home · Other · Decorative plaster bark beetle for the facade icebreaker. Facade plaster Bark beetle: main characteristics of the composition, types of mixtures and recommendations for work. Why do we have the best price for working with bark beetle facade plaster?

Decorative plaster bark beetle for the facade icebreaker. Facade plaster Bark beetle: main characteristics of the composition, types of mixtures and recommendations for work. Why do we have the best price for working with bark beetle facade plaster?

Bark beetle plaster is very beautiful and most importantly of high quality finishing material. This material is environmentally friendly and suitable for plastering both public and residential premises. Finishing the facade of a house with bark beetle plaster will also be very effective. This plaster dries very quickly (4-6 hours), this is enough for further painting. And after 24 hours, your plaster is not afraid of either rain or frost, since during this time the coating becomes completely weather-resistant. So, if you chose this material, then you are not mistaken.

Like all materials, decorative bark beetle plaster has its own technical features and some application features. Let's look at it further specifications and let’s try to figure out how to apply decorative facade bark beetle plaster to walls with our own hands.

Bark beetle plaster: properties and characteristics

What is bark beetle plaster? This is a universal elastic plaster used for both interior and exterior. It has good weather-resistant and performance qualities. Sold dry in bags or ready-made in buckets. You can purchase either snow-white or already tinted in the color you need. Mostly, a grain size from 1.5 to 3.5 mm is used; if necessary, more can be found. The larger the grain, the greater the consumption, since the layer becomes thicker.

The bark beetle decorative façade plaster looks like bark eaten away by this same beetle, but don’t worry, there are no beetles in it. Such scars are obtained due to granules added to the mixture.

Decorative bark beetle plaster can be applied to, concrete walls, cement-sand plaster, gypsum, OSB, chipboard, polystyrene (foam) and plywood, that is, for almost everything.

Building facade finished with bark beetle

Finishing the facade of a house with bark beetle plaster

Surface preparation

Before applying decorative bark beetle plaster, it is necessary to prepare the walls. If the walls are uneven, they must be leveled so that the maximum depressions and irregularities do not exceed the size of the grains contained in the structural plaster.

Next, the walls of the facade must be treated with a special primer paint; it must be either white or, even better, tinted in the same color as the bark beetle plaster itself. This is done in order to thin layer The bark beetle did not show through the black walls.

Attention! It is best to use the entire range of materials from one manufacturer, from primers to putties. This will guarantee you material compatibility, quality and durability.

After about 6 hours (depending on the manufacturer), after the paint-primer has dried, you can begin applying decorative bark beetle facade plaster.

Application technology

To apply facade bark beetle plaster you will need:

  1. Stainless steel grater or spatula for application
  2. Grater for structuring
  3. Drill with mixer attachment
  4. Big bucket

So, let's get to the fun part: do-it-yourself facade plaster. To do this, you need to mix the plaster itself. If you have dry plaster, you need to mix it according to the directions on the package. If you already have ready-made bark beetle plaster in buckets, simply place it using a mixer. You can add water, but not more than 1%.

Do not mix more than one bag, at least at first, as you may not have time to create the plaster as it dries quickly.

Applying decorative bark beetle plaster with a stainless steel float

Apply the bark beetle to the wall using a stainless steel spatula or grater. The thickness of the layer should be no more than the fraction stones that are added to the plaster; they determine the thickness of the layer.

Apply bark beetle in small areas, covering no more than 1-1.5 m2, since decorative plaster quickly structured (approximately 15-20 minutes after application).

Carefully spread the bark beetle evenly over the surface and remove all excess. When there is no more plaster remaining on the spatula, you can begin structuring.

Grouting decorative plaster

To rub the plaster and give it a bark beetle pattern, we need a plastic grater. By rubbing the plaster, you get the pattern you need. Rubbing down and up, you will get a “rain” pattern, in a circular motion, a “lamb” pattern. When the grater gets dirty, clean it with water.

To avoid visible transitions between the grips, do not wipe the applied area completely, leaving approximately 5-10 cm around the edge unscuffed. And after you apply the next grip, rub this area.

After the plaster has dried, it can be painted. Drying time before painting different manufacturers varies, and depends on the thickness of the layer, but not less than 6 hours.

