home · Appliances · Crafts for the New Year from plywood. New Year's crafts from plywood (with your own hands). What is required for production

Crafts for the New Year from plywood. New Year's crafts from plywood (with your own hands). What is required for production

The tree decorations were the first of their kind. Later they learned to make glass products, and plastic came into use relatively recently. Despite the diversity modern materials for production, Christmas decorations made of plywood do not lose their relevance and return to New Year's trees.

Why you should get a plywood toy for your Christmas tree

Home collections are predominantly filled with modern plastic decorations that are bought every year, or vintage glass balls and the figurines that our mothers and grandmothers used to decorate New Year’s trees in childhood. Christmas decorations made of plywood are almost never found.

Why you should get a couple of toys made from plywood sheets:

  • Original decoration self made will not be found anywhere else;
  • Possibility to decorate the Christmas tree to your liking;
  • A reason to practice crafts and make a toy with your own hands, an opportunity to keep your child busy and spend time together;
  • A new product every day;
  • A lot of positive emotions from the result.

Christmas tree decorations do not lose their relevance for several seasons: they are not only used to decorate a tree, but also hung on walls, doors, and given to each other. Crafts can also be made specifically for gifting or selling to those wishing to receive exclusive New Year's attributes.

Making crafts with your own hands

As already mentioned, making your own jewelry is much more valuable than acquiring ready-made standard toys. This is a very simple process, all you need to do is get necessary material, a tool and use your imagination.

Why do we choose plywood sheets as a material for Christmas tree decorations:

  • You can use old scraps of sheets used for construction;

  • Crafts can be of any size;
  • Christmas tree decorations made of plywood do not break or break, and can be safely given to children.

So let's get started.

Preparing the workplace and tools

In order to do Christmas decoration on the Christmas tree with your own hands, use a small workbench or extreme case kitchen table, previously covered with thick oilcloth. To avoid damaging the tabletop, we recommend placing a plywood sheet on it.

For cutting you will need:

  • Manual or electric jigsaw (whichever is available);
  • Drill with a set of drills;
  • Fine sandpaper;
  • To securely fix the fragments, it is ideal to use hot glue from an electric gun. As a last resort, prepare wood glue and PVA;
  • Acrylic paints and clear varnish for fixing from the same material;
  • Decorations: paper, beads, polyethylene crumbs, scraps of tinsel and satin ribbons, foil, ready-made images of New Year and Christmas themes - this item is limited only by your imagination.

Option 1: regular Christmas tree decoration

Conventional Christmas tree toys made of plywood are flat, in the form of various fairy tale characters, traditional New Year's attributes and heroes. To accurately and accurately cut out the desired outline, prepare image templates in advance. They can be drawn on paper or downloaded from the Internet, printed and cut out.

  1. Transfer the image to a plywood sheet - trace the template.

  1. Armed with a jigsaw, cut out the toy along the drawn contour. When working with electric tool There are no problems, the process goes smoothly even for an inexperienced student.

With a hand jigsaw it is more difficult: the file must be directed strictly along the contour so that the hand does not tremble and the blade does not jump off and cut off excess. For mechanical tools, prepare replacement files in advance.

  1. Use a drill to drill a hole in the top of the toy.

  1. Use sandpaper to sand the cut areas, focusing on the resulting chips.
  2. Now for the artwork. If Christmas tree decorations are supposed to be items of natural wood color, then skip this point. If you want to create a completely decorative look, cover the blank with white acrylic enamel - it will become the background for future decorations. When the layer is dry, paint the main design.

  1. If you don’t want to paint the craft yourself, glue a finished picture cut out of paper or cardboard to the blank. For fixation, use PVA glue diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1.

  1. Volumetric decoration stage. Beads, decorative snow, tinsel, foil come into play - everything that your imagination can handle. Fix these decorations with hot glue or transparent wood glue. Finally, cover the surface of the craft acrylic varnish to record the result.

  1. Thread a satin rope into the hole and tie a knot or a beautiful bow - the toy for decorating the spruce is ready.

Option 2: Volume decoration

By this concept we mean Christmas tree decorations made of several parts or those that can be placed.

Making composite Christmas tree crafts with your own hands is no more difficult than flat ones; on the contrary, the process becomes more exciting.

