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Air conditioning bzhd. Industrial ventilation and air conditioning. Basics of operation of the supply and exhaust system

Life safety Viktor Sergeevich Alekseev

25. Industrial ventilation and air conditioning

Ventilation– indoor air exchange carried out using various systems and devices.

As a person stays indoors, the air quality in the room deteriorates. Along with exhaled carbon dioxide Other metabolic products, dust, and harmful industrial substances also accumulate in the air. In addition, the temperature and humidity rise. Therefore, there is a need for room ventilation, which ensures air exchange– removing polluted air and replacing it with clean air.

Air exchange can be carried out naturally - through vents and transoms.

The best method of air exchange is artificial ventilation, in which fresh air is supplied and polluted air is removed. mechanically- using fans and other devices.

Most perfect form artificial ventilation is air conditioning- creation and maintenance in enclosed spaces and transport using technical means the most favorable (comfortable) conditions for people, to ensure technological processes, operation of equipment and devices, preservation of cultural and artistic values.

Air conditioning is achieved by creating optimal parameters air environment, its temperature, relative humidity, gas composition, movement speed and air pressure.

Air conditioning units are equipped with devices for cleaning air from dust, for heating, cooling, drying and humidifying it, as well as for automatic regulation, control and management. In some cases, using air conditioning systems, it is also possible to carry out odorization (saturation of air with aromatic substances), deodorization (neutralization unpleasant odors), regulation of ionic composition (ionization), removal of excess carbon dioxide, oxygen enrichment and bacteriological air purification (in medical institutions where patients with airborne infection are located).

Distinguish central systems air conditioning systems, which usually serve the entire building, and local ones, which serve one room.

Air conditioning is carried out using air conditioners various types, the design and arrangement of which depend on their purpose. Various devices are used for air conditioning: fans, humidifiers, air ionizers. In the premises, the optimal air temperature in winter is from + 19 to +21 C, in summer – from +22 to +25 C with a relative air humidity of 60 to 40% and an air speed of no more than 30 cm/s.

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Ventilation of the lungs and pulmonary volumes The amount of pulmonary ventilation is determined by the depth of breathing and the frequency of respiratory movements. A quantitative characteristic of pulmonary ventilation is the minute volume of breathing (MVR) - the volume of air passing through the lungs in 1 minute.

Forced (mechanical) ventilation is carried out in three ways. It can be exhaust, supply and supply-exhaust.

Atexhaust ventilation fan pumps air out of the room. As a result of rarefaction, clean air from the environment or utility rooms (through leaks in windows, doors, air ducts) enters the room. This type of ventilation is used when the indoor air pollutant is not toxic or fire-explosive (excess heat, human or animal breath products, excess humidity).

Atsupply ventilation, fresh air is forced into the room by a fan, creating excess pressure in it. At the same time, polluted air is squeezed out into the environment through windows, doors, and air ducts. It is used in case of insignificant concentration of harmful substances in the air, but it is required additional processing fresh air(heating, cooling, dehumidification, humidification, aromatization, etc.).

Supply and exhaust ventilation requires the presence of two fans in one room, one of which operates in exhaust mode, and the other in supply mode. It is used when the air pollutant is toxic, according tofire-explosive or when the pollutant has a high concentration in the air.

Optimal comfortable air parameters that meet sanitary and hygienic requirements are regulated in SNiP III-A, 10-85 “Acceptance for operation of completed enterprises, buildings, structures” and the Basic Provisions of SNiP P-M, 3 -83 "Auxiliary buildings and premises of industrial enterprises.

In some production premises, in which there is a danger of breakthrough large quantity harmful substances in a short time, install additional emergency ventilation, for which they use high-performance axial fans with automatic switching on and simultaneous sound signal.To provide necessary conditions labor, the frequency of air exchange, the power of ventilation systems and the choice of their type are important.

Air exchange It is customary to call the amount of air that must be supplied to the room and removed from it (m 3 / h). The main indicator is the exchange rate (ventilation coefficient K), which shows how many times all the air in the room is replaced by outside air within an hour, and is calculated by the formula

K= Y (1/4) "

WhereW- volume of air removed from the room, m 3 /h;

V is the volume of the room from which air is removed, m3.

