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Prayers during the Easter period. Easter hours. Readings during the week before Easter

Great (Holy) Week is the name of the week preceding Easter. Every day is great. Read more.

Its threshold - Palm Sunday. This is the day Jesus came to Jerusalem. The people greeted Him with palm branches. Currently, the symbol of this holiday is a willow branch - a plant that is one of the first to bloom in spring. This day falls on the Sunday before Easter. To Verbnoye

Easter week ritual for health and well-being

On Sunday you need to dedicate a branch in church and keep it until next year. She gives health and well-being. From it you can make decoctions and infusions that are added to food, to the dough from which bread is baked.

You cannot throw it away even after a year - it must be put on fire or thrown into a river with a rapid current. According to legend, the water will carry the willow to the church.

If the plant has taken root, it must be planted.

A long-standing sign says that rain on this day is a harbinger of a good harvest.

During the first three days, morning services are held in churches.

Ablution ritual on Maundy Thursday

On Thursday, during the Last Supper, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples.

Maundy Thursday(Maundy or Holy Thursday) is the day of washing oneself and one’s home from sins and illnesses. On this day you need to swim before sunrise, imagining that not only water, but also pure light is flowing onto your body. Morning water on Maundy Thursday has special properties. It is advisable to stock up on it - it will come in handy on the day of the Holy Resurrection of Christ.

The house must be cleaned on this day. Due to lack of time, it may not be a general task - you at least need to sweep, dust and wipe the floors. This will bring cleanliness and prosperity to the house for the whole year. It is worth considering that now cleaning can only be done after the holiday.

After cleaning, you can start preparing holiday cakes and painting eggs.

What to do on Good (Great) Friday? What prayers should I read?

Good (Great) Friday is a day of sorrow and sorrow. Those who rejoice on this day will shed tears all year long. On Good Friday, people remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on Calvary and read passages from the Gospel dedicated to this day.

On this day you cannot work, bake Easter cakes, paint or paint eggs. This can be done in Holy Saturday. Before lunch, they read the prayer about Life three times. This needs to be done once a year.

Prayer of LIFE (funeral funeral, funeral funeral of death, prayer for three deaths):

In the name of the Father, the Eternal Creator,
In the name of the Son of Christ and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever and endlessly. Amen.
Under King Manul Komnenos,
At his golden laurel,
Saint Luke of Christ served the Lord God.
On the eve of Easter the saint in the golden laurel
Hodegetria, the Mother of God, appeared to two blind men,
She brought them to the Blachernae Temple.
Angels, Cherubim, Seraphim sang,
The blind before Mother Hodegetria received their sight.
The Holy Ruts wrote this prayer,
All forty Saints blessed her.
Truly!!! The Lord Himself said:
“Whoever reads this prayer before Easter,
With her help, he will escape from any death!!!”
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen

On the eve of Holy Sunday, before the church bells ring, on their knees they read the prayer “From three deaths”. It protects against diseases and heals even seriously ill people.

What rituals to perform on the Bright Resurrection of Christ (Easter)

It is advisable to wash your face in the morning with water prepared in advance - on Maundy Thursday.

On the night from Saturday to Sunday, churches hold Easter services, which last until Sunday lunchtime.

At the end of it, people take communion, celebrate Christ - congratulate each other on the holiday with the words “Christ is Risen!”, Receiving in response: “Truly He is Risen!” Congratulations are accompanied by a triple kiss.

Prayer to protect from troubles and diseases for Easter

After leaving the church, you can read a prayer that protects you from troubles and illnesses. When 40 people come out of the temple gates, you need to cross yourself and then say:

Prayer to protect against troubles and illnesses:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Mother Mary carried Christ, gave birth, baptized, fed, gave water,

She taught prayers, saved, protected,

And then at the Cross she sobbed, shed tears, wailed,

She suffered together with her dear Son.

Jesus Christ rose on Sunday

From now on His glory will be from earth to heaven.

Now he himself, his slaves, takes care of us,

He graciously accepts our prayers.

