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Swimming on Maundy Thursday: when is the best time to do it?

The fourth day of Holy Week - Maundy Thursday (Maundy Thursday, Holy Thursday), even for people who are not particularly religious, is a kind of ritual day associated with cleaning and bathing. IN Orthodox faith this is very significant day dedicated to the Last Supper, where Jesus, already knowing about the betrayal of Judas, said goodbye to his disciples by performing rituals - holy communion and washing the feet of the apostles.

Special signs and customs during Holy Week are associated with Maundy Thursday. It is on this day that you can get rid of many sins and improve your life. By following Easter signs and rituals, you can change your destiny for the better. next year. This article describes the signs, beliefs and rituals inherent in Maundy Thursday of Holy Week, namely:

  • Swimming on Maundy Thursday
  • Communion and Confession
  • Money signs and conspiracies on Maundy Thursday
  • A simple protective ritual
  • Easter cakes, Easter cakes and dyes

Swimming on Maundy Thursday

“If you want to be healthy all year, by all means, take a swim before sunrise."- Try it yourself and you will see that, indeed, this morning the water takes on wonderful healing properties. This water can wash away all the sins accumulated over the year.

It is advisable to take a steam bath at dawn on Maundy Thursday, but a shower or bath with soapy foam is also welcome. It is believed that not only the body is cleansed, but also the soul, since water acquires cleansing and protective properties, capable of washing away accumulated negativity and illness. It is important to have bright, joyful thoughts during the procedure.

If you want, you can carry out this simple conspiracy to wash yourself with Thursday water. Before sunrise, take a large vessel, fill it with cool water, speak the words of the spell over it and wash your face:

“Maundy Thursday glorifies Easter, all the Orthodox people glorify Easter, so people would glorify me, both young and old, so that I would be held in high esteem by the authorities as a servant of God (name), so that my business would bring me profit. Gold sticks to my hands, clings. The coins in the wallet jingle. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Communion and Confession

To finally cleanse yourself of sins and bad thoughts, after washing you should go to church for confession and communion. If you did not fast during the entire period of Lent, then do not forget that before confession you need to fast for at least a few days. Only on Maundy Thursday can you atone for even the most terrible mortal sins.

General cleaning on Maundy Thursday

There is a sure sign - if you spend Maundy Thursday general cleaning, you will get a lot of joy for it. In addition to the fact that the house will become clean, there is also such a religious element here that for six days after Maundy Thursday, religious people do not clean.

In addition, there is a popular belief that when you start spring cleaning in the house, you receive a gift from the Lord the opportunity find what seemed to be forever lost beloved and necessary items. And indeed it is. I myself have more than once had to find long-lost things during such cleaning, and in the most unexpected places.

Having cleansed your body and soul, you can begin to cleanse your personal space, that is, your house or apartment. Having started general cleaning, you should, without pity, say goodbye to the old ones too unnecessary things – this applies to both personal wardrobe and broken household appliances, old furniture and chipped dishes. Along with old junk, everything stagnant and bad will leave your space, including old problems and troubles, because you are making room for new things and the energy of well-being, which requires free circulation.

Money sign on Maundy Thursday

From time immemorial it was believed that if during Maundy Thursday count all the money in the house three times, then they will not be transferred to the family for a year. Counting money should be done early in the morning, at noon and at sunset. This must be done in secret not only from strangers, but also from all members of your household. Only then will there be any benefit from performing this ancient ritual.

Maundy Thursday conspiracy for money

And here it is money conspiracy on Maundy Thursday. If you wash your doors and windows with water containing small change, yours will grow by leaps and bounds throughout the year! The words of the conspiracy that need to be said when throwing a bucket or basin of water into a handful of coins:

“Money, keep it going - don’t transfer it, grow it, multiply it, don’t get it from the enemy!”

and any other prayer that you know well. After all the doors and windows in your house have been washed, remove the change from the water and place it in a distant, but pre-washed, corner of your house or apartment for a week. Pour the water under any tree.

A simple protective ritual

If there is a baby in your house under the age of one year, then this procedure is especially indicated for him, since he cannot yet protect himself with the help of holy prayer. Therefore, we should take care of its protection by performing this simple protective ritual. On Maundy Thursday, place any silver object in a container of water overnight. And in the morning, on Good Friday, wash your face with this water, and for a year no devilry you and your children will not be afraid.

