home · Lighting · Technical characteristics of TechnoNIKOL insulation materials and their scope of application. TechnoNIKOL - insulation made of stone (basalt) wool Installation of TechnoNIKOL basalt stone wool indoors

Technical characteristics of TechnoNIKOL insulation materials and their scope of application. TechnoNIKOL - insulation made of stone (basalt) wool Installation of TechnoNIKOL basalt stone wool indoors

Stone wool is one of the varieties of mineral wool. It is produced from gabbro-basalt rocks and is widely used mainly in construction. It is used in the construction of buildings and structures as a heat and sometimes sound insulator. One of the most common domestic market stamps basalt wool is TechnoNIKOL.

This material has earned its popularity due to its not too high cost and unique technical characteristics.

How it is made

In production mineral wool"TechnoNIKOL" rock is pre-loaded into melting furnaces and heats up to a temperature of 1400-1500 degrees. Next, the molten rock mass is poured into a special centrifuge.

Here, spinning tops rotating at speeds of up to 7000 rpm tear it into small fibers. During this procedure binders are poured into the centrifuge. At the next stage, the fibers already impregnated with phenol-formaldehyde resin enter the lamella machine and are formed into a carpet of a given thickness.

Mineral wool of the TechnoNIKOL brand is manufactured by the domestic company of the same name, founded at the end of the last century. On this moment it includes more than 20 enterprises and 120 retail outlets operating throughout the country. Mineral wool from this manufacturer is made from quality materials on modern equipment, and therefore enjoys enormous popularity not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Scope of application

Mineral wool from this manufacturer is used, like any other, most often for insulation of building envelopes: walls or roofs. It is also used for insulating doors, pipelines, attic and attic floors etc.

The main advantage of mineral wool in comparison with another popular insulation material today, expanded polystyrene, is considered to be non-flammability. Therefore, it can also be used to insulate chimneys when passing them through ceilings and roofs.

Some disadvantage of this material is its hydrophilicity. moisture stone wool absorbs very well. However TechnoNIKOL brand plates in this regard, they are considered quite reliable and of high quality. During the production process, they are impregnated with special hydrophobic compounds, which significantly increases their resistance to moisture significantly.

Types of TechnoNIKOL cotton wool

Today, this company produces several types of basalt wool intended for different purposes. So, for example, for roof insulation the option can be used "Tekhnoruf", and for the facade - "Technofas". Technoacoustic wool is used for soundproofing doors, ceilings, etc. The most popular type of slabs from this manufacturer is TechnoNIKOL Rocklight - universal material with moisture-resistant additives, which can be used for insulation or sound insulation of almost any structure.


When purchasing this type of insulation, you usually pay attention to such properties as:

Basically, the characteristics of wool from all TechnoNIKOL lines are similar. Differences exist only in such parameters as density and thermal conductivity. For example, the varieties used for floor insulation are usually rigid and can withstand heavy loads (weight concrete screed). To insulate facades and roofs, softer materials are often used, but characterized by good elasticity. After all, they are installed without fastenings between frame elements. Very dense cotton wool is also used for plaster. But for wrapping pipes, soft flexible TechnoNIKOL wool is usually used.

Coefficient of thermal conductivity

This indicator for TechnoNIKOL stone wool, depending on the variety, can range from 0.034 to 0.047 W/m*S. That is, 10 cm of this material can save heat is as good as 38 cm of timber or 140 cm of brick. Insulation of structures with TechnoNIKOL wool is usually carried out in 1-2 layers. Walls and roofs in middle lane Russia is most often insulated with slabs 10 cm thick. For joist floors and pipes, 50 mm material in two layers is usually used.

Density of slabs

Not only the thermal conductivity coefficient, but also its price largely depends on this characteristic of wool. The fact is that more rigid slabs of the same thickness require more basalt fiber. For TechnoNIKOL stone wool, the density, as already mentioned, can vary greatly depending on the purpose of a particular line. Thus, the universal “Rocklight” and “Technolight”, used for insulating structures that are not subject to loads, have a density of 30-40 kg/m3. For slabs of the Technoflor line, used for insulating floors under screed, it can reach 81-185 kg/m3.

Material cost

The price for dense materials of this brand is approximately 3000-4000 rubles. This is quite a lot, but such slabs are usually used in small quantities. The price for lightweight TechnoNIKOL materials varies only between 500-800 rubles per 1 m³.

