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Lesson summary on technology "Interior of a residential building. Window decoration." Lesson summary on the topic "Interior of a residential building. Window decoration" II. Presentation of new material

Lesson summary on technology “Interior of a residential building. Window decoration" Technology teacher MKOU Krasnooktyabrskaya secondary school Nadezhda Ivanovna Tenisbaeva Lesson type: Learning new knowledge Lesson objectives: Educational - to form in students the concept of “interior”, its history; explore the requirements for the design of rooms and windows; teach how to find the necessary information and, highlighting the main thing, apply it in practice. Educational – to continue to instill in students a sense of responsibility, accuracy, initiative, and the ability to work in a team. Developmental - the development of aesthetic taste, the ability to analyze, generalize, imagine, and think figuratively. Methods of conducting the lesson: organization of students’ activities; student messages prepared during preparation for the lesson; use of presentation when explaining new material; testing; practical creative work; blitz survey; reflection of activity. Objects of labor: notebooks, colored pencils, drawing supplies, textbooks, materials collected by students during research. Interdisciplinary connections: fine arts, Russian language, history, literature, ecology, biology, computer science. Material and technical equipment: sketches of interiors and window design options, signs with new words and professions, test task, black and white cards - tasks with sketches of windows, presentation, screen, computer, projector, literature for extracurricular reading, various magazines on residential interiors Houses. Preparing for Lesson 1. Use methodological recommendations, internet resources. 2. Tasks for students in groups: a) Study of the problem of interior design of the kitchen, nursery and living room b) Window decoration c) The influence of color on a person’s mood. Lesson progress I. Organizational part. Attendance control. Checking readiness for the lesson. Reflection. Situation. “Nothing separated the room from the sky except the roof, covered with planks and reeds and supported by strong rafters and crossbars. At opposite ends of the hall there were huge fireplaces, their chimneys were so poorly constructed that most of smoke remained in the room. Because of the constant soot, the log rafters and crossbars under the roof were thickly covered with a glossy crust of soot, like black varnish. Various hunting and military weapons hung along the walls, and in the corners of the hall there were folding doors that led to other rooms in the vast house. The whole arrangement was distinguished by the austere Saxon simplicity of which Cedric was proud. The floor was made of clay with lime, beaten into a dense mass, such as can often be found in our barns to this day.” (Walter Scott “Ivanhoe”) This is how knights lived in the Middle Ages. Much has changed since then. People's lives have changed radically, but one thing remains unchanged - the desire to have their own home. So that you can say: “My home is my fortress.” And no matter what happens, I would like to go home, where it is cozy and comfortable. (slide 3) Objectives: Analyze what a person needs in his home? What do you think rooms should look like to make them comfortable to live in? What should everyone know to properly decorate their home? I. Clarification of tasks 1. What is interior and design? 2. What qualities should a home meet? 3. What styles exist in interior design? 4. How to choose the right wall color. How color affects a person’s mood 5. How you can decorate windows in rooms for various purposes? (Tasks are formulated with the help of students and written down in notebooks, slide 4) Context of the task: Get acquainted with the rules for registering housing. Select and study information about window design. Design the window in accordance with the design requirements. II. Learning new material 1. Solving the first problem (presentation slide 5) 2. Solving the second problem (slide 6) 3. Solving the third problem (slides 7-12) 4. Solving the fourth problem (student message, slide 13,14) III. Primary consolidation (working with the “Interior” test, see Appendix 1) IV. Learning new material Solving the fifth problem - (slides 1 5-19), working with magazines and homework. V. Practical work The class is divided into three teams: Living room Children's Kitchen (At this stage of the lesson, work is carried out with black and white task cards depicting sketches of windows. It is necessary to draw and color the window design. Upon completion of the work, presentation best works according to the following criteria: choice of color and ornamental solutions, curtain models) VI. Consolidation of the studied material. Blitz survey (slide 20-21) VII. Lesson summary. (The number of correct answers and the quality
presentations of each team.) Reflection. VIII. Homework. (Search for material about the meaning indoor plants in the interior and human life) Literature: 1. Technology. Textbook for students, ed. V.D.Simonenko.- M. Ventana-Graf.2008 2. Lesson plans for the textbook “Technology. 7th grade” V.D.Simonenko.- Teacher-AST.2007. 3. Technology. Lesson notes, elective courses: grades 5-9 (Compiled by L. P. Barykina, S. E. Sokolova). - LLC “5 for knowledge”. 2006 4. Internet resources.

