home · Lighting · When did handcuffs appear in the USSR? Use of handcuffs by private security guards (110375). Product prices

When did handcuffs appear in the USSR? Use of handcuffs by private security guards (110375). Product prices

Part 1. Design and types of handcuffs. Methods of putting on and interaction when putting on handcuffs.

The first handcuffs were placed by one person on another right after iron was invented. And the first mass batch of steel bracelets came out at the beginning of the 16th century. By the way, back then the handcuffs were called “Darby”, translated as “hand shackles”. This model of handcuffs successfully survived until the beginning of the twentieth century. Darby could be worn on both arms and legs. It was not very easy to get out of such bracelets, but they had one significant drawback- size was not adjustable.
A person with small hands could simply slip out of Darby. Therefore, manufacturers were forced over time to launch production of at least three different sizes. The largest ones (they were produced in the largest quantities), of course, were intended for men, the medium ones for women, and, finally, the smallest ones for juvenile delinquents. By the way, children's handcuffs were also used to shackle fragile women with thin hands.

In 1912, a revolution occurred in the production of handcuffs. Before this, to be honest, they most closely resembled a padlock. But Peerless engineers decided that this was not enough, and in order to shackle a person securely, an individual approach was needed. This is how a design appeared with a bow that rotated right through. Now the handcuffs could be adjusted to the size of each hand specific person.
In 1932, Peerless and Smith & Wesson finalized the design of new handcuffs. Since then, they have been used by police officers all over the world. For example, in Russia, NPO Spetsmaterialy from St. Petersburg produces a copy of the Peerless model. In Russia, these handcuffs are wittily called “Tenderness”.

Handcuff device

Classic handcuffs consist of two locking devices, with toothed sectors rotating on an axis, connected to each other by a two-link chain and a key. The locking part of the handcuffs allows them to be latched without using a key, and also to secure the latch from further unnecessary dangerous squeezing.
The size of the handcuffs allows them to be used on as small a hand as desired. in the extreme position, the arms are compressed into an oval with sides of 5 and 4.5 cm, but they can also be snapped onto fairly large wrists or even onto the ankle.

Sector 2 should rotate freely counterclockwise. To fix the sector in an engaged position with the locking device, it is necessary to push the pusher 5 into the locking device with the tail of the key.

To open the handcuffs, you need to insert key 4 into the keyhole and turn it counterclockwise, which will allow you to remove the locking device, then turn key 4 clockwise to disengage the sector from the locking device.

Preparing handcuffs for putting on means that the sector is engaged with the locking device and installed on the last prong. The locking device must be in the unlocked position (the pusher is not recessed).

Before handcuffing, the opponent's hand must be brought into a comfortable position (free the wrist). To put on handcuffs, it is necessary to hold the locking device, apply the sector to the wrist and sharply press the locking device so that the sector rotates 180 degrees on its axis and enters the locking device. Then it is necessary to squeeze the sector in the direction of movement so tightly as to exclude the possibility of removing the hand and excessive compression of the wrist, leading to cessation of blood circulation.
To fix the sector in this position, it is necessary to recess the pusher into the body of the handcuffs using the shank of the key.

Types of handcuffs

Currently, quite a lot of companies produce handcuffs that differ in shape and design. All of them can be used by police officers and private security companies, so in the manual it makes sense to consider the main, most well-known and widespread models.

Darby- translated as “hand shackles”, this type of handcuffs has been the world standard for approximately 300 years. In some US states, such handcuffs are still used by the police. Similar handcuffs can be found in museums in our country; they date back to the tsarist period. Manufactured by HIATT. This company still produces them for collectors. They open by screwing in a key, which is a tube with internal thread. The key is screwed onto the threaded latch, and after pulling it out, the lock opens. No key required for latching.
The presented model is not adjustable to wrist sizes and manufacturing companies were forced to produce handcuffs of different sizes, there were separate ones for men, for women and even for children.

Peerless(“incomparable”) - famous and widespread American handcuffs, patent 1912, design 1932. In the 1970s. the patent expired and now companies around the world are imitating them. They have anti-squeeze pins and a groove on the arc. They have a lock that allows you to block further movement of the arc and prevent possible over-tightening. The latch is activated by pressing the pin on the side with a specially designed pin on the key.
The Russian analogue of this model of handcuffs called “Tenderness” is widespread among law enforcement officials.

"Tenderness-2"- produced by NPO Spetsmaterialy St. Petersburg. Instead of a chain, the halves of the handcuffs are connected by three metal earrings, which only allow them to turn (fold) a little, which provides a more rigid fixation of the hands and does not make it possible, for example, to get into a pocket located on the other side of the cuffed hands. They have anti-squeeze pins and a groove on the arc. They have a lock that allows you to block further movement of the arc and prevent possible over-tightening. The latch is activated by pressing the pin on the side with a specially designed pin on the key.

"BR-S"- the main model of handcuffs used by domestic law enforcement officers.
"BR2-M"- simplified version. There is no anti-spin or lock. The latch is similar to the "Tenderness-1" mechanism. The smallest in size among the chain ones. The secrecy of the castle leaves much to be desired, because... there is no pin preventing access to the lock mechanism, the keyhole is made much more large sizes than it should have been. A key hole is made on the opposite cheek, which also causes a decrease in secrecy.
"Crab" Large handcuff arms. Due to the large teeth on the closing arc, there is only one tooth on the mechanism latch. The latch protrudes outward, which allows them to be fixed without using a key, unlike many other models. The anti-squeeze groove is made only on one side of the arc. The key is bent from a flat metal plate. Unlike other fixed models, the locking is removed when the key is turned in the same direction as for opening.
Finger cuffs. These handcuffs are not placed on the wrists, but on the fingers. Very light and convenient to carry in your pocket. Open with a standard key. They have a lock, which is also activated by pressing the pin on the key or turning the key.

Methods of handcuffing

Methods of handcuffing are determined during the decision process specific tasks, for example, when being escorted, their hands are shackled. To prevent violent behavior, other, more stringent measures of movement restriction, including shackling of arms, legs and torso, may be used. As a rule, handcuffs are put on the hands behind the back (when the offender is transported, handcuffs are put on in the front position).
Handcuffing is usually used after painful holds and throws or under the threat of a firearm.

When handcuffing, regardless of the position of the opponent, a number of rules must be observed:

  1. Before putting on handcuffs, you should, threatening with a pistol, force your opponent to take a position that is convenient for their use and makes it difficult for him to attack you
  2. the opponent must be pressed tightly with his chest and stomach to the ground, wall, etc.
  3. To put on handcuffs, the hands are placed behind the back one by one, and a painful effect is applied to them
  4. When putting on handcuffs, it is necessary that the locking device is adjacent to inner surface wrists, and the sector was rotated in such a direction as to exclude the possibility of it getting caught on clothing or the body

When putting on handcuffs, you must be on the side of your opponent, out of reach of your legs. It is dangerous to handcuff only one of the detainee's hands while holding the other in your own hand, as he may use this position to strike.
By threatening to use your service weapon, you can demand that your opponent handcuff himself. To do this, without approaching a dangerous distance, throw the handcuffs at his feet and demand: “Take it and put it on!”

