home · Lighting · “We constantly hear at meetings of the Saratov Regional Duma: “The competent authorities will be interested in you. Judging by the declaration, the representative of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the regional Duma, Nikolai Bondarenko, does not even earn enough to buy food

“We constantly hear at meetings of the Saratov Regional Duma: “The competent authorities will be interested in you. Judging by the declaration, the representative of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the regional Duma, Nikolai Bondarenko, does not even earn enough to buy food

It is necessary not only to lower the retirement age, but also to shorten the working week and working day, says Nikolai Bondarenko, a member of the legislative assembly of the Saratov region, who became famous on social networks.

Over the past month, regional legislative bodies have been discussing the draft pension reform proposed by the Russian government. This week there were two unpleasant incidents involving a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma, a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Nikolai Bondarenko, who actively expressed his negative opinion to increase the retirement age ( video clip with his speech, in which he calls members of the “Medvedev liberal government” swindlers and calls for them to be brought to justice, went viral on social networks). Realnoe Vremya asked the deputy about the police’s interest in his speech, the attitude towards the opposition of the Duma majority and what the pension reform should be.

“These are attempts to put pressure on political opponents”

Nikolai Nikolaevich, did law enforcement agencies become interested in you because of your position on pension reform?

Indeed, there were two episodes related to the discussion of the reform to raise the retirement age. On July 5, at a meeting of the Saratov Regional Duma Committee on social policy I actively spoke out and expressed my negative attitude towards the reform. And on Monday, July 9, police officers with video cameras came to my office. They informed that the chairman of the regional Duma, Ivan Kuzmin, wrote a statement asking for an audit of my speech at the committee meeting.

-Have you seen the statement?

They showed it to me. But I filmed everything on a video camera, and, unfortunately, I was not allowed to fully familiarize myself with it. The police officers said that I did not have the right to remove the internal document and quickly took it back.

How did law enforcement check the words you said? Have you been asked to repeat your speech?

They asked me a series of questions and recorded it on video. They said that they would check what was recorded and then contact me and inform me. Later, on July 11, at a meeting of the regional Duma, one of the heads of the city Ministry of Internal Affairs approached me and said that he had a number of additional questions for me. I replied: “You know where to find me, come.”

- What words exactly caused Kuzmin’s dissatisfaction?

The situation became clearer at a meeting of the regional Duma on July 11, when Kuzmin’s comments were heard publicly. I approached him about the statement he wrote to the police, he said: “I warned you many times, not only then, but today, that you need to choose your words correctly.” Based on this answer, we can conclude that he probably wrote not one, but two statements on my speeches criticizing the pension reform.

Based on my subjective opinion, I think that most of all the leaders of the Saratov Regional Duma were outraged by my supposedly extremist messages. I said that the pension reform is genocide, that the Medvedev government is swindlers, that members of the government must be held accountable for their actions.

“Police officers informed that the chairman of the regional Duma, Ivan Kuzmin, wrote a statement requesting that my speech at the committee meeting be checked.” Photo balashover.ru

Yes, on this day, private security company employees did not allow deputies from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation - Naraevsky, Esipov and me, as well as our assistants, to attend the meeting. The reason was far-fetched - you cannot enter with briefcases. They demanded to be given the opportunity to inspect them. We stated that the guards are not police officers and do not have the right to carry out searches. There was a small scuffle and I was knocked down. We decided that everything should be according to the law, attracted representatives of law enforcement agencies and made an oral appeal about illegal actions against deputies of the regional Duma.

-Have you written a statement to the police?

Yes, we have already written quite a few statements to law enforcement agencies. We are waiting for a reaction.

Do you have any explanation for what is happening? Are the representatives of the majority in the legislative assembly afraid of something? Are they trying to protect themselves from you?

Since the election of the Saratov Regional Duma, we have had a very difficult and tense situation. From time to time, conflicts arise either with the private security company, which protects the Duma, or with the deputies of United Russia. There are five of us communist deputies, a very militant group. Probably, members of the legislative body still cannot get used to the fact that they need to conduct a dialogue with us. And, probably, some kind of ambition does not allow them to look at this soberly and adequately.