Easter cakes, Easter cakes and dyes

Actually, on Maundy Thursday they start baking Easter cakes, Easter cakes and start painting and painting eggs. During cooking it is advisable read prayers, and under no circumstances indulge in negative thoughts, which will absorb the food you prepare. On this holy holiday, all dishes on the table should be energetically pure.

How to prepare Thursday salt

You can prepare Thursday salt only once a year - on Maundy Thursday.. Properly prepared salt is a universal amulet against damage and the evil eye, as well as a powerful assistant in any task. Initially, Thursday salt was prepared in the oven. Ash from a wood stove was added to it, but in today's urban conditions it is difficult to bake salt like that and ash is nowhere to be found.

Therefore it is proposed modern recipe. Pour a small amount of table salt and the same amount of rye flour into a frying pan. Place over high heat and, stirring clockwise with a wooden spatula, recite the Lord’s Prayer until the mixture turns a dark brown-black color. In this case, the flour that has burned out replaces the ash from the oven. Why rye? Because the old recipe adds grounds from rye kvass, therefore the modern recipe allows Rye flour, replacing both ash and leaven.

Properly prepared salt not only enhances the effect of various prayers and spells. Store in a natural linen bag in a dry, dark place. They say that Thursday salt added to the food and drink of a sick person can help heal him. If you have prepared salt only for a talisman, then say the words over the bag:

“In the name of God I protect myself, I cleanse everything with Thursday salt.
Those who send troubles disappear from my life.
Key. Lock. Language".

After pronouncing the spell, tie the linen bag with a red ribbon. You can carry it with you or store it in the house.

Soap spell to attract a guy

You will need a handmade bar of soap, as homemade soap self made includes natural ingredients, which are conductors of the energies that you want to attract. Go to the bathhouse in the morning (permissible time is from sunrise to ten in the morning) and wash only with this soap. It cannot be shared with other people.

When you get home, do the cleaning using the same soap, replacing everything with it. chemicals that you usually use. All the time while you are cleaning, say the words: “(Name) sticks to me like soap.” Say it as many times as you spend cleaning the apartment. If there is any soap left, you should take it to the church and put it somewhere under the threshold or near the fence. It’s good if there is no soap left, so it is advisable to initially take a small bar. After the Ascension (on the fortieth day after Easter), your lover will show you increased attention.

Folk signs on Maundy Thursday

  • If, while putting your house in order, you find things that were once lost, this is fortunate.
  • If you rearrange the furniture in your apartment on Maundy Thursday, then this will happen.
  • If in the morning, looking out the window, the first person you see is an old man, this is a sign of failure. If a dog or young man– this is fortunate. If it’s a young girl, this means family happiness. If a child - to study.
  • On this day you cannot lend not only money, but also anything from your home at all - luck will go away.
  • There has always been a custom among the people to cut their hair on the fourth day of Holy Week. It was believed that by cutting one's hair, one was cleansed of sins.


These are the main ones signs and rituals are associated with Maundy Thursday. Moreover, all of them, one way or another, are associated with establishing cleanliness and order. Only after putting things in order on Maundy Thursday do they begin to bake Easter cakes and paint Easter eggs. Even if you don’t go to church, pumping up money and clean energy flows is always a necessary thing. So, enjoy it for your health.

And whoever does not follow this rule will end up with lopsided cakes. Therefore, first do some general cleaning, and only then start preparing festive Easter dishes.

Articles dedicated to Easter on our website.

The week before Easter is a special time. Therefore, people often wonder what needs to be done on each day of Holy Week, including Maundy Thursday.

For example, is it possible to clean, how to wash properly, and in general what does this day before Easter mean – Maundy Thursday? Folk traditions and their modern understanding, comments from church representatives - all this can be found in our article.

In 2018, this day falls on April 5, and Easter Sunday, i.e. Easter itself is on April 8. Also called Maundy Thursday:

  • Holy Thursday;
  • Maundy Thursday.