Lesson topic:Interior of a residential building.

Lesson objectives:

educational – introduce students to the concept of “interior”, its history, requirements for the design of premises;

educational – to cultivate in students a sense of responsibility, accuracy, initiative, and hard work;

developing – continue the development of aesthetic taste, the ability to analyze, generalize, think figuratively, imagine;

Methods of conducting the lesson: conversation with consolidation of material during the lesson, use of presentations when explaining new material, testing, practical creative work, blitz survey (work in groups).

Objects of labor: notebooks, colored pencils, drawing supplies, textbooks.

Interdisciplinary connections: Fine arts, Russian language, history, ecology, biology, computer science.

Material and technical equipment

    Sketches of interiors and window design options.

    Plates with new words and professions.


    Black and white task cards with sketches of windows.


Literature for teachers

“Technology” edited by V.D. Simonenko, grades 5, 6, 7 (option for girls), Moscow, Ventana-Graf Publishing Center, 2005.

Literature for extracurricular reading by students

Various magazines with materials on the interior of a residential building.

During the classes

    Organizational part.

1.1. Attendance control.

1.2. Checking readiness for the lesson.

2. Presentation of new material.

This stage of the lesson takes place in the form of a conversation the following questions: concept of interior; history of the interior, requirements for interior design; color scheme interior design; visual illusions in the interior; professions of designer, stylist, colorist, fashion designer.

    Functional, when housing contributes normal conditions life. Each room serves its own purpose. Rational layout of rooms and conveniently arranged furniture make housing more comfortable.

    Hygienic, the totality of which is taken into account during construction: sound insulation, air exchange, heat-protective qualities, operation of sanitary and hygienic equipment, etc.

    Aesthetic, that is, the harmony of things and space, their integrity and coherence.

The apartments correspond to the owner’s character, his habits, and worldview. This is the main condition when developing an interior that can strictly correspond to some already established historical or ethnic style.

Style is a historically established community of artistic and expressive means expressed in the content and form of everyday objects, in architecture and art.

V. Practical work

At this stage of the lesson, we work with black and white task cards with images of window sketches.

It is necessary to draw and color the window design.

At the end of the work, presentation of the best works according to the following criteria: choice of color and ornamental solutions, curtain models

VI. Consolidation of the studied material in the form of a quick survey.

The class is divided into teams. Questions are asked to each team in turn. If none of its members knows the answer, then the question is forwarded to another team. Record the results of the blitz survey on the board in a table.

    List the primary colors.

    By what criteria are tones classified as warm or cool?

    Name achromatic colors.

    What is the interior?

    What visual effect does a bright, large pattern on wallpaper have?

    Which pattern should you choose if you want to make the room appear wider and taller?

    What effect will we achieve if we cover a room with wallpaper with a pattern of narrow vertical lines?

    List the basic requirements for interior design.

    What are curtains made of non-transparent fabrics on windows called?

    How do light-colored curtains affect the size of the room? What about dark tones?

    What are the names of curtains on a window made of soft printed or transparent fabric, tulle, lace, mesh, which drape in a variety of ways and freely?

    What are the curtains on the door made of non-transparent dense fabric called?

    What are they used for?

    What is the name of a series of plates connected to each other so that they are able to open, letting in sunlight, and close. Isolating the room from the street?

    What qualities should a designer have?

VII. Lesson summary

The number of correct answers for each team is counted. The teacher gives grades, conducts a mini-interview about whether the information that students learned in the lesson was interesting, where they can apply this knowledge in practice, and thanks the children for their productive work.

VIII. Homework.

Draw the window design in your notebook (in color):

1st brigade - common room;

2nd brigade – kitchens;

3rd brigade – “children’s” brigade.

Think about defending your idea.