Representatives of the Communist Party are actively starting discussions, our position on pension reform is supported by members of the LDPR and A Just Russia. But the leadership of the regional Duma is preventing the discussion in every possible way. They turn off the microphones, interrupt, make some comments, and make threats. You can even see this on the Internet. At meetings we constantly hear: “once again we inform you that a video recording is being made,” “the competent authorities will be interested in you.” This is a kind of attempt to put pressure on political opponents. Naturally, this is a consequence of our performances. First of all, we convey our position to voters as publicly and openly as possible. Secondly, we denounce the authorities. Of course, all citizens understand that pension reform is an absolutely anti-people law that runs counter to the interests of the population.

To date, more than 60 regions have confirmed the “correctness” of this initiative. Unfortunately, the Saratov Regional Duma was no exception, despite our fiery speeches, protests, and discussions that we tried to impose. The majority of deputies of the United Russia faction of the Saratov Regional Duma approved the project.

In some regions where the pension reform initiative did not receive support, Negative consequences for leaders of legislative assemblies. In particular, in Yaroslavl the chairman of the regional Duma was re-elected because the deputies tried to publicly discuss the future of the population. It is known that the reform project was not approved in Moscow. City deputies postponed its consideration until the fall.

“The private security company employees did not allow deputies from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation - Naraevsky, Esipov and me, as well as our assistants, to attend the meeting. The reason was far-fetched - you cannot enter with briefcases. They demanded to be given the opportunity to inspect them.” Photo medialeaks64.com

“There is an incredible amount of money in the country!”

- Is it possible to do without pension reform?

Analyzing the situation in the country and in the world, I am convinced that there must be pension reform. But the retirement age should, on the contrary, be lowered, because labor productivity is several dozen recent years has grown many times over. Thanks to new machines and tools, people work more efficiently and produce much more public goods than in the 20th century, when the retirement age was determined. Today, humanity must reduce not just the retirement age, but also the working day. 100 years ago they worked 12-16 hours. To come to an 8-hour working day, people had to have a revolution in their consciousness. Why did this happen? Because steam engine opened up new opportunities for humanity in labor productivity. Today, when production is automated, it is necessary to talk about 4-day working week, about a 6-hour working day and, of course, about lowering the retirement age.

- Reduce to what limit?

I will not take upon myself the responsibility to name the numbers; this should be calculated by experts. I don’t consider myself one of those. But if we are talking about a vector, then it should only be like this. This will be fair, in the spirit of today's times.

- So you admit that women, for example, can become pensioners at the age of 50?

Certainly. At 50-53 years old. Modern woman during her working life she produced immeasurably more public good than a woman 100, even 50 years ago. She provided not only for her old age, but also for the old age of a huge number of people. Scientific and technological progress has allowed it to produce a huge amount of benefits. Can you imagine how much effort people needed to produce a car in the 50-70s of the 20th century?! Thousands of man hours to extract metals, melt them, make parts from them, assemble parts in a factory. And how these cars are stamped today! How much has technological progress devalued them? How many times did the yield increase in agriculture with the implementation modern technologies and technology? All this suggests that a working person who creates wealth deserves to live a little for himself. So that the state undertakes to take care of it. Of course, not with today's level of pensions. We see that the wealth of pensioners in Western countries allows them to travel. This is a correct, competent social policy. But Medvedev’s government apparently has its own plans regarding the pension issue.

But we are constantly told that the ratio of workers and pensioners is a vicious circle. Lowering the retirement age will lead to an even greater shortage of money.

There is an incredible amount of money in the country! The budget can be increased several times. Trillions of rubles end up in the pockets of oligarchs thanks to ineffective tax policies. We have low taxes for companies engaged in the extraction of minerals, oil, and gas. There is no progressive tax scale, and rich people from all over the world are fleeing to us because they do not want to pay high taxes in their countries. In Russia, oligarchs and poor teachers have the same personal income tax, 13 percent each. Of course, there is a lot of money in the country, but the authorities express the interests not of the population, but of the economic oligarchy. Accordingly, money does not work for the economy of the state, for most population. The thesis “there are no funds, we cannot pay pensions, and we are forced to raise the retirement age” is an absolute lie designed to fool our minds.