To consolidate everything you’ve read, watch the video, which tells how to make façade plaster with your own hands using bark beetle plaster mixtures. Today we will offer you two video tutorials, from two brands of decorative plaster.

Facade plaster Bark beetle is one of the most popular types of finishes used for plastering. outside walls of buildings. Finishing can be ordered from the company "" at optimal cost and count on high-quality performance of all types of work. Our craftsmen know all the nuances and subtleties; they can not only do their job, but also tell the customer how to make the house even more beautiful.

“Bark beetle” has long been used to decorate houses throughout Moscow and the Moscow region. Such popularity has been achieved due to aesthetics and optimal cost, which every home owner can afford.

Why do we have the best price for working with bark beetle facade plaster?

The company purchases all materials only from trusted manufacturers who set reasonable prices. Accordingly, our services also have an optimal cost.

The material contains a mixture of acrylic or gypsum base. The mixture also includes the composite plaster itself, as well as granules of marble and mineral chips.

  • not afraid of temperature changes, resistant to cold and heat;
  • does not ignite for a very long time, increasing the safety of the home;
  • used for production only natural materials, it is absolutely safe and environmentally friendly;
  • the material is UV resistant and does not fade long years;
  • Suitable for application on the following surfaces: concrete, chipboard, plasterboard, sandwich panels and so on.

At the same time, the price of work per m2 of “Bark Beetle” facade plaster in our company is only 950 rubles. This is a price that not everyone offers construction companies, while also guaranteeing the quality of finishing.

Each of our clients can order such finishing and be confident that the craftsmen will carry out all the work quickly and efficiently. We have been using “Bark Beetle” for many years, we know its features and know how to plaster a house so that it not only looks beautiful, but is also well protected from weather conditions.

We suggest contacting our company, because only professionals know how to use materials so that the appearance of the home is pleasing to the eye.

IN modern world The choice of materials for facade finishing is huge. But only “Bark Beetle” façade plaster can give walls the appearance of wood that has been whittled by a pest. It is a dry gypsum-based mixture containing composite plaster, mineral chips or small marble granules. The grain size of the plaster and the future design of the facade depend on the size of these granules.

But in addition to giving the surface an original appearance, this type plaster has many other undeniable advantages:

  • Excellent fire-resistant properties;
  • High resistance to temperature changes;
  • Ecologically safe material– made from natural ingredients;
  • Good strength indicators;
  • Impact resistance ultraviolet radiation– does not lose its original color;
  • It is lightweight, which eliminates additional loads on the structure of the structure;
  • Reasonable price.

Decorative facade plaster "Bark beetle" is used for finishing concrete, stone, brick, and plasterboard surfaces. Moreover, it is used for both internal and external work.

Instructions for applying bark beetle plaster

To perform the work efficiently, you will need the following tools:

  • Drill with a special mixer attachment;
  • Plastic grater;
  • Metal spatula;
  • Container for preparing plaster.

The entire process of finishing the facade with this type of plaster can be divided into 4 stages:

  • Preliminary surface preparation;
  • Preparation of the mixture;
  • Application;
  • Color shading.

What work does surface preparation include?

This is one of the most critical stages. The surface of the façade is leveled with cement-sand plaster. It is recommended to carry out plastering according to pre-set beacon profiles strictly according to the level. The distance at which they are mounted should be less length rules for 100-150 mm.

Cement-sand plaster is thrown between these beacons, which is subsequently tightened with a rule. The defects remaining on the screed are repaired with a grater or trowel. After 3-4 hours, the plastered surface is rubbed in a circular motion with the same tool.

If necessary, additional grouting can be done after a day. If the plaster was thrown into summer time, it is recommended to water it daily, which will prevent cracking.

Bark beetle plaster can be applied to a facade insulated with foam plastic or penoplex. But before this, the surface of the insulation is covered adhesive solution, on top of which a reinforcing mesh is placed.

In both the 1st and 2nd cases, the wall prepared for the application of “Bark Beetle” must dry for at least 3 weeks.

