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Lotus on the water.  Lotus Flower description and photo. Lotus flower - sacred

Evgeniy Sedov

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Nut lotus is the most revered flower in Asia and the East. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans considered it sacred. According to myth, the plant appeared from the unrequited love of a water nymph for Hercules. Existing types– American yellow, Nile white, oriental red, nut-bearing (pink lotus).

Nut-bearing lotus - description

To recognize it beautiful plant, you will need a description of the nut-bearing or nut-shaped lotus:

  • name in Latin is Nelumbonucifera. Flower of the gods, symbol of purity and wisdom.
  • Lotus family.
  • A perennial herbaceous amphibian plant - a native of Asian countries with a tropical climate: India, Japan, China. In Russia it can grow in the Far East.
  • It has dense dark green large leaves, reaching a diameter of up to 1/2 meter. The plant has a long spiny stalk. A flower appears on the peduncle in July-August pink color. The root is large, branched, overgrown. The fruit ripens in a box.
  • The Far Eastern nut-bearing variety of flower is an endangered species that had to be included in the Red Book of Russia.

What does a lotus look like?

The shape of the plant is very similar to a water lily, but only very large. It has beautiful large, floating leaves and a huge stem. Pink flowers can be up to 30 cm in diameter. The dense, flat and fleshy petal has a rough surface. Thanks to this, the plant always manages to look clean in numerous photos - the water simply rolls off the leaf, carrying away all the dust and dirt. A flower grown on muddy soil represents purity.

The nut-bearing lotus plant has a powerful rhizome. The foliage rises above the water in dense blades or lies on the surface. The plant is covered with a waxy coating, this is the secret of purity. Particularly interesting are the seeds, which can be stored for a very long time. In appearance, they resemble dark olives the size of a hazelnut in a strong peel. The strength of the seed is important for long-term storage. There are cases when scientists found a capsule fruit that was more than 1000 years old, and the nuts sprouted.

When the lotus blooms

The lotus blooms from mid-summer to early autumn. The peak occurs at the end of July - beginning of August. You can see this spectacle in the photo or by going to the Astrakhan colonies, where the flower (Astrakhan) multiplies. The largest plantations of these plants are located in the Caspian Sea, in the delta of the Volga River. Entire excursions come to see the colorful blooms - tourists really like the colonies of flowers on the water. Interesting fact: one bud from birth to wilting lives only three days.

Types of lotus nutbearer

There is not only one variety of this plant on the territory of Russia. There are the following types of lotuses:

  1. Caspian. The flower grows near the Volga delta. It differs from the Asian species in that it is smaller in size and resistant to cold.
  2. Far Eastern. The flower grows in the Far East. Tolerant to cold, but dies when the soil freezes strongly.
  3. American. Homeland of the plant - South America. Flowers yellow color. Thanks to cultivation, it has spread widely throughout Russia.

Where does the lotus grow?

The lotus plant grows in sedentary silty waters that warm up well and is a property of temperate tropical climate zones. Partially propagated by knotty rhizomes. The population needs above-zero temperatures, and the reservoir is not subject to freezing. Warmth is one of the conditions for preserving a relict species. The genus might have ceased to exist if not for the efforts of people to preserve this flower. For Russia, the plant is a decoration of the Far East. Residents of other regions of the country can see the flower only in the photo.

How to grow lotus at home

Growing lotus at home is a completely doable task. To do this, it is necessary to create certain conditions. The algorithm for growing a flower from a seed is as follows:

  • You can use sandpaper and a file to open the shell. The top should be filed. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the seed.
  • After the seed is visible in the small sawn hole, the nut is placed in a small transparent vessel with water. It needs to be changed every day.
  • In two to three weeks, the first shoots will appear, which after a while will turn into long stems with leaves.
  • As soon as the roots grow, it is time to replant the plant. For seedlings, you need special soil (a mixture of sand, peat and black soil), which is placed at the bottom of a pot with holes.
  • Place the sprouts loosely on the surface, straighten the leaves.
  • Prepare large aquarium. Place a pot of seedlings at the bottom and fill with water so that the leaves can be on the surface. This is necessary for the plant to begin to grow and bloom, to prevent rotting.
  • Don't forget about lighting - the flower loves a lot of light.