“A modern woman has produced immeasurably more public good in her working life than a woman 100, even 50 years ago.” Photo by Maxim Platonov

- What way out do you suggest? To the barricades?

Exactly. I don't see any other way out. The government can boast of strict centralization and the ability to control its ranks. The majority of United Russia representatives in regional Duma, silently, submissively raising their hands, they affirm anti-people decisions. We need to explain to people that this is their future, the future of our children. But in addition to the fact that the population is distracted by the World Cup, there is a legal ban on holding public events. And only after July 16, citizens have the right to submit an application to hold a rally. And it must be submitted 10-15 days before the scheduled event. This is nonsense! An outrageous situation! The Communist Party of the Russian Federation will hold an all-Russian protest against the proposed pension reform project on July 28.

Ekaterina Ablaeva

And out of the entire huge crowd of “people’s representatives,” only HE was the only one who considered it necessary to say all this out loud? Doesn’t anyone else “chosen by the people” think the same as Bondarenko? Holy shit, who have we put on our necks?

“On Thursday, July 5, we had a meeting on social policy, I actively expressed my position on the law on raising the retirement age. Already on July 9, on Monday, several police officers came to my reception with witnesses and video cameras,” said deputy. “They explained to me that they have a statement from Speaker Kuzmin, in which he asks to check my words for extremism. What specific words were not explained to me. However, today, Wednesday, at a meeting of the regional Duma, where the pension reform was approved, I asked Kuzmin a question about this statement. He answered me that he had repeatedly warned me that I needed to be more careful in my rhetoric,” Bondarenko explained.

Today, July 12, Deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Nikolai Bondarenko told Open Channel about his accusations of extremism.

— The problem is that this procedure - approval by regional parliaments, although provided for by the State Duma regulations, is not mandatory for the adoption of a law. But by collecting this information, we want to show society that the authorities are manipulating not only arguments in connection with raising the retirement age, but also things like support for the regions. They lie at all levels! This must be exposed.

The boastful statements of Labor Minister Maxim Topilin that the approval of pension reform by the regions is ahead of schedule has its downside. In a number of cases, decisions are made not by the full composition of the regional parliament, but only by members of the relevant committee. In addition, pressure is put on those who disagree, including through police methods.

But in my opinion, our government has gone crazy. They want to steal money for 5-8 years of work from everyone, and so that everyone remains silent. Just chaos. Even the entrance to the Cange website. org was closed so that they would not collect more than 2.5 million signatures.

The police, in particular, were interested in the question of whether I recorded my speech on a video camera and what I was going to do with the video recordings. To which I said: we have a free state (at least on paper), so I myself will figure out what to do with my notes.

And on Monday [this week] at six o’clock in the evening a bunch of people come into the reception room - police officers, with IDs, witnesses. You understand, I was in a bit of shock. At first I treated this with humor, but when I realized what they were talking about, it wasn’t funny.

Who is Nikolai Bondarenko? Detailed data as of July 15, 2018

In a word, a comprehensive look at the problem shows that the problem is not in the pension system, but in how our government worked and what it led to. The question of government immediately arises.

We have specific proposals... The first is to abandon the regressive scale of payments to the Pension Fund. WITH big salaries Now they pay less. This is absurd! The second is progressive taxation. In all developed countries, the rich pay more, but in our country both the nanny and the oligarch pay the same. And third - putting things in order. The raw materials are sold to the laying company, and then to the world market. As a result, taxes do not go to the budget.

Nikolai Bondarenko biography, personal life, Wikipedia. News for this hour.

— The immunity of a deputy extends to the residential and office space, on his luggage, personal and official vehicles, correspondence, means of communication used by him, as well as documents belonging to him. However, the law contains reservations that restrictions do not apply to the actions of a deputy related to crimes against the person. And the appeal “you are swindlers”, expressed by a deputy in relation to members of the government, can be attributed, for example, to slander.

Yes, that’s all, soon there will be no bread, and the oligarchs will give birth to children, since it will not be possible for people to pay for all the bondage that is being prepared for us, taxes, paid school education - 15 thousand, and we have a salary of 12 thousand (and housing and communal services, electricity, gas, pills, bread, no one canceled) congratulations, we’re not even going to hell, we’re there now, probably ahead stone Age is coming!

