home · On a note · DIY New Year's glass ball with snow. Give an original New Year's gift to your loved ones. This magical snow globe will enchant everyone! Decoration materials

DIY New Year's glass ball with snow. Give an original New Year's gift to your loved ones. This magical snow globe will enchant everyone! Decoration materials

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Are you looking to have a fun next weekend with your kids (or parents) by doing something together? Then you can do snowball! A snow globe looks cute and interesting and can be made using common items found in every home. You can also purchase a pre-made kit online or at a craft store to create a truly professional-looking snow globe that you can enjoy year after year. Whatever you choose, read Step 1 to get started.


Making a snow globe from household items

  1. Find a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. Any size will do, as long as you have the right shapes to fit inside the jar.

    • Cans of olives, mushrooms or baby food- the main thing is that there is a tightly closing lid; just look in the refrigerator.
    • Wash the jar inside and out. To clean the label, if it does not come off easily, try rubbing it under hot water with soap, using a plastic card or knife. Dry the jar thoroughly.
  2. Think about what you want to put inside. You can put anything into a snow globe. Cake toppers or small winter-themed children's toys (such as a snowman, Santa Claus, and tree), which can be purchased at craft or gift stores, work well.

    • Make sure the figurines are made of plastic or ceramic, as other materials (such as metal) may begin to rust or turn funny when submerged in water.
    • If you want to get creative, you can make your own clay figurines. You can buy clay at a craft store, shape the piece into whatever shape you want (a snowman is easy to make) and bake them in the oven. Paint them with water-repellent paint and they'll be ready.
    • Another suggestion is to take photos of yourself, your family or pets and laminate them. Then you can cut out each person along the outline and place their photo in a snow globe, it will turn out very realistic!
    • Even if it is called snowy balloon, you don’t have to limit yourself to creating only winter landscapes. You can create a beach scene using sea shells and sand, or something playful and fun like a dinosaur or ballerina.
  3. Create decoration on the inside of the lid. Apply hot glue, super glue or epoxy resin on inner side jar lid. You can first rub the lid with sandpaper - this will make the surface rougher and the glue will stick better.

    • While the glue is still wet, place your decorations on the inside of the lid. Glue your figurines, laminated photos, clay sculptures, or anything else you want to place there.
    • If the base of your piece is narrow (for example, laminated photographs, a piece of garland or plastic Christmas tree), it will be better to glue some colored pebbles to the inside of the lid. Then you can simply press the object between the stones.
    • Keep in mind that the decoration you make will need to fit into the mouth of the jar, so don't make it too wide. Place the figures in the center of the lid.
    • Once you have created your plot, set the lid aside for a while to dry. The glue must be completely dry before it can be immersed in water.
  4. Fill a jar with water, glycerin and glitter. Fill the jar almost to the brim with water and add 2-3 teaspoons of glycerin (found in the baking section of the supermarket). The glycerin will “compact” the water, which will allow the glitter to fall off more slowly. The same effect can be achieved with baby oil.

    • Then add glitter. The quantity depends on the size of the jar and your tastes. You want to add just enough glitter to compensate for the fact that some of it will get stuck at the bottom of the jar, but not too much or it will completely cover your decoration.
    • Silver and gold glitter are great for a winter or Christmas theme, but you can choose any color you like. You can also buy special "snow" for your snow globe online and at craft stores.
    • If you don't have glitter on hand, you can make pretty realistic snow from crushed eggshells. Use a rolling pin to crush the shells thoroughly.
  5. Carefully place the lid on. Take the lid and secure it firmly to the jar. Close it as tightly as you can and wipe it away paper towel displaced water.

    • If you're not sure the lid will close tightly, you can make a ring of glue around the rim of the jar before closing it. You can also wrap some colored ribbon around the lid.
    • In any case, sometimes you will need to open the jar to touch up parts that have come loose or to add fresh water or glitter, so think about this before sealing the jar.
  6. Decorate the lid (optional). If you wish, you can finish your snow globe by decorating the lid.