To more reliably restrict movement, the following hand positions are used when handcuffing (tying):

  • arms behind your back, hands one above the other
  • hands behind your back, hands pressed back to back

Sometimes two detainees are tied together. In this case, the hands of the second offender are threaded through the handcuffed hand of the first offender (they are turned behind the back), and then they are also handcuffed from behind in the palms-out position.

The handcuffs on your wrists should be checked every two hours. Otherwise, the locking lock may be weakened and, as a result, the escorted person will be freed from handcuffs.

Handcuffing while lying down

First option

- threatening with a pistol, command: “Stop! - I will shoot! - Hands up! - All around! - Hands behind head! - Interlace your fingers! - Get on your knees! - Lie on your stomach! - Hands behind your back!
- sit astride the opponent’s back, legs on your knees, with your left hand grab his right hand from above with a direct grip (take a “wrist press” for a painful hold), and with your right hand rest on the elbow; use both hands to increase the extension of the hand, exerting a painful effect on it, put the pistol in the holster, grab the opponent’s hand with your right hand

Place your right leg on the foot so that the elbow (shoulder) rests on the shin (block the hand with the shin)

With your right hand, release the wrist, pushing back the sleeve on the opponent’s hand, take out the handcuffs and take the first locking device with the sector up
- move away with your left hand right hand opponent, bringing her into a position convenient for putting on the locking device, place the locking device behind her wrist from below and put it on

With your left hand, release the wrist on the opponent’s left hand, pushing back the sleeve, holding the hand with your right hand, without releasing the handcuffs
- grab the hand with your left hand and move the opponent’s hand away
- with your right hand, place the second locking device behind the wrist from below, finish putting on the handcuffs

Perform booster and fixation of sectors

This method of handcuffing can be used using fighting techniques: bending the arm behind the back, including in interaction, any transfers to a prone position (throwing, falling, for example, using an arm lever outward, etc.).

After performing any techniques, it is necessary to transfer the opponent to the “lying on his stomach” position and block the hand with his shin (see figure above).
This method of blocking is much more effective than the usually recommended holding of the hands with the hips. In this case, the opponent’s hand is securely fixed in a painful hold and the possibility of its abduction is excluded. In addition, if the enemy tries to leave this position and counterattack, the employee can easily get up and act further on the situation.
In this option, directly putting on handcuffs is the most optimal. Placing the locking devices behind the wrist with the sector up ensures free rotation of the sector outward, preventing it from snagging on clothing.

This method of handcuffing can be recommended for use in the “standing” and “kneeling against the wall” positions of the opponent.

Second option.

To block the opponent more reliably, he can be taken with two painful holds - on the leg and on the arm.

- threatening with a pistol, demand: “Stop! - I will shoot! - Hands up! - All around! - Hands behind head! - Interlace your fingers! - Get on your knees! - Lie on your stomach! - Hands behind your back!
After the opponent assumes the “lying on his stomach” position with his hands behind his back, you need to:
- demand: “Bend your right leg at the knee joint!”
- perform a painful hold
- pinch the calf muscle
- put the gun in the holster, take out the handcuffs
- block the opponent’s right hand with your left hand, exerting painful pressure on it, put on handcuffs

If the enemy resists, you need to act according to the situation: increase the impact of painful techniques, strike with handcuffs, jump up and run away, use a pistol.

Putting on handcuffs after detaining the enemy in the “kneeling, pressed against the wall” position

- threatening with a weapon, demand: “Stop! - I will shoot! - Hands up! - All around! - Hands behind head! - Interlace your fingers! - Come to the wall! - Closer! - Spread your legs! - Wider! - Stand on your knees! - Press yourself against the wall! - Tighter! - Hands behind your back!
- approach the enemy from behind, put your left leg between his legs, take a lunge position, place your left hand under your knee and press the enemy’s knee against the wall, block his right hand with your left hand, exerting painful pressure on it
- put the gun in the holster, take out the handcuffs and put them on

For convenience, you can stand on your right knee.

In case of resistance, act according to the situation: increase the impact of the painful hold, strike with the heel from above calf muscle, hit with handcuffs, run away, use a pistol.

Putting handcuffs on after detaining the enemy in the “standing with hands against the wall” position

A more complex (from a security point of view) method is to put handcuffs on with a pistol threatening the enemy in the position of “standing with hands resting on the wall (roof) passenger car and so on.)". In this situation, the enemy has more opportunities to counter, since he is on his feet.

- command the offender: “Stop! - I will shoot! - Hands up! - All around! - Hands behind head! - Interlace your fingers! - “Come to the wall!” One step short: “Stop! - Put your hands against the wall! - Spread your legs to the sides! - Wider! “Put your right hand behind your back!”
- place your left leg between the opponent’s legs and press him firmly against the wall with your thigh, and with your left hand block his right hand, exerting a painful effect on it
-put the gun in the holster, take out the handcuffs, put them on

Handcuffing interaction

Tactical and technical actions using physical force in different situations service and combat activities are carried out, as a rule, by two or more employees in cooperation. The most typical situations requiring the use of physical force in interaction are the detention of persons who oppose the legal demands of a police officer during special operations detaining persons who have committed a crime, carrying persons offering passive resistance, separating the grips of persons forming a chain, and in other situations.
An analysis of specialized literature has shown that the issue of interaction between police officers in such situations is extremely insufficiently covered. Therefore, to help police officers, we offer an arsenal of technical and tactical actions together to suppress illegal actions and detain the perpetrators using handcuffs.

Forceful arrest in interaction can be carried out depending on the situation and tactical plan when approaching from the front, from behind, one from the front and the other from behind.

By convention, when describing actions, employees are designated: No. 1 – performing techniques on left hand, No. 2 – performing techniques on the right and putting on handcuffs.
Actions No. 1 can be carried out by blocking the left hand by grabbing it with both hands, applying a painful hold to it, grabbing the opponent’s neck or head with the shoulder and forearm when approaching from behind and from the side to carry out a choke and painful hold, as well as throws or falls.
Actions No. 2 consist of painful holds: bending the right arm behind the back, throwing or falling down, followed by transferring to a position lying on the stomach and moving on to placing the arm behind the back, as well as putting on handcuffs.

Let's consider options for detaining and handcuffing two police officers with the enemy being placed in a lying position and in a standing position.