“This law does not give pensioners the right to work today, it gives them the obligation to work. Let's be honest. ... It gives you the obligation to work not until old age - until your grave, until your last day,” he said.

According to the deputy, on July 9, police officers came to his home and said that they were checking his speech at one of the meetings of the regional Duma, at which he criticized the pension reform. “I was asked, among other things, whether I recorded my speech in any way and whether I intended to disseminate it in the future,” Bondarenko said. At today's Duma meeting, the deputy again criticized the pension reform. In his speech, he called this law “anti-people” and the government of Dmitry Medvedev “swindlers.” After this, regional Duma deputy from United Russia Ivan Kuzmin contacted the police with a demand to check Bondarenko’s statements.

Old people say that an absolutely hilarious book called “The Constitution (Basic Law) of the Russian Federation” provides for the right of citizens to strike. In addition, Russian laws say that obstruction by officials of the exercise of rights and freedoms entails criminal punishment for these same officials.

However, the latter is also written in the abbass book “Criminal Code”. Life has become better, life has become more fun, comrades! Laugh!

Nikolai Bondarenko, a deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation of the Saratov Regional Duma, spoke incredibly harshly about the pension reform at the 14th extraordinary meeting: “Increasing the retirement age is an obligation to work until death,” and “the government are swindlers who must be held accountable.”

Volunteering to eat on 3,500 rubles a month after a “pasta dispute” with former Labor Minister Natalia Sokolova, MP Bondarenko began reporting his results in a video diary on YouTube and lost almost 6 kg in just a couple of weeks.

Nikolay Bondarenko was born, raised and lives in Saratov, and is a lawyer by training. His interest in politics arose while studying at the university. He became familiar with various areas of politics and came to the conclusion that Marxism perfectly explains the laws of social development. With a diploma of higher education Nikolai came to the Communist Party of the Russian Federation for answers and over time joined the ranks of the party.

Defending the size of the food basket in the Saratov region, Sokolova promised her colleague to create a “balanced but dietary menu,” but after her resignation she never met with Nikolai, who decided to act independently.

Now 33 years old, Bondarenko claims that he shopped at the cheapest market in Saratov, but even there he could not afford the products recommended by the government. No sour cream and kefir, which Sokolova mentioned. It was not even possible to flavor the diet of 800 rubles a week with spices and herbs.

The main place in the diet was taken by pasta, potatoes, carrots and onions, a little buckwheat, apples, chicken and sunflower oil. As a big fan of sweets, Nikolai took care of psychological support - and allocated money from his budget for cheap caramels.

Working in the Saratov Regional Duma completely free of charge, the new favorite of the people has collected about two million views on his Instagram account and almost 100 thousand subscribers. He explained that he has no complaints about the products themselves, but the same cannot be said about their quantity.

Sticking to "extremely low calorie menu", Bondarenko started the day with an omelet or scrambled eggs, but had to remember that he only had a dozen eggs for seven days. That is why sometimes breakfast consisted of oatmeal or buckwheat diluted with milk.

Nikolai uses such an interesting unit of measurement as a “glass of milk”, since during the experiment he allowed himself only a liter of this liquid per week. He also never ceases to mention the “ill-fated pasta”, which he bought for 30 rubles per kilogram, so there could be no talk about the quality of this “irreplaceable” product.

A hungry consumer basket is a problem on a nationwide scale. Bondarenko comes to the conclusion that " dietary food"by 3,500 rubles leads to malnutrition or transition to low quality goods, which in both cases is fraught with health problems.

Before the experiment, Nikolai weighed about 94 kg, two weeks after - about 88 kg. Those in power continue to insist that one can live on pennies, to which Bondarenko suggests remembering how people survived on a piece of bread and a glass of water in concentration camps.

Life in such a great country as Russia should not be associated with the Nazi regime, but according to official statistics from Rosstat alone, over 20 million Russians fall under the definition of poor people.

Nikolai honestly admits that he did not faint from hunger, but constantly felt hungry, tired and distracted. He had to temporarily refuse to visit gym, since serious physical activity with such a diet will cause more harm than good.