    • You can color it in bright colors, wrap around decorative tape, cover with felt or stick on holiday berries, holly or bluebells.
    • Once everything is ready, all that's left to do is give the snow globe a good shake and watch the glitter gently fall around the beautiful decoration you've created!

    Making a Snow Globe from a Store-Bought Kit

    • Add glitter, beads or other small particles to the water. Anything will do, the main thing is that they do not obscure the main decoration.
    • To create a unique effect, try adding a few drops of food coloring to the water before adding glitter, beads, etc.
    • The item inside the snow globe can look more fun if you add glitter or artificial snow. This can be achieved by first painting the object with clear varnish or glue, and then pouring glitter or fake snow on top of the wet glue. Note: This must be done before the item is placed in water and the glue must be completely dry. Otherwise, this effect will not work!
    • The main item can be small plastic dolls, plastic animals and/or elements board games, such as Monopoly, as well as a set of model trains.

How many times have you had to turn the ball over to see the snow falling in the small world? Today we will tell you how to assemble such a ball with your own hands, step by step.

A New Year's ball with snow inside always evokes a feeling of celebration, joy and awakens childhood memories. Watching the flakes fall is like enjoyable activity, Truth? And a snow globe created with your own hands will add magic to the interior, plus it will charge the whole family with the Christmas mood. Start the master class and enjoy the process!

P.S.: You will find another idea for decorating the New Year in a jar.

New Year's ball with snow: video instructions

New Year's ball with snow: 4 simple steps

What do you need:

glass jar with screw cap
- artificial snow
– fir/animal figurines
- glue / double-sided tape / glue gun
- dye
— brush
- decorative star

Suitable animals include a bear, deer, bunny, and penguin. You can also hide a snowman, Santa Claus, a nutcracker, a gingerbread man, a symbol of the approaching year, in the ball.

Step one: The colored rim of the screw cap will be noticeable, so in order not to disturb the magic, it is worth painting it. By the way, this can be done not only with paint and a brush, but also with an aerosol can. It seems that the second option is simpler and more convenient. Leave the lid alone until completely dry. If necessary, apply an additional ball of paint.

Step two: You need to glue the animal and the spruce to the inside of the lid. This can be done using glue, double sided tape or a glue gun. In the video, the master uses a special glue that resembles chewing gum. If you know where to buy one, let me know in the comments, in case someone needs it.

Step three: Our glass ball with snow is still without the most important component. You can find it in large stores that sell New Year's decor or order online. Artificial snow should take up about a quarter of the jar's volume.

Step four: Screw on the lid, turn the jar over and enjoy the result. A composition of several cans looks more interesting and fascinating.

How to make a snow globe so that the snow slowly falls down?

You need to pour glycerin, which is sold in pharmacies, and water into the container. equal proportions. Make sure that there is nothing foreign in the water, otherwise it will be difficult to catch this particle later.
Mix the mixture well and sprinkle snow and glitter on top.

Important: When calculating the amount of water and glycerin, keep in mind that there should be room in the container for figures and decor. Of course, if your eye is not accurate, which happens in 98% of cases, when closing the lid, water will flow out. There is nothing wrong with this, the main thing is to set the plate in advance. If there is not enough water, turn the jar upside down, unscrew it again and add the required amount.

Making your own snow globe is easy with these instructions! And it won't cost much at all. You will have to spend money on decorative figures, although perhaps your child himself will want to enclose his bear or deer in a ball? Or do you have souvenir Santa Clauses or snowmen at home that are covered in dust?

Magic is always present in our lives, you just need to believe in it. Take, for example, a New Year's snow globe filled with liquid, by shaking which you can watch for a while how snowflakes dance merrily inside it, isn't that magic?! Did you know that you can make such a ball yourself, from a simple jar with a screw-on lid. So, the topic of today’s article is: “How to make a snow globe with your own hands.”

The snow globe was first presented in 1889 at the Paris Exhibition, it was small size, about the size of a palm, and inside it was a miniature copy of the Eiffel Tower. The ball was filled with water, and the role of snowflakes was played by crumbled porcelain and sifted sand.

How to make a snow globe at home.

