation.

When choosing insulation, it is important to rely not only on its technical indicators, but also on the authority and fame of the manufacturer. Preference should be given to long-lived companies whose products for a long time is located construction market and gets positive reviews buyers.

The products of some companies have small selection materials depending on density. Yes, in lines Ursa There is practically no insulation whose density is higher than 35 kg/m3.

Most famous brands (Isover, Rockwool) produce both light and rigid insulation - a special type for each type of work, including for loaded ventilation facades.

When paying attention to specific products, you should carefully study the instructions for the material, paying attention not only to the density indicators, but also to the scope of application. So, in the Isover line there are slabs medium density(50-80 kg m3), which, however, are suitable for insulating facade systems.

Also of interest are slabs that combine two textures - their outer side is denser, harder, the inner side is loose and soft. The use of such materials provides high-quality thermal insulation, allows you to reduce the load on the building, and also allows you to apply plaster directly on top of the insulation.

HeatKNAUF Cottage and Cottage +

Heat insulation materials KNAUF Cottage are mineral wool thermal insulation materials of a new generation, the use of which is beneficial for those who want to save on heating their private home and at the same time make their home cozy and comfortable for living.

HeatKNAUF Dacha

Insulation and soundproofing materials HeatKNAUF Dacha is an excellent opportunity to save on the price of materials without losing quality characteristics and durability in cases where you want to insulate a pitched roof, floors, partitions, etc.

HeatKNAUF Home and Home +

HeatKNAUF House is an inexpensive, but environmentally friendly, durable and extremely easy to install insulation material, which is in demand in private housing construction for heat and sound insulation various designs. Using HeatKNAUF House you save three times: when purchasing materials, during installation and paying bills for energy spent on heating.

Isobox Extralight

Isobox Extralight is highly effective thermal insulation of any structures in which the insulation is not loaded during operation. Isobox Extralight lasts as long as possible and is absolutely reliable, plus it is quite inexpensive. Isobox Extralight - lightweight insulation for reliable thermal insulation!


Do you need inexpensive but high-quality insulation? Mineral wool boards Isobelperfect solution. After all, Isobel is ecological cleanliness, non-flammability, high noise and thermal insulation characteristics, excellent vapor permeability, durability. And all this according low prices. Order Isobel now and enjoy savings on heating for decades.


Rocklight - high quality mineral wool slabs, intended for insulation and sound insulation of any structures, during the operation of which the insulation will not be loaded. In demand - for floors, attics, external walls and internal partitions, pitched roofs, etc. Rocklight insulation - the price is much lower than the quality!

Isolite L (size 40)

Isolite L– inexpensive mineral and non-flammable insulation, which you can easily use for – floors between joists, attic spaces, pitched roofs, interfloor ceilings, that is, wherever the insulation is not loaded during operation. Save maximum heat indoors!

Isolite (pl.50)

ISOLIGHT- Lightweight and durable, easy to install and reliable in operation, hydrophobic mineral wool insulation Izolyte This is an excellent solution for thermal insulation of any structures where the insulation will be protected from mechanical loads. Choose Isolite if you want the heat in your home to last for a long time!

Technolight EXTRA

Technolight EXTRA– this non-flammable mineral wool solves the issue of heat and sound insulation in residential and industrial structures where there is no external load on itself thermal insulation board. It is applied for pitched roof, in floors along joists, between floors and interior partitions, in attics and attics.
Density: 30-38 kg/m3

Technolight OPTIMA

Technolight OPTIMA– highly efficient mineral wool insulation that will perfectly retain heat in any room or building. It is used in cases where it will not be subject to external influences and loads. Technolight OPTIMA is an excellent solution for insulating floors between joists, frame partitions, attics, attics. To keep warm in winter, you need to start insulating now!

Isorok P 75 (size 65)

Isorok P 75 are inexpensive semi-rigid mineral wool slabs that reliably retain heat, serve for a long time and reliably. Isorok P 75 offers versatility of use and a huge number of advantages, both during operation and installation. Isorok P 75 – keep maximum heat in your home!