Lord, hear me, save me, protect me

From all troubles now and forever.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen

The first food eaten on this day is Easter cakes and eggs blessed in the temple.

Easter beliefs

On the day of the Bright Resurrection of Christ, you are allowed to ask the Lord for everything - about spiritual and material things, about health.

On the night from Saturday to Sunday you need spring water sprinkle the whole house. This must be done silently, without saying a single word from the moment water is taken from the spring.

It is believed that you can protect yourself from diseases by eating eggs that were laid on Holy Thursday. To save pets from diseases, egg shells need to be buried.

Since ancient times, on Easter it has been customary to douse yourself with water from a well - on this day it is endowed with healing properties.

Elderly people, while combing their hair, express the desire to have grandchildren no less than their hair.

Easter signs

My eyebrow itches unmarried girl- to love.

A cockroach or fly falling into cabbage soup is a quick date.

A hit elbow - a loved one remembers.

An itchy lip portends kisses with your loved one.

If there is frost on the day of Bright Resurrection, it means that the harvest will be good, and the weather in the following weeks of spring will be warm and clear. Thunder portends the same thing. Rain is a sign of rainy weather until the end of spring.

Dogs barking towards the west promise trouble for their owner, and barking towards the east - a fire.

It is believed that the soul of a person who died on Great Week will definitely go to Paradise.

It is undesirable to break dishes on Easter Day - this is a bad omen.

Fortune telling for family members with Easter cakes

When baking Easter cakes, you need to make wishes for family members on them. They look at the finished Easter cakes to see how much they have risen and whether there are any cracks on them. If the cake turns out fluffy and beautiful, everything will be fine for the person.

Fortune telling with an egg for Easter

Salt, bread, ring and sugar are placed in different corners of the room. A girl from her center rolls a pre-twisted egg and watches where it goes. Ring - marriage, salt - troubles, sugar - joy, bread - rich betrothed.

The center of the annual cycle of church holidays is Holy and Holy Week. In the life of the church and the laity, this is a time preceded by serious long preparation, first of all spiritual. The participation of believers in the services of these days and the observance of prayer rules are not just a formal adherence to theological ideas and a tribute to traditions. All readings these days are aimed at ensuring that the events remembered and celebrated by the Church are experienced by the Orthodox with the full depth of sincere faith.

Daily reading of the prayer rule is one of important aspects spiritual life of every Christian. Morning and evening prayers, which believers read throughout the year, are filled with feelings of repentance, requests for forgiveness of sins and the sending of strength to fight temptations. With the onset of Bright Resurrection, another emotional component comes to the fore - the glorification of Christ's victory over death.

According to the church charter, on Easter week, instead of the traditional prayer rule, you need to read the Easter Hours - a special sequence of chants performed in a colored triodion. In this way, every believer will be able to express joy and reverence before the holy holiday, and an understanding of the main biblical events that followed it. The Easter hours include all the main holiday doxologies:

  • “Christ is Risen” read three times;
  • the thrice proclaimed “Resurrection of Christ”;
  • ipakoi 8th tone “Previous morning”;
  • kontakion also on the 8th tone “He even descended into the grave”;
  • troparia of the 8th tone.

This sequence, shorter than usual, should be read in Easter week daily, at the 1st, 3rd and 6th hours. At the end of the reading, as it should be on major holidays, the prayer “It is worthy to eat” is replaced by a worthy person. On Bright Week, it corresponds to the irmos of the 9th song of the Easter canon, “Shine, shine, new Jerusalem.” If there is a special desire, the believer, performing morning rituals at home prayer rule, can sing the solemn Easter canon.

During Bright Week, Compline and Midnight Office are also replaced by the Hours of Easter. Any other home praises - canons, akathists - are preceded by three readings of the Easter troparion. Instead of the usual prayers, before and after eating, they say “Christ is Risen,” the worthy of Easter, three times.

TO in the usual way fulfillment of the prayer rule returns on the evening of the first Saturday after Easter Sunday.

What chapters of the Gospel are read before Easter?