To recreate this magical item you need to prepare:

  1. It is better to choose a jar with a screw cap small capacity(ideally, it is better to use a round vessel, but it is also quite possible to use a regular elongated jar);
  2. A plastic figurine or even several tiny plastic figurines;
  3. Glue gun or waterproof glue;
  4. Artificial snow and several shades of glitter (you can use glitter for nails);
  5. Glycerin (sold in pharmacies, inexpensive);
  6. Clean, filtered water.

Master class: how to make a snow globe.

We remove the lid from the jar and glue a pre-selected figure onto the inside of it with a glue gun. To make the composition inside the jar look impressive, you can use many different small items: houses, Christmas trees, benches, bushes, etc. This point, in fact, will largely depend on your imagination. IN in this example The figurine of Queen Elsa from the cartoon “Frozen” was used.

Pour water into a clean jar, and add glycerin here (you can even pour out the entire bottle). The more glycerin you add, the smoother the snowflakes and sparkles will swirl.

We also add the prepared glitter into the jar, do not add too much, everything should be in moderation, first add half a teaspoon of each shade of prepared glitter to the water, then you can add more if you think that this is not enough. Instead of glitter, you can add artificial snow to the water.

Close the jar with a lid with a figure glued, and to prevent water from leaking during use, we recommend pre-treating inner part lids with glue.

The snow globe is ready, shake it and enjoy the snowfall raging inside it.

DIY snow globes, photo.

Below are the different variations. snow globes, made with your own hands, pay attention to all sorts of spectacular compositions inside them, perhaps you will like some of them, and you will try to make a similar snow globe.

How to make a snow globe with your own hands:

Today we showed you how to make a snow globe, the process of creating it is absolutely not complicated, and the result is very impressive. The snowflakes dancing inside it calm you down, immersing you in bright thoughts and dreams. In addition, children should like such a ball; try making it together with your child, he will definitely be delighted. Moreover, the entire process of creating such a ball can be completely entrusted to the child, he will cope, you will only have to watch from the side how your child deftly copes with the task.

You've probably all seen glass balls with slowly falling snow. You just need to shake the ball (or turn it over) and movement begins inside the ball. Many of you bought these balloons as gifts for New Year in souvenir departments of stores. However, you don’t have to run to the store for a New Year’s gift; you can make it yourself.

How to make a snow globe? And making a snow globe yourself is not at all difficult.

What we need to create a snow ball (required materials):

  • Base for a snow ball. This can be a purchased special container in the form of a glass ball, or a small jar with a screw-on lid.
  • New Year-themed decorations, figurines, figurines (to create the atmosphere inside the ball). If the jewelry is metal, we recommend that you treat it with this product to protect it from corrosion. Do you want to create an imitation of snowdrifts in a ball? Self-hardening plastic can be used for this purpose. You can create an original ball with a photograph inside, but before placing the photograph in the liquid it must first be laminated.
  • Glycerin solution (for a smooth fall of snowflakes). It can be bought at a pharmacy.
  • Distilled water (you can also use boiled water after it has cooled completely, but distilled water is better).
  • You can use food coloring to add a unique twist to your idea.
  • Snow flakes (artificial snow), sparkles, stars. You can make snow with your own hands. To do this you need to remove the film. eggshells and grind it. You can also use finely chopped rain.
  • Two-component epoxy glue (waterproof, transparent), aquarium sealant or glue gun

When you find everything necessary components, then you can start creating a glass ball with snow inside.

Snow globe making process:

  1. First you need to create a composition of figures so that it fits on the lid. Then glue the decorations to the lid and dry them.
  2. Once the epoxy glue is completely dry, pour distilled water into the jar and add food coloring (any color of your choice).
  3. Mix water and glycerin in equal proportions. But you can add a little more glycerin. In this case, snowflakes will fall more slowly.
  4. Then add sparkles, snow, stars.
  5. Coat the lid threads with glue and close the jar tightly. Let the glue dry.

Your snow globe is ready, shake it and enjoy the magical spectacle.

