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How to make a house from matches with a machine. Crafts made from matches - a simple small house. DIY products made from matches. Making a wheel

Crafts from small items, like matches, is not only entertainment, but also an activity that develops fine motor skills and patience. And if adult family members build construction projects made of wood chips seems like a waste of time, then for the child it is both interesting and useful.

Instructions for match house with or without glue, simple and straightforward. The main thing is patience and perseverance.


For the craft you will need:

  • 6–7 boxes of matches depending on the size of the object;
  • PVA glue - it is the safest;
  • colored cardboard for decoration;
  • stand – a sheet of cardboard or a DVD box.

How to make a match cottage with glue

Step by step assembly is very simple. The version with glue is somewhat more difficult to construct, but it is stronger. To build it yourself, you should follow the step-by-step instructions.

  1. Clean the sulfur from two matches and place them parallel to each other, otherwise the building will not stand level. Apply a drop of glue in the places where the next 2 matches will be placed. They are laid so that the elements form a square - this is the foundation of the craft.
  2. All subsequent matches are laid in the same way and secured with adhesive. It is recommended to lay the heads with sulfur next to each other, but in different adjustments across the row, so that they form the correct order.
  3. Apply the composition to the length of the top two matches and lay 8 or more matches parallel to each other - this is the ceiling. It is recommended to alternate elements - head with gray towards the end, so that the ceiling is even.
  4. Now you need to assemble the roof. To do this, 19 matches are placed so that the head is facing outer edge- one to the right, one to the left. The matches are placed offset: the heads protrude beyond the ends.
  5. The two elements are cleaned of sulfur, coated with glue and laid on the flooring - you get 1 roof slope.
  6. With your own hands, repeat the steps to make a second match slope.
  7. On one side, the sulfur is removed from the “slopes” - otherwise the roof cannot be connected.
  8. The outermost matches of the ceiling are coated with glue and the connected slopes are installed on top.

When the adhesive has dried, match craft will be ready.

How to make a match house without glue

Building it with your own hands is not much more difficult, but in order to prevent such a building from falling apart, measures are taken to strengthen it.

Step-by-step instructions for a match house without glue suggest the following sequence of actions.

Matches - affordable and environmentally friendly safe material for creativity. Real works of art are created from wooden sticks - huts, castles, mills, fortresses and entire palaces.

You just need to be patient and work extremely carefully and carefully.

In this article we will show how and with the help of what kind of glue you can make a cute house from the most ordinary matches, and also tell you about glue-free technology for miniature construction.

What safe glue to use for matchstick crafts

Suitable for working with matches different brands glue, but to speed up the creative process it is better to use quick-setting adhesives.

The most popular among match modeling masters today are the following types glue:

PVA-MB (Russia) - universal adhesive based on aqueous polyvinyl acetate emulsion. Designed for gluing wood, so it copes with the task perfectly.

PVA sets and dries quickly enough, and when dry it becomes transparent, which is important when making crafts.

Another advantage of PVA-MB construction and household adhesive is low price(a liter container of glue in any construction hypermarket costs less than 100 rubles);

Moment Stolyar (Russia)- modern glue, which is essentially an improved version of PVA. Availability in the composition special additives provides excellent adhesion and instant setting of bonded surfaces.

The glue is sold in convenient plastic bottles 250 ml volume with a convenient dispenser spout for spot application of glue, costs about 150 rubles;

Moment Mounting Instant Grip (Germany)- universal express glue for instant gluing of wood of any species. Glues in a matter of seconds, without requiring fixation of the surfaces to be glued.

After drying, like regular glue PVA becomes transparent. Sold in plastic bottles of 100 g and 200 g, it costs about 150-250 rubles.

Step-by-step instructions - how to assemble houses from matches with glue

To understand the principle of operation and get better at it, we first recommend building a simple house made of matches with any glue from those presented above.

The assembly process is not particularly difficult:

  1. On a sheet of cardboard that will become the base for the house, we place two matches in parallel. In order for the “foundation” to be without distortions, sulfur should be removed from the first two matches. Then glue the second row of matches according to the picture:
  1. Using a similar technology, we continue to lay “logs” row by row until the house reaches the desired height;
  1. For each “knot”, one drop of PVA glue (or equivalent) is enough. Before laying the next row, you need to let the previous one set:
  1. When the walls grow to the desired height, we mount the ceiling;
  1. We apply two layers of glue to the finished “overlapping” for structural strength:
  1. Let's start production gable roof. It will consist of two parts;
  1. For reliability, we tie each slope in two rows using glue and an additional match:
  1. We connect the two parts of the roof into a single structure and install it on the finished box of the house;
  1. Our first matchstick house on adhesive connection ready:


What else can you do with your own hands using matches?