All spiritual meaning Holy Week, preceding the Bright Holiday, is revealed in church services. Their content is structured in such a way that the chants describing literally every step of the Savior in last days His earthly life brings believers as close as possible to Him. If it is not possible to attend services, you should read the relevant chapters of the New Testament throughout Holy Week before Easter. The peculiarities of the services of the first three days are that at Matins, at the end of the sixth psalm and “Hallelujah,” the troparion “Behold the Bridegroom is coming” is sung, and after the canon, “I see Your palace.”

Day of the week What do people read about on the eve of Easter?
On Monday They remember the prototype of the suffering Christ - Joseph, sold into slavery in Egypt, as well as the parable of the withered fig tree, personifying the soul that does not bear virtuous fruits.
Tuesday Dedicated to reading about Christ denouncing the Pharisees and scribes, parables about tribute to the Roman emperor, the resurrection of the dead and about the ten virgins.
Wednesday This day is dedicated to reflections on two life paths- the former harlot Mary Magdalene and the traitor Judas.
Thursday Day of remembrance of Jesus washing the feet of the apostles, the Last Supper, prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane and the betrayal of Judas.
On Friday They remember the trial, the torment of the cross, the removal of the Lord from the crucifixion and his position in the grave.
Saturday A day dedicated to the remembrance of the burial of Christ, the descent of the Lord into hell to free the souls of believers.

Home reading of the chapters of the Gospel telling about the passion of Christ is usually preceded by the corresponding akathist “Chosen Voivode and Lord of Heaven.” Studying patristic commentaries will help in spiritual preparation for contemplating the sacrament of atonement. It is recommended to expand the daily prayer rule with the texts of the liturgical regulations of Holy Week: singing the Psalms (until Maundy Thursday), Lenten prayers - to the Lord Jesus crucified, By the repentant canon, prayer of Ephraim the Syrian. In your household requirements you can include those chapters of the Gospel that are dedicated to this day Holy Week.

Holy and Bright weeks are inseparable from each other: during these 14 days, believers, empathizing with Christ and the apostles, mentally go through the path from the Lord’s offering of an atoning sacrifice to His Resurrection. Prayer books during this period are not only spiritual support: they speak about the meaning of faith, hope for eternal life and clearly indicate the path by which a Christian can enter the kingdom of heaven.

Almost all words with the prefix “anti” contain some kind of opposition, and in most cases it is negative. Many people don’t know what Antipascha is, so they think that the holiday has a negative connotation, but in fact it is not.

What is Antipascha in Orthodoxy?

The first Sunday after Easter is usually called Antipascha. Other names are also known, for example, Fomino Sunday or. At the service of this day, it is customary to remember the appearance of Christ and the assurance of the Apostle Thomas. Antipascha is a holiday that is related to the Resurrection of Christ and the Sacrament of Baptism. The Slavs considered Krasnaya Gorka a holiday of fun and round dances.

Why is Antipascha called that?

One of the popular questions that relate to this holiday. The name means “opposite of Easter,” but it is worth noting that this does not mean opposition, but an appeal to a holiday that has already passed. On this day, the memory of Christ’s resurrection is renewed, which is why the holiday is also called the “week of renewal.” There are several versions of why the name Red Hill (Anti-Easter) appeared. It is believed that “red” means beautiful, and “mountain” refers to the fact that earlier on this day young people celebrated on the hills, where there is no longer snow.

Antipascha - traditions

In churches on this day there is procession with obligatory sprinkling with holy water. At the Liturgy, the Gospel of John and the words of Jesus addressed to the Apostle Thomas are read, which serve as a reminder to people that sincere faith has spiritual vision. When figuring out what Antipascha means, it is worth pointing out folk traditions that were observed unquestioningly in ancient times.

  1. Families gather in the evening for a family dinner, and it was believed that the more plentiful the food and the more pleasant the atmosphere, the luckier the year. If you are interested in what is being prepared for Antipascha, then there are no restrictions.
  2. On this day, girls traditionally tell fortunes by candle flames to find out whether they will get married this year. The candle must be lit and placed on a slightly open window. If it burns completely and does not go out, it means that the girl will soon receive a marriage proposal. When the candle went out, they believed that she had another year to walk alone.
  3. When figuring out what Antipascha is, it is worth pointing out that this holiday is considered a youth holiday among the people. Guys and girls went out into the street and had fun festivities. They definitely called for spring. One of the girls was decorated and led around the village as the personification of the awakening of spring.
  4. Red Hill is the first day after when you can play a wedding. It is believed that this is the best day of the year for a wedding.