After Sokolova's dismissal, ministers increasingly agree to talk with Nikolai only in private. As the creator of the YouTube channel “Diary of a Deputy,” the blogger faced opposition from some representatives of the Saratov Regional Duma.

Bondarenko tried to ban filming in the regional Duma, but limited himself to issuing a reprimand. He was accused of defaming the honor and dignity of deputies of the Saratov Regional Duma. It is impossible to call Russian laws criminal, much less it is somehow incorrect to speak out about those who vote for the adoption of these laws.

On September 22, 2018, Nikolai organized a rally against raising the retirement age in Saratov. Subsequently, ten police officers came for the organizer with video cameras, witnesses and sanctions for his detention. Bondarenko spent about five hours in a temporary detention center, after which he was taken to court.

The judge found Nikolai guilty of organizing an illegal rally and ordered him to pay a fine of 25,000 rubles.

On the website Change.org, the deputy created a petition demanding to increase the cost of living to 20 thousand rubles, and the food basket to 10 thousand. As of November 16, 2018, the petition was signed by about 178 thousand people.

As a result of the dispute, Sokolova was dismissed from her post as minister “for her disdainful attitude towards topics of vital importance to people.” And Nikolai Bondarenko began the proposed experiment. His initiative was supported both in his native region (the editor-in-chief of the Svobodnye Novosti news agency lasted 28 days on the “ministerial diet”) and beyond (Astrakhan deputy Pyotr Kirillov enjoys sugar in his tea).

We contacted Nikolai Bondarenko and found out how he was feeling in the fourth week of the experiment and what he was going to do with the fame that suddenly fell on him.

I wanted to prove that it is impossible to live like this

– Are you glad that you are having such success with the “ministerial diet”?

– I am a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma. And, as the classics of Marxism bequeathed to me, I use parliament as a tribune. In addition to protest voting, my comrades and I draw attention to issues that we consider problematic. Of course, I am pleased that my views are shared by such a large number of of people. And unification around this problem is doomed to success. The only thing the authorities are afraid of is when people consolidate.

— Are they consolidating around the problem of an empty refrigerator and lack of money for food?

– It’s not just the refrigerator problem. The cost of the consumer basket underlies the cost of living, which, in turn, is the basis for calculating minimum pensions and wages. The problem is much wider than we see it.

But at its core lies the minimum set products that are recommended by the government, and which, as my experiment proves, do not allow a person to live at least a month without loss of health. For this reason, I went on a “ministerial diet” to prove that it is impossible to live like this.

Over the past three weeks, I have made some intermediate conclusions. My experiment ends on November 23, then I will sum up the final results.

But now I can say that such a diet, firstly, promotes the consumption of low-quality products, because they are cheap. Secondly, malnutrition sets in.

For me it's two in one. In addition to weakness, absent-mindedness and constant irritability, I experienced weight loss - I have already lost six kilograms. I have been involved in sports all my life, I have a constant weight, which means that nutritionists agree with this, I began to lose muscle mass. Because of the “ministerial diet” I was forced to give up sports - physical activity The specialists forbade me, because now she will simply harm me.

– In general, how did food costing 3.5 thousand rubles a month affect your usual lifestyle?

– It’s difficult to say - I have obligations that I must fulfill. And this is not a question of “wants”. Now it is much more difficult to do this - constant fatigue and irritation take their toll. Colleagues say that it has become objectively more difficult to talk to me.

Basket with mourning ribbon

– As far as I remember, this is not the first time you tried to provoke Natalya Sokolova into dialogue in this way?

- Nobody provoked anyone. It was a working dialogue. The dialogue is open and public. And you are right - not the first. In the spring, during the adoption of the cost of the consumer basket in the regional parliament, we actively opposed it and tried to attract public attention to the problem.

– Then you gave Sokolova a basket of food, tied with a black mourning ribbon, right?

- Absolutely correct.

– Why do you think your action at that moment was not as successful as the short skirmish in the fall?

– In the country, the income of the population is falling significantly. Plus, the adoption of pension reform played a role. Of course, all this raised the temperature in society and played a role.

– To what extent does your set of products coincide with the set of products in the minimum consumer basket?

