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Deposits of ferrous metals. Manganese and chromium. Chrome ore: composition, deposits and application. Features of chromium metal

The main minerals of chromium-containing ores are mineral formations such as chromite FeO∙Cr 2 O 3 (68% Cr 2 O 3 and 32% FeO), although in pure form lame in earth's crust not found, but found in meteorites. The mineral chromite belongs to the isomorphic minerals of the cubic system, the so-called spinels (MgO∙Al 2 O 3) with the general formula MeO∙MeO 3, where Me is divalent (Mg 2+, Fe 2+, etc.), and Me / is trivalent metal (Cr 3+, Al 3+, Fe 3+). IN natural minerals chromium is replaced by aluminum, and iron Fe 2+ by magnesium. Therefore, chromites are minerals from the spinel group of composition (Mg 2+, Fe 2+)(Cr 3+, Al 3+, Fe 3+) 3 O 4 *.

Rice. 7.10. Diagram of the equilibrium state of the CrO–SiO 2 system


* Chrome of Kazakhstan. Grinenko V.I., Polyakov O.I., Gasik M.I., Petlyukh P.S., Shashkin V.N., Vykhodtsev V.M., Elpyshev G.A., Amiralin K.A. – M.: Metallurgy, 2001. – 416 p.

Zy cement. The components of waste rock in ores are: serpentine, talc Mg 6 (Si 8 O 20)OH, chlorite, magnesite, quartz, iron hydroxides, etc.

In the CIS countries (Kazakhstan, Russia) there are quite large explored and developed deposits of chrome ores*. The most explored and studied deposits of the Kempirsay chromite-bearing massif (Kazakhstan), which belong to the hysteromagmatic type. The Kempirsay massif is characterized by high-chromium ores (45–65% Cr 2 O 3). Such high concentrations of chromium are relatively rare for deposits in other regions, where the amount of Cr 2 O 3 is reduced to 25–35% .

Along with the deposits of the Kempirsay massif Of industrial importance are the extensive reserves of the Saranovsky massif in the Middle Urals, containing ores with 33–39% Cr 2 O 3 and small ones of the Pobuzhsky deposit in Ukraine. IN last years A large deposit of chrome ores was discovered in Yamal and Karelia (Russia). Currently, the extraction of chrome ore for the smelting of ferrochrome is carried out at the South Kempirsayskoye deposit by the Don Mining and Processing Plant (DonGOK) and at the Saranovskoye deposit.

One of the most important indicators of the metallurgical value of chromite ores of the Donskoy GOK is the MgO:Al 2 O 3 ratio, which gradually increases during the development of the upper ore horizons and reaches 2.0 versus 0.8–1.2 in the ores of South Africa and other countries. For these reasons, the slag becomes highly magnesian, which makes it difficult to carry out the ferrochrome smelting process. Given the large potential reserves of low-grade chromite ores and the possibility of successful use of ferrochrome with lower Cr content (45–55%), the International Standards Organization has lowered the chromium concentration level in high-carbon ferrochrome (~13% C) to 45–55%. In the Russian standard GOST 4757–91, the chromium content is set from 45 to 95%. At the same time, it becomes possible to use chromite ores and concentrates with a lower chromium content. This ensures an increase in chromium extraction from ore by up to 90% and an expansion of the chromium raw material base. Below are the requirements for the chemical composition of chromite ores in Kazakhstan:


*Chromium ores are also called chromites

As mentioned above, chromium in ores is found in chrome spinels, the compositions of which are given below, %:

In the spinels of the Saranovsky chromite deposit, the MgO:Al 2 O 3 ratio is lower than in the spinels of the Kempirsay massif. The use of a mixture of chromite ores from the Donskoy GOK and the Saranovsk deposits reduces this ratio in the slag, which improves the process of slag formation during ferrochrome smelting.