If the detention is carried out with the opponent in a prone position, then first he must be turned over to a position lying on his stomach and his hands take the arm lever inward for a painful hold.

Then No. 2 does the following:
- puts the opponent’s right hand behind his back and sits astride his back, placing his left leg on his knee and his right leg on his foot (or he rests the knee of his left leg on his back and puts his right leg on his foot, with his left hand he grabs the right hand from above with a direct grip, and with the right hand by the elbow; with both hands increases the elevation of the arm, exerting a painful effect on it

Places the right leg on the foot so that the opponent’s elbow (shoulder) rests on the shin (block the arm with the shin); with his right hand he releases the wrist, pushing back the sleeve on the opponent’s hand, takes out the handcuffs and takes the first locking device with the sector up

With his left hand, he moves the opponent’s right hand, bringing it into a position convenient for putting on the locking device, puts the locking device behind his wrist and puts it on

With his right hand he grabs the second locking device with the sector facing up

- No. 1 places the opponent’s left arm behind his back and releases the wrist by pulling back the sleeve
- No. 2 grabs the hand with his left hand, places the second locking device behind the wrist from below with his right hand, completes putting on the handcuffs and performs pressure and fixation of the sectors

The presented option for handcuffing is the most optimal. The enemy is reliably blocked. Placing the locking devices behind the wrist with the sector up ensures free rotation of the sector outward, preventing it from snagging on clothing.

If handcuffs are put on while the opponent is standing, after arrest it is necessary to bring the opponent to a wall, car door, etc. A little short of reaching her, No. 2 demands: “Spread your legs! Wider!”, presses him tightly against the wall

and with his right hand he cuffs the opponent’s right hand.

No. 1 helps place the left arm behind the back, and No. 2 places the cuffs on the left arm.

Handcuffs are an integral attribute of representatives of security and law enforcement agencies. Proper use of these special means allows you to quickly limit the physical ability of a detainee who is offering physical resistance or committing illegal actions. Classic handcuffs consist of two metal bracelets connected by two welded chain links. The locking part of the handcuffs allows them to be latched without using a key, and also to secure the latch from further squeezing.

Handcuffs: metal rings, connected by a chain, placed on the hands of criminals, prisoners

Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

In 1912, a revolution occurred in the production of handcuffs. Before this, to be honest, they most closely resembled a padlock. But Peerless engineers decided that this was not enough, and in order to shackle a person securely, an individual approach was needed. This is how a design appeared with a bow that rotated right through. Now handcuffs could be adjusted to the size of the hands of each individual person. In addition, the handcuffs used a ratchet mechanism, the principle of which was based on the fact that the upper arm of the handcuffs could rotate freely only in one direction, and back only if the ratchet was held by a key.

What are handcuffs?

Classic handcuffs consist of two metal bracelets connected by two welded chain links. The locking part of the handcuffs allows you to latch them without using a key, as well as to secure the latch from further unnecessary and even dangerous squeezing.
The size of the handcuffs allows them to be used on any hand (we are talking about adults), because... in the extreme position, the arms are compressed into an oval with sides of 5 and 4.5 cm, but they can also be snapped onto fairly large wrists or even onto the ankle. When worn on a belt, a cover is used to carry handcuffs.

Handcuffs "BR-S", "BR-S2", "BCS-1", "BOS" are included in the list special means used in private security activities.

Name of handcuffs


Short description

operational handcuffs, two-link (complete with one key, fixed in a given position)

operational handcuffs, two-link (with a high-complexity lock, complete with two keys, fixed in a given position). The key is non-standard - flat, the flag is forked.

Handcuffs "BRS-2" are available in two versions, blued and nickel-plated, two-link, complete with two keys, with a lock of increased complexity, with fixation in a given position. Certificate of Conformity No. ROSS RU.SZ09.N00846; No. 0101351, Issued by: NPO "Tekhnika" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Weight: 380g.

One of the advantages is that the latch is divided into two parts and there is a jumper between them in the lock, which makes it impossible to press both latches with something simple like a paperclip. Disadvantage - the keyhole comes out on both sides, which reduces the resistance to opening.

special convoy handcuffs, available in three modifications:

BKS-1 "Tenderness-1" - special escort handcuffs with a connecting chain. They remain operational after applying a tensile load of at least 1500 N for 30 seconds. Semi-rigid hinged link fastening. Automatic latching.

The transverse breaking force of the rotating bracket engagement is not less than 2500 N. The number of operations is not less than 5,000 cycles.

The ratcheting mechanism of the products is made with a negative tooth engagement angle (with undercut), which ensures operation on the “shark tooth” principle. The increased angle of the rear sliding plane of the tooth guarantees easier snapping, increases the mechanical strength of engagement and wear resistance.

BKS-1 "Prikol" - handcuffs with a stationary fastening

BKS-1 "Bouquet" - escort handcuffs for 5 people

special operational handcuffs (with a rigid system for attaching the bracelets to each other)

Conditions for use and storage of handcuffs:

Operate at temperatures from -30 to + 40°C; The product must be stored in packaging in indoors with air temperatures from +5 C to +40 C and relative humidity no more than 80%

Avoid joint storage with acids, alkalis and other substances that are aggressive towards metals;

During operation, you should take into account the degree of structural rigidity and reliability of fixation of each type of handcuffs, determined by the type of locks and connecting devices between the bracelets.

Methods of handcuffing

Methods of using handcuffs are determined in the process of solving specific problems, for example, during delivery (accompanying, convoying) hands are cuffed. To prevent violent behavior, other, more stringent measures of movement restriction, including shackling of arms, legs and torso, may be used. As a rule, handcuffs are put on the hands behind the back (when the offender is transported, handcuffs are put on in the front position).
Handcuffing is usually used after painful holds and throws or under the threat of a firearm.

Handcuffs can be placed on the opponent in a standing, lying, or kneeling position.

When handcuffing, regardless of the position of the opponent, a number of rules must be observed:

  1. Before putting handcuffs on, you should, using force or the threat of force, force your opponent into a position that is convenient for their use and makes it difficult for him to attack you
  2. the opponent must be pressed tightly with his chest and stomach to the ground, wall, etc.
  3. To put on handcuffs, the hands are placed behind the back one by one, and a painful effect is applied to them
  4. when putting on handcuffs, it is necessary that the locking device is adjacent to the inner surface of the wrist, and the sector is rotated in such a direction as to exclude the possibility of it getting caught on clothing or the body

When putting on handcuffs, you must be on the side of your opponent, out of reach of your legs. It is dangerous to handcuff only one of the detainee's hands while holding the other in your own hand, as he may use this position to strike.
To more reliably restrict movement, the following hand positions are used when handcuffing (tying):

  • arms behind your back, hands one above the other
  • hands behind your back, hands pressed back to back

Special means, in strict accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are objects, devices, mechanisms, substances and animals that can be used in the process of performing military service and other tasks related to law enforcement or security activities.