Preparation of plaster

After cement-sand layer completely dry, you can proceed directly to preparing the Bark Beetle plaster and applying it. It is important to calculate the time correctly here, since one wall needs to be tiled at a time. This involves joining the newly applied area with the previous one that has not yet dried. In this case, the surface will have a monolithic structure without visible joints or differences.

During cooking plaster mixture The bark beetle must strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions. But in general the process has the following sequence:

  • A clean container is prepared;
  • Fill with the amount of water at room temperature specified in the recommendations;
  • The dry mixture of facade plaster is gradually poured in and at the same time continuously mixed so that it does not form lumps;
  • Stirring continues until a homogeneous mixture is obtained;
  • The container is closed;
  • After 10-15 minutes. stirs again.

Under no circumstances should you add water to ready-made plaster; this can lead to its delamination and loss of necessary characteristics.

During operation, the mixture should not harden; it should be stirred regularly. Average usage time finished plaster“Bark beetle” – 1.5-3 hours. More precise information should be provided by the manufacturer in the instructions for use.

Technology of finishing with bark beetle plaster

The technology for applying Bark Beetle facade plaster is recommended to use a metal spatula. The most difficult thing when finishing is to maintain the layer thickness in accordance with the grain size. The process itself is reminiscent of putty. But at the same time, the solution stretches over the surface until small grooves appear.

To give the material a spiral texture, it is necessary to rub the fresh plaster in a circular motion without excessive effort. This operation is performed with a plastic grater. You may not like the resulting pattern very much at first, but after the “Bark Beetle” dries a little, the result will be obvious.

Then the surface is polished again with a plastic grater, but with some force. In this case, you need to ensure the accuracy and uniformity of the pattern formation. During the process, the plaster should not stick to the trowel. At the final stage, all joints are rubbed.

For more information on applying Bark Beetle façade plaster with your own hands, watch the video.

Painting a plastered surface

The standard colors of bark beetle facade plaster are gray and white. To get a more attractive shade, you can add a special dye to the mixture itself during its preparation. Another option is to paint the plastered surface with silicone, water-based or acrylic facade paint over bark beetle plaster.

For painting are used:

  • special mitten;
  • wide brush;
  • roller

If the roller has a short pile, you will get an unusual pattern - the grooves will remain the standard color, so the pattern will be clearly visible.

Manufacturers and price

The most popular manufacturers of this material today are:

  • — the cost of a bag of “Bark beetle” plaster weighing 25 kg is within 800 rubles;
  • Bergauf DEKOR – the price of a bag of “Bark Beetle” façade plaster is about 450 rubles;
  • Perfecta (more a budget option) – close to 350 rubles for 25 kg.

For 7-8 m2 you need 1 bag (25 kg) of dry mixture.

You can buy “Bark Beetle” facade plaster in almost any construction hypermarket or in online stores specializing in the sale of plasters and other facing materials.

The price for plastering the facade with “Bark Beetle” is within $10 per 1 m2. By doing everything yourself, you can save a decent amount, but first you should practice small area in an inconspicuous place.

Decorative facade plaster Bark beetle has held a leading position in the market for more than a decade. This is facilitated by a number of advantages: affordable cost, fairly simple application process and attractive final result. When compared with other formulation options for exterior finishing, then the bark beetle has an advantage in that you yourself determine what the surface structure will be.

Main characteristics of the composition

First, let's tell you what indicators everyone should have quality plasters bark beetle type:

Important! In order for all the indicators indicated on the packaging or in the accompanying documentation to correspond to reality, it is necessary that the composition is stored under proper conditions.

As for the cost, it varies within:

  • from 300 rubles per package of 25 kg;
  • up to 3,500 rubles for a 20 kg ready-to-use plastic bucket.

The most popular brands are Caparol, Ceresit, Vetonit, from budget solutions the greatest demand for the products of Bolars and Knauf companies.

All options match regulatory requirements, and the difference lies in the durability of the coating and the availability special additives, increasing the reliability and performance properties of the coating.

Modern manufacturers offer several options for bark beetle. We will talk about the main features of each solution and figure out how to properly organize the workflow if you apply the composition yourself.