The thing is that this is the 4th day of the so-called Holy (Red, Great) week - the last time of Christ’s earthly life. After all, on Friday he will be unjustly accused and executed, and on Easter he will be resurrected. This will become the main event of Christianity, which has been solemnly celebrated by all believers for 2 millennia. Therefore, if we talk about what Maundy Thursday before Easter means, we can say that it is rather not a holiday, but the last day of the Savior’s earthly life.

And it is called clean because it was on this evening that Christ washed the feet of all his 12 disciples during supper. That is, he literally took a vessel of water, a towel and washed everyone’s feet, as it is written, for example, in chapter 13 of John:

The Lord never performed such an action in his earthly life. And it is clear that there is some unique, even touching moment in this episode.

By washing his feet, Christ wanted to show that he came into the world precisely to serve. Yes, believers still worship him to this day as the Son of God. But at the same time, the Lord himself wanted to be known as a servant who came to the aid of sinful humanity.

There is also a very delicate, elegant detail in this story. After all, as you know, the East is a delicate matter. Since ancient times, in the countries of this region, washing feet was considered a normal phenomenon, a unique custom. When a distant guest came to the house, the owner, as a sign of his goodwill, poured water, took a towel and performed this pleasant, relaxing procedure.

Thus, Christ showed his affection for the disciples. And he clearly demonstrated the idea of ​​serving people, giving an example to all of humanity.

What to do on Maundy Thursday before Easter: 5 traditions

That is why for several centuries (if not millennia), it has been customary for people to go to the bathhouse with the whole family on Maundy Thursday before Easter and bathe, keeping their bodies perfectly clean. True, there is also an interesting detail here: water treatments should be done before sunrise.

It is believed that it is at this time that the water acquires the greatest healing power, just as it happens on the night of Epiphany. And in general, the anticipation of a holiday is sometimes the holiday itself. Therefore, they try to go to the baths on the night from Wednesday to Thursday.

It is believed that before bathing, even if it is purely symbolic, you must certainly say a prayer of gratitude, at least mentally. There is some truth in this: a positive perception of life really helps a person tune in to a pleasant wave and start his day, getting up, as they say, on the right foot.

Here’s what else they do on Maundy Thursday before Easter according to folk traditions:

  1. Of course, to the bathhouse modern conditions Not everyone can go far. But a silver spoon or other utensils made of this noble metal should probably be found in many homes. If you fill a silver bowl with water and wash your face with it in the morning (again, better before sunrise), you will receive a boost of vigor and health for the whole year. You can just put silver spoon into a vessel with water and wash.
  2. You need to cleanse not only your body, but the whole house. On Maundy Thursday they try to get rid of all the trash, old things that have not been used for a long time. They remove garbage, wash the floor, sweep away small cobwebs. In a word, they direct perfect order. It is believed that it is no longer possible to clean the house until Easter, so it is better to try right away.
  3. Housewives are not forbidden to sew, wash and do other household chores on Maundy Thursday, and it is better to do them before the evening.
  4. And what else needs to be done on Maundy Thursday before Easter - boil eggs in the evening, color them, knead the dough, and then bake the Easter cakes. The pasochki will not go stale if you cook them according to the right technology. But to cook on Good Friday and Holy Saturday undesirable - these are the most intense, dramatic days of Holy Week. On Friday, as already mentioned, the crucifixion of Christ took place, and on Saturday night the lifeless body of the Savior was placed in the tomb.
  5. Also on this day, the so-called Thursday salt is prepared.
  6. It is prepared on the basis regular salt– the crystals are mixed with the soaked crumb rye bread or with the grounds that remained after the kvass settled. It is believed that it will serve as an excellent amulet for the whole family, and will be valid for a whole year. Therefore, such salt should be stored in a place of honor.
  7. On Maundy Thursday they also make peculiar conspiracies for money and for the betrothed. For example, you can put a silver coin in water overnight and then hide it in your wallet for a whole year. Or take a piece of soap and say the name of your loved one, saying: “(Name) sticks to me like soap.” Of course, these traditions are more likely to be folk than church traditions. However, there is nothing wrong with a person’s very desire to find love and live in abundance.

What not to do on Maundy Thursday before Easter

Of course, just by the name of the holiday you can certainly say that on this day you should not forget about your hygiene. It is very important to carry out general cleaning, because if the house remains untidy, the owners will not be able to recharge with the positive energy of freshness, cleanliness and prepare for Easter.