When determining the air exchange in the sales area of ​​a store, we proceed from the following:

the air temperature in the sales area is assumed to be 5 °C higher than the outside temperature;

the number of visitors in the store’s sales area is determined based on observations and calculated as an average value;

the amount of heat generated by one employee is taken to be 80 kcal/h, and by a visitor - 75 kcal/h;

relative air humidity - 80%.

It must be borne in mind that high air mobility causes drafts that interfere with work and cause colds.

Air conditioning - this is the creation and maintenance in enclosed spaces of certain parameters of the air environment in terms of temperature, humidity, cleanliness, composition, speed and air pressure. Air parameters must be favorable for humans and stable.

Modern automatic air conditioning units purify the air, heat or cool it, humidify or dry it depending on the time of year and other conditions, subject it to ionization or ozonation, and also supply it to the premises at a certain speed.

The main elements of air conditioning systems are shown in Fig. 2. Air conditioning units are divided into local (for separate rooms) and central (for all rooms of the building).

Air conditioning is increasingly used in residential premises, public buildings, medical institutions and commercial enterprises.

Ventilation is the exchange of air in rooms, carried out using various systems and devices.
As a person stays indoors, the air quality in the room deteriorates. Along with exhaled carbon dioxide, other metabolic products, dust, and harmful industrial substances accumulate in the air. In addition, the temperature and humidity rise. Therefore, there is a need for room ventilation, which ensures air exchange - removing polluted air and replacing it with clean air.
Air exchange can be carried out naturally - through vents and transoms.
The best method of air exchange is artificial ventilation, in which fresh air is supplied and polluted air is removed mechanically - using fans and other devices.
The most advanced form of artificial ventilation is air conditioning - creating and maintaining in closed spaces and transport with the help of technical means the most favorable (comfortable) conditions for people, to ensure technological processes, the operation of equipment and devices, and the preservation of cultural and artistic values.
Air conditioning is achieved by creating optimal parameters of the air environment, its temperature, relative humidity, gas composition, air speed and air pressure.
Air conditioning units are equipped with devices for cleaning air from dust, for heating, cooling, drying and humidifying it, as well as for automatic regulation, control and management. In some cases, with the help of air conditioning systems, it is also possible to carry out odorization (saturation of air with aromatic substances), deodorization (neutralization of unpleasant odors), regulation of ionic composition (ionization), removal of excess carbon dioxide, oxygen enrichment and bacteriological air purification (in medical institutions where there are patients with airborne infection).
There are central air conditioning systems, which usually serve the entire building, and local air conditioning systems, which serve one room.
Air conditioning is carried out using air conditioners of various types, the design and arrangement of which depend on their purpose. Various devices are used for air conditioning: fans, humidifiers, air ionizers. In the premises, the optimal air temperature in winter is from + 19 to +21 C, in summer – from +22 to +25 C with a relative air humidity of 60 to 40% and an air speed of no more than 30 cm/s.

  • Industrial ventilation And conditioning. Ventilation

  • Industrial ventilation And conditioning. Ventilation– indoor air exchange carried out using various systems and devices.

  • Industrial ventilation And conditioning. Ventilation– indoor air exchange carried out using various systems and devices.

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Ventilation is an organized air exchange, during which dusty, gas-polluted or highly heated air is removed from the room and fresh, clean air is supplied in its place.

The ventilation system is a complex of architectural, structural and special engineering solutions, which, when correct operation provides the necessary air exchange in the room.

The ventilation system is engineering design, which has a certain functional purpose(inflow, exhaust, local suction, etc.) and is an element of the ventilation system.

Ventilation systems create conditions for ensuring the technological process or maintaining the specified climatic conditions in the room for highly productive human work. In the first case, the ventilation system will be called technological, and in the second - comfortable.

Technological ventilation provides a given air composition, temperature, humidity, and mobility in a room in accordance with the requirements of the technological process. These requirements are especially high in the workshops of such industries as radio engineering, electric vacuum, textile, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, storage facilities for agricultural products, archives, and premises where historical values ​​are stored.

Comfortable ventilation should provide favorable sanitary hygienic conditions for people working in these premises.

