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Postforming kitchen countertops. Which countertop is better? MDF postforming kitchen facades

In this article we will talk about the high-tech method of cladding wood boards - postforming. The essence of this method is that after cladding with plastic, an overhang is left, which is then wrapped and glued to the board (chipboard). The postforming type coating is one of the strongest and has excellent wear resistance, scratch resistance and fade resistance.

The postforming method was developed in the late 1960s, and the German company Westag & Getalit AG was one of the first to master this technology in industrial scale and began mass supply to the market of parts and interior elements, the edges of which are lined using this method. Today, these parts are widely used in construction (window sills, trim) and in the furniture industry (kitchen work surfaces, countertops, shelves, facades, office furniture parts).

The postforming method allows for cladding with any materials, but the most widespread is cladding with laminates - multilayer plastics based on papers impregnated with melamine resins. Depending on the requirements for strength and resistance of the surface to abrasive wear, these plastics are divided according to their production technology: CPL plastics (Continuos Pressure Laminates) - plastics of a continuous production method and HPL (High Pressure Laminates) - plastics high pressure, manufactured in flat multi-deck presses. A special feature of products made using post-formed plastics is rounded edges and a minimum number of seams. The design of the front surface of the plastic can be single-color, multi-color, “wood-like” or any other.

The meaning of the word “postforming” is already contained within it - it is a technology for processing decorative finishing materials, in which they change their shape and take the shape of the base on which they are applied. Postforming consists of uniform heating of decorative finishing materials until certain temperature and bending them around a pre-prepared base. Bending is done from one or two ends.

When facing with postforming, it is realized classic method contact gluing with secondary activation, when the glue applied to both surfaces dries and then, during the heating process, acquires secondary adhesiveness. After connecting the layers and pressing the adhesive seam, final strength is achieved almost instantly. Therefore, only special adhesives can be used for edgebanding using the postforming method.

(based on materials from www.lesprominform.ru)

Postforming (postforming from the Latin post - “after”, English forming - “formation”) is a heavy-duty modern material for production .

Furniture facades Postforming is made on the basis of chipboard. The postforming machine features the most optimal combination temperature regime, moderate feed speed and correct bend radius. High-pressure plastic of American, Finnish or Italian production with a thickness of 0.6 and 0.8 mm is bent at high temperature onto a pre-treated and prepared surface. Four types of heat- and moisture-resistant adhesives can be used to make workboards.

These technologies make it possible to produce high-quality products that are distinguished by a wide variety of dimensions (thickness, width, length) profiles and color solutions.

Most often, postforming slabs are used for the production of countertops for Belarusian kitchens in Moscow. Since plastic is absolutely environmentally friendly and pure material, meeting the standards, the popularity of this type of material for the production of kitchens is increasing every day.
Postforming furniture facades have a wide range of applications. They can be produced as kitchen countertops, tables and bar counters in cafes, as well as pieces of office furniture.
Postforming is particularly resistant to aggressive environments, chemicals and temperatures. These properties protect the plastic furniture surface from moisture, abrasion and chipping.

Kitchens made from postforming are able to satisfy the requirements of the most demanding buyer, because their bold and unexpected design is suitable for embodying the brightest ideas.
Diversity color range will amaze buyers with the depth and richness of shades. Adherents of the high-tech style will like kitchens made on the basis aluminum profile. Metal carcass will contribute increased stability body, which will extend the life of the furniture by several years.

It is also worth noting that postformed kitchens are very easy to clean. The dirty surface of the façade can be easily cleaned using gel or paste cleaning agents.
Postforming kitchen furniture will make your interior bright and memorable!

Possibilities of modern furniture production vast enough to create original models at a nice price. One of these “miracles” in production kitchen sets is the postforming method. This method of making furniture involves usage plastic for covering the surface of chipboard or MDF boards. Thanks to the developed technology, postformed kitchen units can have completely different type. You can easily create original design kitchens using photographs or original patterns for facades and more.

What is postforming?

This method of processing and decorating furniture was first used in 1976 by a German company and quickly spread to other countries. The principle of postforming is clear from the meaning of the word “post” itself, that is, “after”. This means that prepared forms, e.g. kitchen fronts, sheets of plastic are glued on, which form the basis of the appearance of the kitchen set.

So, what materials are used to make such kitchens?

  • Chipboard or MDF boards. If you decide to install a set with straight fronts in your kitchen, you can use Chipboard- which does not bend, so you will save money. And if you like curved and rounded facades, use MDF - this way you can realize the idea of ​​a high-tech style with no sharp corners.
  • Almost any materials can be used for cladding, strong enough to withstand hot pressing. The most commonly used decorative plastic is HPL and melamine edge.

To achieve a high-quality result, the surface of the slabs is covered with several materials. The first layer is croft paper, impregnated with resins for better adhesion of all materials; the second is decorative colored paper, which creates a specific design or pattern; the third is a protective layer consisting of melamine and acrylic resins. This technique allows you to achieve not only the creation of an original drawing, but also maintain its brightness and saturation for a long time.