  1. We take the same base material and transfer the template to it.

  1. For complex products We mark the holes according to the diagram.
  2. We cut out the outline and clean up the edges.
  3. We connect the fragments. If the toy is flat and composite, we use ribbons or nylon threads for connection, which we tie into strong double or triple knots. If the toy is on a support, we work with the blanks according to the instructions, for example, we insert the parts into each other.
  4. The decoration of individual fragments can be done immediately after preparation individual elements or after assembly. In any case, the workpiece is subject to the same processing as a flat toy: enamel, picture, drawing, volumetric decor, varnish fixation.

Volumetric Christmas tree decorations made of plywood can be used not only for hanging on New Year's trees, but also as an independent toy for a child as a gift.

A homemade item, especially one made of wood, can keep a child occupied for more long time than modern expensive toys, and interest in it remains for a longer time. This is another argument in favor of the fact that it is useful to make products from plywood.


Christmas tree beads are an element as important as the toys themselves. This also includes elegant garlands for a tree or room. They can also be made from plywood using the same principle as described above.

Some tips:

  1. The garland for the Christmas tree should be made in a simple form so that the decoration fits organically into the overall composition. Choose from checkboxes, circles and more simple shapes. This will help save time - there will be a lot of elements for cutting and decorating.
  2. Use to connect elements satin ribbons and decorative ropes to appearance products remained solemn.
  3. To fix the fragments on the rope, tie knots at the location of the element. This way it will maintain its position no matter how inclined the thread is.
  4. Make loops at the ends of the rope to make it easy to hang the garland.

What are the results

A couple of hours of work, satisfaction from the perfect process and pleasure from the result - all the emotions in a plywood toy. Add the attention of household members and guests to a hand-made product and success is guaranteed. Handmade products never go out of fashion; they are passed down from generation to generation, carrying with them a piece of memory. Have you ever seen such a set of values ​​and emotions contained in a serial plastic toy?

New Year's toys made of plywood, templates of which can be found in our material, were previously used as the first decorations for the Christmas tree, since this material was affordable and easy to work with. But over time, they learned to make Christmas tree decorations from glass and other materials, so many began to forget that decorations made of wood also turn out to be very beautiful, and besides, they can be made with their own hands. We invite you to remember how amazing DIY plywood toys can be and learn how to make them yourself.

How to make Christmas tree decorations from plywood yourself

As already stated, wooden Toys They are very easy to do, besides, this process is very interesting and helps to develop creativity and imagination. It is enough to know what the design of the product looks like, arm yourself with the necessary equipment, time and, of course, imagination.

It is best to use sheets of plywood to make such toys, and here's why:

Even the so-called construction waste is enough for a toy: these are scraps of solid sheets of plywood;
You can set the toy to absolutely any size, even if the design of the product involves some kind of large object, it can be made smaller.
Toys made of plywood do not break or break, which is especially convenient if there are pets in the house, which are attracted by hanging decorations, and small children can also play with such toys; if they are careful, they simply cannot get hurt.

Preparing the necessary equipment

First of all, you need to organize yourself work area. It could be kitchen table, covered with oilcloth so as not to damage the furniture. Possible as additional measure“protection” put another sheet of plywood on top of the oilcloth.

Drill with different drill bits;
Hand jigsaw or electric;
Fine sandpaper;
Hot melt adhesive or wood glue for attaching toy elements;
Acrylic paints and clear varnish;
Accessories for decoration.

The first option for creating a toy

You can make the most ordinary, flat New Year's toy from plywood using templates in the form of different fairy-tale heroes or figurines that are most characteristic of the holiday. To do this, simply cut out the desired outline using a pre-printed template. Here are some options for such templates:

You can also draw a figure on paper yourself, cut it out and also use it as a template.

When the template is ready, you should follow these instructions:

1. Using a pencil, trace the template so that the drawings of plywood toys appear on the material itself.
2. You need to embed the toy along the marked lines using a jigsaw. If the jigsaw is electric, then everything will work out quite quickly. If the jigsaw is manual, then it is important to guide the file strictly along the intended lines, otherwise the blade will jump off and cut off the excess.
3. Using a drill, cut out a small circle at the top of the toy.
4. Using sandpaper, you need to process the cut areas so that they are even and smooth, leaving no opportunity to drive in a splinter.
5. And then all that remains is to decorate the toy. It can be painted acrylic paints, sprinkle it with sparkles, stick rhinestones, beads or seed beads on it. In this process, you can safely use all your imagination.