Lotus propagation

In place of the flower, a fruit appears - a kind of conical basket. Up to twenty seeds “sit” in the cells, looking like hard, brown nuts in a dense shell. When ripe, the fruits fall out of the basket into the pond. Propagating lotus seeds takes time. The relict population is restored mainly by replanting rhizomes. The shell of nuts is so strong that even in favorable conditions the seed can lie dormant for a long time.

Properties of lotus

Nut lotus has a number of beneficial properties. The plant contains flavonoids, which can improve the functioning of many human organs; it is used to treat a number of diseases. The beneficial properties of lotus can be briefly listed; it has:

  • diuretic effect;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antitumor;
  • antispasmodic;
  • vascular strengthening;
  • wound healing.

Lotus flower

Lotus flowers rise more than a meter above the pond on tall, fleshy stems. The bright petals quickly change color throughout the day (from crimson to pale pink). The plant loves it very much sunlight and blooms with sunrise. The flower is extremely beautiful and exudes a pleasant aroma. The seeds ripen in the fruit-box (similar to the bell of a watering can). The nuts fall to the bottom of the reservoir, where they are stored under a layer of silt.

Lotus leaf - properties

The beautiful plant has green leaves up to 40-50 cm in diameter, which effectively lie on the surface of the water. Medicinal properties Lotus leaves have been known since ancient times and are widely used by healers. Contained in lotus useful material, have an antiseptic effect, increase blood clotting, relieve cramps, and the decoction heals wounds. The leaves are collected during the summer, cut into small pieces and dried. They prepare decoctions, teas and tinctures, make powders and add them to food.

Lotus fruits - beneficial properties

Lotus seeds are the most useful part of the plant (they treat heart disease, decoctions can remove feelings of fear and relieve insomnia). Traditional medicine is full of descriptions of recipes on how to use fruits to prepare infusions for liver ailments, intestinal disorders, and stomach infections. Information from eastern treatises will tell you how to cure pneumonia, asthma, and ulcers. There are no diseases that are not affected by the wide spectrum of action of seeds.

Application of lotus

Indian healers believed that with the help of this flower one could lift a person out of depression. At all times, the plant has been used as a cosmetic product. A mixture of finely chopped petals and plant oil smoothed the skin of the face and restored youth. Many peoples consumed seeds, nuts and lotus roots as food. Where is lotus used in the modern world:

  1. Medicine. The flower has many useful components. Tanning, antiseptic, astringent, wound-healing, diuretic properties have made this plant indispensable in pharmaceuticals.
  2. Cooking. The leaf powder is used as an aromatic seasoning.
  3. Religion. It is believed in many cultures to be a powerful means of cleansing the soul. The energy of the flower is capable of defeating witchcraft.
  4. Cosmetology. Many skin and hair care products contain various extracts from the plant.

Applications of lotus oil

Lotus oil is widely in demand in cosmetology. A magical elixir is obtained from flowers collected before dawn. When harvesting, it is important not to damage the plant, otherwise it will lose its beneficial features. The oil has a rejuvenating, smoothing and regenerating effect and is included in many creams and face masks. Massages and body wraps are popular.

Lotus in cooking

Eastern people have come up with many options for eating the plant. All parts are suitable for culinary processing - starch, sugar, butter are extracted from it, and flour is made. Cooking lotus root is a real art; this delicacy is served as a side dish, and lovers of sweets make marmalade from the roots. Nuts are especially considered delicious - they are eaten fresh or caramelized.

Lotus in medicine

The properties of the medicinal nut-bearing lotus have been known to medicine since ancient times. The Egyptians, ancient Greeks and Romans greatly revered this flower. Lotus in folk medicine has found wide application. The medicinal properties allow it to be used in the following cases:

  • diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver;
  • an indispensable plant for heart ailments;
  • skin diseases, snake bites and long-healing wounds;
  • Seed decoctions relieve anxiety;
  • tea helps relieve insomnia;
  • decoctions of the stems are used by gynecology;
  • A drink is made from the rhizome, useful for neuroses and convulsions;
  • some species are able to fight cancer;
  • the aroma of the flower gently lifts out of deep depression, raises the tone of mental strength;
  • Vitamin C strengthens the immune system.

Video: signs of nut-bearing lotus

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Extraordinary beauty and charm. The plant comes from the one-of-a-kind lotus family. It has a yellow or pink color. Since ancient times, the lotus was believed to bring health and happiness.

The lotus flower symbolizes wisdom and longevity, a sign of friendship and family relationships.