From matches you can collect many interesting models- it all depends on the imagination and desire of the author.

This craft uses a different method of joining miniature logs.

Here's a quick guide:

  1. Using four matches, we assemble the base of the future well in accordance with the diagram. Please note that in this case all 4 matches lie in the same plane;
  2. Glue the next rows in the same way. There should be 10-12 of them in total;
  3. Then we prepare supports for the future roof: with inside glue two matches tightly to each other to two opposite walls. We increase the supports, using two more matches for each of them;
  4. We separately assemble the roof frame and install it on our ready-made supports;
  5. We “sheath” the roof, gluing the matches into a continuous shield.

Having received the first experience, you can begin more serious modeling - do, for example, church made of matches with glue or a small mill.


The most important thing is to coat all joints and joints well so that the structure does not fall apart. Excess glue must be periodically removed during work, without allowing it to harden.

You can make a good toy with your own hands. Moreover, absolutely any material can be used for this. Even matches. Yes, you heard right - from ordinary matches, the price of which does not exceed 20 rubles, you can make magnificent crafts. The simplicity of execution suggests that the smallest child can handle simple manipulations. We will tell you how to make a house of matches with your own hands: step-by-step instructions with glue will make it easier to understand the creative process.

Match house with glue

Consider the option of creating from matches using glue. This house is easy to assemble and is suitable if you or your child are taking on a craft of this kind for the first time. Use instructions so as not to miss a single moment:

  1. Decide what it will look like match house. If you're planning a cute, rustic option, leave the sulfur heads: they'll give kind of fabulousness, they are easier to beat. If a house is planned in modern style, it is better to cut off the heads. In addition, do not forget that for small parts You can shorten matches along the length using a utility knife.
  2. Prepare the glue: ideal option will be pouring a portion of the adhesive onto the saucer. This way the glue will be available at any moment, and it will be easier to regulate the amount of gluing substance. Glue the parts together with a toothpick.
  3. Prepare matches: select smooth specimens, without nicks or irregularities.

Now that everything is ready, start creating the house. The next steps will be briefly described below.

Foundation and walls

Given that you are working with glue, it is not necessary to build a house using the same principle as a matchstick house. The most simple option Creating a foundation and walls will be done by gluing matches to each other one by one. The height of the elements is determined by you yourself. Do four walls and glue them together.


Most easy option – cutting out windows on finished walls with a stationery knife. Firmly strengthen the dried wall on a hard surface and use slow, pressing movements to cut out a rectangle or square. Glue it up the edges of the windows to secure the cuts.


The roof of the house can be made from cardboard or glued together using matches. An excellent option would be alternately fastening short and long logs.
The attached photos of matchstick houses will help you better see how to properly fasten the mini-logs together.

Video material

So that you understand how you can create whole masterpieces, we present to your attention a video. It will certainly inspire you to create a craft, even if these thoughts have not crossed your mind before.

Extensions to the house

The beauty of the house made with glue is that any fantasy can be realized. These are attics, carved decorative elements and windows different sizes. Unfortunately, in a standard house, formed by stacking logs without reinforcement, these possibilities are often not available.

What else can be done

Of course, attaching matches with glue and getting a full-fledged rectangular house is a great pastime. But why stop there if you can do much more? Create a yard in which you can build a matchbox and a bench, make a lawn out of colored paper and trees out of cardboard. You can fence off such a wonderful craft using a fence made of matches with sulfur heads.

Gluing a house from matches is an interesting activity not only for children, but also for adults. If you are doing a craft with your child, keep in mind that the glue can stain clothes and cause serious harm to the body. Therefore, make sure that the child does not put his hands stained with adhesive into his mouth or rub his eyes. We hope that the article on how to make a matchstick house with your own hands was useful for you, and the step-by-step instructions with glue eliminated any possible questions.

An unusual street... Houses, wells, palaces, but a mill, a wheel, a tower... And the unusual thing is that all this is made of matches.

Crafts from matches

This activity does not require large expenses. You don't need to purchase any special devices. In addition, the material itself is inexpensive. Several boxes, desire and free time, and crafts made from matches without glue will become original decoration rooms.