When choosing postforming kitchens, it is important to pay attention for slab covering options. Thus, covering with plastic 90 degrees means keeping the inner layer of the slab intact; instead of plastic, the back of the panel can be covered with PVC. Covering 180 degrees implies a complete collapse of the panel; this option is suitable for decorating facades.

Variations on the theme: kitchen and postforming

Simple processing of slabs with plastic allows this method to be used not only for facades. For example, plastic table top - great option maintaining a common mood. An apron made using postforming technology will allow you to create bright accent in the kitchen with a unique design or pattern. Window sills, housing kitchen furniture and other interior elements made of chipboard or MDF - all this can really be decorated in original style using postforming.

Why choose a postforming countertop?

  • Thanks to a dense layer of protective resins, it is achieved high surface strength. Therefore, the postforming tabletop is resistant to mechanical stress: pressure, scratches, cuts, etc.
  • Moisture resistance is achieved through the same resins. This way, you exclude the possibility of water getting inside the countertop, this ensures that there is no surface deformation or swelling of the slab.
  • Temperature resistance allows use tabletop next to hob . The countertop will not form bubbles or melt upper layer, however, to eliminate risks, it is worth using boards for hot containers.
  • Easy to care for and no reaction to chemical cleaning agents. You don't have to buy special means care, and accidentally spilled detergent will not spoil the appearance of the countertop.

One of the main factors in choosing such a countertop is its cost. Like wood or stone, plastic countertops are also durable, but have a lower price.

Advantages and disadvantages

If we talk about the disadvantages of a postformed kitchen, there are not many of them. These include use of low-quality plastic, which can peel off after some time. In addition, poor quality can affect the preservation of the brightness and saturation of colors, the formation of scratches and cuts. Therefore, it is so important to choose a trusted kitchen manufacturer who guarantees you a high quality finished product.

Another disadvantage of postforming in countertop production is the impossibility of making a solid countertop for a corner kitchen. In this case, the tabletop slabs are connected and joints are formed. They can be hidden using edging, such as aluminum or PVC. But in any case, water may get under the joints, as a result of which the chipboard will begin to swell and deform.

If you choose the right kitchen manufacturer and think through the location of the countertop, then you simply won’t remember the disadvantages of postforming. Concerning There are a lot of advantages.

  • Price. Through use inexpensive materials in the production of postforming and ease of processing of plates is formed reasonable price finished product.
  • Design options. There are a lot of solutions here that are suitable for absolutely any kitchen. For example, strict classics with imitation ebony wood will ideally complement a minimalist style, while bright glossy facades are suitable for a modern one. You can choose the texture of the material and the effect (matte or glossy surface). Thus, with the help of postforming it is possible to create a dynamic kitchen without using different materials.
  • Resistance to external influences. High-quality plastic and the absence of joints will protect the facades and countertops from scratches, dents, cracks, and moisture. Bright and rich shades will remain so after several years, even if your kitchen is located on the sunny side. Easy care and resistance to chemicals; heat, moisture does not affect high-quality plastic, which is ideal for use in the kitchen.

Thanks to the combination of all the above characteristics, it becomes clear why kitchens are increasingly being manufactured using postforming technology. Wide choose color palette and design, practicality of use is key characteristics, which are highly valued by every housewife.

Postforming plastic application technology video:

Postforming technology was invented by IMA engineers. They developed a method of facing slab materials thin layer a polymer that not only protects the slabs, but also decorates them beautifully. Therefore, postforming of countertops is a special finishing of chipboard, MDF and other boards with plastic. Of course, there are certain technological nuances in the manufacturing process, but in general outline This is a simple cladding.

For finishing countertops with postforming it is used laminate, which includes paper, resins and plastic. Essentially, a laminated surface is created on the surface of the base. Lamination thickness is 0.7-0.8 millimeters. In this case, the word “postforming” means that the base plate of the countertops is treated with plastic on all sides or partially, covering several ends of the plate. Therefore, when the conversation turns to postforming, it often means not technological process, but a finished product.

The material is applied in three layers:

  • The bottom layer is kraft paper impregnated with synthetic resins. It is laid in several layers, treating each layer with resin, in the end a fairly strong base is obtained.
  • The middle layer is the design, that is, the lamination itself. For this, the same paper on which the drawing is applied is used.
  • The top layer is a protection that increases the performance of countertops such as strength and wear resistance. For this, either a transparent polymer or transparent resins are used.

Acrylate or melamine resins are most often used as a protective topcoat. Once hardened, these substances easily cope with stress such as the negative effects of cleaning agents, scratches from knives and forks, exposure to coffee, juices and other dyes.