You can find out what a lotus looks like on the Internet or see it in any biology textbook, but this flower should not be confused with similar water lilies. It is much larger in diameter and comes in only two types:

  • Pink lotus or nut-bearing. The pink lotus grows in China, India, Asian countries, Australia, the southern and eastern regions of Russia, and the Kuban. On the Tamansky Peninsula there is a unique garden on the water.
  • American or yellow lotus, named because of its habitat. Its homeland is North and South America, Jamaica and the Hawaiian Islands.

The lotus flower proudly rises above the surface of the creeks and muddy channels, thanks to its slender, fleshy stems. This plant loves warmth very much, blooms with the sun and closes its petals when it sets.

  • The flower exudes an amazing fragrance and has a diameter of up to 70 centimeters.
  • The pink lotus has a less strong scent than its American yellow counterpart.
  • The lotus blooms for three days. On the fourth it fades.

The lotus flower pleases with its fragrance from mid-summer until the first months of autumn. At the end of July, there is an abundance of flowering, which in Russia can be seen in the Caspian Sea, in the Volga deltas and Astrakhan colonies.

After flowering ends, fruits form within a month. The lotus fruit is a nut-shaped structure in the shape of a shower head. The seed is large in size, charcoal-black in color, similar to a large olive.

The plant is decorated with two varieties of emerald green leaves:

  • The first ones are in the water or float on the surface. They look like round plates.
  • The latter are attached to parts of the stem and reach more than half a meter in diameter. In the middle they have a funnel-shaped depression.

Scientists' discoveries

Biologists from all over the world are studying the unusual properties of the lotus. They discovered a lot interesting features flower.

  • The petals and leaves remain clean, although they appear from a reservoir whose bottom is covered with silt. Having examined the surface of the lotus under a microscope, scientists established the presence of a rough surface, from which dirt is easily washed off by ordinary rain. The surface of the plant is distinguished by a thin waxy layer, which allows water to roll off the surface, cleaning all kinds of contaminants.
  • The lotus has seeds with amazing properties germination. “Nuts” are stored for hundreds of years, waiting favorable conditions for germination. Scientists have identified the presence of substances in plants that have antiseptic effects.
  • The leaves promote blood clotting, relieve convulsions, and a decoction of them can heal wounds. Collecting leaves and drying throughout the summer. Powders, tinctures and tea are made from them.
  • Lotus fruits and seeds are used to treat the heart and blood vessels and relieve insomnia. In folk medicine there are many recipes on how to cure pneumonia, ulcers and asthmatic symptoms with the help of lotus fruits. This part of the plant has a wide range of effects.

Application of lotus in modern life

Seeds, leaves, nuts and flower root are widely used:

In medicine and pharmaceuticals

A certain amount of flavonoids was found in the lotus, they heal a large number of diseases, and promotes the restoration of damaged tissues.

The flower has a large number of useful components.

Lotus helps cleanse the intestines, has a tonic property, promotes vasodilation, which normalizes blood pressure.

A decoction of the plant helps with dysentery, burns and nosebleeds. In many cultures, the lotus is considered a symbol of joy and purity.

The plant contains a large number of mineral compounds. It is rich in vitamin C, has a positive effect on calmness nervous system- nufarin, nelumbin. The seeds contain a high content of magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and zinc.

In cooking

Parts of the plant have been used in Asian dishes since ancient times. All parts of the flower are used for this. When processed, it produces sugar, butter, flour and starch.

Powder from the leaves is an aromatic seasoning.

The flowers have a sweetish taste and are an excellent addition to meat dishes. A healthy aromatic tea is brewed from them.

Lotus root is especially rich in starch and is almost indistinguishable from potatoes; they are used as a side dish. They make very tasty marmalade from it.

The nut seeds, which are rich in proteins, are especially tasty. They taste like hazelnuts. Caramel is made from them, gourmet bread is baked, and vegetable soup, desserts and a drink similar to coffee.

In cosmetology

Aromatic lotus oil is used in cosmetology. It is obtained from flowers and is used in hair and skin care. It has a regenerating and rejuvenating effect, smoothes out wrinkles. Lotus oil is included in masks and creams.

Collection and storage

  • Lotus harvesting takes place in places where it is specially bred for medicinal and food purposes.
  • The gathering of flowers begins before dawn. When the bud begins to open, the flower is fragrant and ready to eat.
  • Seed collection occurs in August and September. They are dried in the sun and stored in a well-ventilated room.