Handcuffs are special means with a passive effect, made as two rings with a lock (bracelets) that are connected to each other. Handcuffs are typically used by law enforcement officers or private security guards to restrict the mobility of detained or escorted persons. Basically, all handcuffs are metal and are placed on the wrists.

The history of handcuffs

It is believed that handcuffs first appeared during the invention of metalworking. Then these were heavy shackles that were closed and removed only in the forge. These were so-called “handcuffs” without a key. Before this, ropes or other suitable objects were used to tie the hands of the detainees. All of these items had many shortcomings. Revolutionary changes occurred at the beginning of the 20th century, when a reusable mechanism in the form of bows was invented. They rotated freely, and the handcuffs themselves were adjusted to the size of people’s wrists.

At the same time, for the first time, the product was equipped with a ratcheting mechanism, which meant that the upper arms of the handcuffs could easily rotate in only one direction. In the opposite direction, the ratchet was held with a key. The handcuff bracelets were connected to each other using welded steel chain links. The product created then has reached us practically unchanged.

In Russia, private security companies are currently allowed to use certain types of handcuffs: “BR-S” and “BR-S2”, as well as “BCS-1” and “BOS”. A special case for handcuffs is used for wearing on a belt.

Use of handcuffs

When deciding on the use of handcuffs, the feasibility of their use is primarily determined. Is it worth emptying the handcuff case at all? They are mainly used during transportation or during the escort of offenders, as well as during the process of escorting convicts or when holding court hearings in premises unprepared for these purposes.

How to handcuff

Basically, handcuffs are placed on the wrists from the “hands behind the back” position. However, by delivering offenders to vehicles, “bracelets” can be worn with the hands in front. The actual process of handcuffing must occur after a warning command to the offender that force may be used against him in the form of the use of techniques hand-to-hand combat or special equipment. In cases of malicious disobedience, even the use of weapons is possible.

Handcuffing procedure

Before use, the case for handcuffs is opened, in which the locking device of the product remains unlocked in its primary position.

  1. In order to put on handcuffs, you need to hold them with your hand in the area of ​​the locking device. Next, applying the sector to the offender’s wrist, press the locking device so that the sector rotates along its axis one hundred and eighty degrees and passes into the locking device. Then, pressing the sector in the direction of movement with such force that possible removal of the hand or excessive compression of the wrist, which can lead to disturbances in blood circulation, is excluded, put on a handcuff;
  2. After handcuffing and after establishing required size(the bracelets should fit tightly around the wrists, and the hands should be easy to rotate and fit snugly against the secured handcuffs), the locking mechanisms are moved to fixed positions. For these purposes, in handcuffs of the BR type, a key is inserted into the locking mechanism, which is turned clockwise, and in handcuffs of the BR-S type, the tail part of the key must lock the pusher.

How to remove handcuffs

Before removing the handcuffs, the handcuff key must be turned to the “open” position. In BRovsky handcuffs, you should turn it twice in the opposite direction from the clockwise movement. Then, when holding it in this position, the locking mechanism is uncoupled from the toothed half-clips. In BR-Osv handcuffs, the key is first turned counterclockwise (to release it from locking), and then in the opposite direction. When the key is held in this way, the locking mechanism is uncoupled from the toothed half-clips.

After the special means have been removed, they must be immediately and carefully placed in a case for handcuffs.

Rules for putting on special equipment such as handcuffs

Handcuffs can be placed on offenders in standing, lying down or kneeling positions. In this case, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Before handcuffing, using force or threatening to use a weapon, force the offender to take a position convenient for the guard, excluding the possibility of an attack on his part;
  • The offender must be pressed with his body close to the surface of the ground, floor, wall, etc.;
  • To put on handcuffs, one by one bends the arm behind the back with a painful effect;
  • Do not allow locking mechanisms to catch on elements outerwear or the body of the offender;
  • Put handcuffs on the side of the offender, out of reach of his feet;
  • Do not place the product on only one limb of the offender while holding the other in your hand. Being in this position, the offender will be able to deliver an unexpected blow without much difficulty.

Rules for using handcuffs

Handcuffs are used in temperature conditions from - 30 to + 40°C. Products must be stored in packages in closed areas with temperature conditions from +5 C to +40 C, and the relative humidity should not exceed 80%. It is recommended to periodically clean and lubricate products in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Handcuffs are kept without a key. To wear special equipment on duty, the instructions recommend using a special case for handcuffs.

When it is prohibited to use special means in the form of handcuffs

The use of special means in relation to pregnant women, with obvious signs of pregnancy, disabled people and minors is prohibited, except in cases where they offer armed resistance or commit a group attack that may threaten the health or life of the guard.

In circumstances where the use of special means cannot be avoided, security guards are obliged to show composure and equanimity, act calmly, soberly assess the current situation and the goals and objectives that must be achieved, with minimal possibility of causing damage to their health and causing minimal bodily harm to the offender.

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The first thing a person encounters when he finds himself “on the other side of the law” is handcuffs. Criminals are primarily associated with this accessory of unfreedom, but in the last year many 20-30-year-old city residents - participants in civil protests - have become acquainted with it. Learn more about the symbol of unfreedom.

It is difficult to separate the punishment from the complement in the form of physical pain. What would non-corporal punishment be like? So, in modern mechanisms criminal justice remains a trace of public “torture” executions - a trace that has not been completely eradicated.

Michel Foucault. "Supervise and punish"

What is a prison in the minds of the average person? A gloomy house filled with criminals and scoundrels. Fences with barbed wire, bars on the windows and the sky only in a “checkered” pattern. But there is another symbol of this place - small, compact, which is literally “always with you.” While you are under arrest, wherever you are: in an ambulance, like Sergei Magnitsky, or at the announcement of the verdict, like the girls from the group Pussy Riot, handcuffs will always remind you of your status.

The worst thing is when you are led up the stairs in handcuffs - you are ready to panic. No matter what the hour, you stumble or slip: you can fall and hurt your arms, even break them - after all, you will not be able to group yourself or even lean on your hand. But handcuffs will cause you a lot of inconvenience wherever you go. Their use is the guard's statutory duty, but it is also a way of psychological pressure on the prisoner.

It is unlikely that the author will be able to remember when the handcuffs were fastened on his hands for the first time, but he will never forget the moment when these handcuffs were removed from him for the last time: he could finally stretch his numb hands, put them in his pocket or fold them on his chest, he could simply not to think that cold metal does not allow you to feel free, at least within the boundaries of your own body.