Degree of vapor permeability

It's also very important characteristic mineral wool. The easier the slabs allow vapor to pass through, the better the microclimate will be in the rooms insulated by them. Besides, material with a high degree of vapor permeability and itself usually lasts longer. Indeed, in this case, water molecules do not stay on its surface for a long time.

Since Technonikol wool consists of 95-99% air, it can transmit steam very well. The degree of permeability of slabs of this brand is 0.3−0.6 mg/(m.h.Pa). For comparison: even polystyrene foam the best manufacturers this figure is only 0.015−0.019 mg/(m.h.Pa).

Degree of water absorption and fire-resistant properties

Since various types of hydrophobic additives are used in the production of TechnoNIKOL stone wool, it can retain moisture quite well. The water absorption level of this material is 1−2%. This is significantly less than many other brands of stone wool.

Because the mineral slabs- the material is non-flammable, they can also be used for insulating structures in areas where there is a high risk of fire. Flammability class of TechnoNIKOL stone wool - N.G. That is, these stoves do not burn at all under any circumstances. Wool fibers of this brand begin to melt at temperatures from 1000 C. Therefore, the manufacturer recommends using it as insulation at operating temperatures up to +400 C.

In the event of a fire, mineral wool can temporarily become an obstacle to the spread of heat and fire. At the same time, it retains other materials that are less resistant to fire. This is actually an important and useful quality. After all, during a fire, when saving people, every minute is often precious.

How long can it last?

TechnoNIKOL stone wool, the price of which is quite reasonable, can retain its excellent performance characteristics for decades even in the most unfavorable conditions. The minimum service life of this material is 50 years. That is, having installed it once, you won’t have to worry about insulating your house for almost the rest of your life.

Such a long service life of stone wool from this manufacturer is explained primarily by its excellent characteristics. Basalt fibers, just like phenol-formaldehyde resins, do not rot or undergo biological corrosion. In addition, unlike expanded polystyrene, mice do not gnaw through their passages.

However, of course, the material will last a long time only if it is installed correctly. Installation of Technoninokol mineral wool, like any other, despite its moisture resistance, only with the use of reliable hydro- and vapor barriers.

Characteristics of Rocklight cotton wool

The price for the most popular type of material of this brand is 350 rubles per sheet with a thickness of 1200 × 600 × 50 mm. The properties of Rocklight cotton wool are as follows:

As you can see, TechnoNIKOL wool has simply remarkable performance characteristics. Since its price is not too high, and it can serve for decades, use it to insulate a house, balcony, garage or suburban system water supply is definitely worth it.

3804 07/27/2019 5 min.

Stone wool is one of the most popular insulation materials from the mineral wool category. Gabbro-basalt rocks are used for manufacturing, and the resulting product has found active use in the field of construction. Used to obtain high-quality heat and sound insulation layer. On modern construction market The most common is TechnoNIKOL basalt wool.


When producing insulation, specialists use rocks, or rather gabbro-basalt raw materials. Thus, the resulting heat insulator is not affected by fire. The fibers can only melt smoothly when they are affected by a temperature of 1000 degrees. Thanks to this property, TechnoNIKOL mineral wool began to be used to protect houses from destruction and deformation in a fire.

The photo shows TechnoNIKOL stone wool:

Detailed description

Before purchasing TechnoNIKOL stone wool, you need to familiarize yourself with its technical characteristics in more detail.

Coefficient of thermal conductivity

This stone criterion may vary depending on the type of material. Be within the range of 0.034 to 0.047 W/m*S. Thus, it becomes clear that 10 cm of insulation can preserve thermal energy as good as 38 cm of timber or 140 cm of brick.

The photo shows the thermal conductivity of TechnoNIKOL stone wool:

The insulation process using TechnoNIKOL wool is carried out in 1-2 layers.

Density of slabs

This characteristic of the material is determined by the thermal conductivity coefficient. If we consider the material Rocklight and Technolight, then its density is 30-40 kg/m3, but the material Technoflor, which is used to insulate the floor under the screed, this figure is 81-185 kg/m3.

Degree of vapor permeability

This characteristic is also one of the main ones. The lighter the material, the better its vapor permeability. Consequently, the microclimate in the house will be comfortable for living.

In addition, insulation with high vapor permeability rates has a longer service life. This is due to the fact that water molecules do not retain steam on their surface for long. Since TechnoNIKOL wool consists of 99% air, it allows steam to pass through perfectly. The degree of permeability of the material will be 0.3−0.6 mg/(m.h.Pa).