Growing a flower at home is a troublesome but exciting task.. This can be done using two methods: the root system and seeds.

  • The root method has its advantages. The plant is grown in this way, sprouts and flowers faster.
  • Growing from seeds allows for better adaptation to a new area, but the first flower will appear only after three years.

This method is more troublesome. In the home climate, it is better to grow lotus from seeds.

Its cultivation consists of the following stages:

  1. sowing in aquatic environment;
  2. preparation of special soil and planting;
  3. transplanting the plant to a permanent location.

The lotus seed is protected by a dense skin, through which the sprout breaks through with difficulty and needs help with this. To do this, open the shell using sandpaper and a file. Carefully file away the top from the blunt side so that the seed is visible. This must be done as carefully as possible so as not to harm the delicate pulp located inside the nut.

The nut is then placed in a transparent container filled with clean tap water, which must be updated every twelve hours. The water temperature required for germination is from twenty-five to thirty degrees. The nuts should be at the bottom; the floating nuts can be removed, as they will not germinate anyway. After three days, a crack will appear in the shell. On the fifth day, sprouts will appear. They should remain in this state until the first two leaves and the appearance of white roots. This will take two weeks.

With the appearance of radicular shoots, the flower must be transplanted into special soil. To prepare it, sand, peat, and black soil are mixed and the bottom of a pot with holes is covered with it. A sprout is planted into it to a depth of six centimeters. The soil around the seedling is fertilized with expanded clay, which will prevent the soil from floating.

Next, you should prepare the aquarium big size, fill with water and place a pot with a sprout on its bottom, but the leaves should be on the surface. In this case, it is necessary to remember about sufficient illumination. Warm water must be poured slowly down the walls so as not to wash away the soil. In this case, the lower leaves of the flower should float on the surface. As the seedling grows, water is added to the aquarium.

Then the flower can be planted in an open pond. This is done in June, when the threat of frost has passed. What is a pond, barrel, tub or large flowerpot suitable for?

In the first year, the soil height should be about twenty centimeters, and the water should be poured up to forty centimeters high. If there is a deep reservoir, it is better to plant the plant in a shallow area and gradually move it deeper as it grows.

In deep ponds that are not subject to freezing, the lotus can easily endure the winter, but it still wouldn’t hurt to insulate it. To prevent the bottom of the reservoir from catching ice, it should be covered with polystyrene foam.

If not suitable conditions To overwinter a plant in a pond, it is better to move it to a room with a cool temperature. In this case, the lotus roots should be covered with damp sawdust or moss. In this case, you need to constantly maintain humidity.

  • For a grown flower, the soil should be up to three and a half centimeters, and water should be poured to half a meter.
  • In winter, the plant sleeps and therefore no watering occurs, the water is partially removed from the pot, the plant is insulated with moss, and placed in a dark, cool place.
  • Aphids often harm young shoots, but it is very easy to deal with. It is easily washed off with water. Leaves should be treated in the morning by special means, which will not be difficult to acquire.

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  • Lotus of Brahma. Dilogy (Seven days in the Himalayas. Signs of Christ), Sidorov Valentin Mitrofanovich. The fates of the documentary stories that formed the duology developed differently. The first - "Seven Days in the Himalayas" - miraculously broke through the censorship slingshots, was published in 1982 in...

Lotus - ancient plant of our planet. The only representative of the Lotus family, this fragrant flower survived dinosaurs, and scientists find traces of it even in the Arctic. Having a number of healing and aesthetic properties, the lotus also has scientific significance. In the Red Book, this unique flower is a protected natural object.

The geography of growth of this plant is quite wide. In Russia, it is found in the Caspian part, where the Volga River delta is located. It can also be found in the Far Eastern zone.

There are only two types of lotus found on the entire planet:

  1. American with snow-white or cream flowers. It is native to both continents of the Americas;
  2. Nut-bearing (or Indian) s. Grows in Japan, Azerbaijan, China, India, Australia and the Far East. The flowering period occurs from July to August. It is this type of lotus that is listed in the Red Book.

In 1978 and 1984, this plant was included in the Red Books of the USSR and in 1988 of the RSFSR. Pink flower lotus is also included in the Red Books of the following areas:

  • Amurskaya.
  • Astrakhan.
  • Jewish.
  • Amurskaya and so on.