    Technology. Lesson notes, elective courses: grades 5 – 9 (Compiled by L.P. Barylkina, S.E. Sokolova). – LLC “5 for knowledge”. 2006.

    The hostess's golden collection. Series “OK. Rostov n/a. (E. Zatsepina). - “Phoenix”. 2003.

    CD "Gallery" modern interior». « New DISC».

SoftCompass LLC, 2004.

    Annex 1

Subject. "Interior".

Please provide correct descriptions for the terms.

1 . Design. 2. Furniture. 3. Plastic. 4. Ceramics. 5. Service. 6 . Style . 7. Kitchen. 8. Plate.

9. Timer. 10 . Linoleum.



Product made from natural clay.

Device for automatic time keeping.

Creation of new types and types of products.

Unity and interconnection of objects and decorations of housing.

Apartment (house) items.

Synthetic floor covering.

Set of dishes.

Heat- and water-resistant material for covering tables.

A room for storing, processing and preparing food.

Installation for cooking.

Answer sheet

Last name, first name____________ Class_____________

Description symbol

Description symbol

Number of correct answers, total

Self-esteem for work

Teacher rating


Lesson objectives:

Educational: introduce students to the concepts of interior, interior requirements; strengthen your computer skills to create an interior;

Educational: develop students' creative abilities and spatial thinking;

Educational: contribute to the formation of aesthetic qualities of the individual, information culture of students.

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, computers with software“3D furniture arrangement program”, document - camera.
1. Organizational moment.

Teacher: According to thematic planning We are studying the section “House management technology”, in the previous lesson we got acquainted with the concepts of “interior”, “interior requirements”. Today we will do practical work “Creating the interior of a children's room”. But our lesson will not proceed quite normally, we will try to combine your theoretical knowledge acquired in technology lessons and practical skills acquired in computer science lessons and recreate a three-dimensional and visual picture of the interior of a children's room.

2. Main part.

Student motivation

Formulation of the problem

Teacher's work

Student work

We have become acquainted with the requirements for the interior. Now we will try to make sure that we understand these requirements.
I propose to consider one of the interior options. Express your opinion on the organization of this space
- What requirements does the room decoration not meet?
- Make the changes you suggest to the interior of the room

Too little light
- Dark wallpaper
- Furniture is arranged irrationally
- Very dark floor covering
- Requirements for the interior of a residential premises
- They go out to interactive whiteboard and make changes

Fixing the material

Checking homework


Practical work

1) Statement of the problem

Teacher: Information Technology allow you to create a sketch or 3-dimensional model of the interior using a special computer program for arranging furniture. In your computer science lesson, you learned to work in one of these programs while studying the topic “Working with a graphics editor.” Using the skills you have acquired, today you will complete the practical work “Sketch of a children's room” in the furniture arrangement program.

2) Doing practical work

Creating a room layout. Students draw a room, taking into account its size, location of windows and doors. Arrange furniture, select color scheme, lighting and decorative elements.

Technology lesson on the topic: "Interior of a residential building"

Program topic: Culture at home.

Lesson topic: Interior of a residential building.

Lesson objectives:

    educational – introduce students to the concept of “interior”, its history, requirements for the design of premises;

    educational – to instill in students a sense of responsibility, accuracy, initiative, and hard work;

    developing – continue the development of aesthetic taste, the ability to analyze, generalize, think figuratively, imagine;

Methods of conducting the lesson: conversation with consolidation of material during the lesson, use of presentations when explaining new material, testing, practical creative work, blitz survey (work in groups).

Objects of labor: notebooks, colored pencils, drawing supplies, textbooks.

Interdisciplinary connections: Fine arts, Russian language, history, ecology, biology, computer science.

Material and technical equipment:

    Sketches of interiors and window design options.

    Plates with new words and professions.


    Black and white task cards with sketches of windows.


    Screen, computer, projector.

Literature for extracurricular reading for students: various magazines with materials on the interior of a residential building.


I. Organizational part

Attendance control. Checking readiness for the lesson.