Rockwool Light Butts

Rockwool Light Butts are mineral wool boards for insulating non-load-bearing surfaces. This material is produced by special technology Flexi, which distinguishes it from its analogues, since this technology greatly simplifies the installation of mineral wool slabs inside any frame. Rockwool Light Butts – reliable insulation, which are easy and simple to install!

Baswool Vent Facade

Mineral wool BASWOOL VENT FACADE is created from molten rocks of the basalt group, thanks to which this insulation for a ventilated facade can safely be called environmentally friendly. But good thermal insulation– is far from the only trump card Basvul has. We will now tell you about its main advantages!

Rockwool Cavity Butts

Rockwool Cavity Butts is a lightweight insulation for walls made using three-layer technology. Due to low thermal conductivity, light weight, and hydrophobicity, this material will not only perfectly protect walls from heat loss, but will also serve for as long as possible. Rockwool Kaviti Butts - insulates walls efficiently and for a long time!

Technoblock STANDARD

Mineral wool boards Technoblock This insulation material for frame walls, including external walls, as well as for thermal insulation of walls made of layered (well) masonry. The material is perfect for both vertical and horizontal surfaces.

Rockwool Acoustic Butts

Rockwool Acoustic Butts are special mineral wool boards for soundproofing rooms. Their special composition and modern production technology make it possible to reduce the noise level in any room to a minimum. Rockwool Acoustic Butts – reliable sound absorption for long years!

Rockwool Venti Butts D

Mineral wool slabs Rockwool Venti Butts D are a special thermal insulation solution for ventilated facades. The material, on the one hand, is hard, on the other hand, a softer and lighter plate. Thus, there is no need to spend money and time on installing two-layer thermal insulation systems. There is also no need to use windproof materials on top of Rockwool Venti Butts D. Rockwool Venti Butts D – high tech allow you to save without losing quality!

Isovent - L (sq. 80)

Isovent mineral wool boards are high-quality thermal insulation for ventilated facades of buildings for various purposes, as well as for walls made using well or layered masonry. If you are looking for reliable insulation that will last for decades without replacement, then Isovent is an excellent solution!

Technovent STANDARD

Technovent STANDARD– highly reliable, durable, special mineral wool insulation for ventilated facades. Its use guarantees a long period of heat and sound insulation without replacement or new financial investments. Technovent STANDARD – for the best facades choose best insulation!

Rockwool Venti Butts

Using these mineral wool boards, you can make durable, high-quality and reliable thermal insulation of a ventilated facade, either in one layer or in two, using Rockwool Venti Butts as the outer insulation layer. The use of Rockwool Venti Butts is economical, because this material does not require the mandatory use of windproof materials. Rockwool Venti Butts is an effective and economical insulation for ventilated facades!

Isophas (sq. 110)

Have you decided to insulate the facade using the “wet” method? Mineral wool boards Isophas – The best decision, because Isophase has excellent thermal insulation characteristics, non-flammability, strength, durability and ease of processing. In winter, the house is warm - if it is insulated with Isophas material!

Technovent OPTIMA

Mineral wool boards Technovent OPTIMAgreat choice for ventilated facades. These materials are designed for a long service life, maximum heat retention in rooms, have excellent hydrophobic and fireproof characteristics, plus they are not of interest to rodents. Technovent OPTIMA - reliable insulation for ventilated facades!

Rockwool Roof Butts N OPTIMA

Rockwool Roof Butts N are high-strength mineral wool boards for flat load-bearing roofs. This material can be laid directly on the base of the roof without a protective screed. It can withstand heavy loads, is non-flammable and excellently retains heat and protects against noise. Rockwool Roof Butts N - reliable insulation and time saving Money.

Izoruf N (size 130)

Izoruf N This is a high-quality and reliable insulation for flat roofs with a base made of reinforced concrete or corrugated board. It is used in two-layer insulation systems as a lower thermal insulation layer. The use of Izoruf N materials means saving money without loss of quality. Make your roof warm with Izoruf N and save time and money!