The required meteorological conditions indoors must be ensured in the working area of ​​the premises or at workplaces. Behind work area premises take a space 2m high from the level of the floor or platform on which it is located workplace. Design parameters air - temperature, relative humidity and air mobility - for various workshops and production premises, depending on the category of human work and the conditions of the technological process.

The task of ventilation of premises is to maintain a favorable air condition for humans in accordance with its standardized characteristics.

The chemical composition of indoor air depends on the length of time people stay in them and the operation of technological gas-emitting equipment. The maximum permissible content (concentration) of various harmful gases and vapors (MPC) established by research is given in GOST 12.1 005 76.

Depending on the chosen method, which determines the principle of operation of the systems and their design, ventilation is distinguished: general exchange, local and localizing.

With general ventilation, pollutants are diluted throughout the entire volume of the room due to the influx of fresh air, which, passing through the room, assimilates the released pollutants and is then thrown out.

Quantity supplied ventilation air(air exchange) is calculated to dilute the released harmful substances to concentrations acceptable in the workplace.

The main indicator for choosing this method is the location of people and possible sources of hazardous emissions throughout the entire or large area of ​​the premises. The disadvantage of this method is the uneven sanitary and hygienic conditions of the air environment in different places premises, as well as the possibility of their unacceptable deterioration near sources of hazardous emissions or places where air is exhausted from premises.

The latter must be taken into account and, if possible, eliminated by the appropriate location and purpose of the required number of devices for distribution and exhaust of ventilation air.

General ventilation is installed in residential and public buildings. In rooms where the release of heat and moisture causes the natural rise of air, exhaust is usually carried out from the upper zone. ventilation fire hazard material radiation

It is advisable to supply the supply air so that it reaches people as clean and fresh as possible, without disturbing comfortable conditions.

Classification ventilation systems by appointment

Ventilation systems can be divided according to their purpose into supply and exhaust. Supply systems used for supply to ventilated rooms clean air instead of the contaminated one. In this case, if necessary, the supply air can be subjected to processing, for example, cleaning, heating and humidification.

System supply ventilation consists of an air intake device, a supply chamber, a network of air ducts and devices for supplying air to the room.


  • 1. Fence installation.
  • 2. Cleaning device.
  • 3. Air duct system.
  • 4. Fan.
  • 5. Feeding device for work. place.

Local supply ventilation devices include air showers, air curtains and air heating.

An air shower is a device in a local supply ventilation system that provides a concentrated air flow. The supplied air creates air conditions in the zone of direct influence of this flow on a person that meet hygienic requirements.

Air and air-thermal curtains are installed in order to cold air V winter time did not penetrate through open doors V public buildings through open doors to public buildings and through gates to production areas of industrial buildings. An air curtain is a flat stream of air that is supplied from the sides of gates or doors at a certain angle towards the outside cold air. For an air-thermal curtain, the air supplied by the fan is additionally heated.

In systems air heating the air is heated in air heaters to certain temperature, and then served into the room. In air heaters, the air is heated by hot or superheated water, steam or hot gases.

Exhaust ventilation serves to remove contaminated or heated exhaust air from the room. Exhaust ventilation systems for industrial ventilation include aspiration or pneumatic transportation systems bulk materials, as well as production waste - dust, shavings, sawdust, etc. These materials are moved through pipes and channels by air flow.


  • 1. Air removal device.
  • 2. Fan.
  • 3. Air duct system.
  • 4. Dust and gas collection devices.
  • 5. Filters.
  • 6. Air release device.

Aspiration systems use special fans, cleaning devices, dust collectors and other equipment. Aspiration systems are widely used at woodworking enterprises to remove shavings and sawdust from machines, at elevators for loading grain into vehicles, at cement factories when loading cement, in foundries for transporting sand and burnt earth.

In general, both supply and exhaust systems are provided in the room. Their performance must be balanced taking into account the possibility of air flow into or from adjacent rooms. The premises may also be provided with only exhaust or only supply system. In this case, air enters this room from the outside or from adjacent rooms through special openings, or is removed from this room to the outside, or flows into adjacent rooms.


Theoretical part.