Degree of water absorption and fire-resistant properties

Since specialists used various additives in the production of TechnoNIKOL stone wool, the resulting material can perfectly retain moisture. The water absorption level of the heat insulator will be 1-2%.

Since TechnoNIKOL mineral slabs are non-flammable material, then it is advisable to use them for thermal insulation in those houses where there is a high risk of fire. TechnoNIKOL slabs are not combustible, and the melting process occurs only at a temperature of 1000 degrees.

If a fire occurs, TechnoNIKOL stone wool will be able to delay the spread of the flame for some time. Moreover, it protects against fire and other materials that are less resistant to fire. But what is the thermal conductivity of mineral wool and how is it determined. information from this will help you understand

On video - technical characteristics and TechnoNIKOL stone wool:

Life time

The service life of TechnoNIKOL mineral wool is quite long even under unfavorable conditions. The minimum service life is 50 years. This result is achieved due to the fact that the material has excellent characteristics. Basalt fibers do not rot or corrode. In addition, rodents are not scary for them. But the service life of the material can only be increased if it is installed correctly. So during installation you must take care of hydro and vapor barrier.

But the video from this article will help you understand how basalt wool differs from mineral wool and what is better to choose for your construction project:


Today TechnoNIKOL mineral wool is presented in a wide range, which allows developers to choose the most successful option under certain operating conditions.


This thermal insulation material is presented in the form of lightweight hydrophobized basalt slabs. Experts used resin to attach the fibers. The material is not subject to combustion and moisture, and is used to provide heat and sound insulation for structures that are concentrated at different slopes.

The photo shows TechnoNIKOL Rocklight stone wool:

This version of stone wool is used in great demand for low-rise construction. The cost is 1300 rubles per m3.


This material is presented in the form of long slabs that are rolled into a roll. In addition to the advantages inherent in mineral wool, Teploroll perfectly protects the house from noise. The material is used to insulate roofs, attics, and floors in residential buildings.

The photo shows TechnoNIKOL Teploroll stone wool:

The cost is 1600 rubles per m3.


The photo shows TechnoNIKOL Technoacoustic stone wool:

These boards have excellent moisture and fire resistance properties. The popularity of stone wool is that it has excellent soundproofing qualities. Technoacoustic can be used when arranging residential and non-residential buildings.

Mono can be used to create sound insulation in cafes, restaurants and nightclubs. The cost is 3000 rubles per m3.


This material is non-flammable and has excellent heat and sound insulation qualities. The base is basalt wool with a low phenol content. The material is used to construct the middle layer in layered walls.

The photo shows TechnoNIKOL stone wool Technoblock for fire protection:

The cost is 1800 rubles per m3.


This type of mineral wool is also non-flammable. It is used for thermal insulation of house facades for further finishing with plaster. It perfectly absorbs materials that are used for finishing cladding. The cost is 60,000 rubles per m3.

The photo shows TechnoNIKOL Technofas stone wool for plaster:

But what technical characteristics of Isover mineral wool exist and what they are are described in this

But what are the properties of polystyrene foam and expanded polystyrene and how these insulation materials differ from each other is described in detail here

It will also be interesting to know what it is. For those who want to know more about the exact materials, it is worth reading the contents of the article.

TechnoNIKOL is one of the leaders in the stone (basalt) wool market.

This is the largest Russian corporation that produces this type of thermal insulation at its own 6 factories located from Ryazan to Khabarovsk: 1. TECHNO plant, Ryazan, 2. Basalit plant - DV, Khabarovsk, 3. TECHNO plant, Zainsk, 4. JSC "AKSI", Chelyabinsk, 5. TECHNO plant, Cherkassy, ​​6. TECHNO plant, Yurga.

Such a wide geography of plants allows TechnoNIKOL to play a significant role throughout Russian market stone (basalt) wool.

TechnoNIKOL stone wool insulation

About company

The company has its own Research Center, which expands the range of TechnoNIKOL stone (basalt) wool and improves the properties of existing products. For example, this center developed ESBE technology. When producing stone wool using this technology, a system of electrodes operates around the injection nozzles, which creates a weak charge on microscopic drops of the binder. This ensures the stability of the particle size of the air-droplet mixture and its uniformity. In this way, the thermal insulation fibers are processed more evenly and completely.

TechnoNIKOL produces thermal insulation for insulating buildings and structures, as well as fire protection and technical insulation based on stone (basalt) wool.

TechnoNIKOL presents several brands to the market.