Chromium is an element of the secondary subgroup of the 6th group of the 4th period periodic table chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev, with atomic number 24. Denoted by the symbol Cr (Latin Chromium). The simple substance chromium is a hard metal of a bluish-white color.
Chromium is a fairly common element (0.02 mass fraction, %). The main chromium compounds are chromium iron ore (chromite) FeO·Cr2O3. The second most important mineral is crocoite PbCrO4.
The largest chromium deposits are located in South Africa (1st place in the world), Kazakhstan, Russia, Zimbabwe, and Madagascar. There are also deposits in Turkey, India, Armenia, Brazil, and the Philippines. The main deposits of chrome ores in the Russian Federation are known in the Urals (Don and Saranovskoe). Explored reserves in Kazakhstan amount to over 350 million tons (2nd place in the world).

Reserves at chrome ore deposits in 2012, million tons *

South Africa200.0
Other countries0.0
Total stocks464.6

* US Geological Survey data

In 2012, according to US Geological Survey estimates, 24.0 million tons of chrome ore (chromites) were mined worldwide, which is 0.7 million tons more than the previous year.
Approximately 94% of the world's chromite production is intended for use in the metallurgical industry, for the production of ferrochrome, with the rest used in the foundry, chemical and non-reactive sectors. World chromite ore production therefore follows world ferrochrome production. Approximately 70% of the world's chromite production is consumed within mining countries in the production of ferrochrome.

Four countries currently dominate ferrochrome production - South Africa, Kazakhstan, India and China. In 2008, South Africa, Kazakhstan and India accounted for approximately 67% of total world production, down slightly from 70% in 2002. However, while largest producers ferrochrome continues to dominate the market, Chinese production began to increase rapidly. Ferrochrome production in China grew at an average annual rate of 28% between 2002 and 2008, reaching 1.5 million tonnes in 2008.
Despite rising oil prices and global events such as the earthquake in Japan and political unrest in the Middle East, global ferrochrome production has remained very low. high level in the first half of 2011. In the second half of 2011, falling nickel and chromium prices, driven by renewed concerns about the global debt crisis, began to erode confidence in the stainless steel market.
Global ferrochrome production increased in response to increased demand, reaching a record 9.4 million tonnes in 2011, 4% higher than in 2010. South African production increased in the first quarter of 2011, but South African production for the year as a whole fell by 9% due to lower demand throughout the year and high winter electricity tariffs. In 2012, global ferrochrome production increased to 10.7 million tons.
In response to strong demand and increased availability of chromite (chromium) ores, Chinese ferrochrome production increased by 12%, or 260,000 tonnes, to record production levels in 2010. Despite producing approximately 2.4 million tonnes of ferrochrome in 2011, China remained a net importer of ferrochrome with imports of 1.8 million tonnes in 2011. Imports account for 44% of total Chinese consumption, with South Africa supplying 1.1 million tonnes to China in 2011, up 18% on the previous year. In 2012, China produced 2.7 million tons of ferrochrome.
The Chinese chromite ore market continues to grow strongly. In 2011, 9.4 million tons were imported into the country, which is 9% more than in the previous year. South Africa supplied approximately 50% of the chromite imported into China. At the end of 2011, approximately 3.6 million tons of chromite ore were estimated to be in stockpiles in Chinese ports.

* US Geological Survey data

The stainless steel industry is by far the largest consumer of ferrochrome. Before the global economic downturn, stainless steel production showed significant growth. Consumption in developing countries such as China and India helped global production increase by an average of 5.4% annually between 2000 and 2007, with China alone accounting for more than 60% of global production growth.
A significant increase in global demand for stainless steel, driven primarily by continued double-digit growth in China, led to record stainless steel production in 2012. Global ferrochrome consumption reached a record 10.4 million tonnes in 2012, surpassing the previous high of 9.7 million tonnes in 2011. Strong end-user demand and inventory replenishment by stainless steel producers supported growth in global demand for both stainless steel and ferrochrome.