Advice! If you don’t have time for decoration, then you can glue a ready-made image to the toy, which can be printed on a computer.

The second option for creating a toy from plywood

You can also make voluminous toys with your own hands. They can not only be hung, but also placed on window sills, tables, like New Year’s figurines for decoration.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make three-dimensional toys from plywood:

1. First, you also need to print out a toy template (and there will be several of them, since three-dimensional toys require several parts) and transfer them to plywood.

2. To fasten the parts, you need to make markings for the holes; they will be indicated on the diagram.
3. Connect the parts of the toy by inserting them into each other.
4. The decor of three-dimensional toys can be done at the stage when the parts are not yet connected to each other, or after the toy has been assembled. As in the previous version, you can decorate toys in a variety of ways.

All photos from the article

Making toys with your own hands is an entertaining and fun process, especially if you make these toys for children or as decorations, for example, for a New Year tree. Can be used various materials, especially when constructing moving models, but plywood is considered the easiest to work with.

It has the necessary strength and is not heavy. This material makes a lot of useful and fun homemade products for children from the very early age. Today we are making toys!

The beginning of the beginning - design

Whatever you have in mind, first you need to draw drawings of plywood toys with your own hands.

There are several types of toys that can be cut with a jigsaw, each of them requires drawings or diagrams:

  • drawings of flat toys made of plywood, which are cut out to decorate children's corners, rooms or playgrounds;
  • blueprints toy furniture from plywood, as well as any other items based on a box;

Our help! The principle of making a box lies not only in the manufacture of doll cabinets or cabinets, they are assembled in the same way fairytale castles, static and dynamic models of cars, ships, airplanes and other models of equipment.

  • drawings of dynamic toys made of plywood. This is another one large section fun crafts that you can make with your own hands. The result is homemade moving mechanical toys. Unlike previous analogues, the design of a movable toy requires mathematical precision when calculating the sizes of moving parts. A discrepancy between the idea and the dimensions can lead to a banal stop of mechanisms, even elementary ones.

Let's start simple

Our instructions are written in such a way that after reading it to the end, you will understand the most important thing - the principle of working with plywood and the principle of assembling structures from it. It doesn't matter what you're making - a complex medieval castle, a sailboat model, or a moving 3D puzzle - the principles will be the same for simple and complex homemade projects.

Let's start with flat models:

We will need:

I fell in love with these toys the first time. It is impossible to "pass by".

1. We take plywood (we take whatever we have, but in particular I have 3mm) and draw the outlines of those toys on it. Which we would like to do. If you are doing this for the first time and, in principle, are not experts in working with a jigsaw, it is better to choose simpler things.

2. Cut it out, drill holes in the place where we plan to insert the tape and be sure to sand it.

Source: http://maminsite.ru

Plywood Christmas tree toys

We will need:

  • plywood blank
  • acrylic paints: white, blue, orange, red, green, brown, silver, gold
  • brushes (kolin, squirrel, synthetic) round No. 1 and 4, flat No. 8-10
  • cotton pads or a piece of foam rubber
  • cotton threads (for example, “Iris”) - red and brown
  • thin crochet hook
  • scissors
  • PVA glue or “Moment”
  • pencil

If you, like me, love to do handicrafts, if you have small children at home and you are afraid that they might get hurt on glass Christmas tree decorations, if you want to decorate the Christmas tree with unique toys or give your friends an unforgettable gift, read this master class. Perhaps he will tell you a solution to your problems :-)

I propose to make a Christmas tree toy “Merry Snowman”. In my master class, I use 6 mm thick plywood, but if you are not ready to cut out of plywood, you can replace it with thick cardboard, or glue the blank from several layers of thin cardboard.

1. Take a flat, wide brush and paint the “Head”, “Body”, “Legs” parts with white paint, the “Gift” part with red paint, and the “Mittens” with green paint. Don't forget that each part has two sides and an end.