Here are some other prohibitions:

  1. When the apartment was cleaned, dirty water If possible, it is better to pour it somewhere outside the house. The best place is on a rocky surface where nothing grows. After all, it goes away with the dirt negative energy, which must leave the house for a long time.
  2. There is also an interesting belief about what people do on Thursday before Easter. It is believed that lending, as well as borrowing, is undesirable. And in general, if on this day you give away something valuable (for example, a souvenir or a book), then this bad sign– it’s better to choose any other day for gifts.
  3. Of course, it is intuitively clear that since this day was the last in the earthly life of Christ, it is better not to arrange any lavish feasts, not to abuse alcohol and other earthly pleasures. After all, in a few hours Judas will betray the Savior, and then Jesus will be crucified. Therefore, it is better to wait until Easter if possible to have fun.
  4. And here's another one interesting point– it is prohibited to take samples from Easter cakes, eggs and other holiday dishes. Of course, this rule applies to a greater extent to churchgoers who observe Lent. However, those who have not fasted can also heed the advice.

It is clear that Maundy Thursday is a pure, truly bright day, therefore there are no strict prohibitions as such. Each person can act in accordance with the circumstances and, of course, according to his own conscience.

In this regard, it is interesting to get the priest’s answer to the question of what should be done on Maundy Thursday before Easter.

What can you eat on Maundy Thursday?

From the point of view of fasting, Holy Week is considered the most strict - for example, on Friday and Saturday, eating food other than bread and water is generally prohibited. But on Thursday the requirements are a little softer. The so-called dry eating is allowed - you can eat plant foods without any oil (including sunflower, olive, etc.). Another important point– hot dishes are prohibited.

That is, you can eat bread, unsweetened pastries, soaked fruits and vegetables, etc. And any meat, fish, or hot dishes are prohibited for fasting people.

At the same time, the church does not consider certain concessions for pregnant and lactating women, the elderly and children to be a sin. And also for everyone who suffers from illnesses digestive system. That is, again, fasting is a matter of conscience and the real capabilities of the human body.

What do believers do on Maundy Thursday before Easter?

The tips and prohibitions discussed above came to us from folk traditions. And the church, of course, has its own view of Maundy Thursday before Easter and what should be done on this day. Of course, the clergy recommend, if possible, attending divine services - morning and evening.

The Last Supper (painting by Leonardo da Vinci)

On this day, the patriarch and local bishops wash the feet of 12 priests - a unique rite of its own that occurs only once a year. Also during evening service read 12 gospels, which recall the key events of this day:

  • last supper;
  • washing the feet;
  • severe suffering and prayer of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane;
  • betrayal of Judas Iscariot.

It is interesting to note that Judas subsequently repented and deeply regretted what he had done. True, the torment of his conscience was short-lived, and very quickly the traitor hanged himself from an aspen branch. According to legend, he first wanted to throw a rope on the birch tree, but it got scared and turned pale. And that’s why the aspen has been trembling in the wind since then: after all, it was she who became the last refuge of Judas.

Since then, Maundy Thursday has been considered a special day of repentance and purification. Of course, each person has his own weaknesses, but on the other hand, thanks to the atoning sacrifice of Christ, we can count on understanding and forgiveness.

This can be compared to how a child can always receive mercy from his parents no matter what he does. And the reason is simple - parents love their children, and even more so - God loves a person. And the whole point of Maundy Thursday is not even in washing and cleaning, but in spiritual cleansing, after which life becomes much easier and more joyful.

The Fourth Great Day of Holy Week is the Pure Four, even those who are far from religion associate this day with various rituals, traditions, and call such a day “bath”. This is not surprising, because the main tradition for Pure Fours is. Those who still try to follow church canons are wondering when to wash on Maundy Thursday before Easter: in the morning or in the evening? Let's consider this ritual, how to perform it correctly and when to do it.

Maundy Thursday and important traditions

If we turn to history, it was on the Pure Four that the Last Supper took place, when Jesus, knowing that one of his disciples would betray him, said goodbye to them special ritual– washed everyone’s feet. This is how he showed his humility, forgiveness and love. Therefore, one of the most important rituals on this day is bathing and washing.