All technical insulation and fire protection is called: TechnoNIKOL. General building insulation is represented by the following brands:

  1. Techno,
  2. Basolite,
  3. AXI;
  4. Heat roll.
  5. A separate brand represents lightweight stone (basalt) wool Rocklight. But at its core, it is an economical option for Techno light stone wool.


All thermal insulation of the TechnoNIKOL company based on stone (basalt) wool is characterized by excellent thermal insulation properties. The thermal conductivity at 25 °C for all products of this company is in the range of 0.035 - 0.042 W/(m °C).

The most famous and popular thermal insulation brand of the TechnoNIKOL company is Techno stone (basalt) wool.

A wide range of Techno stone wool allows you to insulate almost any structure of any residential or production premises. Unless the insulation of the foundation cannot be done with stone wool.

Various brands of Technolight allow you to insulate and soundproof attics, frame partitions, floors when laying insulation between joists, and attic floors.

Technolight, like Technoblock, can be used as an internal thermal insulation layer in a ventilation facade with two-layer insulation. Technoblock is also used for heat and sound insulation of layered masonry, frame walls.

Technovent — optimal solution for insulation of ventilated facade systems.

TechnoNIKOL Corporation began its development with production roofing systems. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the assortment of Techno stone (basalt) wool includes a wide range of “roofs” - special slabs for flat roofing.

Techno roofs are represented by the following brands:

These brands are popular among builders who lay roofs on large shopping centers, car dealerships, and multi-story buildings. residential buildings. And due to their specific nature, they are in little demand by private consumers.

Technosandwich slabs are intended for companies involved in the production of sandwich panels, as well as concrete and reinforced concrete wall panels. Stone wool slabs from the Technosandwich series are also not intended for use in private housing construction.

The same cannot be said about stone wool from the Technofas series. Wet thin film system plaster facade popular both among professional builders and private owners.

TechnoNIKOL has a wide range of these products:

  1. Technofas,
  2. Technofas L,
  3. Technofas Extra,
  4. Technofas Effect.

The Techno line also includes special products for heat and sound insulation of floating floors and heated floors. This is a Technoflor stone slab. It is also more popular among professional builders.

TechnoNIKOL has in its assortment a special plate that has high sound-absorbing properties. This is Technoacoustic stone (basalt) wool.

The Basalit brand is not represented in such a wide range as Techno.

Basalite Sandwich is used in the manufacture of wall and roofing three-layer panels with metal facings.

Brands of stone (basalt) wool of the Basalit PT series are used for thermal insulation of roofing structures in coverings made of reinforced concrete or metal profiled flooring.

Basalite mats MP 75 are used for insulation of heating networks and industrial pipelines. These mats do not have a binder, so they can be used on objects with high temperatures.

Basalit L-50 and Baalit L-75 can also be used by private owners for these purposes. But these slabs have greater density, greater strength and reliability. Accordingly, the price of Basalit L-50 is higher than that of Basalit L-30. And Basalit L-75 is even higher. Special purpose for Basalit L-50 and L-75 slabs - use as a lower thermal insulation layer in ventilated facades with two-layer insulation. Basalite L-75 is also intended for insulation in three-layer walls.

The AKSI brand is represented by three main types of thermal insulation materials.

AXI Roofs are most often used for insulation flat roofs. However, they can also be used to insulate building envelopes.

AKSI tufted mats do not have a binder that burns out when high temperatures. Therefore, they are indispensable for insulating surfaces with temperatures from -180 to +700 C.

These 2 types of AKSI stone (basalt) wool are intended for professional builders: AKSI P-75 and P-125 slabs are used for heat and sound insulation in non-load-bearing structures frame type, as well as for thermal insulation industrial equipment, when the temperature of the insulated surface is in the range from -60 to +400 C.

Private owners using AKSI P-75 and P-125 can insulate pitched roofs, walls, floors and ceilings with joists.

The product of the TechnoNIKOL company - Teploroll - deserves special attention.

Until recently, only manufacturers of insulation based on glass staple fiber (glass wool) could boast of producing rolled thermal insulation material for private housing construction. But with the advent of Heatroll, the Izover, Ursa, and Knauf mats had a worthy competitor.

Of course, rolls based on stone (basalt) wool do not have such high compressibility as glass wool. And the savings on transportation will not be as significant as in the case of mats made of glass staple fiber. And in all other respects, Teploroll is in no way inferior to glass wool rolls. Heatroll is also intended for professional builder, and for the private owner.