1. Ventilation and air conditioning. Classification of ventilation systems………………………………………………………..3

2. Principles and methods of increasing the sustainability of the functioning of facilities in emergencies. Ways to increase personnel security……………6

3. Labor Code of the Russian Federation and general provisions legislation on labor protection………………………………………………………………………………………10

4. Calculation of the percentage of additional payments for work in harmful and dangerous

working conditions……………………………………………………………………...12

Practical part.

5. Task No. 10…………………………….…………………………14

6. Problem No. 20……………………………………………………………….15


1.Ventilation and air conditioning. Classification of ventilation systems.

An effective remedy Industrial ventilation ensures acceptable air microclimate in the working area. Ventilation is an organized and controlled air exchange that ensures the removal of air from a room and the supply of fresh air in its place.

According to the method of air movement, systems are distinguished between natural and mechanical ventilation.

Natural ventilation. This is a ventilation system in which the movement of air masses is carried out due to the resulting pressure difference outside and inside the building. The pressure difference is caused by the difference in the densities of the external and internal air and the wind pressure acting on the building. When exposed to wind, excess pressure is generated on the surfaces of the building on the leeward side. On the windward side there is a vacuum. Natural ventilation is realized in the form of infiltration and aeration.

Unorganized natural ventilation- infiltration is carried out by changing the air in rooms through leaks in fences and elements of building structures due to the difference in pressure outside and inside the room. Such air exchange depends on random factors - the strength and direction of the wind, air temperature inside and outside the building, type of fencing and quality construction work. Infiltration can be significant for residential buildings and reach 0.5....0.75 room volume per hour, for industrial enterprises up to 1.5.

Aeration is the organized natural general ventilation of rooms as a result of the entry and removal of air through opening transoms of windows and lanterns. Air exchange in the room is regulated by varying degrees of opening of the transoms (depending on the outside temperature, wind speed and direction). As a method of ventilation, aeration has found wide application in industrial buildings, characterized by technological processes with large heat releases (rolling shops, foundries, forges). The flow of outside air into the workshop during the cold season is organized so that cold air does not enter the work area. To do this, outside air is supplied into the room through openings located at least 4.5 m from the floor; during the warm period, the influx of outside air is introduced through the lower 5 window openings - at a height of 1.5 ... .2 m.

The main advantage of aeration is the ability to carry out large air exchanges at no cost mechanical energy. The disadvantages of aeration include the fact that in the warm season the efficiency of aeration can drop significantly due to an increase in the temperature of the outside air and the fact that the air entering the room is not cleaned or cooled. Mechanical ventilation - ventilation by which air is supplied to or removed from production premises through systems ventilation ducts using special mechanical stimuli for this purpose.

Mechanical ventilation has a number of advantages over natural ventilation: large radius of action; the ability to change or maintain the required air exchange regardless of the outside temperature and wind speed; subject the air introduced into the room to pre-cleaning, drying or humidification, heating or cooling; organize optimal air distribution with air supply directly to workplaces; catch harmful emissions directly at the places where they form and prevent their spread throughout the entire room; purify polluted air before releasing it into the atmosphere. The disadvantages of mechanical ventilation include the significant cost of its construction and operation, as well as the need to take measures to reduce noise. Mechanical ventilation systems are divided into general, local, emergency, mixed and air conditioning systems.

The general exchange system is a ventilation system that is designed to supply clean air into the room, assimilate excess heat, moisture, and harmful substances in the room. In the latter case, it is used if harmful emissions enter directly into the air of the room, and the workplaces are not fixed and are located throughout the room.

The exhaust system is designed to remove air from the room. At the same time, a reduced pressure is created in it, and the air from neighboring rooms or outside air enters this room. It is advisable to use an exhaust system if harmful emissions in a given room should not spread to neighboring ones, for example, for chemical and bacteriological laboratories.

Suction panels are used to remove harmful emissions carried away by convective currents during manual operations such as electric welding, soldering, gas welding, metal cutting, etc.

Fume hoods- the most effective device compared to other suction systems, since they almost completely cover the source of the release of harmful substances. Only the service openings remain uncovered in the cabinets, through which air from the room enters the cabinet. The shape of the opening is chosen depending on the nature of the technological operations.

A mixed ventilation system is a combination of elements of local and general ventilation. Local system removes harmful substances from casings and covers of machines. However, some harmful substances penetrate into the room through leaks in shelters. This part is removed general ventilation.