Ferrochrome consumption in the world, million tons*

year2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
China2.70 3.50 3.70 4.00 4.30
USA0.40 0.35 0.40 0.40 0.40
Other countries3.67 2.89 4.94 5.27 5.65
Total6.77 6.74 9.04 9.67 10.35
Market balance0.88 -0.79 0.05 -0.30 0.39

* Summary data

The impact of the global economic downturn that began in mid-2008 had a significant impact on the chrome market as prices and demand fell sharply. In March 2009, European importers were paying around $1,900/t for South African ferrochrome, some 60% lower than the $4,700/t prices paid in September 2008. Demand for chromium fell sharply over this period as demand for stainless steel, the main end-use for chromium, declined. However, the negative outlook for the chrome market in 2009 was short-lived.
Given that South Africa is a leading supplier of ferrochrome, any changes in supply will have an impact big influence on the price. South African ferrochrome production was restricted in early 2008 as producers struggled with electricity shortages. As a result of structural problems in the country's electricity production, producers acted in a cost-saving mode, which, in turn, limited the supply of ferrochrome to the world market. Due to these problems, demand exceeded supply and consumers around the world panic-buyed ferrochrome, causing prices to rise to $4,700/t at its peak, more than 130% higher than average cost in 2007.
During 2011, the European reference contract price for ferrochrome was $2,600-$3,000/t, averaging $2,750/t, up 0.6% from 2010. In 2012, prices for ferrochrome decreased slightly to approximately $2,400/t.
Meanwhile, prices for chromium metal almost tripled from 5.3 thousand dollars/t to 14.0 thousand dollars/t over the period from 2003 to 2012.

Positive trends are expected to support demand for stainless steel and it will grow by more than high speed than in 2011-2012. An increase in demand for stainless steel will lead to an increase in its production, and, as a result, the demand for ferrochrome will increase, which will lead to an increase in prices for this material on the world market. Long-term problems with electricity at enterprises in South Africa, rising costs of production and transportation will be factors that may limit the supply of ferrochrome to the market.


Chrome (lat. Cromium), Cr, chemical element Group VI of the periodic table of Mendeleev, atomic number 24, atomic mass 51,996. Chrome is sometimes classified as a ferrous metal. Chrome - hard metal, having a bluish-white color. It belongs to heavy, refractory metals, but in its pure form it is plastic, has antiferromagnetic properties and is chemically inactive. The metal does not combine with water, but the reaction with oxygen proceeds actively, after which an oxide film is formed, protecting it from further reaction.

Opening chrome

The discovery of chromium (English Chromium, French Chrome, German Chrom) dates back to a period of rapid development of chemical and analytical studies of salts and minerals. In Russia, chemists took a special interest in the analysis of minerals found in Siberia and almost unknown in Western Europe. One of these minerals was the so-called Siberian red lead ore (crocoite), described by Lomonosov and first chemically studied by I.G. Leman in St. Petersburg in 1766. P.S. Pallas, describing gold mines near Yekaterinburg, refers to crocoite as about a particularly interesting mineral. Later, this mineral was studied many times by Russian scientists - I. D. Bindheim, T. E. Lovitz, A. A. Musin-Pushkin and others. late XVIII V. crocoite samples ended up in mineralogical collections Western Europe. Vauquelin and McCart analyzed it, but found nothing in it except oxides of lead, iron and aluminum. However, in 1797, Vauquelin returned to research on the mineral, “the wonderful red color, transparency and crystalline structure of which prompted chemists to be interested in its nature.” At first, according to Bindheim's data, he assumed the presence of molybdenum in the mineral, but then he became convinced that this assumption was wrong. By boiling a finely ground sample of the mineral with potash and precipitating lead carbonate, Vaukelin obtained a solution colored orange-yellow. From this solution he crystallized a ruby-red salt, from which he isolated the oxide and free metal, different from all known metals. Vaukelin called it chromium (Chrome) from the Greek. - coloring, color; True, what was meant here was not the property of the metal, which had a silvery-white color, but its brightly colored salts. Almost simultaneously with Vauquelin, chrome was discovered by Klaproth. Processing powdered crocoite hydrochloric acid, Klaproth obtained lead chromate, from which he separated lead chloride. He treated the remaining solution with soda, resulting in greenish chromium hydroxide. According to tradition, dating back to alchemists, who recognized only seven metals, each newly discovered metal received a new number. Klaproth considered chromium the 21st newly discovered metal. In Russia in the 19th century. it was also called chromium. This name is found in Zakharov (1810), Dvigubsky (1824 - 1828) and even in Hess’s textbook (1845).