Heatroll is the optimal solution for heat and sound insulation of various vertical, horizontal and inclined non-loaded structures: attics, ceilings, partitions, frame walls and floors with joists.

Mineral wool insulation in the family thermal insulation materials owns the lion's share of 80%. In this case, obtained from rocks, such as dolomite, basalt or diabase, differs high quality, harmlessness and long service life. The fibrous structure formed from molten drops is used primarily in critical structures that are subject to increased reliability requirements. Flexible and versatile material, which is buy stone wool can be used to isolate any building structures, communication systems, for curtain facades and other objects whose surface temperature does not exceed + 700°C.

Basic properties

Compared to other similar products, the insulation has a number of characteristic features, among which:

1. Fire resistance maintained throughout the entire service life. Maximum temperature, at which the material retains its properties, reaches +1000°C. In many buildings, insulation is used as passive protection against fire, which is especially important when insulating boilers, fireplaces, and stoves. The material is assigned the flammability category NG.
2. Sound absorption level.
3. Thermal conductivity coefficient indicates thermal resistance and depends on the thickness of the layer. For comparison, a 10 cm sample with a density of 100 kg/m3 is taken, which should have the same properties as sand-lime brick size 200 cm, clay - 117 cm, and wooden block 25.5 cm thick. Its value varies within 00.034 W/m*K.034 and is slightly inferior to similar indicators of fiberglass.
4. Vapor permeability determines the level of humidity in the building.
5. The service life of high-quality insulation materials should be at least 40-50 years.
6. The amount of shrinkage is responsible for the formation of “cold bridges” and the smaller it is, the greater the likelihood of preservation geometric parameters material.
7. Resistance to destructive microorganisms.
8. Easy to install. Soft samples can be cut out with a knife, and dense ones can be cut with a saw.

Expert advice:

If the insulation layer is subjected to vibration or constant vertical loads, then the settlement will be significant. If you buy loose stone wool, over time it can clump into clumps and turn into dust, and its installation will be very expensive.

The assortment includes various stone wool price which depends on many nuances, but mainly on the level of quality and branding.

Competent choice of insulation

In the ranking of stone wool manufacturers, the leadership belongs to the Danish company ROCKWOOL (service life - 35 years), the Finnish manufacturer Paroc and the domestic company TechnoNikol. The top three are followed by products from URSA (30 years), KNAUF (35 years) and ISOVER (40 years).

Soft insulating samples PAROC UNS have a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.039 W/m*K. They are recommended for use on objects that are not subject to mechanical loads, for example, when constructing frames, insulating walls, constructing cardboard partitions, etc.

PAROC FAS boards are used in “wet” plastering systems. Modified insulation materials, known as FAL-1, FAB-3, which have high bending strength and are indispensable when installed on curved surfaces. The FAB-3 material, with a thickness of only 30 mm, fits perfectly into door and window openings.

Stone wool is selected depending on the application, for example:

  • for a sloping roof, the density of the material should be 30-40 kg/m3, the best option is considered PAROC insulation(PARK);
  • samples with a parameter of 50 kg/m3 are selected as insulation for walls;
  • external walls are protected with a 10 cm layer. Density indicator of wool PAROC WAS 25t; equal to 80 kg/m3;
  • For residential attics and when laying floors, it is recommended to buy 15 cm PAROC EXTRA products with an indicator of 40 kg/m3;
  • Finnish has universal properties stone wool price which is in ideal proportion to its quality.

As for the domestic products of TechnoNikol, made from raw materials of the gabbro-basalt group, in its family There are several types of insulation, in particular:

  • Technolight slabs are designed for structures without load;
  • technofas is an indispensable component of plastering systems;
  • Technovent is used for ventilated structures;
  • Technoruf is recommended for use when insulating mastic or roll roofs.

The presence of water-repellent elements in Techno products gives the cotton wool a water-repellent ability, which allows it to be used in swimming pools, baths, etc.

The best stone wool, capable of withstanding high operating temperatures, is Rockwool and Knauf insulation (+500 ° C), followed by Ursa (+400 ° C) and Isover (+300 ° C) closes the list. In this case, all materials except Ursa cotton wool(+850° C), retain their structure and shape when heated above + 1000° C. All products are represented by mats and slabs, and Knauf and Rockwool additionally produce insulation in the form of cylinders. The most affordable materials are considered to be Izover and Ursa, and the most high price from expensive and high-quality Rockwool material.