The technique for making such crafts is quite simple. Having mastered it, you can first make simple models, and then start creating real masterpieces.

Without significant costs it is possible to produce interesting items. And if you take into account the material of the craft itself, then in a hundred years these matches can be sold as rare.

Matchstick house

First you need to master a simple house of matches without glue a shining example such work.

The work is performed using general fastening. You will need several boxes.

The cube hut will consist of eight matches at the base. They are laid out perpendicularly at equal distances onto two main parallel matches. This is the first row of flooring; we lay the second row on it perpendicularly.

In the third row, we begin creating a well: we place two matches perpendicularly, two parallel, with the heads of each pair turned in different directions. Next you need to make six more such rows. On the last row of the well we again lay out eight pieces of flooring.

IN next row We place six matches perpendicularly. We put a coin in the middle, use it to hold the structure with our finger and fasten it with matches, which must be inserted vertically into the corners of the lattice.

Let's build a house of matches without glue further. Now we take twenty pieces and carefully, with their heads up, insert them around the perimeter into cells of five on each side. Now you can pick up the house. If everything is done correctly, it should not fall apart. The walls must be compressed to make the structure stronger.

We turn the house upside down and make walls by inserting matches into the cells, then lay out a horizontal layer, alternating heads and ends. Then we crimp the structure again.

At the last stage we form the roof. We insert four matches halfway into the corners of the house. Raise the side vertical ones to their level. Now we lay the roof matches perpendicular to the top deck. We start with two, then add two at a time. To form a roof, we lay it on top of the matches with the heads towards the center.

Such a house will be the basis of all crafts, which we will talk about further.

Various ideas for crafts made from matches

Now let's see which ones can be made without glue.

The best crafts for beginners are a variety of houses and wells. They are carried out according to the previous scheme. You can decorate them with windows, balconies, chimneys, and drawings on the walls.

An example of a craft made from matches without glue would be a well with a bucket. To make it, we will take a whole box, a skewer for canapés and a shoe cover case.

First we build a well (a house without a roof). We pierce the wall with a souvenir skewer matchbox, which will also imitate a bench. We install it next to the well. We hang the shoe cover case on a string from the handle of the skewer. If desired, you can install the bucket on the bench.

However, there are many options for making a well.

"Wheel" is another example of a pattern without glue. Master classes on crafts made from matches often tell you how to do this work. This is a very serious occupation.

First you need to complete the drawing. On the cover of an unnecessary book, draw a circle with a radius of 39 mm. Starting from the zero point, we set aside 34 mm marks. The result is a heptagon, the sides of which are divided in half, resulting in 14 sectors.

At the points marked around the circumference, make a hole using a nail and insert matches there. We place carrier matches between them. Each next one goes on top of the previous one. At the end of each circle we slip the last match under the first. Thus we lay out four more rows. Then carefully remove it - and the wheel is ready.

If you use skewers instead of support matches, you will get a cup for pencils and pens. In this case, it does not need to be removed from the base. The bottom can be made wider (for stability) and decorated at your discretion.

Crafts from matches: diagrams

When making crafts from matches without glue, a diagram is usually used. It must be carefully studied so that no questions arise during work and nothing has to be redone. Schemes usually contain step by step instructions. At each stage it is important to use correctly required quantity material.

When performing complex work, first carry out preliminary calculations and drawings are made, which will be followed further creative process. The better the preparation, the more accurate the work will be.

Using the basic diagram, you can add your own elements to the work on the craft. This is possible when the technique of working on crafts from matches is well mastered.

Over time, you can learn to make a variety of crafts from matches: best ideas and diagrams will allow you to create real masterpieces, provided that all work requirements are met.

Crafts from matches: instructions

If you decide to start making crafts from matches, the instructions and diagrams accompanying the work will help you.

The instructions describe in detail what material and in what quantity will be needed, and what tools should also be prepared for the job.

Many crafts will look better if you select identical matches without defects. Therefore, the instructions also often contain advice on sorting them.

From matches. This is an example of the largest this moment crafts made from matches without glue in supporting structures.

It was made by a former oil worker. This is a copy of the rig where he himself worked. It took about 4,000,000 matches to create. The work lasted 15 years. At first the drilling rig was built at home, but then the author moved it to the garage, where he shows it to everyone.

Matches can be found in any home. In addition to the main function of this item, they can be used to create crafts. This activity improves fine motor skills, concentration and perseverance. Crafts made from matches can be of any complexity, so not only a child, but also an adult who loves making crafts with their own hands can find an interesting task for themselves.