Technovent PROF

Insulation Technovent PROF this is the best solution when choosing mineral wool boards for ventilated facades. Technovent PROF is produced according to the most modern technologies and in accordance with the highest quality standards, so you can be absolutely sure when using it in “ventilated facade” systems that you will get maximum efficiency, reliability and durability. Technovent PROF – the choice of professionals!

Rockwool Facade Butts OPTIMA

Rockwool Facade Butts are reliable, durable and easy-to-install mineral wool boards for external insulation of façade walls under plaster. This material is characterized by strength, rigidity and fire safety, so it can be used on the facades of any buildings. Rockwool Facade Butts - all the heat remains in the room and does not escape through the walls!

In the process of building houses and cottages, various types of insulation are used.

And if you are building or reconstructing your home yourself, then sooner or later you will be faced with the question of which insulation to choose?

On the market today building materials a huge selection of manufacturers and brands of insulation.

All of them are designed for flooring, flooring and much more.

Insulation is selected according to its technical characteristics.

Characteristics :

The main parameter of insulation characteristics, which will be discussed in our article today, is density. The density of the insulation varies from 11 to 400 kg/m3.

Classification of insulation by density level

Usually everyone remembers school physics and associates the density of insulation with weight and mass.

The heavier the better, but this does not always follow true, depending on what factors and what operating conditions.

The choice of insulation directly depends on the budget, as paradoxical as it may sound, and of course the load on the structure as a whole or on a specific element.

Based on the density of the material, the following classification is distinguished:

Extra light

There are also brands with non-uniform hardness, one side compacted with outside, and the second is soft on the inside.

The density and thickness of the insulation has a direct relationship. That is for different types floors required various insulation materials, both in thickness and in terms of thermal insulation density and.

From here we conclude that the thickness depends on its application:

  • For roofing – 20-30 cm.
  • For the basement - 5-15 cm.
  • For the attic - 10-15 cm.
  • For external walls – 5-10 cm.

The denser the material, the thinner the thickness.

Comparison of insulation materials

And now we will compare some insulation materials.

Mineral wool

One of universal materials, density varies from 30 to 200 kg/m3.

Almost all structural elements of buildings. Available in water slabs, mats, rolls.

Majority large manufacturers mineral wool (TechnoNIKOL, Knauf, Izorok) produce mineral insulation.

There are also manufacturers who produce mineral wool with certain characteristics.

Ursa, Knauf produce materials with a density from 11 to 35 kg/m3, which are suitable only for roofing work.

Polyethylene foam

Has a density of up to 25 kg/m3, used as a substrate for finishing flooring. There are options using foil, they have a density of about 55 kg/m3, they are mainly used for walls.


The density ranges from 80 to 160 kg/m3, and is used for insulating walls and floors where sufficient strength is required. Available in the form of slabs of various sizes.

We must remember that for each object under construction, individual calculations are made for the choice of insulation. We recommend purchasing insulation from time-tested manufacturers.


The average price of insulation per 1 m2 practically does not depend on the manufacturer and with a thickness of 50 mm is on average 100 rubles.

Every time we talk about insulating a house, a lot of questions arise, including the question: which insulation is better to choose? Is this or that insulation suitable for insulating walls, facades, floors, baths?

After reading this article, you will learn:

  • what is the difference between glass wool and basalt insulation (stone wool);
  • which is better, mineral wool or basalt;
  • pros and cons of mineral wool;
  • pros and cons of basalt wool;
  • what is the density of insulation;
  • which insulation is more suitable for your task;

Mineral wool. Types of cotton wool.

Mineral wool is an environmentally friendly product that is produced in accordance with GOST 31913-2011 (EN ISO 9229:2007) “Thermal insulating materials and products. Terms and Definitions" through various weaves of mineral fibers and environmentally friendly additives.