Anti-Easter - what not to do?

On this holiday it is necessary to go to church. Krasnaya Gorka is considered the main memorial day, so funeral liturgy is held in churches. The clergy say that it is better to go to church on this day than to the grave. When figuring out what to do on Antipascha, it is worth mentioning the possibility of conducting matchmaking and weddings. In addition, people welcome spring and have fun. There is a certain list of things that are prohibited on this holiday:

  1. Many people are interested in whether they go to the cemetery on Antipascha, so this is not prohibited, but you cannot clean it there. It is recommended to remove trash and plant flowers before this day.
  2. You cannot drink alcohol and say: “for the kingdom of heaven.” It is forbidden to hold feasts at people’s graves and it is better to remember them at home. The Church does not allow commemoration of the deceased with strong alcoholic beverages.
  3. Red Hill is a holiday of fun, so you cannot do household chores and it is recommended to postpone them. It is believed that everything planted on this day will not be accepted.
  4. Guys and girls are not allowed to stay at home on this holiday, as they will remain alone for the whole year.
  5. You should not tell anyone about the ritual of washing icons, as you can turn away your luck.
  6. It is believed that if you quarrel with someone on this day, you will not be able to improve your relationship until Trinity.

What do they give out in church for Antipascha?

On this day, in churches and monasteries they distribute pieces of bread called artos (whole prosphora). It is in a prominent place in churches throughout Bright Week, and when all the Easter celebrations are over, pieces are distributed to the believers. Understanding what is distributed on Antipascha, it is worth noting that particles of this bread are used only on special occasions, as a spiritual remedy for illnesses and infirmities. When a person eats artos, he must definitely say “Christ is Risen!”

How to prepare for communion on Antipascha?

Although there is no fasting during Bright Week, it is recommended to fast before communion. At this time, in most cases, communion is given to people who come from places where there are no churches, are very ill, or are planning to undergo surgery. It is believed that if ordinary person appears at this time desire to take communion, then this is a manifestation of dark forces. In preparation for Communion on Antipascha, it is necessary to read the prescribed three canons, morning and, and also follow to Communion.

Signs for Antipascha

For a long time, this day was used to determine how the year would pass, what the period from the beginning of May to the end of summer was preparing, and they received a lot of other information. If you are interested in information about Antipascha - what it is, and what signs are associated with this day, then the following list will be useful:

  1. Whoever is the first family member to see the sun rise will be the happiest during the year.
  2. If the Antipascha holiday has arrived, then in order to attract good luck to yourself, you need to feed seven stray animals.
  3. On this day, hearing a bell ringing is a good sign, as it can drive away illnesses and ward off misfortunes.
  4. Rain on Krasnaya Gorka foretells a cool and rainy summer.
  5. If a deep plate breaks on this day, then this portends great luck. They say that this is a harbinger of an imminent addition to the family.
  6. A star-studded sky means the cold weather will continue for some time.
  7. A person who, after waking up, hears the singing of birds will be happy all year.
  8. A couple who gets married on Krasnaya Gorka will always be together.
  9. A girl who washes herself with rain on this day will remain young and beautiful for a long time.

Conspiracies for Antipascha

On this day, you can perform different rituals, the main thing is to do it alone and secretly from others. There are Anti-Easter conspiracies for money, love, beauty and many others. Let's look at a couple of them:

  1. At will. It is necessary to purchase the “God Grant” icon, which depicts Jesus Christ on the throne. If you cannot find it, then you can use the image of the Lord Almighty. Wash the icon with water, holding it over a basin to collect the flowing liquid. During this, you need to repeat plot No. 1 three times. After this, you need to wash your face three times with the water remaining in the basin, and pour the remainder under young tree near the house.
  2. For wealth. The same ritual can be used to improve your financial situation; you only need to read plot No. 2 three times.