With a figurine and falling snow inside - a Christmas souvenir known all over the world. It is believed that the French were the first to make such crafts back in the 19th century. Today on the eve New Year's holidays You can buy a similar product in any store, but it is much more interesting to make a snow globe with your own hands.

Preparing the necessary materials

To make this Christmas craft, you will need: a jar with a lid, any waterproof glue, decorative figures, glitter or foam, glycerin, water. You can make a snow globe with your own hands from almost any container. Baby food jars and other jars are great for this purpose. food products. Remember, the more interesting the shape of the container, the more original the finished craft will look. You can put any figures inside the jar: factory-made souvenirs, small children's toys, you can make decor yourself from polymer clay. Before starting to make the craft, rinse and dry the container thoroughly.

Making interior decor

A homemade New Year's snow globe can stand on the lid or bottom of a jar. Decide in advance what you like best and start decorating the part that will become the bottom.

Option one: glue the selected figures directly onto the lid or bottom. Fill the remaining space around with glue and sprinkle with foam shavings or glitter. Leave the decor to dry for a while. It is believed that a snow globe made by yourself will look most impressive if you install the interior decor on a slight elevation. The easiest way to achieve this effect is to use a piece of plasticine. Make a cake of suitable shape and size and glue it to the lid or bottom with glue. Next, install the decorative figures by drowning their bases in plasticine, and then mask the base with foam or glitter.

The magic begins

As soon as the blank with the interior decor is dry, you can begin filling our container and assembling it. at home? To fill the container you will need glycerin - you can buy it at the pharmacy. Pour distilled water into the jar - 2/3 full. Fill the remaining space with glycerin. Don't forget to add sparkles, sequins, beads or other small elements that imitate falling snow. If you don’t have anything suitable at hand, you can make “snowflakes” from finely chopped rain, foil or waterproof confetti.

Sealing and finishing touches

Even if the lid of your jar closes tightly, it is a good idea to coat it with glue before screwing it on. Handle the finished souvenir very carefully. Remember, if the glass snow globe leaks or breaks, you will ruin the textiles or very dirty the furniture.

Your magical New Year's craft ready, but you can add a few if you want finishing touches. Decorate the outside of the lid using foil, wrapping paper, or pretty fabric. If top part souvenir is flat, you can glue a small decorative figurine on it.

Is it possible to make a ball with falling snow without glycerin?

A popular question among those who decided to make a snow globe with their own hands for the first time is whether it is possible to use ordinary water without additives to make this craft? Actually it's not best idea, since glycerin slows down settling to the bottom and extends the “shelf life” of the souvenir. Plain water will deteriorate faster, the interior decor may become covered with an unpleasant coating, or the liquid itself may become completely cloudy.

If you don’t have glycerin on hand, start creative process I want it right now, you can replace it with refined vegetable oil or very sweet clear syrup. But remember, no matter what product you choose, in any case it will go bad in a few months. This also applies to glycerin.

It is believed that the smaller the snow globe and the more interesting its shape, the prettier it looks. Whether to follow this rule or not is your personal choice, but do not use jars larger than 1 liter for this craft.

A souvenir with falling snow can also be made from plastic container. The main condition is a tightly closing lid, transparency of the vessel and the absence of unnecessary edges and unsightly seams on its surface. A glass jar is selected using a similar principle. A container with smooth walls or a small number of edges is best suited for making this craft. But a complex cut will interfere with viewing a fascinating inner world compositions.

Now you know how to make a snow globe, but still wondering what to put inside? Small houses, Christmas trees, snowmen, Santa Claus, animal figures or fairy tale characters- if you create together with your child.

A craft with “falling” snow can be not only for New Year’s. Try making such a souvenir for March 8 or Valentine's Day. Accordingly, the interior decor should support the theme of the holiday, and only sparkles, multi-colored beads and confetti can fall in such a ball, foam chips need not.

Another one interesting idea- make a ball with a postcard or photo inside. You will need paper photo or Nice picture suitable size. Cover the workpiece with transparent tape so that it does not get wet. Next, as always, place the decor inside and mask its base, add glitter and finish the craft by pouring the solution and sealing the lid tightly.