It is believed that on Maundy Thursday you can cleanse your soul and body, and help your life improve (it doesn’t matter what aspect of life needs improvement). In addition to swimming, there are other common traditions and rituals on this day:

Communion in church and confession;
Total house cleaning;
Preparation Thursday salt;
Baking Easter cakes and preparing food for the festive meal on the occasion of Easter.

When to swim on Maundy Thursday

Popular wisdom says: “If you want to live in health all year, take a swim on Maundy Thursday before the sun appears on the horizon.” This morning, the water acquires unique healing properties, you will feel vigor, health, and strength. With this water you can wash away all your sins that have accumulated throughout the year.

The best time to swim is in Maundy Thursday early in the morning, and even better if it’s a trip to the bathhouse. Of course, in modern conditions this is not always possible, so taking a hot bath with foam and soap is also welcome. At the same time, while washing, you need to think about something good, positive so that bad emotions do not interfere with the cleansing process.

Is it possible or not to swim in the evening and at night? Despite the fact that it is better to start your day with a swim on Maundy Thursday, you can swim in the evening, at any time, the main thing is to do it immediately before bed. Even if this evening ritual will be performed not for the healing properties of water, but to cleanse the spirit and body, and also as respect for traditions.

Another important nuance, which should be stipulated, is that you need to bathe or wash yourself on Maundy Thursday for a reason, but with prayers in special spell words. The following words should be pronounced:

Holy Scripture says that one must pray on Maundy Thursday not only during ablutions, but also when performing any task, and there will be quite a few of them on Maundy Thursday. Everything on this day should be done with great love in the heart, with joy, good thoughts. After all, Easter is coming, which means you need to cleanse yourself of all negativity, and this is only possible through intense and sincere prayers.

So when is the best time to wash before Easter on Maundy Thursday? In the morning it’s best, but in the evening it’s also possible, so don’t be upset, the main thing is to approach the matter with good intentions and sincere faith, then there will be no difference between the two procedures.

Communion and Confession on Maundy Thursday

After the literal cleansing of body and spirit, you should “consolidate” the result by going to church for communion and confession. It is important to take into account here that if you have not observed the entire period of Lent, then before communion you need to fast for several days, you can start on Holy Monday. Only on Maundy Thursday can you pray away even those sins that are considered mortal.

Again, without communion and confession there will be no complete cleansing, which means that a person is not ready for Great Easter.

Maundy Thursday is an important and special day for religious people; it is actually the last stage of Lent, the last stage of preparation for the holiday. The rituals that are customary to be performed on Maundy Thursday are valid only on this day.

Signs and conspiracies on Maundy Thursday. List of prohibited and permitted matters.

Maundy Thursday is one of the most famous days before Easter. It was on the fourth day of Holy Week that the Last Supper took place, which began with the washing of the feet of all those present. There are a lot of signs and conspiracies associated with the day that will help you maintain your health and even get rich.

What is Maundy Thursday in Orthodoxy: the essence of the holiday

In Orthodoxy, according to the Gospel, the Last Supper took place on this day. Symbolizes the beginning of something new. Everything can start from scratch. Communion and confession are held from Thursday to Sunday. It is necessary to have time before Easter to cleanse yourself of all sins and ask for forgiveness for all bad deeds.

The fourth day is associated with a lot of signs and customs. You need to try to cleanse yourself. This can be done by performing ablution before dawn.

Signs for Thursday:

  • Don't give anything from home. You can’t borrow money from anyone, you shouldn’t lend it to anyone. It is not even recommended to repay debts. If a friend comes to your house for soda, find a reason to refuse her. Together with the products you give away part of your well-being.
  • Bring a holy passionate candle from church. You should definitely go to the service and bring a candle, it helps with your health.
  • The house definitely needs to be cleaned. If you spend Easter in the mud, the whole year will be unsuccessful. You should definitely throw away your old junk.
  • Bathing. It is worth cleansing yourself both spiritually and physically on this day. Before dawn, all family members need to swim.

Signs on Maundy Thursday before Easter

Signs for Maundy Thursday for love

There is no special sign for love on Thursday. While washing the body before sunrise, you can ask for love or a betrothed. If you do this with an open heart, you may find love this year.