Shackled ringing

It is believed that the first handcuffs appeared after iron was invented, but long before that their function was performed by wooden blocks, which even after the appearance of iron handcuffs and shackles did not disappear anywhere and were used, for example, in Russia until 1827. The first mention of stocks - in the Utrecht Psalter - dates back to approximately 820. So the pads lasted for about a thousand years.

Prisoners were chained directly in their cells. So, in 1775, Emelyan Pugachev was kept in stocks in the Butyrka prison (one of the towers of the Butyrka prison castle is still called Pugachevskaya). In the first half of the 19th century, pads were abolished in Russia due to frequent cases deaths of prisoners, and by the middle of the 19th century, most European countries abandoned their use.

The first mass batch of iron handcuffs, vaguely reminiscent of modern ones, was released at the beginning of the 16th century, and until the 19th century they were iron shackles in which a person was literally shackled - hence the expression “shackled in bracelets.” The hands were placed in iron rings, fastened together with a chain, the steel pin was heated and the rings were riveted tightly using a hammer. Prisoners wore such shackles constantly, and it was impossible to free themselves from them without the help of an outsider armed with a chisel and hammer.

IN early XIX century, the English company Hiatt released the first handcuffs with a lock and key called Darby. The mechanism of these handcuffs was very simple and resembled latches on door locks— the shackle of the handcuffs was latched with a spring. In Russia at this time, arrested prisoners were kept in shackles. “It’s obvious that the sovereign loves music, because he tied such chimes to me,” joked the Decembrist Mikhail Lunin, who died in prison in 1845. Darby handcuffs were used until the 21st century by police in third world countries, mainly in India and Pakistan.

A significant disadvantage of this model was that the size of the bracelets could not be adjusted; there were several modifications of three diameters: large for men, medium for women and small for children. The first company to produce and patent adjustable handcuffs was the American company Tower in 1862. The appearance of such handcuffs allowed law enforcement officers to carry only one set of them, rather than several different options.

Later, the Americans from the Bean company modernized these handcuffs by adding a safety lock against unauthorized fastening - a lock button that allowed the handcuffs to be worn closed, but not latched. The technological boom in this industry occurred in 1912, when engineers from the Peerless company from Springfield developed a completely new model of bracelets. From now on, the design acquired an upper bow, which scrolled through the handcuff if there was no hand in it, which implied an individual approach to each of the arrested. For the first time, it became possible to adjust the size of the handcuffs - the mechanism allowed the handle to “go” forward, and the backward movement was blocked by a lock. This universal scheme is still in use today, and all modern models are variations of the first Peerless Handcuffs.

Well, what was a town house like in the thirties of the last century? Brick walls, tin ortilesroofing, attic wood and interfloor ceilings. Thus, the designers of the ZAB-500 foresaw an explosion at an altitude of 300 meters. At the same time, the three-hundred-gram thermite balls gained speed sufficient to break through both tiles and roofing sheets. The air defense on duty with tongs and a box of sand was powerless against them - the products, created in 1939 by specialists from the Research Institute-6 of the People's Commissariat of Ammunition, burned for 18-20 seconds, developing a temperature of 2000 to 2500 degrees Celsius. It’s enough to burn everything that could burn.

"Weasel" or "Crab"?

It’s hard to say how many different variations of handcuffs there are in the world now. Stan Willis, an American who was included in the Guinness Book of Records, collected a collection of handcuffs numbering about 1,500 in his home different types, and claims that his collection continues to grow due to the appearance of new specimens.

Almost every major country produces its own models, or even several. The main producers of “mobility restriction devices” are the USA, England, Germany, France, Spain, Korea and Russia. One of domestic producers handcuffs is the NPO "Special Materials", where special products are given unusual names, such as “Tenderness” or “Care”. There are also samples that are called more harshly: “Crab”, “Mole” or “BOS”. average cost handcuffs cost about 650 rubles.

The first domestic modern handcuffs were made in the 30s and were called “BR” - hand bracelets. They were modified several times, but overall no major changes occurred. Russian handcuffs come in operational and escort types. Operational handcuffs differ from escort handcuffs in appearance, and most importantly, in the way the shackles are fastened together.

In simple operational handcuffs, which are usually used by police officers, your hands can be moved freely, you can even fold them on your knees. Convoy handcuffs, instead of a short chain, are connected by hinges, which greatly limits freedom of movement. In the convoy “butterflies”, as the prisoners called them for appearance, you have to keep your hands in one position all the time. Such handcuffs often cause your hands to swell and cause mechanical damage on the wrists, since the edges of the bracelets are quite rough.

Watch your hands

Suppose you find yourself in an unpleasant situation and you are handcuffed - let's say, street hooligans did it. First and most important: do not try to pull your hands out of fastened bracelets. You can injure yourself, in addition, some models tend to tighten more when trying to free themselves. You need to remember something else: in most cases, the keys to handcuffs are the same and can open any product in this series.

If you don’t have a key, you can try to open them using improvised means - wire, steel clip or flattened pin. In order to make a master key, you need to take a piece steel wire or a simple paperclip, bend its tip (literally 2-3 mm) at 90 degrees - a kind of letter “g” - and insert it into the keyhole.

After this, you need to be patient and begin to slowly turn the hook around the pin - like a key when opening a lock. Gradually your efforts will be crowned with success. There is another way: you need to flatten a large pin and insert this iron strip between the bracelet itself and the fastening arc.

This way you can press the lock and the shackles will automatically fall off. If you find yourself in handcuffs, but have not lost the ability to use a construction tool, then you can open the handcuffs using many useful devices: a hacksaw, hydraulic shears, an autogen or a grinder.

Although there are people who can simply break the chain between the bracelets.

From steel to plastic

The use of special equipment in Russia is regulated by the Law “On Police”, according to Art. 21 police officers have the right to use handcuffs if necessary. However, this need is determined by the situation and, in essence, remains at the discretion of the employee. For example, refusal to go to the police station can be qualified as both resistance and an attempt to escape. And using the example of the dispersal of the May 6 rally on Bolotnaya Square, one can note the following reason for the use of handcuffs: in order to suppress riots and other illegal actions. Or “to restrict the mobility of a person committing an administrative offense.”

Several options for police behavior during arrest are known throughout the world. In an interview with The New Times, Eric Sisco, a foreman of the investigative department of the Paris gendarmerie, said that unlike, say, America, where handcuffs are used all the time, in France they are worn only in extreme cases when the detainee poses a danger to the police. There is no question of using them in court at all - this is directly prohibited by the instructions. It is illegal to photograph or publish photographs of people arrested in handcuffs unless they have already been convicted - this would be a violation of the presumption of innocence.