Emergency ventilation is provided in those production areas where a sudden release of a large amount of harmful or explosive substances into the air is possible. Conditioning. To create optimal meteorological conditions in industrial and residential premises, in the interiors of transport systems, the most advanced type of ventilation, air conditioning, is used. Air conditioning is the automatic treatment of air in order to maintain predetermined meteorological conditions in rooms, regardless of changes in external conditions and indoor conditions. When air conditioning, the air temperature, its relative humidity and the rate of supply to the room are automatically adjusted depending on the time of year, external meteorological conditions and the nature of the technological process in the room. Such air parameters are created in special installations called air conditioners. In some cases, in addition to providing sanitary standards The air microclimate in air conditioners is subject to special treatment: ionization, deodorization, ozonation, etc.

Air conditioners can be local (to serve individual rooms) and central (to serve several rooms). Outside air It is cleared of dust in the filter and enters the chamber, where it is mixed with the air from the room. Having passed through the pre-temperature treatment stage, the air enters the chamber. Where it undergoes special treatment (air washing with water, ensuring the specified parameters regarding humidity, and air purification). During temperature treatment in winter, the air is heated partly due to the temperature of the water. In summer the air cools.

Air conditioning plays a significant role not only from the point of view of life safety, but also in many technological processes in which fluctuations in air temperature and humidity are not allowed. Therefore, installing air conditioning in last years are becoming increasingly used.

2.Principles and methods of increasing the sustainability of the functioning of objects in emergency situations.

Ways to improve personnel protection.

The sustainability of objects in emergency situations is determined by their ability to perform their functions in these conditions, as well as their adaptability to recovery in the event of damage. In emergency situations industrial enterprises must retain the ability to produce products, and transport, communications, power lines and other facilities that do not produce material values, - normal performance of their tasks.

In order for the facility to remain stable in emergency situations. They carry out a set of engineering, technical, organizational and other measures aimed at protecting personnel from the effects of dangerous and harmful factors that arise during the development of an emergency situation, as well as the population living near the facility. It is necessary to take into account the possibility of secondary formation of toxic, fire, explosive systems, etc.

In addition, an analysis of the vulnerability of the object and its elements in emergency situations is carried out. Measures are being developed to increase the stability of the facility and prepare it for restoration in the event of damage.

In order to protect workers at those enterprises where explosive, toxic and radioactive substances are used in the production process, shelters are built, and a special work schedule is developed for personnel in contaminated conditions harmful substances. A system must be prepared to alert personnel and the population living near the facility about an emergency situation that has arisen there. The facility personnel must be able to perform specific work to eliminate the consequences of an emergency in the affected area. The stability of a facility’s operation in emergency conditions is influenced by the following factors:

Area of ​​location of the object;

Internal layout and development of the site;

Specifics of the technological process (substances used, energy characteristics of the equipment, its fire and explosion hazard, etc.);

Reliability of the production management system.

The location of the facility determines the magnitude and likelihood of impact damaging factors natural nature (earthquake, floods, hurricanes, landslides, etc.). Important has duplication of transport routes and energy supply systems. So, if the enterprise is located near a navigable river, in the event of destruction of railways or pipelines, the supply of raw materials or export finished products carried out by water transport. The meteorological conditions of the area (amount of precipitation, direction of prevailing winds, minimum and maximum air temperatures, terrain) can have a significant impact on the consequences of emergency situations.

The internal layout and building density of the site have a significant impact on the likelihood of fire spreading, destruction that can be caused by a shock wave formed during an explosion, on the size of the lesion when toxic substances are released into the environment, etc. It is also necessary to take into account the nature of the development surrounding the site, yes, presence nearby of this object hazardous enterprises, in particular chemical ones, can aggravate the consequences of an emergency occurring at the site.

It is necessary to study in detail the specifics of the technological process, assess the possibility of equipment explosion, the main causes of fires, and the amount of potent, toxic and radioactive substances used in the process. To increase the sustainability of an object in an emergency, it is necessary to consider the possibility of changing technology, reducing production capacity, as well as switching it to the production of other products. It is also necessary to develop a way to quickly and safely stop production in emergency situations.

Let us now consider ways to increase the stability of the functioning of the most important species technical systems and objects.