There are a lot of signs and conspiracies for money. By performing simple manipulations you can improve your financial situation. Many people advise not to guess on a special Thursday.

Options for fortune telling and money spells:

  • Washing windows with coins. You need to throw a silver coin into the water with the window cleaning solution. It is believed that this manipulation will help you get rich.
  • Count all the cash you have in your wallet three times. Ask that they never transfer for the entire year.
  • You can talk money. While washing your face in the morning before dawn, say a spell, it can be found

Fortune telling on Maundy Thursday for money

What do they do on Maundy Thursday?

There is a whole list of rituals that need to be performed on the Thursday before Easter:

  • Make Thursday salt
  • Bake Easter cakes and color eggs
  • Clean the house
  • Wash before dawn
  • Take communion and confess

What to do on Maundy Thursday

What should you not do on Maundy Thursday?

There is a separate list of prohibited activities:

  • Leave soaked laundry. If you soaked your laundry on Thursday, you should not leave it until the next day. Rub everything right away.
  • Don't leave the house dirty. If you celebrate Easter in a dirty house, you will spend the whole year quarreling with your loved ones.
  • Do not throw away dirty water after cleaning around the house. You need to go outside and pour water on the stones or on the road where nothing grows.
  • You can't give anything away. On this day, try not to give anything away from home.

What not to do on Maundy Thursday

Is it possible to get a haircut on Maundy Thursday?

Yes, you can not only cut your hair, but you need to. It is believed that negative energy goes away with the cut ends. It is advisable to take a bath after cleaning the house and then cut your hair.

Is it possible to get a haircut on Maundy Thursday?

Yes, no one forbids you to work. But it is necessary to devote as much free time as possible to cleaning. Bring yours workplace tidy and throw away all trash.

Is it possible to work on Maundy Thursday?

Is it possible to swim at night on Maundy Thursday and what time should you wash?

Yes, you definitely need to swim. You can swim from 12 o'clock at night until sunrise. It is this water that washes away all the evil and dirt.

In general, it is worth considering that the entire week before Easter is Holy. Throughout the week, including Thursday, Friday and Saturday, you must refrain from carnal pleasures and foul language.

Is it possible to make love on Maundy Thursday?

Is it possible to throw away things on Maundy Thursday?

Yes, you should definitely throw away all the trash. Ideally, you need to go through all the bedside tables and cabinets. Sweep the yard and throw away everything you don't need. The more old things you throw away, the brighter your home will become.

Is it possible to sew and knit on Maundy Thursday?

Maundy Thursday: is it possible or not to give and take?

You shouldn't lend it to anyone. And this applies not only to money, but to everything. Food, clothing or kitchen utensils cannot be given to anyone on this day. This also applies to debts. Give them back early.

The whole week before Easter is Lent, therefore, according to all canons Orthodox Church You can’t drink, swear, or engage in sinful activities.

Is it possible to drink on Maundy Thursday?

What can you eat on Maundy Thursday?

If you are a believer, then on the Thursday before Easter you need to fast. That is, meat, fish and milk are prohibited.

There is a whole cleaning scheme for this day:

  • Go through all the things in your bedside tables and closets, throw away the excess. Wash the shelf and all kitchen utensils.
  • Remove all pillowcases and duvet covers. Change bedding and wash dirty clothes.
  • Clean windows and doors.
  • Beat the carpets and vacuum them.

How should you clean on Maundy Thursday?

What to say on Maundy Thursday when swimming?

There are spells that should be said while bathing. This will help you get rid of diseases and improve your financial situation. You can find out more about conspiracies. By saying a few words you can improve your health.

There are many beliefs and rituals associated with Maundy Thursday. Don't ignore the signs, and try to get rid of everything unnecessary.

VIDEO: Signs of Maundy Thursday

In the last week of Lent before Easter, Thursday is called Clean Thursday. What date is Maundy Thursday in 2019? April 25, 2019 at Orthodox calendar Marked Maundy Thursday. What can you do on April 25 on Maundy Thursday, what needs to be done on this important day according to church canons on the eve of the Holy Resurrection of Christ in order to properly prepare for the Great Holiday?