Distribution of chromium in nature

The average content of Chromium in the earth's crust (clarke) is 8.3·10-3%. This element is probably more characteristic of the Earth's mantle, since ultramafic rocks, which are believed to be closest in composition to the Earth's mantle, are enriched in Chromium (2·10-4%). Chromium forms massive and disseminated ores in ultramafic rocks; education is associated with them largest deposits Chroma. In basic rocks, the Chromium content reaches only 2·10-2%, in acidic rocks - 2.5·10-3%, in sedimentary rocks (sandstones) - 3.5·10-3%, in clay shales - 9·10-3 %. Chromium is a relatively weak aquatic migrant; Chromium content in sea ​​water 0.00005 mg/l. In general, Chromium is a metal in the deep zones of the Earth; stony meteorites (analogues of the mantle) are also enriched in Chromium (2.7·10-1%). Over 20 chromium minerals are known. Only chrome spinels (up to 54% Cr) are of industrial importance; in addition, Chromium is contained in a number of other minerals, which often accompany chromium ores, but are not of practical value themselves (uvarovite, volkonskoite, kemerite, fuchsite).

Physical properties of Chromium.

Chrome is a hard, heavy, refractory metal. Pure Chrome is ductile. Chrome has always been considered a very brittle metal, with almost no ductile properties. In recent years, by melting it with an electron beam in a vacuum, a very plastic metal has been obtained, bending into a thin wire. The plastic properties of chromium are particularly influenced by the gases entering it during the production process. For example, chromium obtained by electrolytic method may contain 0.03% hydrogen, which is 3.36 l H per 1 kg of chromium. Hydrogen is removed by heating the metal to 400C, and it can be completely eliminated only by melting the metal in a vacuum.

Application of chromium

Chromium is an important component in many alloy steels (in particular stainless steels), as well as in a number of other alloys. Used as wear-resistant and beautiful galvanic coatings (chrome plating). Chromium is used for the production of alloys: chromium-30 and chromium-90, which are indispensable for the production of nozzles for powerful plasma torches and in the aerospace industry. Chromium is used to obtain different varieties special steels in the manufacture of firearm barrels (from rifles to cannons), armor plates, fireproof cabinets, etc. Steels containing more than 13% chromium almost do not rust and are used for the manufacture of underwater parts of ships, in particular, for the construction of underwater hulls boats. Chrome is widely used for chrome plating of products. Chrome plating is carried out electrolytically. Despite the fact that the thickness of the applied films often does not exceed 0.005 mm, chrome-plated products become resistant to external influences (moisture, air) and do not rust. Chromium bricks are made from chromium compounds - chromium magnesites, which are used in the working space of metallurgical furnaces and other metallurgical devices and structures. “Stainless steel” is a steel that perfectly resists corrosion and oxidation, contains approximately 17-19% chromium and 8-13% nickel. But carbon is harmful to this steel: the carbide-forming “inclinations” of chromium lead to the fact that large quantities This element binds into carbides that precipitate at the boundaries of steel grains, and the grains themselves turn out to be poor in chromium and cannot firmly defend themselves against the onslaught of acids and oxygen. Therefore, the carbon content in stainless steel should be minimal (no more than 0.1%). high temperatures steel can become covered with “scales” of scale. In some machines, parts heat up to hundreds of degrees. To ensure that the steel from which these parts are made does not “suffer” from scaling, 25-30% chromium is added to it. This steel can withstand temperatures up to 1000°C! As heating elements Alloys of chromium and nickel - nichrome - serve successfully. The addition of cobalt and molybdenum to chromium-nickel alloys gives the metal the ability to withstand heavy loads at 650-900° C. For example, gas turbine blades are made from these alloys. An alloy of cobalt, molybdenum and chromium (“comochrome”) is harmless to human body and is therefore used in reconstructive surgery. An American company has recently created new materials whose magnetic properties change under the influence of temperature. These materials, which are based on compounds of manganese, chromium and antimony, according to scientists, will find application in various automatic devices, sensitive to temperature fluctuations, and can replace more expensive thermoelements.