2. Using a pencil, we outline the elements of the painting: on the “Head” detail - eyes, nose with a carrot, mouth, eyebrows, cap; on the “Legs” details there is a pattern of knitted socks; on the “Gift” detail - a ribbon.

3. Mix white and blue paint to create a light blue color. Using a round brush No. 4, use broad strokes to paint over the details “Head”, “Body” and “Legs”, as if emphasizing the spherical shape of the snowman. We prepare blue paint a little darker than the first and use thinner strokes to strengthen the edges of the head, body and legs.

4. Rub the “snowy” parts of the snowman with silver paint using a cotton pad or foam swab to give them a frosty shine.

5. Using a round brush No. 1, paint a carrot-shaped nose with orange paint. Mixing red and white paint, received pink draw the cheeks. Brown color draw eyebrows, eyes, mouth.

6. Using red paint with a brush No. 6, paint over the lapel of the cap and the elements of the socks.

7. Using green paint and brush No. 2, apply a pattern imitating knitting on a hat and socks. We make short strokes, as if repeating loops. Don't forget about the end parts.

Tip: to keep the rows even, you can first mark them with a thin line of paint or pencil.

8. Using brown paint and a thin brush, use neat strokes to outline the edges of the cap lapel, elastic band, sock and the patches of knitted socks.

9. With gold paint, using brushes No. 2 or 4 if desired, draw an ornament on the box, a ribbon and a bow. Using a thin brush and brown paint, we emphasize the shape of the bow. Because the box will be glued to the snowman's body, the back side does not need to be painted, but it is still worth marking the ends with a bow and ribbon.

10. Using a thin crochet hook from red threads, we knit a scarf for a snowman. The scarf should be approximately 8-10 cm long. If you do not knit, you can make a scarf from fabric or braid.

11. We connect the head with the torso, the torso with the legs using brown threads. In the hole on the mittens we fasten a thread folded in half. At a distance of 3-4 cm from the mitten, tie a knot on the threads. We thread one thread into the hole on the snowman’s body and secure the resulting arm with a knot.

12. You can hang the Christmas tree decoration on a brown thread or on a decorative ribbon (satin, nylon, lurex).

13. Using PVA or “Moment” glue, glue the “Gift Box” onto the body. We glue the mittens one on the snowman’s body, one on the box as if he were holding the box with his hand.

14. Tie a scarf.

Wish you happy Holidays and good mood!

From time to time, hobbies that were forgotten for a while return to our lives. For example, making toys with your own hands is now at the peak of popularity.

Movable toys made of plywood are of particular interest, especially since the price finished toy will pleasantly please you, inspiring you to create new masterpieces.

Why is this necessary?

Quite often, manufacturing turns from a hobby into a profitable business.

Original colorful toys are used as:

  • decoration home interior;
  • decor for personal plot and flower beds;
  • as memorable souvenirs;
  • in the form of safe (environmentally friendly) educational toys.

Plywood inexpensive material, with the acquisition of which there will be no problems. Having mastered the basics, you will easily navigate the choice of sheet thickness for a specific toy.

Having insignificant weight and thickness, plywood is quite durable and can withstand serious loads.

The qualitative characteristics of the material allow you to create toys of various levels of complexity and sizes:

  • doll and children's furniture;
  • houses;
  • designers;
  • original New Year's toys decorated with carvings.

If you decide to make a toy with your own hands, you need to start from the very beginning. simple product. As you gain practical experience, you can make the task more difficult.

First of all, you need to prepare diagrams of plywood toys with your own hands. This is the basis on which quality depends external characteristics and functionality of the toy. The drawing must be made to a real scale, thus avoiding errors and inaccuracies.

Once you are sure that the drawing is perfect, transfer it to cardboard or paper. The next stage is transferring the image onto plywood.

What do you need for work?


For this exciting activity You will need an initial set of tools, but their quality must be impeccable:

  • a circular saw;
  • jigsaw;
  • sandpaper;
  • Circular Saw.

Skimping on tools can result in insufficiently polished edges, which can cause injury.

After the drawings of plywood toys are transferred to the base, you can begin to work:

  • For straight cuts, use a circular saw;
  • for curved ones - disk.
  • for excessively curved lines - a jigsaw.

Auxiliary elements

Having prepared all the parts, you can begin assembling the toy.