Water supply systems are a large complex of buildings and structures located at considerable distances from each other. In emergency situations, as a rule, all elements of this system cannot be disabled at the same time. When designing a water supply system, it is necessary to provide for measures to protect them in emergency situations. It is advisable to place critical elements below the surface of the earth, which increases their stability. For a city it is necessary to have two or three sources of water supply, and for industrial highways - at least two or three inputs from city highways. It should be possible to repair these systems without stopping them and turning off the water supply to other consumers.

The drainage system for contaminated (waste) water (sewage system) is very important. As a result, conditions are created for the development of diseases and epidemics. Cluster Wastewater on the territory of the facility makes it difficult to carry out emergency rescue and restoration work. Increasing the stability of the sewerage system is achieved by creating a backup network of pipes through which contaminated water can be drained in the event of a failure of the main system. A scheme for emergency release of wastewater directly into water bodies must be developed. Pumps used to pump contaminated water are equipped with reliable power supplies.

In different emergencies, power supply systems may suffer various destructions and damages. Their most vulnerable parts are ground structures(power plants, substations, transformer stations), as well as air lines power transmission In modern conditions, various automatic devices are used that can almost instantly turn off damaged electrical sources, maintaining the functionality of the system as a whole.

To increase its stability, first of all, it is advisable to replace overhead power lines with cable (underground) networks, use backup networks to power consumers, and provide autonomous backup power sources for the facility (mobile power generators).

It is very important to ensure the stability of the gas supply system, since if it is destroyed or damaged, fires or explosions may occur, as well as the release of gas into the environment, which significantly complicates emergency rescue and restoration work.

The main measures to increase the sustainability of gas supply systems are as follows:

construction of underground bypass gas pipelines (pools) ensuring gas supply in emergency conditions;

the use of devices that enable equipment to operate at reduced pressure in gas pipelines;

Creation of emergency reserves of alternative fuels (coal, fuel oil) at enterprises;

providing gas supply to the facility from several sources;

creation of underground gas storage facilities high pressure;

use of disconnecting devices installed on the distribution network on looped gas supply systems.

As a result of an emergency, the heating system may be seriously damaged settlement or enterprises, which creates difficulties for their functioning, especially during the cold period. Thus, the destruction of pipelines from hot water or the ferry may cause their flooding and make it difficult to localize and eliminate the accident.

The main way to increase the stability of the internal equipment of heating networks is their duplication. It is also necessary to ensure the possibility of disconnecting damaged sections of heating networks without disrupting the rhythm of heat supply to consumers, as well as to create backup heat supply systems.

As a result of exposure to a shock wave. Arising from explosions of various origins, underground communications can be seriously damaged, including underground passages and transport structures (overpasses, overpasses, bridges, etc.).

The main means of increasing the stability of the considered structures from the effects of a shock wave is to increase the strength and rigidity of the structures.

Special attention attention should be paid to the sustainability of warehouses and storage facilities for toxic and explosive substances in emergency situations. This is achieved by transferring these materials for storage to underground warehouses, storing a minimum amount of toxic, fire and explosive substances, as well as the non-stop use of these substances upon arrival at the site, bypassing the warehouse.

To increase the sustainability of the operation of facilities in emergencies, it is necessary to pay attention to the protection of workers and employees. For this purpose, shelters and shelters are built at the facilities to protect personnel; a warning system is created and maintained in constant readiness for workers and employees of the facility, as well as the population living near the facility, about the occurrence of an emergency. Personnel servicing the facility must be aware of its operating mode in the event of an emergency, and also be able to perform specific work to eliminate hotspots.

3. Labor codec of the Russian Federation and general provisions on labor protection

Labor protection as one of the institutions of labor law includes the following groups of norms:

State regulatory requirements for labor protection;

Organization of labor protection;

Ensuring the rights of workers to labor protection;

Rules for the investigation and recording of industrial accidents;

Standards establishing liability for violation of labor protection requirements.