Chromites are also widely used in the refractory industry. Magnesite-chromite brick is an excellent refractory material for lining open-hearth furnaces and other metallurgical units. This material has high heat resistance and is not afraid of repeated sudden changes in temperature. Chemists use chromites to produce potassium and sodium bichromates, as well as chrome alum, which is used to tan leather, giving it a beautiful shine and strength. This leather is called “chrome”, and boots made from it are called “chrome”. As if justifying its name, chromium takes an active part in the production of dyes for the glass, ceramic, and textile industries. Chromium oxide has allowed tractor manufacturers to significantly reduce engine break-in times. Usually this operation, during which all the rubbing parts must “get used” to each other, lasted quite a long time and this, of course, did not suit the workers of the tractor factories very much. A way out of the situation was found when it was possible to develop a new fuel additive, which included chromium oxide. The secret of the additive’s action is simple: when fuel burns, tiny abrasive particles of chromium oxide are formed, which, settling on the inner walls of the cylinders and other surfaces subject to friction, quickly eliminate roughness, polish and tightly fit the parts. This additive, in combination with a new type of oil, made it possible to reduce the break-in time by 30 times.

The largest chromium deposits are located in South Africa (1st place in the world), Kazakhstan, Russia, Zimbabwe, and Madagascar. There are also deposits in Turkey, India, Armenia, Brazil, and the Philippines.

In 2012, according to US Geological Survey estimates, 24.0 million tons of chrome ore (chromites) were mined worldwide, which is 0.7 million tons more than the previous year. Approximately 94% of the world's chromite production is intended for use in the metallurgical industry, for the production of ferrochrome, with the rest used in the foundry, chemical and non-reactive sectors. World chromite ore production therefore follows world ferrochrome production. Approximately 70% of the world's chromite production is consumed within mining countries in the production of ferrochrome. Four countries currently dominate ferrochrome production - South Africa, Kazakhstan, India and China. In 2008, South Africa, Kazakhstan and India accounted for approximately 67% of total world production, down slightly from 70% in 2002. However, while the largest ferrochrome producers continue to dominate the market, Chinese production has begun to increase rapidly. Ferrochrome production in China grew at an average annual rate of 28% between 2002 and 2008, reaching 1.5 million tonnes in 2008. Despite rising oil prices and global events such as the earthquake in Japan and political unrest in the Middle East, global ferrochrome production remained at very high levels in the first half of 2011. In the second half of 2011, falling nickel and chromium prices, driven by renewed concerns about the global debt crisis, began to erode confidence in the stainless steel market. Global ferrochrome production increased in response to increased demand, reaching a record 9.4 million tonnes in 2011, 4% higher than in 2010. South African production increased in the first quarter of 2011, but South African production for the year as a whole fell by 9% due to lower demand throughout the year and high winter electricity tariffs. In 2012, global ferrochrome production increased to 10.7 million tons. In response to strong demand and increased availability of chromite (chromium) ores, Chinese ferrochrome production increased by 12%, or 260,000 tonnes, to record production levels in 2010. Despite producing approximately 2.4 million tonnes of ferrochrome in 2011, China remained a net importer of ferrochrome with imports of 1.8 million tonnes in 2011. Imports account for 44% of total Chinese consumption, with South Africa supplying 1.1 million tonnes to China in 2011, up 18% on the previous year. In 2012, China produced 2.7 million tons of ferrochrome. The Chinese chromite ore market continues to grow strongly. In 2011, 9.4 million tons were imported into the country, which is 9% more than in the previous year. South Africa supplied approximately 50% of the chromite imported into China. At the end of 2011, approximately 3.6 million tons of chromite ore were estimated to be in stockpiles in Chinese ports.