For this purpose you will need auxiliary materials:

  • screws;
  • nails;
  • wood glue.

To ensure the strength and functionality of the toy, we use screws and nails to small parts, which should not move - glue. When assembling, please remember that metal fastenings should merge with the surface.

Advice. Before you start making the product, prepare a place where you can work unobstructed.
Success largely depends on the ability to concentrate and move freely, without fear of knocking over or scratching something.

It is easiest to consider the entire work process using a specific example.

Making toys


When choosing a material, you should pay attention to the presence of obvious defects:

  • knots;
  • dents;

Before you start transferring the drawing onto plywood, it must be thoroughly cleaned with a coarse grater and polished with fine sandpaper. Perfect flat surface It is extremely easy to transfer an image using a soft, simple pencil.

To make you feel comfortable during the polishing process, it is recommended to wrap the block in sandpaper. Translate the drawing slowly, after attaching it to the base with buttons.

Advice: For beginners Special attention You should pay attention to your posture; the accuracy of your movements and, accordingly, the final result depend on this.

To cut, you need to be patient; straight or, on the contrary, curved lines are obtained after acquiring practical skills. Finished parts must be sanded again using fine-grained sandpaper.

As a rule, the first crafts are made using ready-made drawings, which sequentially indicate the assembly process.

Connect the parts in strict accordance with the instructions. The properties of the material allow you to adjust the shape of parts when deviations are identified during the assembly process; the main thing is not to rush.

Advice. It is necessary to sand plywood exclusively along the layers, the surface should be ideal, glossy-matte, and you will experience a pleasant sensation when touched.

Making dynamic toys

Arouse genuine interest among representatives different generations children's dynamic toys, the production of which you can safely move on to, having mastered the basic skills of working with materials and tools.

As an example, let's consider one of the most popular options: a duck that will tap its legs as it moves.

You will need:

  • drawing and a simple pencil for transferring to the base;
  • plywood sheet, optimal size A4;
  • stick 80 cm long with a diameter of 7 mm, ball - 50 mm.

Manufacturing process:

  1. You can print the template on a printer with resizing and apply it to a previously prepared surface. (see also )
  2. Use a jigsaw to cut out the wheels and duck. You should cut out carefully; the results of haste and sudden movements are quite difficult to correct.
  3. Using fine sandpaper, carefully sand the finished parts, especially the edges. Skillful use of sandpaper allows you to correct errors made during the cutting process, and irregularities become invisible.
  4. To produce dynamic toys, in addition to the standard set of tools mentioned above, you need to prepare a drill.
  5. In this case, you need to drill a hole in the tail area to attach the wheels.
  6. The final stage is the coloring of crafts; when choosing colors, you can give free rein to your imagination.

In principle, if you act in accordance with the instructions and drawings that come with the model you are interested in, no problems will arise, but it is still recommended to start with the basics.

Christmas toy made of plywood

DIY Christmas tree decorations are especially in demand in Lately, the demand for them is growing due to the return of fashion for handmade products.

To make them you will need a sheet of plywood, a set of tools, bright paints and all kinds of decorative elements: lace, beads, pieces of fabric or leather, glue. A lot of templates are available on the Internet, but individuality is valued in handmade products; give free rein to your creative fantasies.

After transferring the image onto the plywood, carefully cut out the desired shape with a jigsaw; the work is quite painstaking, since in most cases the toys are quite compact.

After using the drill, make a small hole for the tape or thread, now you can safely proceed to decorative finishing. Bright colors (acrylic, gouache) will give the craft a special festive look, patterns made by burning in combination with a varnish coating - an imitation of antiquity.

Subtleties that need to be learned to create quality crafts

  1. When attaching transfer paper to plywood, you should position the pins or nails so that you can easily lift the drawing to check the quality of the image.
  2. Lay the thinnest elements along the grain to increase their strength.
  3. When should not move exactly along the lines, but pass next to it, with outside.
  4. The diameter of the hole should be slightly larger than the nails used to allow them to rotate freely.
  5. You should not drive the nails in completely; you may need to move certain parts to improve the model.


You can find a variety of drawings of toys made from plywood using a jigsaw on the Internet and use them at your own discretion. If you have questions during the toy making process, watch the video in this article.

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