Article 210 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides a fairly extensive list of main areas public policy in the field of labor protection:

1. ensuring the priority of preserving the life and health of workers;

2. acceptance and implementation federal laws and other regulations Russian Federation on labor protection, as well as federal target, sectoral target and territorial target programs for improving labor conditions and safety;

3. public administration labor protection;

4. state supervision and control over compliance with labor protection requirements;

5. promoting public control over compliance with the rights and legitimate interests of workers in the field of labor protection;

6. investigation and recording of industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

7. protection of the legitimate interests of workers affected by industrial accidents and occupational diseases, as well as members of their families on the basis of mandatory social insurance workers from industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

8. establishing compensation for hard work and work in harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions that cannot be eliminated at the current technical level of production and labor organization;

9. coordination of activities in the field of labor protection and environmental protection natural environment and other types of economic and social activities;

10. dissemination of advanced domestic and foreign experience in improving working conditions and safety;

11. state participation in financing labor protection measures;

12. training and advanced training of labor protection specialists;

13. organization of state statistical reporting on working conditions, as well as industrial injuries, occupational morbidity and their material consequences;

14. ensuring the functioning of a unified information system labor protection;

15. international cooperation in the field of labor protection;

16. carrying out an effective tax policy that stimulates the creation safe conditions labor, production of personal and collective protective equipment for workers;

17. establishing a procedure for providing workers with personal and collective protective equipment, as well as sanitary and household premises and devices, medical and preventive means at the expense of employers.

Labor protection requirements are mandatory for compliance by physical and legal entities when they carry out any type of activity, including the design, construction and operation of facilities, the design of machines, mechanisms and other equipment, the development of technological processes, the organization of production and labor.

A fairly wide range of responsibilities for ensuring safe conditions and labor protection in the organization is assigned by Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation to the employer. He is obliged to provide:

Safety of workers during the operation of buildings, structures, equipment, implementation of technological processes, as well as tools, raw materials and supplies used in production;

Application of personal and collective protective equipment for workers;

Working conditions at each workplace that meet labor safety requirements;

Work and rest schedule for employees in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

Purchase and issue at the expense of own funds special clothing and footwear and other personal protective equipment, in accordance with the standards established for workers engaged in work with harmful or dangerous working conditions;

Education safe methods and methods of performing work on labor protection and first aid at work, instruction on labor protection, on-the-job training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements;

Organizing control over the state of labor protection conditions in the workplace, as well as over the correct use of individual and collective protective equipment by employees;

Carrying out certification of workplaces according to working conditions with subsequent certification of work on labor protection in the organization; preventing employees from performing their job duties without undergoing mandatory medical examinations, as well as in the case of medical contraindications;

Investigation and recording of industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

Familiarization of workers with labor protection rules, etc.

4. Calculation of the percentage of additional payments for work in harmful and dangerous working conditions

Working conditions are a combination of factors in the production environment and

labor process that affects health and performance

person in the process of work.

One of the reasons for increasing wages is work associated with difficult and harmful working conditions. Most often as a measure

compensation for work in such conditions, additional payments for conditions apply

labor. Harmful working conditions are characterized by the presence of harmful production factors that exceed hygienic standards and have an adverse effect on the body of the worker and (or) his offspring. Hygienic criteria for assessing working conditions in terms of harmfulness and danger of factors in the working environment, severity and intensity of the labor process were approved by the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia on July 12, 1994 R 2.2.013-94.

A harmful production factor is a factor whose impact on a worker under certain conditions can lead to illness or decreased performance. Depending on the level and duration of exposure, a harmful production factor can become dangerous (GOST 12.002-80).

The mechanism for establishing increased pay for workers engaged in heavy work, in work with harmful or dangerous working conditions, compared to payment for work with normal conditions labor includes the following elements:

List of relevant works; - certification of jobs; - determination of specific amounts of increased pay.

The list of heavy work, work with harmful or dangerous or other special working conditions was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2000 No. 162 and includes 456 types of work, professions, positions.

When certifying a workplace, which is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for certifying workplaces according to working conditions, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated March 14, 1997 No. 12, all hazardous and harmful production factors present in the workplace are subject to assessment. An assessment of the actual state of working conditions in the workplace consists of assessments of the degree of harmfulness and danger, the degree of injury safety: the provision of workers with personal protective equipment, the effectiveness of these means. In cases where the actual values ​​of dangerous and harmful production factors exceed existing standards or requirements for injury safety, and the provision of workers with personal protective equipment does not meet existing standards, working conditions in such a workplace are harmful and (or) dangerous.