State report “On the state and use of mineral resources Russian Federation in 2012" dated April 11, 2014

The absolute leader in the production of commercial chromium ores is South Africa, providing more than 40% of their global output. This country has the most powerful chromite resource base in the world; its depths contain about three-quarters of the world's reserves and almost 70% of the world's chromium ore resources.

All of them are concentrated in the deposits of the unique Bushveld layered massif. South Africa supplies part of the extracted raw materials to Asian countries (mainly China) and Europe, being one of the world's leading exporters of chrome ores. At the same time, South Africa also ranks first among producers and suppliers of ferrochrome to the world market.

The second position, both in terms of production volumes and the scale of the raw material base, is occupied by Kazakhstan. Its contribution to the world production of commercial chromium ores is 15-20%. The overwhelming majority of chromite reserves in Kazakhstan have been explored in the deposits of the Kempirsay massif, the ores of which differ high quality- the average content of Cr2O3 in them reaches 50%, and the content of iron and harmful impurities(phosphorus and sulfur) is small. Kazakhstan is a major exporter of chrome ores, a producer and supplier of ferrochrome abroad. India and Turkey are also significant producers of commercial chromium ores; in 2012, their share in world production was 13% and 10%, respectively.

Russia occupies the fifth-sixth position in the world production of chrome ores; in 2012, the production of this raw material amounted to only 2.2% of the world. The explored reserves of Russian chromite deposits do not exceed 0.4% of the world's reserves. At the same time, Russia is among the main producers and exporters of ferrochrome, but more than half of the necessary raw materials for its production are purchased abroad, mainly in Kazakhstan and Turkey. In the near future, a new ferroalloy plant is expected to be commissioned in Kazakhstan, which could significantly limit the supply of Kazakh ore to Russia. Ferrochrome production in Russia significantly exceeds domestic consumption, and the bulk of the intermediate product is exported.

Resources and reserves, million tons

Production of marketable ores, thousand tons


Measured + Indicated

Inferred Resources

Proved + Probable Reserves

Proved + Probable Reserves

Proved + Probable Reserves


Proved Reserves + Indicated + Inferred Resources

Prices for commercial chromium ores on the world market in 2012 fell significantly compared to 2011, but in 2013 they stabilized. Global ferrochrome prices fluctuated widely in 2012 and the first half of 2013 in response to demand from stainless steel producers. Globally (excluding China), stainless steel production declined in 2012. To improve market conditions, many companies have suspended the commissioning of new ferroalloy capacities and reduced the load on existing ones. In the second half of 2013, prices for ferrochrome began to rise. The Russian raw material base of chromites is not able to satisfy the demand from domestic ferrochrome producers, who, in turn, are entirely dependent on world market conditions.

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Hard metal of bluish-white color. Chrome is sometimes classified as a ferrous metal. This metal is capable of coloring compounds in different colors, that’s why it was called “chrome”, which means “paint”. Chromium is a trace element necessary for the normal development and functioning of the human body. His most important biological role consists of regulating carbohydrate metabolism and blood glucose levels.

See also:


Depending on the types chemical bond- like all metals, chromium has metal type crystal lattice, that is, the lattice nodes contain metal atoms.
Depending on the spatial symmetry - cubic, body-centered a = 0.28839 nm. A feature of chromium is its sharp change physical properties at a temperature of about 37°C. Crystal cell a metal consists of its ions and mobile electrons. Similarly, the chromium atom in its ground state has an electronic configuration. At 1830 °C it is possible to transform into a modification with a face-centered lattice, a = 3.69 Å.


Chromium has a Mohs hardness of 9, one of the hardest pure metals (second only to iridium, beryllium, tungsten and uranium). Very pure chrome lends itself quite well machining. Stable in air due to passivation. For the same reason, it does not react with sulfuric and nitric acids. At 2000 °C it burns to form green chromium(III) oxide Cr 2 O 3, which has amphoteric properties. When heated, it reacts with many non-metals, often forming compounds of non-stoichiometric composition: carbides, borides, silicides, nitrides, etc. Chromium forms numerous compounds in various oxidation states, mainly +2, +3, +6. Chrome has all the properties characteristic of metals - it conducts heat well, electricity, has the shine inherent in most metals. It is antiferromagnetic and paramagnetic, that is, at a temperature of 39 °C it changes from a paramagnetic state to an antiferromagnetic state (Néel point).