Types of plaster

As for the main types of bark beetle plaster, the following options can be found on sale:

  • The most common and popular solutions are mineral-based compositions. Their distinctive features are low price, simple instructions on preparation and application, as well as versatility of use. One of the most popular options in this group is Ceresit ST 35 plaster; it can be used for both exterior and interior work;

  • Compositions on acrylic base are highly popular among professionals due to their ease of application and attractive appearance. The surface becomes less porous and more resistant to adverse influences. This option may contain a pigment to give one color or another;
  • Another very convenient solution— acrylic-based bark beetle plaster, sold in finished form. The composition is packaged in plastic buckets and is immediately ready for use. Despite the attractiveness this option he doesn't use it in great demand due to high cost;
  • Silicate plasters are also sold ready-made, and their main advantage is high vapor permeability. Before use, it is necessary to add a small amount of water if the composition has been stored for some time and some of the moisture has evaporated. This group of compositions fits very well on concrete, brick and other surfaces, and can also be used for finishing ventilated facade systems;
  • Silicone based compoundsmodern version which appeared relatively recently, but has already gained great popularity among those who value quality. The most important advantage of this solution is elasticity - after drying, a layer is formed on the surface that can withstand information impacts without cracks appearing on the surface;
  • The most high-tech solutions today are silicone-silicate plaster compositions. They have the following advantages: low moisture absorption, high vapor permeability, and excellent resistance to mold and mildew. But the cost of this option is the highest.

Also, all plasters can be divided into two groups depending on the presence of pigments in them:

  • The first option is plasters, which do not contain any additives that give a particular shade. Most often they have White color and after application they require painting. As for the choice of paint, they will do various options: from standard acrylic and water-based to latex, silicone or silicate, it all depends on the characteristics of a particular object;
  • The second option is compositions that already have a certain color. Moreover, they can be manufactured either at the factory and supplied ready-made, or prepared by the seller according to your order in a specialized installation. This allows you to choose a specific shade right in the store and get the plaster of the desired color within half an hour.

Workflow Description

Plastering houses with bark beetle is a process that has its own characteristics. We will understand all the main nuances of the work:

  • First of all, it is necessary to remove the old coating from the walls, if any. If work is carried out with insulation, then the surface is reinforced with a special facade mesh, which prevents cracks from occurring due to changes in temperature and humidity. It is important that the base is dry and level; if necessary, cracks are sealed with cement mortar;
  • If you plastered the surface before applying the Bark Beetle, then after completing this work at least a week must pass for all the moisture to evaporate from the surface and for the solution itself to gain high strength. It is important that the substrate is dry and clean, as moisture and dust significantly impair adhesion decorative covering;

  • Next, be sure to apply primer composition to the surface. This is necessary in order to strengthen the base and improve the adhesion of the final coating. The most commonly used soils deep penetration with the addition of antifungal components to prevent the occurrence of mold when high humidity material;

  • Decorative plaster for facades Bark beetle is prepared as follows: the required amount of water is poured into a convenient container ( exact values can be found in the instructions, which are always on the package). Next, the mixture is gradually poured in and mixed using a drill or hammer drill with a mixer attachment. It is not recommended to mix the composition manually, as the quality of work will be much higher;

Advice! To gradually add more plaster while stirring, without being distracted from your work, it is better to hire an assistant.

  • After stirring, the composition should be left for 5 minutes, after which stir again. After this, the composition can be used; it remains elastic for 2 hours, so there is no need to delay the work;
  • As for the application process, it is done using a metal grater or grater. It is important that the instrument is smooth and free of rust, as brown spots will remain on the surface, which will be difficult to get rid of. To distribute the composition and remove excess, it is best to have a spatula on hand;
  • Application is carried out as follows: the mixture is stretched over the surface to form a uniform layer 2-3 mm thick. The granules in the composition will not make it smaller, so you should press the tool against the wall with moderate force so that no excess remains on the base. It is important to cover the entire surface, since plastering individual areas in the future will be much more difficult than doing everything at once;

  • The technology of applying decorative bark beetle plaster to the facade involves the formation of a certain texture. This is done after the composition has set and does not stick to the instrument, while still retaining mobility. The work uses a plastic grater; the texture of the wall depends on how you move it over the surface; the example shows an option to imitate the natural texture of wood damaged by a bark beetle;

  • If you used a paintable option, then after the surface has dried, you need to apply paint to it. It is important to remember that the application of a paint layer can be done after at least 7 days after the work has been carried out; earlier only silicate paints can be applied, as they allow moisture to pass through the surface well.