According to Monsieur Sisco, police sometimes use handcuffs to physically force people under arrest, although this is prohibited. The courts often hear lawsuits by detainees against police officers alleging that handcuffs were used illegally or were fastened too tightly and caused pain when moving. “To avoid such cases, police try to use handcuffs as little as possible: it is not a tool of torture, but to protect the police officer from violence from the arrested person,” says Sergeant Major Eric Sisko.

The Anglo-Saxon model of police behavior is different: a person can be handcuffed if this is prescribed by law and police regulations, which oblige police officers to take care of their own safety. For example, in America, when detaining citizens suspected of committing minor crimes - say, petty hooliganism or driving while drunk, a police officer will most likely use bracelets, but plastic ones. They essentially perform the same function as handcuffs. But they are cheaper and lighter. IN last years Plasticuffs have become popular among security services public order during demonstrations, where theoretically possible a large number of detainees.

In Moscow, in Lefortovo, at the Vvedenskoye cemetery there is a grave, the fence of which is hung with shackles. Fyodor Petrovich Gaaz, the chief physician of Moscow prisons, who went down in history as a man who sought to make life easier for prisoners, is buried here. In particular, he achieved the abolition of shackles for the sick and elderly. Thanks to him, lightweight “Haaz” shackles appeared, lined with leather on the inside. Today, former prisoners go to his grave and bring flowers, and during the funeral in 1853, almost 20 thousand people followed the coffin to the Vvedensky Mountains.

There is even a legend that the monument on the grave of the “holy doctor” was erected with funds collected by former prisoners. It is surprising that one of the recipients of the Dr. Haas medal is the man whom the prisoners nicknamed “Doctor of Death” - Dmitry Kratov, deputy head of the Butyrka pre-trial detention center-2 for medical affairs. He is one of those who are responsible for the fact that lawyer Sergei Magnitsky died in prison. He died in handcuffs.

However, handcuffs are not a toy and require some skill and safety precautions. Have you often seen in action films how a dashing ranger with a blow snaps them onto the hand of an arrested person? Do not do that!!! The result may be a fracture of the arm bone. A little lower I will talk about in different ways, now I will give a translation from the “operating instructions” for Peerless handcuffs:
Place one hand of the arrested person behind his back, bring the handcuffs to the wrist with a moving arc forward, the keyhole away from the fingers, the palm facing outward, apply the arc to the wrist, press the bracelet so that the arc passes through, makes a turn and enters the lock, press the arc and adjust it so that the handcuff fits tightly around your wrist, but does not squeeze it. Do the same with the other hand, pay attention to the direction of the keyhole, it should look towards the elbows, and not in the direction of the fingers of the person being arrested, and the palm should also look outwards. After this, adjust the arches, if necessary, to ensure a tight fit around the wrists without putting pressure on them and secure the handcuffs by pressing the latch on the side of the handcuffs with the pin on the key, this will avoid over-tightening the wrists and possible problems with bleeding or bone fracture.

As a result, your victim will be shackled with his hands behind his back and will not be able to free himself even by taking out the key, because... will not be able to reach the keyhole with the key.
If you still want to do it quickly - “cowboy style”, then we can recommend the following tactics. The handcuffs approach the victim’s wrist with lightning speed, but at the last moment they stop, just before touching the wrist, after which the arc is leaned against and then with a sharp pressing movement you push the bracelet, while the arc makes a quick turn and can snap immediately to the desired degree or at least a few teeth , and all you have to do is adjust it, since the victim still won’t have time to pull out his hand.

Instructions for BR handcuffs (standard)

1. Purpose of the product

b) The product must be used in external climatic conditions environment, described in GOST 15150-89 production 0 categories 1.1

2. General technical data and characteristics

a) Breaking force, not less than 150 kg
b) Working cycles, not less than 5000 times
c) Dimensions, mm 249x86x13
d) Weight, no more than 0.5 kg

3. Product composition

Package Included:

a) Product BR 00.00.000
b) Product data sheet 00.00.000
c) Key

4. Product description

The product consists of two ring gripping mechanisms connected by a welded chain, which ends in a rotating earring mounted in the gripping mechanism. A key is supplied with the product.

1) Capture mechanism
2) Gear sector
3) Chain
4) Key
5) Lock

5. Procedure for preparing for work

A) Before use, check whether the product is really in working condition as follows:

Make sure that sector 2 rotates freely
- drown sector 2 in the capture mechanism
- Using the back of the key, push in the lock 5 of the inner part of the grip of mechanism 1 (double locking of the mechanism)
- Place the key in the keyhole and turn it counterclockwise (this action will unlock the mechanism - pull out the latch),
- Turn key 4 clockwise until it stops and, holding it, release sector 2 from the gripping mechanism.

b) The catching mechanism must operate and open without force.

6. Use of the product

A) Before use, the product must be in its initial state: sector 2 is in the gripping mechanism 1, the mechanism is not blocked by the latch (latch 5 is not recessed)
b) After putting it on your hand, press sector 2 into the gripping mechanism 1. Be careful not to squeeze your hand tightly so as not to stop the blood circulation.
c) To prevent the opening of the gripping mechanism by foreign objects, press the lock 5 with the back of the key.
d) To release, install the key in the keyhole and turn it counterclockwise (this action will unlock the mechanism - pull out the latch), turn key 4 clockwise until it stops and while holding it, release sector 2 from gripping mechanism 1.

7. Maintenance.

A) Maintenance is performed to check the technical condition of the product and identify defects.
b) The gripper mechanism must be lubricated at least four times a year.
c) If any part of the product is found to be defective, you must stop using it. The product cannot be restored.

8. Conditions of transportation and storage

A) the product can be transported by any type of transport.
b) the product must be stored in packaging indoors with an air temperature from +5 C to +40 C and a relative humidity of no more than 80%.

9. Certificate of acceptance

a) the product complies with specification BR 00.00.000 TU and is recognized as suitable for use.

10. Warranty

A) The manufacturer's warranty indicates that the product will conform to its specifications when properly stored, maintained and used.
b) Warranty period - 18 months from the date of sale.

Special means

The difficult criminal situation essentially forces security workers to effectively use various special means for self-defense. It is they, in combination with service weapons and special training, that are one of the important ways increasing the combat readiness and protection of private security personnel from threats of the use of physical force, bladed weapons and firearms from criminals and lawbreakers.

At the same time, in the practice of security structures, ignorance and misunderstanding of the specifics of using special means is still quite common. This article discusses historical, theoretical and practical issues of the use of special means by private security guards and detectives.

Special means are those consisting of providing security and detective structures technical products(devices, objects, substances) used in cases provided for by laws that are directly intended to protect the body and head of an employee from damaging elements and to exert forced physical influence on a person (offender).