Prayers for Antipascha

This religious holiday has enormous power and you can use it to your advantage. It is believed that sincere prayers said on this day will certainly be heard. Antipascha in Orthodoxy is a great time to turn to the Lord to ask for a solution to your problems and show gratitude. Prayers addressed to the Lord will help you find peace of mind and harmony within yourself. The presented text must be recited at dawn, repeating it at least three times.

The Greek prefix "anti" means "instead of" or "opposite". That is, the week opposite or after the Holy Resurrection of Christ. The meaning “instead” is also appropriate here. Because on this day, which ends Bright Week, after the Liturgy of which the Royal Doors are closed, and in the evening the reading of the Psalter resumes, we are again with full force we remember Bright Sunday of Christ and seem to be immersed in the atmosphere again Easter night. Therefore, Antipascha is instead of Easter or the second Easter.

It is also noteworthy that this Sunday is sometimes called the eighth day of Easter. The number eight is symbolic. It marks the eighth day of the world's existence. There will be in front of him Last Judgment, sinners will forever go to hell, and the righteous will forever go to heaven. And there will be a renewal of the world. The Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian writes in the Apocalypse: “And I saw a new heaven and new land, for the former heaven and the former earth have passed away, and the sea is no more. And I, John, saw the holy city Jerusalem, new, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband” (Rev. 21:1, 2).

All these symbols tell us that Easter does not stop! She is eternal. How eternal will be the Easter joy of the righteous in the new mountain city of Jerusalem.

Antipascha is also called St. Thomas Week. This is due to a specific historical event that occurred on the eighth day after the Holy Resurrection of Christ. The Holy Apostle Thomas was absent during the first appearance of the Savior to the disciples after His resurrection. When he arrived, the other apostles rushed to share this joy with him. But he did not believe them, motivating his unbelief with the following words: “Unless I see in His hands the marks of the nails, and put my finger into the marks of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe” (John 20: 25).

Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov) writes about the behavior of Thomas: “This is not how unbelief, hostile to God, was expressed, but indescribable joy; This is how the soul expressed itself before the greatness of an event that exceeded the human mind, before the greatness of an event that changed the state of humanity. With Christ and in Christ humanity was resurrected. All-good

The Lord was not slow in delivering to his beloved disciple the certificate he desired.”

Eight days later, as the Gospel of John tells about it (end of chapter 20), again the disciples of Christ were in the house, the Holy Apostle Thomas was with them. The doors were locked because the first Christians feared the revenge of the Jews. As the first time, Christ appeared to them behind closed doors and said: “Peace be with you!” Closed doors here at the same time they symbolize that God is higher physical laws, and the fact that (as St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov) wrote in the essay “Teaching on the Week of Antipascha. On Christianity”) “even then He, Omnipresent in Divinity, was present among His disciples, when Thomas, believing Him to be absent, expressed to them his condition bewilderment at their story about the resurrection.” What great and encouraging words of St. Ignatius: The Lord is always with us!

After His blessing, Christ said to Thomas: “Bring your finger to this, and see my hand: and bring your hand and place it in my side: and be not unfaithful, but faithful” (John 20:26-27). The Holy Apostle Thomas, in the tremulous heartfelt burning of faith, exclaims: “My Lord and my God!” (verse 28) Christ says to him: “You believed because you saw Me; Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (verse 29).

These words of the Savior are addressed to all of us. Apostle Thomas, as in the case of the Assumption Holy Mother of God, serves as an instrument in the hands of God in order to confirm people in certain truths of faith. Our Lord Jesus Christ, of course, knew about the future heresies of the Docetes and Monophysites who denied Him human nature. Therefore, for all eternity, through this tactile confirmation of Thomas, he confirmed us in the dogma that He rose precisely physically, including with wounds from nails.