The results of assessing the actual state of working conditions at the workplace are entered into the Workplace Certification Card, in which the organization’s certification commission provides an opinion on the results of the certification. Based on the results of certification of workplaces, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees by the employer, the collective agreement fixes a general assessment of working conditions at each workplace and sets the amount of increased pay. The employment contract reflects the specific amount of additional payment (as a percentage) to the employee’s tariff rate (salary).

Every employee, if he is engaged in heavy work and work with harmful or dangerous working conditions, has the right to compensation, established by law of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, collective agreement, employment contract.

The allowance for work in heavy work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions is established in accordance with the norms of Art. 147 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The Government of the Russian Federation has established that the amount of compensatory additional payments for working conditions is determined by enterprises independently, but not lower than those established by the relevant decisions of the Government. Clause 1.6 of the Model Regulations on the assessment of working conditions in workplaces and the procedure for applying sectoral lists of work for which additional payments to workers for working conditions can be established, approved by the Decree of the State Labor Committee of the USSR 03.10.1986 No. 387/22-78, established an additional payment to the salary for work in difficult and harmful working conditions in the amount of 4 to 12%, and for work in especially difficult and especially harmful working conditions - from 16 to 24%.

In some cases, legislation establishes a different procedure for increasing wages due to its harmfulness and severity. So, in accordance with Art. 20 Federal Law of June 20, 1996 No. 81-FZ “On state regulation in the field of mining and use of coal, on the features of social protection of employees of coal industry organizations” the minimum salaries for workers employed in heavy and hazardous work and work with hazardous working conditions in mining and coal processing are established by a tripartite agreement of authorized representatives of organizations, trade unions of coal industry workers and the Government of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the minimum wages for each profession of these workers must exceed the established salaries for the corresponding professions for normal working conditions by at least 10%. An increase in official salaries in connection with hazardous to health and especially difficult working conditions in the amount of 15 to 60% is provided for healthcare workers, medical research institutions, and social protection organizations. In accordance with the Federal Law “On the Prevention of the Spread of Tuberculosis in the Russian Federation” dated June 18, 2001, medical, veterinary and other workers directly involved in the provision of anti-tuberculosis care, as well as workers in the production and storage of livestock products, are entitled to additional payment in the amount of at least 25% of official salary.

Practical part.

Problem No. 10

From the workshop, which is located on the ground floor of the building and has longitudinal passages between production lines, N people must be evacuated in case of fire.

Determine the minimum width of aisles with a uniform flow of people. Dimensions of the workshop in terms of A and B m. The speed of the flow of people is assumed to be V.

N, people – 600

V, m/min – 15


Approximate width of all passages "in"

where N is the number of people,

c – the minimum permissible width of movement of one flow of people (can be taken c = 0.6 m);

Average throughput one stream (can be taken = 25 km/min);

t - maximum evacuation time.

where L is determined graphically (L=0.5A+0.5V)

taking into account the number of passages n, we find the width of each passage - “in”

– width of all passages

– width of each passage

Problem No. 20

The illumination of the workplace through the windows, measured using a lux meter, was E, lux when illuminated from outside E ad, lux.

Determine the natural light factor and check whether the lighting conditions comply with the requirements of SNiP 23-05-095.

E, lux – 150

E nar, lux – 9000

Discharge visual works– IV

Location – Tyumen


CFU is the ratio of natural illumination created at a certain point on a given plane inside a room by the light of the sky to the simultaneous value of external horizontal illumination created by the light of a completely open sky, expressed as a percentage.

This indicator complies with the requirements of SNiP 23-05-95.

List of used literature:

1.Arustamov E.A. Life safety. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2001.

2. Life safety / Ed. S.V. Belova. - M.: Higher School, 2002. -357 p.

Z.Marinchenko A.V. Life safety. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2006.-360 p.

4. Posherstnik N.V., Meisik M.S. Wage in modern conditions.

M.-SPb.: Publishing house "Gerda", 2004. - 768 p.

5.Labor Law / Ed. A.K. Isaeva. - M.: OMEGA-L, 2005. - 424 p.