Attention! If hair dye, glue, potassium permanganate and other similar materials are spilled on the postforming finish, they are removed with a rag or sponge within 10-15 minutes. After this time, traces of spilled substances will remain on the surface of the countertops. Acetic acid must be removed immediately.

Types of postforming

Today, manufacturers offer two technological positions for laminating chipboard or MDF boards under countertops:

  1. postforming at an angle of 90°;
  2. postforming at an angle of 180°.

In the first case, this involves gluing plastic to the front surface of the slab and to the side. That is, two adjacent planes located at right angles relative to each other are processed. In the second case, the reverse side of the panel in the form of a longitudinal strip is also partially captured. This strip is called a drip tray. If spilled water gets on the side (end), which is not covered from below, then it negatively affects the open plane of the slab, being absorbed into it. The consequences are warping and delamination of the material.

The drip tray collects water on its surface, which falls in drops onto the floor in the kitchen. Manufacturers often make a groove on the lamination edge of the back side of the panel into which a polymer cord is inserted onto the glue. Half of it comes out of the groove, and this is a kind of limiter, with the help of which a barrier is created that prevents the movement of water deeper towards the open slab material.

Basically, countertops come in two sizes:

  1. Width 620 millimeters, length 3050 millimeters.
  2. Width 600 millimeters, length 2240 millimeters.

But manufacturers also offer custom-made countertops up to 4 meters long. All panels have a front edge covered with plastic, the two sides and the back remain open. In this case, the material is cut to any length, the main thing is high-quality processing of the open ends silicone sealant which will protect the product from moisture.

Advantages and disadvantages of postforming

The advantages of kitchen countertops made using postforming technology include the following:

  • Low cost of products. The price is formed due to simple and inexpensive technology, plus the use of cheap materials.
  • Variety of designs. Since laminate for countertops is “ layered cake", then any design of the decorative layer is included in it. Therefore, there are no restrictions on design types. Standard countertops are imitation wood, stone, sand, leather and others. natural materials, plus all color palette. Postforming tabletop designs are also made to order.
  • Resistance to external influences. If the manufacturer used plastic High Quality, then such countertops will not be afraid of water, mechanical loads and ultraviolet rays. During the entire operation, the products do not change their appearance.
  • Postforming is continuous protection without joints or connectors.
  • High temperature resistance. You can install such surfaces even next to the hob.
  • Easy to care for. For this purpose, use ordinary detergents liquid or gel type.

Unfortunately, such countertops also have significant disadvantages:

  • If the kitchen countertop is damaged, it cannot be repaired. You will have to immediately replace the product with a new one.
  • If low-quality plastic was used in production, then there is a fairly high probability that it will peel off from the base after some time. Bubbles, wrinkles and other defects will appear on the surface.
  • Postforming technology is not intended for the manufacture of shaped countertops: corner or U-shaped.

Considering all of the above, we can conclude that the advantages of countertops made using postforming technology are greater when compared with the disadvantages. Therefore, postforming is in demand among both consumers and manufacturers. Today, this technology is used not only for finishing countertops, but also for decorating the facades of kitchen units, window sills and other additional elements.

Conclusion on the topic

The main advantage of countertops made using postforming technology is good protective properties plastic surface and the variety of designs offered. The last criterion is the ability to choose a countertop design that matches the unified style concept of the kitchen space.

When ordering a kitchen, one of the most pressing issues that worries customers is the choice of countertop material.

On this moment most in demand There are two options: postforming countertops and artificial stone countertops. Their popularity is approximately the same. Below we will take a closer look at both types, their characteristics, advantages and features.

Postforming countertops - what is it?

Few ordinary people understand the essence of the technology and you can often hear the question from clients: “Postforming countertops - what is it?” The Palazzo team in this article will try to give a detailed answer and help you get an idea about postforming countertops.

The term “postforming technology” would be correctly applied to products made from chipboard, which are additionally processed with plastic to improve performance characteristics. In this case, plastic can be conditionally called protective layer, which prevents direct contact of wood with water, increasing the reliability and durability of the countertop.

Advantages of countertops made of artificial stone

The all-time favorite countertop material on the market is fake diamond. The material is created on the basis of polymer resins and granules, and the surface of such a tabletop has no pores, and accordingly, there are no prerequisites for the appearance of cracks.

Artificial stone not only has a combination of excellent performance characteristics, but is also incredibly stylish. appearance. By the way, this material is considered to be the safest and most hygienic.

Stone or postforming

So, what should you choose?

Many characteristics of these materials are similar: reliability, immunity to moisture, the ability to create curved shapes, etc. Regarding the palette of colors, both of them can give wide scope for the flight of design ideas. If you strictly follow the basic recommendations for care and use, each of these materials can serve you for a long time.

It should be noted that for many modern consumers, cost plays a significant role. Market prices for postforming and artificial stone differ, with the latter being more expensive. That is, all other things being equal, a kitchen with a postforming countertop will be more affordable in terms of financial costs.