It is also advisable to quote the words of St. Ignatius from the above-mentioned work: “In response to the confession of the Apostle, the Lord blessed those who had not seen and believed. The Lord remembered us too, He remembered all those who had not seen Him with their bodily eyes! He also remembered us, who were removed from Him by both space and time! He remembered at the time when, taken upon Himself by humanity, sacrificed for humanity and already glorified by the glory of the resurrection, He stood in the midst of His holy apostles! Nor are we forgotten by the Lord, who are present here in His holy temple, remembering an event from which we are separated by eighteen centuries. Blessed are we who have not seen Him, but believe in Him! Blessed are those of us who believe in Him! The essence of the matter is faith. It brings man closer to God and assimilates man to God; she will present man before the face of God and place him on the last day of the life of this world, at the beginning of the eternal day, at the right hand of the throne of God for the eternal vision of God, for eternal pleasure in God, for an eternal co-kingdom with God.

Blessed are those who have not seen and believed. With these words, the Lord united with the apostles all the believers of all the earth and of all times.”

So, Easter continues for us, dear brothers and sisters. And Her joy departs on the eighth day...

Easter week is the most joyful time for anyone Orthodox man. Its last day is Fomino Sunday, popularly called Red Hill and Antipascha. By observing the traditions of this day, you will be able to increase your energy level and spend your time productively.

Easter Sunday received such a number of names due to the abundance of religious and folk traditions: in churches on this day a festive service is held, during which the resurrection of Christ is remembered, as well as His appearance to the Apostle Thomas.

It is customary among the people to spend Anti-Easter in noisy fun: young people go out of town for the whole day, and with the onset of darkness, those walking around light large bonfires and make their deepest wish.

Fomino Sunday has many traditions and signs: this day has long been used to determine how the year will pass and what the period from the beginning of May to the end of summer has in store. The most truthful signs have reached us unchanged.

The one who is the first from the whole family to see the morning sunrise on Easter Sunday will be happy all year.

On this day, you can attract happiness by feeding 7 stray animals and making your wish.

On Fomino Sunday, girls told fortunes about marriage by the flame of a candle. The candle was lit and placed on a slightly open window: if it burned out completely, it was considered a good sign. If the candle went out in the wind, then this year the girl might not expect to meet her destiny.

On Easter Sunday it is considered unacceptable to spend the day at home, because going out into nature or getting together in a large group is The best way lure to oneself good mood and luck in all matters.

On this day good sign it is considered unexpected to hear bell ringing: It drives away illnesses and wards off misfortunes.

If it rains on Fomino Sunday, then the summer will be cool and rainy. If the day is warm and sunny, then summer will be hot.

A good tradition is a common family dinner on Antipascha: the more plentiful the food and the more pleasant the atmosphere, the better will pass all year.

It is considered great luck to accidentally break a deep plate on this day: they say that this is a sign of an imminent addition to the family.

If on Sunday night the whole sky is strewn with stars, then the cold weather will continue for some time.

If you hear the birds singing first thing in the morning, then the whole year will be happy.

Prayers on Fomino Sunday

Antipascha is an important day for any Christian. On this day, the great miracle of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is remembered, and every believer returns to the feeling of jubilation and joy that arose at the moment of the good news. Prayers to the Lord on Fomino Sunday have enormous power: with their help you can restore inner harmony and come to balance.

“Lord, my God, true Light, Father, who loves us, Thy unworthy servants! Hear me, Lord, and do not leave my heart without Your light. Reach out Your hand and show me the path of true faith and service to You. Give me, Lord, faith, so that I will not doubt and not depart from You. Amen".

“My God, by Your words mountains moved, Seeing Your deeds, nations were converted to faith, Your Word leads us, Your faithful servants. Lord, hear us sinners who come running to You for help and Your light! Lord, I will wash my soul with tears, and I will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Forever and ever. Amen".

This prayer can give strength and protect you from troubles, despondency and anger. On the bright day of Easter Sunday, you can completely conquer the 7 passions that lead to illnesses and illnesses. We wish you peace and sunshine in your soul. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

23.04.2017 04:06

Big religious holiday, which is also students' day, is dedicated to the Holy Great Martyr Tatiana. On this day you can...