Maundy Thursday is the last Thursday before Orthodox Easter. The number of Maundy Thursday in 2019, the date of the holiday Maundy Thursday 2019 falls on Holy Week. Significant for Christian believers refers to the moving date, including the date of Maundy Thursday, 2019, changes from year to year, determine exact number celebrating the celebration is simple if you know when the Holy Resurrection of Christ is.

Orthodox Christians will celebrate April 28. On April 25, 2019, Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday. Great Week is considered special in the life of every Christian believer. The last week of Great Lent falls last days earthly life of Jesus Christ.

Razgadamus considers it educational. Maundy Thursday in Christianity is also called Maundy Thursday, Holy Thursday, Maundy Thursday. In Orthodoxy it is believed that on the fourth day last week During Great Lent you can cleanse yourself of sins spiritually, cleanse your soul and body. This day is significant for several important events: the Last Supper, at which Christ established the sacrament of the Eucharist, the betrayal of Judas, and the reading of prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane of Jesus Christ to God his Father.

The word Eucharist translated from Greek means good, respect, veneration and sacrament; it is a church term used by Catholics and Orthodox Christians. The Eucharist or Holy Communion is a religious ceremony of consecrating bread and wine in a special way. By consuming consecrated bread and wine during communion in church, Christians have the opportunity to unite with God in Christ, join the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, and gain eternal life and salvation.

When is Maundy Thursday in 2019?

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Maundy Thursday in 2019 falls on April 25 - this is the fourth day of Holy Week, called Pure and Great. Each of the days of Holy Week is endowed with a special meaning:

  • Thursday is the day of the Last Supper, where all 12 apostles and Jesus Christ gathered, at the beginning of which the Savior washed the feet of His disciples;
  • The fourth day of Great Week, when Christ broke bread and gave wine to his followers, after which the sacrament of the Eucharist appeared;
  • Thursday is the day when Judas decided to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver;
  • The day when Christ asked His Father, prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, knowing about His imminent death and asking Him for mercy.

Thursday is a key day, the last one before the arrest of Christ. On Thursday evening, the Savior gathered His disciples for the Supper before celebrating the Jewish Passover on Saturday. On the same day, Jesus predicts His suffering, crucifixion, death and names His betrayer. Judas catches the Savior in the Garden of Gethsemane, after the Last Supper, while reading a prayer, where Christ was arrested.

Church celebration of Holy Thursday

The church celebration of Maundy Thursday is associated with the memories of the Last Supper, after which it became firmly established in Orthodoxy. Holy Communion(Eucharist). Every Christian believer comes to church on this day for worship and Communion.

In memory of the true service to one's neighbor, which Jesus showed to his disciples when he washed the feet of each of His followers, the rite of foot washing is performed during the service on Maundy Thursday in churches and cathedrals. According to church canons, the bishop washes the feet of 12 priests.

Churches hold services dedicated to these important events which led to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. During the service, the priests remind parishioners about the Great Sacrifice, that every Christian, through the sacrifice made by the Savior, is given immortal life and salvation.

Maundy Thursday traditions

According to tradition, Christians consider Holy Thursday the day of cleaning their house before the celebration of the Holy Resurrection of Christ. We must remember that, along with cleaning the house, we should not forget about spiritual purity, participate in worship, and honor the holiness of this Great Day.

Orthodox traditions and signs for Maundy Thursday, celebrated in 2019, preserved to this day, are observed by the majority of believers, many of them echo the traditions of the Jews before the celebration.

The house and the surrounding area were carefully cleaned by our ancestors, the inside of the home was washed, the clothes were washed, unnecessary things were taken out of all the closets and distributed to the poor. All the dirty work had to be completed so that on Friday and Saturday - the most difficult days of Christ's suffering - free time prayer.

Maundy Thursday: what to do

What should you do on Maundy Thursday? You need to visit the temple, clean the house. On this day you can and should bake, paint eggs, and prepare Easter cottage cheese. You cannot eat food prepared for Sunday. You can eat Easter cakes and colored eggs only after the end of Lent, the blessing of Easter cakes and eggs in church - not before Easter.

A mandatory ritual on this day was and is considered to be washing in the river or bathhouse. The washing of the body must occur with, on a par with the washing of the soul, a person must rid himself of anger, resentment, everything negative, cleanse himself with soul and body before the Great Resurrection of Christ.