The largest chromium deposits are located in South Africa (1st place in the world), Kazakhstan, Russia, Zimbabwe, and Madagascar. There are also deposits in Turkey, India, Armenia, Brazil, and the Philippines.nThe main deposits of chromium ores in the Russian Federation are known in the Urals (Don and Saranovskoe). Explored reserves in Kazakhstan amount to over 350 million tons (2nd place in the world). Chromium is found in nature mainly in the form of chromium iron ore Fe(CrO 2) 2 (iron chromite). Ferrochrome is obtained from it by reduction in electric furnaces with coke (carbon). To obtain pure chromium, the reaction is carried out as follows:
1) iron chromite is fused with sodium carbonate ( soda ash) on air;
2) dissolve sodium chromate and separate it from iron oxide;
3) convert the chromate to dichromate, acidifying the solution and crystallizing the dichromate;
4) pure chromium oxide is obtained by reducing sodium dichromate with coal;
5) metallic chromium is obtained using aluminothermy;
6) using electrolysis, electrolytic chromium is obtained from a solution of chromic anhydride in water containing the addition of sulfuric acid.


The average content of Chromium in the earth's crust (clarke) is 8.3·10 -3%. This element is probably more characteristic of the Earth's mantle, since ultramafic rocks, which are believed to be closest in composition to the Earth's mantle, are enriched in Chromium (2·10 -4%). Chromium forms massive and disseminated ores in ultramafic rocks; The formation of the largest chromium deposits is associated with them. In basic rocks, the Chromium content reaches only 2·10 -2%, in acidic rocks - 2.5·10 -3%, in sedimentary rocks (sandstones) - 3.5·10 -3%, in clay shales - 9·10 -3 %. Chromium is a relatively weak aquatic migrant; Chromium content in sea water is 0.00005 mg/l.
In general, Chromium is a metal in the deep zones of the Earth; stony meteorites (analogues of the mantle) are also enriched in Chromium (2.7·10 -1%). Over 20 chromium minerals are known. Only chrome spinels (up to 54% Cr) are of industrial importance; in addition, Chromium is contained in a number of other minerals, which often accompany chromium ores, but are not of practical value themselves (uvarovite, volkonskoite, kemerite, fuchsite).
There are three main chromium minerals: magnochromite (Mg, Fe)Cr 2 O 4 , chrompicotite (Mg, Fe)(Cr, Al) 2 O 4 and aluminochromite (Fe, Mg)(Cr, Al) 2 O 4 . By appearance they are indistinguishable and are inaccurately called "chromites".


Chromium is an important component in many alloy steels (in particular stainless steels), as well as in a number of other alloys. The addition of chromium significantly increases the hardness and corrosion resistance alloys The use of Chrome is based on its heat resistance, hardness and corrosion resistance. Most of all, Chromium is used for smelting chromium steels. Aluminum- and silicothermic chromium is used for smelting nichrome, nimonic, other nickel alloys and stellite.
A significant amount of Chromium is used for decorative corrosion-resistant coatings. Powdered Chromium is widely used in the production of metal-ceramic products and materials for welding electrodes. Chromium in the form of Cr 3+ ion is an impurity in ruby, which is used as gem and laser material. Chromium compounds are used to etch fabrics during dyeing. Some Chromium salts are used as component tanning solutions in the leather industry; PbCrO 4 , ZnCrO 4 , SrCrO 4 - as art paints. Chromium-magnesite refractory products are made from a mixture of chromite and magnesite.
Used as wear-resistant and beautiful galvanic coatings (chrome plating).
Chromium is used for the production of alloys: chromium-30 and chromium-90, which are indispensable for the production of nozzles for powerful plasma torches and in the aerospace industry.

Chrome (eng. Chromium) - Cr