They are intended:

protection of private security company employees and detectives from the effects of firearms and bladed weapons, blows from throwing objects, sticks, metal rods, etc.

repelling attacks by offenders, suppressing their disobedience and limiting physical resistance.

Special means are divided into:

Facilities personal protection.

Active defense means.

In turn, personal protective equipment is divided into individual means protection: heads - which includes helmets of 1-3 protection classes; torso, body armor - 1-5 protection classes.

The list of types of special equipment used in (private) security activities is determined by Appendix 2 to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation

dated August 14, 1992 No. 587 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 4, 2005 No. 179 and includes:

1. Protective helmet 1 - 3 protection classes domestic production.

2. Protective vest 1 - 5 protection classes of domestic production.

3. Handcuffs of domestic production "BR-S", "BR-S2", "BKS-1", "BOS".

4. Domestic rubber stick “PR-73M”, “PR-K”, “PR-T”, “PUS-1”, “PUS-2”, “PUS-3”.

Legal basis for the use of special means by employees of non-state security agencies

The legal basis for the use of special means by private security guards and detectives is:

1. Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Article 20 of Chapter 2 “Rights and freedoms of man and citizen” establishes that everyone has the right to life. Human life is proclaimed the highest social value.

A private security guard, being in a state of necessary defense when detaining a person who has committed a crime, has the right to threaten the life of the intruder only in the event of such a threat directed by the intruder against the security guard. Material goods are of secondary importance in relation to human life. Human life and health are also protected by a number of prohibitions on the use of firearms and special means.

Article 21, paragraph 1: Personal dignity is protected by the state. Nothing can be a reason to belittle him.

paragraph 2: No one shall be subjected to torture, violence or other cruel or degrading treatment or punishment. No one can be subjected to medical, scientific or other experiments without voluntary consent.

Article 22, paragraph 1: Everyone has the right to freedom and personal security. paragraph 2: Arrest, detention and detention are permitted only by court decision.

A private security guard has the right to detain a person who has committed a crime at a protected facility, pursuing two goals:

Suppression of criminal actions of the offender;

Immediately transfer it to law enforcement agencies.

In this case, a private security guard may exceed his powers by holding a detainee in custody without notifying law enforcement agencies or conducting interrogations. Only state bodies expressly authorized by law have the right to apply coercive measures, conduct investigative and operational search actions.

Article 35 states that “the right to private property is protected by law.” Legislation establishes the right of state, municipal, private property of individuals and legal entities, as well as other forms of ownership. A private security company has the right to provide services to protect the property of owners, including during its transportation.

Security measures can be carried out by him only in relation to those property complexes that are not included in the List of objects subject to state protection (Appendix No. 1 to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 14, 1992 No. 587). The private security guard is obliged, based on the contract, to respond only to attacks against the protected property listed in this contract.

2. Law of the Russian Federation “On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation”

Art. 17. Private detective and security activities are subject to the rules for the use of special means established by the Government of the Russian Federation for the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

Private detectives and security guards have the right to use special means in the following cases:

to repel an attack that directly threatens their life and health;

to suppress a crime against the property they protect when the offender offers physical resistance.

It is prohibited to use special means against women with visible signs of pregnancy, persons with obvious signs of disability and minors, when their age is obvious or known to the private detective (security guard), except in cases where they provide armed resistance, commit a group or other attack that threatens the life and health of the private detective (security guard) or protected property.

A comment:

1. Special means are understood as devices, objects and substances structurally intended for individual protection, active defense (protection) from influence on a security guard or detective in order to successfully fulfill the tasks assigned to them by law to protect property, protect the life and health of people in cases and in the manner prescribed by regulations.

“The rules for the use of special means by private detectives and security guards” are established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 14, 1992 No. 587 (Appendix 4), in connection with which the reference of the commented Law on the extension of the rules for the use of special means established by it for internal affairs bodies to security guards and detectives , not applicable.

Private detectives and security guards have the right to use special means not in all cases, but in two cases strictly specified in the commented article.

An attack should be understood as violent actions consisting of:

1) intrusion contrary to the established operating hours of a protected facility, the access control rules in effect there, the requirements of officials ensuring their compliance, accompanied in some cases by destruction, damage to property (by breaking doors, breaking glass in windows, arson, explosion, climbing over fence, etc.);

2) Causing bodily harm to persons present there (guards, protected persons) or threatening to commit similar actions;

3) hostage taking, establishing control over the territory of a protected facility, theft, etc.

Violent actions not related to intrusion into a protected object, but aimed at damaging a protected object (shelling of a building, mining, throwing stones and other objects at a building), or threatening the life and health of guards or protected persons, are also recognized as an attack.

The suppression of a crime against protected property should be understood as preventing the criminal from carrying out his plan. At a certain stage of the attempt, the criminal is detained by a security guard.

It is allowed to use special means to stop at the stage of attempt (but not preparation) a crime against the person they are protecting (i.e., detectives and security guards, although the Law allows only security guards to provide this type of service). This right is granted to them only if the offender (a person who has committed a crime or an administrative offense) provides physical resistance to security guards and detectives (expressed in deliberate blows, beatings, bodily harm, as well as other actions related to physical pressure on the security guard in connection with the arrest).

An attack can be on a security guard, detective, protected citizens and protected property.

It can be single, group and armed.

1. Repelling an attack directly on a security guard, when special means can be used, is associated with violence that threatens his life and health by a single and unarmed offender. This includes causing bodily harm, illegally entering a protected facility by pushing away a guard, and using other violent actions against a guard.

The law does not grant detectives and security guards the right to use special means to repel an attack that directly threatens the life and health of other citizens (except in cases of such an attack on themselves). In this regard, in Appendix 4 of the above Resolution in paragraph 3 (subparagraph “b”), a new version of the second case of the use of special means is given. It is stated here that special means are used “to repel an attack while protecting the life and health of protected citizens and to commit a crime against the property they protect when the offender offers physical resistance.” This provision significantly complements the Law we are commenting on. Due to the fact that the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “issues of private detective and security activities” dated August 14, 1992 is a by-law and actually introduces a new norm into the Law, the Government is violating the rules of lawmaking. However, today this deficiency has been eliminated by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Weapons” (Article 24). Employees of enterprises, organizations and institutions with special statutory tasks are granted by this Law the right to use weapons to protect life, health and property within the limits of necessary defense or when absolutely necessary (see commentary to Article 16).

Thus, at present, private security guards can, in accordance with Art. 37 and 39 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation to use special means ( gas canister, gas pistol and revolver, rubber/plastic stick) to protect the life and health of protected citizens.

Protected citizens are staff, clients located at the protected facility, as well as individual protected persons.