What crafts can be made from matches?

A beginner who likes to create crafts may have a question about what can be made from matches. Crafts can be either flat or voluminous.

Here's a more detailed list of possible crafts:

  • Boxes and boxes made of matches;
  • Furniture for dolls;
  • Paintings and compositions;
  • Accessories;
  • Volumetric products such as ships, houses, animal figurines, etc.

List possible options is not limited to five points. Rely on your imagination and bring any crafts to life.

If you need a craft that matches a specific theme, pay attention to the photos of crafts made from matches on the Internet - this will help you get an interesting idea.

Before you start creating match structures, you need to prepare for work. For convenience, we recommend that you adhere to the following recommendations:

  • First of all, you need to find comfortable spot for work.
  • To avoid surface contamination, cover your work table with a tablecloth.
  • If glue is used for work, pour the liquid into a separate saucer. It is better to pick up glue with a toothpick.
  • Prepare a utility knife.
  • Before you start creating designs, cut off the heads from the matches. This way the result of your work will look much neater.

Simple match crafts for beginners

To create great things, you need to start small. So, before you take on difficult work, it is better to start with simple tasks that will help improve concentration and skills.

In addition, handicrafts have a positive effect on nervous system. Next, we list the favorite tasks for beginners in the field of creating match structures.

Making a match house without glue

Making a simple matchstick house without using glue is one of the most popular craft options. This First stage necessary in order to further create magnificent match copies of existing architectural masterpieces.

So, here's a list of the items you'll need:

  • Stand;
  • 7 matchboxes;
  • 2 five-ruble coins.

After you have prepared everything necessary items, let's begin the master class on crafts made from matches:

Place two matches parallel to each other on the stand. Place eight more matches perpendicular to the two existing matches. This is how we created the foundation of the future house.

Lay out 7 rows of four matches, heads in a circle. Place 8 matches facing away from the foundation. Place six matches at the top of the house and place a coin on top.

Two last row have a hole into which you need to insert several matches. Place one match at a time, holding the structure so that it does not collapse.

Place a match in the holes between the walls, then level the structure.

Before you begin creating the roof, make a horizontal roof using the method of alternating the heads and backs of matches. Insert sticks along the perimeter of opposite walls. Insert items perpendicular to the ceiling.

Rely on the instructions correct production crafts made from matches. If the diagram shows windows and a chimney, they can be made using the method of creating an outline with brown match heads.

How to make a cat from matches

This task will definitely delight your child. So, in order to create a figurine of a cute cat from matches, follow the following algorithm:

  • Glue 14 matches together with PVA glue. When the glue has dried, cut out a circle or oval from the plate. It will serve as a muzzle for the cat.
  • Glue 7 matches together and cut out ovals from them for the cheeks, and 5 matches for the ears. Glue the cheeks and ears to the cat's head. Place the cut pieces of matches with sulfur on the muzzle so that it serves as a spout. Make eyes for the cat.
  • Glue a pentagon from six matches. Fill it with scraps of matches. Attach the cat's head to the body. The torso should be supported by a stand. Glue three cut matches on the back so that they hold the cat's body.
  • Make legs from three pieces of cut matchsticks and glue them to the bottom of the body. The components of the paws with sulfur can serve as the animal's claws. The remaining remains of the matches can be connected to each other so that they form a tail.

If you wish, you can attach a mustache or tongue to the cat from plasticine. So, beautiful craft the matches are ready, now it can decorate the shelf bookcase or desktop for many years.

Drawings from matches

In addition to creating crafts, you can make drawings from matches that are not inferior in beauty to crafts made from matches. Externally, such a drawing looks like an applique. The result can be framed and hung on the wall.

So, before applying matches to the surface of the cardboard, you first need to draw a sketch of the drawing with a simple pencil. Next, make an outline for the match pattern, thinking about what size match to use in which case. After creating the outline, start gluing the matches to the cardboard.

If desired, you can use additional elements decoration, for example, if there is a picture of a house on the cardboard, you can glue it at the bottom ready flowers made of fabric or satin ribbons in the shape of a rainbow.


In this article we learned how to make crafts from matches with your own hands. You will definitely enjoy this activity, because gluing together small particles to create a single picture or craft will instill delight in your heart.

In addition, such work is very calming and uplifting. Don’t be afraid to take on difficult tasks and conquer new heights, as creativity requires constant practice and learning new things!

Photos of crafts made from matches