If you doubt that you can handle the work yourself, it is best to involve professional specialists.

The cost of plastering a facade with Bark Beetle depends on the scope of work, the configuration of the structure, as well as what operations need to be carried out; we will tell you about several options:

  • If the surface is almost ready and a decorative coating is required, then the process with materials and work will cost you from 600 to 800 rubles per square meter;
  • In cases where reinforcement of walls with façade mesh is required to ensure additional reliability, the work will cost from 900 to 1,100 rubles per square meter;
  • For facades that require the installation of an insulation system, the work will cost 1,300 rubles per square meter or more, it all depends on what kind of insulation will be used.


The video in this article will tell you some important nuances, discussed in the review, and will explain them in detail. The most important thing to remember is the importance of using quality compounds and compliance technological process application. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments below the review.

Price: from 550 rub./bag (25 kg)

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Purpose of plaster “Bark beetle”, “Fur coat”

  • for interior work
  • for outdoor work

Characteristics of decorative plaster

  • frost resistance
  • weather resistance
  • high level adhesion
  • plastic
  • is one of the elements facade system“wet” type (used to carry out final stage- application to reinforced surface plaster layer)
  • applied to plaster and glue mixture(serves to form a reinforcing layer by gluing plates mineral wool on a basalt base, polystyrene foam boards or PSBS
  • surface obtained using: “Bark beetle” or “Fur coat”

Description of bark beetle plaster

Mineral decorative plaster is used for finishing facade system: creates decorative design and a structured surface on prepared plastered and primed walls. Shows protective function(both colors and structures) of various facades in repaired, reconstructed and new buildings. In addition, it can be used for finishing the created facade insulation system.

Instructions for using façade plaster

  1. Surface preparation
    The base is primed using a primer (available in both white and other colors). It is possible to use a different brand of primer, which should be based on acrylic and quartz sand.
  2. Preparation solution
    Pour the required volume of water (about 5.5-6 liters) into a container and add more than half a bag of plaster powder there. Using a construction mixer, mix (setting the mixer at low speed) the resulting mixture, add the rest and continue mixing until a homogeneous mass is obtained. To completely mix the mixture, wait 5 minutes and stir again. The plaster solution should be prepared at a temperature of + 20 o C. Under these conditions, the solution is suitable for use for at least 3 hours.

It is worth remembering that the different volumes of water used during preparation plaster mortar, changes its shade and structure. To obtain an even color and unified structure It is important that for each time the solution is prepared, the volume of water is the same.

Application of decorative mineral plaster

The prepared plaster mixture can be applied to the treated surface with a spatula (trowel). To achieve the effect structural surface a PVC or metal trowel (grater) is used.

When carrying out work, it is necessary to clean the spatula on the edge of the steel trowel.

The color effect of using the plaster mixture is enhanced after application to a dried plastered surface. facade paint. The time between the stage of applying paint and drying the treated surface is 24 hours.

The use of primer before exterior work is mandatory!
Temperature conditions for work: from +5 to +35 o C.
When drying, avoid exposing the surface to rain and direct sunlight.

Packaging and shelf life of bark beetle plaster

Shelf life: 6 months in original packaging in a dry, ventilated area.

Package: Facade decorative mineral plaster is supplied in three-layer paper bags of 25 kg.

decorative mineral plaster

Application temperature range, °C from +5 to +35
Humidity of the dry mixture, %, no more 0,1
Maximum fraction, mm. 1,5-2,5
Water consumption for mixing, l / 25 kg 5,5-6,0
Life time, hours, not less 3
Solution consumption, kg/m 2 /1 mm 3,0-3,5
Adhesion after 28 days, no less 1,0
Adhesion after 7 days in air + 21 days in water, MPa, not less 0,8
Adhesion after 14 days in air + 14 days at a temperature of 70°, MPa, not less 1,0
Compressive strength, MPa 15
Compressive strength, kg/cm2 150
Frost resistance, in cycles, not less 50
Color White
Packaging, kg 25