– It didn’t match at all. The Rosstat data on which it is based is false and unfounded. In practice, a citizen will not be able to buy those products that are recommended by the ministry with this money. Prices on the counters are significantly higher than those indicated in the Rosstat certificate.

- For example?

– I won’t say that right away. But Rosstat reported that this year the consumer basket in the country has fallen in price. But everyone understands that nothing has become cheaper here for a long time. Especially food.

– What did you encounter when, at the beginning of the experiment, you came to the market or store with 875 rubles in your pocket?

– I recorded all this on video and posted it on instagram, on YouTube. It’s easy to see that all you can buy for 800 rubles is some vegetables, a chicken, a dozen eggs, a kilogram of apples, some other small items and a carton of milk.

Nikolai Bondarenko. Photo: ria.ru

– What about Sokolova’s promised kefir?

- Excluded. Neither kefir, nor cheese, nor sour cream, nor butter can't be bought. No “milk”, except for the cheapest milk, which is not milk at all. Because it is a powder product containing vegetable fats.

– Do you fit into the amount? Don't overdo it?

– I can’t help but keep it – I shop once a week and come to the market with the same amount. the last week my experiment will be the hardest. Because there are not 28 days in a month, but 31.

Only the street can force the authorities to react somehow

– Was the experiment with the “ministerial diet” an impulse or a well-thought-out action?

– This is my responsibility as a deputy who expresses the interests of the population.

– Have you decided to feel like an average voter?

- No, I decided to prove to the government that I by example that it is impossible to live like this. This is dangerous to your health.

– Have you ever communicated with people who actually live on that amount?

- Yes, and often. Almost half of our country's population lives on this money. Those people who come to see me for financial help. First of all, these are elderly people. People for whom such a “diet” is the norm.

– Perhaps there is a particularly memorable incident? Story?

– There are a million stories and they are all the same. People don't have money to pay rent. There is no money to pay for medicines. They buy expired products, the cheapest ones, low quality ones. Because they have no other opportunity to survive under such a socio-political system.

– Can you suggest a way out of this situation?

– Karl Marx said for almost two hundred years good phrase- the people deserve the government they have. As long as people tolerate this, they will continue to be robbed and raped. And everything will change overnight when they get tired of enduring it.

– It seems to me that now you are speaking in populist slogans. How will it change?

– There is no populism in this. This is the essence and the most important meaning of everything that happens around. As soon as people unite and show their political and social activity, the 0.1% of people who control 90% of our resources will be forced to back down. And they will agree to any demands, make any compromise, any dialogue. They'd rather lose a finger than an arm.

When people come together, great things happen. The latest high-profile case is the events in Armenia. When people united and achieved what they wanted peacefully and absolutely legally.

– Do you somehow plan to convert your popularity into real actions? Now many people, far from politics, look at you with hope.

– I haven’t thought about this topic yet. But I will do everything that depends on me. I try to resolve all the questions of those citizens who come to me.

– This is a streamlined answer.

– I have no other answer. When horses were starving in Saratov, I went to the hippodrome. They weren’t allowed to go to hospitals - I went to hospitals. They complained to me about bad asphalt, I went to check it. This is painstaking, everyday work.

– You can go around with checks, but if there is no way to influence the executive branch, then where is the help? Do you have such a method?

– The executive branch today is afraid of only one thing – street protest. Only the street can force her to react somehow: make the right budget or cancel an unpopular decision. Therefore, in addition to legal work, I am a supporter of illegal methods of struggle.

– Aren’t you afraid of retaliatory measures and natural consequences?

- Afraid. I won't lie. But what I see outside the window, where our country is heading, scares me much more.

-Where is she going?

– Into poverty, devastation and oblivion. The current government is only engaged in actively exploiting the heritage Soviet Union without creating anything new. It simply pumps resources out of our depths and transfers money abroad, where government officials have built houses where they plan to spend the rest of their days.

– So you are ready to lead a street protest?

– If the party gives me such an assignment, then yes, I will try to lead it.

– What if the party takes a step back, and people rely on you?

- No. We all joined the party sharing the same views and beliefs. Now the party has no goal of going back. Only forward.