II. Presentation of new material

This stage of the lesson takes place in the form of a conversation on the following issues: the concept of interior; history of the interior, requirements for interior design; color scheme for interior design; visual illusions in the interior; professions of designer, stylist, colorist, fashion designer.

Design means artistic design activities for the creation of industrial products and the formation of an integral subject environment, surrounding a person(including apartments).

Interior translated from French means “internal”. In other words, this inner world Houses. This planning solution, allowing you to assemble into a single whole the internal space of premises (rooms, hallway, kitchen, bathroom) and furniture, decorative furnishings and various equipment.

Decorative decoration combines utilitarian (necessary in Everyday life) and decorative elements that decorate human life: carpets and floor coverings, dishes, flowers, paintings, music.

When decorating a home Special attention focuses on three main qualities:

Functional when the home contributes to normal living conditions. Each room serves its own purpose. Rational layout of rooms and conveniently arranged furniture make housing more comfortable.

Hygienic, the totality of which is taken into account during construction: sound insulation, air exchange, heat-protective qualities, operation of sanitary and hygienic equipment, etc.

Aesthetic, that is, the harmony of things and space, their integrity and consistency.

The apartments correspond to the owner’s character, his habits, and worldview. This is the main condition when developing an interior that can strictly correspond to some already established historical or ethnic style.

Style is a historically established community of artistic and expressive means expressed in the content and form of everyday objects, in architecture and art.

Historical and modern styles interior (cm. ).

Gothic style(2nd half of the 12th – 15th centuries) – huge windows, multi-colored stained glass, lighting effects, giant openwork towers.

Baroque (XVII - early XVIII centuries) - grandeur, splendor, spatial scope.

Classicism (XVIII – early XIX centuries) – calmness and sophistication, wealth and grandeur.

Minimalism – extreme laconicism of forms, complete absence of decor, ornaments, work with large planes, graphic design.

Country - light, exceptional natural materials(wood, stone, etc.), an abundance of textiles.

Techno – combination modern technologies and a special atmosphere of lighting effects.

Color has enormous significance in the life of each of us and has big influence on visual perception.The color scheme of your home is one of the most important elements of the interior.

All colors are divided intochromatic (colored) andachromatic (colorless) – white, black, gray.

Chromatic colors are divided into“warm” And“cold”.

Towards warm tones include: red, orange, yellow. These colors are “protruding” and rooms painted in these tones appear smaller. Under their influence, a person’s mood improves, he becomes more cheerful, cheerful, and a desire to act appears. Therefore, they are recommended and considered suitable for painting those rooms in which active activities are carried out, i.e. in which a person spends the most time and works: a common room, a “children’s room,” a study, a dining room. Painted in warm colors rooms whose windows do not face the sunny side, less illuminated, seem sunny and welcoming.

To cold (passive) include blue, green, purple. These colors and their derivative tones are not only calming, but also create an impression of greater spaciousness. They are suitable for painting rooms intended for relaxation, as well as for rooms that are heavily lit and heated by the sun, bringing some calm.

Practical advice:

    when the walls are lightly painted, the room appears wider and higher;

    dark contrasting walls visually narrow your room;

    the ceiling will look higher if it is painted lighter than the walls and lower if darker;

    Wallpaper with vertical pattern elements makes the room appear taller.

Plays a big rolelighting Houses. Our eyes are designed in such a way that they see illuminated objects. In daylight sunlight -natural lighting - this is easy to achieve; almost every room in the apartment has a window.

At duskartificial lighting becomes almost the only source of light.

Among the diversity lighting fixtures lamps should be distinguishedgeneral (main thing)local, combined , directed lightingdecorative Andnight lamps .

Main lighting isgeneral. For such lighting, lamps are placed in the center of the ceiling; if it is necessary to illuminate one particular area, uselocal lighting.

III. Primary consolidation

Working with the “Interior” test (see. )

IV. Presentation of new material

Design of window and door openings.

Write down in your notebook the definitions of “drapes”, “curtains”, “curtains”, “blinds”, “lambrequin”.

It is impossible to imagine a home that would not have a connection with outside world. The main guides along with entrance doors it has windows.