Physical resistance is the active opposition of the offender to the security guard’s performance of his duties by causing bodily harm, pulling out, pushing away and other physical influences.

It is prohibited to use special means in relation to three groups of persons: 1) in relation to women with visible signs of pregnancy; 2) persons with obvious signs of disability (no arms, legs, etc.) and 3) minors (i.e. persons under 18 years of age), when age is obvious or known to the detective or security guard. This prohibition does not apply to the above-mentioned persons if they offer armed resistance to security guards and detectives or commit a group or other attack that threatens the life and health of a private security guard (detective) or the property they protect.

Here, armed resistance refers to the active opposition of an offender, involving the use or threat of use of weapons or objects used as weapons in order to prevent a private security guard or detective from exercising his official powers.

A gang attack is an attack by two or more people.

Another attack is an attack by one person, when this person, by his own physical strength is clearly superior to the guard or the attacker is skilled in painful techniques, or the attack is repelled in an environment in which the attacker is in an advantageous position for him (for example, the attack occurs on the fifth floor on the scaffolding of a house being renovated, where the criminal only has to push the guard away from him and he will fall down).

Special means are used in compliance with:

1. ORDER (sequence of actions of a private security guard).

2. RULES (prohibitions, restrictions).

3. BASES ( short description in the law of the situation, faced with which in reality, a conclusion is drawn about the existence of the right to use special means).


The rules for using special means are divided into two groups:

a) general – applies to all types of special means;

b) specific (by type) – apply to certain types of special means.

General rules use of special means.

(Article 17 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On private detective and

security activities in the Russian Federation").

It is prohibited to use against:

a) women with visible signs of pregnancy;

b) persons with obvious signs of disability (not only physical, but mental disability is taken into account);

c) minors (under 18 years of age), when their age is obvious or known.

Note: It is permitted to use special means against these persons in the following cases:

a) armed resistance (not only with weapons, but also with other objects that can cause harm to life, health, property);

b) group attack (2 or more people in any ratio);

c) another attack (not even a group or armed one) that threatens the life and health of a private security guard or protected property.

Specific (by type) rules for the use of special means

(Appendix No. 4 to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 587)

1. Rubber (plastic) sticks.

You cannot hit: the head; neck; in the clavicular region; on the stomach; on the genitals.

2. Handcuffs.

Check the locking condition of the locks once every two hours.

Reasons (cases) for using special means

(Article 17 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Private Detective

and security activities in the Russian Federation"

and taking into account application No. 4

to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation

Special means are used subject to the prior use of non-violent methods if they do not give the desired results for:

1. Repelling an attack that directly threatens the life and health of a private security guard (rubber (plastic) sticks, tear substances).

2. Repelling an attack while protecting the life and health of protected citizens (rubber (plastic) sticks, tear substances).

3. Suppressing crimes against protected property when the offender offers physical resistance (all types of special means).

Note: you can only stop what has begun and has not yet ended.

Except for the indicated cases, private security guard can use special means, like any citizen.

Reasons for using special means

a private security guard as a citizen.

(within the framework of Art. 37; 39; 38 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)

If a private security guard has finished his duty or has not yet taken up duty (he is heading to his place of work), and also if, while working at a post (route), he acts outside the scope of his official duties (responds to cries for help or is an eyewitness to a crime), then the special means in his possession can be used by him, already as a citizen of the Russian Federation, as an improvised means available on legally, within:

1. Necessary defense (Article 37 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

or 2. Extreme necessity (Article 39 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

or 3. Detention of a criminal (Article 38 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

For a private security guard, it is necessary to understand the difference between a threat to life or health and the absence of such, and in most cases this line is difficult to determine, given his emotional state at the time of the attack.

Violence dangerous to life and health is recognized (even in the absence of serious consequences) such actions as kicking a lying person, deliberately striking vital organs, blocking respiratory tract, use of objects intended to cause injury, etc. Therefore, these actions may be the basis for the use of special means by a private security guard, taking into account the personality of the offender, his physical characteristics, and age.

Violence that is not dangerous to life and health, which can be used by an offender during an attack or resistance, giving rise to the use of special means, is beating or committing other violent acts that cause physical pain, restricting the freedom of the victim against his will.

Conditions for using special means

(taking into account Appendix No. 4 to the Resolution

Government of the Russian Federation No. 587).

1. The use of special means must be preceded by a warning about the intention to use them and sufficient time provided to comply with the requirements of a private security guard, except in cases where delay in using special means creates an immediate danger to their life and health or may entail other grave consequences.

2. In situations where the use of special means is unavoidable, a private security guard is obliged to exercise restraint, act based on the prevailing situation and the goal that must be achieved, minimizing the possibility of causing damage and bodily harm.

3. When using special means, it must be ensured that first aid persons who received bodily injuries, and notification of the incident as soon as possible short term health and internal affairs authorities.

Appendix No. 4 to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 14, 1992 No. 587

Rules for the use of special means by private detectives and security guards

The legal basis for the use of special means by private detectives and security guards is the Law of the Russian Federation “On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation”, other laws and legal acts Russian Federation, these Rules.

Rubber truncheons, handcuffs, tear gas and other means provided for in the relevant list are used as special means.

Special means are used by private detectives and security guards in cases where non-violent methods of preventive influence on offenders have been used and have not produced the desired results:

a) to repel an attack that directly threatens their life and health;

b) to repel an attack while protecting the life and health of protected citizens and to suppress a crime against the property they protect, when the offender offers physical resistance.

Special means in accordance with paragraph 3 of these Rules may be used:

rubber sticks and tear gas - in the cases provided for in subparagraphs “a” and “b” of paragraph No. of these Rules;

handcuffs – in the case provided for in subparagraph “b” of paragraph 3 of these Rules.

The right to use special means are available to private detectives and security guards who have undergone appropriate training and passed an annual test by the internal affairs bodies for professional suitability to act in situations involving their use.

Features of application individual species special means

Rubber sticks. It is prohibited to strike the head, neck and clavicular area, stomach, or genitals.

Handcuffs. A periodic (at least once every two hours) check of the locking condition of the locks is required.

All models of handcuffs and rubber sticks indicated in the List have certificates of conformity. They are included in the List on the basis of the long-term practice of their use by law enforcement agencies, as well as as the most common in non-state security activities. Also included latest models, developed specifically for non-state security activities - handcuffs “BCS-1” and “BOS”, as well as universal sticks “PUS-1”, “PUS-2”, “PUS-3” (“Argument”).

The experience of using special means in security structures has shown that the material and financial costs of providing security personnel with them have long been paid off by the saved lives and health of the guards. In addition, they are simultaneously a means of increasing the efficiency of their work and a measure for the prevention of crime. The sight of a well-equipped security guard in itself discourages people prone to crime and is a preventive measure.