Anna Mukhina, correspondent for Svobodnye Novosti news agency
specially for “Orthodoxy and Peace”

The more in the legislature political parties, the more interesting its meetings are. In the current convocation of the Saratov Regional Duma, as in the good old days, there is a multi-party system. Almost all opposition parties have their representatives in the legislative assembly.

This adds liveliness to Duma events and attracts the attention of the press. After all, you never know what kind of performance parliamentarians will prepare this time. Only the Communist Party faction consists of five people, so they have a wide field of activity. The times when the current people's representatives stood with placards on the street have already sunk into oblivion. Now you don’t need to wear warm jackets, get wet in the rain or swelter in the heat. You can put on a show in full comfortable conditions, directly in the building on Radishcheva Street. Either they come with a food basket, or with posters, or they chant slogans - in a word, they do everything to introduce elements of a “gypsy girl with a way out” into legislative activity.

However, nothing surprising. Members of the Communist Party today are not always respectable people in years, with a lot of life experience behind them. This is only in the manual, for the most part, they are like that. The rest of us most likely have a rather vague idea of ​​communism. They are young and... hungry? It seems incredible, but apparently it is true!

The youngest representative of the Communist Party in the Saratov Regional Duma, deputy Nikolai Bondarenko, born in 1985. Since 2010, he has been the founder of KhimInvest LLC and works as the head of this organization. But this, apparently, does not bring him much money. Formally, he is the poorest deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma. Nikolai Bondarenko’s total income for 2017 is 57,810 rubles. For the whole year! It turns out to be about 4,800 rubles per month, on which you still have to pay income tax in the amount of 13%. It turns out to be several times less than the officially established minimum wage in the Saratov region.

The wife has no income at all. That is, she does not receive a salary, child benefits, subsidies or benefits. Although, with such a modest earning spouse, she could apply for financial assistance as a low-income person.

In general, poverty is not a vice. If in all history there were no large number inconsistencies. The Bondarenko family owns an apartment with an area of ​​72.4 square meters. m. The tax for it is most likely 5-6 thousand rubles - already more than the young deputy earns. There are also two cars, including a foreign car.

How can you afford all this with more than modest income? This website partially explains it all. federal service bailiffs. Here you can see that Nikolai Bondarenko has arrears in contributions to the pension fund, taxes and traffic police fines have not been paid.

It turns out that the deputy family is living on debt? It can also be assumed that the Bondarenko couple wear the clothes of wealthier party members, and feed on what chance sends. After all, there is such a philosophy - freeganism, the adherents of which, on principle, eat and dress only in garbage dumps. True, in the case of the communist deputy, most likely, the explanation is of a different nature.

For example, here is what the tax service website says on the issue labor activity Nikolai Bondarenko. In addition to being the director of his company, he is also sole founder management company "Krasnaya". By the way, the director of this wonderful organization was once another communist deputy, Alexander Anidalov. Now he no longer works here, but the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities website still stores this information. Apparently, Alexander Naraevsky is also “tied up” with the Criminal Code. This is the third deputy and third member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation mentioned in this material. Naraevsky’s reception address coincides with the “Red” address.

On this topic

In the Saratov Regional Duma, LDPR deputy Stanislav Denisenko proposed obliging public sector deputies to report annually to their colleagues on the work done.

This company manages three apartment buildings. In general, at the meetings it was said that communist deputies were asked to create management company voters. Therefore, “Red” will work only in the interests of people, even at a loss. But I don't really believe it. We understand perfectly well what kind of money is circulating in the “communal apartment”. Otherwise, there would not have been a high-profile story with the Leninsky District Homeowners Association, whose leaders are suspected of embezzling tens of millions of rubles. Of course, the Krasnaya Management Company does not have that kind of money. But there will most likely be one (or several?) deputies “to feed” them. We think that it’s not just for bread and butter.

In general, the facts stated above are A good reason to conduct an investigation. Obvious inconsistencies in the official declaration of regional Duma deputy Nikolai Bondarenko and his current financial situation may indicate a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation. About tax evasion - at least. Maybe something more serious, like fraud.

The other side of the coin is ethical. How does everything described correspond to the status of a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation? What about a regional Duma deputy? Fraud, of course, still needs to be proven. However, tax arrears, non-payment of fines - all this has already been confirmed. And this, of course, cannot make anyone happy.