Window design - one of the main elements of the interior. Windows in the room serve not only for lighting and ventilation, but also serve as a decorative element. Interior modern home diverse and inexhaustible with the imagination of the one who arranges it. Sometimes one single detail can make the interior sparkle in a new way. We are talking about cornices.

Todaycornices can be divided into two types:decorative (decorate the window and give the curtain a finished look) andfunctional (serve to support curtains and are usually invisible behind the fabric).

Also important element window design (and the room as a whole) arecurtains . Their length can be different: to the floor, just above the floor, to the window sill, just below the window sill. To make curtains, various fabrics are used in density, color, and pattern, depending on their functions. Dense fabrics provide optical, sound, thermal insulation. Lightweight, transparent fabrics diffuse Sun rays, soften the harshness of the lighting, giving the room a cozy look.

Often, in a room covered with single-color wallpaper, curtains with a pattern are hung.

Great importance For appearance presence of curtains plays a role small parts and accessories: borders, cornices, tiebacks (cords, fasteners, ribbons), as well as various draperies.

Curtains - These are curtains made of non-transparent fabrics. They are lifting and sliding.

Curtains - these are curtains made of soft printed or transparent fabric, tulle, mesh, lace, which drape in a variety of ways and freely.

Curtains – curtains on doors and windows made of non-transparent dense fabric.

The width of the curtains is determined depending on the width of the window opening and the density of the fabric. Curtains made from very thin material should be three times wider than the window, the thickest one should be twice as wide, and the thickest one should be one and a half times wider.

Lambrequin - this is a wide frill, a strip of fabric, the shape of which should match the style of the curtains and the interior.

Curtains can be symmetrical or asymmetrical in relation to the window.

What properties should the fabric from which curtains are made have?

Window design options.

V. Practical work

At this stage of the lesson, we work with black and white task cards with images of window sketches.

It is necessary to draw and color the window design.

At the end of the work, presentation of the best works according to the following criteria:choice of color and ornamental solutions, curtain models

VI. Consolidation of the studied material in the form of a quick survey

The class is divided into teams. Questions are asked to each team in turn. If none of its members knows the answer, then the question is forwarded to another team. Record the results of the blitz survey on the board in a table.

    List the primary colors.

    By what criteria are tones classified as warm or cool?

    Name achromatic colors.

    What is the interior?

    What visual effect does a bright, large pattern on wallpaper have?

    Which pattern should you choose if you want to make the room appear wider and taller?

    What effect will we achieve if we cover a room with wallpaper with a pattern of narrow vertical lines?

    List the basic requirements for interior design.

    What are curtains made of non-transparent fabrics on windows called?

    How do light-colored curtains affect the size of the room? What about dark tones?

    What are the names of curtains on a window made of soft printed or transparent fabric, tulle, lace, mesh, which drape in a variety of ways and freely?

    What are the curtains on the door made of non-transparent dense fabric called?

    What are they used for?

    What is the name of a series of plates connected to each other so that they are able to open, letting in sunlight, and close. Isolating the room from the street?

    What qualities should a designer have?

VII. Lesson summary

The number of correct answers for each team is counted. The teacher gives grades, conducts a mini-interview about whether the information that students learned in the lesson was interesting, where they can apply this knowledge in practice, and thanks the children for their productive work.

VIII. Homework

Draw the window design in color in your notebook ( ):

    1st team - common room;

    2nd brigade – kitchens;

    3rd brigade – “children’s”.

Think about defending your idea.


    Living room.

    Children's room.


    Kitchen (see ).




    Technology. Textbook for 6th grade students, ed. V.D. Simonenko. – M. Vetana-Graf. 2004.

    Lesson plans for the textbook “Technology. 6th grade” (V.D. Simonenko). – Teacher-AST. 2003.

    Technology. Lesson notes, elective courses: grades 5 – 9 (Compiled by L.P. Barylkina, S.E. Sokolova). – “5 for knowledge” LLC. 2006.

    The hostess's golden collection. Series “Okay. Rostov n/a. (E. Zatsepina). - “Phoenix”. 2003.

    CD “Modern Interior Gallery”. “New DISK”. SoftCompass LLC, 2004.