Depending on the technological process production and type of mineral additives, mineral wool is divided into:

  • Glass wool- the basis of ecological raw materials, broken glass waste;
  • Stone wool- the basis of ecological raw materials, igneous gabbro-basalt rocks;
  • Slag wool- the basis of ecological raw materials, blast furnace slag (processing of production waste).

Pros and cons of insulation

As with any material, various types Mineral wool has its pros and cons.

Pros and cons of glass wool

Pros and cons of stone wool

Pros and cons of slag wool

What is the density of insulation? Why is it important to pay attention to it?

Insulation density- this is the most important indicator of mineral wool, which is responsible for the rigidity of the insulation and where it can be used.

It is always measured in kilograms per cubic meter, and can vary from 15 to 220 kg/m?.
The greater the density of the mineral wool slab, the stiffer the slab, and therefore the ability to resist deformation under loads and own weight, formation of cracks and loss of technical characteristics.

That is why it is very important to pay attention to this indicator, because... It depends on what surface it can be insulated with.

What density of insulation should be?

This question is asked by everyone who is just starting to understand home insulation, because... Due to different production technologies, this indicator can vary greatly, and due to the wide variety it is very easy to get confused.

So, let's figure out what density it is and where it can be used.

Mineral slabs with a density of 10-20 kg/m3- this is, as a rule, glass wool insulation in the form of rolls:

  • And others

The exceptions are basalt slabs ROCKWOOL Economy, whose density is 23-29 kg/m3.

Usually in slabs with a density of 10-20 kg/m3 insulate:

  • walls,
  • frame floors,
  • non-load-bearing horizontal pitched roofs,
  • floors on joists,
  • attic attic,
  • other designs in country houses, where there are no heavy loads on the insulated surface.

Mineral slabs with a density of 30-200 kg/m3- this is insulation not made from glass wool, but from mountain basalt rocks, which is much denser than ordinary glass wool. Almost all basalt insulation is produced in slabs, with the exception of technical insulation, such as: Rockwool Wired MAT, mats with a density of 50-105 kg/m3 (designed for thermal insulation of air duct and pipeline systems, as well as industrial and energy equipment).

Basalt insulation with a density of 30-50 kg/m3
- These are well-compressed, non-rigid packaged slabs that are the softest in their class. They are usually used only for indoor insulation, namely, for insulation:

  • walls with frame ceilings,
  • floors with joists,
  • saunas and baths,
  • attics and roofs with frame ceilings,
  • other, non-loaded, smooth and flat surfaces inside the room.

The most famous insulation products from this category are: Parok Extra, Rockwool Light Butts, Rockwool Sauna, Rockwool Tech Butts, Rockwool Acoustic Butts, Rockwool Light Butts Scandic, TechnoNIKOL Rocklight and others.

Basalt slabs with a density of 50-100 kg/m3- these are already medium-density slabs that can already be used for external thermal insulation houses to create ventilated facades.

Suitable for these purposes: Rockwool Venti Butts D, Rockwool Tech Butts and others.

Basalt insulation with a density of 100-150 kg/m3
- these are rigid slabs that are resistant to deformation and are perfect for finishing non-ventilated facades (where there will be reinforcement and subsequent plastering) and facades finished with siding panels. This category is: TechnoNIKOL TechnoFas and others.

Basalt mineral wool with a density of 175-200 kg/m3
- it's very tough mineral slabs which are used for concrete screed and in places where the insulated surface has special requirements.

The most popular insulation with this density: ROCKWOOL Roof Butts B and others.

Video review of insulation. Features that you should pay attention to when purchasing.


Insulating a house, balcony, attic or floor is not such an easy task, because... you need to have tools and certain skills in construction, as well as a good understanding of the technical characteristics of a particular insulation material, primarily regarding its density, thermal conductivity and water resistance.

Couldn't make a choice? No problem, contact our consultants for help, they will be happy to help you choose suitable option insulation for your task, and, if necessary, organize prompt delivery to the site. Call us, we will always be happy to help you.